Open clairvoyance in one day. How to open the gift of clairvoyance

Is it possible to instill clairvoyance in oneself, which many consider unattainable beyond the ability of only individual, as it were, chosen people? With sufficient diligence, patience and regular training, anyone can develop the ability to clairvoyance to one degree or another.

But the development of the gift of clairvoyance is not an easy task, and it will require not only the expenditure of quite a long time, but also diligent effort throughout the entire period of training. But the result will be worth all the effort! Get to know other people's thoughts true attitude to oneself or others, the ability to foresee future events - many would like to have such a gift.

What is clairvoyance?

First of all, it is hypersensitivity, the ability to sharpen one's feelings so much that usually hidden from ordinary people things they just don't pay attention to. Simply put, this is the strongest development of the perception of reality, on many levels - from the ordinary world to subtle matters and energies.

To see what others do not see is possible thanks to painstaking work on oneself.

Mandatory conditions

It is the main thing - daily work on yourself. At first, the need for regular exercise can be embarrassing and even scary. But over time, it will begin to bring real pleasure! After all, after regular classes, you can see your own progress in improving skills, success in working on your body, emotional and spiritual sphere.

In addition to developing the main gift during training, one should also work in related areas, improving the body, mind and will. Then the result from the classes will be visible much faster, and the effect will be higher. Parallel development helps to see not only the whole picture of learning, but also quickly identify possible mistakes.

The second rule is the regularity of classes. If it is not possible to complete the exercise in its entirety, it must be completed at least partially. Skipping even one workout, disrupting the rhythm of classes, will significantly move you away from your desired goal.

Third important condition- purity of thought. It is impossible to learn clairvoyance with bad or dirty thoughts. After all, the effect and speed of the result depends on the purity of karma and energy channels of a person who wants to learn the gift of clairvoyance. The purer these channels, the faster the gift will develop.

And, of course, you need to eat right, without overloading the stomach with heavy food. This rule, of course, is always important, and not only when teaching clairvoyance. But in this practice, it is simply necessary to follow it. It is necessary to limit the consumption of contaminants as much as possible. energy channels and requiring energy for assimilation, refuse heavy and fatty foods.

Other important rules You will discover for yourself as you learn and improve.

Or maybe you already have the gift of clairvoyance?

A simple and well-known test with envelopes will help to check this. You need to take 10 empty envelopes and 5 strips of red and blue colored paper. Insert one strip into each envelope. Mix and lay out on the table in a row.

Sit in a chair and relax (this is important!). Then, concentrating on each of the envelopes, pick them up in turn and try to feel what color the strip is in this envelope. It is not to try to guess, but to try to feel the color. The more answers turned out to be correct, the more developed your gift of clairvoyance.

Such the test will do and to analyze the results of work on oneself, teaching clairvoyance.

Description of the main activities

Some educators recommend learning the basics first autogenic training- to voluntarily cause different sensations in your body - weightlessness, heat, cold, etc. It is also recommended to devote some time to yoga and meditation, learn to free your consciousness.

Exercises are performed on an empty stomach. You cannot exercise if you are sick. Do not drink alcohol 2 days before training.

An activity that needs to be done daily is concentration training. It is concentration that will definitely come in handy during classes, and you can develop it well with the help of Trataka - the practice of concentrating attention on a point or object. To begin with, it is better to choose a simple object or draw a black dot on a white paper sheet.

The object for concentration must be placed at eye level and at a distance outstretched hand.

Sit down, take 5 minutes to completely relax. The eyes should be relaxed during the exercise. You can't blink. You need to start looking at the object for a short period of time. For beginners, a minute is enough. You don't need to strain your eyes. After regular practice, the time will increase.

Having learned to concentrate on an object, we complicate the task. Now the first half of the time (about 10 minutes) you need to focus on the object, and the second - on its image in your thoughts.

Photo training. You need a photo of a friend, from whom you can later learn about the events that happened to him in the near future. You need to concentrate on this photo, asking yourself mentally questions about this person. Relax for 2 - 3 minutes, trying to be in a state of complete thoughtlessness. Remember those images and words that will appear in the mind in these 2 - 3 minutes. Training should last 15 - 20 minutes, every day for a week.

Then you can ask a friend about his life, confirm or refute your insights.

One learns to see the aura by inviting an assistant for the exercise. In the room, create twilight, sit comfortably, completely relax. Focus on the area near the assistant's head (at any point at a distance of 15 - 20 cm), do not strain your eyesight, do not try to look at anything on purpose. Perform 30 - 40 minutes, every day. Feeling tired, stop training - it means that perception has begun to change.

Clairvoyance through objects. Exercise is like concentration. You should sit on a chair opposite the wall (it should be at arm's length), relax. Focus on a point slightly above eye level (“third eye”), stare without blinking for about 20 minutes. Let's defocus our eyes and look at the wall, also for at least 20 minutes. After that, you need to see the same point, but behind the wall, as if through.

