The best compliments to a woman. Compliments to a girl in verse

It feels like kindness is concentrated in your lovely hands: your touch makes you feel warm and cozy. Your amazing features attract me like a magnet and give me hope for a wonderful continuation of our story. Your sincere kindness captivates and disarms, forcing me to open up. Yours is unusually rich inner world captivates and captivates. An amazing, perfect combination of beauty, and it’s all you... Even the features of the beautiful Cleopatra fade before the beauty of your face. You are like a fresh flower, created by nature at the moment when she was in the best mood. You have no flaws, you are an example of an ideal woman, in whom beauty and kindness are wonderfully combined - the rarest cocktail. It’s not often that you meet an interesting person with whom it’s pleasant to talk on any topic and who can find mutual language with anyone. But you pleasantly surprised me; it’s impossible not to listen when you speak. Interesting people- this is a rarity and a highlight modern society, so they need to be valued and protected. There are very few in the world good people capable of selflessly coming to the rescue, supporting and comforting. And it’s very nice that you are just such a person! Your hands give warmth, your eyes warm with kindness, and your voice comforts and sounds more melodic than classics. And the greatest happiness is knowing you! You smile and it starts pouring rain positive emotions and bright impressions! You smile and this world covers patchwork quilt goodness and genuine happiness! It’s getting warmer, the stars are lighting up in the sky, a sweet haze is floating in the air... Smile more often, my love! I really like a lot about you, but I can’t take my eyes off your eyes, so piercing, daring and at the same time enchanting. The depth of your two dark blue pools cannot be described in words, but believe me, I am absolutely sure that they are the most amazing beautiful eyes in the world. I look at you today and notice that you have changed pleasantly. Nice dress, new hairstyle, Nice smile. You're just beaming with happiness. What can I say, you have been like this before, but especially today. I hope that your cheerful mood will be with you all the time. Compliments are words that give people positivity and good mood. Both men and women love them equally. Today I want to give my compliment to you, because I like to do something nice to a good person. Well, you are already smiling, which means the compliment worked. I can give you another one, and another, you are simply a wonderful person and deserve a lot! It seems to me that you are a handsome young angel who, while walking among the stars, slipped and fell on my head.

Every woman deserves the best poetic and heartfelt words! But not every man is able to express his feelings and his attitude in words. We bring to your attention a selection of compliments that every woman will like.

A list of examples of the most beautiful words and compliments to your beloved girls and women!

Let's start with compliments about the eyes:

You have wonderful, charming, lively eyes with sparkle and meaning.

You have such deep and beautiful eyes that my soul just drowns (drowns) in them...

Yours Brown eyes will drive me crazy!

Your eyes are green, like a cat’s, no, a real, wild panther or a predatory, but kind at heart, tigress... Don’t eat me with your eyes! I'm already burning with passion for you. (It may not be the best compliment in the world, but when flirting, baby talk like this is very effective.)

Yours blue eyes, like two deep-sea lakes - they fascinate me and plunge me into the deepest pool strong feelings.

Yours Blue eyes- like the sky, yours Golden hair- like the sun, you are more beautiful than anyone living on earth ordinary women.

Your black eyes burn right through me!

Yours grey eyes- this is an eternal mystery...

Well, and everything like that - I think that if you give a compliment about the eyes of your beloved, and not the first girl who comes your way, then you should not have problems with beautiful words about her beautiful eyes.

And now from words - to a list of specific beautiful words, from which you can safely extract 1-2 or 3 that suit your specific case expressions and go! Compliment your beloved girl with feeling and inspiration! By the way, some small but pleasant gift at this moment will greatly contribute to the success of your heartfelt outpouring.

And remember - there is no better gift for a beloved and loving woman, even in her 30th year life together than sincere and sincere confession in love. And even more, every beloved girl longs to become a beloved woman, or rather, a beloved wife, so I will not be mistaken if I say that the best, most original and great compliment any loving woman- This is a marriage proposal.

My dear, tender, passionate! My wonderful, most, most beloved.

There is no one more tender than you. You are my clear sun, a radiant star, an angel in the flesh and in reality.

You are my most fair, truthful, smart and kind.

My beautiful... nanny!

You are so young! So bright!

You are my warmth - yours warmth you melted the icicles (cold) in my heart.

You are the most romantic and dreamy person I have ever seen!

You have the flying gait of a happy woman!

You are a very confident girl - and rightly so: you are beautiful, smart, sensitive, kind...

