Benefit for pregnant women for good nutrition. Receiving maternity nutrition allowance

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Questions of social security of citizens are solved jointly by the federal center and regions. The right of pregnant mothers and minor children to good nutrition indicated in Art. 52 FZ "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation" . Material support may be provided in cash or in kind. The amount of payments and the list of food products are determined at the regional level.

Who is eligible for the allowance?

The right to receive cash payments or products is:

  • In pregnant women, and mothers whose child is on breastfeeding under the age of 1 year.
  • In children under the age of 1 year. They have the right to receive payments or products for their own good nutrition. Assistance is issued at the request of the mothers (legal representatives) of the baby.
  • In children under 3 years of age- if they need enhanced nutrition, which is not provided by the family (parents).
  • In children older than 3 years- in the presence of congenital pathologies and disability.

Regions have the right to independently approve social programs aimed at supporting nursing mothers and their children. In most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, only people have the right to receive payments for food. In the Penza region, the right is granted to all nursing mothers and children, regardless of the level of the family's well-being.

Conditions and procedure for receiving payments to pregnant and lactating mothers

A woman must be registered with an obstetrician-gynecologist at the place of her registration or temporary stay. The gestation period should not be less than 12 weeks. To recognize a pregnant woman in need of enhanced nutrition, a medical commission must be assembled, which examines the expectant mother and takes a medical report in the form No. 111 / y. It contains indications for the calculation of benefits or in-kind support.

A specific list of products that are necessary to support the health of a pregnant woman may be indicated. With a positive decision of the medical commission, the woman is entitled to a free prescription or to receive payment in cash.

A pregnant or breastfeeding mother needs to confirm that she does not have the income to meet her nutritional needs on her own.

Usually, for this, the social security authorities must recognize the family. The income of all family members is calculated, which can be not only the husband of a pregnant and nursing mother, but also other relatives and close people. The main criterion is that the family, regardless of the number of people and their family ties, ran a joint household and had a common budget.

The payment and accrual of benefits to a pregnant mother is carried out by the decision of a specialist from the social protection authority. A woman receives a monthly amount or a free prescription for food in certain stores (points of issue). The prescription is valid for no more than 1 month. A woman should come for him every month - until childbirth and the child reaches the age of 1 month.

The accrual of payments or the issuance of products can continue until the child reaches the age of 1 year - if the mother is breastfeeding the baby. To do this, you will need to re-verify the status poor family and get an opinion from the local pediatrician. A woman with a child should be constantly monitored by a doctor.

If the conclusion is received, then you can again contact the social security authorities with an application and documents. Payments or prescriptions for food are made monthly.

Registration of allowance for children from 1 to 3 years and older

To receive food and benefits for a child under the age of 1 year, you must obtain the conclusion of the district pediatrician, as well as to confirm that the mother does not have the opportunity to feed the baby with breast milk. The conclusion is drawn up in writing. The right to receive benefits or food for a child under 1 year of age is also available to a father who is raising a child alone and does not have a stable income. The guardians of the child have the same right. Applicants need to prove income below living wage established for the child and submit documents to the USZN at the place of their registration.

If you need to arrange social payment for food or prescriptions for free groceries for a child 1-3 years old, the mother needs to obtain a conclusion from the pediatrician in the form 112 / y. It confirms the need for additional nutrition of a minor. Payments are transferred to the mother’s bank account (card), or she picks up products according to a free prescription.

The amount of payments and the list of products for pregnant nursing mothers and their children

The amount of payments is determined by regional normative documents. The average amount is 580 rubles. monthly- for pregnant and lactating mothers. The amount of the allowance for food for a child is on average 950 rubles. every month.

The list of food baskets for additional nutrition for mothers and babies includes:

  • For pregnant and lactating women- milk, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese, juice, vitamins in powder and tablet form.
  • For children under 1 year old- dry or liquid mixtures, cereals, special food without lactose, bait.
  • For children under 3 years old- mixtures, cereals, fruit, vegetable puree, dairy products, vitamins.
  • - special food packages.

Regional ministries of health have the right to establish their own list of food baskets, which is additionally necessary for mothers and their babies.

