Signs of alcoholism in women behavior. Unique patterns of disease development. Help from family and friends

Female alcoholism counts serious illness. It is not distinguished as an independent nosological unit, but it has its own characteristics of pathogenesis, course and therapy. It is similarly associated with a pathological addiction to alcoholic beverages and their systematic use. A feature is the speed of the process chronization, because the female body gets used to alcohol much faster than the male one. Signs of alcoholism in women are not as pronounced as in men, and it is often possible to identify the disease only in the later stages. Therefore, the treatment of female alcoholism is a long and complex process.

Reasons for alcohol abuse

Women's alcoholism is more often a way of avoiding problems and dealing with stress. It develops in women who are prone to depression, the appearance of neurosis. Divorce, “feeling worthless”, growing up of children, excessive sacrifice, the inability to create a full-fledged family - these are the reasons why a woman can start drinking alcohol systematically.

Representatives of the weaker sex often try to replace alcohol with something important that they are sorely lacking in life (family, inability to have children, work, hobbies). The tendency to alcoholism may be due to genetics or a specific environment (heavy drinking husband or partner).

In all these cases, the woman is looking for relaxation, a kind of solution to problems.

Stages of addiction development

There are three stages in the development of female alcoholism:

  1. Change in alcohol tolerance. There is a sharp increase in the need for alcohol. The critical attitude to drinking disappears, the woman becomes irritable, aggressive at the moments of drunkenness. There are gaps in memory. The next morning, the state of health is relatively normal, there is no desire to get drunk. At this stage, there is a slight increase in alcohol tolerance;
  2. "The Plateau of Tolerance". A woman loses control of the amount of alcohol she drinks, appears physical addiction from alcohol. This stage is characterized by the appearance of an abstinence syndrome: a persistent desire to drink to improve the condition, typical manifestations of "alcohol withdrawal" (tremor, sweating, dry mouth, jumps in blood pressure, etc.). Often the abuse of alcoholic beverages passes into the phase of hard drinking;
  3. Decreased tolerance to alcohol and increased cravings for alcohol. A woman needs ever smaller doses for the onset of intoxication. There are changes internal organs. Alcoholic degradation of personality is irreversible. Characterized by complete depletion of the body.


Signs of alcoholism in women are not much different from the manifestations of this problem in men.

Patients have an increased interest in alcoholic beverages, they are looking for any, even a minor reason to drink. Moreover, the quality of alcohol does not matter. Behavior changes: a critical attitude towards drinking decreases, aggression appears on any remarks about this, interest in what is not related to drinking is lost, and it also requires responsibility. A woman's social circle changes markedly. She tries to be around people who like to drink, and will not condemn her addictions. Perhaps the emergence of casual sexual relationships.
The very nature of alcohol consumption is changing: ever larger doses are required, cases of drinking alone are becoming more frequent. Female alcoholism is characterized by a gradual decrease in appetite, the appearance of "renal" edema (mainly on the face), the gag reflex is not pronounced, and eventually disappears altogether. The body is depleted, defense mechanisms do not work, chronic diseases are exacerbated. The appearance is typical for an alcoholic: hand tremor, painful thinness, cyanosis of the face. Intelligence decreases, behavior becomes cheeky, rude. There is foul language, hysteria. Symptoms develop gradually and overlap each other.

The effect of alcohol on the body

The amount of water in a woman's body is 10% less than in a man's. Due to this, the concentration of alcohol in the blood at the same dose in women is relatively higher. And the processes of removing toxins by the liver are slower. Accordingly, alcohol intoxication occurs faster and more pronounced.

Toxic substances adversely affect all organs and systems, including the adrenal glands, stimulating the production of male hormones. The appearance of a woman changes: the skin becomes dull and dry, swelling and redness of the skin appear. The voice becomes coarse, the movements become coarser and sharper.

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, yellowness of the skin (due to damaged liver). Subcutaneous fat increases in the waist area, and over time, it can significantly increase in the volume of the stomach. The elasticity of the veins of the lower extremities decreases, pain in the legs, swelling, and varicose veins appear.

Women's alcoholism negatively affects reproductive system. After systematic use, fertility is significantly reduced. In men, this process is not so pronounced due to the fact that the complete renewal of spermatozoa occurs in 72 days. Women are deprived of this privilege, since the set of eggs is constant, "given" at birth, and can only decrease with each ovulation. In other words, every dose of alcohol throughout life damages the DNA of the eggs, which are not renewed, but mature monthly until menopause.

The hormonal background also changes: the amount of estrogen decreases, and the production of testosterone increases. Possibly a violation menstrual cycle, "skipping" ovulation, increased symptoms of the premenstrual cycle. Menopause occurs 10-13 years earlier. The risk of developing cancers of the breast, uterus and ovaries increases.

The effect of alcohol on organs and systems

Statistics show that women become addicted to alcohol many times faster than men. This is due to fluctuations hormonal background, less body weight and fewer enzymes.

