Project to work with parents "the main thing is together!". Project "interaction of the educator with the family"

Project on the topic: "Innovative forms of work on the interaction of preschool educational institutions with parents"


Part 1. Theoretical. Interactions between preschool and family.

  1. Features of openness preschool in new social conditions.
  2. Innovative forms of work on the interaction of preschool educational institutions with parents.
  3. Innovative shape work with parents - family club.

Part 2. Practical. Content innovative work on the interaction of preschool educational institutions with parents in the club "Activists of our family" .


List of used literature.


From how childhood passed
who led the child by the hand in childhood,
what entered his mind and heart from the outside world -
depends to a large extent on this
what kind of person will today's baby become.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


The socio-economic transformations that have taken place in our country have led to a change in the usual way of life and moral and value orientations and could not but affect the upbringing of children in the family.

Currently observed:

  • Deterioration of children's health (physical, mental, social)
  • Stratification of society, leading to an increase in the percentage of socially unprotected parents and children, an increase in socio-psychological anxiety, fatigue
  • Redistribution of material and economic functions within the family
  • Construction difficulties family life against the backdrop of crises
  • Personal problems of parents (fatigue, mental and physical strain; anxiety due to a decrease in life safety; increased feelings of loneliness (especially in single-parent families), lack of understanding; event crises)
  • Global issues that determine the development of adults and children (ecological problems, epidemics, drug addiction, alcoholism, mental problems; scientific and technological progress leading to rapid obsolescence of knowledge, etc.)

These trends require attention, including from PEI specialists (psychologists, educators, speech therapists, medical worker) . The family needs support and guidance.

The interaction of parents and teachers in the upbringing of preschoolers is seen as a mutual activity of responsible adults, aimed at introducing children into the space of culture, comprehending its values ​​and meaning. Interaction with parents makes it possible to jointly identify, realize and solve the problems of raising children, and also provides the necessary deep connections between educating adults in the context of personality development, which positively affect his physical, mental and social health. Therefore, I consider the creation of a family club in the preschool educational institution to be the most effective form of work on interaction with parents.

Thanks to the club form of work, it is possible to create an atmosphere of common interests of the family and the preschool educational institution, to provide practical assistance to the family in relieving difficulties in child-parent relationships, to form partnerships with the families of pupils, to strengthen the authority of the family and the teacher will contribute to the activation and enrichment of the educational skills of parents, awareness and implementation by them in full parental functions aimed at understanding the needs of the child and creating conditions for their reasonable satisfaction.

Project type: innovative - research, open, collective, long-term.

The purpose of the project: to study innovative forms of work on the interaction of preschool educational institutions with parents on the example of the activities of the club "Activists of our family" .

Project tasks:

  1. Describe innovative forms of work with parents.
  2. To increase the level of professional competence of teachers in organizing work with families.
  3. To involve parents in active participation in the educational process.
  4. To reveal the content of innovative work with parents of preschool educational institutions in the club "Activists of our family" .

Project participants: educators, parents, children 3-7 years old.

Project implementation period: 1 academic year.

Final event:

Presentation "Innovative forms of work on the interaction of preschool educational institutions with parents" .

Part 1. Theoretical.

Interactions between preschool and family.

The family is the leading factor in the development of a child's personality, on which the future fate of a person largely depends.

The first thing that characterizes the family as a factor in education is its educational environment, in which the life and activities of the child are naturally organized. It can be said with full right that the family educational environment determines the first contours of the child's image of the world, forms the appropriate way of life.

The quality of the educational process in a preschool institution can be ensured by unified approaches to the upbringing of children by parents and teachers. Therefore the question pedagogical competence parenting is by far the key. For more efficient interactions with parents, a system of pedagogical support for the family should be created from the first days of the child's stay in a preschool institution until he enters school, taking into account the age periods of development of children and the pedagogical competence of each

families. Kindergarten and family can create a single space for the development of the child, but only in a harmonious complement to each other.

In the process of working with parents, we encountered a number of problems:

  • pedagogical passivity of parents, i.e. parents' misunderstanding educational function, unwillingness to establish uniform requirements for the child in kindergarten and family, parents ignoring the fact that in determining the content, forms of work of the kindergarten with the family, it is not a preschool institution, but they act as social customers
  • parental immaturity "pedagogical reflection" , inability to self-critically assess oneself as a teacher, put oneself in the place of a child, look at the situation through his eyes

The predominance of rationalism in the communication of teachers with parents, the teacher acts as an informant of the family about the life of the child in kindergarten, and often treats parents as objects of education.

In order to solve the above problems, teachers and educators are looking for new forms of cooperation with parents.

1. 1. Features of the openness of a preschool institution in the new social conditions.

The interaction between the family and the preschool institution is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and everyone else social institutions designed to support and supplement their educational activities. The officially implemented policy in our country of transforming education from family to public is becoming a thing of the past.

The main goal of this interaction and cooperation is to create a single space FAMILY - KINDERGARTEN, in which all participants in the pedagogical process (children, parents, teachers) it will be cozy, interesting, useful, comfortable.

Collaboration is communication "equally" where no one has the privilege to specify, control, evaluate.

Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication.

If the interaction is carried out in conditions of openness of both sides, when no one's freedom is infringed, it serves as a manifestation of true relations.

When the interaction takes place in conditions of suppression of one person by another, it is able to mask the true relationship.

To realize the openness of the preschool educational institution means to make the educational process more free, flexible, to humanize the relationship between children, teachers and parents.

For this, the following conditions must be met:

The personal readiness of the teacher to discover himself in some activity, to talk about his joys, anxieties, failures.

Involvement of parents in the educational process of kindergarten. These may be episodic events. (grandmother knits dolls, dad makes crafts, mom talks about health).

In order for kindergarten to become a real, and not a declared, open system, parents and teachers must build relationships primarily on trust.

  1. Psychology of trust. Parents must be sure good attitude to your child educators.
  2. The teacher must demonstrate specific positive ways interactions with parents.
  3. Information must be dynamic.
  4. Parents should be able to come to the group at a convenient time for them to observe what the child is doing.
  5. The line of interaction between teachers and parents does not remain unchanged. Parents and teachers should be able to express their opinions to each other about certain problems of education.
  6. Differentiated Approach (interaction in small group parents with similar problems of home education).
  7. The line of influence on the family through the child.

Innovative forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families.

The interaction of the kindergarten and the family should permeate all educational and educational work in the preschool educational institution. Care must be taken to ensure that teachers use various forms work, paying attention to improving the practical educational skills of parents (conversations and other work should be confirmed by practical observations, joint activities of children and parents).

What are the tasks of parental education in a preschool educational institution?

  • form ideas about the stages of development of the child's personality

Identification of the principles of interaction between parents and the child, parents and teachers, teachers and children.

