How to compliment a girl or a guy? Hit parade of the best compliments to a girl


How to make a subtle, smart and elegant compliment that would characterize a man as a cultured and well-mannered person?

Everyone loves compliments, everyone without exception. True, not everyone knows how to accept them calmly and with dignity. Giving compliments is science, art and psychology all rolled into one. Girls love with their ears, the old worldly wisdom is not disingenuous. How to make a subtle, smart and elegant compliment that would characterize a man as a cultured and well-mannered person?

Why are compliments necessary?

Psychologists believe that a compliment can help a woman strengthen her self-esteem and increase self-esteem. Each person lives in society, it is important for him to receive the approval of people, proof that he acts and lives correctly. A girl makes so much effort to look beautiful, to please a man, she expects a compliment from him as confirmation of her irresistibility. However, to say directly: “How good you are!” You can only from the bottom of your heart, sincerely and enthusiastically. In all other cases, these same words will be perceived as a mockery.

Flattery and a compliment are close relatives, but by lavishing flattery, a person greatly exaggerates the dignity of a counterpart. A compliment either states a fact, or only slightly embellishes reality. Praise and compliment also live next door. Praise, as an assessment of some phenomenon or action, is possible only from the lips of a superior boss or an older person, as psychologists say, while there is an adjustment from above. A compliment is an extension from below, that is, the object of praise is exalted.

What are the compliments?

Compliment as opposition to self. An example of such a spectacular subtle impact can be the use of facts known to both, while giving a positive assessment of the girl's actions, presenting her in a favorable light. “How do you always manage to deal with problems so quickly? I spend so much strength and energy.” "You always look so cheerful, for this I need to do morning exercises". However, when contrasting, it is important not to cross the line of self-abasement, not to lose face, otherwise, over time, the girl may conclude that she did not get the best the best man, with a carriage of problems and unresolved life issues.

Sensual compliment. If a man truly loves a woman, it is not difficult for him to say a sincere compliment, he just talks about his feelings, about what he is going through in this moment. “Next to you, I always feel like a real knight. Thank you for that, dear." “It’s so easy for me with you, you are the only one who understands me.”

Indirect compliment. To give such a compliment, you need to practice. It’s easier to make a direct compliment - what you see is what you say. The girl lives in her own world, where the choice of work, hobbies, habits is her personal living space, she is part of the whole. Approvingly responding to what she loves, you can emphasize her uniqueness, give an enthusiastic assessment of her taste. “You work in such a modern company, you have a wonderful office in the center”, “What a cozy house you have, everything is laid out on the shelves, you always want to return to this one”, “Your lyrical mess says only one thing: a creative person lives here.”

Compliment as a statement of fact. It is especially good when the girl is little known to talk about some of her virtues. In this case, you can talk about what you see: “You have gentle hands”,“ You are the owner of a charming look ”,“ What are your beautiful eyes! Never seen smarter and deep eyes", "Which nice smell! Excellent choice, delicate taste.


Romantic compliments. This type of expression of one's feelings is appropriate for closer and trusting relationship when love turns into a phase of passion. Such compliments involve the use of poetic and enthusiastic, allegorical comparisons. “You are my guiding star”, “Clear sun”, “Aphrodite, Venus, Artemis”, “Become divine”, “You are like a statue of a great sculptor, so perfect and flawless”. In these cases, a little exaggeration is welcome. However, if a girl, for example, is too slender, and a man calls her "bun", even affectionately, she may be offended.

Compliments proven over the years. There is a kind of male confession that does not fade with age, although it is sometimes considered old-fashioned. It was used by grandfathers and their ancestors, this is the so-called "imperishable", which is not affected by time. Any girl, even the most modern, was brought up on the old good fairy tales, therefore, dreams of love are illusory. To support her dream of a prince on a white horse, men use compliments from their grandfather's chest. “You are a real angel”, “My only one”, “You are the love of my life”, “I am fascinated by you, madam”. If at the same time a man gallantly kisses a lady's hand, she will never forget this fact of her biography.

Compliment as censure. This is a compliment with a “double bottom”, when it is necessary to make a remark so as not to offend the girl. “You always cook so deliciously, apparently today is just not your day”, “Honey, my mother always told me that if a girl often calls herself, she takes care of her man.” A smart woman will understand the mistake and make correct conclusions. Will not understand? Why do you need a stupid companion?

