Autoimmune toxic hepatitis in cats. Hepatitis in cats: symptoms, treatment

Furry friends are more prone to hepatitis than humans. They have a liver disease. Chronic and acute hepatitis often develops against the background of gastritis, various kinds of poisoning, toxicosis during pregnancy, and many

The first signs of the disease

Sequelae of gastroenteritis long-term treatment drugs, poisoning with pests or poor-quality products can cause the breakdown of liver cells. The first call for the owner should be a change in the color of the mucous membranes. in cats, it is characterized by the fact that the tongue and oral cavity become icteric. Usually, an affectionate animal may become restless when stroked, especially when the place is touched,

Vomiting, diarrhea, sudden weight loss can complement the picture of the disease. The pet must be seen by a doctor immediately. Do not self-treat the disease. Properly prescribed treatment will help to avoid negative consequences. Hepatitis in a cat is not yet a verdict. In the veterinary clinic, they will definitely do tests, on their basis they will make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Why is the liver an important organ?

  1. The liver is the link between the digestive and circulatory systems.
  2. It produces bile to break down food.
  3. The liver regulates metabolism. Forms substances for the work of all organs. Follows the hormonal background.
  4. Normalizes glucose levels.
  5. Engaged in blood purification from poisons and harmful substances.
  6. Saves the body from infections by sacrificing its cells.

Infectious hepatitis in a cat

This type of disease most often affects the liver. Hepatitis may be independent disease. In any case, getting into the body of a cat, viruses or microbes strike at the liver, since this organ, with its cleansing function, takes on the main threat. Animals roaming freely on the street are especially susceptible to viral hepatitis. They can catch microbes from communicating with other cats and cats or simply by eating poor-quality food.

Non-infectious hepatitis: causes

The causes of this disease are more diverse. One type of non-infectious is in cats. Poisons and toxins that enter the body of the animal cause this form of the disease.

Food poisoning is the most common main reason diseases. The habit of cats not to eat the entire portion at once can lead to the fact that the food in the cup will turn sour and cause poisoning. Mouser cats can catch a rat poisoned with poison. In some cases, even the slightest contact with a pest is enough to get severe arsenic poisoning. The love of pets for indoor plants can turn into a big disaster. An animal can easily get poisoned by eating a poisonous leaf. Owners need to be careful when planting plants in the house that can harm furry pets. Some cat owners try to treat minor illnesses on their own. At the same time, dosages are not observed or they simply give animals drugs intended for humans. Such love can do much more harm than good. It must be remembered that the body of a pet is very different from a human. And what helps the owner can kill the cat.

Other causes of noninfectious hepatitis

An animal can also get poisoned by inhaling toxic fumes. Starting repairs in the house or engaging in baiting insects, it is necessary to isolate the pet. Although, inhaling paint fumes, the cat will not come down with hepatitis, but nothing good will come of it either.

Hepatitis in cats: symptoms and treatment

How does hepatitis manifest in cats? Its symptoms are as follows:

  1. Yellow whites of the eyes and mucous membranes oral cavity.
  2. The body temperature rises with a viral form. In this regard, the animal may become lethargic, lose appetite.
  3. Secretion of bile during vomiting.
  4. Diarrhea. Color stool almost colorless or grey.
  5. Dehydration due to diarrhea. The cat often asks for water and drinks greedily.
  6. Failure of the full-fledged work of the liver affects the kidneys. Urine may become dark due to bile pigments. Laboratory analysis will show the protein in it.
  7. Painful lump in region of liver. The organ is enlarged and causes pain. The animal is not given in the hands, hisses and bites.
  8. A biochemical blood test shows an abnormal content of bilirubin.

How is hepatitis treated in cats? The choice of treatment option depends on the form of the disease. First, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that affected the functioning of the liver.