When analyzing plans for working with parents from year to year, it is necessary to ensure that parents, while the child attends kindergarten, learn the maximum knowledge and skills, so that in each age group touched upon the most pressing issues of raising children early age paid more attention to issues of socialization. For example, in the second group of young children, much attention should be paid to the role of the family in adaptation to preschool, in middle group- roles in the formation cognitive interests, industriousness in children, in older groups - teaching children, instilling in them a sense of responsibility for the performance of duties, preparing children for school, etc.

There are four forms of organizing work with parents:

  • information and analytical
  • leisure
  • cognitive
  • visually - informational.

Visual propaganda. Carrying out pedagogical propaganda, you can use a combination of various kinds visibility. This allows not only to acquaint parents with the issues of education through the materials of stands, thematic exhibitions, etc., but also to directly show them the educational process, advanced methods of work, to give parents the necessary pedagogical information in an accessible and convincing manner. You can constantly design group stands like "For you parents" , containing information on two sections: everyday life groups - various kinds of announcements, mode, menu, etc., and current work on raising children in kindergarten and family.

At the beginning of the year, as a rule, the teachers' council discusses the annual work plan. Then the teachers inform about the tasks of education for a certain section for the quarter, inform the program content of the classes, give advice to parents on how the work carried out in the kindergarten can be continued in the family.

With great pleasure, parents examine the work of children exhibited at a special stand: drawings, modeling, applications, etc.

Parents show great interest in how children live in kindergarten, what they do. The best way to introduce parents to this is by spending days open doors. Great efforts must be made by methodologists, social educators, and psychologists to carry them out. Preparations for this day should begin long before the scheduled date: prepare a colorful announcement, think over the content of educational work with children, and organizational issues. Before you start watching classes, you need to tell your parents what lesson they will watch, their goal, and the need for it.

Open views give parents a lot: they get the opportunity to observe their children in a situation different from the family one, compare his behavior and skills with the behavior and skills of other children, learn from the teacher teaching methods and educational influences.

Along with open days parents and members are on duty parent committee. Ample opportunities for observation are provided to parents during children's walks on the site, on holidays, evenings of entertainment. This form of pedagogical propaganda is very effective and helps the teaching staff to overcome the superficial opinion that parents still have about the role of kindergarten in the life and upbringing of children.

In working with parents, you can use such a dynamic form of pedagogical propaganda as slide folders. They also help with an individual approach to working with the family. In the annual plan, it is necessary to foresee the topics of folders so that teachers can select illustrations and prepare text material. Folder topics can be varied: from material related to labor education in the family, material on aesthetic education to material on the upbringing of children in an incomplete family.

Folders-movers should be mentioned at parent meetings, recommended to familiarize yourself with the folders, give them for review at home. When parents return folders, it is advisable for educators or social pedagogues to have a conversation about what they have read, to listen to questions and suggestions.

One should take seriously such a form of work as visual propaganda, correctly realize its role in the pedagogical education of parents, carefully considering the content, artistic design of folders, striving for the unity of textual and illustrative materials.

The combination of all forms of visual propaganda helps to increase the pedagogical knowledge of parents, encourages them to reconsider the wrong methods and techniques of home education.

An open door day, being a fairly common form of work, makes it possible to acquaint parents with a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational work, to interest it and involve them in participation. It is carried out as a tour of a preschool institution with a visit to a group where children of new parents are brought up. You can show a fragment of the work of a preschool institution (collective labor of children, fees for a walk, etc.). After the tour and viewing, the head or methodologist talks with parents, finds out their impressions, and answers questions that have arisen.

The interviews are conducted both individually and in groups. In both cases, the goal is clearly defined: what needs to be found out, how we can help. The content of the conversation is concise, meaningful for parents, and is presented in such a way as to encourage the interlocutors to speak. The teacher should be able not only to speak, but also to listen to parents, express their interest, goodwill.

Consultations. Usually a system of consultations is drawn up, which are carried out individually or for a subgroup of parents. Parents can be invited to group consultations different groups having the same problems or, conversely, success in education (capricious children; children with pronounced abilities for drawing, music). The goals of the consultation are the assimilation by parents of certain knowledge and skills; help them solve problems. Forms of consultation are different (a qualified presentation by a specialist followed by a discussion; a discussion of an article read in advance by all those invited to the consultation; a practical lesson, for example, on the topic How to teach poetry to children ) .

Parents, especially young ones, need to acquire practical skills in raising children. It is advisable to invite them to workshops. This form of work makes it possible to talk about the methods and techniques of learning and show them: how to read a book, look at illustrations, talk about what they have read, how to prepare a child’s hand for writing, how to exercise articulation apparatus and etc.

Parent meetings are held group and general (for parents of the entire institution). General meetings are organized 2-3 times a year. They discuss tasks for the new academic year, the results of educational work, issues of physical education and problems of summer recovery period and others. You can invite a doctor, a lawyer, a children's writer to the general meeting. Parents are expected to attend.

Group meetings are held every 2-3 months. 2-3 questions for discussion (one question is prepared by the educator, for others, you can invite parents or one of the specialists to speak). It is advisable to dedicate one meeting each year to discussing family experience in raising children. A topic is chosen that is topical for this group, for example, “Why do our children not like to work?” , How to get children interested in books , "TV - friend or foe in raising children?" .

parent conferences. The main goal of the conference is the exchange of experience in family education. Parents prepare a message in advance, the teacher, if necessary, assists in choosing a topic, designing a speech. An expert can speak at the conference. His speech is given "for starter" to provoke discussion, and if possible, discussion. The conference can be held within the framework of one preschool institution, but conferences of city and district scales are also practiced. It is important to determine the topic of the conference ("Children's health care" , "Introducing children to national culture» , "The role of the family in the upbringing of the child" ) . An exhibition of children's works is being prepared for the conference, pedagogical literature, materials reflecting the work of preschool institutions, etc. You can end the conference with a joint concert of children, employees of a preschool institution, and family members.

Currently, in connection with the restructuring of the system of preschool education, practitioners of preschool educational institutions are looking for new, non-traditional forms of work with parents, based on cooperation and interaction between teachers and parents. Let's give examples of some of them.

The library of games is also an unconventional form of interaction with the family. Since games require adult participation, this forces parents to communicate with the child. If the tradition of joint home games is instilled, new games appear in the library, invented by adults together with children.

Grandmothers are attracted by the circle "Crazy hands" . Modern fuss and haste, as well as crowding or, conversely, the excessive luxury of modern apartments, almost excluded the opportunity to engage in needlework and handicrafts from a child's life. In the room where the circle works, children and adults can find everything they need to artistic creativity: paper, cardboard, waste materials, etc.

The cooperation of educators and the family helps not only to identify the problem that caused the difficult relationship between parents and the child, but also to show the possibilities for solving it. At the same time, it is necessary to strive to establish equal relations between the educator and parents. They are characterized by the fact that the parents form an attitude towards contact, there are trusting relationships with specialists, which, however, do not mean full agreement, leaving the right to their own point of view. Relationships proceed in the spirit of equality of partners. Parents do not passively listen to the recommendations of specialists, but they themselves participate in drawing up a plan for working with a child at home.