The ability to make beautiful compliments is part of the general culture of a man, expressing his attitude towards a woman. The main components of an appropriate, subtle compliment are sincerity, goodwill, dosage. Too many sweet compliments can set the teeth on edge, busting "raspberry syrup" is harmful for any girl, she wants peppercorns.

Photo : veloztony

For those who experience creative stagnation and words of love suddenly “dry up” in the lexicon, there is a “Dictionary of Compliments”, which contains colorful epithets that are desired by any girl. Such a linguistic "treasure" can be purchased both in paper version, and found on the vast expanses of the global Internet.

Not a day without a compliment - such a slogan can be taken for yourself at the very beginning of "learning", as soon as this rule becomes a habit, sincere praise will natural norm behavior. It is possible and necessary to say compliments to everyone in a row, with or without reason, the main thing is from the heart, with feeling. However, the best compliment, according to women, is the loss of the power of speech from admiration for your lady of the heart.

According to experts, most of all in the world, women value compliments on their ability to combine business and managing household chores, their new fashionable clothes, hairstyle, and appearance. However, compliments intimate nature in many countries are perceived by women with apprehension. So, the British consider such praise "with a smell", with selfish overtones.

Oscar Wilde.

Oscar Wilde(1854-1900), an Irish poet once aptly remarked: "A woman can never be disarmed by a compliment, a man can always be." Judging by the way a girl accepts compliments, one can judge her upbringing, inner world and self-confidence. Generous gifts in the form of beautiful compliments - what could be simpler? Nothing is more highly valued in the world of romantic communication than a literate, mature, smart compliment. Give girls flowers, give compliments.

Photo: SuicideGirls

Incredible Facts

Tell a girl: "You are beautiful" can anyone.

Let's be honest - thiscompliment became banal and uninteresting. Hardly attractive girl does not know about his physical virtues.

Therefore, it is logical that she wants to hear something unusual, unhackneyed and completely unbanal.

So, what is it nice to hear the fair sex from her lover?

Beautiful compliments to a woman

1. You are strong

Each smart woman you need a guy who will not immediately notice her strength, because she is not in her physical aspect, but emotional and mental.

She wants a partner who appreciates her forte, will respect her for this and will not be afraid that his partner is not a weak, insecure girl, but a true woman.

2. You are smart

When a man notices a woman's mind, and not just the obvious, her beauty, it elevates him in the eyes of a woman.

After all, the fact that he looks at the girl’s mind characterizes him as a deep, intelligent and not superficial person.

It also means that the guy is really interested in her and not looking for a one night stand.

After all, beauty is a passing phenomenon, and if a woman is smart, it will be interesting with her even after 20 years.

Beautiful compliments to your beloved

3. You are funny and interesting

Most women appreciate such a compliment.

After all, if she makes a guy laugh, it means that both are on the same wavelength. Having a healthy sense of humor is one of the sexiest qualities and is absolutely essential in a serious relationship.

Unusual compliments

4. You are real

In a world full of falsehood and something artificial, it is so nice to find naturalness and naturalness in a woman.

Every girl is pleased to hear that she is unique and stands out from the crowd. And when a guy notices it, it's especially nice.

5. You captivate

Such a compliment sounds better than just saying "You are beautiful" or "You are sexy." Any representative of the fair sex will appreciate it.

It is much more pleasant for a woman to hear a phrase less banal than a statement of the fact of her beauty.

Non-banal compliments

6. You inspired me to do something

Any girl is pleased to know that she inspires young man to something great.

Therefore, there is no better compliment than to tell her that she inspires, that thanks to her, he becomes better and achieves success.

Even if her contribution to his success was not so significant physically or financially, her support and words of encouragement make the guy feel motivated and realize his dream.

Therefore, it is worth talking about this girl.

best girl compliments

7. You have an incomparable (here it is worth inserting the part of her body that excites you the most)

Of course, it's always nice to remind a girl that she's beautiful.

But if you just say "You're beautiful", it may seem too banal to her. However, if you mark the part of the body that you especially like, she will certainly appreciate such a compliment.