You are simply stunning and unique!

You drive me crazy with your whims, you drive me to the 100th degree of rage and the 10th heat, but that is why I cannot imagine life without you - a robber mischief, who has not a piece of ice in her heart, but a fiery, no - flaming , laser motor!

No matter how many women I have met in my life, they are all women. And you - you real woman: thin, sensitive, sensual, feminine, weak, so vulnerable and at the same time incomprehensible and inaccessible...

You are my most beautiful, most wonderful, most cheerful, most caring, sweetest and most desirable wife in the world!

They say there are no miracles in the world... People lie - after all, you are in front of me - and you are a true miracle!

Compliment to the heroine mother: You are my most fertile!

Noble lady of my heart.

What I love about you is that you appreciate my efforts and you have a grateful nature.

For me, you are the most perfect of women!

If nature has ever created something truly perfect, it is you.

You're so cool and cool girl!

It's easy to talk to you.

I don’t know why, but you immediately aroused my trust. This is probably because you are so friendly and always have a happy smile on your face.

You have these amazing eyes, my clear-eyed one!

You are so musical! You feel the rhythm so subtly! You probably studied at music school or is it your nature? (note - the compliment is almost in verse

My love for you will last forever... My love will last as long as my life.

You are an amazing girl! Today you are so generous and hospitable, joyful and cheerful, lively and enthusiastic, and tomorrow you are so all in yourself, closed and sad, incomprehensible and inaccessible... How can I understand you? You are so different: today you are one, tomorrow you are different, the day after tomorrow you are completely different. You are probably one of those women who alone embodies a whole harem.

You have a poetic soul.

You are a very energetic and strong, strong-willed girl - and I like that about you.

You're so groovy! You turn Me On…

My playful and incomprehensible minx!

You have a magnificent, simply shining, sun-blinding smile.

You - happy woman: You enjoy sex. (Again beautiful words beloved in verse, or rather - in little rhyme.)

You are a charming and charming lady of my heart, the flesh of my soul, the meaning of my life.

For me, you are always desirable and charming.

You are so affectionate, gentle, soft, special...

You are beautifully feminine from your hair to the tips of your nails.

You are so simple - it’s very easy for me to be around you.

You are a capable student, you grasp everything on the fly.
How do you do it?

You have these clear eyes! You can’t tell a lie, because you will scan me with your attentive eyes and understand everything, better than the best lie detector.

You are so ardent! You light up just from one look and touch...

You look blooming.

You're very sociable girl. You probably have a lot of good friends?

And you, madam, however, are a loving woman!

You just unique woman!

Your good-natured and sympathetic smile has a healing effect on me.

You just gifted person! Talented and brilliant, hardworking and passionate at the same time!

You are my most faithful wife, and I am your most faithful and devotedly loving husband.

You have magic hands.

I have never seen such a flexible figure!

You are so agile and fast, like a breath of wind.

And you are an original woman!

There is no beast more passionate than Tanka!

My mischievous squirrel!

You are my peace-loving one.

You are the neatest and most thrifty girl I’ve ever seen, and that’s a compliment: most modern girls don’t know how to not only cook borscht, but even make their bed.

You are so inquisitive - you have a chance to become rich woman, because curiosity is a sign of genius.

Even though you are a vindictive lady, I will not leave you alone.

You are for me - femme fatale.

What I love you for is your independence and independence.

I appreciate your creative spirit and global creative thinking ( original compliment friend or work colleague).

How do you always manage to look so fresh, beautiful, full of energy, cheerful and rested?

You are the most advanced and modern girl in the world!

You're cool!

I love you because you are cool girl with a cool figure and a great sense of humor!

You have an amazing figure. I'm shocked by her. (more of a funny compliment than useful for use in life - recommended only if the girl has good feeling humor and has already started laughing, joking, having fun with you).

My fragrant May rose!

You are so inspired! Your energy would probably be enough to blow up the world... Or feed the starving people of Africa.

There are women who destroy everything around them, and there are women who create. You are the purest, kindest, creative being I have ever met in my life.

And you - wise woman, despite his young age and unearthly beauty.

My only one! Illuminated by light! (plagiarism on a topic from Kirkorov)

You are so elegant and graceful, like a mountain deer! No, like a heavenly swallow!

Sun Ray happiness in my heart.

