Happy March 8 girls funny prose

Today is an international day dedicated to all women, but my life is dedicated to only one thing, the most beautiful woman on our planet - you! Darling, accept congratulations from me on your holiday. At this hour, I really want to repeat to you once again that you are my most beautiful. You have such beauty that you can look at it forever, every cell, your insanely alluring and deep eyes, your perfect nose, your pearly smile, the perfect outline of your lips. I love touching your hair, stroking your white shoulders. But, beauty, this is not all that you have hidden for me. I am amazed at your intelligence, your wisdom, which is completely inconsistent with your years, your principles and your special, completely individual vision of life. You are so charming that anyone who sees your eyes and hears your voice is immediately captivated, irrevocably. And I have been in your captivity for a long time. Happy Eighth of March to you, my love!

Today, all men on earth are in a real commotion; since the very morning they have been running around in search of decent bouquets for their loved ones, in search of gifts. And I prepared everything in advance, because you, my dear, deserve only the best. I love you very much, and I hope that you fully feel the full flow of my endless love for you. On such a significant and important day for the entire female half of the earth, let me congratulate you on the holiday. And I wish you to remain as young, charming, beautiful and charming for many more decades. I wish you that everything always works out for you, easily and naturally. So that yours come true cherished dreams, and I promise to personally fulfill some of them. I wish you good health, so that you never get sick, or get upset, or pout. May there always be a lot of light, joy, energy, inspiration and warmth inside you. Be happy, my love, happy holiday to you.

My beloved and dear, on this beautiful March day, when spring is just beginning to gain vital momentum, a glorious holiday has come to us, which personifies all the charm, beauty and fragrance of the weaker half of humanity. Let me congratulate you, my sunshine, my personal spring, my happiness, on International Women’s Day, which came on March 8th. And I wish you that young spring will always live in your soul, wonderful gardens will bloom, birds of paradise will sing, and the smell of rosebuds will smell. My heart has long belonged to you alone, and I want to give you this whole world, lay it at your feet. So that the sun rises and shines only for you, so that the wind whispers its lullabies only to you. You deserve it, you deserve the best and I will try to do absolutely everything so that you are the happiest and always feel my love and my care. Happy holiday, I love you, honey!

Beloved, the first, tender, white snowdrops bloomed only for you. Only for you the spring drops sound and the brooks gurgle. The gentle spring sun shines only in your honor. All the songs of birds today are only for you, my dear. Today, on this beautiful March day, a wonderful Women's Day has come to us. And on this special day for the weaker sex - March Eighth, I want to wish you to always be happy and fly a little in the clouds. Let nothing darken your life, let all problems, anxieties, doubts and resentments go away. I so want all your wishes to come true, and, of course, I will try to fulfill those that are in my power! I wish you every morning to make you happy sun rays and filled vital energy, optimism and inspiration. May harmony always live within you with yourself and with the world that surrounds you. My most beautiful, most touching and most gentle girl, happy holiday!

Today, even the spring drop selects special notes to congratulate all women with their song on their special holiday - International Women's Day! And on this bright day, the eighth of March, the sun shines in a completely new way, the birds sing their best songs and everything around is reborn to life, as if identifying feminine essence and the main female gift - the gift of new life! Today, all men are running wild in search of beautiful bouquets for their beloved ones. But, of course, the most beautiful bouquet I have prepared for you, my love. I am so happy to look into your tender, deep, affectionate and shining eyes. Your spring beauty can outshine all the flowers on earth, and even the light of the sun! One day you managed to breathe into me new life, freshness and warmth unforgettable emotions. And now, every day I want to thank you for this. I love you more life, and congratulations on your holiday, my dear and most precious.

The calendar opened a new day for us - the eighth of March. And this day has long become special for everyone, because today the entire beautiful half of humanity celebrates their main holiday. My beloved, in honor of this day, I want to create a fairy tale for you, to become your personal wizard. Wish what you want, I will fulfill everything, I will lay the whole world at your feet, and even this will not be enough to express how important you are to me! I want you to always smile sincerely, have fun from the heart and enjoy life. I want to protect you from any problems and troubles, to protect you from any adversity and betrayal. Today I will ask fate to always keep you and protect you, to pamper you and love you like sister. I want you to always believe in miracles and know that there is real magic in life, you just need to be able to see it. I will always be by your side, happy holiday!