Tell her she's crazy soft hair, or a surprisingly thin wrist, or she has unusual shape lips that drives you crazy.

The best compliments

8. Next to you, I can be myself.

Perhaps this is one of best compliments for any girl. Everyone wants to hear something like this.

After all, this means that he feels comfortable next to her. He can entrust her with the most intimate thoughts and deepest feelings.

Such a compliment is a sign of closeness and trust.

Lovely compliments

9. You are important to me

A guy who tells a girl that she is important to him is probably truly in love.

Being significant to someone is much more important than just being beautiful.

This means that the girl brings something very important to the life of a young man, and he undoubtedly appreciates it.

The best compliments for a girl

10. I respect you

If a man respects a woman, it means that he appreciates her and will never cross the forbidden line.

As a rule, respect is the basis of something very strong.

Strong compliment

11. It is very important for me to hear your opinion.

A guy who cares about the opinion of his partner really appreciates and respects her.

Such a compliment suggests that he can trust the girl, share the most important things with her and wants to hear her opinion on a particular issue.

Such a phrase is a huge compliment, it can become a real incentive for a girl to continue to support her partner.

12. When I am with you, I am the most happy man in the world

If a young man says this to his girlfriend, it's worth a lot.

There are so many things in the world that make him happy, but if spending time with her makes him tremble with happiness… what more could you ask for?

This is such a wonderful compliment, because making someone happy is the greatest gift, and not everyone succeeds.

13. I love your cute weirdness

Some girls are embarrassed by their quirks, such as distraction or obsession with stupid things.

But when a man finds these weirdness cute zest, it's damn nice.

This means that he loves you entirely, appreciates not only your pluses, but is also indulgent to the minuses.

This attitude speaks of true love men.

14. You are an amazing friend!

Of course, such a compliment can be considered in two ways.

On the one hand, no one wants to be in the notorious friend zone.

However, if this is said by a man with whom the girl is already in a relationship, then this indicates that he sees her not only as a lover or potential future wife, but also sees her as his best friend.

15. You are the best girl you could ever want.

Such a phrase will undoubtedly amuse the pride of every girl. This is a real balm for her ego.

Hear what she is best girl in the world that you can wish for, anyone wants.

I want to be the best not only in the bedroom, but also in Everyday life. Therefore, when a guy talks about it, he makes his woman happy.

This is one of those compliments that seems to say the following: "You suit me 100 percent."

16. You are elegant and sophisticated

Any woman can be fashionable and stylish if she has the means.

However, if a man tells his lover that she is elegant and refined, this means that she stands out from the others and has a certain class.

An innate sense of taste and elegance will exalt you in the eyes of a partner. He will be proud that such a woman is next to him.

It is not a shame to introduce such a girl to friends or bring her to a corporate party and introduce her to colleagues.

17. You make me a better person

When a man meets a woman who challenges him and shows him what real love, she inspires him to be a better person.

Therefore, every woman is pleased to hear that she had such a huge positive influence on a person that he could change.

This actually means that she brought him to new level self-development.

If a girl receives such a compliment, she can be proud of herself. After all, she succeeded in what others could not do.

Complimenting a girl is very important if you are going to impress your girlfriend. In the end, compliments show that you noticed how beautiful and smart the girl is.

There are many ways to give a girl compliments, and they will always have a positive impact.

Wouldn't you love to be complimented on a date by a girl about your appearance?

Girls also love compliments. In fact, in fact, women love compliments much more than men.

Complimenting a girl is not just about saying something nice, so one of the most important requirements for compliments is to be sincere.

Only if a girl sees sincerity in your eyes, she will be flattered and will appreciate your words.

Otherwise, you will only cause a feeling of embarrassment and irritation in the girl, because she will understand that you are simply flattering in order to obtain some benefit for herself.

1. Compliment her appearance

A time-tested compliment that is relevant to any girl, anytime, anywhere.

Your girlfriend must be beautiful. So when you finally meet, tell her how beautiful (cute, gorgeous, amazing) she looks.

How can you not appreciate your wonderful girlfriend who put so much effort into looking so good for you?

2. Gaze at the girl

This, of course, is about a friend with whom you have at least established close contact.

12. Don't start or end compliments with dates.

“Today you look amazing like never before” will mean for a girl that on all other days, except today, she looks bad.