Evenings of questions and answers. They represent concentrated pedagogical information on a wide variety of issues, which are often of a debatable nature, and the answers to them often turn into a heated, interested discussion. The role of question and answer evenings in equipping parents with pedagogical knowledge lies not only in the answers themselves, which in itself is very important, but also in the form of these evenings. They should take place as a relaxed, equal communication between parents and teachers, as lessons in pedagogical reflection.

Parents are notified about this evening no later than a month in advance. During this time, methodologists, educators, social educators should prepare for it: collect questions, group, distribute them in the teaching staff to prepare answers. At the evening of questions and answers, the presence of most members of the teaching staff, as well as specialists - doctors, lawyers, social educators, psychologists, etc., is desirable, depending on the content of the questions.

How to organize the receipt of questions from parents? Usually methodologists and educators use for this parent meetings, questionnaires, all kinds of questionnaires. At parent meetings, they inform the time of the evening of questions and answers, provide an opportunity to think through questions and fix them on paper, and parents also have the opportunity to think over questions at home and hand them to the teacher later.

Meetings for "round table" . They expand the educational horizons of not only parents, but also the teachers themselves.

The design of the event is very important. The assembly hall should be specially decorated, furniture should be specially arranged, attention should be paid to musical arrangement which should encourage reflection and frankness.

Meeting topics may vary. The conversation should be started by activist parents, then a psychologist, doctor, defectologist, educators, social teacher, other parents. It is possible to offer for discussion various situations from family life, problems that arise when raising children in various types of families, which further activates the participants in the meetings. In this form of work, it is noteworthy that almost no parent is left aside, almost everyone accepts Active participation sharing interesting observations, expressing good advice. A psychologist or social educator can summarize and end the meeting.

family clubs. Unlike parent meetings, which are based on an edifying and instructive form of communication, the club builds relationships with the family on the principles of voluntariness and personal interest. In such a club, people are united by a common problem and a joint search for optimal forms of assistance to the child. The topics of the meetings are formulated and requested by the parents. Family clubs are dynamic structures. They can merge into one big club or break up into smaller ones - it all depends on the theme of the meeting and the plan of the organizers.

Family clubs are an association of parents created to solve the practical problems of education. Usually they are organized by a group of enthusiastic teachers and parents.

1. 3. An innovative form of work with parents - a family club.

A family club is an association of parents created to solve the practical problems of education. Usually they are organized by a group of enthusiastic teachers and parents. The activity of family clubs is based on a voluntary basis. In family clubs, critical parents become aware not only of the shortcomings, but also the virtues of their own children. (compared to others), and enthusiastic parents can see not only the advantages, but also the shortcomings of their kids. Children gain valuable experience in communicating with people in family clubs different characters find themselves in different role positions.

Family clubs are good for incomplete families in which children are deficient in male samples (or female) behavior. Such clubs are also necessary for the only children in the family who do not have experience of close communication with other children. As members of a friendly family club, people feel more secure and confident.

The family club is one of the effective channels for the transfer, preservation and development of values family culture, as well as interests and an effective form of interaction between the kindergarten and the family. Uniting children of different ages and raising adults (parents and teachers) the club provides a live connection between generations, the transfer of all the best that the older generation has. As an informal source of education, the club presents the best examples of raising preschool children in families and kindergartens.

When designing club meetings, it is important to ensure the unity of three interrelated moments: the communication of certain information - its valuable information - the motivation of the participants of the meeting to practical action.

The family club is a promising form of work with parents that takes into account the urgent needs of families and contributes to the formation of an active life position of the participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family, and transferring experience in raising children. The use of such a form is important and necessary, as it brings significant results in terms of socialization and well-being of each child, forms social skills of behavior in children, self-confidence, understanding of their own and other people's feelings, desires and opinions. The club organizes cooperation with the family. Thanks to the family club, close connection « family - child garden" .

Part 2. Practical. The content of innovative work with parents of preschool educational institutions in the club "Activists of our family"

With the birth of a baby in every family, troubles and worries are added. How to grow healthy child? When to start developing his abilities? Time goes fast…

And now the kid goes to kindergarten. How does the parent feel? Joy and relief: now he is not only responsible for the fate of his child, he will be helped by specialists. But at the same time, anxiety also grows. Not less worries and teachers. How to reduce stress in children and provide them with a comfortable stay in kindergarten from the first days? How to unite children and parents in a single team? How to convey to them that we wish the best for them and their babies. How to explain that in the hustle and bustle of everyday affairs one should not forget that childhood is the most valuable period in the life of every child.

Family collaboration is one of the essential conditions organization of effective educational process in DOW. In order for parents to become active assistants to teachers, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten. The club is the most suitable form of work for this, allowing you to establish effective and purposeful interaction between the kindergarten and parents.

To establish cooperation between the kindergarten and the family in the education, upbringing and development of children, the educators organized a family club "Activists of our family" . This club is for loving parents who give their heart and soul to raising children.

In the work of the family club, Special attention educators paid attention to the study of the family environment, the conditions for the upbringing and development of children. For this, parent-teacher meetings were held, during which parents got acquainted with the requirements and rules for raising children in kindergarten.

General principles of interaction between club members

  1. The principle of voluntariness and openness.
  2. The principle of equality.
  3. The principle of generality.
  4. The principle of respect and understanding of each other.
  5. The principle of activity.
  6. The principle of confidentiality.
  7. The principle of taking into account the wishes and suggestions of each member of the club.
  8. The principle of benevolence, support and mutual assistance.
  9. The principle of striving for healthy lifestyle life.

The main areas of work of the family club "Activists of our family" :

  1. Promotion of positive experience of family education.
  2. Increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents of preschool children.
  3. Development of new forms of social and family interaction;
  4. Assistance to the family in the performance of educational functions.

Family club goals "Activists of our family" .

The main goal of creating a family club "Activists of our family" - establishing cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family in matters of raising children, expanding the forms of work with parents.

The main tasks of the family club "Activists of our family" :

  • raising the pedagogical culture of parents and improving the conditions for raising a child in the family and in kindergarten
  • exchange of positive experience of family education

Initiation and implementation of new forms of work of the organization of educational work.