We have found for you a training video on the development of the gift of clairvoyance:

Mankind has long suspected the existence of several worlds. But only a few manage to see them and even more so to communicate with those who live there. In our world, they become known as "magician", "genius", "clairvoyant". Of course, many of them received their gift from birth and put a lot of effort into its development. But if you have long dreamed of gaining superpowers and were looking for a way to develop clairvoyance, then know that your search is not in vain. After all, this ability is available to everyone.

There is a theory according to which our Universe is multi-layered, there are various dimensions in it. They are superimposed on each other and can exist in the same area of ​​space. The closest to us is the astral dimension, which we still sometimes call the Subtle World or the world of energies.

And since any matter exists on the basis of energy, this layer permeates our entire world, being its inseparable part. In this dimension, a person exists in the form of a subtle (astral) body. And this hypostasis takes place regardless of whether a person believes in it or not. And the manifestation of such a superpower as clairvoyance allows you to create strong connections between the physical and subtle bodies, open an information channel.

A person with the gift of clairvoyance is able to see not only his past, but also the future. And he knows how to get answers to many important questions and gain confidence in their actions.

After all, the one who is able to clearly see the goal, knows the right way to achieve it. A person can receive this information through his extrasensory perception, for the development of which various exercises are used. Anyone can master this ability, and work to open the “third eye” will help to strengthen it.

"Third eye" or the ability to see the invisible

This ability is sometimes called astral vision. It is provided for in the structure of the soul of any person and, if desired, can be developed. Thanks to it, a person is able not only to see the Subtle World and communicate with those who inhabit it, but also to receive all necessary information about yourself, other people, the universe and so on.

However, before discovering this ability, it is important to ask the question: what is it for? If the matter is simple curiosity or the desire to impress others with your abilities, then it is better not to do this.

You can perform exercises with the “third eye” only for the purpose of self-development and comprehending the secrets of the universes in order to improve your karma. Moreover, the development of this ability will help self-healing, knowledge and correction of one's own and others' karma, and so on. But all this can be achieved only in the case of a serious and responsible attitude to their capabilities. Otherwise, you may be waiting for best case- disappointment, and at worst - a psychiatric hospital.

A person should discover such a gift in himself only when he is ready for it. After all, the boundaries of his worldview, thinking and existence will simply disappear, revealing the truth to him. And not everyone is ready to accept and understand it.

Clairvoyant powers can take several forms. The most common are the following:

Opening the "third eye". These abilities are concentrated in the energy center (chakra) Ajna, which is located at a point between the eyebrows. They allow a person to see the structural features of the Subtle World, its energy and the creatures that live in it, to observe their actions. It also makes it possible to see the human aura in real time.

Inner vision.

This ability is more complex and represents the ability of a person to receive information in “pictures”, which, as if on TV, are transmitted to his “internal screen”. According to people who have this skill, it is as if they are watching a movie while in a special "altered" state.


This gift helps to hear the sounds, music that exist in the Subtle World, as well as answers to questions that are asked to the Patrons.
Opening of the information channel. A person with this ability has a special connection with the Higher powers, their patronage. He is sent ready-made answers to many questions that in the form of thoughts arise from nowhere in his head. This is often referred to as an insight that visits gifted people.

Other abilities.

There is also clairvoyance (the ability to distinguish energies by smell, when kindness smells pleasant, and anger is repulsive), clairvoyance (different energies acquire a different taste), and so on.

People have been interested in the reality of the existence of the gift of clairvoyance for a long time. Someone believes in what he is and wonders

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance?

But there are those who doubt it. However, if you think about it, almost everyone can give an example of the manifestation of these abilities in their own lives.

For example, when you suddenly wake up at night, as if from a jolt, lie there for a couple of seconds with a lack of understanding of what woke you up, and then a loud sound is heard. This situation happens when you receive a message about a future event through information channels and are already ready for it to happen.

Also proof of clairvoyance is the existence of prophetic dreams. Surely it happened to every person that the “pictures” seen in a dream soon appeared in real life. Of course, not every dream is prophetic, but the ability to independently predict the future in this state is flip side traveling through the Subtle World during sleep.

All existing accidents and coincidences in your life happen for a reason. All of them are the result of your desire to establish a connection with your subtle body and open, expand information channels.

Clairvoyance of great people

Many famous scientists and people of art used the gift of clairvoyance and made their most high-profile discoveries. They did not hesitate to admit that the impetus for the emergence of a new idea was some internal clues that came out of nowhere. And all because psychic abilities allow you to look at the world more broadly and see the truth that is hidden for those who do not want to know it.

This gift can manifest itself only in a special state of mind, when it is possible to open information channels and thus obtain special knowledge.

For example, the famous scientist René Descartes was able to make most of his discoveries under the influence of similar condition. What, by the way, he was not afraid to admit. The main clues he received from his dreams, and they made him famous.

