How real men behave. How to behave with your girlfriend

How to behave with a man? There are documented and unspoken rules regarding human behavior, defining permissibility and education, courtesy and observance of certain traditions - all these types of behavior communicate to us with childhood, but it is not always customary to tell a girl how to behave correctly with a man, and in some this topic is generally taboo. However, with a certain line of behavior, you can improve the relationship or ruin it completely; by choosing how to behave, you choose the future fate of the relationship.

Dealing with such a sensitive issue starts with determining how to behave with a man at the beginning of a relationship, since it is better to initially build everything in a direction that is comfortable for you, than to then spend years and thousands on your own and couples’ psychotherapy trying to edit what happened. And difficulties usually arise due to the fact that in the initial stages people are rarely quite frank, but try to play some kind of role, certainly somewhat similar to the true picture, but still less voluminous and real. This behavior is dictated by the desire to please, and then you can observe how a woman laughs at jokes that are not funny, eats fast food food, although she had previously strived for veganism, hides her aggressiveness and criticism of her partner, hides some facts of her biography (for example, radical views or love of extreme sports).

Some try to squeeze into the popular image and are touched by children, pretend to be responsive, and enjoy cooking as their last happiness. Such metamorphoses are caused by the desire to hide one’s own shortcomings and exaggerate those considered among men. positive qualities, but there are also moments when a woman does not express her frank opinion, confuses her tracks in answers to questions in order to maintain her own safety, to close sore spots that have not yet to a loved one I don’t want to open it, but it could significantly affect future relationships. Whatever the reason for such theatricalization, the result is the same - the woman cannot stand playing the chosen role around the clock, and the relationship is becoming closer, and if it was not difficult to be a smiling modesty twice a week, then pretending to be the director of a construction company around the clock will lead to the collapse of either a relationship or a career.

Any one comes out, in some families this happens after the birth of children and quite a long time. shared experience life, but then the man leaves, faced with irreconcilable traits, or even reconcilable ones, but the fact of deception creates such a high level of mistrust that no further deep interaction is anymore possible.

How to behave with a man so that he himself is drawn to a woman - psychology

In order not to be mistaken and to understand how to behave with a man at the beginning of a relationship, you should imagine that you are communicating with an old and close friend or relative, with that person whom you do not need to impress and meet standards, but you can be yourself in any state and any manifestations. Talk about your dissatisfaction, rather than swallowing irritation in the hope that you will endure it; go out without makeup if that's the case normal phenomenon in your Everyday life; show your character and don’t try to appear deliberately weaker or stupider - in general, behave naturally. Firstly, such sincerity captivates and turns on interest, and secondly, a man immediately notices that there is a personality and a living person nearby, and not a convenient doll in beautiful packaging, and thirdly, such honesty will allow you to avoid your own tension, because someone who is not suitable for who you are will not continue the relationship. And this is perhaps the most profitable investment With such a course of action, you immediately weed out people who are not yours, ensure your security for the future, since terrible secrets will not be revealed, and save time for those who deserve it or for your own pleasure.

This rule, which is not tricky in voice, but problematic in execution for starting a relationship, is easier for those who regularly deal with issues of their own soul, mechanisms and characteristics, since the lack of sincerity and strangers is necessary due to the presence of complexes or severe mental wounds, childhood introjects, allowing one to open up and appear before the world in the quality that is a valid presentation of the individual.

When the first stages of a relationship have been completed and everything is going well for you, the question begins to arise of how to behave correctly with a man, so that the relationship is not devoured by boredom or scandals, and the sweetheart himself is constantly drawn to interact with the woman.

How to behave with a man so that he does not leave for another? It’s worth starting not with the most important thing, but the most common one - maintaining your own external attractiveness. On the one hand, having looked closely at each other over the years, you will be forgiven for a lot, but aggravating the situation to the point that a woman preens herself only before going out, and walks around in a terrible way in front of her husband, or forgets about her appearance and gains twenty kilograms, is contraindicated. Take care of healthy condition own skin and body, keep hair and nails in order - minimum requirements self-respect, and this is where the interest of others begins. It’s too much to chase liposuction and plastic surgery, but don’t forget about perfume, beautiful lingerie And stylish clothes, and sport should not be aimed at pumping up piles of muscles, but at maintaining good health and proper metabolism.