Female alcoholism is characterized by the following symptoms: premature signs of aging, frequent mood swings, mental changes, prolonged binges with a less pronounced hangover syndrome.

The liver is destroyed faster, alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis occur. Intellect, memory decrease, behavior changes, an "alcohol dominant" is formed. This is also due to the direct effect of toxins on the neurons of the brain, and also as a result of the effect of bilirubin on the tissue of the cerebral cortex.

The constant use of alcohol negatively affects the cardiovascular system, increases blood pressure, which can lead to strokes.

Female alcoholism also affects cells gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol destroys the tissues of the stomach, which leads to gastritis, and later to the formation of ulcers.

Principles of therapy

The treatment of female alcoholism is based on the principles of voluntariness, complexity, one-time refusal and individual approach to each patient.

It is desirable to start treatment at stage I of the disease, when symptoms are just beginning to appear. Such women can be treated on an outpatient basis. Hospitalization is indicated for patients with severe disorders, a severe stage of alcoholism and its consequences.

Treatment of female alcoholism should be carried out in stages:

  • First stage. Here it is necessary to stop withdrawal disorders and correct the somatic condition of the patient. Treatment for female alcoholism begins with detoxification;
  • The second stage is the formation of remission. It is important to consolidate the result and strengthen the anti-alcohol settings. The woman is explained the consequences of alcohol for the body, helps to restore a healthy lifestyle and a sober outlook on the world. At this stage psychotherapy is an important method of treatment. Her and drug treatment is prescribed in accordance with individual characteristics organism;
  • The third stage is aimed at maintaining remission. Women are learning to live again in society without drinking alcohol.


A full-fledged treatment of female alcoholism is impossible without elements of psychotherapy.

Female alcoholism is a chronic disease that has not only medical but also social implications. It is characterized by a woman's immoderate addiction to alcoholic beverages, as a result of which internal organs and brain cells are affected, which leads to a change in the behavior and appearance of the drinker.

The main causes of alcoholism in women

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2015, Belarus was the first on the planet in terms of the use of strong alcoholic beverages, Ukraine became the second, but Russia, whose population is traditionally considered to be drinkers, got an "honorable" 6th place. In numbers, it looks like this: 17.5 - 17.47 - 15, although the norm of 8 liters per capita is considered critical.

From accidents, liver cirrhosis, cancer and cardiovascular diseases 2.5 million drinkers die every year (4% of the total number of deaths in the world). Dozens of scientific papers, hundreds of brochures and thousands of popular articles have been written about alcoholism.

It seems that everything has long been known, but until now, doctors will not give a confident answer to the question, is it possible to completely cure this serious illness?

Not everyone will be able to stop drinking, because they believe that they are always able to “quit”. The woman who got into alcohol addiction, it is harder to get out of it due to many social conditions. According to statistics, in Russia for every 100 drinking men there are at least 50 representatives of the weaker sex.

Among the causes of alcoholism in women, two main factors should be mentioned: social and psychophysiological, which have a number of distinguishing features.

Consider social causes female alcoholism:

  • Standard of living. Difficult financial situation (unemployment, poor living conditions, malnutrition, etc.) and vice versa, financial independence is often accompanied by alcoholic euphoria. “I am a free person, everything is fine with me, why not relax?”
  • Alcoholic traditions. Significant life events, for example, graduation from school, university, the birth of a child, promotion at work, are unthinkable without a feast. Most people do not betray this serious significance, however, out of every 5-6 drinkers, one becomes an alcoholic. And when it is a young woman, a future mother or already having children, this is a great tragedy in the family and for society.
  • Educational qualification. A low level of education, which affects the perception of life, often becomes a factor pushing for alcoholism. “I’m no worse than others, why can they, but I can’t?” Although quite educated women drink too much.
  • Incomplete family. A single mother does not have enough time and money to raise and support a child. A teenager in the company of his peers is often looking for "sponsors" in various dubious institutions. This is a direct path to prostitution, alcoholism and drug addiction.
  • Troubled Parents. When the father and mother drink and are in conflict with the law, the daughter may also follow this path.
  • Circle of friends. If friendship is impossible without drinking, it is more likely that the girl will become an alcoholic.
Here are the psychophysiological causes of alcoholism in women:
  1. hereditary predisposition. A girl whose parents abused alcohol is more susceptible to it.
  2. Emotional instability. Women are emotional, a stressful situation can provoke cravings for a glass.
  3. Body Features. In women, ethanol is absorbed into the blood faster than in men. Female sex hormones are quickly inhibited by alcohol.
  4. weak will. Weak-willed, suspicious and indecisive are more prone to alcoholism.
  5. Lack of purpose. When a teenage girl doesn't really know what she's going to do after high school and actually "goes with the flow", there's a good chance that alcohol will take a significant place in her life.
  6. Loneliness, unhappy personal life. Unsuccessful love, life with the unloved, the loss of loved ones often become the cause of drinking.
  7. Psychological and physical violence in the family. The humiliated position in the family, they say, “you are doing everything wrong, a bad girl, and your friends are like that”, beatings make you seek solace in the company of “well-wishers” with a bottle. grown woman may experience strong psychological pressure from her husband, for example, jealousy or reproaches that he feeds the family.