“You look great as always” makes all the difference.

And yet, let's hope that I can without much difficulty and outside help get into a taxi, which I will call soon.

2. You have such beautiful eyelashes

Why say such a thing at all?

What she thinks: “I am very happy with your words. This is an amazing feature, isn't it?

I am very pleased that my eyelashes were able to attract your attention, and I am happy that of everything that I have: my eyes, figure, intellect, my appearance in general, only my eyelashes turned out to be worthy of your praise.

How cool when the only thing in me that can get a compliment is a small handful of hair around the eyes, especially considering that they are overhead.

3. You are not my type, but you drove me crazy

You mean:“I had women with hobbies and outlooks on life different from mine, and I am very glad that you have their qualities. I think I did the right thing by choosing you."

Her interpretation:"You know, I'm not usually interested in women who look or act like you, but in general you're not that bad, and in this specific case I'll make an exception..."

4. You look just like your mom

You mean: to be honest, who knows why this can break out?

This must be one of those cases where the mouth works independently of the brain to fill an awkward silence or try to develop a conversation.

Her interpretation:"You look thirty years older than your true age, and you have a lot in common with the woman I want to meet as little as possible in my life."

5. You have very expressive features.

You mean:“There is something unusual yet devastatingly attractive about your appearance.

You don't fit customary standards attractiveness, and even surpass them through a stunning interplay of uniqueness and beauty.

Her interpretation:“You have the wrong nose, funny lips and something incomprehensible with your eyes.”

6. You are much more attractive than my ex.

You mean:"My ex was very beautiful woman, there is no doubt about it. But you're just a Goddess."

Her interpretation:“You know, we are sitting here with you, talking, but I still don’t stop thinking about my ex girlfriend. To be honest, you're not that pretty, though to be fair, the ex was a little worse."

7. You are so tall

You mean:“You may be a little taller than average, but you still look amazing. High growth suits you very well.”

Her interpretation:“Wow, I never imagined that I would go on a date with Michael Jordan!”

Compliments for a girl. Examples

1. Job well done.“It's amazing how well you did it. I'm very proud of what you've been able to achieve."

2. Her care. "I can't believe how lucky I am to have a caring girlfriend like you."

3. Her humor. "You can always make me smile."

4. Support her dream.“I know how much you want it, and I'm sure you can achieve it. I love how passionate you are."

5. Her support towards you."You inspire me to get better and better."

6. Her presence in your life."I am very happy when you are with me."

7. Her courage. "You are very brave, and I am proud of how you strive to win."

8. Her resourcefulness.“Thank you for helping me solve the problem. I don't know what I would do without you."

9. Her communication skills.“Talking to you is so exciting. I'm glad we can constantly."

10. Her taste. “And you have excellent taste. I'm glad you made that choice."

11. Time spent together.“I like that we do everything together. It makes me feel like we're getting closer."

12. How she gives you energy.“Next to you, I am always cheerful and active.”

13. What emotions does she give you."You make me feel loved and needed."

14. How she treats you.“The way you treat me and communicate with me fills me with the feeling that I can be very sincere and natural with you.”