"I love you!" - these are the words that should end every compliment to the girl you love, whether original or funny. There are a lot of beautiful words and they need to be spoken to the woman you love in order to create for her and yourself a state of love, a good mood and positive thinking. Love yours young girls And beautiful women, tell them beautiful words and do it clearly positive compliments! After all, whatever you call your beloved, that’s how she will behave with you!

Sent by: Olga

A girl, a beloved girl, is a creature that feeds on the most graceful compliments and the most beautiful kind words, whichever ones there are. However, not all of them are guys, but what are they guys? - not all men master the subtle art of telling the lady of their heart beautiful words and equally wonderful compliments. How can we be here? Well, there is such a thing as a list of compliments or a collection of the 100 most beautiful words to the girl you love.

I’ll tell you a little secret - it’s rare that a man knows what women really like. Therefore, I, a girl by birth, was given the assignment to write an article with examples of the most best words, SMS, confessions and compliments to yourself, your beloved. Therefore, I coped with this task quite easily - I just looked on the Internet with men's list beautiful words and compliments to the girl and completely remade it in my own way, the way I myself would like my beloved guy to say them to me.

As far as I have been able to achieve my goal of compiling a long list of more than 100 beautiful complements and original, funny words, phrases to your beloved lady of the heart - you judge. The only thing I want to warn all men, machos, gigolos, womanizers and womanizers about in advance is that what is pleasant is not the compliment that is insanely beautiful and in verse, but the one that is pronounced from the bottom of the heart and with feeling.

In general, regarding how to compliment a woman, I can only say one thing - since you paid attention to this lady, it means that she already has something good and attractive: praise this “something”! After all, even knowing and remembering 1000 and 1 compliments, you can get into trouble by telling a fragile and impressionable girl how strong and fighting she is, or singing in poetry the beauty and sophistication of a rowing athlete.

Therefore, before you compliment a girl, take a moment to dear men and dear guys, with your brains, will these beautiful words and original phrases:
1) correspond to reality (if not, then your compliment will go to waste, and you will lose confidence, you will look pathetic in the girl’s eyes and even an unlucky flatterer),
2) come from the heart (and will not be a simple set cool words),
3) beautiful not only in form, but also in content (moreover, too beautiful and unusual words of girls usually cause alarm and cause some mistrust - therefore, you must either lie with inspiration if in fact your beautiful words are at odds with your feelings, or abandon too sophisticated forms compliment),
4) delivered with enthusiasm and deep belief in what you are saying.

Such simple rules composing and pronouncing compliments are very often simply ignored by men, which is very sad. I also want to add about beautiful words - spontaneous ones that immediately appeared in the brain young man and then they poured out, like lava, simple but funny compliments, uttered with inspiration or a sense of humor, 1000 times nicer to a girl than worn-out and suffered, pre-prepared and hackneyed, memorized complimentary phrases.

Although - if you have never flattered a woman’s vanity before, then it is better to start with preparations - and over time, the art of telling your beloved beautiful compliments will either come to you by itself, or it will not descend on you like a muse, and you will have to attend a special training or learn to first compliment your mother, sister, pillow, spare girlfriend.

Well, now to the point. Here is what I promised and, mind you, not without calculation (I hope to hear amazingly wonderful words from my boyfriend)

List of examples of the most beautiful words and compliments, SMS to your beloved girl!

Let's start with compliments about the eyes.

You have wonderful, charming, lively eyes with sparkle and meaning.

You have such deep and beautiful eyes that my soul just drowns (drowns) in them...

Your brown eyes will drive me crazy!

Your eyes are green, like a cat’s, no, a real, wild panther or a predatory, but kind at heart, tigress... Don’t eat me with your eyes! I'm already burning with passion for you. (It may not be the best compliment in the world, but when flirting, baby talk like this is very effective.)

Your blue eyes are like two deep-sea lakes - they captivate me and plunge me into the very pool of strong feelings.

Your blue eyes are like the sky, your golden hair is like the sun, you are more beautiful than all ordinary women living on earth.

Your black eyes burn right through me!

Your gray eyes are an eternal mystery...

Well, and everything like that - I think that if you give a compliment about the eyes of your beloved, and not the first girl who comes your way, then you should not have problems with beautiful words about her beautiful eyes.

And now from words - to a list of specific beautiful words, from which you can safely extract 1-2 or 3 expressions that suit your specific case and go ahead! Compliment your beloved girl with feeling and inspiration! By the way, some small but pleasant gift at this moment will greatly contribute to the success of your heartfelt outpouring.

