Voice cards for your loved one on Tankman's Day. Congratulations on Tanker Day: choosing humorous and heartfelt words

Your armor is strong and your tanks are fast,
Our brave and courageous tank crews,
You always stand guard over the world,
Friendship among tank crews is as strong as steel.
Happy holiday, beloved husband, congratulations,
I wish you a peaceful and calm service,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
May your path be illuminated by a lucky star.

Today is tankman's day, husband, congratulations,
May you always be in a great mood,
May it always be easy for you to serve,
I also wish you the very best.
Let your life flow like a full river,
May luck always smile on you,
May every day give you bright moments,
May the holiday bring you many impressions.

Today the tankers are celebrating a glorious holiday,
We are pleased to congratulate them all,
We wish you happiness, peace and goodness,
May the service always be peaceful.
Beloved husband, all compliments are for you,
May happy moments always delight you,
May luck always follow you,
May fate always smile on you.

It’s not for nothing that tankers are called real men,
They repay their debt to the country in full,
Always fearless, brave and strong,
Honest and loyal sons of the Motherland.
Dear husband, accept my congratulations,
May the service bring you inspiration,
May all your dreams certainly come true,
May all your days be happy.

Armored strong troops,
You are a reliable shield for our country,
If necessary, you will always be the first to go into battle,
You are real and brave men.
Happy Tanker Day, husband, congratulations,
I sincerely wish you peaceful deeds,
May today be better than yesterday,
May luck always accompany you.

Tank troops saved the country from the enemy during the war,
We will always remember this,
The crew of the combat vehicle,
United by great friendship.
On Tankman's Day, accept congratulations,
Live happily ever after, dear husband,
May luck always be with you,
Peace, happiness to you, all the best, warmth.

Tankers celebrate the holiday in September
Congratulations and compliments are accepted,
We send a huge greeting to you all,
Brave and stronger than men not in the world.
Dear husband, accept congratulations,
You are my best, you know that
I wish you great happiness,
May you be lucky in everything, everywhere.

Our tanks are fast and our armor is strong,
For a long time you give your Fatherland in full,
At any time of the day on duty,
To avert trouble in time.
Happy holiday, beloved husband, congratulations,
I sincerely wish you a peaceful service,
Let hope never leave you,

The crew of the combat vehicle,
On command he goes into battle first,
Tankers are loyal sons of the Fatherland,
We are calm while you are on duty.
On Tankman's Day, husband, accept congratulations,
May the service bring you inspiration,
May your cherished dream come true,
Let your conscience always be clear.

Praise and honor to all tankers,
Your services to the Motherland cannot be counted,
The heavy machine listens to you,
You show the highest class in the exercises.
Dear husband, all congratulations to you,
May everything be fine in your destiny,
Show your class at military exercises,
May luck be with you every hour.

Happy Tanker’s Day, husband, I’m glad to congratulate you,
May service be a joy for you,
Let the teachings always be peaceful,
Let true friends surround you.
I wish you good health from the bottom of my heart,
May your dreams always come true,
Let your career lift you up,
Let reliable friends surround you.

The tankers are brave, real men,
Faithful defenders of their country,
They always perform their duty honestly,
They fully prove heroism by their example.
Happy Tanker's Day, husband, congratulations,
I wish you great success and good luck in your service,
May your dream certainly come true,
May the Lord protect you.

In September, drivers of heavy equipment celebrate Tanker Day, for this celebration I have prepared new congratulations in poetry and prose, funny for my beloved husband, official for colleagues, for a friend, son and brother.

Short and funny sms you can send to your colleagues, for this I will provide you with the funniest and original texts. If you want to prank a co-worker, then send him a telephone prank for only 100 rubles.

These beautiful and sincere wishes in verse carry a touching note. I recommend choosing the most best congratulations and send it to your to a loved one who risks his life to serve his Motherland.

Not in the landing force and in the infantry

You're wasting your talent.

