What does it take to stop drinking? How to make your husband stop drinking: useful tips. Hex on a new soap from Vanga

A terrible number of women in Russia and the CIS countries tolerate their alcoholic husbands. At the same time, a woman can stay on the path of combating alcoholism and stubbornly strive for her husband to stop drinking for one or more reasons:

  • Banal love for the unfortunate and the realization of his maternal instinct. That is, the feeling of being a kind of Virgin martyr and savior.
  • Fear of the unknown and the risk of being alone. Especially if the woman does not work and depends on drinking husband.
  • A banal housing problem, when a woman simply has nowhere to go, and it’s a pity to kick him out, the poor fellow.

Important: at the same time, many women hide behind the desire to keep the family, allegedly because of the children. But here it is worth recognizing that it is better defective family with one calm mother than a family in which there is a constantly drunk and possibly aggressive father. But situations are different, and therefore, in the material below, we will analyze in detail what a woman should do if the drunken husband is not completely hopeless, and the desire to save the family is great enough.

Causes of male alcoholism

If you wholeheartedly want your husband not to drink, you will first have to understand the intricacies of his psychology and the reasons that led to alcoholism. Since this disease is a consequence of some internal problem of a man, with which he could not competently cope. As a result, a person took the path of least resistance, having tried and received once the long-awaited spiritual relief or other expected result.

So, most often the reason why a man fell in love with alcohol is such phenomena.

Inability to live differently and banal boredom

Most likely, such a person grew up among alcoholics or just people who were attached to the bottle with or without reason. Otherwise, this person simply does not imagine his leisure time. Probably, a woman who married such a man, even at the stage of romantic meetings, saw that the man had a craving for alcohol. You can only blame yourself here. Because for everything that happens in our life, we ourselves are responsible. That is, we are responsible only for ourselves. IN this case the woman has chosen this path for herself and is now reaping bitter rewards. Here, in order to learn what to do so that the husband does not drink, you will have to work in detail on a new way of life for the family. The work will be painstaking, but it is worth it if the man has not yet slipped to the very bottom. So, we build the following tactics:

  • We completely change the environment, choosing a cultural and sober vacation. On holidays, go to the park, theater, cinema. Show your husband that you can have an interesting and bright holiday without alcohol.
  • Family leisure can be spent not just with a can of beer in front of the TV, but with children on sports ground or playing sports.
  • Alternatively, you can start family business in which the man will become the ringleader and the main face of the enterprise.

Important: at the same time, it is necessary to constantly raise the cultural level of the husband. And this means that the wife must completely change along with her husband. Intellectual growth has not yet been canceled.

Inability to relax

This type of alcoholic husband most often has a job, behaves in it adequately to his position, but at the same time they cannot relieve stress in another way. This is the most common type of alcoholic tyrant, who first relax with alcoholic beverages, and then also drive their anger or fatigue on their wives and children. Perhaps these alcoholics do not drink every day, but when they do, each of the household members has a hard time.

Here one can advise the wife to practice yoga or other relaxation techniques herself, and then consistently and methodically involve the husband in such activities. Perhaps a man will learn new techniques to relieve stress and learn to do without alcohol. If you want to understand how to make your husband not drink, you can master the massage technique. Perhaps your husband will like your skill, and he will stop looking for relaxation in alcohol, but will rush home to his beloved wife. After the massage, it will be possible to connect sports in the form of jogging or hiking. Moreover, such a joint pastime will strengthen the family and bring novelty to family leisure.

Important: but if a man who drinks alcohol does not control himself and his behavior, then it is useless to involve him in mastering new relaxation techniques. In this case, it is better to consult a psychologist who will help develop tactics of behavior.


This type of alcoholic is most often quiet in life and very soft-hearted people. Perhaps such a person began to drink a little under the influence external factors, such as an imperious wife, a tyrant boss, parents who always dictate the rules of life. Such an alcoholic, if he shows signs of some courage and even aggression in a drunken state, then in fact he does not feel that way inside. If the wife of such a man is trying to figure out how to help her husband stop drinking, then first of all it is worth becoming softer with the person. The caress and recognition of a man in him will help a man to completely transform. For this type of alcoholic, it is important to create family comfort and a reliable home haven. But at the same time, do not curry favor with your husband, namely, trust him and recognize him as a man.

He may have to change jobs to one where management will appreciate the new employee more. Alternatively, a loving wife may invite her husband to remember his old hobby and make it a profitable business. It is worth knowing that a person who has found himself in life will build new moral values, and will no longer seek salvation in alcohol.

Stages of alcoholism

If there are a number of reasons that have led a man to some degree to addiction, the stages of the disease can also be distinguished. This is important, because the chances of saving a man from the "green snake" depend on the stage of alcoholism. That is, in some cases it makes sense to fight the husband’s illness, and when advanced stage Unfortunately, there is no cure for alcoholism.

  • So if a man is on initial stage dependencies(uses on holidays, but a lot or on weekends, but regularly), then you should not pretend that there is no problem. It is, and will only grow like a snowball, if you do not deal with it at this stage. In this case, you can take active steps depending on the cause of alcoholism and the psychotype of the patient. The options are listed above. You can also enlist the support of a psychologist who will help form a psychological portrait of the husband from the words of his wife and suggest the right direction in which to move.

Important: the main thing is not to be shy, and go for a consultation with a specialist either with your husband or on your own.

  • Second stage of alcoholism also gives the wife a chance to save the "drowning" husband. In this case, it is worth finding those moral values ​​that are of paramount importance for a man. For some, this is a family, for some, health, for some, children or parents. Having figured out the fulcrum, the wife can put a little pressure on the right lever and persuade her husband to seek help. At right approach a man is aware of his problem, admits it to himself and decides on treatment. And this is already half the way to success.

Important: remember, if a person does not recognize himself as an alcoholic, it will be impossible to help him with any herbs, drugs or coding. The result, if any, is only at the physiological level. And it will surely be followed by a breakdown.

  • The third stage of alcoholism, Unfortunately, it is not amenable to correction and treatment. Whatever miracle cures the modern pharmaceutical and medical industry offers, it is impossible to save such a person. Even if you give him a bunch of medicines and decoctions to drink, make him take dietary supplements and other means, a miracle will not happen. The reason for this is the inadequacy of the patient, his degradation and the inability to realistically assess his condition. And for recovery, as you know, a person himself must strive for this and recognize himself as an alcoholic. In this case, the wife may not even think about how to help her husband stop drinking. All attempts will be in vain, and the woman will simply become co-dependent, which is very difficult psychologically for any person.

Deny codependency: or what to do to reason with an alcoholic

If all attempts to work on the causes of her husband’s alcoholism were in vain, and the desire to leave her husband forever did not come for any reason, then you need to continue to live in such conditions, but at the same time not lose yourself, that is, do not become co-dependent. The recommendations below will help a woman maintain her dignity and not derail her life completely by living under the same roof with her alcoholic husband.