Important! If a woman begins to look into a glass often, this serious symptom discomfort in her soul. You should not indulge her vice, they say, she drank, with whom it doesn’t happen, but you need to try to figure out why this is happening. This will help her cope with her misfortune in time, avoid serious mental disorders, conflicts in the family and at work.

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The mechanism of development and stages of female alcoholism

Girls, as a rule, get acquainted with alcohol in the company of peers. The first minimal doses of low alcohol cause live communication. Then experiments begin with various wines: dry and fortified, then strong alcoholic drinks - vodka and cognacs - are used.

Addiction occurs, and doses increase. This is how a painful addiction is born, when life without alcohol is already unthinkable. A woman degrades as a person, imperceptibly for herself becomes an alcoholic.

There are three stages of alcoholism in women, as in men:

  • 1 stage. Alcohol is consumed occasionally, doses do not increase, there is no desire to get drunk. Specialized assistance is not yet needed, and if a woman has already felt internal discomfort, she can stop herself in time.
  • 2 stage. This is chronic alcoholism. Alcohol is consumed several times a week, the doses become larger, memory lapses begin. There is a hangover syndrome. Often the behavior becomes antisocial, there are absenteeism from work. There are irritation and bouts of incomprehensible anxiety, with the intake of alcohol they disappear. External signs of alcoholization of the personality are manifested: the complexion worsens, the skin becomes flabby, swelling under the eyes, slovenliness in clothes. The help of a narcologist is already needed here, but a woman often refuses it in the false hope that she can handle it herself.
  • 3 stage. It can be described as a complete destruction of the personality. A woman looks much older than her years, is not able to adequately assess herself and the environment. She has a whole range of diseases: cirrhosis of the liver, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, and others. Appetite disappears. Work is lost. Alcohol becomes the meaning of life. The prognosis of treatment is extremely disappointing.

It is important to know! The 1st and 2nd alcoholic stages for each drinking woman develop differently. For some, they can drag on for years, while others get drunk in a few years.

Signs of female alcoholism

Signs of alcoholism in women long time may be invisible, as they are carefully hidden. Only when the disease progresses, it is already sharply evident and takes on a pronounced form.

Symptoms of alcoholism in women are:

  1. Frequent drinking. When they drink with or without reason. Any date becomes a formal sign of drinking.
  2. Lack of "brakes". Alcohol is a pleasure, and the idea that it's time to stop is completely absent.
  3. Taking large doses. Drinks on a par with men and does not get drunk.
  4. Memory losses. They develop gradually, this is already a sign of a serious illness. A pretty drunk can “turn off” anywhere, even on the street.
  5. The appearance is changing. The face is aging rapidly, the figure is losing weight. The woman looks untidy, much older than her years.

Varieties of female alcoholism

Alcoholism in women can develop regardless of what drinks she consumes: low-alcohol (rum-cola and the like), medium strength (dry wines, various tinctures) or very strong (vodka, cognac).

There is a "beer" alcoholism, it is more difficult to treat, because in the common view, beer is not perceived as an alcoholic beverage. If a woman "specializes" in strong alcohol, addiction occurs much faster.

It can be chronic when alcohol is consumed several times a week or daily. Or it can be drunken, when sober periods are replaced, for example, under the influence stressful situation, daily drinking that can last several weeks. This is the most severe and dangerous type of alcoholism for women's health.

It is important to know! A woman can become an alcoholic, no matter what strength she drinks.

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Features of the treatment of female alcoholism

The treatment of alcoholism in women is not at all a hopeless process, although there is an opinion that rehabilitation (medical and social) is more difficult than for men. This is due to the characteristics of the female body, psyche. The main thing is that she herself wants to get rid of the addiction.

Woman's independent steps

The drinker, as a rule, goes to the doctor only when she has drunk "to the handle." For example, it is necessary to withdraw from hard drinking. A narcologist can advise outpatient treatment, when after the procedures you can go home for the night.

If the state of health causes concern, for example, delirium (delirium tremens) may develop, you will have to go to the hospital, where, after a thorough examination, a course will be prescribed drug treatment. It includes detoxification therapy (cleansing the body of toxins - withdrawal from hard drinking), treatment of affected internal organs and special anti-alcohol drugs.

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It is produced after a course of drug treatment and only voluntarily for a period of 1 to 10 years. Exist different kinds encodings: injection of the drug intravenously and stitching into the buttock or under the shoulder blade. The patient gives a receipt that she is familiar with the consequences if she starts drinking.

There is coding by hypnosis, when, by suggestion, a hypnologist sets up a patient for a sober lifestyle.

These are essentially coercive methods, since there is interference in the patient's psyche from the outside, they are often carried out in one session, which is a serious drawback.

If a sober lifestyle is not modeled in the mind, under the pressure of circumstances, a breakdown and binge is possible, which can end in death.