Today is the eighth of March, which means International Women's Day has arrived. It turned out to be a most wonderful day, young spring is walking across the planet, the drops are beating their cheerful tap dance, the earth is warming itself with the first warm rays of the sun. Beauty and tenderness excite the air around. Let this holiday be only for you, my most beloved, dearest and most desired woman. After all, you are the personification of all that is most feminine. You are beautiful, wise, gentle, caring, charming and sweet, touching and light, patient and forgiving. You are just gold to me. At this hour, I want to wish you great fluffy and light happiness, so that love always lives in your heart, so that you are surrounded by good, kind and bright people. I want your life to be easy, interesting, long and rich. May fate bring you pleasant surprises and spoil you. And I promise you that I will always do everything in my power to bring you as close as possible to complete happiness and harmony. Happy holiday!


Spring has come, and with it the most important spring holiday, March 8th is International Women's Solidarity Day. My beloved, you are like a young spring; when you are near, my heart is always joyful and light. You are like my personal piece of heaven, just as bright and extraordinary, airy and open. You are like the moon, just as mysterious, you can light my way in the impenetrable darkness of this life. I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. I can’t stop admiring your beauty, my main desire is to always be next to you, alone, when there is a whirlwind of events outside the windows, and there is only you and me in the room, I want to enjoy you and our feelings. And let someone say that words are just sound, but I dedicate them to you and always back them up with deeds. Be always beautiful and the happiest!


The month of March has proudly spread out with white fluffy clouds, tits are ringing in the trees, and even the sky has become cheerful and brighter. The sun shines stronger and warmer, warming the earth and people with its rays. On March 8th, the long-awaited holiday of all women on our planet comes - International Women's Day. And today to you, my most beloved and most desired girl, I want to show all my cards, talk about my feelings and desires. You are my precious girl, I love you immensely, very much. I think that at this hour, you are still sleeping sweetly in your crib. The rays of the sun are asking, knocking on your window, and my message is also knocking, it wants to get to your heart as quickly as possible. I want you to always be happy and joyful, so that no one and nothing darkens your life. I congratulate you on your holiday, dear, and wish you goodness and endless love, in all its manifestations.


My wonderful, beautiful and beloved soulmate, I want to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday that comes every year on the eighth of March, International Women’s Day. Spring, like an obsession, filled everything around, painted us with its bed colors, made us fall in love with itself, bewitched us. Today you radiate such light, such positivity, such freshness, like a young spring. I'm always very happy when you feel so upbeat, special, light mood, it pleases me and warms my soul. I want to tell you that you are the most beautiful, most charming creation of nature. I wish you to always remain the best, never be bored, sad or sad. Let life give you reasons only for fun, inspiration and optimism. I love you, I am happy next to you, and today I want to please you all day long and do all sorts of “pleasants” for you. Happy holiday, my beloved girl!


I want to congratulate you on the holiday of beauty, charm and spring excitement - International Women's Day! You have become my inexhaustible source of inspiration and great mood. You have become main reason my strongest, most beautiful, deepest feelings. I wish that you always bloom, become more and more beautiful and never get tired of life. I want you to always please me with your radiant smile, bright, happy and joyful eyes. I want to always be by your side, hold you in my arms and never let you go. You are the most precious thing in my life. I congratulate you, and I wish that all your dreams come true, and that life seems like a real fairy tale to you. I, for my part, will make every effort to decorate your reality. magical colors love and happiness.


Today on the calendar, a holiday marked in red, all over the world, is the eighth of March. The frosty winter is still full of snow excitement and is completely reluctant to give up its position to the young spring. But in nature everything goes on as usual. On this wonderful day, when the sun is already hinting at the coming warmth, I want to congratulate you on your holiday, my dear and beloved girl, on International Women’s Day. I wish you lots and lots of happiness, because it is always appropriate and never in excess. I wish that your lucky star always shines and illuminates your life path. I wish you to be visited every day by good luck, inspiration, luck, cheerful and high spirits. May your Guardian Angel always protect you, cover you with his wings from troubles and adversity, and lead you along the right path of goodness and light.