The structure of the club "Activists of our family"

The structure of the club "Activists of our family"

"Socio-medical block"

"Leisure block"

"Pedagogical block"

  1. Active participation of parents in the life of the child, not only at home, but also in kindergarten.
  2. Providing assistance to parents by teachers in order to:
  • Form with parents positive attitude for motherhood and fatherhood
  • Achieve positive dynamics of changes in the family microclimate
  • Adopt and implement a person-centered position in the upbringing of children
  • Build the best parent-child relationship

3. The activities of the club are carried out in accordance with annual plan DOW work.

4. The work of the club is organized taking into account the age of the children.

5. Club meetings are held once a month.

6. Club decisions for employees and parents are advisory in nature.

Family club planning

The work of the club is planned together with parents and educator. When planning, we take into account the wishes of parents and psychological and pedagogical needs. We try to make sure that parents of children of each age can attend at least two meetings in the club. In addition, such events for children and parents as exhibitions, projects, competitions are planned.

Forms of interaction in the family club.

We use open classes, leisure, holidays, a very large number of games, and as practice shows, parents are not afraid if they have to take the position of a child. The main thing in club work is that the presentation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge should be inspiring! Modern technical means make it possible to make meetings with parents bright and memorable.

In each preschool educational institution there is a group of parents who do not show interest in the life of the kindergarten. There is such a group of parents and we, fortunately not too numerous. However, we noticed an increase in the interest of parents in children's exhibitions, as well as the organization of exhibitions of parent-children's work. which we use very actively.

Club work, in our opinion, should not be limited to education. Of great importance are parent-child leisure and holidays, where cheerful communication helps to establish harmonious relations both between parents and children, and between teachers and parents. Such meetings help parents to see teachers with new side, and teachers are given the opportunity to notice the features of the family.

Ultimately, such meetings contribute to the establishment of mutual understanding, trust and respect. We try to make kindergarten life a part of family life. Parents participate in project activities, exhibitions, holidays. Kindergarten doors are open. We are glad to have parents in our walls.

The family club, as our experience shows, is an extremely interesting and effective form of interaction with parents.

Of course, in addition to club work, we also use traditional forms of interaction with the family. It is impossible to do without individual consultations of educators. It is only necessary to remember that the demand for our work depends on our professionalism and our creative interest.


The work of the family club in kindergarten contributed to:

  • Creating a positive emotional environment for communication between children, parents and teachers
  • Activation and enrichment of pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents
  • Improving the psychological and pedagogical and legal culture parents
  • Development of creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities
  • Generalization of the experience of family education.

The organization of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family in the form of a family club is an interesting modern model of work to attract parents to actively participate in the educational process and helps to strengthen the relationship between the preschool institution and the families of pupils. As a result of informal communication between children and adults, not only an intra-family, but also an inter-family friendly atmosphere was created, which served to reveal creativity children and adults.

The essence of the initiative

The family and the preschool institution are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but for the comprehensive development of the child's personality, their interaction is necessary. Childhood experience largely determines adult life. At the beginning of the journey, next to the defenseless, gullible baby are the most important people from his environment - his family. It seems to us that the parents of our children are more literate and pedagogically educated than their predecessors; more prosperous materially and financially; more confident in themselves, more clearly define their needs in relation to the level and quality of education of their child. Therefore, it is not easy to build a system of interaction with modern parents. And we began this work with a deep study of the family, its requests, requirements, claims, views on the upbringing and development of the child. There is no doubt about the importance of interaction between educators and parents. In the process of raising children, various problems of moral, spiritual, emotional, speech, physical development arise, which are more effectively solved by everyone together.

1. Expand the pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents; correct problems in family relationships.

2. Raise a healthy, developed child who is loved and cared for.

a/ To implement a differentiated approach to families of various types, an individual approach to each specific family.

b/ To educate in children a respectful attitude towards all family members.

c/ Carry out joint socially significant activities and leisure activities for parents and children.

d/ Create a psychologically comfortable environment for children, their families, an atmosphere of goodwill, cooperation, a situation of success.

e/ Use various forms of cooperation with parents, involve them in joint activities with children aimed at increasing their authority.

Rationale for Significance

We are sure that in the soul of educators there should be a place for the parents of children. We must be able to understand that they are the best, there are no others, the child received life from them - a precious gift. As a result of the child's communication with close adults, he gains experience in actions, judgments, and assessments, which is manifested in his behavior. Of great importance are positive examples father and mother as role models, as well as the parental word - as a method of pedagogical influence. Questioning and observation of the communication style of children and parents showed that parents are interested in such problems as the education of obedience in children, culture of behavior, problems of children's play, parents are concerned about the fears and aggressive behavior of children, questions early learning. Almost every family has a problem: what to do with a child? We believe that the problem of the upbringing and development of children is not the work of one day, but the purposeful, systematically planned work of the entire preschool institution and the family for a long period of the child's stay in kindergarten.

Therefore, we began each academic year with a meeting where we covered the patterns of child development, taught parents how to rationally organize the activities of children, and also see and evaluate themselves as a teacher. Activities were planned depending on the priority direction activities of the preschool educational institution and the needs of the parents. Involved parents in various activities. Specialists were invited for consultations: doctors, a psychologist, a music director, etc. The main thing is that these meetings were held in an informal atmosphere. We tried not to get carried away with the theory of the issue, but presented the material in an accessible and convincing form, based on the experience of the parents.

Expected Result

1. Parents will improve their pedagogical culture, it will be possible to see their child in conditions different from home, which will lead to a revision by parents of their methods and methods of education.

2. Both in the group and in the family, a favorable subject-developing environment for children will appear.

3. The participation of parents in joint creative activities with children will become regular.

Ways of implementation

Traditional and non-traditional forms of interaction of all project participants

List of participants

Children, parents, teachers

Project implementation period

Project type


Initial theoretical positions

The family and the preschool institution are two important institutions for the socialization of children. In order for their interaction to be effective, it is necessary to understand: what is it - modern family? All families are diverse in their composition, national, educational and cultural characteristics, life values ​​and way of life.

The modern family is also different forms of living together. We are not trying to pass on a unified system of raising children to everyone, but we are trying to support the best that every family is already doing or is ready to do for their child. We analyzed the composition of families in our group and found that the difference in the age of parents is quite significant: from 23 to 43 years. Therefore, we had to take this feature into account when working on the project: on the one hand, to help young people form relationships with children, on the other hand, to take into account the already established stereotypes of older parents. It was also found that material and social status parents are heterogeneous. We faced a problem when parents were reluctant to fulfill our requests and instructions, dismissed that they had no time to deal with the child, and this is very important for the baby.

Parents were offered a number of questionnaires to identify parents' requests regarding the level of education of the child, the needs of parents for additional educational services, to identify parental satisfaction with the conditions of education and training in preschool educational institutions, as well as the needs of parents to increase the volume and level of pedagogical knowledge.

The analysis of the collected personal data allowed us to build our own system of interaction with parents and children. The selection of forms of work with the family was aimed at more complete and active involvement of parents in the educational process. This approach helps to organize targeted assistance to parents, to carry out differentiated and individual interaction with the families of pupils.