15. Her poise.“You are so unflappable. It is only thanks to you that I can look at things objectively.”

16. Her to you. "You make me feel like the most happy man on the ground, just by being near you.”

99 more compliments for a girl

  1. You give meaning to my life.
  2. I can't imagine my life without you.
  3. How do you manage to always look so beautiful?
  4. I'm lucky to have you.
  5. You always know how to surprise me.
  6. You are the reason my life is so beautiful.
  7. When I see you, an ordinary day becomes a holiday.
  8. I dreamed about you last night.
  9. Even when you are near, it seems to me that you are missing.
  10. You smell very good.
  11. The time spent with you is the highlight of my day.
  12. I see so much warmth in your eyes.
  13. You understand me so well that it seems to me that you can read minds.
  14. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
  15. I'm so happy just spending time with you.
  16. You are not only my favorite girl, but also my best friend.
  17. Just your smile is enough to make my sadness just evaporate.
  18. You are perfect. I like everything about you.
  19. I feel weak in my knees when you touch me.
  20. I want time to stop when you and I are together, but it always finds a way to fly by.
  21. I would like to meet you as a child.
  22. Your sweet smile drives me crazy.
  23. It's so hard for me to leave you every time we say goodbye.
  24. You are my dream come true.
  25. I love you so much that I couldn't put it into words even if I tried.
  26. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met.
  27. I love yours so much soft skin when I touch it with my hands.
  28. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy.
  29. You don't have to change because I love you just the way you are.
  30. It hurts me to see you sad.
  31. Your eyes are so beautiful that I'm afraid to get lost in them.
  32. When you hug me, I feel butterflies in my stomach.
  33. You look so much like beautiful angel that I'm afraid to harm this beauty by touching you.
  34. I think that God had an epiphany the moment he created you, because no one else was as close to perfection as you.
  35. You are the only thing I thank my life for.
  36. I love the way your hair feels like my fingers when I touch it.
  37. I love it when you say you love me when I kiss you on the phone.
  38. I love it when you're in my arms.
  39. My every day begins with the thought of you, and ends with a dream about you.
  40. You are a gift to those around you.
  41. You are awesome.
  42. You have impeccable manners.
  43. I like your style.
  44. You have a wicked laugh.
  45. I appreciate you very much.
  46. I can't imagine my existence without you.
  47. You are able to outshine sunlight with its beauty.
  48. You deserve a hug every second.
  49. You should be proud of yourself.
  50. You have an amazing sense of humor.
  51. Your kindness is a balm for the soul of everyone who knows you.
  52. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give you an 11.
  53. Is yours inner world as beautiful as your appearance.
  54. You inspire me a lot.
  55. You are like a ray of sunshine in the midst of gray everyday life.
  56. You only see the best in other people.
  57. Your ability to remember everything down to the smallest detail is impressive.
  58. You are a great listener.
  59. It would be cool if all people were like you.
  60. This dress fits you perfectly. I even envy him.
  61. You make me feel more.
  62. You can dance like no one is watching, but everyone is watching you because you are an amazing dancer.
  63. You are tastier than a million tons of chocolates.
  64. You are wonderful.
  65. When I feel bad, you always support me and I feel much better.
  66. You are very kind to the people around you.
  67. I should thank you more often. So thank you.
  68. My environment is at the highest level because you are part of it.
  69. You always have the best ideas.
  70. You can always find something special in the most ordinary things.
  71. You are my candle in the dark.
  72. You are a great example for others.
  73. You can always find the right words.
  74. It's amazing what you're always striving for.
  75. Who raised you? They deserve a medal for a job well done.
  76. You are very good at everything.
  77. You have a very beautiful voice.
  78. The people you love are lucky to have you in their lives.
  79. You are like a breath of fresh air.
  80. Is yours creative potential seems limitless.
  81. You are very yours is coming beautiful name.
  82. I really like your quirks.
  83. You really know who you are and what you want.
  84. It's so wonderful that all the children love you.
  85. You are my reason to smile.
  86. You are very smart and beautiful.
  87. You have a very graceful gait.
  88. The way you appreciate your loved ones is just unbelievable.
  89. You are special to me.
  90. With you I can talk about everything.
  91. I always learn so much from you.
  92. You are very sexy.
  93. I always feel very comfortable with you.
  94. My friends are crazy about you.
  95. I can't take my eyes off you.
  96. I can't stop thinking about last night.
  97. I miss you.
  98. If I had a million dollars, I would quit my job and spend every second with you.
  99. I'm grateful that you are.

When you start complimenting a girl, armed with the above examples, you are sure to make your girlfriend feel special, loved, and much happier.

Giving a compliment seems like an incredibly easy task. But people get hundreds of nice words from their friends, colleagues and acquaintances. And if you really like a person, you want your compliment to impress and be remembered for a long time. Today we’ll talk about fans and female fans, just saying a couple of nice words to a person.

Why are compliments necessary?

Before you know what to say to the person you like, you need to understand why, in general, please the interlocutor with nice words. People are all selfish. You may not have noticed, but in any conversation, a person talks about himself. He can share worldly wisdom, tell funny stories from your own practice or brag about something. Of course, it is common among people to talk about politics, books and films. But even in them, “I think”, “I think”, “in my opinion” often slips. Therefore, complimenting a person is one of the ways to draw his attention to the fact that you care about him. Yes, sure, pleasant words they do not oblige to anything and, in general, carry a small semantic load. But the fact that you are not talking about yourself, but about him, will be deposited in the mind of a person. In psychology, this is called "directing the spotlight." And the easiest way to talk about an opponent is to say a few nice words to him.