Men want attention and care. Important nuance, that care should not be maternal (“wear a scarf, don’t hang out with the guys for a long time”) and not intrusive (when a woman has learned to guess a man’s desires by looking at her and fulfills them, forgetting about herself). Care should reflect male-female relationships, and he has a mother, a maid can be ordered from the appropriate service. Here you should focus on maintaining a conversation when he talks about his significant topics, and also pay attention to his preferences (you can - support an intimate experiment or cook what he asked for dinner). Praising in a timely manner, noticing the good even in a failed situation, wisely pointing out mistakes and shortcomings is perceived as concern if it is expressed correctly and in accordance with the situation, and in the future he will increasingly want to come back for your opinion. As for the material side, sometimes pamper him with absolutely useless, but desirable things, create a cozy atmosphere at home. If you think that you and the house are about different things, then know that many men note how cold and empty the house became when his wife left.

She avoids complete fusion and dissolution in her adored man. Many women abandon their lives and completely immerse themselves in the life of their husband; at first this looks like supporting his interests and a desire to spend time together, but as a result it turns out that they need periods of rest from each other, their own space. But by the time she understands the need for rest, a woman has usually already lost her own hobbies, and is trying hard to impose her company or control on her husband. Respect for other people's interests is an absolutely inviolable rule. A man should have time and resources for his own hobbies and friends who are not in common with a woman. At the same time, the demands for a report, constant calling, and spying on him are humiliating for both. We will not mention the inviolability of his email, phone and social profiles again. To resist such pressure, support your own unrelated activities and learn to have a great time, regardless of whether you are nearby.

The way you resolve problems and express your own dissatisfaction also plays a role - if you do this in a manipulative manner or make a scandal, find fault, itch every day, then the man will most likely run away. All claims and disagreements should be discussed openly, without attempts to put pressure on feelings, from a position of cooperation, because relationships are a joint product.

And in order for a man to be drawn back to you even after quarrels, you will need spiritual community, which is achieved common interests and activities. But people can spend a lot of time separately, work in various fields and absolutely not understand each other’s hobbies, but have strong relationships. The secret is in the same life goals, set priorities and unspoken spiritual aspirations, ranking the significance of events and ways to achieve goals.

In general, for a man to be attracted to a woman, she must be a psychologically mature, open person, with her own beliefs and the ability to build productive contact, if the man himself is psychologically formed. Infants will always look for mothers and no internal organization of yours will force him to return, except for absorbing care, habitual control and a woman’s ability to pull double responsibility.

How to behave with a man so that he falls in love

One-sided love is an excellent inspiration for creativity, judging by the number of works dedicated to suffering, but those who have fallen mutually in love have no time for poetry and paintings. If you still do not want to choose a creative path, then you can direct the level of energy that has risen against the background of a hormonal surge into the direction of an indifferent object of adoration falling in love with you. A man can be easily attracted own beauty, an interesting meeting, some kind of proposal, but infatuation does not always develop into love. The mistake is that without information about the man, having received a piece of individual attention, the woman believes that everything has come together successfully, and now he will bathe her in champagne, and the man loses his quickly flared interest and disappears from the radar after a couple of days. evenings together. So constant attention, manifestation of active interest and analysis of his words, reactions, actions will help transform passion into deeper interest. Your ability to support topics that interest him, your ideas that coincide with his opinion are tools aimed at establishing a more interesting contact.

But watch out own behavior without turning into a detective prying for information. A woman is attracted, first of all, by her femininity, distinctive softness from men's world, playfulness and openness. When talking about feminine expressions, dresses and lipsticks immediately come to mind, but for men, feminine behavior, the ability to construct phrases and control of one’s own voice are much more important. obscurity women's world fascinates and captivates, and men strive to unravel mysteries, so naturalness is welcomed, but revealing all the cards and telling your full biography should not be allowed. Leave room for his imagination, which is your most faithful assistant, since you will not be able to talk about yourself as temptingly as he can imagine. Talk freely general information, but try not to talk about deeper or intimate things or nicely avoid answering with the help of half-hints and smiles.

