Combination with pink in clothes. Pink color in the interior (56 photos): successful shades and combinations

Pink color is a symbol of romance, kindness, passion and dreaminess. It is considered a "feminine" color, which is to some extent characterized as frivolity.

Blue is a "heavenly color", it conveys calmness, harmony, depth.

In tandem, these colors complement each other without losing their "properties". We can often find their combination in nature: the dawn at the noisy sea, the pink glow of the sunset in the bright blue sky. In clothes, these colors give lightness, tenderness and brightness to your image. It all depends on how well the shades are chosen.

There are different shades of these colors - lighter, brighter, warm or cold. How to combine them, consider the examples.

Cold light shades of blue and pink create a light and flying image, but if you take only delicate pastel colors, the overall picture will turn out to be boring and faded. You can always complete this look with accessories in more warm palette. You can safely add turquoise or coral elements, yellow, red and brown colors will add a special zest.

Delicate combination of light turquoise and coral shades gives a feeling of warmth and sunny mood. An image of serenity and frivolity, because there are always moments in life when you want to walk around the city, sit in a cafe, enjoy the beautiful weather and think only about the good. Modern fashionistas They will gladly replenish their wardrobe with such cute little things.

An example of a combination of warm shades of blue and pink:

You can give the impression of a confident and purposeful person through a combination of rich shades. Well-chosen accessories will help to add a more rigorous look to your look, while bright shades of coral will always make you stand out from the crowd, emphasizing your creativity and adding melody to your look.

The combination of pink and blue is now in trend, so girls who prefer classic style can also diversify their wardrobe with such “bold colors”. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and strict accessories will help maintain style.

You can use several shades of pink and blue flowers: thanks to the addition of achromatic shades, this will not look excessive. Gray, white, black will help not to oversaturate the image, but to complete it.

Pink and blue dresses look very feminine and gentle. Manufacturers of different brands offer "their vision" of this combination - floral prints, ethno style , puppet image. By choosing accessories for them, you will set a certain mood.

In order not to overdo it with experiments, you need to remember some rules:

Do not oversaturate the image bright things. If you have bright clothes, then it is better to choose more restrained tones in accessories, and vice versa.

Many details in clothes, such as ruffles, rhinestones, sequins, will make the image doll-like and frivolous.

If your clothes are more light shades, accessories a shade darker or more bright colors make the image more interesting.

Pay attention not only to the color of the fabric, but also to the texture. The color may be heavier due to the rough texture.

If you are at a loss as to what to combine these colors with, the color wheel will be a very useful tool. The color circle on the left illustrates the combination of 3 shades located at the same distance from one another. You can choose one dominant shade, and the other two emphasize the main one.

On color wheel on the right, the 4-shade combo consists of two pairs, each with an opposite hue and an analog hue that matches it. Agree that this option is bolder and more creative, although it is more difficult to balance.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is worth paying attention to the tandem of pink and blue colors to cheer up. Complementing nature, you, dear girls, can shine in your outfits like the sun.

Pink color back in fashion! Someone loves him, and someone hates him, but he certainly leaves no one indifferent. This means that the question of what colors pink is combined with is, as always, relevant. To answer it, you need to understand that the pink color has a very diverse palette of shades, which, if not correct selection to yours can ruin the whole image.

What shades of pink suit your color type?

Warm and bright shades of pink are absolutely not suitable for girls with. When choosing clothes, you should pay attention to cold, medium shades of coral, as well as moderately bright pink tones.

Women with c should ditch pale and muted shades in favor of warm tones such as pearl pink, mauve pink, rose orange, hot pink, and neon pink.

Ladies with when choosing clothes can use both warm and cold shades, which will add brightness and freshness to the image. Pale pink, mother-of-pearl pink, as well as pink-orange are perfect.

For representatives, frankly pink shades can give unhealthy redness, but pale pink-peach, pink-coral, and pink-orange will look absolutely harmonious.