You are held in special esteem

If you are driving a huge tank.

Let him be afraid of your traces,

Freezing, proud enemy,

And your car is racing

Across the fields at full speed.

I respect those in the tank.

Today is your day!

Let them meet you in civilian life

Those who are not too lazy to love!

Tanks rumbled on the field -
The tankers were heading home
So that at home with pride there are medals
Put it on your uniform on your holiday.

Today it’s like being in civilian life
Walk with a full crew.
Four friends near a tank,
They will complement the festive landscape.

And suddenly text messages fly
Congratulate the valiant warriors.
Today there is a very good reason
Drink five-star cognac!

The day of the tankman is coming,

His country celebrates

Our peace is protected

We don't need war!

We wish that in Peace,

Children's laughter was heard,

So that everyone forgets grief,

I expected only success for everyone.

After all, tankers are our pride,

Everyone dreamed of becoming them,

I don't know the word timidity

And the tanker cannot be broken.

Well, if the enemy comes,

The tankers are on alert,

Without sparing all the shells,

We will repel the enemy!

Tankers are nice guys
Thank you for your courage!
Are you ready to take over?
To damage your enemies!

May you have enough strength for everything,
Let your health not fail you!
And so that there is no danger,
May God send you good luck!

Today is a very important holiday -

You are celebrating your day, tankman.

You are strong, brave and courageous,

You are very fast in your work!

Let them congratulate you on this holiday

You family and friends,

The sun illuminates the road,

It only gives warmth for you!

They say it's deaf in the tank,

I just don't believe the rumors

I know - there are no better tankers,

All such pure souls,

Brave, brave and courageous,

Today is an important day for them.

Who serves, or in civilian life -

Congratulations to everyone in the tank!

Cool congratulations on Tanker's Day

Yes, friends, even on such a serious day there are no jokes, look what funny wishes Happy Tankman's Day I have selected for you and your friends. Send funny poems to your husband or loved one via SMS, if he is at a distance.

Short and obscene congratulations It’s also funny for Tankman’s Day, but everything should be within the normal range, so I didn’t publish obscene ones. Excuse me.

If you open the hatch, the birds will chirp,

And the light of the sun plays on the face,

You'll drink some water from a flask -

Such happiness! There is nothing better in the world...

Thank you for the clean field,

Because we sleep peacefully,

Congratulations on Tanker Day!

Please accept wishes and flowers.

Someone is playing dance

Well, you are already a tanker.

Someone shoots with his eyes -

Only you shoot high.

May the training be easy,

Stand for your Motherland.

Peace, happiness, pleasure.

"Happy Tankman's Day!" - I say.

The commander gave the order

To deliver kvass to the unit,

Yes, the tanker answered him.

I already had some in the evening.

You should go for a walk on holiday,

Wash down vodka with kvass.

Happy Tanker Day!

Raise the glass with the little white one!

The tankman will always come to the rescue of the infantry,

He will cover you with armor and support you with artillery fire.

And if the enemy sits down and mows down our people in the bunker,

With just one shot he will put an end to it!

On holiday, on Russian Tankman Day,

I want to roll five hundred grams!

And don’t let the alarming shot wake you up,

And the one who fires fireworks in your honor!

You're not driving a bus,

Not a trolleybus. Like Atlas,

“Carry” on your shoulders

You are an armored tank!

May the maneuvers be successful

And the exercises will take place.

On Tanker Day you will receive credit for

Difficulties of the past.

Congratulations on Tankman's Day in prose

Prose is another type of congratulations, which is more often suitable for official or sincere wishes. In your own words, you can congratulate the tanker’s son, friend and beloved father.

Happy Tanker's Day to you, commander! I may not be able to speak in beautiful words, I will say briefly: you a real man! Thank you for everything. We are all proud to have served under your command! May there be a peaceful sky above your head, may your table never be empty! I have the honor, commander! A salvo in honor of our holiday!