So, what to do in order not to lose your dignity while living with an alcoholic:

  • In no case do not decide for the alcoholic husband of his problems. Once you understand this, life will become easier for you. Torn and lost clothes? Let him correct, search, erase. Skipped work? Let him decide all the questions. Borrowed money and won't pay back? What are you doing? The main thing here is to take a firm, but not aggressive position. After all, the husband himself is responsible for his life. He independently chose such a lifestyle, which means that he should live it himself with all the ensuing social consequences. Believe me, it’s worth doing this once or twice, and a person will at least think about it.
  • Stop being ashamed of what is happening to your husband. Especially if you have tried everything you can do to make him stop drinking. Get together and stoically endure once or twice all the sympathetic whispers of compassionate old neighbors or colleagues. At the same time, firmly and confidently parry any accusatory statements addressed to you. Like, yours screwed up again yesterday. Remember: you are responsible only for yourself and are not the reason for the behavior and choice of your husband.

Important: perhaps your steadfast and confident position, even if the first two points are observed, will force the alcoholic husband to move off the dead center of his behavior and seriously think about what is happening.

  • Do not hide or pour out the alcohol in the house. Know that a person who wants to drink will still find him sooner or later, even if not at home. Even if not during the day.
  • Away with paranoia. That is, stop constantly looking for new caches of alcohol in order to pour it out. This is a waste of time, effort and nerves. Once again, learn that the husband himself chooses how to behave in relation to alcohol.
  • It is also recommended to divide your love into two parts - a feeling for a human husband and for an alcoholic husband. That is, to rejoice and share the pleasure of everything that unites you with your loved one, and to step back, to abstract from everything that upsets you in your alcoholic husband. This means that you should not push a man away in moments of sobriety and treat him with disdain. Also, you do not need to be aggressive and hostile in moments of intoxication of your husband. Just stay calm and detached from his condition. Perhaps this moment will allow the man to draw a parallel between your behavior and draw the appropriate conclusions.
  • In no case do not try to share with your husband a dose that he got less. This is the first path to joint alcoholism.

  • Do not try to blackmail a man with family, children or sex. They don't understand and they don't believe. And if you have already dropped a phrase, then please, fulfill the promise. Otherwise, the husband will understand the weakness and will play on it all the time.
  • It also makes no sense to constantly reproach or nag an alcoholic. It's as useless as throwing peas against a wall. The alcoholic himself knows everything, perhaps he understands, but he cannot do anything with his addiction himself. Exactly until the moment when he consciously and soberly asks you for help. This is where it is worth taking the bull by the horns and going to narcologists, psychotherapists, etc.

Important: you do not need to be angry with your husband if he does not ask you for help. Perhaps the man is aware of his guilt before you, and this makes it even more difficult for him to ask you to help him. In this case, just support him in his quest to recover, even if a friend or father is helping him.

  • Also, do not count on the immediate effect of therapy, no matter which method is chosen. The treatment of alcoholism is a lengthy process.
  • And, of course, you should not believe empty promises alcoholic. Only actions can give the desired positive effect. Everything else is just dust. And the drinking husband should understand this. Otherwise, everything will continue in a knurled way and alcohol will be present in the life of a spouse indefinitely.

Take care of yourself, and remember: you only have one life. And how to live it is up to you.

When the head of the family turns into an inveterate alcoholic before our eyes and begins to drink regularly, such a life becomes a real time bomb. You never know how the next gatherings of the spouse with the “green snake” will end - sleepy oblivion, scandal, swearing, breaking dishes, a fight. A drunkard husband completely destroys and destroys the life of himself and his family.

What to do? Divorce a domestic alcoholic, run away to live with children in another place? Or maybe it’s worth fighting for the once beloved person and returning him to a sober existence? There are many ways in life to do this. About what to do so that the husband does not drink, we will burn in this article.

Husband's drunkenness should be fought by everyone possible ways

Before choosing the most appropriate method of getting rid of drunkenness and thinking about how to help your husband stop drinking alcohol, you should understand why he drinks. The effectiveness of the end result directly depends on whether you were able to understand and remove the very cause of the destructive hobby.

According to statistics, alcoholism most often develops in people who are dissatisfied with their position - life, work, environment. Among successful people who have love and mutual understanding at home, you will not find alcoholics.

If we are talking not about the already neglected case when real chronic alcoholism flourishes, which only experienced people can cope with medical professionals, the wife should make a lot of efforts to restore her lost self-esteem to her husband. After all, he didn't drink all the time.

The main causes of drunkenness

Remember the moment after which he first got drunk. It is with alcohol that people try to drown out any emerging problems that cannot be resolved in any other way. What is the best thing for a woman to do? Change yourself:

  1. Do not make a fuss about the next arrival of her husband tipsy.
  2. No matter how hard it is, but to meet a tipsy spouse with a smile.
  3. When the husband returns to normal, sit down and talk to him, calling him to a frank conversation. Not trying to turn on the wave of dominance and maximalism. Do not threaten or blackmail leaving home with the children.

The main thing that a woman needs to achieve is to convey to her husband that he spoils and worsens relationships with his addiction. It upsets all those close to him who sincerely love, appreciate and respect him. But it is worth recognizing that not every person possesses such a gift of persuasion.

If it is not possible to awaken consciousness in the drinking spouse and direct them to a sober path, other methods should be connected. Some of them relate to traditional and folk treatment, there are radical methods, metaphysical (conspiracies / prayers). Choose what suits your case.

Induce an aversion to alcohol

There are ways to force a husband to stop drinking alcohol without his consent, they are based on the formation of a spouse's persistent disgust even for the type of alcohol. True, they work only if the spouse began to drink regularly recently and has not yet become addicted to drinking..

One of the recipes for a folk drug to form an aversion to alcohol

What should be done for this. Every time a man starts drinking, quietly pour pre-prepared decoctions based on the following plants into his glass:

  • peony;
  • thyme;
  • lovage;
  • wormwood;
  • centaury;
  • noble laurel;
  • European hoof.

Some even use hot red peppers, green bugs and powdered cancer shells. But the wife should know that such experiments do not always end well.

Such funds have too long a list of contraindications, and to show side effects they can from a completely unpredictable side. Such treatment can become life and health threatening. Think a hundred times before going to such extremes.

The best homemade recipes

If you still decide to use these methods, use any of the recipes below. At the same time, carefully follow the recommended dosage to avoid side effects.

Peony. Dry rhizomes of the plant (12 gr.) Crush and steam with boiling water (400 ml). The mass should be slowly cooked for 5-6 minutes. You need to drink a decoction every day on an empty stomach, 100 ml.

According to statistics the largest number Divorces are due to drunkenness

Lavrushka. Bay leaf is available in the kitchen of every housewife. Healing tincture is very easy to prepare yourself. In clean, high-quality vodka (250 ml), add a couple of crushed bay leaves and one of its roots.

The liquid must be insisted for 12-14 days and taken in a glass daily. Such a tool forms a person's persistent aversion to alcohol.