  1. If this happened from poisoning, then detoxification is necessary. Perhaps the introduction of antidotes. Often requires intravenous administration physiological saline. At the first signs of poisoning, the owner of the animal can give a small dose of an adsorbent (for example, activated charcoal).
  2. B vitamins and hepatoprotectors will help restore the function of the affected liver.
  3. To reduce pain in the acute phase of the development of the disease, antispasmodics and painkillers are prescribed. Perhaps the use of "Drotaverine" in small doses. The doctor can calculate the amount of medicine, taking into account the indications for taking the drug, the weight and condition of the animal.
  4. At viral hepatitis antibiotics are used. Their appointment requires caution. The affected liver can hardly cope with additional treatment. But only certain medications. To maintain the health and strength of the pet, immunomodulators are used.
  5. A complex set of drugs can cause allergic reaction organism. In this case, antihistamines are prescribed.
  6. Application possible folk methods treatment as an adjunct. But without addressing the cause, no home remedies are able to cope with the disease. Decoctions of chamomile and rosehip will help support the body. They are used as vitamin supplements and antiseptics.
  7. The doctor will prescribe diet food. The regime must be followed strictly. Proper food will help reduce the burden on the diseased organ and alleviate the condition of the pet. In the early days, most likely, you will have to limit the cat's food to one water. Next, you need to transfer your pet to porridge. Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal will be the main dishes on the menu. Boiled lean meat products can be given no earlier than a week after the start of treatment. Regular consultation with your veterinarian will help determine if it's time to make changes to your pet's diet.

Disease prevention

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Keeping your pet healthy will help reduce the risk of hepatitis.

  1. Don't forget to vaccinate your cat. Timely affixed vaccinations will help boost immunity and ease the burden on the liver.
  2. Quarterly dressing the pet from worms according to the instructions will relieve the liver of the burden.
  3. Opisthorchiasis awaits the cat in unprocessed raw foods. The possibility of infection is very high if you constantly give the cat raw meat or fish.
  4. Food should only be fresh. No need to put a portion in a cup with a margin if you have to leave for the whole day. Soured food, especially in summer time, can do more harm than if the animal gets a little hungry before the owners return.
  5. You should not give fatty foods, especially if there are problems with the digestive system from time to time.
  6. Treating an animal without establishing a diagnosis and prescribing the correct dosage can cause great harm not only to the liver, but also to other organs. Any drug should be given to a pet only after consultation with a veterinarian.
  7. Protect your cat from the inadvertent use of poisons. Fertilizers, medicines and household chemicals store in closed cabinets so that a curious pet does not accidentally tear open the package and taste the interesting powder. Starting up in the house houseplants, it is worth asking about their toxicity to the animal. survive without beautiful flower it is possible, but it will be difficult to save an animal poisoned by it.
  8. Wash the animal from fleas or treat the skin with drugs with caution. The cat will definitely wash the wet skin with his tongue. Residues of the product can enter the body of the animal and cause poisoning.
  9. Animals should not be allowed outside unsupervised. Homeless Representatives cat family- excellent carriers of microbes and viruses. If it turned out that the pet nevertheless decided to take a walk without the owner's eye, then it is worth taking a closer look at its condition after the walk and when the slightest sign diseases to go to the clinic.

Is it transmitted to people?

Is it true that hepatitis in cats can be transmitted to humans? No. This disease is not dangerous for humans. The etiology of human hepatitis C has nothing to do with animal liver disease.

Even at the highest stage of decomposition of the pet's liver, hepatitis does not threaten the owner. Although there is still a risk of receiving an infection as a gift.

The prognosis depends on many factors

How long a tailed pet will live depends on how early the owner pays attention to his condition. Unfortunately, without proper treatment and strict adherence to a diet, the life of an animal can end quite quickly.


Now you know how hepatitis in cats manifests itself, we have described the symptoms of this disease. They also touched upon the topic of prevention of such a disease and its treatment.

In this article, I will look at the causes of hepatitis in cats and its specific symptoms. I will indicate what changes appear in the blood at the same time pathological process. I will tell you how to prevent complications after hepatitis with the help of complex therapy aimed at eliminating the causes and signs of the disease. And also whether the disease can be transmitted to humans.

Hepatitis is inflammatory process in the liver, which is accompanied by the destruction of its cells and impaired function. At risk are:

The more weakened the cat's body, the higher the likelihood of her developing hepatitis.

Causes of Hepatitis

Depending on the pathogenic factor, hepatitis of infectious and non-infectious etiology (toxic, allergic) is isolated.

Hepatitis in a cat can be caused by the abuse of veterinary drugs, autoimmune diseases, as well as pathologies in which copper compounds accumulate in the liver.