Show interest in the man, communicate, but do not impose. Independence makes you want to do something for you, the lack of questions about his feelings pushes you to shout about it to the whole area, some coldness and lack of fear of losing him makes you fight for you. hunter works religiously, and the more difficult the prey encountered on the way, the more interesting to a man, so the more independence you show, the more he will fall in love with you. You can miss his call, go to dinner with a friend, but do not forget to show that you are interested in him - such emotional swings force men to become emotionally invested in a relationship, and they usually do not leave what they have put a lot of effort into.

Engage in expanding and deepening your own special and social knowledge. The times when a woman was interesting only for her appearance are long gone and now being an knowledgeable interlocutor in various fields is the norm. And, in addition, a rich dialogue provides opportunities for planning and building further time together, whereas after naked intimacy there are no connecting threads of interest, and there is nothing more to meet for.

Develop yours, because By talking to a man only about topics that interest him, you risk soon losing his attention. The delight of community passes, and the brain’s need for new information remains so the time will come when you need to gradually reveal the full depth of your own spiritual world, plunging into which a man can experience a variety of emotions. Let it be delight or a desire to convince you, a desire to join or prohibit - any reaction will give rise to further development of the relationship.

But not only in conversations is the power of the birth of love, but in the tenderness of touches that occur as if by chance, in passing, almost imperceptibly. This is bringing the psychological distance closer, establishing contact with his body and imprinting on him not only as a spiritual carrier of information, but as a completely living physical object of the opposite sex.

How to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing

Women are restless creatures and first worry about the relationship starting, then so that the depth and seriousness of what is happening between the partners coincides, and then they are afraid of losing what exists. This kind of thing gives rise to the need to place it in your man, since for the woman herself it is proof of love and a kind of guarantee of stability and reliability in the future.

The inviolability of someone else's physical and spiritual space, as well as the ability to keep a distance, allows relationships not to wither and protects them from quarrels and scandals due to excessive control. With skillful dosing of your own presence in a man’s life, you get what you want - it is he who will show more attention and activity in your direction and be afraid of losing your favor. A woman who doesn't stick to family matters, attending various events, both with her man and without him, does not cause cloying. If the time devoted to yourself is used profitably (and it doesn’t matter if you spent this day in a spa or at a training session, visited an exhibition or did new hairstyle) then a man’s interest in such a woman doubles. Understanding her value and versatility, a man adequately assesses his chances and understands that simply lying next to him on the couch will not be enough and someone more interesting can completely capture the attention of his woman. Getting bogged down in everyday life, you lower the bar of your importance and the bar of masculine achievements. A man strives and wins for the sake of a goal or to retain his prey, but for the sake of an ever-sticky chump, with whom you can only talk about the fallen wallpaper, he is unlikely to lift a finger and will be very worried about its presence or absence in his life.

Choose a relationship policy between good friends, instead of the Soviet house-building and total patriarchy. When you can maintain any conversation with your man and he does not have to strain his brain, which threatens the discussion of the next topic (scandal, reproaches), then the level of frankness in the relationship increases endlessly and he does not have to go to other people for an understanding word (not necessarily his mistress , perhaps to friends, but the value of a woman who does not understand is minimal). Respect his opinion and interests, remember, after all, you will express your disagreement to a friend, calmly argue why, but you will leave it to him to decide and choose how to live further, continuing to accept him and this choice, why in relation to your own man you need to build a totalitarian regime with the only correct one opinion. Again, do not give in to your interests and do not allow your loved one to push through his own point of view, just as you do not live according to friendly decrees. Listen, ask for advice, but don’t let him command - such relationships are only possible in a bilateral mode and, without respecting a person’s choice, you have no right to demand respect for your own decisions.

Do not remain the same, choosing a line of behavior that once worked perfectly - this is a mistake, since it was not the line that worked, but the innovation that it brought. When a man has had enough of your modesty or independence, he will no longer admire it, but over time will begin to irritate him, and not with the quality, but with the constancy and immutability of your personality. A woman, first of all, men's eyes is a storehouse of various emotional sensations, so don’t be afraid to show both your own anger and vulnerability. The more diverse the spectrum of emotional reactions and information a man receives from you, the more often spontaneity appears (not to be confused with critical unpredictability that can lead to hysteria), the more he will appreciate you and be afraid of making mistakes in his own actions towards you.