Collection of herbs. To cook it, you need to stock up on yarrow, wormwood and St. John's wort (20 g each), mint (15 g), cumin and angelica (10 g each) and juniper (5 g). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Then steam the herbal mass with a glass of boiling water and brew for 15-20 minutes.

Give the spouse a drink of tincture three times a day, 200 ml each. The full course of such therapy fits into 10-12 days. Then you need to take a break of 6-7 days and you can continue treatment.

Red pepper (capsicum). A tablespoon of burning powder is poured with alcohol (60%) in the amount of half a liter. The mass is insisted for two weeks. Then the wife should add 2-3 drops of hot infusion for each liter of vodka.

herbal collection. Need to mix the following types herbs: thyme, thyme and Bogorodskaya grass (15 g each). Grind the mass thoroughly and steam with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour of infusion, the tincture is ready.

bearberry. Crush the leaves of the plant (10-12 g) and pour water (200 ml). On low heat, bring the mass to a boil and simmer for 20-25 minutes. The decoction is taken 20 ml 3-4 times a day.

Alcoholism should be fought, because the abuse of alcohol is fraught with sad consequences.

St. John's wort. Grass (80 g) steamed with boiling water (100 ml). Bring the broth to a boil for a couple, boiling continues for half an hour. Drink the finished drug on an empty stomach twice a day for 100 ml.

oats. Unrefined grain fill a container of 2.5-3 liters. pour oats clean water and boil for half an hour. Then the mass is drained, and calendula flowers (100-120 g) are added to the remaining oat mass, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Leave for 1-2 hours to insist and take three times a day on an empty stomach in a glass.

Mint. leaflets peppermint(20-25 g) pour a glass of alcohol / vodka. Insist the drug for 8-10 days. Then the wife should add the prepared remedy, 20-25 drops per glass of vodka.

There are more gentle means for weaning a husband from drunkenness. Eating fresh barberry berries, sour apples and raspberries will help in this. These berries also work (albeit very slowly) to suppress a person's craving for alcohol.

The above recipes are considered one of the best and most effective. But in the process of therapy, carefully look at the state of the spouse. At the first unpleasant symptoms, such treatment should be stopped and seek medical advice..

True Faith Therapy

Prayers and conspiracies, perhaps, remain last hope enlighten your spouse. If simple assurances do not help, and the husband drinks despite the requests of his wife, it is worth trying to influence him with the help of Higher powers. After all, believing people, Christians are convinced that alcohol primarily affects the soul, and only then begins to destroy the body.

Believers believe that when a person drinks, a green serpent takes possession of his soul, acting without the knowledge of the person himself and forcing him to continue drinking.

Sincere, fervent prayer from loving wife will help to expel evil spirits from the consciousness of a person. To do this, you should ask the Mother of God for help, reading a prayer for the spouse to find comfort and joy. The holy words should be read in front of the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice".

Sincere prayer helps believers save their spouse from drunkenness

Prayers addressed to some Saints also help. Help in the fight against the drunkenness of her husband's words, directed for help to:

  • Moses Murin;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Martyr Boniface;
  • John of Kronstadt;
  • Healer Panteleimon;
  • mother Matrona of Moscow.

Sincere prayer will certainly be able to heal the wounded soul of the drinker and save him from bodily addiction to alcoholic beverages. You can read a prayer at home or go to the Temple for this purpose. You can take holy water from the church and slowly add it to the drinker - this will improve the effect.

Help from relatives

When a spouse loves to drink often, but does not belong to chronic alcoholics, you can turn to your parents for help. This method will give good results. But this does not mean that parents should swear and appeal to the conscience of a man.

Just ask them to come to your house more often, especially in the evening (when the spouse returns). And do not forget to warn him about a possible visit of relatives. A sane person does not want to appear before the elderly in an unsightly manner and lose authority in their eyes.

Drinking is a global problem

Ask your parents to visit you as often as possible. If initially the spouse should be warned about the visits, then just stop doing it. The husband is already once again and will not reach for alcohol after work, knowing that at home, perhaps, elderly parents will be waiting for him.

Connect to the struggle for a sober existence and non-drinking male friends. Friends (if they are real) play important role In human life. Perhaps the husband does not want to hear judgmental words from them addressed to him. In the presence of any guests, the wife should know how to behave correctly when her husband appears. What not to do:

  • swear at a drunk person;
  • joke and comment on his appearance;
  • to expose a spouse in a bad light in front of visitors.

A woman needs to understand important thing. Trying to deal with her husband's drunkenness similar methods, she aims not to punish her husband, but to return him to sobriety, saving love and family from alcohol that destroys peace.

Medical methods

Do you want to know the surest way to make your husband stop drinking forever? To do this, you should visit a qualified and experienced narcologist. In pharmaceuticals, there have long been various drugs created to combat drunkenness. But you can use them only after approval and consultation with a physician.

It is desirable that the husband before starting drug therapy, passed the full comprehensive examination. Many of these drugs have a wide range of contraindications.

That is why self-connect to treatment medications it is forbidden. Only an experienced doctor will prompt and recommend effective medicines that will help in this specific case. More often, the doctor uses the following drugs to treat cravings for alcohol:

  • Colme;
  • Lidevin;
  • Abstinil;
  • Disulfiram.

The action of such tablets is based on the gradual development of aversion to alcoholic beverages. Sometimes a person even develops an unconscious fear of drinking alcohol. While a man does not drink, he does not feel any changes in well-being.

But one has only to sip alcohol, the active substance, which is part of the drug, reacts with ethyl alcohol. The result is sharp deterioration well-being and painfully unpleasant symptoms. Such treatment is carried out exclusively under the guidance and supervision of a physician.

For best result similar drugs are transplanted under the skin. The term of such coding is about 2-6 years. During this time, the body of the drinker completely returns to normal and the person no longer even thinks about alcohol.

A woman who aspires to family well-being, you should never engage in self-deception and hope that everything will fall apart by itself and return to normal. If a spouse has these problems, alcohol always leads to a downward path - to chronic diseases, alcoholism, mental disorders and, ultimately, to death.

It is very important to recognize the problem in time and immediately begin to fight it. Stock up on patience, perseverance and deep confidence that such evil will be surely defeated. Good luck to you!

Relationship Manipulation

When a man starts to drink the main task women help him give up alcohol. The first step is to determine the cause of alcoholism, which will help a psychologist and a narcologist. After establishing the cause, treatment is required. Traditional treatment alcoholism is carried out only with the consent of the patient himself. If a man refuses to admit his problem, you can help him quietly with the help of traditional medicine.

1 A few rules

In a house where there is an alcoholic, everyone must live according to certain rules to help a man quit bad habit. Such rules are developed for each family individually. It is important not to stop adhering to them throughout the course of treatment. alcohol addiction even if it passes without the knowledge of the patient. The main rules include:

  1. 1. All family members should understand that a man is heavily dependent on alcoholic beverages, treat this with understanding and not indulge the patient.
  2. 2. No one should forgive the patient another drunkenness. It is not necessary to roll up scandals about this, it is enough to calmly shame an alcoholic.
  3. 3. All other family members must give up alcohol in any quantities. Do not even use alcohol-based medicines.
  4. 4. If the treatment is secret from the patient, then all family members should keep confidentiality.
  5. 5. All conversations and clarification of relations with an alcoholic should be carried out in a calm tone. Do not raise your voice, shout, make excessive noise.