Primary colors that go well with pink:

  1. When thinking about what color goes best with pink, it is worth knowing that, first of all, it is black. Such a duet is considered a classic, which allows you to create elegant image regardless of age.
  2. A combination of white and pink is considered universal. It is perfect for both business style as well as everyday wear and leisure.
  3. When wondering what color pink goes with, do not forget about blue. The combination of a juicy pink shade with a pale blue color is considered very interesting. Such a tandem creates a gentle and romantic image adding a touch of charm to it.
  4. Also, pink color goes well with beige. Calm and warm shades beige colour constitute perfect combination pastels and soft pinks.
  5. When analyzing what pink is combined with, you should not leave aside purple or purple colour. With the right selection of shades, the outfit will look very bright and glamorous, creating a cheerful, summery look.
  6. Trendy this season is the combination of pink and red. This tandem charges with energy and optimism and is considered ideal for a holiday and relaxation.
  7. The boring gray color, which is rich in various shades, is combined very harmoniously with pink. These two colors complement each other perfectly, creating stylish combinations.
  8. Considering what goes with pink, do not forget about turquoise. Properly selected shades and accessories will allow you to create a very bright, attention-grabbing outfit for a fashionable, bold and self-confident girl.

Pink is one of the most beautiful and feminine of the entire palette. Moreover, the richness of its shades is so great that this mesmerizing and ultra-stylish color can be combined with any other.

With a proper view of things, of course. So what is pink about? Firstly, a lot of opportunities to create with it a great look that will emphasize your femininity and sense of style and that will meet the latest trends and fashion trends.

And secondly, it is fraught with such unique and incredibly beautiful shades, like hot pink (or fuchsia), pale pink (pastel tone), soft pink (also almost pastel, but a little more pronounced) and dark pink (deep, solid, sophisticated).

Since we have already considered the general aspect of the issue, we turn to a particular case - the combination of pink with others in clothes.

As we have already said, pink has many shades, and it can seem that it goes with everything. This is partly true, because it all depends on your taste, and on the occasion, and on the specific thing, but we will consider the most important aspects of the question of what colors pink is combined with in clothes.

Pink color and light shades

To create soft and feminine image you can pink, namely its not the brightest shades, spice it up with white or beige. Such a combination will not look too catchy and at the same time will attract the eye with the tenderness of the palette and the freshness of the image.

This combination, with the right approach, can help young girls to emphasize their youth and purity, and for older women to look as stylish as possible and keep up with the times (contrary to the opinion that these are just futile attempts to stay young).

By the way, a combination of white and pale pink (plus some other shade in the outfit) can even be suitable for a business meeting or work if the dress code is not quite strict. Here are some photos of examples of a combination of pink and white flowers:

As for the brighter and dark tones pink, then white in partnership with them will only enhance their brightness or depth. Here we are talking already rather about sexuality, rather than about softness and tenderness.

This combination for business attire is not exactly suitable, but for a date or going out, this is the very thing. But the ensemble of deep pink and beige will not look very fresh and attractive, even dirty.

Pink color in clothes and pastel shades

In the spectrum of pink, you can find a lot pastel shades and now they are definitely combined with the rest: pale blue, light green, mint, lemon, pale lilac, etc.

And if we talk about the combination of fuchsia with pastel colors, then, for example, with yellow, peach, light green good image will not work.

At the same time, if hot pink is complemented with pale blue, mint shades, then the combination will turn out to be very interesting and spectacular.

But the most harmonious option would be a pair of hot pink and pale lilac. It looks very stylish and gentle and less familiar than the combination of pink and white.

Pink clothes and other bright colors

In general, the combination of pink with other colors in clothes has many nuances and it is advisable to take them into account. Pale pink shades should be very carefully mixed with bright colors. contrasting colors. It will not look ridiculous if it is colors such as dark blue, bright blue, purple, burgundy.

In such combinations, pink will emphasize the saturation of another color, and he, in turn, will indicate the tenderness and depth of pale pink.

The combination of bright tones of pink with no less bright tones of the above colors will look extremely impressive and tempting, so such an image should not be overloaded with accessories, you can add only one more shade to such an ensemble, and you need to consider that this combination is not for work, study and not on every day.

But with such colors as green, red, orange, yellow, it is better not to combine pink. It is very difficult to choose such shades, for example, green and pink, so that together they look harmonious, not gaudy and not tasteless, so it is better to avoid such combinations altogether.