Medicines for the treatment of female alcoholism

For the treatment of female alcoholism, there is a whole range of drugs prescribed depending on general condition health and in the absence of allergies to a particular medication. They are used orally (tablets and drops) or in the form of injections.

All of them can be divided into three groups:

  • hangover medications. These are Medichronal, Alka-Seltzer, Koprinol, others. Well-known Aspirin, Paracetamol, Glycine, Limontar, multivitamins help everyone well. Popular solution of the Spanish drug Colme. All of them cleanse the blood of alcohol and quickly remove it from the body. However, they do not reduce the craving for alcohol. This is just the first step towards recovery.
  • Drugs to reduce cravings for alcohol. Disulfiram and preparations based on it: Abstinol, Teturam, Esperal, Tetlong-250, Lidevin and others. If you drink after taking them, a pronounced reaction occurs in the form of tachycardia, redness of the face, nausea, vomiting. Serious disadvantage - negative side effects, but if the disease has gone far, only with their help there is hope for recovery. The antidepressant Cipramil, in addition to removing cravings for alcohol, has a calming effect on the body.
  • Supportive care drugs. These are medicines that need to be taken at home after a course of treatment. One of these effective means is Naltrexone, as well as the American drug Alco Blocker, consisting of natural ingredients, which excludes unwanted side effects. In addition, it improves the functioning of the heart and liver, which are most affected by alcohol.

Psychological methods of treatment of female alcoholism

The psychotherapist conducts psychological correction behavior of a patient with alcoholism, develops and fixes in her mind installations for a sober lifestyle. This work occurs in parallel with drug treatment.

Psychological treatments for female alcoholism are varied and can be based on principles such as hypnosis, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), or Gestalt therapy. The latter is popular with women due to its fundamental provisions that are close to them in spirit.

Important! Only the help of a psychotherapist can help an alcoholic patient to stand firmly on his feet and return to healthy lifestyle life.

Help from family and friends

There is no miracle cure for alcoholism. This should be well understood by those close to the drinker. It is necessary not to morally finish her off, but to make every effort so that she turns to a narcologist for help.

There is a rather non-trivial method of dealing with alcohol addiction that came to us from the USA. These are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) groups. Currently, they unite millions of people around the world who have not been drinking for years and live a sober happy life.

Work in such groups according to the program "12 steps". The main condition here is that a person must realize that he is an alcoholic. This is just the first step to recovery. And this path is not easy, only prayer and meditation among people like yourself will lead to peace of mind and provide serious psychological support in the fight against your illness.

In order to more effectively provide support to their loved ones, mothers and wives of alcohol addicts united in AlAnon groups. Over tea in a relaxed atmosphere, they share their difficult experience, when you are not alone in your grief, there is someone to tell about it, this gives confidence in your own strength that everything will be fine.

Second unconventional way treatment for alcoholism Orthodox prayer. In many churches, near the icon of the Mother of God "The Inexhaustible Chalice", a special akathist is read so that the Mother of God helps those suffering from a serious illness of drunkenness to get rid of it. And if trouble has already come to the family, you need to attend such services in order to pray with all your heart for the recovery of your loved ones.

How to deal with alcoholism in women - look at the video:

Drinking woman is big social problem our days. An alcoholic makes unbearable not only her life, but everyone who is close to her. You should not leave such unfortunate people with your attention, you need to help them find their true place among people.
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Women have a unique strength and inner balance. They can take a lot, ladies even live longer than men, they are strong in terms of physical endurance and mentally ready for a lot. But there is one terrible thing that can destroy not only a woman's health, but also her moral principles -.

Causes of female alcoholism

The causes of this terrible, extremely unpleasant phenomenon can be a variety of factors, but narcologists also identify several main ones:

Of course, all these reasons are too conditional, and they cannot be classified as unambiguous. For example, narcologists note that female alcoholism is developed among representatives of the "most ancient" profession - prostitutes, often ladies begin to actively consume alcohol if they work in a company producing it.

The first signs of female alcoholism

Doctors call female alcoholism a real tragedy, because a woman literally changes “before our eyes”, and everything ends with a stable attachment. According to the observations of narcologists, a man only after 10 years (on a permanent basis or with a clear regularity) becomes dependent on them, but a woman under such conditions will develop alcohol-containing drinks in 5 years. The most a big problem lies in - it is always difficult, lengthy and not always successful. Everyone needs to know the first signs of female alcoholism, because if this problem is noticed in a timely manner, then it will be easier to solve it.

Constant craving for alcohol

This is, so to speak, the "foundation" of alcoholism, the "starting point", which you can still step back and return to. normal life. Not all drinking people frankly declare that they want or need to drink - at first it all happens as if by chance, but they always find a reason to drink. At first, this happens only on significant holidays, then even common days(Telegraph Operator Day, Cultural Worker Day, and so on), then even the most banal occasion is found, and then the “for something” stage begins.