Such simple rules and help you achieve quick results during treatment. Therapy with folk remedies or conspiracies has great power only when certain conditions Therefore, all family members need to be more tolerant and help the man cope with the disease together.

2 Folk remedies

Using traditional medicine for the treatment of alcoholism at home, you must be extremely careful. It is better to get a preliminary consultation with a narcologist. Folk remedies are good not only for their proven effectiveness, but also because they can be given to an alcoholic without his knowledge.

When using various teas and decoctions, it should be remembered that each medicinal herb has contraindications and can lead to a deterioration in well-being.

The main folk remedy for alcohol addiction is wormwood. It can be added to teas, used as a seasoning for salads. During the treatment, dried grass and the root of the plant are used. Add medicinal plant should be taken in small doses, as in case of an overdose, there may be:

  • intoxication;
  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • kidney failure.

Quickly and for a long time causes disgust for strong drinks mushroom koprinus. Its use is safe for health. After collecting vegetable raw materials, it is dried in a frying pan and ground into powder. 1 teaspoon of the powder is poured with hot water and added 2-3 drops three times a day to food or drinks. You can use a medicinal plant even if the guy drinks beer every day. Beer alcoholism is much harder than regular alcoholism. With the regular use of this drink, it is almost impossible to convince a man of addiction, so treatment with the help of the koprinus mushroom will come to the rescue.


The monastic collection has a proven effect in the fight against alcoholism. It contains all the necessary plant components that help not only to weaken the craving for alcohol, but also to restore the body, remove ethanol decay products from it. You can drink this drink instead of regular tea. You can also brew the collection for the whole family so that the husband does not guess.

Any secret treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The appointment will have to go to the wife or children who take responsibility for secret therapy. It is important to ask the patient about his well-being, control his emotional state and record all changes in a special diary. At the time of treatment, it is required to keep a diary of blood pressure, since if you refuse alcohol, hypertension may develop.

3 Conspiracies

Women who have lost all hope of making their husband stop drinking resort to magic and witchcraft. Apply magical ways can be taken with tablets or folk remedies. Alcoholics usually speak in secret. You can do this on your own, if you have confidence in your abilities, or with the help of knowledgeable people.

Conspiracies are made on objects, for example, from photographs or on household items that a man uses. At proper conduct magic ritual effect from complex treatment will become noticeable quickly enough, and the whole family will live a normal life.

You can carry out such a ritual at home so that the spouse stops drinking forever:

  • take a glass of water;
  • put a church candle in front of him;
  • read the words of the conspiracy;
  • give your husband water to drink.
  • “Water is holy, the candle is strong. Just as water can never be reconciled with fire, so my husband cannot be friends with alcohol. Water will get inside the husband, the fire will flood inside, and the addiction will disappear. The candle goes out - the disease will be dispelled by smoke. Amen".

A man should be given water to drink before going to bed and in the morning he will wake up a healthy person.

Before contacting magical methods, you should go to church and pray for your spouse, ask God to take trouble away from the family, help your husband. Sincere prayers will always be answered.

Our advice, with your help, will help your husband stop drinking alcohol without his consent. He may not even know that he stopped drinking thanks to your efforts! Use our sections to study and put them into practice.

How can I help my husband stop drinking if he doesn't agree?

Ways and conspiracies at home without his consent

  1. Add bioadditives to food that save a person from alcohol addiction: Ikan, Spirulina, Biozinc. Before choosing the best of the dietary supplements, we strongly recommend that you contact the experts. Let them advise you on the choice in order to avoid all sorts of unpleasant consequences.
  2. Turn to conspiracies for help. One of the most effective is "Seven knives and one crossroads." Place a large pot filled with warm water on the stove. When the water boils, throw seven knives into it one by one and say in a whisper seven times: “Knives! You don’t drink water and vodka, so the slave (name of the spouse) wouldn’t drink alcohol at all and forgot about it forever! Wash the floor with water from the pan and pour it out at the crossroads.
  3. Buy soap. Looking at him, say prayer words: “Do not drink and do not drink to you, servant of God, do not walk drunk around the house! As soon as you wash your hands with this soap, you will forget about alcohol for the rest of your life! Amen!". Repeat Vanga's prayer nine times. Put the soap in the soap dish. Wait for your spouse to wash their hands.

Rituals for a Husband to Stop Drinking Beer

  1. Perform one of the rituals with a photograph. Take three church candles, a large photograph of your spouse (where he is alone) and a jug filled with holy water. Wait until sunset and place candles on the table. Put a photograph of your husband next to you, sprinkle it with water, saying: “Lord, help me! I dream of quickly removing Your servant (name of spouse) from dependence, forever winning him back from alcohol, so that he doesn’t go down his throat at all, so that he runs away from him! Repeat three times and immediately hide the photo away. Repeat everything in a month if the situation has not improved at all. Use a hidden photo.
  2. Try the plot "19". He says every nineteenth day of every month for baptismal water: “God did not know vodka, all the saints did not know booze! So you, slave (name of spouse), refuse any beer! Forever and ever, amen!" Repeat the spell several times so that your breath comes into contact with the water. Mix water into all liquid meals that your husband often eats.

Drugs for alcoholism

  1. Medichronal. Dissolve the contents of the sachets in one hundred milligrams of any non-carbonated drink. The course of treatment lasts a week, but do not forget to take a three-day break between days.
  2. "Colma". You can start treatment only twelve hours after drinking alcohol. Add twelve drops this tool in any without alcoholic drink.