And remember also - for a beloved and loving woman there is no better gift, even in the 30th year of marriage, than a sincere and sincere declaration of love. And even more, every beloved girl longs to become a beloved woman, or rather, a beloved wife, so I will not be mistaken if I say that the best, most original and cool compliment to any loving woman is a marriage proposal.

My dear, tender, passionate! My wonderful, most, most beloved.

There is no one more tender than you. You are my clear sun, a radiant star, an angel in the flesh and in reality.

You are my most fair, truthful, smart and kind.

My beautiful...nanny!

You are so young! So bright!

You are my warmth - with your warmth you melted the icicles (cold) in my heart.

You are the most romantic and dreamy person I have ever seen!

You have the flying gait of a happy woman!

You are a very confident girl - and rightly so: you are beautiful, smart, sensitive, kind...

You are simply stunning and unique!

You drive me crazy with your whims, you drive me to the 100th degree of rage and the 10th heat, but that is why I cannot imagine life without you - a robber mischief, who has not a piece of ice in her heart, but a fiery, no - flaming , laser motor!

No matter how many women I have met in my life, they are all women. And you - you are a real woman: subtle, sensitive, sensual, feminine, weak, so vulnerable and at the same time incomprehensible and inaccessible...

You are my most beautiful, most wonderful, most cheerful, most caring, sweetest and most desirable wife in the world!

They say there are no miracles in the world... People lie - after all, you are in front of me - and you are a true miracle!

Compliment to the heroine mother: You are my most fertile!

Noble lady of my heart.

What I love about you is that you appreciate my efforts and you have a grateful nature.

For me, you are the most perfect of women!

If nature has ever created something truly perfect, it is you.

You are such a funny and cool girl!

It's easy to talk to you.

I don’t know why, but you immediately aroused my trust. This is probably because you are so friendly and always have a happy smile on your face.

You have such amazing eyes, my clear-eyed one!

You are so musical! You feel the rhythm so subtly! You probably studied at a music school or is it something you have naturally? (note - the compliment is almost in verse

My love for you will last forever... My love will last as long as my life.

You are an amazing girl! Today you are so generous and hospitable, joyful and cheerful, lively and enthusiastic, and tomorrow you are so all in yourself, withdrawn and sad, incomprehensible and inaccessible... How can I understand you? You are so different: today you are one, tomorrow you are different, the day after tomorrow you are completely different. You are probably one of those women who alone embodies a whole harem.

You have a poetic soul.

You are a very energetic and strong, strong-willed girl - and I like that about you.

You're so groovy! You turn Me On...

My playful and incomprehensible minx!

You have a magnificent, simply shining, sun-blinding smile.

You are a happy woman: you enjoy sex. (Again, beautiful words from my beloved in verse, or rather, in a small poem.)

You are a charming and charming lady of my heart, the flesh of my soul, the meaning of my life.

For me, you are always desirable and charming.

You are so affectionate, gentle, soft, special...

You are beautifully feminine from your hair to the tips of your nails.

You are so simple - it’s very easy for me to be around you.

You are a capable student, you grasp everything on the fly.
How do you do it?

Your eyes are so clear! You can’t tell a lie, because you will scan me with your attentive eyes and understand everything, better than the best lie detector.

You are so ardent! You light up just from one look and touch...

You look blooming.

You are a very sociable girl. You probably have a lot of good friends?

And you, madam, however, are a loving woman!

You are simply a unique woman!

Your good-natured and sympathetic smile has a healing effect on me.

You are simply a gifted person! Talented and brilliant, hardworking and passionate at the same time!

You are my most faithful wife, and I am your most faithful and devotedly loving husband.

You have magical hands.

I have never seen such a flexible figure!

You are so agile and fast, like a breath of wind.

And you are an original woman!

There is no beast more passionate than Tanka!

My mischievous squirrel!

You are my peace-loving one.

You are the neatest and most thrifty girl I’ve ever seen - and that’s a compliment: most modern girls don’t know how to not only cook borscht, but even make their bed.

You are so inquisitive - you have a chance to become a rich woman, because curiosity is a sign of genius.

Even though you are a vindictive lady, I will not leave you alone.

For me you are a femme fatale.

What I love you for is your independence and independence.

I appreciate your creative spirit and global creative thinking (an original compliment to a friend or work colleague).

How do you always manage to look so fresh, beautiful, full of energy, cheerful and rested?

You are the most advanced and modern girl in the world!

You're cool!