The causes of hepatitis can even be catching mice after deratization

Symptoms of the disease

A specific symptom of the disease is the staining of the mucous membranes and skin in an icteric color. TO general symptoms diseases include:

  • lack of appetite;
  • increased thirst;
  • digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, constipation) - feces acquire a gray-yellow or light yellow color;
  • urine darkens due to the appearance of bile pigments and bilirubin in it, as well as increased amount squirrel;
  • exhaustion of the animal;
  • increase in body temperature.

While tapping or probing the pet in the liver area (it is better to probe on the left under the costal arch), anxiety and aggression will be noted. With severe pain, the pet may even bite the owner or veterinarian.

Vomiting is one of the symptoms of hepatitis.

If hepatitis in cats has an allergic etiology, then there will also be reddening of the skin, itching, peeling, and urticaria.

If left untreated, the acute form will quickly turn into a chronic one. In this form, life-threatening animal complications develop:

  • hemorrhagic diathesis - an increased tendency of the body to bleed and hemorrhage;
  • ascites is an inflammatory process in abdominal cavity, which develops as a result of effusion in its cavity a large number pathological fluid.

Rarely, hepatic encephalopathy may develop.

Diagnosis of disease in cats

For an accurate diagnosis veterinarian necessary:

  • collect a complete history (pet care, feed quality, travel, time of onset of signs of illness, etc.);
  • examine the animal, palpate the liver area;
  • take for research analysis of urine, feces and venous blood from a cat.

The characteristic signs of the disease are a decrease in the concentration of stercobilin in the feces and an increase in the concentration of bilirubin and urobilin in the blood.

Diagnosis of hepatitis is possible only in a veterinary clinic

Animal treatment and recovery

The treatment regimen includes several interconnected chains:

  1. Etiological therapy - elimination of the cause. In hepatitis of an infectious nature - the use of antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal drugs. With hepatitis of a non-infectious nature - detoxification of the body, deworming.
  2. Symptomatic therapy - aimed at eliminating the signs of the disease. Spasmolytic and antihistamine drugs, intravenous infusions of saline, glucose solution with vitamin C are used.
  3. Restorative therapy - allows you to quickly restore the structure and functions of the liver, as well as support the body as a whole. At this stage, hepatoprotectors and probiotics are used.

Nutrition for the period of treatment and after it contributes to the recovery of the animal. Owners should follow these guidelines:

  • the first day - a starvation diet;
  • after 2-3 days, cereals (oatmeal, semolina, rice, etc.) are introduced into the diet;
  • after a week, you can add a small amount of minced meat to cereals;
  • on the 10th day of treatment, the animal is transferred to a sparing diet.

Any fatty food completely excluded from the diet.

Forecast at proper treatment good. Decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile or rosehip, will help restore liver function after treatment. The owner should not be afraid of feline hepatitis. The disease is not transmitted to humans.

With the right approach to treatment, the animal can quickly recover and restore all liver functions.

Prevention of hepatitis in a cat

The main factors preventing the development of hepatitis:

  • feed quality control;
  • pet care;
  • conducting timely vaccinations and deworming.

Do not self-medicate. Only a doctor can prescribe any veterinary drugs to a cat. This will help save the health of the animal, your nerves, time and budget.

Feline hepatitis is a group of diseases that are characterized by inflammation in the liver of an animal. This body performs important role in physiological processes, so it is impossible to start the disease. Diagnosing hepatitis in cats is difficult because the disease does not manifest itself. characteristic symptoms and is the result of frequent intoxication (poisoning) or exposure to infection. Treatment is always lengthy.

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    Types of feline hepatitis

    Under this disease in cats means inflammatory processes in the tissues of the liver. The reasons for their development may be different. The disease is dangerous not only in itself, but also by complications, which can be caused by the lack of necessary treatment.

    Usually feline hepatitis is only a consequence of the underlying disease. Therefore, it is necessary to first find the root cause of the disease, and diagnostic and therapeutic measures be carried out in a complex.

    Causes of the disease

    Toxic hepatitis develops in cats due to the penetration of toxic substances into the body. Most often, toxins are found in animal food. Another reason is drug overdose. Since the main function of the liver is to filter out dangerous substances, poisons greatly affect its performance and health. With prolonged exposure to toxins on the organ, treatment may not give a positive result.

    Often, toxic hepatitis is the result of an attempt to remove helminths with the help of drugs. Some irresponsible owners instead of going to a qualified veterinarian themselves prescribe treatment with inappropriate drugs or increase the dosage of the medication. As a result, the animal's liver suffers. Therefore, one of the most important measures to prevent this disease is the timely treatment of the cat from worms.