On the eighth of March comes the most beautiful and reverent holiday in the whole earth, which personifies femininity itself, tenderness and beauty. I want to congratulate you, my beloved, and wish that, like ringing drops, spring will always sing its magical song in your soul. So that, like brooks babbling through the streets, the eternal energy of life, inspiration and joy of being gurgle within you. I want it to be like this winter snow All your hardships, sorrows, experiences and problems have melted away. I love you very much, and it makes me incredibly happy when you are in high spirits, when everything works out easily for you, when you enjoy life. Let it always be like this. Happy holiday to you, my brightest star, my most beautiful princess, my most fragrant rose. Be happy, healthy and harmonious. I kiss and hug you tightly.


Today nature has created a special spring specially for you. watercolor paints. They have such a wide palette. Sunlight in bed colors, crystal and silver drops, yellow mimosas, red roses and sparkling, not yet melted snowflakes and blue sky. And I want to color your morning with wonderful emotions, high spirits and inspiration. Therefore, today you will be greeted by hot coffee in bed, a bouquet of flowers and this message. Today, I will spend the whole day with you, it will be dedicated only to you, it will be only yours. I will fulfill your wishes and surround you with attention and care. You are my queen, who surpassed all queens in beauty. You are my goddess, who surpassed all goddesses with your charm. Let the spring wind dance a waltz or square dance for you today. I will warm you with my love and care, my beloved girl.


The beginning of spring. The beginning of a new life. Everything around is blooming and smelling. March 8. Beautiful, sunny day. I am very glad to congratulate you, my beloved, on a wonderful Women’s Day, the holiday of the Eighth of March and wish you tender feelings of joy and harmony. Let the sun shine with bright rays of warmth in your soul and let all the flowers that exist on the planet bloom. You are the most beautiful and sweetest creature I have ever met in this life! May your smile never fade, but your face Tears of happiness always decorate. You are my light angel, my only love, my passion and my joy. I love you very much and I hope that my feelings for you are mutual. I really want all your dreams and desires to come true, dear! I am ready to help you implement them and do everything for you. Be happy, my beloved girl!


Darling, today, on International Women’s Day, I want to congratulate you! Know that you are the most charming, the kindest and the most a tender girl in the world. I love you very much and I promise to protect you, kiss and hug you always. I know that you were looking forward to this holiday and I hope that my gifts will please you. And I want to wish you to be cheerful, so that you have everything you want for happiness, and so that your cherished dreams come true! Let everything you dream about be near you, and let every moment bring you pleasure in life! Let our relationship grow stronger every day, let love flare up, so that this feeling in your soul only grows and strengthens! I wish you faith in your heart and hope, I wish you not to pass by your luck and use your chance. And on Women’s Day, I want to wish you endless luck, joy, true happiness, smiles and mutual understanding. Happy holiday, my love!


Darling! Congratulations on this wonderful holiday, International Women's Day, March Eighth! May your mood be unrealistically wonderful today, and may all your dreams and desires come true with ease. I wish you joy and a happy smile on your beautiful face. Let your eyes shine and glow with inner radiance. May your soul be bright and pure. I wish you peace, mutual understanding, harmony and respect. Let your home be cozy and warm. I wish you to achieve your goals and have a good career. I also wish you bright impressions, a sea of ​​happiness in which you would swim forever, an ocean of love in which there are never storms, my hand and a warm heart! Even if no one believes in a miracle anymore, I assure you that on this day it will come for you! Happy spring holiday, my dear, beloved, charming and only girl!


It may still be cold outside, but it already smells like spring everywhere. My congratulations may be short, but they are filled with love for you. Dear, sweet, beloved! This spring holiday is another reason to say how much I love you! You are all for me. Since I first met you, spring has not passed in my life. Be happy! Be happy with me! May your eyes always sparkle with happiness, may a smile always shine on your lips, may there be peace and quiet in your soul, and may the endless reflection of my love reign in your heart! Congratulations on the Eighth of March, my dear, gentle and kind, my joy and pain, my happiness and immeasurable excitement, my saint and alluring, my angel and beautiful demon! I also want to wish you sky-high happiness, sincere joy, family harmony and unbridled optimism on the path of life! Dear, beloved, gentle and sweetest, happy holiday!