Another physicist, Niels Bohr, also told an interesting story. Human, for a long time in search of understanding the structure of the atom, was finally able to see it in his dreams. The scientist described a vision in which he was on the Sun, around which the planets circled, and the subtlest connections were observed between them. So Bohr was able to understand and imagine the structure of the atom, which became one of the greatest discoveries of that time.

The gift of clairvoyance can appear suddenly, under the influence of stress or a dangerous situation. Developing these abilities can change your life and improve the lives of loved ones. You just need to develop your abilities using special exercises. Think: if great people did this spontaneously, then is it really impossible for a person who sets a goal to achieve it?

Of course your main obstacle there will be a system of education and patterns and rules imposed by society. But clairvoyance involves going beyond, and for this you need to prepare. The more you believe in yourself and your strengths, the easier the process will go learning.

But remember that you must be prepared for the consequences. After all, the possession of any gift is a responsibility that must be realized and which cannot be neglected. If you set out to discover your abilities, then be prepared for this. Otherwise, there may be consequences that adversely affect your health.

Remember that you need to move along this path gradually, step by step. A sharp jump - and you are no longer in control of the situation. Do not believe those who promise you a rapid development of clairvoyance. People who actually practice this kind of cultivation know that it's important not to quick result and confidence in every new step. First, begin to study the methods of developing the gift on your own. And only when you reach a level where you can not move on, you can resort to the help of a mentor.

Clairvoyant abilities are available to many saints, hermits living in seclusion, Indian yogis, Buddhist monks and other special people. What unites them? Striving to be better, achieve more high level spiritual development and the ability to think outside the box. They all try to cleanse themselves of filth and learn to be in harmony with the world around them. And special exercises help them with this:

Regular meditation

It allows you to calm the mind of a person, clear thoughts from the "husk" and learn to concentrate on your inner vision. This is one of the most effective methods on the development of clairvoyance, since it involves working with a variety of images that should appear on the "inner screen".

aura vision

To do this, you need to peer at some object for about 15 minutes, carefully studying its contours. Most best effect will be the case if you do it at dusk. Over time, you will be able to see a small haze that will envelop the selected item. This will be the aura. Then you can move on to the study of parts of the human body, which will allow you to learn to distinguish the layers (colors) of the aura. When working with a person training go where faster.

Working with the "inner screen"

You can observe images, landscapes, and pictures if you learn to peer into the inside of your eyelids. To do this, it is necessary to systematically try to see the images that arise there with your eyes closed. At first it may be dots, lines, but over time, clearer pictures will appear. The more often you can do the exercises to study the "inner screen", the faster you will be able to develop clairvoyance.

Crystal ball work

You are probably familiar with the traditional image of fortune-tellers and magicians who are able to read the past, present and future through a crystal ball. And these are not only fairy tales, but also a real opportunity to develop your gift. Any transparent surface can act as such a "ball". For example, a glass of water. It will serve as a lens in the so-called "astral tube". With its help you will be able to see the Subtle World, its inhabitants and everything that happens in it. It is enough to train systematically. To begin with, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts, and then imagine how an information channel opens inside you. Look into the water column. Over time, you will be able to see events and people in it, piercing space and time.

Follow the exercises described regularly to get the desired effect. But in addition to practical skills, there is a list of necessary conditions that will make it easier for you to develop the gift of clairvoyance.

In order for your exercises that you intend to perform to develop your abilities to be more effective, you need to follow several requirements:

Understand purpose and motive

Before discovering a gift in yourself, you definitely need to know for what purpose you are doing this. Higher powers will ask you about it and it is better that your answers are precisely formulated. Remember that both Light and Dark forces can bestow you. In the second case, you can receive your gift very quickly, but then you may be required to pay for it (your health or your loved ones, and even their lives). Please think about this before asking them.

Required amount of energy

To work in this direction, you must be prepared for a large expenditure of energy. Therefore, you need, firstly, to think over the source of its replenishment (running, meditation), and secondly, to limit its inappropriate consumption (stresses, emotional breakdowns).

Healthy lifestyle

To open a channel, you need to clear yourself of bad habits(alcohol, smoking) and start eating right. After all, in healthy body a healthy (strong) spirit also dwells!

Closing karmic debt

If in past life you have done many deeds to the detriment of people, then until you redeem your debt, a ban on the discovery of these abilities has been imposed on you.

Every day, a sea of ​​questions of interest to him rushes through the mind of a person, knowing the answers to which, he would avoid mistakes and achieve success, gain confidence in his actions, penetrate the world of the mysterious, help himself and others. Fortunately, for those wishing to have clairvoyance, there are many methods for developing this skill, although with the advancement and improvement of talent, a qualified mentor will be required.