This is not so scary, because other options for ensembles with pink are the sea.

The combination of pink and black in clothes

Often this combination creates too sharp, unpleasant contrast, which we have already mentioned in several articles. Nevertheless, there are loopholes through which one can create stylish look, sustained in strict colors, but decorated with pink.

The ideal option is when the bottom is black trousers or jeans, the handbag is small and also black, and the jacket is pale pink or fuchsia. In the first case, we get a stylish, discreet, elegant look, and in the second, a more catchy, flirtatious and frivolous look.

pink and gray

Here's the number one color for medium-bright looks featuring pink. With pale pink, combine light gray both in the form of accessories and other items of clothing.

With hot pink - dark gray. The combination of pink in clothes with gray shades is as gentle as pink and white, and as restrained as pink and black.

And finally, the last question:

What color goes best with pink in clothes?

Our answer is with pink! In an article about the combination of colors in general, we already wrote that by combining in one image various shades the same color, you risk creating an ultra-stylish and unique look.

And if pink is your favorite color, or it suits you perfectly, then feel free to combine soft pink with fuchsia or salmon or magenta.

The combination of pink and its shades in clothes is gentle, bold scales. Tones paired with others can change the image. Lots of photos.

Pink color in clothes for little and big princesses. Combinations of this color help to reveal the full potential of shades, giving them tenderness or brightness, changing the mood and understanding of the main tone. But in any manifestation, shades of pink are closer to women, their attitude than to men.
Pink tones can be divided into two classes: derivatives from and colors: their meanings will be different. If red gives soft, warm derivatives, then pink-purple tones are more sonorous and belong to cold ones (see). In the first, white color dominates, making the tones feminine, naive, caring, loving, romantic. Secondly, the purple base highlights wisdom, royalty, patronage. Therefore, if you want to demonstrate fragility, dependence, coral pink, cloudy tones are for you. Strong, women with character choose Barbie colors, pinks, etc.
Separately, you can define shades of purple, which can be considered as a mixture of red, white and blue. This is tenderness, moderation, self-awareness, confidence, care, modesty.

Shades of pink

White lilac, royal soft pink, beige pink, pink peach, orange pink, salmon, pearl pink, carnation, barbie color, rose ash, lilac, dark purple, magenta, purple pink, ultra pink , hot pink, red-pink.

Consider the colors by subgroups:

pink pastel: it is, royal soft pink, beige-pink - gentle, innocent tones with a predominance of white color, which emphasize the fragility, lack of independence of the girl. They create pastel colors, but can also serve as a contrast to more "strong" colors, which enhances their differences.

orange-pink: pink-peach, orange-pink, - pronouncedly warm colors that are suitable only for people with a warm appearance (color types,). The combination with such shades is also usually warm, but the contrast with cold ones, such as blue or green, will also be beautiful.

Pink average: pearly pink, carnation, barbie color - shades of pink, where the ratios of red and purple tend to be in the middle. They are called medium pink classic, depending on the brightness of the shade, they can be offered for contrasting and non-contrasting color types.

purple: ash rose, dark purple - this is a wide range of very popular tones, which are mostly complex, cold. They are ideal for both singly and in muted color schemes they create.

Magenta:, purple-pink - bright, bold, striving for leadership shades. One of the most popular tones of this spectrum, which are designed for a medium contrast appearance. It can be said that magenta is worthy replacement red. Combinations with such tones are also bright, bold.

hot pink: ultra pink, hot pink, red pink. Not everyone can use these paints in clothes, which limits their popularity. However, for the color type, this gamut is relevant. It is better to add such tones with neutral shades.

Color combination: pink in clothes

The combination with pink in clothes is a way to enhance or emphasize the qualities of the main tone. His swarming is affected by both the shade of the base color and the tone of his opponent. Let's look at the following pairs:

The combination of pink with: how to assimilate it into a basic wardrobe?



Beige pink

brown pink

blue pink

black pink

Colorful combinations of pink: a celebration of color.