Most regions prefer to provide benefits in monetary terms: Moscow, Krasnodar Territory, Penza, Voronezh Regions, etc. In-kind products are issued in Kabardino-Balkaria, Astrakhan, Belgorod Regions, etc.

Required documents

To process a payment or a prescription for food, you must submit to the social security authorities at the place of registration:

  1. application in the prescribed form;
  2. applicant's passport;
  3. birth certificate of a minor;
  4. conclusion on f. No. 111 / y, which confirms the need of a pregnant mother in additional enhanced nutrition;
  5. conclusion from the local doctor - about the need of the nursing mother in additional nutrition;
  6. the conclusion of the pediatrician - on the need for a child under the age of 1 year in artificial feeding;
  7. conclusion on f. No. 112 / y, confirming the need for a child aged 1-3 years in additional good nutrition;
  8. certificate of disability of the child - for the issuance of special meals for a child older than three years;
  9. certificate; on the income of all family members or a document that confirms the poor situation of the family;
  10. information about the bank account of the recipient who is entitled to food allowance;
  11. marriage certificate, certificates from the employment service - if low-income recipient citizens are officially recognized as unemployed.

This is what it looks like top part application form. You can download it in its entirety from the link below.

The application together with the submitted documents is considered within 10 days from the date of acceptance. Specialists check financial condition families are interested in the income of the mother, father of the child. If the father does not work for a disrespectful reason and is not registered with the employment center, then this can be regarded as abuse and dependency. Refusal to assign benefits for the nutrition of the mother and baby must be justified. It can be challenged in administrative and judicial proceedings.

Free food for pregnant women is another form of state assistance that is assigned to financially support citizens. It was created in order to alleviate the difficult situation associated with the bearing and birth of a child, which is a very costly period in the life of any family. We have to spend impressive funds in order to provide everything necessary future mother. And in the case of nutrition, it must also be clearly balanced so as not to harm both the body of a woman and a child. What is needed in order to issue free meals for pregnant?

Table of contents:

Who is eligible for free maternity meals?

It should be noted that there are no certain categories of pregnant women who have the right to apply for such assistance. Such a benefit can be received by all, without exception, women who have provided a certificate of their position.
This document can be obtained from a gynecologist after he has examined and established pregnancy. Pregnant women may also be placed on a waiting list for certain vitamins as determined by the subject's medical department. Russian Federation.

Fathers are also entitled to preferential meals if the mother is absent for certain reasons. To do this, you need to provide a certificate that confirms the privileged status of a man - a woman's death certificate or a court decision on. The grounds for disqualification are irrelevant.

Also, except for pregnant women, the following can apply for free meals:

  • Nursing mother if the child is breastfed. Meals will be provided until the child is six months old.
  • Children under 15 summer age and suffering from serious diseases - hemoblastosis and others.
  • Children who are awarded any.

For pregnant women, there is a period during which they can claim free meals. The term is set separately in each individual subject of the Russian Federation. This procedure is established in the law bearing the number 5487-1, or rather, in its 23 article. But on average, this period is defined as the 28th week of pregnancy. You can find out about the terms and categories of the population that are eligible to apply for such a benefit both in the administration of medical institutions and in the city administration. Usually this information is provided at information points or at the check-in desk, depending on the situation in the region.

How to get free meals for pregnant women

The starting point for applying for food benefits will be an application. It must be written by a pregnant woman in the name of the direct manager medical organization which provides free meals. This is usually the department antenatal clinic. Most often, a milk dispensing point is attached to it.

In order to reduce the time for consideration of such an application, you need to have the following set of documents with you:

  • A copy of the identity card, which indicates the place of residence of the pregnant woman.
  • A copy of the document confirming health insurance.
  • A copy of the certificate confirming the woman's pregnancy.

Usually the term of consideration of such a case is a month. It should be remembered that in the absence necessary documents decision on this issue may be delayed.

The package of documents that is needed for a meal appointment may vary from place to place. It all depends on the decisions made by the regional administration. The list of papers can be found in the administration medical institution or city hall.

It is also worth mentioning that it is advised to send all documents at the same time as the application. The faster full package papers will be under consideration, the sooner a decision will be made on the provision of food benefits. But the most important thing is to apply. Missing documents can be sent after the application has landed on the desk of the administration of the medical institution.