The best way to give a compliment

We all know that a spoon is good for dinner. Therefore, you need to make a compliment at the right time. If you tell a girl that she had such a wonderful hairstyle last night, she will not take it in a positive way. Most likely, she will think that today she has a crow's nest on her head, and you are trying so subtly to hint about it.

Therefore, it is necessary not only to choose the right words, but also the moment of their presentation. It is desirable to talk about the present. You can only talk about the past if it is somehow intertwined with the present day. For example, your interlocutor advised you to read a book a week ago. And yesterday you finished reading it. Today to talk about what a person has good taste on literary works, would be appropriate. Here you should be guided by the rule "never put off until tomorrow what you can do today."

More great importance play gestures and facial expressions. Each of us has heard at least something about NLP techniques. We know that a person is pleased when they look at him during a conversation. And the whole pose should show interest. That is, it should not be such that your head is looking at the interlocutor, and the body is already turned in the other direction and one leg is already walking towards the door.

Compliments to a girl

Women of any age are always pleased to hear about how beautiful they are. Therefore, do not forget to remind them of this. Complimenting is not about clothes. After all, a dress without an owner means nothing. Therefore, it is worth telling a woman about how beautiful she looks in a new dress, that this color suits her, and her already graceful figure looks simply divine. If you do not want to focus on clothes, then what compliment can you give a girl? You can sing her spiritual qualities, and not appearance. The hackneyed phrase “you have such beautiful eyes” is no longer relevant. It is worth saying that the girl is sweet, gentle, kind and smart. Such words may be banal, but it is very pleasant to hear them. It would be appropriate to praise the girl's intelligence, but this must be done in a timely manner. For example, when she quotes a passage from a classic.

Compliments for a guy

Some people think that the representatives of the stronger sex do not need praise. This is wrong. How can you compliment a guy? You can mention his attractiveness, but usually men already consider themselves irresistible. Therefore, such words for them will be taken for granted. It is better to focus on his gallantry and manners. Yes, it is possible to thank a person for helping you put on your coat or opening the door for you, but not all men do this. This is where you can focus your attention. After all, your friend is one of the few who truly appreciates the female sex.

How to compliment a guy without obsessing over his mannerisms or looks? You can look at his accomplishments. All people are pleased when they are praised. And especially guys. After all, in order to succeed in life, you need to go through thorny path. And at the end of this path, well-deserved praise and rewards should await you.

Compliments to the older generation

At any age, you want to hear pleasant words. So what kind of compliment can you make, for example, to your parents? Well, of course, they will be pleased to hear that their concern for you means a lot. After all, most parents spend their entire lives raising their children. good people. And at the end of their life's journey, sitting in an armchair and drinking strong tea, they want to hear that all their efforts were not in vain.

If old man is not included in the circle of people close to you, then you can make a compliment about their children. After all, all parents want to know that their merits are noticed by others. And children are main project in the life of every person. Speaking of achievements, we can say that they can be focused on. People like to hear that their work benefits someone.

Compliment to the photo

How to respond to a compliment?

In our country, people are not accustomed to saying nice words to each other. And as a result, when a girl is complimented about her beauty, she most likely will not react in any way. But a person who dares to say nice words will be offended, and next time he will think twice about saying them again. Don't play on people's feelings. You need to learn how to respond to compliments. Even a banal phrase about beautiful eyes should at least smile. And if a person in a conversation deftly screwed a phrase about your high level intelligence, do not leave it unattended. It is advisable to thank the speaker. Thus, you will show the interlocutor that you are listening to him carefully and do not miss a single detail. And remember, if a person compliments you, then most likely he liked you. And if you like him too, then thanks response word you can start a conversation, during which there will be an opportunity to get to know each other better.

If a compliment is made to you by a dear person, for example, a wife, you should also not leave the words unattended. After all, even after 10 years life together romance never dies. And it is because of the sweet words and occasional encouragement of actions and decisions in many marriages that love lives forever.

How should you behave in order to receive compliments?