Today has come that very touching day when a woman’s soul opens up and accepts congratulations! And I’ve been waiting for this moment for a very long time when I can congratulate you on Women’s Day! I hasten to congratulate you on this wonderful spring holiday! Let your beauty outshine all the spring flowers, and let your smile warm you better than the spring sun. I wish you always good mood, good health and constant success in all endeavors. I never get tired of admiring you every day! You are the embodiment of femininity, grace and softness! Thank you, dear, for your feminine care and the joy that you bring into my life! May your face be illuminated with a radiant smile today, may each new day bring kindness, care and affection. Millions of roses, thousands of mimosas, hundreds of tulips, I am ready to lay at your feet, my dear! Spring holiday!

As you know, women love with their ears. And on a beautiful day of spring, flowers and love, I especially want to hear beautiful words and compliments.

March 8 is International Women's Day, the main holiday of spring, flowers and Have a good mood! On this day, women are especially beautiful and charming, and men try to be real gentlemen - attentive, charming, giving compliments and bouquets of flowers to their beloved companions. Peace to women's day March 8 is filled with smiles, gifts and spring snowdrops and mimosas. Every woman on this day strives to be the most loved and beautiful! And every man on the eve of March 8 racks his brains in search of a gift for dear women - mother, wife, grandmother, daughter. The choice of words, congratulations in verse, wishes for each lady is also a difficult task. We are happy to help you with this! We have collected on the site a unique collection of SMS congratulations for March 8, as well as toasts to the feast of our beloved women on International Women's Day. Probably, our congratulations will make the search easier for men, and ladies will receive touching and sincere words- our congratulations on March 8th in verse - along with gifts and flowers. Give spring mood to your loved ones.

Let me congratulate you on the holiday of spring, beauty and love - Happy March 8th! May your soul be filled to the brim today with light, warmth and joy from sincere wishes, delicate flowers, nice gifts! Let swallows build nests over your windows and bring prosperity and mutual understanding to your home, and let the first rays of the spring sun point to a happy path for your destiny!

Sweet, gentle, beautiful women! May this day, March 8, give you great mood, fulfillment of all innermost desires! Let it be the start of new beginnings that will bring only joy! Sincere compliments to you and kind words Always! Happy spring holiday!

Wish fabulous mood, affectionate male hugs, a dizzying career, favorite hobbies, family stability, vivid impressions, financial independence, happy smiles and many, many such magical days like today's magnificent women's holiday - March 8!

I hasten to congratulate a charming, charming and truly beautiful woman on March 8th! May the spring holiday come with its the best gift in the form of a great mood, happiness and elation. On this day, all that remains is to wish for pure, true love, fidelity and, of course, excellent health.

Darling, my dear! I hasten to congratulate you on Women’s Day and thank you from the bottom of my heart for being in my life, because without you it would be boring and insipid. I wish you only a good mood, as well as fulfillment of desires and exceptional success in achieving your goals! You're the best!

The arrival of March 8 means that flowers are already starting a beauty parade. I wish that your sunny smile will bloom along with them. Let your heart smile - filled with light and warming gentle warmth. Beauty pageant judges are blind, because on March 8th you should be crowned for your charm.

Let today be affectionate spring sun, will warm you with its gentle rays. Beautiful and fragrant flowers will enchant you with their magical aroma. Warm smiles and loving eyes All close and dear people make their hearts happy. And may happiness, luck and love follow you throughout your long and bright life.

Let the drops wake you up
And streams will ring at your feet,
The earth will come to life and thaw,
Warming up with your steps.
And let someone's admiring glance
Accompanies you everywhere
Let there be no barriers
And there will be no troubles, no insults.

Spring is shining outside the windows, look!
The world is beautiful, full of flowers...
Take the clarity of the morning dawn,
Let the garden give you fresh breath,
And let your eyes shine joyfully,
And let the soul sing with happiness,
Let the thunderstorm pass by,
May every year bring you only joy!

I give you a mimosa
You look like her.
Even though you are as beautiful as a rose,
But the rose has thorns.
And there is no shortage of you.
You are tender, light and smooth.
On Women's Day I give flowers,
As befits a man.
But for the same reason
Will you kiss me?

Dear women, kind, faithful!
Happy new spring to you, first drops!
Peaceful sky to you, radiant sun,
Cherished, purest happiness!
There is a lot of affection, warmth, kindness in you, -
Let your dreams come true!

Today is a special day! Is it true?
A wonderful spring holiday!
Today is March 8th Day -
So may you be happy!
Spring! How much of this word:
Kindness, love and warmth.
Let in the waiting nature
Her flowers bloom for you!
May this day March 8 -
Anxieties will go away and dreams will come!