I love you because you are a cool girl with a cool figure and a cool sense of humor!

You have an amazing figure. I'm shocked by her. (more of a funny compliment than a useful one for use in life - it is recommended only if the girl has a good sense of humor and has already started laughing, joking, and having fun with you).

My fragrant May rose!

You are so inspired! Your energy would probably be enough to blow up the world... Or feed the starving people of Africa.

There are women who destroy everything around them, and there are women who create. You are the purest, kindest, creative being I have ever met in my life.

And you are a wise woman, despite your young age and unearthly beauty.

My only one! Illuminated by light! (plagiarism on a topic from Kirkorov)

You are so elegant and graceful, like a mountain deer! No, like a heavenly swallow!

A ray of sunshine in my heart.

I love you! It is with these words that every original and nice compliment beloved girl. As you have seen, there are a lot of beautiful words, and they are not only possible, but necessary, simply vital, to say to the woman you love in order to create for her, and therefore for yourself, a good mood and positive thinking. Love your young girls and beautiful women, say beautiful words to them and give them definitely positive compliments! After all, whatever you call your beloved, that’s how she will behave with you!

People love compliments, but for the fair sex they have a special meaning. With the help of beautiful words spoken to a girl/woman, you can create good impression, increase self-esteem, make you feel wanted and loved. This is important for women because they are influenced by others, fashion and various factors.

A compliment is a powerful weapon in the fight for a girl’s affection and love, but you need to know how to use it, otherwise it will be useless or cause more harm than good.

The main secret to the effectiveness of pleasantries lies in the sincerity of the person who says them. Great importance has: how well the words are chosen, whether they are appropriate in relation to this particular lady.

It won’t work to win over with stereotyped phrases like “the light of my eyes”, “you are the most beautiful” or “there is no one better than you”, but spoiling the impression of yourself is quite possible. We suggest abandoning cliches on the way to winning the heart of a representative of the fair sex, in order to avoid failure and the formation of a negative opinion about a potential boyfriend or life partner.

List of beautiful compliments in prose

  • Many people spend their entire lives looking for treasure and cannot find it. Having met you, I have found my greatest wealth, my dearest treasure.
  • Everyone wants to find meaning in life, I was lucky enough to find it before others - I met you.
  • you have amazing gift– you make me forget about everything when you’re next to me.
  • I happy man only because I have a kind, loving, caring, beautiful, extraordinary girl.
  • My dreams about ideal woman are insignificant compared to reality.
  • Your smile lights up the world around you, so I promise to do everything possible so that you always have a reason to smile.
  • I'm lucky and happy man- I have such a girl (wife). I love you very much, I always miss you.
  • When we're close, I forget about everything and just want to inhale your smell, look into Perfect eyes, enjoy every second spent with you, my dear girl.
  • Before we met, I didn’t know what happiness was. You are an amazing girl who wins my heart again and again.
  • There are no words in any language in the world that could express my admiration for you.

Compliments in one word

A woman cannot be conquered once and for all, she must be conquered every day - then the relationship will be strong. If you plan to indulge occasionally beautiful compliments, even if original, the prospects will not be rosy. Some tender words during the day - a trifle, but it will help strengthen the emotional connection and will not allow the relationship to “cool down”.

Generally accepted ones would be appropriate pleasant words to representatives of the fair sex of all ages:

  • darling;
  • tender;
  • beautiful/beautiful/dazzling/attractive;
  • ideal/perfect/divine;
  • sexy/desirable/passionate/ardent;
  • Thoughtful;
  • affectionate;
  • charming;
  • Darling.

You shouldn’t limit yourself to standard pleasantries; you need to show your imagination and pamper a woman with more original mini-compliments:

  • unpredictable;
  • creative;
  • tactful/refined/refined;
  • responsive/kind/friendly/attentive;
  • cheerful/positive;
  • alluring;
  • charming;
  • sweet;
  • seductive;
  • amazing;
  • extravagant.

For a young lady, you can add a few youth words:

  • cool;
  • awesome/awesome;
  • naughty;
  • cool;
  • stunning;
  • awesome.

Kind words to a girl about her eyes

We must not forget about the mirror of the soul. Displayed in a person's eyes the whole world, you can tell by his look how he feels.