    Viral hepatitis usually develops in older animals or in those that have not been vaccinated. The main diseases that give complications to the liver are:

    • leptospirosis;
    • panleukopenia;
    • diseases of the stomach, pancreas or gallbladder;
    • enteritis.

    Symptoms of Hepatitis in Cats

    Since this disease is usually the result of another disease, it for a long time remains unnoticed. Therefore, it is important to take your pet to the veterinarian at the first symptoms of any disease. With the help of modern diagnostic methods you can quickly identify the cause of the disease and avoid the development of complications.

    The main and most obvious symptom of feline hepatitis is a change in the color of the mucous membranes of the gums and the whites of the eyes. They become jaundiced. This shade is formed due to the fact that undecayed bilirubin runs through the circulatory system of the animal.

    Also, a sick animal has other symptoms that differ depending on the type of the disease and its acute or chronic form:

    • due to the penetration of harmful bacteria or microorganisms, the body temperature of the cat rises;
    • the pet refuses to eat;
    • the cat is tormented by constant thirst, because of which he often drinks a lot;
    • vomiting and diarrhea occur, while bile is present in the separated masses;
    • diarrhea is replaced by constipation;
    • the animal loses strength and grows thin.

    Liver disease causes a change in the color of feces to light or gray-yellow, urine in this case acquires a dark beer color.

    The pet experiences pain and discomfort if you touch his stomach. In the case of an advanced disease, the liver is greatly enlarged, it can be distinguished by visual examination. The organ protrudes beyond the borders of the peritoneum with right side below the ribs.

    Nonspecific signs of the disease

    If toxic hepatitis in a cat is caused by an allergy or an autoimmune reaction of the body, the animal experiences itching. He develops rashes on his body in the form of fluid-filled blisters or pimples. There is bleeding of the gums.

    Changes can also be traced in the physicochemical parameters of urine:

    • increases the concentration of protein;
    • bilirubin and bile pigments are found in the urine.

    If treatment is carried out for too long or is completely absent, hemorrhagic diathesis and ascites are formed.

    Diagnostic methods

    Only a specialist in a veterinary clinic can diagnose an animal with hepatitis. During the survey, the following methods are used:

    • Performing biochemical and general analysis blood. The concentration of bilirubin, globulins, folic acid and cobalamin. The presence of an inflammatory process in the intestine or in the pancreas is specified.
    • Performance ultrasound organs located in the abdominal cavity, and radiographic image.
    • Biopsy of a fragment of liver tissue.
    • Checking the cells of an organ for the presence of bacteria by bakposev.
    • External examination of the pet.

    In addition, a survey of the owner is carried out to collect information about the mode of life and nutrition of the animal, what are the features of its behavior and whether there are any deviations. After a comprehensive examination and diagnosis of hepatitis, the veterinarian prescribes the necessary therapeutic measures. The treatment takes into account the nature of the disease and its symptoms.

    Treatment of feline hepatitis

    To exclude further damage to the liver, the underlying disease is established, which caused damage to the organ as a complication. For successful treatment of hepatitis at home, it is important to eliminate it.

    In case of poisoning with poisons, detoxification therapy is performed, aimed at eliminating their effects in the future. If it is known which substance provoked the disease, an antidote is administered. To support the work of the liver, the cat is prescribed hepatoprotectors and choleretics. These drugs restore the cells of the body and promote the outflow of bile.

    If the disease is viral in nature, without fail carry out antibiotic treatment. If there is a risk of complications or if advanced stage disease in the treatment regimen include corticosteroid drugs.

    Since the animal suffers greatly from digestion, it is necessary to give increased attention medical diet:

    • on the first day, the pet is not fed, only given to drink required amount clean water;
    • on the second day, low-fat meat or fish broth is allowed;
    • after the cat’s well-being improves, lean soups, cereals and soufflés are gradually added to her diet;
    • in the menu of the animal should be minimal amount sodium and carbohydrates;
    • you can not give your pet food, the list of components of which includes sucrose or fructose;
    • portions of food should be small, but the animal should be fed often;
    • the amount of protein in food must be limited so as not to provoke hepatic encephalopathy.