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      Benefits of Clairvoyance

      Clairvoyance - the ability to receive information in an unconventional way, which remains inaccessible to most others. Sometimes a person has clairvoyance from birth. But there is another possibility of gaining clairvoyance, when talent comes after hard training and daily work above oneself. There are several techniques for developing clairvoyance, for which good intuition and sensitivity are desirable. People who see prophetic dreams and foresee danger have advantages in this respect over ordinary people.

      • With the acquisition of sensitivity, the owner of the gift will become able to notice and understand the hidden. He will expand his vision with a vision of other worlds, energy shells of people and animals, predict important events in life, their own and loved ones. Clairvoyance covers various areas life, and with its acquisition, a person moves to a qualitatively different level of thinking, perception, development, and opportunities.

        Types of superpowers:

        • The developed ability of the "third eye" allows you to see the energy coloring of a person in real time, the creatures living in him from subtle world, watch them.
        • Inner vision is the ability to receive images inside according to incoming information. According to people who practice inner vision, it is as if they are watching a movie in an altered state of consciousness.
        • Clairaudience - allows you to hear sounds from the subtle world, as well as answers to questions.
        • The opening of an information channel, called "insight" - is able to receive ready-made answers to many questions that come in the form of thoughts as if from nowhere.
        • Clairvoyance, clairvoyance and other abilities - the ability to distinguish the quality of energy by a pleasant or repulsive "smell", "taste", sensations of other organs of perception.

        The extraction of information from the information field can be direct and with the help of an intermediary. One of the simple and safe methods The development of clairvoyance is work with the subconscious, which acts as an intermediary, "colored" only in the personality of the person himself.

        People who are gifted or "punished" by the sudden manifestation of clairvoyant abilities do not have the ability to regulate this process. A systematic approach to learning allows you to control awakening abilities. Daily meditation practices and special exercises will help in the development of intuition and clairvoyance.

        The necessary conditions

        Before you start learning, you must meet a number of conditions:

        • Be aware of your motives and goals. Depending on them, light or dark entities can connect to the channel of perception. The desire to develop the gift of clairvoyance is justified only by the goal of self-development, redemption of karma, knowledge of the laws of the Universe, and not by simple curiosity. It depends on the purity of thoughts how quickly the practitioner will be able to open the information channel, as well as what the consequences of its development will be. After all, the possession of a gift is a responsibility that cannot be neglected. With the growth of abilities, the ego will try to take over the personality, which is unacceptable. One should maintain modesty, tolerance towards others and exactingness towards oneself.
        • Be careful during the practice to avoid irreversible consequences. The help of an experienced mentor is recommended. First, you should start studying the methods of developing the ability on your own, and after a while, resort to the help of a specialist. He will prevent possible mistakes, tell you how to adjust your workouts in the best way.
        • In the development of superpowers, consistency and confidence in each step are important, not speed. People who promise to develop the gift of clairvoyance in three days offer services of dubious quality.
        • To work in this direction, you will need a willingness to spend a lot of energy, for which you should consider the sources of its replenishment (meditation, physical activities), reduce untargeted energy costs (stress).
        • To open the information channel, you need to prepare yourself physically: cleanse the body of harmful products habits and eating right. Light food of plant origin is preferred. In addition, overeating can close energy channels. And before class, it is better to refuse food.
        • To develop clairvoyance, one should not miss a day of training: constancy, stability and regularity will ensure progress towards the desired goal. Stagnation is destructive in everything. But overexertion is just as destructive as neglect of training.
        • It is recommended to study sciences related to extrasensory perception, maintain an open mind and heart, strive for new knowledge, developing the "multidimensionality" of consciousness, non-standard thinking, which is important in the ability of unbiased perception, understanding complete picture teachings.
        • Clairvoyance should be developed by moving from simple to complex. Having achieved the result in the planned - to complicate the goal.
        • Karmic background. If in the past a person has harmed others a lot, the likelihood of discovering superpowers remains doubtful until the guilt is redeemed. The initial data determines the possible degree of development of skills: what one is able to comprehend in 7 days, another will have to master several months. Experts also advise paying attention to the astrological inclinations of a person by his date of birth before starting to train clairvoyance.

        Concentration, meditation, source of energy

        Concentration. First necessary condition in order to develop the gift of clairvoyance - this is the ability to concentrate. Attention is important in any field of activity. The ability to stop thoughts and abstract from body sensations is very valuable - this is the first step towards clairvoyance. Good to use for training special item on which the eye will be focused. An important condition for concentration: blinking is not allowed. The body, the inner state, the eyes should be relaxed. The desired environment is dim lighting, silence or soft music in a room, a quiet place.

        Meditation. According to psychics, in a state of physical rest are activated energy flows, with which you can open access to hidden information. You should start with two minutes, gradually increasing the time of meditation. Some experts recommend learning the basics of autogenic training - evoking various sensations in the body at will: weightlessness, heat, cold. Part of the time is recommended to devote to yoga and meditation, the ability to free your mind.