Don’t force a person to change to suit your vision of rules and choices, accept it and when you want to show your concern, do it in a way that a particular man will appreciate. Those. if he prefers hiking and pizza while playing online, then you don’t need to drag him to an Italian restaurant to eat oysters - it will be awkward and stressful for everyone, but if you give him a tray of burgers and go to your friend’s while he and other players go through the next raid, then You can return to his praising you on Skype to his comrades complaining about their wives.

Don’t forget about the intimate side, because men forgive everything to excellent lovers - a mess in the house, boorish behavior, idleness and outright stupidity. And the point is not in the notorious “everyone needs one”, but in the fact that in order to deliver maximum pleasure you will have to learn a lot in terms of techniques, master foreplay and massage, understand the intricacies of the influence of colors, smells, temperatures, and products. And this is just the beginning, which must be creatively applied each time in different ways, subtly sensing on an empathic level the state of the man and the environment. Men don’t need girls who spread their legs at the first hint - there are plenty of them, they need a woman who knows how to feel him and deliver the necessary through physical influence psychological states– relaxation, confidence, inspiration, strength, humility, the ability to look from the other side.

The principle “if you want to hold on, let go” works one hundred percent, because then the decision to be with you is the man’s own sincere desire, and is also spurred on by external factors your independence. This adds strength, joy and energy, while constant control and interrogation simply kills any desire, except the desire to quickly disappear over the horizon.

What should it be a real man. Behavior and beliefs of a real man and a successful seducer. Correct life position. Read about this and much more in this article.

What a real man should be like

Appearance - body and health

Eat natural and varied foods. 5-6 times a day, in small portions. A little protein in every serving/snack. Avoid feeling hungry. Eat fats found in meat and nuts. Less alcohol and drugs.

Do full body workouts 3 times a week. Lift loads and avoid injury. Perform challenging exercises that require balance and coordination.
Avoid stress and get good sleep.

Appearance - style

Always be neat and immaculate. Always smell nice. Dress in a style that makes you stand out from the crowd. Clothes should be “on edge”. Enhance the effect with accessories. When buying clothes, think about own style, and not about current fashion.

Self confidence

Always be happy with yourself. Let nothing interfere with your confidence. Remember your successes and forget your mistakes after you have learned from them.

Treat successes as the result of your personality and part of your system of actions, part of your model - and not as the result of a good day. Treat failures as temporary effects of a bad day.

Don't overanalyze the situation in search of answers to all questions. Never think about your social, property, financial situation. Stop thinking that girls are something fundamentally valuable. Understand that you will be happy no matter what. Stop treating girls like potential girlfriends. Look at them as a source of entertainment, fun and excitement.

Affirmations for self-confidence for a man

Say affirmations with feeling. Say them in a confident male voice. A few examples:
“I am the alpha and the male! I have a deep voice and I'm perfect! I am confident and positive!”
“Why are all the girls crazy about me? Why am I so charismatic, attractive and irresistible? Why am I so confident and adamant? Why am I a first-class lover?
“All the girls want, and I’m the one they want and who they need!”
“The Lord miscalculated when he created me! The chairs cum when I sit on them! I am the universe’s most powerful magnet for warm, wet pussies!”

Positive thinking

Create a clear, detailed and vivid image in your head of what you want in life. Feel all the feelings that will come when you achieve your goal. Imagine this picture and feel these feelings as often as possible.

Eliminate negative thoughts from your system. Eliminate sources of negativity from your life (news, TV series, negative friends, TFN songs, negative articles, etc.) Let it prevail positive thoughts, feelings and images. Be cheerful, confident and positive - no matter what.

Behavior and beliefs of a real man


Don't do things just to please other people.

Never be the “nice guy.” Never bend for others.

Reward - never give away just like that (things, help/service, attention, time). Never do something on other people's terms - dictate your own.

Never try to impress (bragging, telling smart/interesting/cool stories, overacting, talking about friends/ex-girlfriends/your things, etc.)


Don't show your interest too early.

Never follow her and never wait for her without a good reason. If she leaves, feel OK. Show your willingness to leave. Don't try to analyze it. Stop worrying about her interest in you. Accept it as a fact that girls are unpredictable. Remain completely calm and confident when girls do strange things in order to control their emotions.

Always look like you just had great sex - a little tired, hair a little messy, indifferent, self-confident, not needy, like you have more important things to do.

Don't hide your sexuality for fear of rejection. Play it when you're excited and never let the consequences affect your mood negatively.