Folk remedies

  1. Take some dry birch firewood and sprinkle it liberally with sugar. Light it up in a minute. Put out the fire. Make your spouse breathe sugar-birch smoke. Repeat if the first time this remedy did not help your husband to give up alcohol.
  2. Make a thyme tincture and add it directly to your vodka bottle. The recipe for the tincture is as follows: pour three tablespoons of this herb into a glass, pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave for several hours.
  3. Red pepper tincture is also effective means, which treats people from alcohol addiction. Take half a liter of sixty percent alcohol. Add a tablespoon of pepper powder to it. After a few weeks, quietly add four drops of this folk remedy to alcohol.
  4. Try a pumpkin tincture recipe that will give your husband a strong gag reflex. Peel one and a half cups of pumpkin seeds. Pass it through a coffee grinder and fill it with vodka. After eight days, add a tablespoon of miracle tincture to bottles of alcohol.
  5. Prepare a medicinal syrup of yarrow and tansy. Add three tablespoons of the flowers of these plants to one liter of water. Put the mixture on the fire and have time to remove it before it boils. Put in any dark place. Repeat the cooking procedure after five hours. Carefully strain the resulting product. Add six tablespoons of sugar and three tablespoons of honey. Stir and boil for exactly eight minutes. Add twenty-five milliliters of syrup to your spouse in compote or tea.
  6. Let your husband try dung mushrooms. Fry the young mushrooms and boldly put them on the table, politely offering a snack. If the spouse does not refuse, then after another sip of alcohol, he will feel wild nausea and vomiting.
  7. Prepare decoctions that can be secretly added to any alcohol. One of the decoctions is oatmeal. Pour three tablespoons of bearberry leaves into a glass of water. Boil.
  1. Destroy all the alcoholic assortment that is stored in your home. It is useless to hide it, since a person who is addicted to alcohol will sooner or later still find a “harmful treasure”.
  2. Don't drink in front of your spouse. If you want to drink a little, go visit your friends.
  3. Remove from the apartment all books and newspapers that contain anything related to alcoholic beverages: recipes, anecdotes, pictures, stories, cartoons. Leave only the literature that describes alcohol harm and side effects.
  4. Flatly refuse sexual intimacy if the husband even drank a little. Say "no" without shouting and in a calm tone so as not to anger your spouse. Refer to feeling unwell and to a headache.
  5. Do not let anyone who drinks with your husband into the apartment. Find any way to prevent planned drinking. The main thing is that the man does not see or hear this: close the room door, turn up the sound on the TV, turn on noisy electrical appliances.

Arrange for your spouse non-alcoholic romantic evenings, pleasant leisure, amazing surprises. Do this when you see him sober. Let him see how wonderful life is without vodka and beer!

In this article, we will talk about how to get your husband to stop drinking.

What can I do to get my husband to stop drinking?

What to do if the husband is not led to either persuasion or threats?

In this article, you will find 5 non-obvious tips on how to help your husband stop drinking?

When a husband is sober, he:

  1. Apologizes and asks for forgiveness;
  2. Promises that it won't happen again;
  3. Really feels guilty.

However, enough days pass and he breaks down again, and again drunken nonsense. It's like he becomes a different person.

The situation is not pleasant. Especially since this person is your husband.

When you met, he was a completely different person - the way you fell in love with him.

Now you see that your husband cannot stop drinking on his own: the person is addicted to alcohol. But what to do in such a situation - do not know. How to make your husband stop drinking when all the methods you have tried do not help?

  1. Stop ignoring your husband's addiction.

First, understand that your husband has an alcohol addiction.

The main criterion for addiction is that your husband loses control over what he drinks.

About how to accurately determine whether a person is addicted or not, I wrote in the article "How to determine alcohol addiction."

Your husband denies his addiction. It says something like:

  • "I'm fine",
  • "I'm just relaxing"
  • "I have everything under control."

No matter how your spouse justifies his addiction, he will never admit that he has a problem with alcohol. But before you force your husband to stop drinking, you need to understand this.

Your husband is addicted to alcohol, and therefore it is difficult for him to stop drinking.

Addiction doesn't go away on its own. If nothing is done, it will only get worse:

  • the husband will not stop drinking and will drink more often,
  • become more aggressive
  • lose control more often
  • break down mentally and emotionally.

You noticed that when sober, your husband is often withdrawn, tense, depressed, and even aggressive. These signs are the consequences of alcohol dependence, manifested in sobriety.

I also wrote about this in the articles “Signs of Alcoholism” and “When does the point of sobriety come?”. I recommend to read.

You need to give up illusions:

  • “Maybe everything will work out on its own?”
  • “Maybe your husband will change?”

It's time to stop now turn a blind eye to the fact that your husband really has an alcohol addiction and start doing something about it.

  1. stop forgiving

You are used to forgive and accept since childhood. But in the case of your husband, who drinks and does not know the measure, you are doing worse for the person himself. By forgiving him every time, you show that alcohol addiction is normal and encourages further use. This prevents the husband from quitting drinking.

Is not The best way how to make your husband stop drinking.

All the husband's promises to drink in moderation or stop drinking will remain unfulfilled.

Let him feel that you do not accept him like that when he is dependent - he is a stranger. He remains addicted even when sober.

He drinks and knows that the sutra will “chatter” you, because you will endure everything and forgive everything. This is very selfish of him.

Be ready to accept him as your own, only if he begins to lead a completely sober lifestyle.

  • The day after the party is not yet sober. Let 3-4 weeks pass, and if the person does not break down, it will be possible to talk about a temporary restoration of relations.
  • By showing your harsh attitude to what he drinks, you will make a person think that his loved ones do not accept him when he drinks and is addicted.
  • Then the husband will think about quitting drinking alcohol.

Do not put your husband to bed drunk - let him sleep where he fell. Don't bring water or care for him when he's hungover. He must feel and experience a sense of shame.

  1. Avoid alcohol yourself

Understand that if you want to make your husband stop drinking, you yourself need to give up alcohol.

Perhaps you say “I drink moderately, I know when to stop”, “My husband has a problem, not me.”

If you require something from another person, first decide for yourself to stop drinking completely.

How can you force your husband to stop drinking if you yourself continue to drink occasionally?

Remember there is no measure, there is no cultural drinking. Only complete abstinence from alcohol is the main condition for sobriety.

  1. Create favorable conditions for sobriety

There are many reasons that prevent a husband from quitting drinking. But best approach– consider alcohol dependence separately from all causes.

A person goes into alcohol addiction, as if into his own other world, because it is uncomfortable for him to live in the real world.

If we are talking about how to help your husband stop drinking, then you need to change the position from “I want him to stop drinking” to another position:

Ask yourself questions:

  1. What can I do to get him to stop drinking?
  2. How can I change myself so that my husband stops drinking?

You can create favorable conditions in reality.

When your husband is sober and everything is fine, then:

  • Stop pushing, blaming the person, pinching the person.
  • Blame for all sins.
  • Stop strangling responsibilities.

So you will remove one of the reasons why a person runs into alcohol addiction.

Perhaps you object:

  • He's a man.
  • He must do
  • He must help
  • Be responsible
  • And in general "to drag"
  • He must, must, must...

Okay, but do you need a man who drinks several times a week and very often loses his normal state?

I think no.

  • Just stop blaming him.
  • Take the focus away from him as from the "basic problem."
  • Stop focusing on this issue.
  • Take care of yourself. You forgot about yourself.

You forgot about your life.

But I suggest you start with yourself.

Start changing yourself better side, then your husband, looking at you will change.

Take care of yourself.

The truth is that we cannot change another person. You cannot fundamentally influence your husband. A lot depends on him. That is why you often feel hopeless, causing great pain.

Therefore, shift the vector onto itself. You can only change yourself.

And don't settle for humiliation anymore.

  1. Communicate information calmly and constructively

Often we get angry, offended, everything boils inside us, but a person doesn’t understand at all.

But sometimes, a person simply does not know what we are thinking, because he cannot read minds.

