How is maternity benefit paid? How maternity leave is paid. Lump sum at birth

Today, there are a number of measures of state assistance addressed to families with children. Such measures indicate the interest of the state in the birth of new citizens. In order to be able to take advantage of the benefits that are due in a timely manner, families must know that they are legally entitled to receive a birth certificate, as well as to a number of payments.

If not the first child was born, then the family will definitely receive a certificate for receiving maternity capital. Large families have their own benefits. They are taken care of by the federal and regional authorities.

Childbirth allowance is a small contribution to his future

When a woman who is expecting a baby has official employment, she will be entitled to the following payments:

  • for visiting a antenatal clinic during the first trimester (on early dates) for the purpose of observation by a specialist. It is received by those ladies who began to visit the antenatal clinic before the pregnancy reached the 12-week period.
  • . He is paid as sick leave. Externally, the document looks like a regular sick leave. It is issued by a doctor observing pregnancy. The amount of this allowance is equal to the average earnings.
  • There are also regional measures to support women who have given birth to a baby.

Unfortunately, women who are not officially employed do not receive. Unemployed pregnant women are also deprived of it, this rule also applies to those who are registered with official employment centers.

The wives of servicemen who are more than 180 days pregnant also receive a one-time allowance. True, this applies only to the spouse of military conscripts.

Lump sum child allowance

Lump sum at the birth of a child, both father and mother can receive

This payment is a one-time payment. It can be obtained by both mom and dad of the baby. If the parents (mother or father) are officially employed, then they can receive money at the place of work. A different situation is when they are unemployed or full-time students, then mom, dad apply for this payment to the social security authorities.

If the parents live together, then it makes no difference who gets the money. If the spouses are in, then the payment goes to the name of the person with whom the baby lives at the time the application is submitted.

When twins or triplets are born, the allowance is paid for each baby. If it so happened that the child was born dead, the family will not receive the money. The amount of the payment per child is the same for all. Neither salary nor position increase the amount. For example, in 2015 this amount was equal to 14,497 rubles and 80 kopecks.

In order not to be aloof from such a payment, to receive everything that is required by law, you must apply for a lump sum allowance in the right time. Today is six months after the due date. The decision on payment is made quickly, the law allotted 10 days for this. The specified period applies to payments received at work. The allowance is issued in social security, which means you need to know that there will be other frameworks: until the 26th next month. If suddenly there is a refusal to receive it, they must report it within a 5-day period.

What documents need to be prepared

In order to receive benefits at work without hindrance, you need to collect the following documentation:

  • + copies;
  • application for benefits (form can be downloaded);
  • birth certificate;
  • + copy;
  • certificate proving that the 2nd parent has not yet exercised the right to receive the above allowance

If the appeal goes to social security, then you also need to take care of the SNILS of dad and mom, a certificate from the passport office, which lists family members. From it it will be seen that the child lives with the one who claims to receive benefits. If we are talking about an unemployed person, then you need to make an extract from where it says about the last place of employment.

Benefits after birth

Payments are made every month

After the birth and until the baby reaches the age of 18 months, the child will receive payments every month. Such allowance can be issued by both parents and any close relative. The main thing is that it will be paid to only one person.

There are payout limits here. If the first baby was born, then the minimum size is 2718 rubles. 34 kop. If the second, third, and so on, then the minimum is 5436 rubles. 67 kop. Maximum - 19855 rubles. 82 kop. for those who work, the allowance is calculated based on the size of the salary. This will be an amount equal to 40% of the average earnings.

In a situation where the benefit is issued by a student, unemployed, the amount of payments is made minimal. Documents are drawn up in the social security authorities. The following paperwork is provided:

  • the applicant;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • a certificate stating that this allowance is not received by another family member;
  • .

    The unemployed bring a certificate from the central locking house, which indicates that they did not receive benefits, and an extract from the labor will also be required, namely where the person officially worked for the last time.

One-time allowance. Timing Features

The lump sum will be approved if the documents were submitted no later than 6 months after birth. If it is not possible to arrange everything properly for good reasons, then you can apply later. But you have to prove your case, and in the end you can get nothing. So it is better to do everything within the time allotted by law. At work, such benefits will be given within 10 days after the submission of the necessary documents.