  • When I look into your eyes, I lose all directions. They attract me like a magnet and make me forget about everything in the world.
  • Comparing your eyes with bottomless lakes is tantamount to comparing the beautiful with the perfect. They are like a whole universe, an inexhaustible source of heat and light.
  • There's no need to save me when I'm drowning in your eyes. This is my conscious choice. There is nothing more pleasant than just looking at you.
  • The hardest thing I've ever had to face in my life is taking my eyes off my beloved. When our eyes meet, the world freezes around us, everything becomes unimportant, the brightest light fades.
  • The soul is pure like summer lakes, drops of dew and spring water. All this can be seen in your eyes, which sparkle with a kind, sincere, extraordinary light.
  • I can't look you in the eyes when I need a sober mind. Just one glance and I’m already lost to a world where meaningless vanity reigns.
  • To understand how you feel, you just need to look into your eyes, where everything is written clearly, you just need to learn to read.
  • Sight, full of love And sincere concern I see it every time I look into your eyes. I know for sure that there is nothing more beautiful in the world.

Tender words about a girl's lips

Forget about “sugar lips” and other outdated, ineffective phrases for complimenting a girl/woman’s lips. Original courtesies are welcome poetic form- beautiful, not just a rhyming set of words.

If you couldn’t find a worthy ode to lips, use the examples:

  • I was able to learn for the first time what tenderness is only by touching those lips. Not kissing you is an unbearable test, my willpower cannot overcome such a temptation.
  • Your lips open the way to heaven for me, maybe this is captivity? Doesn't matter! I am ready to be in captivity or in heaven, may our kisses last forever.
  • Seductive gentle lips they attract me like a magnet, the heat of love burns in them, and the sweetness of honey intoxicates. I am powerless before them, like a slave before his mistress.
  • I would quickly forget about everything by touching these lips with my lips. Feel tender kiss filled with desire to plunge into new world, where there is nothing but love, eternal pleasure.
  • Everything about you is absolutely perfect, but your lips are ideal. They are like a sweet captivity into which I voluntarily surrender forever.
  • The velvety tenderness of rose petals cannot be compared with these lips. Not a single oriental sweet has such a taste and aroma, not a single pleasure is comparable to your kiss.

Affectionate compliments about a girl’s beauty

There are different ways to tell a representative of the fair sex that she is beautiful, but it is not always possible to impress with compliments.

Several original options:

  • Are there words that can describe your beauty? I looked for them for a long time and thought, but no - nothing can convey the full power of my admiration, I am subdued, defeated, overthrown. I am a slave and I admit it!
  • Artists, poets, musicians are powerless where beauty blinds with perfection. You are amazing in everything, seeing you is my bliss.
  • Being beautiful is not a crime, but is it possible to conquer so completely? You are my ideal, you decorate the world with yourself!
  • What do people understand about beauty if they don’t even know you? They have no chance to see perfection until they meet the mistress of my heart.
  • Soul and body - everything is beautiful! I admire you every day. I am sure that another one like this does not exist in this mortal world.
  • When I saw you, I understood why the powers that be fought to win the heart of their beloved. Such beauty is worth moving mountains, fighting for it to the last drop of blood.
  • You are not just a divine creation, but a person of unique beauty. Everything about you is perfect: from the ends of your hair to your heels.
  • It is impossible to pass by you without admiring the beauty. You brighten my life, you prove to the world that perfection exists.

Courtesy in your own words for your girlfriend

It is not necessary to memorize long poems or large prose texts in order to please the lady of your heart. Compliments said in your own words sometimes have a greater effect than the most beautiful ones, composed in advance by someone or by you personally.

Sincerity – main secret words of success, so feel free to say them to your beloved.

  • I didn't know you could get drunk from female beauty until I met you.
  • It seems to me that I can’t even breathe without you. My source of life, my ideal!
  • It's a pity that famous artists didn't have the opportunity to paint your portrait.
  • You are a breath of clean air, with you I forget about everything.
  • When you smile, it becomes light, it is impossible not to smile back at you.
  • Sincere like a child, pure like spring water, beautiful like a goddess - all this is about you.
  • Graceful gait refined manners, kind look and natural beauty– these qualities combine so harmoniously in you.
  • Cheerful, caring, delightful - three words that can only partially describe you.
  • There is a whole world in your soul, beauty is perfect. I am the happiest of all men.
  • A gentle voice, tender lips, bottomless eyes captivated me forever, my dear girl.
  • I voluntarily surrender to your embrace, there is nothing dearer to me than your eyes, there is nothing more beautiful than a smile.
  • There's no need to pretend with you. The opportunity to be yourself is the greatest gift in life.
  • It's hard to come up with a compliment worthy of you!
  • Every day you amaze with your beauty, but today you look especially charming.
  • My girl doesn't need makeup and a lot of jewelry, they all pale next to her natural beauty.
  • Everything about you is beautiful: character, appearance, taste, manners. I am happy that I met you, I can enjoy every moment of our meetings.
  • You help me walk through life with my head held high, because I have a reliable rear behind me - a cozy home full of love, care, and understanding.
  • Not everyone manages to find their true soulmate, I am incredibly happy that I am among these few people.
  • Blinded by beauty, captivated by kindness and affection, I forget about everything next to you.
  • How do you manage to surprise me every day? Life with you is a real adventure.