    You can switch to a normal diet, but in a lighter form, on the tenth day of treatment. During this period, it is desirable to give the pet special therapeutic food, in which the protein content is reduced.

    Acute hepatitis is much easier to treat than chronic hepatitis. At the same time, the forecasts for recovery are better, the earlier they were taken. necessary measures. With long-term toxic effects on the liver, the consequences can be irreparable, since any inflammation or effect on immune system leads to the disease of several organ systems of the animal at once and can provoke death.

    Prevention measures

    Hepatitis in cats is absolutely safe for their owners, as it is not a contagious disease. A pet will not be able to infect people, since this disease develops for other reasons, unlike hepatitis in humans, therefore it is not transmitted to him. There is an opinion that this ailment is able to pass to another animal with secretions, blood or airborne droplets. However, a sick pet is not dangerous for its relatives either.

    In the case of the helminth form of hepatitis, a sick animal is able to pass only the eggs of worms to another cat, but the development of hepatitis in it is not necessary.

    The main measures to prevent liver pathology are careful attention to the pet's diet. You can not feed the animal with spoiled products and meat and fish that have not undergone heat treatment.

    To reduce the likelihood of developing serious infectious diseases that can cause hepatitis as a complication, it is necessary to vaccinate the cat in a timely manner. All medicines and treatments should be coordinated with a qualified veterinarian and in no case should you prescribe therapy to your pet yourself.

Which is diffuse (diffuse or multiple) in nature and is accompanied by the breakdown of liver cells, impaired metabolic processes in the body, a violation of the barrier and protective function of the liver.

In its course, hepatitis can be acute and chronic.

Causes of Hepatitis in Cats

The disease develops when the following factors affect the liver:

  • toxic,
  • allergic,
  • infectious.

Toxic hepatitis

The toxic factor includes poisoning with mineral poisons used as poison for rodents. For example, in cats who love to eat mice, poisoning is quite common:

  • phosphide,
  • zoocoumarin,
  • arsenic.

The development of hepatitis also occurs under the influence of industrial poisons in a zone of unfavorable environmental conditions (large urbanized cities with a large number of plants and factories). And also in case of accidental or use of food contaminated with microscopic mold fungi in the pet's diet.

An important role in the development of toxic hepatitis is played by the uncontrolled use of drugs. For example, hepatitis can start after an overdose:

  • antibiotics;
  • sulfonamides;
  • other potent medical or veterinary drugs.

These substances tend to accumulate in the body, as a result, toxic hepatitis smoothly turns into allergic hepatitis.

infectious hepatitis

The cause of infectious hepatitis is the effect of a virus on the cat's body. Such a disease is primary.

In the development of any hepatitis, an important role is played by the presence of predisposing factors, such as venous stasis and general state animal body ( weak immunity, low fatness, poor health, age, pregnancy, etc.).

Symptoms of hepatitis in a cat

An increase in body temperature in a cat can be a sign of hepatitis.

Any type of hepatitis is manifested by parenchymal jaundice: staining of the mucous membranes and conjunctiva in bright yellow or lemon color.

TO common features hepatitis include:

  • – as a rule, this is due to a bacterial factor;
  • loss of appetite;
  • increased thirst, the animal often clings to a bowl of water, swallows it noisily and greedily;
  • , which is replaced by constipation and, conversely, while the feces have a characteristic light yellow or gray-yellow color;
  • urine is dark in color, due to the increased content of protein, bilirubin, bile pigments;
  • severe exhaustion of the animal.

When probing and tapping the liver area, the animal behaves restlessly, meows plaintively and tries in every possible way to show that it is painful and unpleasant for him. With severe pain, the cat may bite the owner.

With allergic hepatitis observed:

  • itching and peeling of the skin;
  • hives;
  • bleeding of altered skin areas is rare.

Under the influence of prolonged irritation of the liver by toxins of a viral, bacterial or chemical nature acute form of hepatitis rapidly progresses to chronic.

The danger of a chronic course lies in the possibility of developing:

  • ascites (inflammation of the abdominal cavity with effusion inside its large amount of pathological fluid);
  • hemorrhagic diathesis (increased bleeding).

Diagnosis of hepatitis in cats

To make a diagnosis of hepatitis, you must:

  • provide a complete history (all information about the animal that in one way or another may be related to the disease: conditions of feeding, keeping, moving and visible signs unusual condition of the cat);
  • conduct clinical studies: examination, palpation, percussion of the liver area, etc. (naturally, this should be done by a veterinary specialist);
  • donate venous blood of a cat for biochemical analysis;
  • conduct laboratory research animal feces (faeces and urine).