Distribution of activities

Plan joint work with family for the school year

Forms of work Tasks Timing Responsible
1 Exhibition “Skilled Hands” Replenish the development environment in the group January Parents


2 Family leisure “What a good dad” Cultivate love and respect for dad. Contribute to the optimization of parent-child relationships. February educators
3 Family business card: photo, coat of arms, motto, favorite culinary recipes Involve parents in family activities February Parents
4 Holiday "Mother's Day" Cultivate love and good relations to Mom March educators


5 Meeting with specialists "Warm House" Help parents support and develop creativity in children April educators

Musical director

Fine art instructor

6 Children's and parents' living room "I, family, clan, people" Foster patriotism and tolerance April educators
7 Exhibition “Mom has Golden Hands” Reveal the best craftswomen, replenish the developing environment in the group May mothers


8 International family day. Family Hour “Look at the family as in a mirror” Invite parents to think about what they would like not only for their child, but also for themselves May Parental committee


9 Ecological subbotnik "Garden" and landscaping of the site Involve parents in the improvement of the ecological zone "Garden" and the group site May June educators


10 Children Protection Day. Day of good deeds “Visiting a fairy tale” Arouse a keen interest in a fairy tale, please children, create good mood June Parental committee
11 Exhibition indoor plants"Tsvetograd" Fill up the corner of nature. Develop aesthetic sense July Parents
12 Book - screen "Television enters the life of a baby" Help parents in choosing the right TV shows, cartoons August Senior



13 Exhibition of compositions of flowers, vegetables and natural material“It gave us summer” Involve parents in the life of preschool September Parents
14 Edition of the newspaper inseparable friends- adults and children" Reflect in the newspaper the most striking events taking place in the group September educators


15 Album - relay "What to do with a child on a day off" Increase the pedagogical knowledge of parents September Parents


16 Consultation “What and how to take a child at home” Engage parents in this issue October educators
17 Conversation "If you want to be healthy" Promote a healthy lifestyle in the family of pupils October Doctor

Art. nurse

18 Mothers Day. Talk show “Art is to love children” Help parents raise their children November educators


19 World Children's Day. Conversation “What is important to know about a child in order to understand him” Involve parents in the exchange of views on issues relevant to them November educators


Art. educate.

20 Competition "Family of the Year" Reveal the winner of the contest "Family of the Year" December educators

Library staff

21 New Year's celebration Give children joy and pleasure December educators


Means of control and ensuring the reliability of project implementation


Events (group and general garden);

Analysis of parent questionnaires;

Holidays and entertainment;

Minutes of parent meetings and consultations.

Methodological developments

To implement this project, methodological developments of various authors from the journals Preschool Education, Preschool Education, and Hoop were used.

Methods and technologies

Questioning, survey, conversations, observations;

Parent-children's living rooms;

TRIZ methods;

Methods of psychophysical conjugation;


Theatrical activities;

KTD method.

Necessary conditions for the implementation of the project

1. Interest of children and parents.

2. Availability of necessary literature.

3. Integration with specialists and other employees of the kindergarten.

Suggestions for the possible distribution of the project

In the course of working on the project, we came to the conclusion that such work with the family brings together common impressions, experiences, emotions; promotes closer contact with parents. This has a coherent educational effect on the child.

We very much hope that our work will help in interaction with the family, in the development and upbringing of the child, and will give impetus to the emergence of new forms of joint activities of the kindergarten and the parents of pupils. The result of our project was the creation of the regional club "Young Family" on the basis of our kindergarten. This is a promising form of work with parents, which allows taking into account the urgent needs of families, contributing to the formation of an active life position of all participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family, and transferring experience in raising children.

Project developer:

teacher of the senior group No. 5

Popova L.E.

2013 – 2014 academic year

Explanatory note

The first school of a growing person is the family. She - the whole world for a child, here he learns to love, endure, rejoice. The priority in the upbringing of the child belongs to the family. It is in the family that the first ideas about the world around us, responsibility and duty are formed.

In kindergarten, the baby receives his first knowledge, acquires communication skills with other children and adults, learns to organize his own activities.

Main point in the context of "Family - Kindergarten" - the personal interaction of the teacher and parents in the process of raising a child. Involving the family in the upbringing and educational process helps to improve the emotional well-being of children, enriching the educational experience of parents.

Relevance of the problem . The problem of interaction between the kindergarten and the family has always been relevant and difficult. Relevant, because the participation of parents in the lives of their children helps them see a lot, but difficult, because all parents are different, they, like children, need special approach. Working with parents, we help them see the difference between the world of children and the world of adults, overcome an authoritarian attitude towards the child, treat him as an equal to himself, and understand that it is unacceptable to compare him with other children; discover the strengths and weaknesses of the child and take them into account in solving the problems of education; show sincere interest in the actions of the child and be ready for emotional support; to understand that nothing can be done through unilateral influence, you can only suppress or intimidate the child. The family for the child is also a source of social experience. Here he finds role models, here his social birth takes place. And if we want to grow morally healthy generation, then they must solve this problem “with the whole world”: kindergarten, family, and the public.

Interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family is a combination of common goals, interests and activities in terms of the development of a harmonious and healthy child.

Allocatetwo main areas of interaction with the family:

    Increasing the level of pedagogical competence of parents through parent meetings, parent corners, folders, folders, group consultations, individual conversations.

    Involving parents in the work of the kindergarten through the organization of leisure activities.

Basic principles of organizing work with the family:

openness of the kindergarten for the family (each parent is provided with the opportunity to know and see how his child lives and develops);

    cooperation between teachers and parents in the upbringing of children;

    lack of formalism in the organization of work with the family;

    creation of an active developing environment that provides unified approaches to the development of the individual in the family and the children's team;

    diagnostics of general and particular problems in the upbringing and development of the child.

Expected results :

1. Creation of a positive emotional microclimate of interaction with parents.

2. Enrichment of the experience of interpersonal communication of children, parents and teachers.

3. Involving the family in a single educational space.

4.Increased the role of preschool as a leading link in the organization of educational work with children.

One of the indispensable conditions for education in a preschool educational institution is interaction with the families of pupils. There are traditional and non-traditionalforms of communication between the teacher and parents of preschoolers .

Traditional :

1) collective - parent meetings, conferences, etc.

2) individual - pedagogical conversations with parents, family visits;

3) visually - informational - parental corners, sliding folders, family and group albums, photo montages, exhibitions of joint works.

non-traditional :

1) informational and analytical - aimed at identifying the interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy, establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children (questionnaires, collecting information, etc.);

2) leisure - designed to establish warm trusting relationships, allow parents to see from the inside of their child, difficulties in relationships, try different trips, gain experience of interacting not only with their child, but with other parents ( joint holidays, exhibitions of handicrafts and drawings)

3) cognitive - aimed at familiarizing parents with age and psychological characteristics, the formation of parents' practical skills in raising children;

4) informational and familiarization form - familiarization with parents with the preschool educational institution, the features of its work;

5) information and educational form - aimed at enriching the knowledge of parents about the features of the development and upbringing of preschool children.

