Scenario for new year africa. Material on the topic: The scenario of the New Year's party for the elementary school "New Year in Africa"

hot african party original version to celebrate the New Year. Just imagine - it's cold outside, and around you people in bright colorful costumes are having fun and dancing to the incendiary drum rhythms. Every minute you are filled with the hot breath of a distant mysterious continent, forgetting about all the problems and oppressive burden of civilization.

You must have seen it on my blog. Today I will tell you how to have a real African party at home.

African Party Decor Ideas for Adults

Start preparing for this theme night no less than three weeks. In order for guests to get into the spirit of the holiday from the doorway, be sure to take care of the appropriate decorations.

You can start with the simplest, for example, sofa cushions and a blanket. Let them be with a tiger, zebra or leopard pattern.

Order or make your own African animal silhouettes. For example, cut them out of ordinary chipboard, paint them, and place them along the walls. Or let them watch you different corners rooms Stuffed Toys- tigers, lions, monkeys, giraffes, elephants. Create the effect of presence wildlife in your house!

On the walls you can hang printed photographs from the life of African tribes, masks-totems. By the way, making an exotic papier-mâché mask is very simple and everyone can do it.

Find decorations, figurines, any decor items that match the theme of the New Year's Eve.

If you are a lover of indoor flowers, then create compositions from living greenery. Give preference to broad-leaved plants. Monstera, dracaena or yucca will look spectacular. From flowering plants, callas, gerberas, orchids will decorate the interior.

If space permits, organize a photo zone. Order a large panel with an African landscape, arrange attributes that match the theme of the party. Surely your guests will want to take original photos as a keepsake.

The main decoration of the New Year holiday is the Christmas tree. But since you celebrate the New Year in African style, order a palm tree instead of a green beauty or original composition from balloons.

For inspiration, I offer you a few more photos with interior items in african style.

Perhaps you or someone you know is interested in the culture of Africa, then collect the scenery for theme party won't be too difficult. Remember, the more decor elements you find, the more realistic you will reproduce the flavor of African life.

What to eat at an African themed party

African cuisine includes the traditions of all countries of the continent. One thing unites them all - love for bread, legumes, cereals, meat. Also, the menu of the African people is replete with local vegetables and fruits.

Based on this, it can be concluded that the holiday table there must be appetizing fried meat dish(leg of lamb, turkey or chicken), exotic fruits, cocktails decorated with colorful umbrellas.

You can experiment and cook real African dishes: couscous, boboti meat casserole with dried fruits and almonds, trout baked in Moroccan style.

For appetizers, serve: Algerian spicy eggplant and small pies stuffed with tuna interesting name"fetcook".

Delicious desserts will delight and surprise your guests: banana cream, charek nut cookies, pastries with bananas and other exotic fruits.

If culinary experiments scare you, limit yourself to a table setting that matches the theme of the party, as well as a beautiful and original presentation dishes.

The simplest option for table decoration is monochrome dishes and themed attributes placed everywhere.

What to wear to an African party

African costumes are a huge variety of materials, all kinds of styles, colors. Outfit ideas for an African New Year's Eve party are inexhaustible. It can be a frank "palm" outfit and a cape made of "skins of wild animals."

An excellent solution would be clothes of a modern cut with national ethnic patterns.

The main condition of this evening is that the costume should be bright in African style. Also, do not forget about large accessories made of beads, wood, leather, feathers.


Some decorations for a theme party are not enough. Be sure to think over the entertainment part that will not let your guests get bored. I propose to hold the following games and competitions for adult company.

At the bottom of the ocean

To play this game you will need plastic cups by the number of invited guests, who will need to be divided into teams. Write on the bottom of each glass the word from the New Year's phrase-congratulations.

For example, you divided the guests into two teams of 4 people. Then you need to take 4 cups, at the bottom of each write one word: “with”, “new”, “year”, “congratulations”. Similarly, for the second team, the phrase is written: "We wish you happiness in life." Glasses are filled with drink. The task of the players to find out what is on the "bottom of the ocean" is to empty the glasses and read out the phrases.


Cheerful dance team competition to the famous children's song from the cartoon "Katerok". Let your guests arrange a real dance battle, in which the main prize will be a bunch of bananas. The winner is the team that will dance the most incendiary and synchronous "Chunga-changa".

Be sure to add to the program creative contests. Someone is good at dancing and singing, and someone can prove himself in something else. Pick up such entertainment so that everyone has fun.

rock painting

We call for participation a few guests who want to show off their artistic talent. Everyone will have to draw a symbol of the coming year on one condition - the artist's eyes will be blindfolded. We do not forget to reward the most talented with a memorable souvenir.