As a result, such a woman has a sharply narrowed social circle - only those who themselves are not averse to drinking with or without reason remain in it.

Changing behavior before drinking

Pay attention to how the drinker changes immediately before the feast, when there is already alcohol and a snack:

  • the woman noticeably cheers up;
  • she begins to fuss and tries to quickly finish all her affairs;
  • if there are children nearby, then absolutely everything is allowed to them, as long as they do not interfere.

Change of priorities

A drinking woman will always defend what is associated with feasts - for example, she will zealously justify her "drinking buddies" and convince everyone around that they are the nicest people. Inadequately (with aggression, rejection) any criticism from relatives, neighbors and friends is perceived, even normal conversation about harm alcoholic beverages becomes impossible - the woman begins to get excited, scream and find excuses for herself. An alcoholic will always find an excuse for the next feast or the usual, “quiet” intake of alcohol - for relaxation, for mood, doctors advise, and so on.

Family, children and responsibilities become a burden, as they interfere with calm indulgence in drinking alcoholic beverages. Children begin to frankly annoy, relatives become objectionable (they are no longer invited to visit).

Note:The worst thing in this whole situation is that an alcoholic woman, however, this is also typical for men with alcohol addiction, never admits the problem, she cannot critically evaluate herself, her behavior.

Loss of control over the amount of alcohol

This problem appears at the very beginning of the formation of female alcoholism and remains urgent throughout the entire time. A woman is simply not able to assess her norm, and often ordinary gatherings with friends end up drinking heavily, up to.

A woman who is addicted to alcohol tries not to sober up, as she is comfortable only in the stage of light (or strong) intoxication. At the same time, the rate of alcohol also increases - a habit has developed and the body requires ever larger doses of alcoholic beverages.

No gag reflex

We warn you right away that this sign does not always indicate female alcoholism - there are people who do not have it at all, or appear extremely rarely. If we already understand female alcoholism, then the absence of a gag reflex can be considered its sign only if it is present against the background of the above conditions.

Through vomiting, the body cleanses itself, removes toxins. And while this self-cleansing mechanism works, the body fights toxins and constant, but as soon as a woman begins to increase the dose of alcohol consumed, the gag reflex disappears.

- this is the border, which indicates that it is impossible to continue drinking alcohol, the body works at the limit of its capabilities and it is poisoned.

Immune to alcohol

Women who have already begun to get used to alcohol need to drink a large dose of alcohol each time in order to feel comfortable entering. It is like an addiction, when the body needs more and more to satisfy. If the dose that leads to intoxication is already 3-5 times the usual amount (for example, previously a woman was slightly drunk after 100-150 grams of vodka, and now she still feels quite normal after half a liter), then we are talking about a fait accompli - the initial stage of alcoholism.

Regular drinking

If a woman’s drinking has become a system, then this indicates that the body is starting to get used to alcoholic beverages. When a woman's addiction to alcohol-containing drinks is just beginning to develop, alcohol consumption can be once a week, but is stable. Then the situation worsens and the woman begins to drink alcohol twice a week, soon such libations begin to occur every evening (“relieves fatigue”, “I’ll sleep better”).

The first signs of female alcoholism are also a change in the lady's behavior. Chaotic, and sometimes uncontrolled, sexual relations are becoming commonplace, it’s not worth talking about any hygiene - alcohol liberates, what kind of hygiene is there. That is why women with alcohol dependence are often diagnosed with various diseases inflammatory nature, and,. By the way, many are afraid that such women will give birth to children and leave them in maternity hospitals (in best case), but in fact, nature took care of this - the childbearing function in alcoholics most often disappears, since the structure of the ovaries changes, degenerates into fat, and they cease to function normally.

The psyche of a drinking woman also changes a lot - she becomes cunning and deceitful, dodgy and aggressive, overly emotional and selfish. If we compare women with the problem under consideration and men, then in the first case, the processes of degradation proceed much faster. A very big problem in the treatment of female alcoholism is just such a mental status - it is very difficult for an alcoholic woman to be convinced that she needs a qualified medical care, she will need to change her psyche, and even the most caring relatives will not be able to do it on their own.

External signs of female alcoholism

The woman who is in initial stage alcohol addiction, can still keep herself “within the limits of decency”, but drinking a large amount of alcohol leads to the fact that she changes outwardly - she looks untidy, she has dark circles and puffiness under the eyes, the voice becomes rough, the face and limbs may be permanently swollen.

The desire to drink, when a woman is literally shaking with every glass, is very noticeable to others and it is repulsive. Naturally, an alcoholic is looking for a replacement for friends and joins a company where she is understood and accepted - the same alcoholics.

It is very important to notice the first signs of female alcoholism at the very beginning of the development of the problem. If a woman meets her friends every Saturday, and they drink alcohol “until they lose their pulse,” then this is already bad sign. If a woman drinks 2-3 glasses every evening, then you need to turn to specialists - soon the dose of alcohol will increase and then the degradation process will be much more difficult to stop.