Products included in the package of preferential meals for pregnant women

Rationally balanced diet- one of critical factors that affect the health of the pregnant woman and, as a result, the health of the child. Those products that can be obtained under the privilege are controlled by sanitary and dietary standards established by the state. Typically, a free meal package includes:

  • 6-7 liters of milk per month;
  • 2-3 liters of juice per month;

It is also worth noting that for nursing mothers, these standards are increased due to the fact that she has to feed not only herself, but also the growing child. And usually it takes a lot more substances and energy. You can find out what norms are in force in the region in the administration of the medical institution to which the milk distribution point is assigned.

The issue of subsidized meals has acquired the greatest urgency among people belonging to those categories of the population who have been given the status of unprotected. Pregnancy is an extremely difficult period for the whole family, it is associated with a large waste of money and time. This is despite the fact that the state of health must be monitored very carefully, which greatly increases costs. In this case, preferential nutrition for pregnant women is a saving measure. Considering that the survival of a newborn is largely ensured by a varied and fortified diet, without such a measure, the number of difficult or unsuccessful births would have become catastrophic.

In some regions and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the list of products that a pregnant woman will receive at a milk distribution point is determined by the attending physician. He establishes what she lacks for good nutrition and notes the necessary items in an individual medical card. It will need to be presented when applying or already at the dairy distribution point itself, upon receipt of the products laid down under the benefit.

Federal and regional authorities provide support to needy mothers. Among the species social assistance- food allowance for pregnant women. It is not issued to all girls who are in position. To obtain it, you must provide certain documents.

Normative base

Pregnant and lactating women are a special social group eligible for financial support. The procedure for its provision is carried out on the basis of two federal laws.

In addition to federal legislation, there is regional legislation. The subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to independently determine the amount of assistance and the method of receiving it.


The food allowance is state aid allocated from the budget of the regions of the Russian Federation as social support special categories of citizens.

  1. Pregnant women. According to the testimony of the doctor of the expectant mother, specialized nutrition can be prescribed.
  2. Mothers who are breastfeeding. Assistance is provided within six months from the date of birth. Required condition - breastfeeding child.
  3. Children from birth to three years. Special nutrition is provided to a child who needs it for health reasons.


These persons are eligible for benefits only if they have medical indications and financial insolvency.

Only a doctor can determine the need for missing nutrition. This is done on the basis of tests, studying the history and lifestyle of the patient. If the doctor considers that she lacks the nutrients necessary for the favorable development of the child, he will issue a medical report. It will be issued in an individual card in the form No. 111 / y. Based on it, the expectant mother is entitled to receive a monthly food allowance.


The certificate is issued for a period of one month. For further assistance, you need to re-apply.


The grant can be given in two forms.

  1. Monetary. A woman receives a cash payment in the form of an amount established in the region.
  2. Natural. Foodstuffs are provided in dairy distribution establishments and points special food.

All nuances are determined by local legislation. The amount of the allowance in all regions is different. The national average in 2018 will be 580 rubles. The amount is indexed annually.

Conditions and procedure for obtaining

Not every pregnant woman is entitled to additional support from the state. The legislation establishes a number of requirements that it must comply with. To confirm them, certain documents are provided when applying.

Conditions for receiving:

  • the woman is in a position and is registered in the antenatal clinic;
  • gestational age at least 12 weeks;
  • the applicant has the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • a woman does not have the opportunity to fully eat;
  • family income is less than the subsistence level established in the region.

Prosperous families with normal level income free food is not provided.

You can get food:

  1. unemployed women;
  2. employees of enterprises;
  3. individual entrepreneurs;
  4. military personnel;
  5. students.

To become a member state program, you must contact the authorized institution in your city.

The order of receipt involves the following steps.

  1. Collection of necessary documents.
  2. Obtaining a medical certificate - only on its basis will social assistance be provided.
  3. Writing an application for free food.
  4. Personal contact to the center social protection population by place of residence or registration.
  5. The staff of the institution will check the information provided and make a decision on the appointment of food for the pregnant woman.
  6. Upon approval of the application, the woman will be told in detail about the conditions of the program and will be assigned a place to receive meals. If in the region the benefit is provided in cash, the pregnant woman will be notified of the timing of payment.