Don't worry about the opinions of others, show it.

Language of the body

Don't lean forward. Don't turn to her completely too early - show her your back more than she shows you hers. Don't be face to face with her all the time and don't give her all your attention.

Life position

I am the prize - no girl is better or more valuable than me!
This is my world - others come into my world - not the other way around.
Girls are crazy about me, they stalk me - I need protection!
I'm a fantastic lover.
I'm 100% happy with myself.

Body language and nonverbal behavior

The basis

Be 100% male all the time.

Always dominate and control. Take control into your own hands - be a leader - a boss. Do everything with weight and authority.

Order - never ask. Never seek approval.

Show that your respect for her is limited and that you do not obey social norms/rules (scream in her ear, make noise, laugh and sing loudly, pull her hair, pinch her ass, grab her and bite her neck, scream about farting and fucking in the ass, laugh and admit that you are a nonentity, etc.)

Never show your soft side emotional side. Don't show interest in her thoughts and feelings.


Speak in a dominant tone. Speak slowly, low, rhythmically, clearly and relaxed, as if you are in no hurry and have everything under control. Speak in the voice that airplane pilots use to talk to passengers. Make pauses that create anticipation, anticipation before the very essence, the very “salt” of the story; also pause where you emphasize the point with gestures and meaningful eye contact.

Language of the body

Spread wide and fill as much space as possible when standing, sitting and walking.
Move extremely slowly and relaxed. Walk around the room like a king heading to the throne. Every movement, including movements of the head and eyes, should be leisurely and exciting.
Rarely change the object of attention. Ignore everyone and everything that doesn't deserve the boss's attention.


Touch her with confidence - never do it hesitantly, cautiously, or as if you are trying something.
Treat her like a doll - grab her and control her movements. Hold it and lead it - change directions, speed, etc. as if you were manually controlling it. Tell her what to do and how to do it while you hold her and show her the movements. Pick her up and spin around with her, kissing and hugging her. Help her put on and take off her clothes. Lift and carry it over obstacles.

Life position

I am the boss and everything is under my complete control. I own the guy who owns this place. I am Zeus, and my duty as a god is to fuck nymphs!

What kind of guys do girls like based on their character?

Main characters males in films and novels have those features that many girls dream of. These traits:


Strong, muscular, cool, tough, big hands, influential, alpha, dominant, protective, male, confident, strong-willed, determined, untamed, complex, moody, secretive, dangerous, mysterious, unbridled, rough, devilish, wild.


Honesty, individuality, self-esteem, nobility, sense of humor, self-irony, charming, charismatic, playful, passionate, good kisser, wild lover.

Hidden qualities

Weakness (weak point), resentment, shortcomings, openness to learning and development, caring, attentive, gentle (the secret is that he does everything possible to hide these qualities).

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog! Today I would like to talk about how a guy should behave in a relationship. But don’t think that this will be an article exposing all the vices of men. My task for today is to reveal the concept of harmonious and healthy relationships. Show you the possibilities you have to achieve limitless happiness in a relationship.

The key to a healthy relationship

Many ladies criticize today's men for their insolvency, inability to manage everyday life, rudeness, loss of gallantry and ungentlemanly behavior. I can please you, women today also do not look like the ideal of men’s ideas. So our problem appears to be mutual. Today we will consider the issue of relationships from the point of view of the behavior of the male half.

I think that no one will argue with me that the beginning of a relationship is always compared to magical time. The young man pays a lot of attention, gives gifts, constantly calls or texts. This a large number of attention fades over time. This is what girls begin to blame their boyfriends for. Familiar words: he doesn't pay attention to me, he rarely kisses me, he doesn't look at me at all.

In addition to listening, the problem in relationships is male lies. This is felt especially strongly in families when relationships stand the test of time. Lies may concern financial issue, leisure time and many other things. All this happens due to a lack of trust. I have already written that mostly men prefer not to tell the truth if they do not want to become involved in a scandal.

Another problem that ladies face is. They say this shouldn't happen. But for some reason this happens with enviable consistency.

So let's summarize. Healthy Relationships should not be built on lies, there must be trust between partners, both have enough attention from their loved one, there is no betrayal. But how to achieve all this, you ask. It's easy and simple if you're willing to work on yourself.