In September we celebrate wonderful holiday- Tankman's Day. We thank all the tankers for their hard service and for the peace on our land. The combat vehicle obeys you easily and simply. Accept my sincere congratulations Happy holiday. We wish you happiness, health and great success in your service. May peace and quiet reign in your families. Let the invigorating fire burn in your young blood. All the best to you, prosperity and prosperity. May the Lord always protect you. May your service take place under peaceful skies.

The heart of a tanker is a corner where courage, honor, endurance, nerves of steel and love for the Motherland are united. A cold mind and a burning desire to defend their Fatherland turn ordinary guys into highly qualified tankers. Thank you, dear ones, for your courage, perseverance and consciousness. Be healthy, and may your loved ones always be waiting for you at home.

A tank is a serious machine, but how can it manage without a tank driver? Happy Tanker Day! I wish you, first of all, good health, because a tank is not so easy to handle! And secondly, life happiness and the fulfillment of hopes of all kinds, even those for the fulfillment of which real miracles must happen!

Official congratulations on Tanker Day

Such official texts are most often used for solemn congratulations, they are heard from the boss, the head, or are used on a congratulatory form.

Happy Tanker Day! Congratulations to the man who, together with his fighting machine, surpasses in my eyes a dozen knights in shining armor! Congratulations and I wish you to serve in such a way that legends are made about you among your colleagues and to live in such a way that there are no disappointments in anything in the world!

Our dear tank crew guys, we congratulate you on the holiday. Let the armor of your tanks become protection from all failures, losses, anger and envy, let not a single enemy vehicle violate the boundaries of your peace of mind, luck, joy and fortune. We wish our heroes to finish their service quickly and return to the lava of their families

Today's holiday is dedicated to all former, present and even future tankers. Although initially it is worth noting that there are no former tankers. I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday, and also wish everything that you need in this life. You are a representative of a very complex and dangerous sphere, or rather a tank army, which simply impresses any person. As soon as you see a tank, it immediately becomes scary, but you certainly know what kind of car it is. You feel it perfectly even now, although already long years do not serve or operate this huge and impressive machine. May these memories always be with you and always give you strength.

Short congratulations on Tanker Day

Small ones are convenient to use in SMS, copied and sent to the recipient, but I advise you to attach another cool picture.

Let the roads open to happiness,
Success easily soars straight up,
Sorrows and worries will dissipate
On your day, defender of the Motherland, tankman!

All the tankers are happy now,
Abundance at the table
Maybe they'll give you a reward
We'll pour some more then!

All the tankers are happy now,
Abundance at the table
Maybe they'll give you a reward
We'll pour some more then! I wish you on Tanker Day
Be happy,
Think cleanly!

Tanks are not afraid of dirt -
Everyone has known this fact for a long time.
You should be afraid of the tank -
Every enemy knows this!

Who said it was quiet in a tank?
I would give it to him right away in the ear,
I would take it with me for a day -
Noise and roar, clanging and howling.
Don't pretend to be a hero.
There is such a calling.
This pilot, that taxi driver,
Well, I’m your tank driver!

It's like a car roars like thunder,
The tank is a great, steel force.
Tankers are strong and strong-willed men,
They are calm and kind at heart.
Happy Tanker's Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you patience, peace and joy.
Prosperity, good luck and goodness,
May your angel always protect you.

On tanker's day I wish you
Go into the distance with the tenacity of a tank,
Everything will come true for you, I know
After all, good luck awaits you along the way.

Good health, no doubt -
There is no more important thing in life.
I congratulate you in poetry!
I wish you victories in life!

Congratulations on Tankman's Day to your loved one

You must not forget about your loved one, husband, brother, son, dad on Tankman's Day, because this person close to you performs a risky job. These courageous people, without sparing themselves, defend the country and give us a peaceful sky above our heads.

Behind the armored stone back
You hide your soul and love.
I will not hide my tears of joy,
When will I see you again.
You're shooting straight into my heart,
I won it a long time ago.
Try fire and pepper
You are destined to serve.
May your sky be peaceful
And your path is smooth, kind, pure.
I wish you joy and light
On your day, my beloved tanker!