If we talk about the monthly allowance, then the woman should know that she can apply for it only after leaving maternity leave. If the wife is unemployed, then she has the right to receive the above allowance immediately after she becomes a mother.

When the allowance is paid to the wife of the one who is (conscript), then as soon as the spouse is demobilized, the payments stop. Therefore, when applying for benefits, they bring a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, which indicates until what time the husband will serve in the Armed Forces.

Payments for families with 2nd, 3rd and subsequent children

Maternal capital can be issued after the birth of a second child

If the family is replenished with a second child, as well as any other subsequent, she has the right. This is a decent amount that provides tangible assistance. To receive financial assistance, you need to issue the appropriate one. To do this, you need to visit the branch of the Pension Fund and bring the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport of the person who writes the application, + copy;
  • birth certificates of all children (relatives, adopted children are taken into account);
  • a document certifying the citizenship of the Russian Federation in a child;
  • the applicant;
  • marriage certificate and registration

A feature of maternal (family) capital is the ability to spend the amount in only one of the 3 directions. First, improving family living conditions. This can be done through the purchase of housing, through the repayment of a mortgage, through the construction of your home. Each of these cases has its own subtleties, which can be found in the PF. Second, mothers. As well as paid education for children who are in this family.

There is no need to pay tax on funds transferred to one of the 3 directions. These funds are received only once. Contact your local Pension Fund You can use these funds when the child is already 3 years old. The exception is when a mortgage is paid.

Families with many children are entitled to receive monthly financial support from the state. You can apply for such benefits in social security. It will be paid for children who are under 3 years old. The difference between this benefit and others is that a package of documents is collected and brought to social security annually.

The amount of these payments is calculated depending on the level living wage on children, officially recorded where the family lives. List of documents:

  • passports, copies;
  • for each child brought up in the family - a birth certificate;
  • a certificate from the passport office on the composition of the family;
  • income statement (3 previous months);
  • account number to transfer money

Each region tries to help in its own way. large families. They can give land free of charge, partially pay for it, provide coal on preferential terms, allocate subsidies for the purchase of housing, tax incentives are offered.

Understand the intricacies of getting lump sum payment video will help:

The following women are entitled to the maternity allowance:

  • subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood;
  • dismissed in connection with the termination of activities by their employer within 12 months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed;
  • receiving full-time primary, secondary or higher vocational education;
  • passing military service under a contract, service in the internal affairs bodies, in the State Fire Service, in institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, in the bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, in the customs authorities.

The allowance can also be claimed in the event of the adoption of a child or children (Article 6 federal law dated May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ ""; hereinafter referred to as the law on benefits for citizens with children).

When Can I Get Maternity Benefit?

The allowance is paid for the period of maternity leave of duration:

  • before delivery - 70 days (with multiple pregnancy – 84);
  • after childbirth - 70 days (in case of complicated childbirth - 86, with the birth of two or more children - 110).

From July 1, 2017 medical organizations has the right, at the patient's choice and with his written consent, to issue a sick leave in the form of an electronic document signed by the attending physician and medical institution using an enhanced qualified electronic signature (Federal Law No. 86-FZ of May 1, 2017).

Maternity leave is calculated in total and is granted to the woman in full, regardless of the number of days actually used before childbirth. That is, if the birth occurred earlier than the expected date, then the unused days of prenatal leave are not deducted ().

It is important to know that if a woman is entitled to maternity leave, but does not take maternity leave (that is, she continues to work), she will not be paid maternity benefits during her work period ().

When adopting a child (children) under the age of three months, the maternity allowance is paid for the period from the date of its adoption until the expiration of 70 calendar days since the birth of the child. With the simultaneous adoption of two or more children, this period increases to 110 days ().

The benefit is assigned if the application was followed no later than six months from the date of the end of the maternity leave ().

The amount of the maternity benefit

The amount of this allowance is calculated based on the average earnings for two calendar years. This amount is divided by the total number of calendar days of these two years, with the exception of days when the employee was on sick leave, on maternity or parental leave, or was released from work while maintaining a salary that was not accrued insurance premiums(periods of annual paid leave and leave at their own expense are not excluded from the calculation of calendar days) (Article 14 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ "").