Female alcoholism in Lately has become a common phenomenon and has become much younger: in Russia, girls already start drinking at the age of 13. According to statistics, 70% of women start drinking before the age of 18. Doses of alcohol consumption increase by the age of 30-45, when a person is already leading a conscious life. Most often, female alcohol addiction begins in this period, due to emotional experiences and suffering. The difference between alcoholism in women and men is that women begin to drink alone so that others do not see.

During a hangover, a woman has more pronounced anxiety and melancholy than a man. Alcohol dependence in women grows faster than in men, so it is very difficult to treat. In this state, a woman becomes unbalanced, vulnerable, it is very difficult to reach her. She withdraws into herself and her problems, forgets about the children, and can subsequently become a real threat to them.

Female alcoholism affects future offspring. If a mother drank during pregnancy, a child is twice as likely to be born with chronic diseases, childbirth and pregnancy are difficult, and miscarriages occur. Often such children are born with mental disorders and disorders. This is the so-called "" - a set of congenital physical and neurological pathologies.

Most often, alcohol dependence in women occurs due to psychological and emotional factors. A woman is more vulnerable, more easily succumbed to emotions, more impressionable than a man, which is why she is more prone to depression. The most common causes of alcoholism in women are:

  • Depression and neurotic states. They can occur against the background of feelings of loneliness, loss of loved ones, infidelity of a husband, problems in the family. Various grievances, lack of attention from the spouse and children lead to deep depression.
  • A slower process of removing the decay products of alcoholic beverages from the body.
  • Small doses for intoxication and rapid absorption of alcohol in the intestines.
  • Boredom and lack of work or hobbies.
  • Absence of own family, children due to being immersed in work. IN modern world women began to occupy leadership positions more often, preventing them from getting married and paying the necessary attention to their husband and children.
  • Heredity, cases of alcoholism in the family, character traits.
  • The period of menopause, in which a woman is most vulnerable psychologically and physically.

All these reasons can cause the onset of female alcohol dependence. It all starts with an innocent glass of wine and ends with long bouts. It is very important to notice the first signs in time and help a loved one.

Symptoms and signs of female alcoholism

The woman herself will not understand how her alcohol addiction began. She will not attach any importance to this, and then she may be afraid to confess to her relatives, because she will be ashamed. There are a number of features of female alcoholism, in which the patient should be taken to the doctor and the problem should be solved immediately. All responsibility falls on relatives, the husband and children of the woman. At the first signs of female alcoholism, treatment should be started immediately and psychological support should be provided. It is very rare for a woman to admit to herself that she is addicted to alcohol. Among the symptoms of female alcoholism are the following:

  • The desire to drink for no particular reason and no matter what kind of alcohol. Patients are looking for any reason for drinking alcohol.
  • Denial and non-acceptance by a woman of the fact of alcohol abuse, a sharp reaction to comments.
  • Doses of alcoholic beverages increase over time, a woman gets drunk more slowly from small doses of alcohol.
  • Loss of appetite and refusal to snack when drinking an alcoholic beverage.
  • Small trembling of the hands, the face becomes more swollen, bags under the eyes, an increase in the abdomen due to.
  • Apathy, loss of interest in everything around and close people. Closeness and communication with actively drinking people.
  • Rudeness, harsh behavior, cruelty towards close and dear people.
  • Slow response, decline intellectual abilities.
  • The patient rarely appears at work, can take things out of the house to buy alcohol.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages alone.

To diagnose female alcoholism, you need to pay attention to these symptoms. They can appear depending on the stage of the disease and then appear all together. Very important feature is a decrease in the excitability of the vomiting center in the brain. In the case of a more severe stage, the gag reflex is significantly reduced.

Stages of female alcoholism

Alcohol dependence in women occurs in three stages. The stages of female alcoholism differ in the degree of complexity, in the behavior of the patient, and in the specifics of the treatment.

The first stage is the moment when female alcohol dependence appears. At this stage, there is an addiction to alcohol. It begins with the fact that a woman wants to constantly drink if there are any problems in the family or at work. It is at this stage that addiction to drinking develops into the second stage of female alcoholism. The brain is no longer able to fight the desire, and the woman begins to drink regularly.

In the second stage, opioid receptors are irritated if the person has not drunk a dose of alcohol. Women develop psychological dependence on alcoholic beverages. The structure of neurons in the brain and internal organs has not yet been disturbed. The second stage of female alcohol dependence is characterized by binges and constant drinking. The second stage of alcoholism is quite common in women. It leads to premature aging, the destruction of the body and the transition to the most advanced stage.

The most last stage female alcoholism is the third stage. During this period, irreversible changes in opioid receptors occur in the brain and other organs of the patient. The third stage is characterized by a high dependence on alcohol, a woman constantly drinks and this becomes her way of life. There are disturbances in the psyche and functions of many organs. Treatment at this stage is quite difficult, failures and deaths often occur.