For the next competition, you need to stock up on balls and darts for playing darts.

lion hunting

Glue images of the king of beasts onto the balls. We fix it on one of the walls or on a specially constructed stand. We call the daredevils, we offer to arrange a hunt for African lions. We give the participants three attempts. Memorable souvenir We reward the most accurate shooter.

When the guests are sufficiently relaxed and liberated, you can arrange dance games and bolder contests.

mating dances

Choose yourself active man, invite him to seduce any woman he likes with the Papuan dance. As a prize - a kiss of beauty!

We continue the game, only now the girl performs a seductive dance. Prize - the lucky one fulfills any desire of a hot African beauty.

For an adult company, you can hold cocktail making contests. It evokes strong emotions and fun. Especially for those players who taste the received drinks.

Shaman Potion

By the method of drawing lots or voting, we make one of the guests the “leader of the tribe”. The rest of the participants are divided into two teams. The task is to prepare a dope potion for the elder, who, after tasting the drinks, chooses the most delicious, beautifully designed and “knocking down”. After that, you can treat everyone present with a similar potion.

Another option for such a competition is the game "Festive Cocktail". Speak preparatory speech that Africa is a generous continent that indulges its inhabitants with an abundance of exotic fruits. It is customary to prepare a variety of cocktails here.

Divide the guests into tribes, each of which will have to prepare a refreshing New Year's drink. Not only the taste of the cocktail is evaluated, but also the festive decoration.

stubborn elephant

This game is for men, but with a strong desire, girls can also play. You will need a rope or a thick rope tied so that several (according to the number of participants) ends extend from a common center.

These ends must be fastened around the waists of the "elephants". At the command of the leader, the players begin to pull the rope, each in their own direction. The one who outweighs the rest is declared "the most stubborn elephant" and receives a bag of peanuts as a reward.

The next game can be made a continuation of the previous one.

call of the jungle

Prepare leaflets with the names of African animals - cobra, giraffe, zebra, rhinoceros, hippopotamus, elephant, lion, crocodile, ostrich, monkey, flamingo and others. Put in a bag or box. Participants of the event take turns taking out papers, depicting a hidden animal.

To make it easier for others to guess, you can play the sounds of a wild animal. We are rewarding players with new playful titles: “King of Beasts”, “Cowardly Macaque”, “Swift-footed Ostrich” and so on.

The game described below may seem childish at first glance. But, as practice shows, adults are happy to play trackers.


We divide guests into teams. We each give a box with “footprints and hooves”, which must be printed and cut out in advance. One minute is given during which the players identify the animals by their tracks. The team that gives the largest number correct answers. The award is the title of "Best Hunter-Ranger".

Now on the Internet in the public domain you can find dance lessons that can be used to entertain guests.

Dance master class

Arrange not just a musical break, but give the party participants the opportunity to learn a real ethnic dance. You can also invite a dance coach for this purpose. It will be a lot of fun, unexpected and really memorable for a long time!

For the accuracy contest, which will be discussed below, it is best to divide the participants into two teams: women against men.

keen eye

We put two metal or clay mugs on the table. We divide the participants into teams. We give the first players a bowl of peanuts. The task is to get a nut into a mug from a predetermined distance (for example, 7 steps).

After the first throw, the baton is passed to the next team member. You can compete against time. Turn on the music that matches the theme of the party and start the game. Don't forget to reward the winning team.

Complete competitive program you can congratulate all the guests. Then arrange an incendiary disco until the morning.

New Year's greetings of the leader of the tribe

Choose from among those invited who can be the "leader" and say congratulatory speech. Let him sum up the outgoing year for your company: remember the fun and significant events. After that, your friend should give parting words to all those present and congratulate you on the upcoming holiday. Then he will knock on the tam-tam 12 times and everyone will clink their glasses to the cheerful, sonorous, friendly “Happy New Year!”

Now you know how to throw a real African New Year's party. It diversifies leisure, brings the sea positive emotions, energize next year. Happy, unforgettable holidays!


program "Africans celebrate the New Year"


Santa Claus aka Santa Claus

Monkey - a symbol of the coming year

Actress - the role of a teacher, she is also the Lead


African group:


Dance group - girls

Group of drummers - boys

Decor: the stage is divided into two pavilions.

    th Table. Chair. Globe.