Let the days of spring be late,
But also longing for these days
Inspiration struck us -
Thanks, of course, to you.
It came like an epiphany
And the souls burst into flames:
Congratulations -
As a sign of love and respect -
Happy International Women's Day!

"Spring holiday of lovely ladies"
On the spring holiday of lovely ladies
I sincerely wish you
Love, health, beauty,
Friends of warmth,

For men to surround
With your care and attention,
Always be in shape without dieting
And women's small victories!

“On March 8th I wish you”
On March 8th I wish you
May women's dreams come true!
So that all the men in the area admire,
You were the embodiment of beauty!

To give your favorite flowers
All those to whom you are very dear!
To be cherished and sincerely loved
Not once a year, but every day! Always!

"Spring holiday!"
WITH a gentle holiday spring
I congratulate you today
Happiness, peace, warmth
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

The most vivid impressions,
The embodiment of all ideas
And more of those moments
From which life is fuller!

"I wish you luck"
March 8 for you
I wish you good luck
Prosperity in business
And a lot, a lot of happiness,

Let your charm and beauty
They bloom over the years,
Success, love and kindness
Surrounded everywhere!

"Dear wife"
My beloved half,
You are so smart today
The mood is spring, bright,
And you yourself are like the dawn sun!

Congratulations, my dear,
My tender, unique,
May all your dreams come true,
Be happy, my beauty!

"I congratulate you!"
Let the bright light of the sun
The soul will be filled!
And all dreams will come true,
Hurry to please!

March 8th tender
Let it come into your life,
And trembling snowdrops
He'll bring a bouquet!

"To my beloved daughter"
Dear daughter,
Happy holiday to you!
Be protected by God
Happiness for years,

And good health,
And great love,
Summer mood
Always be yourself!

“Let your wishes come true!”
Let smiles bloom
Let things go forward!
Will never lose
You relatives are in the midst of worries!

Let your wishes come true!
Let everything be top class!
Congratulations on March 8th
On this day and at this hour!

“There is nothing more beautiful in the world”
March 8 is a holiday of light,
Smiles, joy, hello,
There is nothing more beautiful in the world
Happy eyes to our women!
Let this holiday be once a year
Will give us that vanity,
When we are looking for gifts:
Cheerful, gentle, sweet, bright
Suddenly we remember everything:
Thanks to whom we live!
So let all the women of the planet,
Everyone, celebrating this holiday,
May the whole planet, all the people
It will be extended for a whole year!

"Always be yourself"
March 8 is a bright day!
And I hasten to congratulate you,
Wish you love and happiness,
And leave all the sadness in the past!

Always remain yourself
Giving a smile to your loved ones every day,
And enjoy life more often,
Once again, happy holiday to you!

“Let your heart beat with love”
Let your worries fly away
And the sadness in the heart will disappear.
Eyes water in joy,
Let happiness smile!

Let your heart beat with love,
Let there be peace in your soul.
Let the figure eight soar in the sky
On Women's Day and any day!

“Congratulations to you, friend!”
There is no such thing as female friendship
There is only love -
This is when a friend knows
When and how to help without words.

I am very grateful to life
That you are next to me!
Congratulations to you, friend,
And I wish you kindness

From life and from the environment,
Moments of joyful, warmth,
Love, prosperity, respect,
May you always be happy!

“The planet rests on the mother-in-law!”
The scientific debate has been raging for a long time,
Analysis of the known truth:
What does the earth rest on?
Does she have her own support?

On magnetized axes?
On three invented whales?
One wise man put it simply:
The planet rests on the mother-in-law!

And I will sign this
If anyone doesn’t believe it, let him challenge it!
I'm with Women's Day I congratulate you,
After all, you mother-in-law are simply classy!

"Wishes for a Sister"
Let the warm, bright sun
The snow is melting like a ringing drop.
Congratulations on March 8th
I love my little sister!

From flowers and congratulations
Let the winter blues disappear,
Let the spring mood
This day will embrace you!

"To my beloved mother-in-law"
For my beloved mother-in-law
Today I wish
Infinitely happy
Always be close to us

Let the flowers bloom
On the soul every day.
And in the spring the best
Everything will definitely happen!