Consequences of alcoholism in women

What causes female alcoholism? Alcohol addiction in women is serious phenomenon which can lead to irreversible consequences. A woman brings up children, takes care of her husband, but in such a state it is impossible to do this. Female alcoholism destroys families, leads to divorces, violence, mental disorders in children. In families where the mother drank, most often the children will also suffer from addiction to alcohol. If time does not start to treat this disease, the consequences can become irreversible.

Women's alcohol dependence develops at a high speed, therefore, it affects the entire body and the condition of the woman. Alcohol destroys not only the psyche, but also internal organs, often becoming the cause of death. The consequences of alcoholism in women include toxic alcoholic encephalopathy with brain damage. Patients may suffer from polyneuropathy, in which the structure and functioning of all peripheral nerves are disturbed. There may also be a significant decrease in intelligence and reaction, mental illness.

Among the pronounced consequences of female alcoholism, delirium tremens can be distinguished. During a fever, a woman does not control her actions, hallucinations are observed. Alcohol damages the liver and causes toxic hepatitis, and then and . Against this background, it develops kidney failure, damage to the pancreas and stomach. From alcohol dependence in women, the heart suffers, there is increased risk stroke and heart attack. From severe intoxication, circulatory disorders in the limbs can occur, provoking gangrene with the possibility of further amputation of the limbs. The consequences of alcoholism in women are very severe and terrible, so it is better to start treatment of the disease in the early stages.

Treatment of female alcoholism

To overcome alcohol addiction, a woman must first realize that she is sick and needs treatment. Until she understands this, it will be useless to treat her. At the first stage, a woman needs to be surrounded by attention and care. She must feel that close people need her, that she is loved and appreciated. Try to talk to the patient, reach out to him when he is in a more sober state. The phenomenon of female alcoholism can be defeated only together.

In no case should you put pressure on a person who suffers from alcoholism. To cope with female alcoholism, you need to simply and clearly state your experiences to the patient, show your concern about her condition and health. Can't leave drinking woman alone and blame her for alcoholism. You need to treat it with understanding and patience. The husband and children should give full support and care to their wife and mother.

When a woman agrees to treatment for her addiction, she should immediately go to a special narcological hospital, where she will be provided with the necessary therapy and assistance. Treatment should take place only with a doctor, no conspiracies and folk methods won't help with that. Only complex methods of therapy can defeat women's alcohol addiction.

Alexey Magalif, psychiatrist-narcologist
The problem of alcoholism should not be solved in the family. Close people should not make a diagnosis themselves and call the patient an alcoholic. That's what a psychiatrist is for. He must understand the reasons why the woman began to drink, what worries her, why she began to drink in such quantities. Only after identifying the causes of alcoholism, you can begin therapy for the disease. Treatment of alcoholism in women with a dropper and coding will not completely solve the problem. It is necessary to fight alcoholism in a complex.

How to cure female alcoholism? Treatment depends on the stage of the disease and its consequences. It should include specialized psychological and psychotherapeutic assistance, detoxification therapy, drugs that form a woman's aversion to alcohol. Another method of treating female alcoholism is suturing from alcoholism, when the patient is injected under the skin with drugs that block opioid receptors in the brain. The higher the dose, the longer the duration of the drug. Hypnosis and psychotherapy can effectively help in the fight against female alcoholism. In more severe stages of the disease, the patient may require treatment of many internal organs.

Do not think that after the treatment of alcoholism in the clinic, the process of recovering the patient is over. Women's alcoholism is treated, but this process is not easy. You need to give strong support to your close person. A woman should do her favorite thing, exclude alcohol consumption so that there are no breakdowns. Relatives and friends should show care and attention as often as possible in order to restore the psyche of the patient. Most often, patients continue to be observed by a psychotherapist and undergo the necessary therapy. In order for a woman to finally recover and forget about alcohol, her loved ones must constantly be nearby and show their love.


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Female alcoholism is a disease that almost instantly affects the nervous system of the fairer sex. This is due to the developed ability to adapt, which is absent in men. That is why female alcoholism takes heavy, chronic forms almost immediately after a woman begins to abuse alcohol.

The causes of female alcoholism may differ externally, but its deep essence is always the same - a difficult psychological condition that a woman refuses or cannot share with anyone, therefore she turns to the bottle. It has been noticed that women employed in the trade and service sector suffer more often than others, where contacts with a huge number of people during the working period of time are quite intense.

Typical, rooted causes of alcoholism among non-working women are a husband who works too much, does not pay due attention to his beloved, or, conversely, a cheating man, a broken marriage.

Another frequent picture is quite successful ladies, sharks in their field, but unhappy in personal life who did not have time to create a family, or who failed to pay due attention to it, as a result of which relations between relatives cannot be called warm. However, it is difficult to call the creation of a family a panacea for such a disease as alcoholism.

Firstly, alcoholism can develop just like that, without justification, due to inexplicable depression and psychological discomfort. Secondly, it is foolish to assume that all modern women need to create a family. Emancipation and greater freedoms the weaker sex made of many girls quite self-confident loners, in fact, they do not need family warmth. But there are few of them.