Design part

Project type : long-term, open, practice-oriented, collective

Objective of the project : organization methodical work to create conditions for interaction between preschool specialists and parents of preschoolers, involving families in a single educational space

Project objectives :

To involve parents in active participation in the educational process;

Create conditions for the formation of an external favorable educational space for preschool educational institutions;

Improving the pedagogical culture of parents;

Activation and enrichment of educational and educational skills of parents;

Development of creative abilities of children and parents.

Project object - pedagogical education parents of preschoolers.

Object subject - the content and forms of pedagogical education.

Project participants : preschool teachers, pupils and parents.

Terms of project implementation : interest of children and parents, regularity and systematic work.

Approximate long-term plan of work with parents in the senior group for 2013-2014





Design of stands and other visual propaganda

Collection of information about parents

Questioning of parents to identify requests, interests of parents when organizing services in a preschool educational institution

Organizational parent meeting: "Introduction of parents to the requirements of the program for raising children 5-6 years old in a preschool educational institution"

Consultation of a speech therapist "All about the development of children's speech"

Making a sliding folder "Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age"

Photo exhibition "How I spent my summer"

Photo album "My family"

Craft competition "Nature around us"





Speech therapist


Parents, educators



Sports entertainment "Funny starts"

Flu consultation. Prevention measures»

Competition of crafts "Police Uncle Styopa"

Folder-slider "Prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections"

Entertainment "Autumn Festival"

Physical supervisor



Music director


Exhibition of drawings "Weekend in the family"

Consultation "Clothes for children in a group"

Design of the stand “Introduction to the Convention on the Rights of the Child”

Parent meeting "With love to mom"




Involving parents in the design of the site with snow structures.

Invite parents to buy New Year's gifts.

Exhibition of New Year's gifts made by one's own hands.

Celebrating New Year's Eve.




Music director


Folder-slider "Help the children remember the rules fire safety».

Exhibition of children's works "So that there is no fire, so that there is no trouble."

Consultation “Independence of the child. Its limits"





Consultation "Hardening - one of the forms of prevention colds children"

Exhibition of children's drawings "My dad"

Conversation "Possible forms of joint recreation of parents and children"

Educators, nurse




Photo exhibition "My beloved grandmother"

Parent meeting

Folder-slider "Traditions and culture of the Syktyvdinsky region"

Folder-slider “Hyperactivity. How to deal with it"






Photo exhibition "All professions are important ..."

Consultation "All about computer games"

Consultation "Children's drawing - the key to the inner child's world»

Labor landing. Participation of parents in the improvement of the site.






Exhibition creative works"This Victory Day"

Holiday "This Victory Day"

Parent meeting "Results of the year"

Folder-slider "Caution, ticks!"

Exhibition of children's art "Ah, summer!"


Music director




Goals of events with parents:



Inform parents about programs for the upbringing and development of children in kindergarten, with the peculiarities of raising children.

Information general stands, design of parental corners

To identify the requests of parents for the organization of educational work, the collection of information on the satisfaction of parents with the quality of education and training.

Parent survey

To form common interests among parents, teach them to solve problems on their own

Parent meetings in groups: organizational "What a child of 5-6 years old should know"; "With love to mother"; "Results of the year"

Making folders-movers: "Help the children remember the rules of fire safety", "Possible forms of joint recreation of parents and children", "Traditions and culture of the Syktyvdinsky region",

Promote cooperation between parents and children in joint activities

Organization of exhibitions of works by children and parents: 1) craft competition "Nature around us", exhibition New Year's toys handmade

2) Exhibition of drawings "Weekend in the family", "So that there is no fire, so that there is no trouble", "My dad", "This Victory Day", "Ah, summer!"

3) photo albums: “How I spent the summer”, “My family”, “My beloved grandmother”, “All professions are important”

4) involvement of parents in the design of the site with snow structures, participation of parents in the improvement of the site in the spring

Familiarization of parents with the age-related psychological characteristics of preschool children

Design of folders-movers: "Age characteristics of children of senior preschool age"; “Independence of the child. Its boundaries”, “Hyperactivity. How to deal with it”, “Children’s drawing is the key to the child’s inner world”,

Establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents and children

Joint holding of holidays: "Merry Starts", "Autumn Festival", "New Year's Holiday",

Establishment trusting relationship between family and preschool

Introductory conversations

Analysis of information about families of preschoolers

Collection of information about parents

Familiarization with health promotion factors, with hardening methods in preschool and at home

Making folders - shifters: “Influenza. Prevention measures”, “Clothes for children in a group”, “Hardening is one of the forms of prevention of colds in children”, “Beware of ticks!”

Education of parents on issues speech development child

Speech therapist consultations

Stages of work

1. "Stage of public opinion ". Duration: September 2013-2014 academic year.

    Conducting a survey of parents of pupils of groups of senior preschool age to identify requests, interests, wishes in the organization of educational and educational services in a preschool educational institution;

    Drafting perspective plan events;

    Discussion of issues related to the holding of events.

2 . “The stage of direct activities with parents (legal representatives) and children. Duration: October - April 2013-2014 academic year.

Forms of the event:

parent meetings


Exhibitions of creative works of children and parents

Photo exhibitions


Master classes

Hosting fun activities with parents

Individual conversations

3. "Stage of debriefing". Deadline - May 2014. The results of the work on the project are summed up, plans for further work are determined.

Resource support

Responsible persons

Activities, powers

Results of the work

1. Teachers of the preschool educational institution

Organization of search and research activities, information support.

2. Parent team

Preparation for the holidays, support for the organization of events, stands

Active participation in all events, video and photography of events

3.Physical instructor.

Methodological support for organizing and conducting sports holidays, recreational activities.

learning various games, sports competitions

4.Music director

Methodological support for the organization and holding of holidays. Creation of a music box.

Learning songs, round dances, dance elements.

The organization of interaction with the family is a difficult job, which does not have ready-made technologies and recipes. Her success is determined by the intuition, initiative and patience of the teacher, his ability to become a professional assistant in the family.

We are not resting on our laurels, we continue to look for new ways of cooperation with parents. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. What a person is - such is the world that he creates around himself. I would like to believe that our children, when they grow up, will love and protect their loved ones.

Joint project with parents “Creating a baby book “Visiting a fairy tale”” (middle group)

Project: creation of a baby book "Visiting a fairy tale".

Project type: creative.
Project: individual, family. Parental support is expected. This helps to create an atmosphere of interest, cooperation and co-creation of children and parents.
Educational area:"Knowledge"; "Communication"; "Reading fiction"; "Artistic Creation".
By timing: short-term, designed for one week.
Project relevance: Superficial interest of parents in introducing children to fiction:
insufficient attention is paid to reading fiction by parents to children.