Learn to speak calmly, convey information not in the form of aggression, and not from the position of a victim, but constructively - like a diplomat. Even with my husband. Take away the emotions.

The position of the aggressor and the position of the victim are two extreme positions.

Either defend or attack - two positions you use to try to get your husband to stop drinking.
But understand, there is a third position - the position of constructive communication.

This is when you can explain your point of view and convey it in a calm tone.

Not afraid, not attacking. But for this you need to be aware of yourself and not allow emotions to control you during a conversation.

Practice. It won't work right away. Learn to express your point of view in a clear and constructive way.

  • If you don't like what your husband drinks.
  • If you find it unacceptable.
  • You're not going to continue living like this if he doesn't start to change.
  • You will make the decision.

Better to say now than to plan an escape. Your husband may not be aware of your strong disapproval of alcohol. Invite him to a conversation and calmly, looking into his eyes, without fear, explain that you are not going to tolerate this, and you will plan changes if the situation does not change on his part.

Calm tone. Even in a friendly tone. Instead of aggression give the opposite reaction of calmness and kindness but leave the content of the message.

A man believes that if you are still with him, then everything suits you.

Put yourself in your own position, respect yourself, love yourself. You deserve more.

Yes, this is your husband, but you are also a person - you deserve a good life and respect.

Don't be afraid to just talk. Don't turn it into a conflict. And start talking calmly, not giving vent to emotions. Bring your thoughts. You can write on a piece of paper the approximate words that you want to say.

Conclusion on How to Get Your Husband to Stop Drinking

Don't worry. Do not forget about yourself in such a situation.

Remember that if we want to change another person, first of all, we must ask ourselves “how can I change my attitude? what can I do in this situation?

Then you get power over life.

Give up the position of the victim, stop feeling sorry for yourself - this will not help either yourself or your husband.

We can't get into another person's head and change their behavior as we want. Each person comes to the realization that it is necessary to stop drinking, on their own. You can simply create favorable conditions for such a decision and awareness.

Also, before you force your husband to stop drinking, it’s better to learn about the nature of addiction, study the information on this blog so that you can convey information about alcohol addiction to your husband calmly and, as it were, between the lines.

This is the main advice on how to get your husband to stop drinking, and how to help your husband stop drinking completely.

Write your situation in the comments, share your opinion, tell us about your difficulties.

Arseniy Kaisarov, I'm Vkontakte, [email protected]

A drinking husband is always grief for the whole family. He is not able to take care of loved ones and brings them nothing but trouble, so when the first signs of alcoholism appear, you need to start fighting this problem.

Causes of alcohol addiction

First you need to understand why the husband drinks. This can happen in the following cases:

  • lack of understanding in the family, so alcohol can cause a feeling of happiness and satisfaction with life;
  • failures and problems at work;
  • lack of a normal income and a good job, which makes it impossible to support a family and causes a feeling of helplessness;
  • constant use of alcohol in the family where the man grew up;
  • separation from a loved one, as well as his death. Alcohol is often viewed by people as the only way to numb the pain and stress of losing a loved one;
  • heredity, but this happens very rarely;
  • dissatisfaction with one's life;
  • tradition, which means the need to drink on all important occasions from the point of view of an alcoholic: buying a house, raising a salary, birthday, new year holidays, corporate parties and others;
  • With the constant use of alcohol, there is a disruption in the functioning of all body systems, therefore, to restore cell performance, it requires an even larger dose. This forms an addiction to alcohol.

Also, the husband’s alcoholism has other reasons, so you need to start treatment precisely with their clarification. Then you should remove them or, if this is not possible, try to change the attitude towards them. In this case, a professional psychologist can help, to which you need to come with your husband. The specialist will quickly identify the signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction and convince the drinking husband to start treatment.

Signs of alcoholism

The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • raising mood even at the mere mention of alcohol, as well as an excited and joyful state before drinking alcohol;
  • search for reasons for the constant intake of alcohol;
  • sudden mood swings and aggressiveness when it is impossible to drink;
  • lack of control over the amount of alcohol consumed;
  • problems at work and in the family;
  • the ability to withstand large doses of alcohol;
  • withdrawal syndrome, that is constant need in increasing the amount of alcohol.

What are the stages of alcoholism? Their signs and possible consequences of addiction.

Can cirrhosis of the liver be cured? Learn about the symptoms and treatment of the disease by reading the article at the link.

Treatment Methods


Alcoholism can be treated with special medications prescribed by a doctor. They cause a persistent aversion to taking alcohol, so the patient stops drinking completely. These drugs may be given as tablets or injections. There are also alternative medical treatments for alcohol dependence.

These include acupuncture and laser exposure. Acupuncture involves the impact of needles on certain points on the body, which allows you to permanently get rid of cravings for alcohol. With the help of a laser, it is possible not only to remove dependence on alcohol, but also to improve the functioning of all internal organs.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of drunkenness in Russia have long been used beneficial features plants. Among the most popular herbs for getting rid of alcoholism, the following were used: wormwood, thyme, centaury. But many plants, including those listed above, have toxic substances in their composition. Therefore, you need to correctly observe the dosage and take these natural medicines with caution, taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

Among the most famous recipes from drunkenness, the following can be noted:

  • thyme, Bogorodskaya grass and thyme should be taken 15 grams each. Then they need to be crushed and pour a glass of boiling water. After the herb has been infused for 20 minutes, you can give your husband a drink;
  • you need to take 10 grams of bearberry leaves, finely crush them and then pour water, one glass. On low heat, this composition is kept for about 20 minutes. Then the decoction can be taken one tablespoon several times a day;
  • To wean an alcoholic to drink, you can try the following method. Take dry birch firewood, sprinkle it heavily with sugar and set it on fire. When the fire flares up, it will need to be extinguished. Then you should let the alcoholic breathe the smoke from this fire for 10 minutes. Then he is given one glass of vodka to drink. It is not known how this method works, but in traditional medicine there is an opinion that he will no longer drink alcohol;
  • taking the herb Leuzea safflower-like, as well as thyme, helps to cure her husband's drunkenness. These herbs are incompatible with alcohol. If they are taken with him, then the patient will begin to vomit. In the future, a persistent rejection of alcohol may develop;
  • if you drink a decoction of St. John's wort, you can get rid of alcohol addiction in 10 days. To prepare a decoction, you need 4 tbsp. l herbs pour ½ boiling water. Then it must be put in a water bath and kept for 30 minutes. You need to drink the decoction cold before meals 2 times a day;
  • well helps from the alcoholism of her husband and a decoction of unpeeled oats. Oats with husks should be placed in a three-liter pan to the top. Pour in water and boil for 30 minutes. After that, the broth must be drained and add calendula in the form of flowers to it, about 100 grams. Wrap the pan in a towel and leave for 12 hours. Then you can give your husband 3 times a day before meals. In total, you need to drink a glass of broth at a time;
  • help from alcoholism and mint drops. Peppermint leaves are poured with one glass of vodka or alcohol. It takes a week to insist. Per glass cold water you need to drip 20 drops of mint tincture and drink it to a drunk person.
  • to soft acting folk methods the fight against drunkenness can be attributed to the consumption of fresh fruits of barberry and its juice, as well as raspberries and sour apples. These products suppress dependence on alcohol.