Hepatitis is characterized by an increase in the amount of urobilin and bilirubin in the blood with a decrease in the content of stercobilin in the feces.

How to treat hepatitis in cats?

First of all for effective treatment hepatitis needs to be stopped etiological factor, that is, to eliminate the cause that led to the disease.

In second place in therapeutic measures is a correct and strict diet:

  • Any fatty foods should be excluded from the cat's diet.
  • The first day and at all should put the animal on a starvation diet.
  • A couple of days after the start of treatment, cereals (rice, semolina, oatmeal and others) are gradually introduced.
  • After another week, you can add a little minced meat to the porridge.
  • From the tenth day, the animal is transferred to a sparing diet.

in the treatment of hepatitis good results give decoctions of wild rose, chamomile, immortelle.

Among the pathologies of the liver found in animals, hepatitis is considered especially dangerous. In cats, as well as in humans, the disease is severe. Inflammation in the tissues stops the liver, which has Negative influence for the whole organism. The article discusses in detail the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, as well as existing methods of treatment.

Hepatitis in cats: symptoms and treatment

To develop the right approach to the treatment of hepatitis, it is necessary to understand the tasks assigned by the body to the liver.

Table 1. Liver functions

Digestive and metabolicLike the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the liver takes part in the processes of processing and assimilation of food. It is the link between the circulatory and digestive systems, promotes the breakdown of fats and proteins, and also produces new vital elements.
bile productionBile is produced by the cells of the body with the help of blood. In addition to producing a secret, the liver displays it in the duodenum 12. This fluid is stimulated by the enzymes responsible for breaking down the food bolus.
Synthesis of vitaminsVitamins A, K and nicotinic acid are formed in the liver. In addition, it emulsifies fats
Glucose controlWith an increase in glucose, the body begins to make reserves and store glycogen. If the body experiences a shortage of glucose, the liver replenishes the sugar level from the reserve created with the help of the liver.
Blood PurificationThe liver is pierced blood vessels. Blood passes through this organ as through a filtration system. At the exit, the red liquid is purified. If necessary, the liver gives up its blood reserves
ProtectiveThe active substances contained in medicines, and waste products of metabolism are processed by the liver. In addition, the body disinfects the cell membrane when it interacts with bacteria.

Hepatitis in a cat: etiology and pathogenesis

The term "hepatitis" refers to diseases that occur against the background of inflammatory processes in the liver. The importance of this organ in the life of the body can hardly be overestimated, so untimely therapy or its absence is fraught with serious consequences.

Hepatitis is an inflammatory process, accompanied by the destruction of liver cells, metabolic failures and a decrease in the protective function of the organ.

Types of hepatitis

Based on the specific mechanism of the onset of the disease, 2 varieties are distinguished.

Hepatitis occurs in chronic and acute forms. The latter lasts from 2 to 3 days, the first - several months with appropriate therapy.

Causes of Hepatitis

In the formation of any type of disease, a large role is assigned to predisposing factors - physical condition cats and the presence of venous congestion.

infectious hepatitis

Sometimes there is a secondary infectious inflammation of the liver. It occurs as a result of a complication of diseases of infectious etiology or when helminths release biotoxins in large quantities.

Toxic hepatitis

The provoking factor of this type of disease includes the following:

  1. Poisoning with poisons that are used to bait rodents. In pets who have eaten an infected mouse, phosphides, zoocoumarins, and arsenic enter the body. Also, the development of the disease is possible under the influence of industrial toxins and when eating poisonous plants and molds.
  2. Reception medications. The disease can develop after abuse and anthelmintics.
  3. Poor quality products. If expired cereals are present in the pet's diet, microscopic fungi formed on them can cause mycotoxicosis. This pathology has a toxic effect on the liver.

In general, any toxic substance that accumulates in the body can harm the liver.

Can humans be infected with feline hepatitis?

between human and feline hepatitis there are large differences in terms of pathogens, clinical picture and present symptoms. Inflammatory liver disease in cats is not dangerous to humans, regardless of the nature of the disease. Also, hepatitis is not transmitted from one cat to another. This is due to the fact that the cause of the pathology is always individual.