Reference: International Women's Day was officially approved by the UN in 1977, but the history of the holiday begins in the spring of 1901. Then on March 8, American housewives broke the silence of Chicago streets with the rumble of empty pots and buckets. So in an unusual way they demanded legal equality with men.

In 1910, Clara Zetkin, a famous communist and reformer, came up with a proposal to establish Women’s Solidarity Day around the world. The main idea of ​​the holiday was to defend the rights of female workers. The first two years the holiday was celebrated in different days March, and since 1914, women from several countries have rallied in the fight for their rights on one day - March 8th. Now the holiday has lost its original political overtones and has turned into a flowery day of honoring beautiful ladies.

congratulations on March 8 to mom
congratulations on March 8, 2017 in prose
short congratulations on March 8
Happy March 8th congratulations
congratulations on March 8 video
March 8, 2017 photo
Congratulations on March 8th in verse
Congratulations on March 8 - Poems, funny congratulations
Beautiful congratulations in verse to women on March 8
Cool congratulations on March 8, 2017
Short congratulations on March 8
SMS congratulations on March 8, 2017 - the best congratulations

Our dear women. Many men, and I am no exception, are not entirely sincere about this holiday. What can we do, we perceive many of you as wonderful work colleagues, caring employees security forces, wonderful chefs and God knows who else, but not women, in the usual sense of the word. Everything in the world has become confused, men no longer hunt mammoths, and women no longer keep hearths. So let's go back to our roots and remember who we really are. Dear women, I congratulate you on the holiday and honestly, sincerely and absolutely truthfully wish you to remain, first of all, women, and only then general directors, loving wives, mothers and sisters. I wish you happiness, health, mutual understanding! Congratulations on March 8th! I congratulate all individuals of the better half of humanity on the main spring day, on Women's Day. Let your faces light up with the widest smiles, let every day of the year give you care, kindness and affection! Colleagues, on March 8, I wish you to be bombarded with kisses and sprinkled with flowers. Drown in a waterfall of happiness and suffocate from love. Happy holiday to you!

Especially for the site

Dear ladies, may your wishes finally come true today and your hair become thick, your nails the longest, and your eyelashes fluffy! Happy March 8th to you, colleagues.

Especially for the site

Happy holiday, dear ones, happy sunny spring day! I wish you a mind-blowing mood, pleasant surprises, an armful of flowers and a whole abyss of attention!

Especially for the site

The best gift for March 8th is to take it apart Christmas tree. Be beautiful and slim, like a chimney in a factory! My dear!
Happy Women's Day to you! Always be a tasty piece of the pie that you want to eat with gusto!

Especially for the site

You can pierce anyone with your stunning gaze! You are charming and beautiful!
Happy Holidays! Crazy mood and loud laughter!

Especially for the site

On March 8, don’t let your guard down. Everywhere there can be a catch: sometimes there are diamonds in sweets, and envelopes with money grow in flowers. Happy holiday!

Especially for the site

Today is the day of stunning women, which means I simply have to congratulate you. Thank you for making me happy with your beauty and positive attitude. Happy March 8th!

Especially for the site

Where are you going, my dear, getting prettier and prettier? Take care of my eyes, for they will go blind from your beauties! I wish you to survive March 8th and not lose track of 1000 gifts.

Especially for the site

Girlfriend! Happy March 8th! I sincerely wish you feminine, real, endless happiness. So that your beloved man fulfills your eccentric whims, wonderful, romantic desires, not only on this famous, conducive day, but throughout your cheerful, long life!

Especially for the site

Let a great mood follow you every day and be sure to catch you! Let there be so many compliments that they become boring, and there will be nowhere to escape from admiring men! You are the most feminine and desirable, so be the happiest.

Especially for the site

Colleagues of the weak but fair sex! Happy March 8th! We wish you more office romances, because love works wonders and increases the performance we need.

Especially for the site

Let the bird on your tail bring only sweet words, the spring breeze whisper charming nonsense, and the presented flowers envy your beauty!

Especially for the site

I wish you to eat delicious food and not gain weight, a lot beautiful outfits to feel like a queen, and also worthy of a loving king! Happy Women's Day!

I wish you blooming beauty, captivating looks, brilliant smiles on March 8th! Let your soul sing merrily, and your heart tremble joyfully from excellent health, from male attention, from dizzying successes and from happy moments.