This method is considered by many doctors to be the most effective for getting rid of alcoholism, but the patient must decide on his own to refuse to take alcohol.

The doctor will require the written consent of the patient to this procedure and explain to him all the consequences of further alcohol consumption. A special drug based on disulfiram is injected under the patient's skin or into his vein.

It allows you to block the synthesis of enzymes in the liver that produce the breakdown ethyl alcohol. After that, the patient will not be able to tolerate alcohol and he will develop an aversion to these drinks. Even if he drinks a little alcohol, such unpleasant symptoms like nausea, vomiting, dizziness. In some cases, a person may end up in a hospital bed or die.

Thus, for the success of this method, a strong desire of the alcoholic to cure this addiction, as well as a complete refusal to drink, is necessary.

Psychological help

TO psychological methods treatment is primarily hypnosis. It should be used only with the desire and consent of the patient, as the doctor affects his subconscious. This method gives the patient a setting for a complete rejection of the use of alcoholic beverages. There is also a suggestion about the possibility of a sober life that brings joy and happiness. This method will be especially effective if the patient is highly suggestible.

Placing a patient in a rehabilitation center is also one of the effective method struggle with drunkenness of her husband. This allows you to separate it from familiar image life and friends. In addition to eliminating the symptoms of alcoholism great attention given to the restoration mental health personality, so the treatment is carried out in a complex.

Not everyone believes in God, but when the husband starts drinking in the family, most women come to church. Their prayers bring long-awaited success and the husband stops drinking.

There is a special icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice", which helps to quickly get rid of this disease. But you can pray to the Mother of God at any of her icons. You can also go to the monastery with your drinking husband to quickly find a way out of this situation.

In any case, the one who seeks will always find a way out. You should fight for your husband and not give up, then the treatment will give the expected result. Only in this case, you can return a person to a full life.

  • You can not constantly control your husband, as well as manipulate or threaten him. The wife may lose her strength in vain, and this will not affect the husband in any way;
  • you don’t need to forcefully drag your husband to be treated or secretly pour drugs into his vodka. If you combine the actions of medicines or folk ways with alcohol, you can get an unpredictable reaction. The husband must take responsibility for his own life;
  • You can’t refuse your husband food, shelter in the house and intimacy in a sober state, manipulating in this way. The husband must feel loved;
  • you should not protect him at work, pay off his debts, create conditions for constant drinking, put him to bed and take care of him. He himself must understand what his alcoholism leads to and ask for help.
  • in no case should you make scandals, but it is better to take care of your life, including your favorite thing.

How can I get my husband to stop drinking? Modern and folk remedies. It is generally accepted that men drink the most in the outback, although in practice such grief can settle in any, even the most prosperous city family. So, how to make a husband stop drinking? What are the modern and folk remedies for the fight against alcoholism?

It is worth recognizing that it is quite possible to defeat alcoholism today, you just need to remember that main reason addiction to alcohol abuse is a psychological component.

As a rule, a man starts drinking if he has:

1) Dissatisfaction with family life.

2) Failure at work.

3) There are no goals and hobbies.

4) There is no desire to develop.

5) Bad environment.

Therefore, before treatment, you need to try to get to the bottom of the cause of alcoholism, otherwise it will be almost impossible to make your husband stop drinking. Sometimes it is enough to sit down with him and talk about his desires and even childhood dreams. IN modern world everything can be realized even in adulthood. And simple things like a new car or a trip, starting a business or moving can sometimes help you stop drinking without any treatment. The guy just needs to be sent to right direction and let him believe in himself.

Folk remedies

We will not consider all kinds of conspiracies from alcoholism, after which the husband often becomes an inveterate drunkard, or even commits suicide. If you want to solve the problem in a "spiritual way" - better go to church.

All folk remedies that make a husband stop drinking come down to the use of herbs and tinctures that cause an aversion to alcohol. Here, for example, is the gray dung beetle mushroom, which grows on dunghills, in fields and vegetable gardens. If you fry a young gray dung beetle and give it a glass of vodka to drink, the husband will experience poisoning, vomiting, and others. side effects. If you cook this mushroom several times and give it to drink vodka or another alcoholic drink, the husband will begin to develop a progressive aversion to alcohol. But you can’t use old mushrooms and confuse gray dung beetle with other poisonous mushrooms. Otherwise, you can completely poison your faithful.

The second popular folk remedy that helps to make a husband stop drinking is a decoction of St. John's wort. Four tablespoons of St. John's wort per 0.5 liters of water - pour boiling water and soak in a water bath for half an hour. Two tablespoons of decoction before meals twice a day for 15 days. Aversion to alcohol is developed very powerful.

A similar effect gives a decoction of Centaury umbrella. It is prepared in the same way as a decoction of St. John's wort, only the herbs need to be thrown not 4 spoons, but 2. It is taken in similar doses, it works quite well.

There are other folk remedies that make a husband stop drinking, there are quite a few herbs. They even treat with smoke - they sprinkle birch firewood with sugar, kindle them, extinguish them and let the alcoholic inhale this smoke several times. Then they pour a glass of vodka - after a while, the desire for alcohol also beats off for a long time.

Modern means

To make a husband stop drinking, you can use modern means, for example, alcoholism pills - Antabuse, Teturam, Radoter, and so on. However, it is better to take them after a visit to the doctor, who will prescribe the dose and course of treatment. If you make a mistake with the dosage, you can also plant the liver. In addition, the doctor must conduct a preliminary examination, make a combination of drugs. After all, in some cases it is necessary to remove the hangover syndrome (when withdrawing from hard drinking), and in others, on the contrary, to instill the maximum aversion to alcohol.

Also, do not neglect a visit to a narcologist - alcoholism is treated quite simply. The same coding has helped hundreds of thousands of people stop drinking. But you just need to go to a professional clinic, where they will not only take you out of hard drinking, but also remove the subsequent depression, where there are good psychologists. Of course, such treatment will require money, but it is better to solve the problem in advance than to let everything take its course and eventually lose the breadwinner.

How can I get my husband to stop drinking? The main thing is not to lose hope and fight, and also try to find out the psychological motives of the drinker. Today there is every chance that the husband will stop drinking, start new life and become strong confident person with ambition and goals. True, everything must be done so that the struggle does not develop into codependence on the husband of an alcoholic, which can do more harm than good.

How hard it is to see a loved one who is constantly "under a degree" and "does not dry out" Beloved husband, son - strangers. The drunk lives in his own world. Can strike when drunk. Money leaves the house - for booze. It is difficult for an alcoholic to make money - in the morning he has a hangover, he is not up to work. Well, spit on dismissal, hangover - the main meaning of life. I didn’t drink in the morning, the day was wasted. He lives to drink!