2nd: "Africa". African landscape: an artificial palm tree, under it there is a box with New Year's toys. View of Mount Kilimanjaro

The melody of the song "Song about the weather" enters.

A student and a student are sitting at the table

Pupil: Where will 6-B celebrate the New Year?

Student: Maybe in America? (twirls the globe)...

Pupil: Boring!

Student: Maybe in Italy?

Pupil: Were last year...

Student: Maybe in France?

Student (sighing): A crisis

The teacher appears Children, there is a telegram from Kilimanjaro.

Reading telegram:

" Dear Guys! We invite you to the African New Year. Bring ice. And then we die from the heat. The sun is mercilessly burning. Looking forward to! Aborigines".

Children in chorus: Hooray, we're going to Africa!

Teacher to students: We'll take everything bags - freezers ... Put more ice cream in there and save African friends from the heat. Don't forget to bring your costumes. By the way, they have Santa Claus.

Teacher: Quite right. Africans celebrate the Gregorian New Year on January 1, like most countries in the world.

Choir children: Great! Long live Africa!

Teacher: Let's hit the road!

Children go in panama hats in sun glasses with bags ... A student (Boris Sannikov) catches up with them with a suitcase to the sound of an airplane: I'm late again...wait

An African melody sounds.

The teacher to the children...look around. Did you know that many years ago it was the Africans who first came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year. Here, you can see with your own eyes the unique and archaic traditions of the New Year celebration in a country where this holiday is a real symbol of the beginning of a new life.

The leader comes out I greet you ... about Novorossiysk! Here you are at home.

Student: Where is the tree?

Leader: Yes, don't be surprised. In Africa, things are different. The tree of life in Africa, unlike other countries, is the palm tree. And you need to decorate it not with glass toys, but with fresh fruits! Hanging each fruit, you need to make a wish.

Pupil : You have a palm tree, but where is Santa Claus? Without it, there is no new year.

Leader: According to legend, after an incendiary dance with snow cap Kilimanjaro, a kind gray-bearded old man in a white and red fur coat should descend, with a bottomless bag of gifts and with new hopes for the next year.

The dance group is performing a dance.

A monkey with a mirror comes out to the music.

Leader: Meet! Meet! The symbol of the new year is a beautiful monkey. And where is Grandfather Morozovich Santa Claus?

Monkey: Are you all set for New Year's Eve?

Leader: Yes.

Monkey: Now let's check .... (looks in the mirror) ... what a beauty I am.

Leader: Of course, O beautiful monkey!

Monkey: Are you all set for New Year's Eve? Woven rug…football cup…sprouts….seeds…gifts…candelabra and candles.All this is brought under the palm tree

Leader: Well, what are we going to burn now? our most main character- Kinara menorah. And grandfather Morozovich Santa Claus will come down to us!

Music sounds.

Came Father Frost

Happy new year friends! And here is the cure for the fever. Distributes ice cream.

New Year - magical holiday that unites the whole world.

Chorus... happy new year!

Sing a song about the New Year.

Thematic scenario "African New Year" for children

New Year can also be celebrated in summer. It is this holiday that is commonly called the African New Year. The scenario of this holiday will be interesting for young children around the age of five. It is very good if the holiday is organized and held in the country, for example. Also, an unusual New Year can be celebrated at home.

Santa Claus and his assistant, the Snow Maiden, are chosen as the hosts. Santa Claus can have a tanned skin tone as well Sunglasses. As an outfit for the Snow Maiden, you can offer a bright swimsuit.

All children gather in the room or area where the celebration is planned. Under cheerful music Santa Claus appears.

Father Frost:
- Hello children! I came to you from distant and hot Africa. I would like to wish you a Happy New Year. But what is a holiday without the Snow Maiden? Let's call her all together!
All the children call the Snow Maiden, and she appears to the music.

Snow Maiden:
- Hello children! How are you doing? Are you ready to welcome the New Year? Grandfather Frost and I can't wait for this fun party. Something you have very hot! Let's decorate this room with snowflakes! Which one of you will make the most beautiful snowflake?

Snow Maiden:
- Which beautiful snowflakes you got it! Who wants to be a snowflake?

Several children are selected and they dress up as snowflakes.

Father Frost:
- And which of these snowflakes dances the most beautifully? Let's find out?

Music sounds and a competition is held between snowflakes for the most beautiful dance. All participants receive prizes from the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

Father Frost:
- I came to you for a holiday, but I don’t see the most important symbol of the New Year. Where is your Christmas tree? Why isn't she decorated? We urgently need to fix this, because what is the New Year without a festive tree?
A bush or a flower is chosen as a New Year tree, depending on where the holiday is held. All children decorate the Christmas tree with cheerful music. To do this, you can use fruits, flowers and other options.