        Source of energy replenishment. Psychics involved in self-development have their own source of replenishment of energy resources. Lethargy and ill health absolutely do not contribute to advancement in the development of talent. Depending on the level reached, these are various spiritual practices, yoga, the development of energy centers and other ways of obtaining energy from outer space.

        True believers have established channels of communication and communication with higher powers, purity of thoughts allows them to climb to such a level without auxiliary "tools": these are monks, ascetics and other spiritual masters. With the release of a person beyond himself and his capabilities, the question of a source that provides energy will certainly arise. Reading the relevant literature at the same time will become a kind of stage of self-development in general, including the sphere of clairvoyance.

        Effective Exercises

        The main purpose of the exercises is to develop paranormal abilities, expand consciousness, establish a connection with the subconscious, which will constantly send useful information.

        • As an initial practice, you should get a photo of a familiar person, and, concentrating all your attention on it, ask a question concerning him. From this moment, you need to wait a couple of minutes, watching the images, thoughts that appear before your eyes, sounds. Pause for a few minutes, then repeat the procedure. Repeat the cycle until the images become extremely clear, and the answer to the question posed emerges in them. When meeting with a friend - ask him about the events last days to check the prediction result.
        • Exercise "Borderline State": consciously enter a state of half-sleep. As soon as this state is mastered, you can practice training by asking the subconscious mind a question that disturbs the soul at night. The answer will come in the form of words, thoughts, images. A similar technique with pronouncing the date of the event of interest, past or future, can be used to clarify the features of what happened. If the information concerns a person, it is necessary to clearly visualize his image.
        • "Hypnographic images": sit in a comfortable still position, relax the body and calm the mind, close the eyes, and then observe the images that appear on the back of the eyelids. You have to allow yourself to see the "film" with all the fuzzy spots and lines, images and their changes coming from the subconscious. The purpose of the exercise is to be in a light trance, avoiding sleep, to maintain ordinary contemplation, and then the images will become more distinct. If you have to get out of the state, it is enough to make a sharp movement. The clarity of the images will allow you to check the success of the practice.
        • An exercise in seeing the "aura": focus on a small object and try to see its radiation with the inner eye. If you practice on people, over time you can learn to distinguish color shades their auras, as well as other living beings and objects. Train 10 days for 10 minutes daily. Thanks to this ability, it is possible to understand the nature of the interlocutor and his features at a glance.

        V. Bronnikov's technique activates strengths of a person: the first stage is to learn relaxation in order to easily enter into desired states; the second is to evoke various images in the head; final stage- see the world with eyes closed.

        Concentration exercises:

        • Focusing on dark dot. Select the desired object for concentration of attention, external or internal. It is advisable for a beginner to work with simple household items. The point should be located at arm's length, the eyeballs should be relaxed. You can't blink. After a few weeks, it is worth concentrating on the internal image for no more than half an hour.
        • Workouts with colored stripes. Prepare ten opaque envelopes with stripes of various colors. In a relaxed state, try to correctly identify one color out of two, out of three, and so on.
        • Working with a crystal ball. For training any will do transparent material or a vessel with water, on which it is necessary to concentrate the gaze, peering into its layers. The mind needs to be freed from unnecessary thoughts, tuning in to the information channel. With practice, it will be possible to distinguish images from the subtle world in it, to see events and people through space and time.

        Exercises for the third eye area

        Before opening the third eye, one should clearly understand the motive and result of this opportunity. Not everyone is ready to erase the boundaries of their worldview and accept the truth. One of the abilities of clairvoyance is the "opening of the third eye", the activation of the frontal energy center (Ajna chakra), concentrated in the area between the eyebrows.

        List of exercises:

        • "Massage for the third eye." Create a comfortable atmosphere with no noise and a minimum of light; in a sitting or lying position, look as far as possible up, and then, by the same analogy, down. The exercise takes about 15 minutes to complete, it should be practiced daily.
        • "Circumference": with the help of rotation of the eyeballs, draw an imaginary circle clockwise and in the opposite direction; look straight ahead; inside oneself - at the level of the head; back. At the end of the exercise, stay for a few minutes with your eyes closed, feel your body. The area of ​​the brain corresponding to the location of the third eye receives an excellent "massage" and works effectively throughout the day.
        • "Through vision": the exercise will teach you to see hidden from the physical gaze inside objects. Settle down from the wall at arm's length and peer at a point on it just above eye level, without blinking - about 20 minutes. Then you need to look at the wall with a defocused look, also giving the technique about 20 minutes. In conclusion, visualize the same point, but with reverse side walls the same length of time.
        • "View from a distance". Imagine an "astral tube" and use it to pierce the distances on the way to the desired object. For example, "moving" from a room chair to an office computer will be accompanied by thoughts and internal images, analyzing which, you can correctly plan your actions on a tangible path to your destination.