To list all the situations of alcoholism is unrealistic. Consequences: lack of money, illness and in the very worst case- death. Stop drinking - read the conspiracies. Did your husband or son drink? Sobriety them new look life. It's time to take action. You have a strong weapon against drunkenness - a conspiracy. Use your arsenal to stop trouble.

Rite of 13 days

Are 13 days too few or too many? If it costs so much to wait for the husband to stop drinking, then it’s worth to be patient. Suddenly this is the beginning of a new, happy life.

Purchase his favorite alcoholic drink. Let's make a conspiracy on his "signature drink". Therefore, we will treat our husband to them. For his and your good. Let him drink. Before buying a drink, go to an Orthodox church. In the cathedral, buy 12 candles. Here is what you need to observe in the temple:

  • Do not lean against the icons;
  • Don't be baptized;
  • Pay no attention to prayers.

When you leave the temple, turn around and say these words:

“As it is cold for a living person in the cold, so it will become bad for my husband from drinking! Amen".

Go home. When you get home, close your room. All this is necessary to be away from human eyes. Then light the candles. Place bottles of "nectar" for your husband near the table. Clear your thoughts. You are fully concentrating on a sober husband to run the program. Imagine how he will look sober, happy with you. your happy life without drunkenness. A family without sprees, drinking bouts and hangovers.

Draw all these pictures in your head. You sincerely wish your spouse and yourself happiness. We begin to whisper special words that will fill the bottles with the energy of disgust. They need to be repeated many times. Here's what to say:

“As a candle burns and melts, so does the drinker weep. I won’t send my husband to hell, but rather I’ll send a lapel on him. Let him stir up from the throat, everything inside twists mercilessly. There will be vomiting, hostility, and fear on the potion. I send the lapel to a booze - to a noisy party. Gradually, he will stop drinking, he will not ask for more to drink. All the bottles that are worth are not ordered to drink more! Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!".

We blow out the candles, we take the cinders into the trash. The husband will not suspect anything, because you will give him the charmed alcohol. Let be treated. You will have to wait at least 13 days for the results. If after 13 days there are no results, then repeat the ritual. Be sure to wait for the full moon.

The moon cures alcoholism

Not everyone has magical abilities. If a person has zero talents in magic, then they cannot be developed. In order to make the next conspiracy, you do not need to be a psychic or have incredible abilities. If you have a desire to help your husband or another relative, then use this conspiracy. Use spells to change your life for the better.

To apply this plot, you must be absolutely sober. Otherwise, nothing will happen. Wine couples will reduce the work to "no". Waiting for the moon to go down. When the long-awaited time comes, in the evening we put a glass of water on the windowsill.

Repeat this method from time to time and do not forget to clean yourself

Water must be spring or well. Live. Putting down the glass, say 3 times:

“As soon as this water gets inside, the drunkenness will instantly go away, And the addiction will completely disappear and will not come back. Amen".

We leave the glass until morning on the windowsill. In the morning the water is ready for use. Feel free to add water to the drinks of a sick relative. Tea, coffee, juice, or other non-alcoholic drinks will do. It is strictly forbidden to add alcohol to alcohol.

Remember that the contents of the glass must be drunk completely and without residue. The action of the conspiracy will begin to change your husband or relative. He was drinking and suddenly stopped. The person will think that this is his victory. Let him think. Don't tell him your little secret.

Let the patient be convinced that he himself has stopped drinking. You will need support and understanding. Take care of him. To look at the world with "sober eyes" at first will be unusual. There will be no daily fog. It is in your power to be near and morally support your husband during this period. The taste of victory will be on his lips. So the husband will have an incentive to live. New, once forgotten, values ​​will come: family, children, wife. There will be aspiration in life. For a former patient, the world will sparkle with new colors. The conspiracy worked.

Conspiracy on a broom

A broom is a cleaner in the house of everything dirty and unclean. He protects the house from everything bad. The pernicious habit of drinking can fall under the hurricane force of a broom. The power of a conspiracy on a broom.

The rite is carried out secretly so that it brings positive results. You go to the forest and collect a broom there. You don't have to go far any will do forest. It is necessary to collect a broom from trees that belong to masculine. Here are some trees you can assemble a broom from: oak, maple, ash and others. It will be good if you add some herbs. Herbs are also masculine.

Branches of oak, ash, maple

When you get home, sweep all the corners. Then you can sweep the whole house. Remember that you are alone in the house. No husband, no children. Even cats and dogs. Read these words of the conspiracy while sweeping:

“Herbs are ants, trees are green, strong and fragrant. From now on you will not see the golden sun and do not drink raindrops, do not rustle the leaves. In the damp land you will live forever, but the servant of God (the name of the faithful) should not drink intoxicated wine! Forever and ever! Amen".

Sweep the floor thoroughly. We take a broom and garbage, go to the yard. We will bury our garbage with a broom in the pit behind the house. Choose a place away from the house and not on the side of the porch. The rite is completed, and it will come into force when the broom begins to rot. Then your husband will stop drinking.

Features of the rites

Like all rituals in magic, conspiracies from drunkenness have their own characteristics. Here's what to do:

  • Perform rituals in certain days. Suitable for the treatment of men: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. To heal a woman, conduct conspiracies, and choose: Wednesday, Friday or Saturday;
  • Conspiracies are most powerful on the full moon or on the waning moon. The moon is waning and alcoholism with it;
  • To cure a person and make him stop drinking, you need to believe in the power of conspiracies. Making and reading conspiracies without faith is a waste of energy and precious time.

Follow these simple rules to help your husband or relative stop drinking.

faith healing

There are cases when one reading of conspiracies and holding magical rites is not enough. Deeply running cases where all methods have been tried and tried. People drink from generation to generation. Great-grandfather drank, grandfather drinks, and the grandson has already become addicted to addiction. This already looks like generic drunkenness - a sign of a generic curse. What to do in the most severe cases?

Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice"

The icon of the Mother of God, which is called the "Inexhaustible Chalice", can help in the most neglected types of drunkenness. Reading prayers, akathists can support in such situations. The path is long and thorny. If you are not indifferent to the fate of your loved ones and yourself, then you can defeat the disease of drunkenness with the help of a miraculous icon and prayers.

One drunkard was already so drunk that his legs were paralyzed. He ignored it and continued to drink. Until a godly old man appeared to him in a dream. The elder told him to go to Serpukhov. There is the face of the Virgin - "Inexhaustible Chalice". You will come there and serve a prayer service in front of the icon and you will be healthy. The peasant did not listen to the old man for the first time. Only the third time he decided on a long journey.

He crawled there, he served a prayer service and received the health of body and soul. From that day he stopped drinking and was grateful to the Mother of God for healing.

Get yourself an icon, and may the Mother of God heal you and your family from this vile habit.

All the rituals and conspiracies people have been collecting since time immemorial. He carefully keeps them, passes them on to his descendants. Alcoholism has killed more than one family. Drunkenness has long been a scourge on our land and, having managed to defeat it in one family, we can defeat it everywhere.