For a woman, a man's attention to detail matters. Changes in appearance and everyday life cannot be ignored. New manicure needs praise, all dishes should be highly appreciated, the new thing should evoke sincere admiration. Relationships are based on little things, girls regard the lack of attention to their even small changes as indifference on the part of the man.

Just two words “excellent manicure”, “ beautiful blouse", "delicious pie" will help a woman feel important and loved. The reaction to such phrases is worth saying them every day.

Compliments to a girl in English with translation

Beautiful courtesies on English language may be needed in different cases: for a foreign girl, for a fan of this language, just to surprise the lady.

  • You look superb/splendid/well/good;
  • You are special - translated as You are special;
  • You are charming - You are just adorable;
  • You have a lovely/good/nice voice;
  • You are so nice/intelligent.

Traditional American compliments:

  • You look fantastic/gorgeous;
  • You are slim/slender - You look slim;
  • At your place beautiful hair- Nice hair;
  • You smell nice - You smell nice.
  • This color suits you - That color really suits you.

The best SMS - compliments to a girl

During the day, pamper the lady of your heart kind words It’s not always possible, but you will find a minute to send an SMS message.

  • Divine, desired, loved, irresistible, sincere. You can list your merits endlessly, but I still have my whole life ahead of me.
  • Tenderness and beauty are obvious advantages, but there is one highlight about you that wins the hearts of all guys. My unique and mysterious, attractive and alluring lady!
  • God gave you talent, beauty, with a pure heart and generosity. Happy is every person who meets you on their way!
  • How can you live a whole day without hearing your voice, not looking into your eyes, not hugging, not enjoying your laughter? I'm tormented, counting the minutes until our meeting.
  • I never cease to be amazed at your uniqueness: how can such different qualities be combined in one person? Tenderness with strength of character, the prudence of a sage with the mischief of a child, an ardent heart with a cold mind? My unique, dear girl!
  • You are a purposeful and at the same time humane girl. You persistently pursue your goal, while trying not to hurt others. Amazing quality! I love you for this.
  • Suddenly the sun shone brighter, the birds began to sing more beautifully, and I meet smiling people more often. All because such an extraordinary girl like you appeared in my life.
  • I cannot forget, even for a minute, the taste of your lips, the alluring smell, the beautiful eyes, because my girlfriend is perfection!

Cool compliments to the woman you love

Courtesies with a bit of humor are often addressed to young girls. If you are sure that adult lady will not be offended by such phrases, you can safely amuse her with your unusual compliments.

  • People are looking for an ideal, they don't know about your existence? Urgently inform through the media, leading TV channels!
  • The doctor can heal the wounds, but what about the hole in my heart that your arrow left? Shall we close it with a bunch of kisses?
  • Girl, shooting with your eyes, don’t leave wounded guys on the field.
  • You are so beautiful, it’s scary to even approach!
  • Your eyelashes are so long and fluffy, when you blink they blow me away.
  • With such beautiful legs, it's time to learn to walk on your hands.
  • Like an oasis in the desert, sip clean water during the heat. Don’t let the guy dry out, at least give him a fleeting glance.
  • The world is not dear to me, I howl for you. If you want me not to go wild at all, write me a line or two. Better yet, call to save me for sure.
  • You have amazing eyes - one more beautiful than the other!
  • Madam, even flies stick to you.
  • It's not every day you meet a girl who is beautiful in the dark and in the light!
  • You are so handy, cooler than laundry soap!
  • Girl, sparkle your eyes, otherwise it’s hard to see the road.
  • Looking at you, I would like to wish you good health.
  • I admire your belly button, it is so charmingly tied.
  • Just your glance makes me hot, even blink so I don’t burn.