I want for my beloved today
In honor of Tankman's Day, give poems!
Let only with the permission of the Lord
Your days will always be easy!

Let there be more feats in fate
May you be desperately lucky!
May the strength of the spirit of the ages be with you,
May joy await you on your journey through life!

And let my love warm you,
When you will serve far away!
Let your heart swell with mutual love,
May your life be easy!

My favorite guy is a tank driver! This is cool!
He can do everything, he always does it first-class!
And I congratulate him on Tanker Day
I wish you only joy in life from the heart!

I want you to always be only with me!
So that you warm me tenderly with love!
So that I can protect and warm without fail,
To be only mine a whole century invariably!

I want you to achieve a lot in life,
So that you always strive for the best!
May he always be revered and famous!
He had the most dignified appearance as a military man!

You ride on a tank, my dear,
From night to dawn.
And you disdain me, killer whale,
So here are the pies.
Solarium is like vodka,
Clings to you, crap
And I am still a beauty,
I'm sad all day long.
In the photo there is a long gun, -
What did you give me?
Turns me on, damn it, nasty
I want you, I have no strength.
I won't bother anymore
I won't grieve -
To your friend, paratrooper,
I'll leave, my vigorous mother!
But seriously:
I hope, I believe, I’m waiting!
I love you, my iris,
I will never change!

Happy Tanker Day to my husband,
From the bottom of my heart I wish my beloved,
So that your tank does not see obstacles,
To bring fear to the bad people.

I wish you with all my heart,
So that my protector is happy,
In this life, only those who are lucky
Who takes care of their luck!

Dear men, these congratulations on Tanker’s Day are for you and your colleagues, let the cool poems lift your spirits, and the beautiful ones delight and warm your soul. Take care of yourself.

This professional holiday is dedicated to real men. Tankers put their lives in danger every day, but their most important job is to protect the state. This year memorable date tankers celebrate the tenth of September. If you don’t know how to congratulate beautifully and cheerfully, then this article will help you a great assistant. So, let's choose!

Cool congratulations

Someone is playing dance
Well, you are already a tanker.
Someone shoots with his eyes -
Only you shoot high.
May the training be easy,
Stand for your Motherland.
Peace, happiness, pleasure.
"Happy Tankman's Day!" - I’ll repeat.


Not in the landing force and in the infantry
You're wasting your talent.
You are held in special esteem
If you are driving a huge tank.
Let him be afraid of your traces,
Freezing, proud enemy,
And your car is racing
Across the fields at full speed.
I respect those in the tank.
Today is your day!
Let them meet you in civilian life
Those who are not too lazy to love!


You're not driving a bus,
Not a trolleybus. Like Atlas
“Carry” on your shoulders
You are an armored tank!
May the maneuvers be successful
And the exercises will take place.
On Tanker Day you will receive credit for
Difficulties of the past!


To be a tanker means to be resilient,
To be a tanker is to always be brave.
For the tanker the main task,
Serve your homeland to the fullest.
I congratulate you on your professional holiday,
And with all my heart I sincerely wish.
Luck, joy, good luck in fate,
May only all good things come your way.


It's like a car roars like thunder,
The tank is a great, steel force.
Tankers are strong and strong-willed men,
They are calm and kind at heart.
Happy Tanker's Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you patience, peace and joy.
Prosperity, good luck and goodness,
May your angel always protect you.

Short congratulations

Your professional holiday has arrived, our beloved brave tanker. I would like to wish you not only success in your service, but also the most important thing - personal happiness. Let there be as much as possible in your life more days which you will spend with your family and close friends. May your mood always be excellent and your smiles sincere. Happy holiday to you, don’t be discouraged and keep your nose to the wind!