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Combination of gray and pink

In clothes, depending on the shades, enhanced or suppressed. Pale pink tones in combination with light gray - deeply soft, light and naive. How brighter shade roses, the more restraint he receives from the gray. The most beneficial combinations will be pale pink with white-gray, light pink with light gray, lilac with medium light gray, fuchsia, dark gray. It is also worth remembering that the contrast of the pair will depend on the lightness of gray and the brightness of its pair.
The gray-pink combination is often enhanced with black, which enhances the contrast.

Combination of beige and pink

The combination of beige and pink in clothes is contradictory. The skin tone is in itself an expression of chic, so the nobler the tone of the pair, the more profitable the combination. Pastel pink, light lilac tones are combined with light beige - a neutral range that is well suited for business wardrobe. Bright stylish woman will be interested in the combination of fuchsia and purplish pink with light beige. For vintage lovers - cold gray-beige + rose ash or a gray-lilac palette.

Combination of brown and pink

The combination of brown and pink in clothes is based on light contrast, where the first tones are always darker than the second. White, light pink tones next to chocolate look prestigious and elegant. Medium pink tones with skin tones can fit into a casual style. For a hot pink, a taupe (gray-brown) palette will be an excellent pair.

Combination of blue and pink

In clothes - harmonious, pleasing to the eye. Most often, denim, dark blue tones are involved in this pair, but still they are not the ultimate dream. Cold shades, like lilac, magenta, fuchsia, combined with blue look organically due to kinship. Warm tones can create strikingly contrasting palettes (such as salmon and aqua). How lighter tone the main and darker blue, the more contrasting the pair in lightness.

The combination of black and pink

In clothes - sensual and bright. Black color makes any shade of rose more saturated. Like light in the night, it becomes mysterious, unexpected. This range is suitable for evening outfit. Most often added to it light gray shades, silver or gold. If you enter white into this combination, this will further increase the contrast.

Combination of yellow and pink

The clothes are feminine. Soft, soft pink hues and pale yellow tones create an innocent, childish combination. orange pink is lovely couple: bright, juicy, expressive. Fuchsia with yellow can be glamorous, especially if it is mustard or golden tones.
Such a section can be supplemented with milky white tones, green, brown, blue.

Combination of orange and pink

The combination of orange and pink in clothes once came into fashion and is still a representative of the trend. This is a surprisingly juicy, daring combination, not everyone dares to add it to their wardrobe. Orange combines shades that originate from fuchsia, so they create a contrast of warm and cold. A pair can be supplemented with black, white, red tones.

Combination of red and pink

The clothes are used more on the catwalk. Contradictory to the point of scandal, it is nevertheless bright and aesthetic. Two trends can be distinguished: light pink + bright red; fuchsia + rich red, as a continuation of the experiment with a pink-orange palette. However, for everyday life, when flashiness is superfluous, the combination of pale pink + burgundy is quite successful. Shades of white, blue, gray can dilute red along with fuchsia.

Purple and pink combination

The combination of purple and pink in clothes is based on the similarity of shades, so it looks natural. Based on this combination, attractive gradients can be built, for example, from magenta to eggplant. However, it is possible various combinations: from soft pink, purple to red-pink tones combined with red-violet.
You can complement these combinations with gray, black, blue, burgundy, gold.

Combination of blue and pink

The combination of blue, pink in clothes is balanced, gentle. It is built on warm and cold contrast, which gives it its own unique charm. It is worth noting that in 2016: this delicate shades pastel colors quartz and celestial.
Together with the main color, turquoise is often found, which is good not only with soft tones of rose, but also with bright fuchsia, magenta, ultra-pink, rose-red.
Such colors as white, gray, silver, blue, brown, gold also fit into this combination.

Combination of green and pink

The combination of green, pink in clothes is inspired by nature itself. Many shades of green are combined with a wide range of basic tones, thus providing us with a great variety of combinations. To preserve harmony, it is necessary to combine shades of the same purity, brightness: the brighter the shade, the more expressive the pair it requires for itself.
Pink-green palettes can be built on the basis of similarity or thermal contrast, more precisely, the cold shades of the described color can be combined with warm and cold tones.
This palette can be expanded with such shades as white, beige, yellow, brown, black, gold, silver.

Pink color combination table