In verse (short compliments)

  • You are so sweet, you are my favorite.
  • My dear bird, I am in love, I love you!
  • I confess to you, I am in love and inspired by you.
  • You are spring, in your eyes the sky is filled with blue sails.
  • I am conquered by you and it’s time to say: “in love.”
  • You are beautiful like no one else, nothing else...
  • You are my love like a fairy tale, you are my dream and affection.
  • I like you so much that I suffer helplessly.

As an option - compliments on the photo

You can choose a photo of your favorite girl and choose from the compliments the one that is most suitable for her. Some guys write it right on the photo, some say it, and some are just shy, but you shouldn’t do that. Give your most intimate words to each other and be happy!

Continuation. . .

Many men and boys experience difficulties communicating with the opposite sex. Especially when it comes to beautiful girls, representatives of the stronger half are especially afraid to approach such people, much less talk to them.

As they say, the devil is not as scary as he is painted. In this article we are going to give a couple of tips on how to please a girl or woman, what beautiful words you can say to her, how to give compliments correctly and, ultimately, how to confess your love.

There are many songs about love...

Of course, in each individual case everything is individual and there is no universal approach to girls. But there are certain moments and actions that most of them enjoy. For example, very in good form, and sometimes the best remedy A subtle compliment that can win the heart of the most unapproachable lady.

First of all, you need to improvise, notice some features and character traits this or that girl and talk about it, there is nothing complicated about it. The beauty and depth of meaning of such compliments is limited only by your vocabulary.

A simple compliment to your loved one is an art that can be learned.

Of course, we will offer you a list of original, unusual and pleasant compliments for every girl. But you should also practice yourself. To do this, say nice words to girls and women as often as possible and watch their reaction. As they say, they will be pleased and you will practice.

Also, if you want to become a master of compliments, read more novels, better than classic ones, love poems, parables about love and other works related to love in one way or another. This will help you understand some of the subtleties of the emotional component of this difficult matter. It's no secret that women are more emotional than men.

Simple compliments - best gift girl, and also perfect way make amends or ask for forgiveness!

Based on the above, we can highlight the main features of an ideal compliment:

  • It's better to compliment internal qualities a person’s appearance needs to be played up very subtly, for example: “You are so beautiful in this dress.”
  • Try to be as sincere and honest as possible, believe me, it’s noticeable.
  • A win-win option would also be compliments about the girl’s taste and preferences, for example: “You always dress so elegantly.”
  • If she is proud of something, praise her, for example, if she reads a lot, say: “You are so erudite,” after which you can discuss some book that you read together.
  • The main enemy of a compliment is ambiguity; you should avoid phrases like: “Your girl is so beautiful dog, looks like you."
  • If you borrow a phrase for a compliment from a book, try to specify it as much as possible and apply it specifically to this case, use names, situation, environment, bring in your own vision.
  • Don't over-praise or go too far, otherwise you might ruin everything and it will look like flattery.
  • Speak simply and clearly.
  • Well, you need to give advice and teachings, state the facts.

And now we bring to your attention a list of compliments for any occasion:

“When I saw you, I forgot where I was going...”
"How are you bright Star on a clear night sky. I am attracted to you…"
“You are like a bouquet of spring flowers, your smell drives me crazy...”
“Your smile is so sincere and charming that I am ready to admire it forever...”
“When I look at you, I forget about all my problems, thank you for existing...”
“You know, looking at your legs, I’m starting to doubt that anyone is slimmer.”
“Your skin is so soft, it just calms me down when I touch it.”
“It’s hard to believe, but you cook even better than my grandmother!”
“Your earrings are as sparkling as your smile.”
“I’m sorry, what modeling agency are you from?”
"In that elegant suit you look like a businesswoman!”
“I’m trying to understand why I can’t take my eyes off you and I can’t even imagine.”
“To a wife like you, I would fly home from work like Superman in 5 minutes.”
“This suit perfectly accentuates your athletic figure.”
“If Mother Nature creates perfect shapes- then these are yours!
“You’re not like everyone else, I like that you have your own opinion!”
“If I compared you to cars, you would be a Ferrari.”
“You have a very beautiful voice, I can’t stop listening to it, say something else.”
“I think we’ve met somewhere before, maybe in a dream?”
“If I were a girl, I would be as beautiful and smart as you!”
“What kind of dragon does one have to kill to become worthy of such a princess?”
“It seems to me that every day I love you more and more.”
“I’m sure you will be a good wife!”

Give compliments more often, good luck! 🙂