Replacing the book with cartoons and a computer.
An introduction to the world of art and the system of theoretical knowledge about baby books will equip project participants with artistic skills and abilities in this area. The acquired skills will help develop students' interest in fiction.
Objective of the project: awakening interest in books by creating a baby book.
Project tasks: To promote the formation of interest in books, works of fiction.
To cultivate the ability to listen and understand works of different genres, to express emotions.
Develop elements of creativity, teach how to use what you read in other activities (playing, productive, in communication).
Educate parents about the importance of reading art books in child development.
Stages of work on the project:
Working with parents: Formulation and acceptance of the purpose of the work;
The topic was proposed at the lesson: to find, read and bring to the group books of the “baby books” series. After reviewing those baby books that the pupils brought, they came to the conclusion: these books are interesting for children 4-5 years old. We decided to make our own baby books.
The work of teachers: selection required material on the topic, at the beginning of the project, educators conducted a diagnosis with parents “What do you read at home with your child?”. Parents are invited together with their children to arrange from the exhibition "My Favorite Fairy Tales".
Joint activities of parents and children: design and exhibition "Baby's Books with Your Own Hands".
Expected results: creation of a baby book "Visiting a fairy tale".
Baby book presentation. As a result of the work, an exhibition is held. This type of work contributes to the formation of procedural and productive motives, elementary methods of joint activity. Interest is maintained due to the fact that children perceive everything as a game and see the result of their work.


Klindukhova Larisa Davydovna


MADOU "Tyunevsky kindergarten" Ladushki ",

Nizhnetavdinsky district

Project start: 2011

The project continues...

Project type: long-term

problem question : The kindergarten conducted a survey of parents in the form of a questionnaire on the question "How much time do parents devote to their children in terms of games and activities, in terms of education" The results are deplorable: more than an hour - 66%, from 30 minutes to 1 hour - 14%, from 15 minutes to 30 min - 5%, from 5 min to 15 min - 15%. Moms and dads participated in the survey.

Half an hour for education is a problematic issue. Children experience a lack of attention and communication from their parents.

The reason for this phenomenon:

Excessive employment of parents;

Difficult material life;

The dominance of television programs and new computer games, the Internet;

No common interests and points of contact among family members;

Inability and unwillingness of adults to organize joint family work and recreation;

The experiences of a child rarely worry parents, especially in dysfunctional families.

Relevance of the problem :

* Due to the lack of spiritual interaction with parents, children become less emotionally responsive, less sociable and open, less inquisitive. Failure to understand the emotional needs of the child leads to the gradual accumulation of dissatisfaction in children, passivity, and the extinction of cognitive motivation.

* traditional forms work with parents (conversations, meetings, corners) give little result. We need new non-traditional forms to bring children, parents and teachers closer together. Rapprochement, contact, interaction of parents and children is necessary for the formation of moral - moral qualities and socialization of the child.

Project Goals:

* Introduce new traditional forms of work with the family.

* Close cooperation between the preschool educational institution and the family in the upbringing and development of the child.

* Creation in kindergarten psychologically comfortable conditions for emotional interaction of parents, teachers and children.

* Track how it reflects Team work parents and children on emotional condition children.

Project objectives:

1. Establishing contact with parents for a closer acquaintance with the features of family education and activating them in the life of the preschool educational institution.

2. Testing new non-traditional forms of work with the family as a factor in the positive development of the child.

3. To help parents eliminate misunderstanding of the child's emotional and need sphere through joint creative and cognitive play. Creating conditions in the garden for emotional communication between adults and children.

4. Identification and implementation of the needs of parents in pedagogical knowledge.

Project participants :

* Educators of all groups, director of the kindergarten, assistant teachers, music director

* Parents, grandparents, kindergarten students.

* Pupils of all ages.

The main forms of project implementation:

Traditional forms are divided into:


  • parent meeting,
  • conferences,
  • round tables,


  • conversations,
  • consultations,
  • home visit

visual information

  • Exhibitions,
  • stands. screens,
  • slide folders.

Non-traditional forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents


What is the purpose of this form?

Forms of communication

Information and analytical

Identification of the interests, needs, requests of parents, the level of their pedagogical literacy.

Conducting sociological sections, surveys, "Mailbox"


Establishing emotional contact between teachers, parents, children

Joint leisure activities, holidays, participation of parents and children in exhibitions, games ..


Familiarization of parents with the age and psychological characteristics of preschool children. Formation of practical skills for raising children in parents

Workshops, pedagogical briefing, pedagogical lounge, holding meetings, non-traditional consultations, oral pedagogical magazines, games with pedagogical content, pedagogical library for parents

Visual and informational: informational and familiarization; information and educational

Familiarization of parents with the work of a preschool institution, the peculiarities of raising children. Formation of parents' knowledge about the upbringing and development of children

Information pamphlets for parents, organization of days (weeks) of open doors, open viewings of classes and other activities for children. Issue of newspapers, organization of mini-libraries


When testing new forms of work with the family, a new philosophy of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents will be developed, which will allow:

* the upbringing and development of the child through the joint efforts of the preschool educational institution and the family;

* involvement of parents in joint activities with children, spiritual communication of children, parents and teachers;

* exclusion of formalities in working with parents;

* activate the work of the parent committee;

* the children for whom this project is carried out will benefit greatly.

One of the most actual forms family work in our preschool educational institution parent-child events have become: workshops, game projects, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the establishment and development of partnership and cooperation between the teacher, parent, child. And our today's work from the category non-traditional forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents, I hope, will provide practical assistance in establishing contact with the parents of pupils, identify difficulties and existing positive experience.

On the topic "Kindergarten and family: aspects of interaction" a holiday-competition "Smarts and smart girls in great-grandmother's school" was held

There are four educators in our Ladushki, and they became the key figures in the holiday-competition of teams from each group: 4 groups, four teams, each of which has: a teacher, 1 dad, 1 mom, a boy and a girl. They fought for the title of "smarts".

Preparatory work

  • Fulfillment of test tasks on family pedagogy and home education.
  • Evaluation by educators of their professional skills and qualities necessary for communicating with parents.
  • Preparation of material for parents on the theme of the holiday-competition.
  • A series of practical exercises "Communication with parents".
  • Planning and holding events (leisure, holidays, entertainment, consultations, parent meetings) aimed at forming partnerships between the staff of the preschool educational institution and parents.
  • Preparing teams for the competition

Individual work: work with children

Material: presentation with the image of the great-grandmother's Russian hut, utensils in the hut of Baba Yaga, handouts with literary texts, material for crafts, equipment for creative work.

Participants: 4 teams of 5 people from a boy, girl, dad, mom, teacher (children and parents from different families)

Event progress:

Under the soundtrack of the song "If you went on the road with a friend ..." includes 4 teams:



"good fellows"

Host (Elena the Wise):

We have an unusual day today

We are glad, so glad to welcome you!