That is, if maternity leave began in 2017, the maximum daily wage is 1901.4 rubles, and the minimum is 256.44 rubles.

After that, the amount of the benefit is determined: the average daily earnings for two years (or the minimum or maximum if the employee's salary did not fit into this framework) is multiplied by 100% and once again multiplied by the number of vacation days. Recall that its duration is 70 (in case of multiple pregnancy - 84) calendar days before delivery and 70 (in case of complicated birth - 86, with the birth of two or more children - 110) after ().


A woman who went on maternity leave in 2017 earned 670 thousand rubles during 2016, and 590 thousand rubles during 2015. For two years, she was on sick leave for a total of 19 days, there were no other periods not included in the calculation.

The total earnings for two years amounted to 1,260,000 rubles. It must be divided by the number of calendar days of these years (730), with the exception of those that are not taken into account in the calculation (19):

1,260,000 / (730 - 19) = 1,752.4 rubles

This amount does not exceed the maximum amount (1901.4 rubles), so it can be used in further calculations.
Finally, we will determine the total amount of the benefit. Let's say that the pregnancy was singleton and the birth was uneventful - the woman will be granted leave 70 days before and 70 days after the birth (140 days in total). With this in mind, the amount of the benefit will be:

1752.4 rubles x 100% x 140 = 245,336 rubles.

Consider for which categories of citizens average earnings for the purposes of calculating benefits, it is equal to the federal one on the date the maternity leave begins - we recall that from July 1, 2017, the minimum wage is 7.8 thousand rubles. ().

These categories of citizens include lawyers, individual entrepreneurs, members of peasant (farm) households, notaries and other persons engaged in private practice, as well as members of tribal communities of indigenous small peoples North. They are not required to transfer contributions to the FSS of Russia, but they can do it voluntarily. Only in this case, such citizens are entitled to claim benefits (, Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ "On Compulsory Social Insurance in Case of Temporary Disability and in Connection with Motherhood",).

fixed size allowances are established for certain categories of citizens. So, dismissed in connection with the termination of activities by the employer - 613.14 rubles. from February 1, 2017 (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2016 No. 42 ""). Full-time students - in the amount of a scholarship. Passing military or law enforcement service - in the amount allowance ().

If a woman plans to give birth to a child or is already pregnant, then she should know what payments she is entitled to. In Russia, a number of programs have been developed that support mother and child. This article discusses what payments and benefits are due to a woman at the birth of a child.

What to pay attention to a woman

So, for starters, consider what points a woman should pay attention to:

    • at the birth of a child, the state provides the mother (i.e., the mother is paid a certain amount of money only once) and monthly (i.e., the state pays the mother every month a certain amount of money until the child reaches the established age);
    • a woman can receive benefits (pay a certain percentage less for public utilities or ride for free in vehicles covered by this benefit);
    • the state provides regional payments to residents of some constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    • the number of children born or adopted affects their size;
  • if a woman does not work at an enterprise or works, but unofficially, then she will not be able to receive payments and a one-time allowance in the early stages of pregnancy.

Let us consider in more detail what payments and benefits a woman can receive at the birth of a child.

Payments and benefits at the birth of a child in 2019

After a woman becomes pregnant, she needs to register with the antenatal clinic at her place of registration before the 12th week of pregnancy. If she fulfills this condition, then you can count on the fact that she will be provided with a lump sum. The amount of this benefit in 2019 is 632,76 rubles. This allowance is assigned in conjunction with. To receive this type of allowance, a woman must collect the following documents:

    • certificate from antenatal clinic, which indicates the fact that the woman was registered before the 12th week of pregnancy;
    • application for this type of benefit;
  • passport.

Also, during her pregnancy, a woman can receive vitamins.

In order for a woman to receive maternity benefits, she needs to take a disability certificate at the 30th week of pregnancy at the antenatal clinic at her place of residence and provide it to the employer if the woman is officially employed at the enterprise. The entrepreneur must pay this allowance to the woman in the amount of 100% of her average salary. These cash she must receive within 10 days after she provides full package documents. In addition to the certificate of incapacity for work, in the antenatal clinic they must also issue t:

    • Coupon No. 1 a woman must leave in the antenatal clinic;
    • She will need coupon No. 2 at the maternity hospital;
  • After giving birth, she must provide coupon No. 3 to the children's clinic.