        How to learn to feel the human aura

        The psychic is faced with the task of not only seeing the aura, but also being able to influence it, change it, help people cope with problems, be treated correctly, and so on. Vibrations emanating from a diseased organ are strikingly different from the radiation of a healthy one.

        In seeing the aura, an "assistant" will help, a person who has agreed to perform the exercises. Indoors, subdued lighting is desirable for relaxation. The practitioner directs a concentrated look at the assistant's head area, a point 20 centimeters distant. You should not strain your eyesight, nor should you try to look at something on purpose. Daily exercise for half an hour is recommended. If you feel tired, given the change in perception, the training should be stopped.

        A similar exercise is the development of sensitivity of the palms. Through touch, it is possible to obtain information about the state of people's health, read data from objects.

        The following practices at home will help with this:

        • provide yourself with up to 5 to 7 minutes of absolute calm;
        • index finger rest the left hand on the center of the right palm;
        • concentrating on sensations, immerse yourself exclusively in them;
        • change hands.

        Exercise involves the activation of points on the hands that are used for treatment and effects on the body.

        With the development of the sensitivity of the palms, you can proceed to the second exercise, which will help develop sensitivity to the aura:

        • spread your arms, bent at the elbows or straight, shoulder width apart;
        • gradually bring the palms closer, as if for cotton, without closing them completely;
        • return your hands to their original positions.

        Focus on one subject:

        • every day, hold your gaze on the subject for 10 minutes;
        • keep your gaze on it until the physical world ceases to "dissolve" and disappear like fog.

        The task is to learn to merge with the subject, to contemplate it from the inside.

        Working with intuition

        Internal frameworks always hold back the development of intuition. If you try to explain every movement of the soul logically, this will bring discomfort in self-expression, and then you can come to a state where the soul does not manifest itself. Listening to the voices of the crowd, it is impossible to hear your own inner voice. And the sixth sense, as well as the muscles of the body, tend to train.

        Experts and specialists in the field of clairvoyance urge you to trust your intuition. The sixth sense is the main tool of the clairvoyant. Many sports able to anticipate events, but those who develop the ability to receive hidden information consciously become clairvoyant. In order to open this page in your life, sometimes only an organizational component is required: every morning to pay attention to the questions: “what is there, around the corner?”, “what will I get with the first option of events, and what with the second?”, and before than to take a step, see, hear, feel - first ask intuition.

        In addition to communicating with like-minded people and reading specialized literature, everyday practice matters: for some, these are envelopes with photographs or questions, for others, throwing a die with guessing numbers, and the like. The role of daily activities is not discussed: development is possible only under the condition of training.

        Success in any development is gained by a person who is self-confident. Confidence must be drawn from internal resources, not from other people. You should not allow destructive criticism in your address, punish yourself for mistakes: this directly prevents the discovery of intuition.

        In solving any problem, it is useful to move away from it to a "safe" distance. Only then will the search and use of the solution be productive, will it be possible to confirm the "flair" or logic by a comprehensive consideration of the issue.

        Mastering exercises for the development of clairvoyance expands consciousness and helps to easily find non-standard solutions problematic situations. The further a person reveals the abilities of clairvoyance, the more individual his path becomes. A person acquires an understanding of the visible, disposes of the knowledge available to the elect, lives a rich, vibrant life of a happy person.

After watching the next series of the popular mystical TV show, on the well-known channel, most of us, for sure, thought about how to develop clairvoyance in ourselves.

Can a common person to become a medium, to acquire abilities that are not available to other people? This question arises in the minds of many people.

The answer is simple and obvious. Yes maybe. A person can absolutely everything - if he does not put a spoke in his own wheels. Dear readers, have you ever wondered why some always succeed and Lady Fortune favors them, while others fail no matter what they do? And it seems that they are not stupider than the first category of people, they have a proper education, but they do not live the life they want to live.

Why is this happening? Let's figure it out. And everything happens this way only because a person in his head predicts himself unpleasant situations. The brain of most people works - negatively. And at first, a negative scenario of the development of events scrolls in my head.

Perhaps, if you are observant and able to analyze your own behavior and the behavior of other people, you have noticed that troubles usually stick to those who constantly think about them or speak out loud. Such people, as if themselves, in their subconscious, program themselves for failure.

Our subconscious works in such a way that, like a sponge, it constantly absorbs information from the outside world. You may not notice it, but everything that you have ever heard or seen is remembered by your subconscious and stored in a special memory cell until better times. Perhaps, when it is useful.

Moreover, the subconscious has no filters, it is not given to it to understand the good or bad in front of it, it, like a caring owner, stores all the information. But from personal experience, we all know that bad things are remembered much faster. And it is remembered much longer than good.

In the head of every person, negative beliefs and attitudes are constantly created that significantly complicate our lives. By getting rid of them, we will rid ourselves of limitations.