For smart game the kids gathered

It's time for us to start

Why is the water alive in the river?

Where are the clouds going?

Why fairy birds fly

and can't get lost?

Why do fairy tales go to sleep

get up again tomorrow?

Where do bears live in winter?

Who ate a piece of the moon?

What does Emelya drive smartly?

Why do elephants trumpet?

Host (Elena the Wise)

One hundred questions, one hundred answers

What can be said here...?

I invite the main wise men

Answer questions..

Presentation "Fairytale Rus'"

Host (Elena the Wise):

It's time for us to get to know

Heroes of the day of the Olympics,

Introduce yourself, dear friends,

We all need to get to know each other.

1 competition - presentation of teams

Presenting team names

presenter: Great-grandmother's school begins its lesson.

We are now in the workshop of fairy tales!

Every fairy tale is told, played out, in every fairy tale the heroes are helped by magical flowers, kind animals, magical birds...

Dear contestants, a magic bird will help you, which you will make yourself: parents come up with, choose material, the teacher leads the creative process, and the smart ones work. Whose bird is more original, more beautiful, is chosen by the jury and fans

Presenter: in great-grandmother's school everything is like in school, now we will answer questions in writing, and not just answer - parents and children think, and the teacher writes down their answers

All for the writing lesson

Vasilisa dictates tasks

Exercise 1. Write the most common characters folk tales. (Ivan, Ivanushka the Fool, Emelya, Ivan Tsarevich, Vasilisa, Elena, Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, etc.).

Task 4. Write the magic items that are often found in fairy tales. (Flying carpet, walking boots, rejuvenating apples, self-collecting tablecloth, treasure sword, gusli-samogudy, invisibility cap, etc.).

Task 5. Write how a Russian fairy tale usually begins. (“Once upon a time ...”, “In a certain kingdom ...”, “On the sea-ocean ...”, “It was with an old man ...”, “At one (one) ...”, “Once upon a time ...”).

Task 6. Write how a Russian fairy tale usually ends. (“This is the end of the fairy tale ...”, “And now they live, they chew bread”, “They began to live, live and make good”, “I was there, drinking honey-beer ...”.)

Task 7. In Russian folklore, old Russian words are often found. Do you know them and can you translate them into modern language?

Basque - elegant, beautiful.

Brany - patterned (about fabric).

Drolya - dear, dear, beloved.

Zhito - any bread in the grain or on the vine.

Ladom - good.

To please - to try, to care.

A week is a week.

The adversary is a rival.

Presenter: in a fairy tale, heroes are always inventors, creative people, they will outwit an enemy, deceive, well, just artists. I propose to look at the miracles in the program "The Miracle Named" Theatre "".

Pantomime Proverbs:

"They do not look at a given horse's teeth".

"One head it's good, but two better".

"If you chase two hares, you won't catch one."

“Don’t open your mouth at someone else’s loaf, but get up early and start your own”

Presenter: a newspaper with ads was brought to our great-grandmother's school. Name the hero of the fairy tale who could place in the newspaper literary ad and who is its author.

  1. I offer a new trough, a hut, pillar nobility in exchange for washing machine. (The old woman from "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" by A.S. Pushkin).
  2. I lay golden eggs. Expensive. ("Ryaba the Hen" from the Russian folk tale of the same name).
  3. Lost precious metal key. (Pinocchio from the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventure of Pinocchio" by A.N. Tolstoy).
  4. Veterinary services with departure to any part of the world. (“Doctor Aibolit” from the fairy tale of the same name by K.I. Chukovsky).
  5. I'll wash everything! (“Moidodyr” from the work of the same name by K.I. Chukovsky).
  6. The travel company organizes an air travel along the milky river with kissel banks. ("Geese-swans" Russian folk tale).

Presenter: I'll tell you about this contest : "there is a wonderful country ..."

Game exercise with elements of art therapy "The sun dropped a golden ray". On large sheets educators draw the sun, parents paint over the circle of the sun with sponges, and children draw rays with their fingers

presenter: our school has foreign languages, Russian fairy tales are friends with fairy tales of different peoples. So foreigners sent us different proverbs, but I didn’t understand a single one, help good people

Translate the proverb, saying in Russian:

  • “When a lady gets out of the car, the car goes faster” (English) - “A woman with a cart is easier for a mare.”
  • "The beauty of the heart more precious than beauty faces "(Japanese) -" Do not be foldable, but be well, "Do not look for beauty, look for kindness."
  • “The head is the crown of the body, and the eyes are the best diamonds in that crown” (Azerb.) “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.”
  • “I ran from the rain, got caught in a downpour” (Arabic) - “From the fire to the frying pan.”
  • “He who asks will not get lost” (Finn.) - “Language will bring you to Kyiv.”
  • “Where there is no fruit, beetroot will pass for an orange” (Iran.) - “Fish for lack of fish and cancer.”
  • “A silent mouth is a golden mouth” (German) - “The word is silver, silence is gold.”
  • “You can’t cook rice by talking” (Chinese) - “The nightingale is not fed with fables.”

Presenter: Well, you all know, how can I outsmart you? And I came up with a movie to show you, it has a lot difficult questions, let the jury carefully follow the answers.

Presentation fairy tale quiz»

The results of the competition are being summed up.

Presenter: The time has come to part. Today we have learned something new, unfortunately, forgotten old, ancient, eternal. One a wise man said: “We forgot the old days and we wonder why it became bad.” Our ancestors carried ancient customs, brought us so much interesting, beautiful, we also will not let the fairy tale disappear, go into oblivion.

Video presentation "In the world of fairy tales"

Work experience has shown: with the use of such non-traditional activities, the position of parents has become more flexible. Now they feel more competent in raising children. Analysis joint activities and a survey of parents shows: 35% of parents regularly participate in the educational process (help during excursions, replenish the video library, participate in organizing a developing environment), 55% of families take an active part in organizing leisure activities. Parents began to show sincere interest to the life of the group, have learned to express admiration for the results and products of children's activities, to emotionally support their child. 80% of parents attend parent meetings, actively participate in holidays and entertainment, project activities. According to the results of repeated diagnostics, there are no parent-observers in the group; the number of parent-leaders has increased; the number of parent-performers has increased.

Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which gives the child social experience in its own way, but only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for the entry of a small person into Big world. For me, this became possible only thanks to the unification of forces and cooperation. Gradually, the misunderstanding and distrust of the parents disappeared. Interaction between parents and kindergarten rarely occurs immediately. This is a long process, a long and painstaking work that requires patient, steady pursuit of the chosen goal. I do not stop there, I continue to look for new ways of cooperation with parents. After all, we have one goal - to educate future creators of life. I would like to believe that our children, when they grow up, will love and protect their loved ones.


1. Video clip "There are many fairy tales in the world"

2. Video clip "Fairytale Rus'"

3. Presentation 10 Mb