1. Lump sum

Every woman at the birth of a child should receive a lump sum. At the same time, she can receive this allowance separately for each child born, regardless of her status or income. Approximately, the year is RUB 16,873.54(since February 1, 2019). To receive benefits, a woman needs to apply either to her employer or to the department social protection population. In this case, it is necessary to provide all documents within 6 months after the birth of the child. The woman will receive this allowance within 10 days.

2. Monthly allowance for child care until the age of 1.5

6. Regional payments at the birth of a child

For Muscovites:

    1. One-time payment at the birth of the first child 5,500 rubles. the second and subsequent - 14,500 rubles;
    1. Additional allowance for young families (Luzhkov's payments). Paid to parents under the age of 30;
  1. With the birth of three or more children at the same time 50,000 rubles. regardless of other childbirth benefits.

7. Allowance for the wives of military personnel

10. Standard tax deductions for children

A pregnant woman needs to know what payments and benefits she is entitled to at the birth of a child. Now the state is developing quite a lot of new programs aimed at providing assistance to the parents of the child, as well as large families. The entire list listed is far from complete, since the state is constantly increasing and introducing new benefits, providing financial assistance pregnant and postpartum women.

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(or, as it is often called, "maternity leave") is a type of insurance coverage on compulsory social insurance. We will figure out to whom and in what amount the maternity payment is due, what is the duration and features of its receipt.

Payment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

It is important to understand that only women can count on maternity benefits (as opposed to child care benefits). All categories of recipients of maternity benefits in 2019 are listed in No. 81-FZ dated May 19, 1995 “On state benefits citizens with children. These include women:


    unemployed (dismissed in connection with the liquidation of organizations within 12 months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed)

    full-time students

    military service under contract

    adopting a child and belonging to the above categories

If a woman is entitled to child care allowance and maternity allowance at the same time, she can choose only one of these allowances.

Note: maternity allowance in 2019 is paid only for the period of the leave of the same name. This means that if a woman does not use the right to the specified leave and continues to work (and, accordingly, receive wages), then she is not entitled to the allowance. An employer in this situation is not entitled to provide a woman with two types of payments at once: both salary and allowance. Therefore, wages will be paid for the days of work. As soon as the woman decides to use the right to maternity leave and it is issued, the payment of wages will stop and the employer will accrue benefits.

Maternity allowance paid at the place of work, service or other activity. For women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization, the allowance is paid by the social protection authorities at the place of residence (the place of actual stay or actual residence).

Note: if the employee is a part-time employee and has worked for the same employers for the previous two years, then both employers pay her maternity allowance in 2019.

Maternity allowance payable .

Documents for receiving benefits for pregnancy and childbirth

Scroll required documents cited in No. 255-FZ dated December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood”. You will need:

    application for the appointment of benefits (drawn up in free form)

    Maternity allowance paid to the insured woman in total for the entire period of vacation.

    The amount of the maternity benefit

    Size maternity payments depends on the status of the recipient:

    • Working women receive benefits equal to 100% of average earnings

      Dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization - in the amount of 300 rubles

      Students - in the amount of a scholarship

      Contract servicemen - in the amount of monetary allowance

    If the experience of an insured woman is less than six months, she can count on a benefit in the amount not exceeding the minimum wage (from January 1, 2019 - 11,280 rubles)

    Calculation of maternity benefit

    Since 2013, women have not been given the right to choose how benefits are calculated

    Maternity allowance is calculated on the basis of average earnings and does not depend on the length of service of the employee (unlike temporary disability benefits). For convenience, the calculation of benefits can be presented in the form of the following scheme:

    Maternity allowance in 2019

    income for 2 calendar years
    (prior to the year of the decree)
    divide by
    number of days in this period
    multiply by
    number of days of leave

    Now about the nuances.

    Firstly, the average earnings for each of the two calendar years should not exceed a certain maximum. This maximum is set - the maximum value of the base for calculating insurance premiums to the FSS for the corresponding year. In 2017, this amount was 755,000 rubles, in 2018 - 815,000 rubles. That is, when calculating for each year, you need to use the amount that is less.