Symptoms of the disease

The manifestations of the disease are pronounced:

  1. Jaundice. The most obvious symptom. Color changes concern the mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes. The color intensifies with the development of the disease.
  2. Chair disorders. The pet suffers from diarrhea, less often from constipation. The color of feces is determined by the action of bilirubin, which is part of bile.
  3. Hyperthermia. Occurs due to intoxication with metabolites.
  4. Increase in body temperature. This symptom is inherent in infectious hepatitis. Accompanied by depression and loss of appetite.
  5. Vomiting with impurities of bile. This leads to dehydration and increased thirst.
  6. Urine color change. Since the liver stops working in full, the main burden falls on the kidneys. Bile pigments instead of the duodenum penetrate into the urine, causing it to darken.
  7. Allergy. Sometimes allergic dermatitis occurs, manifested by itching and flaking.
  8. Pain on palpation. Due to the fact that the organ increases in size, when probing the peritoneum on the right side, the animal experiences discomfort.

In addition to the listed symptoms, the animals show emaciation, in some cases anorexia. Constant irritation of the liver is fraught with the transition of the disease into a chronic variety, in which there is a risk of development.

Diagnosis of hepatitis

Pathology is detected using several diagnostic methods:

  1. Collection of anamnesis.
  2. Analysis of blood, feces and urine. An increased content of urobilin and bilirubin in urine and stercobilin in feces will indicate the development of pathology. An informative test is the activity of enzymes that move amino acids.
  3. Abdominal ultrasound. Allows you to assess the size and condition of the body.

Hepatitis treatment

Any actions aimed at combating pathology must be coordinated with the veterinarian. Therapeutic manipulations consist in the use of the following drugs:

  1. Antidotes. If the disease is provoked by intoxication of the body, Vikasol and products containing vitamin K will help to reduce the level of poison in the blood.
  2. infusion therapy. Dehydration is treated with glucose and rehydration solutions.
  3. Hepatoprotectors. The supporting effect is provided by "Essentiale Forte" and "Karsil". It is also helpful to take B vitamins.
  4. Antispasmodics. For anesthetic purposes, use "Drotaverin", "No-shpu".
  5. Antiemetics. "Metaclopromide" successfully copes with this task.
  6. Immunocorrectors. The protective barrier of the body is increased by Cycloferon, Phosphprenil and Immunofan.
  7. Pathogenic microorganisms are inhibited by "Amoxisan".
  8. Antihistamines. For hepatitis of allergic origin, Suprastin and Dimedrol are used.

Reception of drugs is possible only according to the prescription of the attending physician. You should adhere to the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Health food

Any therapeutic measures will be ineffective if the pet is not transferred to a sparing diet.

1 day. The first day the pet should starve. Perhaps only plentiful drink.

Day 2 Finely chopped beef tenderloin and low-fat broth. Fatty foods, chicken, vegetables, fruits and fish are banned.

Day 3 Boiled rice cooked without the use of salt and oil. If the cat has lost a lot of weight, rice can be replaced with oatmeal. In the absence of vomiting, it is possible to add a small amount of pate.

4-5 day. Low-fat dairy products - yogurt and cottage cheese. It is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body and, if necessary, exclude them from the diet.

6–7 days. Chopped boiled vegetables. The ideal option there will be carrots grated with cottage cheese.

Then you can transfer the animal to a normal diet, focusing on the use of therapeutic dietary feed. To reduce the load on the organ, fractional feeding is used in small portions 5 times a day. Due consideration should be given to animal fluid intake. To prevent dehydration, the cat should always have access to a bowl of water. Veterinarians also recommend drinking the Regidron pet.

Cat owners who prefer natural system feeding, should be excluded from the diet of food containing a high percentage of fat.

Complications after hepatitis

Even with timely and well-chosen treatment, veterinarians cannot always prevent malfunctions in the functioning of the liver. Most often, cat owners face the following consequences:

In advanced cases, hepatitis turns into cancer or cirrhosis.


To keep your pet from developing this dangerous disease, the owner must adhere to several rules:

  1. Carry out periodic immunization of the body of the animal.
  2. Carry out regularly.
  3. Take measures to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Considering the danger posed by hepatitis and possible complications, you should be examined by a veterinarian in a timely manner and monitor the quality of the food fed to the pet.

Video - Hepatitis in cats