The ideal partner for the ideal partner

I am convinced that next to a woman is the man she deserves. You can't swear at your partner. Don't forget that you were the one who chose it. You weren't forced to meet a person.
The young man behaves with the girl the same way she behaves with him. You should never forget that relationships are a mutual process. Therefore, if you do not pay attention to your loved one, then where will the desire arise from him?

One of my friends complained all the time about the lack of sex in her relationship. Like, the groom only occasionally kisses the top of the head before going to bed. He doesn’t look at her when she walks around the apartment naked. Doesn't compliment her or anything. Then I asked: what are you doing? Her answer floored me. She said: what am I, I’m just waiting. All this time she was simply waiting for an initiative on his part. I didn't tell him about my problems. I didn’t take the first step, although there were a lot of opportunities.

Then I advised her to stop waiting and start doing something herself. Whatever, the main thing is to start. At a meeting a few months later, her eyes shone and her happy smile shone. When I asked how things were going, she replied that they had never had a more wonderful time. It was as if they had just met. This is what happened as soon as the young lady stopped waiting.

Don’t think that men understand everything without words. It is a myth that a young man should guess a girl's desires. Do you often understand what is happening in the life of your beloved? You are half the success of your relationship. Therefore my main advice- start with yourself if you have any problems. Do you want to see next to you ideal man? Then you will have to become the ideal woman.

What mistakes do young people make?

So, let's look at the most common mistakes and understand what to do about it. Remember that both are always to blame in a relationship. This will be the guarantee successful relationship. Placing blame on just one person or making yourself the victim will not lead you to a healthy relationship. Therefore, let's immediately consider situations from the position that both partners have a direct connection to this.

The first steps towards solving any situation should not be taken by him or her. This must be a collaborative process. Partners trust each other, are not afraid to speak honestly and openly, directly explain their position and do not criticize each other.

It's bad when one doesn't hear the other. Young people often do not pay attention to the words of their missus because of the feeling that her speeches are meaningless. How often there are stories about empty women's chatter. Show your man that not all your words are empty words. And don't be offended when he doesn't put enough emphasis on your opinion. Resentment will not lead to anything good. You will only make the situation worse. Learn to speak correctly, argue your position, and not just because I said so.

If we return to the issue of lying in relationships, let me remind you. Men try to avoid scandal and hysteria in this way. It follows that you need to be able to control your emotions and be patient. When a young man speaks the truth, do not yell at him because of a discrepancy in your opinion. Try to calmly find a compromise. And if you have caught him in a lie, then talk quietly, understand why he did this, what is really happening. And agree to always tell the truth, no matter how bitter it may be.

The issue of treason is very vague and depends on specific circumstances. But most often, women themselves allow such a turn of events. What does a man look for on the side? Sex, tenderness, passion. And besides, mistresses can't stand their brains. They don’t make scandals, they don’t scold men with or without reason. This is what you need to think about ahead. A driven man simply runs away from home into peace and quiet. If you establish contact, learn to resolve issues without swearing, if each partner has personal space, then there will be no looking to the other side.

I discussed a similar topic in the article “”. Perhaps it will help you understand the picture in more detail. Remember, you will never find instructions correct behavior in a relationship. We create it ourselves, each for himself. And it depends only on ourselves how happy we can become.

I hope you will approach the issue of relationships with all responsibility, will not shift the blame to the other person, will talk honestly and openly, try to negotiate and come to a common opinion. I'm sure you can do all this with ease.

Never lie to a girl. Honesty is the cornerstone of any relationship. Sometimes when you are in romantic relationships, it can be very difficult to tell the truth, but you should never take the easy way out by deceiving your girlfriend, even if it concerns mere everyday trifles. Lying will show that you don't trust her. Being caught in a lie, especially concerning your relationship, you run a very high risk of disrupting the harmony of the relationship, or even causing a breakup.

  • It is also worth considering that in the long run, telling the truth is much easier than lying. Constantly keeping a complex system of small deceptions and omissions in your head is a huge stress for yourself. One wrong word and everything will go to waste. It's worth listening to famous quote Mark Twain: “By always telling the truth, you will not have to remember anything superfluous.”