Topic of this article 5 effective ways how to develop clairvoyance. And what about the negative attitudes in our head?

Everything is very simple. Before you begin to develop some kind of super ability in yourself, you must put things in order in your head, deal with your thoughts, limiting beliefs. Otherwise, nothing will come of your undertaking - to develop a super ability in yourself, your negative beliefs will limit you. You have to get rid of them.

It's not at all difficult to do this. It is enough to sit down, relax your body, try to calm your mind, if it is easier for you to relax, close your eyes. Sit like this for five minutes. Get away from the constant hustle and bustle outside world, stay these five minutes alone with yourself. Then start thinking about your limiting beliefs. Do it mentally.

Consider, for example, why you can't make as much money as you really need. What's stopping you? What limits you?

The answers will immediately pop up in your head. And you can easily identify your limiting beliefs. You need to rethink them, you should not be lazy here, you need to approach this matter with maximum diligence. You can write down all your limiting beliefs on a piece of paper and burn it, at this moment mentally imagine that along with this sheet, you are burning and erasing all limiting beliefs. The technique is very effective and will definitely help you.

Don't neglect this technique. Clearing your head of negative beliefs is very important point which should never be skipped. This applies not only to the development of beyond skills, but also to any other.

If you have problems with health, finances, relationships, then for sure, you have limitations that prevent you from getting everything you want from life. Do this simple technique and you will see how miraculously your life will change.

Now that the barriers and obstacles have been removed, we can begin to unleash our superpowers. You can develop absolutely any ability, but in this article we will talk about 5 effective ways to develop clairvoyance.

Anyone can become a clairvoyant. There are special simple exercises that will help you achieve this goal.

Why is this needed? You will be able to predict events, avoid many mistakes, see the future and the past, help people, prevent terrorist attacks, disasters, save loved ones from trouble. The ability is very useful, many psychics earn very good money on this ability.

How to develop clairvoyance?

It is important to understand that the ability to clairvoyance is not something mystical or unusual, it is inherent in every person. Previously, everyone had such abilities and this did not surprise anyone, but then, by virtue of different reasons, these abilities were lost, and passed into a dormant state. Your task with special exercises wake up your abilities and put them to your service.

For clairvoyance and the discovery of others unique abilities, according to scientists, the pineal gland is responsible. It is also called the third eye. Therefore, for our ability to see clearly, the pineal gland itself must be activated.

A big plus of the activation of the pineal gland is its ability to rejuvenate the body. But you need to take the exercises seriously. You must understand that this is not done in 1 day, it can take you from 1-3 months. You need to be patient and not retreat from the chosen path. Then you will succeed.

A very common myth is that in order to activate the 3rd eye, you definitely need to find a teacher who already has it activated. This is partly true, but only partly, this myth was launched by the esotericists themselves in order to get your money into their pockets.

In fact, everyone can activate the pineal gland, and you can do it yourself, at home. All you need is perseverance and faith in positive result.

It is important to avoid doubts and not predict an unfavorable outcome of events. It’s not in vain that we did a technique to clear our limiting beliefs. In order to get a positive experience and reveal our ability to clairvoyance, one should not doubt and allow the thought that something might not work out.

When a person does not believe in himself, experiences anxiety, fear, doubt, distrust, the third eye will never open. Even if a miracle happens and you manage to activate it in this state, it will not work at full capacity.

But to activate the ability to clairvoyance, this is only a small fraction of what remains to be done. To your unusual eye did not fall asleep again, you need to constantly use it and develop it. This is the same as with human body If a person is not physically involved in sports, then his muscles begin to grow decrepit over time.

So we come to the main topic of this article, below are 5 effective ways how to develop clairvoyance:

Method 1

Most the right way to quickly activate the pineal gland is.

We sit or lie down as you like, be sure to wear clothes that will not cause you discomfort during meditation. Ventilate the room, in a stuffy, heated room, it will be difficult to relax. Doing a few deep breaths. Inhale as deeply as possible through the nose and slowly through the mouth.

Feel some degree of relaxation in your body. Close your eyes. Now for a while, silently say the word Relax until your body begins to relax and calm down. This is the basic exercise.

Now, if you can visualize, imagine yourself in some quiet place where you feel comfortable and well. Now we focus on the area between the eyebrows and mentally pronounce ACTIVATION.

At the same time, you need to consciously understand that you want to activate your ability to clairvoyance. If you are on the right way you will feel heat and pressure in the area of ​​the third eye. The first time you may not succeed, but do not give up your attempts.

Do this for at least 15 minutes every day. At first, you won't see anything but darkness and emptiness, but with time and practice, you will begin to see pictures. First black and white, then continuing training - color.

Method 2

Remaining in basic condition. You should be relaxed and there should be no extraneous thoughts in your head that can distract you. Imagine in front of you the image of the creator, god and ask him to activate your ability. Be sure to say that you will only use it for good. This should be done every day, at least 3 times, for 2-3 months.