You can apply not only in person, but also through a representative. To do this, a power of attorney is issued in the name of a person who, on behalf of a pregnant woman, will apply to a social institution. This is true in cases in which a woman, for health reasons, cannot do it on her own.

Terms of receipt:

  • natural nutrition is issued from the day the decision is made by the social authority;
  • The cash payment is credited to the applicant's personal account within ten days.

The benefit is provided until the moment of childbirth or artificial termination of pregnancy. After the birth of a child, a woman can apply for food in a different form.

Table 1. Nutrition allowance for mothers.

Benefit Note
For lactating women A nursing mother has the right to receive nutrition under the condition of breastfeeding, an urgent need for specialized nutrition, a small amount of milk, and a lack of nutrients in the child's diet.
Children under three years old The allowance is provided if the child needs specialized nutrition due to an incurable disease, the recommendation of doctors, the need to receive nutritious and fortified mixtures.

Benefit products can only be received by those who are not employed kindergarten children, because it is believed that in children's institution The child is provided with adequate nutrition.

Children after complex surgery Nutrition is prescribed by the attending physician.


Documents must be prepared in advance to receive benefits. The main one is the medical opinion. It determines not only the need for additional nutrition, but also its volume, as well as the order of receipt.

In conclusion, the doctor indicates the names of products for the pregnant woman and the period of their receipt. Based on the needs of the body, the list may be different.

In addition to this document, a number of others are provided. Their presence influences the decision of the social body.

Table 2. Documents required to receive food allowance for pregnant women.

Document Note
Statement Completed in writing. May be submitted through a representative.
Identification The original and a copy of the document with information about the place of residence are required.
Medical certificate The document must confirm the presence of pregnancy. Issued in the antenatal clinic.
Conclusion of the doctor on the need to prescribe benefits To be completed by a doctor.
Help from the place of work Provided by each family member to verify income for the last three months. If financial position will be less than the minimum, the social institution is likely to approve the receipt of benefits.
Employment history For the unemployed. A copy of the document is required.
Bank account number Provided if the benefit will be issued in the form of a cash payment.


The exact list is established by each subject of the Russian Federation individually. In some regions, it may be supplemented by other documents. You can find out about their list in the social institution of your city.

Grocery list

The law does not provide for the same list of products for all regions. Each subject has the right to independently determine their volume. But in all cities it is similar and differs slightly.

The basis of nutrition for pregnant women is:

  1. dairy and dairy products;
  2. vitamin and mineral complexes;
  3. cottage cheese with a fat content of 4-9%;
  4. kefir 2.5% fat.

So, food allowance for pregnant women can be received only if necessary. To do this, you need to provide documents confirming the difficult financial situation, and a medical report. In it, the doctor indicates the reason for providing specialized nutrition to a woman.

The amount of the allowance is determined by regional legislation. In each region, the administration independently determines the type and amount of support provided.

According to the Law of the Moscow Region dated 02.27.2006 N 26/2006-OZ "On the procedure for providing a full-fledged nutrition of pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three in the Moscow region and the order of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region of March 14, 2006 N 80, citizens who are registered with the Moscow Region and consisting at the place of residence in the healthcare institutions of the municipal Flax formations of the Moscow region:

  • children aged 0 to 2 years 11 months 29 days who are on mixed or artificial feeding (hereinafter - children under the age of three years);
  • pregnant women from the moment of registration in connection with pregnancy, but not earlier than the gestational age of 12 weeks;
  • nursing mothers within 6 months from the date of birth, provided that the child is breastfed.

The issuance of good nutrition is carried out according to the prescriptions of doctors with the stamp "free of charge" through children's dairy kitchens, milk distribution points, special nutrition points and stores from the month following the month when the application for the provision of good nutrition was submitted.

It is possible to receive food at the place of actual residence in the Moscow region, but on condition that you do not receive adequate food at the place of residence in the Moscow region, confirmed by a relevant certificate.