Father Frost:
- Which beautiful Christmas tree we got it! Under such a Christmas tree, every kid will be able to find gifts for the New Year holiday.

Santa Claus puts a bag of gifts under the Christmas tree and then gives gifts to all the children. For this, each child must tell a poem or sing a song.

Snow Maiden:
- Let's dance around our Christmas tree! Do you know new year songs? To do this, everyone needs to join hands.

Holding hands, all the children dance around the Christmas tree and sing songs. The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus take part with them.

Father Frost:
- We had a lot of fun! Now let's taste the treats that your mothers have prepared for you.

All children sit on the table and eat treats.

Father Frost:
– What can be better songs, which is performed by all together? What song will we sing?

Children choose a song and sing it together. The Snow Maiden and Santa Claus help them in this.

Snow Maiden:
Let's see which one of you is the smartest?

Next comes the competition. Several children are selected. Chairs are required for the competition. Their number must be one less than the number of participants. When the music is playing, the children dance and have fun. When the music stops, the children should take their seats. Who did not have time - he is eliminated from the competition. The contest continues in this way until there is only one winner who receives the prize.

Father Frost:
“Children, we had fun, had a good New Year, but it’s time for me and the Snow Maiden to return to Africa. We have to long road to Africa. Guide us with a cheerful song!
The children together sing the chosen song to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and they leave.




Hello girls!
Hello boys!
Do you want to play?
But not in cat and mouse,
There is a chance to cheat
Arrange ta-ra-ram,
Everyone go to Africa.
Run away from moms and dads!


Small children! No way
Do not go to Africa, Walk to Africa!
Sharks in Africa, Gorillas in Africa
Large in Africa. Angry crocodiles
They will bite you, beat and offend you, -
Do not go, children, To walk in Africa.
Africa is terrible, Yes, yes, yes!
Africa is dangerous, yes, yes, yes!
Don't go to Africa
Children, never.

MONKEY comes out

MONKEY: But daddy and mommy fell asleep in the evening,
And Tanechka and Vanechka - run to Africa!
Guys, do you agree to go with me on a trip to Africa? ...Fine, then hold on to this long vine, it will lead us to Africa.


Here we are in Africa. Do you know what animals live in Africa? ...

Now let's check which African animals do you know? I will make riddles, and you guess them

    Goes calmly, slowly, Let everyone see how good
    Comfortable and durable shirt. In which he walks .... (Turtle).

MONKEY: And let's show how the turtle walks


2. He himself weighs ten tons,
And the poor man's name is ... .. (Elephant)

MONKEY: And let's show how the ELEPHANT walks


3.. There is a river in Africa called the Nile,
Toothy swims along the Nile ... (CROCODILE)
MONKEY: And let's show how the CROCODILE swims and clicks its teeth.


4 Long neck, big like a closet
A spotted one walks across the savannah .... (Giraffe)

MONKEY: And let's show how tall the GIRAFFE is


5 . There is no better swing than branches of vines,
For these gymnasts, wimp .... (Monkeys)

MONKEY: And let's show how monkeys grimacing.



MONKEY: (rushing from side to side) oh oh oh oh oh oh

Hush, hush, don't make noise, I think we woke up the most important baboon in the jungle. And if he did not get enough sleep, then he is very angry and scary. We need to prepare for his meeting. (rushes from side to side) Do you know how to say hello in African?. ... In African it will be - JAMBO. Let's all say hello together in African, three, four - JAMBO. Well done, now you can meet the main baboon.


(To the music, the Chief baboon and his retinue, son, wife, 2 translators appear, and on a stick the prey all dance a ritual dance)


TRANSLATOR: who dared to disturb my sleep?

BABOON: ( beats his chest and screams)

TRANSLATOR: who dares to make noise and scream in the jungle?

BABOON: ( beats his chest and screams)

TRANSLATOR: it's you again, a nasty little baboon


BABOON : (beats his chest and lets out screams)

TRANSLATOR: Maybe it was you, my beloved wife, who woke me up to feed me?

WIFE: :( beats his chest, shakes his head and screams)


TRANSLATOR: K then he dared to disturb my peace, from whom I will now scalp and drown in the river?