Be bright, nimble and interesting, like a small tropical bird, always remain refined, elegant and smart, like a snow-white Arctic fox, and surprise with your article, beauty and grace, like a gentle European doe! Happy March 8th!

Let the joyful chirping of birds be heard not only around you, but also echo in your soul. Let the eccentric mood of spring give you many interesting adventures, so that the women's holiday will certainly become unforgettable and happy, and bring a lot of positive emotions.

Sincere smiles, touching congratulations, sun rays, bird trills, delicate bouquets and a cup of aromatic coffee in bed, let the women's holiday wake you up today, dear ladies, lovely young ladies! Let the last pieces of ice melt from your beauty and charm and wake up tender feelings, and happiness will envelop you from head to toe!

Happy International Women's Day! Be more chic than the French, have more good health than the Caucasian women, be smarter and more elegant than the English women, more friendly and hardworking than the Hungarian women, more inventive than the Chinese women! And be sure to have a man next to you worthy of such a precious diamond!

March has come and given you, dear women, the fragrance and tenderness of spring flowers, cheerful birdsong, a joyful gust of fresh breeze, bright sun rays. We wish that spring awakens your magical feminine charms, that you give us charming smiles and loving glances, inspire us to victories, and are always happy with life and with us.

On this March Women's Day, my dear, I wish you that any fantasy becomes reality: a husband in an apron near the stove, obedient children behind their textbooks, mother-in-law with gifts on the doorstep, girlfriends with martinis in a cafe, admiring fans at every step.

Happy Women's Day, dear Cinderellas and beautiful queens! May our charming smiles men's life becomes more cheerful and joyful, from your fiery hearts let the fires of our feelings light up, and the ice in relationships melts, from your tender glances we grow wings to pluck stars for you and perform feats in your honor.

Happy March 8th! I wish you a gift-floral mood, candy-marmalade sweetness in your heart and joyful and playful warmth! Let every magical and fabulous moment of this wonderfully cheerful holiday surprise you pleasant impressions and happy events!

Congratulations! Let your soul be completely filled with the gentle warmth of spring, which will always warm you, let your heart absorb the bright light of March so that you see everything in the good sunshine.

Congratulations to the representative of the beautiful, gentle and very mysterious sex on professional holiday- Women's Day. I wish that in your life there is someone who will value these qualities spiritually and reward you financially.

Joining all the men of our vast Motherland, I address you, beautiful woman, mistress men's hearts, your very my sincere congratulations. I wish that, like spring snow, you melt in strong embraces; like the first streams, it gurgled with pleasure; but never dripped like spring drops onto the sensitive male brain.

On the International Day of All Beauties and Smart Women, my congratulations are flying to you. I wish that festive table, covered by your husband, was as rich as your female fantasy. So that the flowers given to you on this day are as bright as your image.


Let Women's Day tune people's hearts to a lyrical wave. Let the ladies become prettier and blossom, and let the men continually look after them. I wish you to personally experience spring mood, in order to stock up on energy to meet future happiness! I wish you consistently stunning appearance and success on all fronts!

My dear sister, accept congratulations from me on your holiday - March 8th. I wish you all the best, fulfillment of your dreams and success in all areas of life. I love you and will always protect you, I promise!

Let the eighth of March become far from the only day of the year when dreams come true women's dreams and plans are realized. I wish that on this day your close and beloved people, as well as all those who are important and dear to your heart, will not be ignored. Congratulations on happy holiday spring and warmth.

March 8th is a holiday for all real women! A real woman– this is the one who takes care of her loved ones every day, giving them the warmth of her heart and boundless tenderness. Therefore, I congratulate you today on YOUR holiday, most best mom in the world!

My good grandmother, I congratulate you on March 8 - International Day of Everyone beautiful women. I wish you to always be healthy, cheerful, happy and often delight me with your delicious pies. And I will delight you with frequent visits and successes. Congratulations!

A woman is the most beautiful creature on this planet, and today is the most beautiful day of the year! I want to congratulate you on women's holiday and wish you to always be loved and desired! So that your eyes shine like the spring sun, a smile always shines on your face, and you bloom along with the spring flowers!

Congratulations on the eighth of March in your own words

Spring this time is extremely wonderful... And on such a beautiful sunny spring day, your day, my dear mother, I want to congratulate you on March 8th. Mom, I want to wish you health and happiness, I hug you tightly, my dear.