What shouldn't be said?

Sometimes people make such compliments that you want to close your ears and go to another room. It is worth remembering that it is not always necessary to be original. If you do not know what to say, it is better to remain silent, so you will seem smarter and not get into a ridiculous situation.

How to give a compliment? It is necessary to say pleasant words, focusing on an act or certain features of appearance. Phrases such as: "you're doing well", "you're smart" are not specific. It will be difficult for a person to understand what you are praising him for. If you want to use this construction, complete it with: “well done for fulfilling my request so quickly.”

If you want to compliment your loved one in a public place, don't call them sunshine or kitty. It is better to address a person by name, and leave tenderness for a personal conversation. Don't mention details as a public compliment. personal life. This will not please everyone.

Women love with their ears and a well-spoken compliment can raise your rating in the eyes of a girl. With the help of a compliment, you can achieve the location of a girl you like, the approval of your boss, or the sympathy of a colleague. How to learn to give good compliments?

How to compliment a girl the right way

  • Compliment confidently, don't worry. Take as a basis the real qualities of the girl, the compliment should by no means be flattering, it is immediately felt.
  • Do not be afraid to seem stupid, uninteresting to a girl, everyone loves compliments. Try, pay attention to the interesting qualities of the girl, praise her taste, manner of dressing, professional quality if it is a colleague.
  • The compliment should always be based on the girl's personal qualities. You should not talk to an outwardly inconspicuous girl about her unearthly beauty, and a full lady about her slim figure. But if you see that plump girl lost weight, be sure to give her such a compliment, it's very nice to hear. It is not necessary to say “How did you lose weight”, you can say “You look very slim” or “What do you do to be so graceful”?

How to give the perfect compliment to a girl

  • Determine the self-esteem of the girl, it depends on how she perceives this or that compliment. A girl with low self-esteem may take a compliment as flattery or an insult.
  • Think about what kind of compliment you want to give: to praise the appearance or personal traits maybe professional ability.
  • Speak a compliment sincerely, looking into the eyes of a girl, you can take her hand if you are on a date.
  • Have a few blanks in your arsenal that you can turn into a specific compliment, for example, about your eyes, when the opportunity arises. You can praise their shape, color, expressiveness of the look. “When I look into your eyes, I want to look into them forever”, “Your eyes shine like two stars” or “It is impossible not to fall in love with your eyes!”
  • When you come up with an interesting compliment, do not forget to write it down, at least in notes on your cell phone. So you will always have some interesting and nice sms for the girl you love.

What mistakes do men make when complimenting a girl

  • Give a general compliment, not a specific one. Don’t just say “How good you look”, notice some interesting detail and underline. “How good you look in this dress, it really suits you” or “How good you look with a new hairstyle.”
  • Pay attention to what immediately catches your eye. A beautiful, bright girl is told “How beautiful you are” or “What beautiful eyes you have”. Pay attention to hidden qualities, for example, tell the beauty in the office “You are a real professional in what you do”, and the gray mouse “You are just gorgeous in this outfit”. But do not go too far, the compliment must be real and sincere.
  • They say a compliment, adding the word - today. For example, "How good are you today." A girl may think that on other days she is not so beautiful. Rather, focus on something else, for example, “How pretty you are, your hair looks like from an advertisement.”

Examples of original compliments to a girl


  • Your charm and charm overshadows a wonderful spring morning.
  • Your figure is slimmer than a birch.
  • In this dress you are the embodiment of spring!

Compliments about appearance

  • I love your emerald eyes! Only goddesses are worthy of such eyes.
  • The gentle look in your eyes speaks volumes.
  • Tight clothes suit you. There is something to show!

Compliments about inner qualities

  • How interested I am with you.
  • I have never met a more hospitable hostess than you.
  • Your soul is as beautiful as your appearance.

Compliments-explanations with humor

  • Here I look at you and understand that it is not gravity that keeps me on earth, but you.
  • Your forms are form bliss.
  • Stop shooting eyes, I'm hurt.

A compliment is a powerful weapon that you can use to achieve your goals. It doesn’t matter what you want to achieve, meet a beautiful girl, make up with your wife, ask for a raise from a female boss, or get a delicious tea cake from a colleague. A compliment will help you achieve this almost always.