Method 3

Now there are many different audio programs that help to reveal your super powers. This method is for lazy people. Put on headphones and listen to audio music, which contains hidden suggestions, which are introduced into the subconscious and do work there.

Such programs are not cheap, but they also help in developing your abilities. But keep in mind that if you listen passively without making an effort to activate, the effect will be negligible. These programs only work if you consciously participate in the process.

Method 4

Get help from a knowledgeable person. Having a teacher, although not necessary, will greatly increase your chances of success. But now there are a lot of charlatans, so the choice of a teacher must be approached very carefully. So that you are not deceived.

Method 5

The easiest way. Every person has a subconscious that hears you 24 hours a day. It is your faithful trusted friend who is ready to help you with anything you ask. We enter the base state. And we mentally say something like this:

Dear subconscious, I know that you hear me now and are ready to help me. Please activate my third eye for the benefit of myself and others. Thank you.

It is desirable to support the request with a bright picture in your head. Imagine the activation of your pineal gland. In most cases, you will feel pressure in the 3rd eye. You return to your normal state. The subconscious has heard you and will surely fulfill your request.

Despite the fact that the methods are very simple and at first glance, they look frivolous, they have a tremendous effect. Already after 2 weeks of such exercises, you will notice that you begin to see vague images with your eyes closed, you will begin to have lucid dreams. The main thing is not to be afraid of this and do not give up your exercises.

That's all. As they say, everything ingenious is simple. Is not it?

Books on how to develop clairvoyance

The shops:

We have provided you with all the ways to develop clairvoyance. Now it's up to you - diligence, practice, faith, and there will undoubtedly be a result. We believe in you!

Write your results in the comments to this article and share the information with your friends.

To all those who wish to develop clairvoyance, we offer three unique and simple ways. By practicing every day, you can find the treasured gift, but you need to be ready for it.

The development of clairvoyance through a state of rest

No wonder meditation helps open the third eye. As psychics explain, the fact is that during the state of bodily rest, internal energy flows begin to activate, which open access to hidden information. In fact, the first way is connected precisely with the activation of your inner forces. If you have never tried meditation, you can practice simple meditations for beginners, such as candlelight meditation. This will be your first on the path to clairvoyance.

You can start this exercise for the development of clairvoyance in a lightweight version. It is especially suitable for those who have never practiced anything like this before. Before going to bed, lying with your eyes closed in a position that is comfortable for you, pay attention to those colored lines and shapes that your consciousness draws. Try to understand and understand them. This will be your first step towards discovering your inner gift.

Gradually, this exercise will become more difficult. Try to do it while sitting in a comfortable position and a place convenient for you. Start with a minute or two and gradually increase to five or seven or more, but it is advisable to limit yourself to 10 minutes of this state. This method is somewhat dangerous, since an inexperienced person can enter a rather strong trance, from which it is sometimes difficult to get out.

How to learn to feel the human aura

Another way to develop clairvoyance is to increase the sensitivity of the hands. With the help of touch and perception of sensations through the palms, you can receive information about the biofields of people and read information from objects. But this will require daily practice, in which the following exercises will help you.

The first exercise is actually some starting point in the practice of reading the aura. Accept comfortable posture and try to make sure that no one bothers you for 5-7 minutes. Open your right palm and place the index finger of your left hand on its center. Try at this moment to concentrate on your feelings without thinking about anything. Then change hands. Of course, this is due to the points on the hands, which are also used to treat the body and influence it. You can familiarize yourself with them in more detail by practicing mudras.

The second exercise must be performed already having a certain sensitivity of the hands. Spread your arms shoulder-width apart (arms can be bent at the elbows) and gradually bring your palms together, as if you want to clap. Without folding your palms together, hold them at a small distance from each other, and then return your hands to their original positions. This is how you develop your sense of the aura.

An effective way to see the hidden

An easy but time consuming exercise. Each stage is ideally given 20 minutes, but for beginners to develop clairvoyant abilities, it is advisable to reduce the time. The exercise consists in the correct examination of the wall and concentration of attention, which later help to activate the third eye.

Move closer to the wall, about arm's length. The first step is to find a point that is just above the line of your eyes. Fix your attention on it and try not to blink. Then comes the second stage, which is the opposite of this. You sort of defocus your vision. Try to cover the entire wall with your eyes, without focusing on anything.

The last part of the exercise will already involve your internal forces. Behind the wall is some point that you have to imagine. Concentrate on it and try to "see" it. Of course, you need intuition. If you notice that it works poorly for you, then try to develop it with the help of effective exercises.

Remember that clairvoyance is sometimes dangerous: after all, you will not always see pleasant creatures and events. So develop your gift carefully. Good luck to you and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.10.2016 01:09

Reach inner harmony necessary for every person. This is an essential condition for success and...