Feeding pregnant women

The need for proper nutrition of pregnant women registered in connection with pregnancy is determined by the conclusion of an obstetrician-gynecologist or a specialist of a medical institution replacing him at the place of residence of a pregnant woman and is drawn up in an individual card of a pregnant woman (form No. 111 / y).

Complete nutrition is prescribed to pregnant women for the entire period of pregnancy until childbirth, starting from the month following the month of registration with a medical institution in connection with pregnancy, but not earlier than the gestational age of 12 weeks.

Providing nutrition to nursing mothers and children under 3 years of age

The need for proper nutrition of nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three, is determined by the conclusion of the local pediatrician, or a specialist replacing him in a medical institution at the place of residence of the nursing mother and the child under the age of three, and is documented in the history of the child's development (form No. 112 / y).

Complete nutrition for nursing mothers is prescribed from the month following the month of receipt of the doctor's opinion, and is carried out until the child reaches the age of 6 months.

Complete nutrition for children under the age of three is prescribed from the month following the month of receipt of the doctor's opinion, and is carried out until the child reaches the age of three.

Required documents

Upon initial registration with a municipal health care institution at the place of residence, citizens or their legal representatives, in order to be included in the Lists for receiving good nutrition for each calendar month, draw up in the name of the head of this municipal institution health written statement. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • for pregnant women- a photocopy of the page of the passport with a photo and the page "Place of residence";
  • for nursing mothers- a photocopy of the page of the passport with a photo and the page "Place of residence"; a photocopy of the child's birth certificate;
  • for children under the age of three- a photocopy of the passport page with a photo and the "Place of residence" page, a photocopy of the child's birth certificate, a photocopy of the child's medical insurance policy.

In conclusion, the doctor indicates a set of products (local governments set the norms for issuing food to pregnant women and nursing mothers, and baby food children under the age of 3 and in each municipality, these sets may differ), and this conclusion is the basis for issuing a prescription with a stamp "free" for a good meal. The prescription is issued for the month following the month of receipt of the doctor's opinion on the provision of good nutrition.

A list of food products included in the monthly food package to provide good nutrition for children under the age of three, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

(According to Appendix N 1 to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region of July 4, 2006 N 269)

Children under 6 months old: adapted milk (liquid and dry) mixtures - substitutes breast milk.

Children aged 6 months to 3 years:

  • subsequent milk (liquid and dry) mixtures (breast milk substitutes for children over 6 months);
  • kefir for children;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese for children;
  • dry milk and dairy-free cereals(from 5 months of age);
  • vegetable puree (from 4 months of age);
  • meat puree, meat and vegetable puree (from 7 months of age);
  • fruit puree (from 4 months of age);
  • fruit and vegetable juice (from 3 months of age).

Note: for children, specialized baby food products of industrial production and dairy products from children's dairy kitchens are used; according to the doctor's conclusion, specialized children's food products are prescribed to provide nutrition to children with various alimentary-dependent pathologies.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers.

For extra enrichment nutrients(macro- and micronutrients) of the diet of pregnant women and nursing mothers:

  • special fortified foods for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • cottage cheese 4-9% fat;
  • milk, kefir, dairy products 2.5% fat.

Funds for providing adequate nutrition for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three years are allocated from the budget of the Moscow Region in the form of subventions (monetary benefits to local authorities from the state allocated for certain period for specific purposes) to the budgets of municipalities of the Moscow Region.

From January 1, 2016, the costs of providing adequate nutrition for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under the age of three years are provided at the rate * :

  • children under the age of 1 year - 597 rubles per month(previously 558) per person;
  • children aged 1 to 2 years - 453 rubles per month(previously 423) per person;
  • children aged 2 to 3 years - 377 rubles per month(previously 352) per person;
  • pregnant women - 227 rubles per month(previously 212) per person;
  • nursing mothers - 597 rubles per month(previously 558) per person.
* ) Law of the Moscow Region dated December 28, 2015 N 256/2015-OZ

In November 2009, the provision of the Law, according to which the monetary norms established for calculating the costs of providing good nutrition to these persons, became invalid. subject to annual indexation in accordance with the law of the Moscow region on the budget of the Moscow region for the corresponding financial year, taking into account the level of inflation.