    Secondly, the value of the average daily earnings (that is, divided by the division of income for two years by the number of days) is now legal. The allowable maximum is determined as follows: we take the marginal bases for calculating contributions to the FSS for the two years preceding the decree, add up and divide the amount received by 730.

    Third, from the total number of calendar days in a biennium should be excluded:

      Periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave

      The period of release of the employee from work with full or partial preservation of wages, if insurance premiums were NOT accrued on the retained wages for this period

    Fourth, if during the two years preceding the decree the employee took maternity or parental leave, then these periods, as we see, will be excluded from the calculations. However, in this case, the woman is given the right to such periods (one year or both) of the previous year (two years), so that this would lead to an increase in the amount of maternity payments.

    Related Documents"Maternity Benefit 2019"

    • Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 N 182n "On approval of the form and procedure for issuing a certificate of the amount of wages, other payments and remuneration for two calendar years preceding the year of termination of work (service, other activity) or the year of applying for a certificate of the amount of wages, other payments and remuneration, and the current calendar year on which insurance premiums were accrued, and on the number of calendar days falling in the specified period for periods of temporary disability, maternity leave, parental leave, the period of release of the employee from work with full or partial pay in accordance with the law Russian Federation, if no insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation were accrued on the saved wages for this period"

When planning to go on maternity leave, not all women know what payments are due to pregnant women and young mothers. Some of them are issued at work, and for the rest you will have to contact the social security department.

What can you get during pregnancy?

The first benefit is paid if within 12 weeks. Its size is quite modest. In addition to everything, it is "plus" to the assistance that is paid when leaving on maternity leave. So, the unemployed (with the exception of those who are fired from their jobs) or those studying at the university in the full-time department will not be able to get it. In order for it to be accrued, at work you need to present a certificate from the antenatal clinic.

Separately, it is worth noting that in the capital there is another payment for registration. Those who got on it before the 20th week of pregnancy can get it. To obtain it, however, you will have to apply to the RUSZN.

What payments are due to pregnant women in addition to the above? The largest of all compensations falls on the moment of departure at which it comes to (the exception will be those who are expecting twins, then this period comes earlier). This is the so-called maternity leave. By default, its duration is 140 days. During this time, a woman has the right to receive compensation equal to her salary for the same period of time, but not more than 186,986.80 rubles. In the event of complicated childbirth, the duration of this leave is increased by sixteen days, and in the event of the appearance of several babies, by forty days.

If the baby was born before 30 weeks, the postpartum leave will last 156 days, and not 70, as in normal cases. Payment for additional days is carried out according to the same scheme as the main part of the vacation.

The unemployed are not paid maternity allowance (even those who are on the labor exchange). Scholarships are paid to students during this period.

What payments are due to pregnant women who do not work?

If a woman is not employed while waiting for a baby, due to the fact that the company where she worked was liquidated, she does not lose her right to benefits. The payment will be made from the federal budget.

If future mom is registered with the labor exchange, then she is entitled to receive prenatal and postnatal leave until the 30th week of pregnancy.

What can you expect after childbirth?

The appearance of the baby entitles parents to receive which is paid at the place of work. By the way, if a young mother does not work, and her husband is employed, he can receive the payment.

If both parents are not officially employed or are students, they should contact the Center for Social Protection.

These payments can be received by living in any region of the country. In some subjects of the Russian Federation, young parents also have the right to count on local compensation.

So, in Moscow, parents whose age has not exceeded thirty years have the right to a fairly serious one. This also applies to those who have not had their first baby.

Maternity capital also belongs to this category of payments. It is put after the birth of the second baby. In 2013, its size was 408,960 rubles.

When the postnatal leave ends, another one comes - to care for the child. It lasts until the child's third birthday, but is paid up to one and a half. depends on the salary that the mother received before the decree (is 40% of it). Maximum size payment for such leave is limited to 16,241 rubles.

Non-working mothers are also entitled to a baby allowance, however, in minimum size. For the first child, it is 2454 rubles, for the second - twice as much.

Well, after this moment and before the baby is 3 years old, you can only count on compensation, which is enough for a couple of bags of kefir, since it is equal to 50 rubles.

Knowing what payments are due to pregnant women and those who have already become a mother, you can get a solid increase in family budget who needs it so much.