Respect her intelligence and logic. Just as you can develop your own thoughts and opinions, the same goes for your girlfriend. If you two form 'different thoughts and opinions, then there is nothing wrong with that. But just because your friend has a different point of view than yours does not necessarily mean that she came to such a conclusion due to the defectiveness of her logic, or that yours is much more perfect than hers. If your friend thinks differently than you about the areas of art, politics, or leisure, for example, the best option would be to “listen” to her explanation of her point of view, and “logically refute it. You may find that such disagreement is due to differences in life experiences; so do you, "probably You will understand that this should not be taken personally.

  • However, some types of disagreements should be taken seriously - namely those that concern your relationship. For example, if you see your relationship as a unique, long-term commitment, but your girlfriend is looking for something much less serious, this is exactly the topic you need to seriously discuss before your relationship can progress.
  • Listen to what she says (and remember). One simple one, the right way Show your girlfriend that you respect and appreciate her - just let her know that you're listening when she talks. This is not difficult to do by showing yourself to be an attentive listener and expressing interest in the conversation, as well as expressing your own opinion about the things she is talking about, and, of course, remembering, what does she say. Obviously, no one can remember 100% percent of what his or her partner says, if you are having trouble remembering, then next time, instead of trying to remember every word that comes out of your partner's mouth, try fix large ones in memory, important facts(place of birth, dietary restrictions, middle name, etc.), and sometime later ask for reminders about more minor things.

    • It may seem cynical that you constantly demand to repeat what your friend said earlier. Try to look at it from the other side, think of it as I make an effort to show how valuable this person and his thoughts are to me, but not just to score more points along the way.
  • Give your girl attention. Partners in a romantic relationship should not fight to earn each other's attention. Show that you respect your friend by paying attention to her (with a few exceptions) when you're together. For example, don't allow yourself to be distracted by the TV behind her in a restaurant, the video game you're playing when your friend comes over to your house, or what is the worst the distraction is another woman. In general, when you spend time with your partner, "spend it with your partner" .

  • Reach mutual agreement on the types of behavior that constitute a mandatory gentleman's set. Men and boys are taught how to be real "gentlemen" towards their girlfriends from the very beginning. early age, but the instructions they receive often differ from their understanding of these instructions, or even completely contradict each other. For example, a boy's father may scold him for not moving his friend's chair away when she sits down in a restaurant, while she, on the other hand, might regard this action as excessive patronage. The best remedy find out how to behave in all such situations and avoid the awkwardness associated with them - talk frankly with your friend on early stage your relationship about what concepts and types of behavior she includes in the concept of “gentleman” and what she does not.

    • It's important to respect your friend's independence by taking her wishes in this area seriously. Not Insist by opening car doors for her, pulling out a chair for her, etc. if she doesn't like it or makes her uncomfortable. This can become a huge embarrassment in the long run. Real a gentleman knows that actual respect is much more important than outdated displays of etiquette.
  • Respect her boundaries that she has set regarding the expression of your love. Having different views about the types of behavior that are And are not expressing love in appropriate ways can cause conflict with your partner. For example, if you like to show overt displays of affection in semi-public places such as cinemas, but she, being shy about such things, does not accept such things, then you should fully consider her feelings and control your ardor. Respecting your partner sometimes means refraining from doing things you'd like to do when your friend doesn't—all in all, it's not a big sacrifice.

    • Let's consider reverse side above scenario - would you be pleased if your partner kissed you at a time when you did not want to? Of course not. Putting yourself in another person's shoes will help you understand how actions that at first seem insignificant can be of much greater importance to others.
  • Be fearless around your friend. One way to show how much you respect your friend is to not be afraid to express in front of her what you would not express in front of others. This doesn't mean you should immediately share deeply personal information with her. early stage in your relationship. Rather, it means that you should be open in relation to her. Don't be afraid to tell her how you feel - even if it's a negative feeling. .

    • Paradoxically, this may also mean don't be afraid to show your inner fears. You can (and should) sometimes talk to your friend about the underlying sources of your anxiety - for example, about your performance at school or at work, the difficulties of your relationship with your parents, and so on.
  • They are full of articles about how to attract a woman. The recommendations are completely different - from buying an Armani suit and expensive perfume, to ignoring the object of your passion or posting on the Internet your own photo with a couple of beauties - one on each side. I don’t know whether such methods will work, but if so, is it really possible to win the heart of a real, self-confident woman, capable of giving love and passion? What qualities does a real man have? I would like to express to the readers my opinion on this issue: only men who make their chosen one feel a real woman(both in soul and outwardly) become irresistibly attractive to the weaker sex - and not only short term, but also in the long term.