This law is valid on the territory of the Moscow region, provided that the law of the Moscow region on the budget of the Moscow region for the next financial year provides for the provision of such assistance.

For good health you need complete nutrition. For some citizens it has great importance. The food allowance for pregnant women is necessary in order to provide for mother and baby essential vitamins and micronutrients.

Who is supposed to

They provide a nutritional allowance for a pregnant woman, a breastfeeding woman and children under three years of age. By law, the right to issue it is given to registered Russian women whose average income will be less than the subsistence minimum.

There is a certain list of requirements that a pregnant or lactating woman must meet.

Benefits can be received:

  1. individual entrepreneurs;
  2. employees of enterprises;
  3. students;
  4. unemployed;
  5. military women.

They begin to provide it from the period of application after registration. This includes the age of the child up to 6 months.

Provision of adequate nutrition for pregnant women and nursing mothers is carried out in the form of financial assistance for which you can purchase products. The amount of the allowance differs depending on the region of residence.

You will need a list of documents to apply. With their help, you can prove that a category of citizens needs help. You will need a certificate of the need to provide food for a pregnant woman, which is issued in a medical institution. As well as papers stating that the family income is less than the minimum in the place of residence. In this case, compensation is paid legally.


In each region, the issue of how to provide assistance is individually decided. Providing monthly allowance for food is subject to the subsistence minimum. Therefore, the amount of the allowance is different. On average, it is about 400-550 rubles.

monthly allowance for extra food for pregnant women is paid for the entire period until delivery from the moment of registration. This applies to time from a period of 12 weeks. The responsibility rests with the regional administration.

Money for food for pregnant women is most often paid when there is no specialized food point at the place of residence. Local authorities independently determine that a woman needs additional assistance. From this comes the procedure for accruing funds and their payment, the amount and terms, as well as the provision of documents.

Monthly cash compensation will be calculated after filing necessary papers to government agencies. Provided that the family cannot provide a pregnant woman with everything necessary for good nutrition.

Compensation for food for pregnant women is possible only on the condition that she really needs improved nutrition, and the family income is low.

Product types

When the situation in life is difficult, financial support is provided at the local department of social protection of the population. It is there that you can learn about all the intricacies of obtaining in-kind or monetary assistance. And then, according to the order of registration, get the opportunity for additional good nutrition.

According to legal acts after the provision of documents, products are given to a pregnant or lactating woman, a child under three years old.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, this can be:

  • For future mother: products with vitamins, cottage cheese, kefir, milk, vitamin-mineral complex;
  • children under six months old are given mixtures that replace breast milk;
  • from one and a half to three years, mixtures, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, juices and milk, vegetable and meat puree. Porridges with dry milk;
  • if the child has a pathology, then the products will be prepared in the kitchen.

If the place of registration and residence do not match, then the application is submitted to the department for actual location. It is important to know in advance what documents will be needed in order to short time collect them and provide them during a personal visit to the institution. Such information is provided in the MFC and social security.


It is important to know that the father, not having a permanent job, must be registered with the employment center. Otherwise, payments will be denied. This does not apply to those who are disabled or unable to work for health reasons. In this case, he can confirm the situation with documents.

To collect documents for receiving benefits, you can take a list from the institution. The woman will need to provide:

  • a statement indicating a bank account. It can be a plastic card or a savings account;
  • a certificate from a doctor stating that a pregnant woman or a child needs additional help;
  • passport with photocopy of all pages and marriage certificate;
  • a copy of the child's social security certificate;
  • a certificate from a gynecologist indicating the duration of pregnancy;
  • paper confirming income in the form of 2-personal income tax for the last three months. It is provided by the pregnant woman and the husband from the place of work to determine the income received;
  • certificate of family composition, which is issued by the MFC or the administration.

After the documents are collected and submitted, on the basis of medical indicators the medical commission issues a conclusion. 10 days are given for consideration of documents. calendar days. The applicant shall be notified in writing of the appointment of payments or refusal.

The law on good nutrition for pregnant women says that payments and their amount are established by regional acts. Many women do not know what they are supposed to extra help. However, government assistance, even a small one, will help improve the financial situation of the family.