What does a tanker's heart hide? Honor, courage, endurance, sincere love to his country and nerves of iron. It is only thanks to your cold mind and red-hot desire to win that you are who you are. Defending your homeland is not easy, and you should know: we appreciate your great cause. Thank you for your resilience, courage and awareness. Let there be a place for simple human happiness in your difficult life!


Happy holiday, dear tankers! You are steadfastly defending our country in these difficult times. Be courageous and firm in your decisions. May the love of those close to you always warm you in your service. May your days be peaceful and your health good. Congratulations!


Tankman's Day... So much meaning in this simple combination of words. For those who do not know, this is a simple combination of words, but for those initiated, it is a whole life. Let the armored inside of the tank always reliably protect you from the enemy. Return home safe and sound: this is the most important thing for us!

Poems about tankers

Undoubtedly: must be fearless
A slightly grimy tank dweller,
Shooting from flat towers
At the wild speed of mustangs!

We are in different corners countries seen:
Tanks frozen on an honorary pedestal
They native land defended
Sometimes they died with tank crews.

When we celebrate Tankman Day,
Then we bow our heads in honor of the dead,
And we sincerely congratulate all the living,
We wish them good luck and victory.


Now we need heroes -
All of you are defenders of the country!
There is no harsher army life,
But everyone is an eagle, no one turns sour!
It's no secret to anyone -
There is no “beast” more terrible than a tank!
Thank you for your courage and valor!
For serving conscientiously!
We send civil greetings to you!
We want to say that there is no
Smarter, braver than tankers -
Cheerful, kind, faithful, fast!


Tankers are great guys!
Even trouble will not break you!
Today is a holiday - you need to know!
Let's congratulate the tankers!
We wish you to serve you calmly,
To love with all your heart, to live with dignity!
Don't forget your friends in trouble,
Be happy and don't be bored!
Raise children, feed the family!
And glorify your country!
Hope not to let you down,
And there must be something in the wallet!

Congratulations in verse

My friend, on tanker's day I wish
I wish you excellent health,
And never give in to the enemy,
Just treat your loved ones with love.

Appreciate those who have always been there,
Appreciate your victories, defeats,
After all, honey mushrooms will never leave
You, my friend, without any doubt!


Happy Tanker Day to my husband,
From the bottom of my heart I wish my beloved,
So that your tank does not see obstacles,
To bring fear to the bad people.

I wish you with all my heart,
So that my protector is happy,
In this life, only those who are lucky
Who takes care of their luck!


What power modern armored wedges have!
What a beauty and to become,
Sometimes it seems like tanks have wings,
When they fly across the field into battle.

Their onslaught is a formidable picture,
They will go everywhere, in the rain, in the storm, and in the snow,
But even a very powerful car
Powerless unless ruled by a person.

And therefore, even though the tanks drive fast,
Our poems are not dedicated to them!
We congratulate our tanker
And let's drink so that there is no war!

Funny congratulations on Tankman's Day

I don’t need either an oligarch or an artist -
I fell in love with a simple tanker!
I’m ready to share a difficult fate with him,
Wash, cook, believe, wait, love!
The brave guy has sunk into my soul,
He said that he had been looking for me all his life!
I know the life of a military man is dangerous,
But now I agree to anything for my beloved!
I want to congratulate you on this holiday!
How could you live in the world without love?!
I wish with all my heart to be happy,
Forget everything about problems, illnesses, troubles!


Which neither Bentley nor Ferrari can compare with.
Anyone who fought in a tank will tell you with pride -
For a tank, there is a road where the tank driver points.
Today we congratulate the guys on Tanker Day
And we wish you to hit the bull’s eye on your targets.
Your armor is strong and your tanks are fast
Let the whole country honor you - today is Tankman's Day!


No, it didn’t come - it rolled in menacingly today
Second Sunday in September!
We prepared for it seriously:
We left our beds just before dawn
And at dawn, tender and radiant,
Having lined up, we bark, going into a rage:
Congratulations to you again on Tanker's Day
The crew is always ready for battle!

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Voice congratulations, recorded by us specially for Tanker Day, will be pleasant surprise for the professional holiday of your beloved man. Listen, choose and send your favorite audio postcard to your smartphone.

Popular SMS on this topic

Tankman's Day is your holiday,
I wish you too
So that you, my beloved,
Lived without being discouraged!

So that luck comes to the house,
All wishes came true!
So that life gives you
Happiness and recognition!

send SMS

Happy Tanker Day to you, my love!
I want to wish you
The happiest in this life
And, of course, become rich.

So that you succeed in everything,
May you be lucky every moment!
So that luck smiles on you,
And all the good things came!

send SMS

The day of the tankman is coming,
We have been waiting for this holiday!
I wish my beloved
Happiness, joy, love!

Such a mood
To live with faith in yourself!
Know nothing bad
I dream of wishing!

send SMS

Happy tanker day to you, my love,
I congratulate you with all my heart!
And I wish you, darling,
So that everything goes well!

So that luck strives for you,
May the best come!
So that the wish comes true,
Definitely lucky!

send SMS

Darling, I congratulate you on Tankman’s Day, and on this holiday I want to wish you that your life is filled to the brim with happiness and, of course, with our crazy love! May everything be only good with you and nothing else, may you always be satisfied!

send SMS

Congratulations on Tanker Day, my beloved! I wish you to always remain as brave, strong and fearless! May you have enough strength and energy to accomplish the most incredible things. Let, thanks to your wisdom and intelligence, life change only for the better!

send SMS

Darling, I want to congratulate you with all my heart on Tankman’s Day, and wish you on this wonderful holiday only the best! Firstly, may luck smile on you on such a day, and may you never stop showing your smile every day! Let everything be great!

send SMS

On Tank Driver’s Day, I want to wish you, my love, to never be afraid of danger and always be able to find a way out of any situation. Be wise and understand that sometimes you need to go towards your goals like a tank, demolishing all obstacles, and sometimes you need to find workarounds. Happiness to you!

Beautiful congratulations on Tanker's Day

Tanks are not a simple matter,
You can't joke with tanks.
And today we congratulate
Happy Tanker Day to you!

Wishes, as usual,
Health, happiness and love.
Feeling great
Please accept my congratulations.

We hasten to congratulate you,
Because the holiday is yours
You are a tanker - you can’t lie,
A brave, fighting guy!
And the whole country sleeps peacefully,
If anything happens, you're on alert,
Valiantly and Nobly
Repel the evil enemy!

From enemy fierce fire
Protected by strong armor!
And that’s why it’s always all-in
Your tank, valiant and fearless, goes into battle!
And we thank you for that!
Your feat for the country is invaluable!
After all, your strong spirit is proud and indestructible,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

On Tanker Day, we wish you,
Happiness, strength and fun,
There is a flame in the heart, pure thoughts,
Always achieved my goals!

And war is a childhood game
Let it pass in every home,
So that there is room for tanks,
Only at the training ground!

Congratulations on Tanker's Day today
Shield of the Fatherland, formidable, armored!
On cutting edge you stood
For Mother Russia with a wall!
The samurai gangs were defeated,
Knows the “Three Tankers”, young and old,
And how the “tigers” were “soaked” in the Spree,
The enemies are still trembling like a leaf!
We appreciate you for your courage and glory,
I wish you happiness, health and goodness,
May the great Russian power
It will always be peaceful and sunny!

Tankers have always been the strength of the state. During the war years they saved the country. The tankers are worthy of solemn glory, We wish that you never experience war!
Let the service go on without a single problem, Let peace reign on this earth! May your life be good, beautiful and long. Good luck in love and everything is on the table!

Original congratulations on Tanker's Day

What power modern armored wedges have!
What a beauty and to become,
Sometimes it seems like tanks have wings,
When they fly across the field into battle.

Their onslaught is a formidable picture,
They will go everywhere, in the rain, in the storm, and in the snow,
But even a very powerful car
Powerless unless ruled by a person.