    What qualities does a real man have and how should he behave with a woman?

    In fact, you can wear whatever you want and never even know who Armani is, because the truth is that a woman is attracted to a man who makes her feel feminine and seductive. There are, of course, strange representatives of the fairer sex for whom feeling like a woman means being at the mercy of a man and experiencing humiliation. But such people are in the minority. Most beautiful ladies will be able to feel like real women if a man awakens their hidden charm and arouses strong attraction to him in the following ways:

    Will give her the opportunity to be a woman

    Majority modern women can work in almost any male sphere activities. But the truth is that she usually doesn’t feel very comfortable with it. All this gives a woman masculine characteristics, compromising her femininity (to be successful, they must constantly win, aggressively elbow and control what is happening in any situation). This is why a woman dreams of strong shoulder, next to whom she can feel soft, tender and vulnerable. A woman dreams of feeling in good hands - in physical, financial and emotional security. Women love men who can confidently take responsibility and make decisions in various situations. One of best compliments which a woman can tell a man that she feels safe around him.

    Will give her the opportunity to feel beautiful (seductive, sexy)

    Convince her that she is witty and good. Show that you can appreciate her physical, mental and spiritual qualities. This means there is no need to impose your (or glossy) views on her. feminine beauty, body proportions and logic. A woman wants to laugh, cry with joy, run and jump like a little girl. She wants to appear witty and flirt. There is no need to criticize her for this or call for restraint. There's more that it's attractive, sexy and irresistible!

    Will give her the opportunity to feel unique and loved

    Every woman wants to be “one in a million” for her chosen one. Ignoring tactics are not what you want. This sometimes works if a woman is not confident in herself, playing on her complexes can cause attraction, but strong woman, with whom it is pleasant to build a relationship not only for a while, but also in the long term, you will only push away. Of course, in a relationship there can be some play (excitement, mystery, challenge) but not rigidity (deception, ignoring, indifference, arrogance or cruelty). I can't tell you how many women have told me that they don't feel loved or appreciated by their man. And in a love puzzle, this is a very important fragment, on which it depends whether the relationship will work out or whether it will remain a broken picture of happy love. Of course, men by nature are not as sociable or affectionate as women, but this cannot serve as an excuse, because... if you really love a woman, she will know and feel it. Show the woman how much he means to you. This may be in words, but actions are better, beautiful fairy tales They don’t cost much, but a woman will appreciate specific gestures. It is not simple. Because many men calculate - what will they get in return? But by doing something selflessly, you will allow any girl to feel like a real woman. Remember that people who make promises do not command respect. People who keep their promises deserve it.

    Makes her feel like she made the right choice.

    Show your woman your support. This does not mean never arguing or fulfilling any desire or being henpecked. Most women find it offensive when they are treated like spoiled little girls. If you behave like a "rag" it will diminish you in her eyes - and she will treat you accordingly. It's about about treating a woman with understanding and warmth, finding compromises, not insulting her and expressing her thoughts (any, positive or not) in a tactful manner, without hurting her pride, etc. Naturally, there are disagreements in relationships, but there is no reason to get personal and throw insults. You need to maintain adequacy in any situation. And regardless of whether a woman wants to start a singing career or stay at home to spend her time with her family, you need to support her in what she wants to achieve in life, and not hinder her, encourage her during victories and console her during defeats. Be there no matter what (because a woman knows that when a man loves, he is not excused by circumstances, there will always be bad and Good times, problems and unexpected situations) so that a woman feels happy next to you and does not regret choosing you among many other men. Because any of them can be nearby on sunny days. What matters is whether he will remain holding the umbrella over the woman during heavy rainfalls.

    And one last piece of advice

    How should a real man behave? Be honest. The cornerstone of a relationship is the ability to trust your chosen one. Without trust there is no love. If you want to lay the foundation for a happy and strong connection, remember that honesty is your best ally. And in your chosen one, maintain the desire to be frank with you and share her feelings. Just remember, she should not have any fears that if she is honest with you, this will become a reason for reproaches or will no longer be a secret for others.