(everyone looks at each other, shrug and shake their heads, kneel and beg for mercy)

MONKEY: P grow us, please, oh great monkeys, it was the guys and I who came to Africa to say hello to you, really guys, let's say together: JAMBO, JAMBO, JUMBO

And we rejoiced and shouted and danced because today we have a holiday.

BABOON : holiday, what holiday

Why don't I know anything

MONKEY: New Year

SON: new mouth?

WIFE: new cat?

MONKEY: New Year

BABOON : New Year! But I don’t know anything about such a holiday and what should be done on this New Year?

MONKEY : Decorate a Christmas tree, give gifts, sing songs and have fun and call Santa Claus and Celebrate the New Year

BABOON : (referring to the children from the audience) You will decorate the tree. You will give me gifts, you will sing songs to me,

you will dance, and you will amuse me. You will bring Santa Claus And you will celebrate the New Year ... And while I sleep ....

MONKEY : Mr. Baboon, Mr. Baboon, what will the guys do, and Santa Claus will melt here, because the New Year is in winter, and you don’t even have snow ..

BABOON : (beats his chest and lets out menacing cries)

MONKEY : I know what we need to do, let's all blow together, and inflate the cold and winter will come to us. (everyone blows together, blizzard music sounds and Winter appears_


WINTER: Hello big and small, girls and boys, monkeys and monkeys, bunnies and squirrels. Tell me, do you like winter? Do you know how to make snowballs? Then let's all make snowballs together and throw them at each other. Get in a circle and repeat after me.




BABOON : (beats his chest and lets out menacing cries)

TRANSLATOR: The great baboon is tired and wants to rest.

BABOON : (beats his chest and lets out menacing cries)

TRANSLATOR: let everyone sing winter songs while the great baboon is resting..


MONKEY : and now it's time for everyone to call Santa Claus together

(everyone calls Santa Claus)


Father Frost. Hello! Everyone - good time!
How nice to see you!
Here is the Snow Maiden(points to the Snow Maiden)
And I'm Santa Claus, my friends!
You've been waiting for me all year
And here I am today, with you!
I ask you, my friends:
Are you ready for the holidays?...
Snow Maiden.

In the clearing at the edge
I live in a forest hut.
Call me Snow Maiden
All snowflakes are my family.
All the friends we've gathered
In the New Year's bright hour,
We haven't met for a whole year.
I missed you.
Hello guys!

Father Frost:

I was with you a year ago, I'm glad to see everyone again
They grew up, they became big
And you all know me.
Still the same I am gray-haired with a long white beard
Together with you, even now I'm ready to start dancing ...

Snow Maiden:

Well guys, you and your grandfather will support us
dance merrily together


BABOON: ( beats his chest and screams)

Snow Maiden: (hides behind Santa Claus) Oh, grandfather, who is this big and scary.? I'm afraid of him.

Father Frost:

Do not be afraid, the Snow Maiden is the symbol of the New Year 2016 - the Monkey.

We are glad to welcome you, O Great Baboon. Now you whole year you will be in charge. Be fair and kind. Guys, it's time for you and me to light the Christmas tree, and to lead a round dance.



Snow Maiden: Guys, have you prepared songs and dances for Santa Claus? ... Then I invite you to the stage ..


Snow Maiden.

Have fun honest people!
Today is a holiday…(New Year!)
Children are waiting for gifts.
This is a holiday…
(New Year!)
We lead a friendly round dance.
This is a holiday…
(New Year!)
Who will come to us soon.
We meet everyone
(New Year!)


New Year:

What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance,

These are pipes and violins,

Jokes, songs and smiles -

That's what it means

That's what it means

That's what New Year means!

Snow Maiden

Grandpa, have you forgotten sweet gifts for the guys?

Father Frost

No, Snow Maiden, I didn’t forget. Stand up guys in a circle. I want to tell you all that our sweet gifts are magical, they will fulfill everything you wish in the new year.


Snow Maiden - Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye
And we'll be back home!

Father Frost: Just don't get bored hereExpect to visit more often.I'll definitely come back in a yearSee you again in the New Year!


May the New Year be good to you will be a friend,

Let troubles and bad weather pass you by,

Let faithful friends you will not be forgotten.

We wish you lots and lots of happiness!


May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you,

Let him be the best

The happiest for everyone.

New Year:

Let for you good people,

Not afraid of worries

It will not just be new,

And happy new year.


So our holiday is over.

But the new year is not over, it is only getting closer!

Snow Maiden

It's time to say goodbye
Whatever they could, tried to entertain you,

Goodbye friends, goodbye
Goodbye, see you again!

final song