And therefore, even though the tanks drive fast,
Our poems are not dedicated to them!
We congratulate our tanker
And let's drink so that there is no war!

Not in the landing force and in the infantry
You're wasting your talent.
You are held in special esteem
If you are driving a huge tank.
Let him be afraid of your traces,
Freezing, proud enemy,
And your car is racing
Across the fields at full speed.
I respect those in the tank.
Today is your day!
Let them meet you in civilian life
Those who are not too lazy to love!

Tankman's Day is a holiday,
You are heroes, without further ado,
The country was saved from enemy scourge,
From German fascist goats!
While the armor is strong and your tanks are moving
We will be calm for our Motherland!
We are pleased to congratulate you on Tanker Day,
Good luck, health and love!

Happy Tanker Day, I congratulate you!
And I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish only the best for you,
And may everything be within your control.

I also wish you good luck
Both in service and in life, simple.
Let all your problems be solved,
And let the world be pleased with beauty.

Tankers have always been the strength of the state,
During the war years they saved the country.
The tankers are worthy of solemn glory,
We wish you never experience war!
Let the service go without a single problem,
Let peace reign on this land!
May your life be good, beautiful and long.
Good luck in love and everything is on the table!

As long as tank troops stand guard over our homeland, we are confident for our safety. After all, tankers are glorious and devoted sons of a great power. Today is the tankman's holiday. Please accept our sincere congratulations and wishes. Be strong, strong, patient and self-possessed. Let there be only peaceful victories in your life. May your armor always be strong, may luck always accompany you in life. May your beloved family be eagerly waiting for you at home. Let good mood, prosperity and well-being will settle in your home forever.

Best congratulations on Tanker's Day

Let the tank sleep in the hangar today.
Now is not the time to fight.
Today in a festive frenzy
The tankers will rest.
After all, there is a reason to relax -
A sumptuous lunch served quickly
And a hundred grams for the mood
Let's raise a toast to Tankman's Day.
And let the sudden alarm
Will rise to battle more than once.
Where the tank goes, there is a road
When you and I ride in it.

Tanks are not afraid of dirt - everyone knows that
Where the infantry cannot pass, the tank only crawls,
He will rush quickly through rivers and potholes,
After all, the car is driven by brave tankers,

Happy Tanker's Day, please accept our congratulations,
We wish you peace, happiness and good luck in everything,
May the sky above your head always be blue,
Love, good luck and health to you for many years to come!

Today we come to you with kind words,
For everyone, the peace of the country, who watches,
So that you can drive a new tank,
And so that the division commander is loyal!
Let there be smiles on faces,
Tankers, fiery hearts,
May happiness last forever,
And all enemies have come to an end!

We celebrate Tankman Day
Congratulations to all tankers!
And we wish to live in peace,
Don't be sad and don't worry!
We wish the tankers
To keep the tank clean,
So that the authorities do not scold,
And she encouraged me all the time!
To card your beloved,
Was carefully kept
So that there is fun in the service,
Please accept our congratulations!

To be a tanker means to be resilient,
To be a tanker is to always be brave.
For a tanker, the main task is
Serve your homeland to the fullest.
I congratulate you on your professional holiday,
And with all my heart I sincerely wish.
Luck, joy, good luck in fate,
May only all good things come your way.

Tank – trusted friend, which you have managed for many years. Surely, now you miss this time, you would even like to repeat it. Why not do it today? It is unlikely that you will be able to obtain permission to drive, but it is certainly possible to stand next to the tank. I want to congratulate you on Tanker Day and say that you are incredibly lucky, because every person would dream of driving this powerful machine, but you not only managed it, but did it with great success. I want your life to be as safe as being in a tank. The comparison is not the best, but very correct. I want to wish you good health, as well as everything that you yourself dream of. I am sure that today you will remember those years spent in the service. Believe that these memories will always be the brightest.