First signs

Female alcoholism does not begin suddenly, but the use of alcoholic beverages passes into the addiction stage smoothly, imperceptibly and so deeply, as if a woman plunges into a swamp and cannot “get out” herself from there. As a rule, the first signs of alcoholism are not noticeable to the patient:

  • the use of alcoholic beverages becomes regular, desired by the woman herself,
  • a severe hangover ceases to frighten, giving rise to only one desire - to drink again,
  • the woman starts to look worse,
  • in the character, notes of aggression begin to appear, passion only for oneself, or rather, for drinking. Close people cease to be significant, but begin to have an irritating effect on a woman.

Stages and their symptoms

In total, there are three stages of dependence, for each of which there are both common features and special ones:

At this stage, treatment without medication is no longer possible, and the work of a psychotherapist becomes deeper and longer.

  1. More and more often, a woman is “attached” to the bottle, no longer noticing that alcohol is her daily friend and savior. The sense of proportion at this stage begins to disappear, there is a severe hangover, memory lapses. The brightest "bells" smooth transition from the first stage to the second - the loss of the gag reflex, the formation of psychological obsession. At this stage, a woman can still maintain her health and get rid of addiction with the help of psychological help without medical intervention.
  2. The most extensive and longest is the second stage. It is characterized by:
    • Withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal), or physical dependence - craving for alcohol blocks all other desires, nullifies duties, social activities.
    • Behavior begins to acquire a pronounced deviant character, a woman can commit acts unusual for her, immoral.
    • Brain activity is greatly deteriorating, it becomes more difficult for a woman to think, she ceases to cope with her work tasks, cannot clearly formulate her thoughts, this causes her serious difficulties,
    • Increased aggression and irritability.
    • On the part of the body, there is a loss of appetite, insomnia, depression.
    • Externally: the face begins to swell, dark bags form under the eyes, the hair grows dull, the skin loses its healthy glow, the nose begins to flatten out.
  3. Stage of completed alcoholism. At this stage, there are pathological changes, the treatment of which is very difficult, and the body will never be able to fully recover: diseases of the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis) and the gastrointestinal tract develop, appearance completely changes, facial features coarsen, spread, swell a little, nervous system and the brain is so damaged that they can no longer function properly.

The loudest myth that female alcoholism is incurable is just a fiction. female body it breaks down faster and gets used to alcohol, and the peculiarity of the treatment of the disease is such that ladies are much less likely to seek help on time. And the reason for this is public opinion, a double standard: if a man drinks, he needs help, protection, he needs to be protected, if a woman drinks, this is bad, terrible and generally a mortal sin.

You should get rid of this stereotype and start treatment without any remorse, but on the contrary, encouraging with the thought “Only strong man can admit his illness and begin treatment!

In the treatment and development of the disease, there are absolutely no differences between female and male alcoholism.

Treatment Methods

Any treatment for alcoholism begins with the removal of alcohol from the body. In cases of binge drinking, this occurs at home through a dropper or other medication for a short period of time in the first stage and several procedures afterwards. During this time, the woman completely sobers up, alcohol is almost completely eliminated.

Comprehensive treatment is impossible without psychotherapy, and this is its main part. In the West, the method of self-help groups - anonymous alcoholics - is widespread. In Russia, individual treatment prevails. Both methods are effective in certain situations, which the doctor determines. At this stage, the values ​​of a person, his attitude to life and alcohol, to his environment are worked out. There is a struggle with stress, depression, the causes of addiction. Therapies such as art therapy, music therapy, bibliotherapy, occupational therapy can be used.

There are also innovative, or rather ancient methods that are gaining particular popularity:

  1. Acupuncture,
  2. Hypnosis (coding),
  3. Laser treatment (enhancement medications, influence directly on physical state sick).

An integrated approach to the treatment of female alcoholism is the most effective method, which may also include folk remedies for treatment with various herbal remedies However, such treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a narcologist!


In order not to face this disease, but to prevent it, a woman herself must protect herself from this scourge. As a rule, self-sufficient individuals are able to protect themselves from alcoholism in any situation, because they can find themselves without it. alternative way relaxation and rest, but the following recommendations still should not be neglected:

  1. When introspection and identification of problems, or just for prevention, you need to be able to talk with qualified specialists, which will help diagnose the problem much earlier than the woman or her entourage will notice it. Friends in this situation are not always faithful advisers.
  2. You can not neglect personal happiness, even if a career at a certain stage is the most important thing. Of course, this does not mean that you must definitely drop everything and give yourself completely to your husband and children, but being alone is not the best way out.
  3. If there are people among close relatives who suffer from alcoholism or are prone to it, you need to control yourself very well when drinking alcohol.

It is impossible to remain silent about the prevention of alcoholism in women who have been able to recover. In this case, it is necessary to visit a psychotherapist, it is desirable to work in a group and support the same people who were able to recover. Work should also be carried out with the woman's environment so that relatives can support her.


The psychotherapist talks about the features of female alcoholism: