Skeletons in the closet: Girls about whether a couple can have secrets from each other. Personal secrets and secrets

How do men and women differ from each other? women's secrets! So, I present to your attention the top ten most popular secrets that both men and girls stubbornly remain silent about.

Secrets of men

1. The first secret is one of the most harmless - according to statistics, every second man hides it from his girlfriend negative information, so as not to upset your other half. These secrets can be the most trivial: a punctured tire, a quarrel with a neighbor, a reprimand at work, and the like. Why don't they say this? Everything is simple here - usually girls attach too much importance to trivial things, making mountains out of molehills, and men choose to keep small incidents secret so as not to see the rounded eyes of their beloved and not hear a stream of words about what insidious plans might have arisen in his head neighbor

2. Men often hide their true opinion about a girl’s hairstyle, clothes or cooking. Naturally, they do this so as not to offend the delicate pride of the fair sex. Well, girls, in turn, are convinced that men simply know absolutely nothing about fashion, they don’t understand that nuts in a salad give it a special piquancy, but this funny curl at the temple simply hides the imperfection of the eyebrows.

3. Men never admit to anyone that they are still talkers and are not averse to talking more often about themselves, their loved ones: about affairs, interests, prospects and plans. Any man needs a listener and attention. And if a girl knows how to do this, she will always be successful with the stronger sex.

4. Next secret: men carefully hide the fact that they want to be, or at least seem, smarter, smarter and more successful than their other halves. This is not even some kind of secret, but the fear of being worse than someone and the constant desire to assert oneself. Moreover, this works not only in relation to girls, but also to colleagues, friends or just acquaintances. So, even a strong adult man is haunted by the fear of being less prosperous, stupid or incompetent in some matter.

5. A big secret men are theirs emotional dependence from the girls. Of course, no one wants to leave the ranking of tough guys and admit that a girl has a certain power over you. That's it.

6. Men are still liars and pretenders! But all this is exclusively for the sake of the fair sex. How else can you interest beautiful girl, if not with a story about his exploits and actions, and highly embellished ones. Naturally, the shortcomings will be kept secret. This is all because any girl really wants a man to perform feats, even if not for her sake, but still they will be beautiful deeds strong man. Therefore, all representatives of the stronger sex are feverishly trying to live up to the type of tough guy and impress their ladies again and again. By the way, this also applies to statements about financial situation– it doesn’t cost a man anything to multiply the cost of his watch by two in a conversation in order to once again show off and show himself in the best light.

7. Naturally, a man will never admit his mistakes. He would rather yell at the girl, then once again reproach her for stupidity and naivety, and only then, in his heart, perhaps he will understand that in this situation he himself is wrong. But never admit it!

8. Stereotypes claim that men adore weak and defenseless girls. In fact, this is not true - at first, yes, but later the constant tears and sobbing begin to irritate me greatly. After all, men sometimes also want to cry into their vest and feel the warmth and support of their beloved. To do this, a girl must first of all be a person, but not show excessive correctness - it is necessary to find some kind of middle ground.

9. So: jealousy and its consequences. Many girls believe that by making their lover jealous, they will receive a double portion of attention and interest from him. But often the opposite is true: men often find it difficult to forget the reasons that made him jealous and the relationship begins to suffer. This will increase distrust of your soulmate, self-doubt and fear that your beloved may belong to someone else. Of course, it is impossible to squeeze this out of a man, but everything becomes obvious from his behavior. A representative of the stronger sex prefers to think that his girlfriend is the most beautiful and is liked by other men, but she herself does not know about this and will never give reasons for jealousy.

10. Sex. Yes, sometimes men admit: they need sex from girls first, and then their soul. Well, or just sex. After all, many relationships cannot be called serious if there is no intimate connection between the partners. Another fact: all men love blowjobs. Perhaps this is due to completely different sensations or simply to the desire to relax and enjoy. Moreover, during classes oral sex a man feels enormous power over a woman, which is important for his self-esteem.

Many men carefully hide their sexual fantasies and some attraction to strangers. Here everything is extremely clear: what kind of man would want to remain alone and, possibly, crippled, just from telling his beloved about his neighbor in the stairwell, defiantly short skirt and slender legs. Naturally, he will also keep silent about the fact that he admired these legs from a closer distance - betrayals are also kept secret.

Communication with other girls, for example, with work colleagues, a saleswoman in a store, or a former classmate with whom he meets once every six months, also remains strictly secret. Of course, talking about this can once again give rise to jealousy and questioning, and then again point 1. And what can I say: usually men do not believe in the existence of friendship between opposite sexes, unlike girls.

Secrets of girls

1. Firstly, these are, of course, immortals women's secrets about weight, height, clothing size, natural color hair, loved ones cosmetic procedures and of course, removal of unwanted hairs on both the body and face. Well, and other aspects related to appearance. So what is all this for? Of course, so that men think that a girl is an angel who came down from heaven, and she does not and will not have the slightest flaw or shortcoming. You want to be beautiful by default. By the way, this also includes all sorts of health problems - it’s unlikely that stories about illnesses are decorative.

2. Women's secret number two is, of course, relationships with friends. No sane girl would retell to her beloved what topics she and her friend were chatting about the night before over a bottle of wine. Yes, and he definitely won’t want to know: usually the topics of such conversations are the same other halves, disagreements and omissions, and sometimes problems of an intimate nature. What representative of the stronger sex would want two girls to dissect his personal life into its component parts? And a girl will never tell her man that her friend has become noticeably prettier. Now if you got one orange peel on the hips and double chin - please! The reason is simple: the girl also wants to seem a little better to her man than she really is.

3. Next point- finances. Usually girls do not disclose how many monetary units their salary is, how much of it they spend and how much they save for a rainy day. The reason for this behavior is the reluctance to cause embarrassment to her man, because if a girl earns more, she must save her money for special occasion, be it buying a car or a new dress. Well, as for expenses, everything is obvious: who wants to listen to men’s reproaches because of the exorbitant amount spent on new boots. And even more so, as already mentioned: girls are ideal creatures, they have no flaws - then why all this talk about money?

4. Another of women's secrets is real attitude to relatives and friends of your loved one. Girls can smile sweetly and lead exciting conversation with the mother of her beloved, but this does not mean at all that she is delighted with this woman. The reason here is not hypocrisy at all, but the desire to protect the feelings of his soulmate and make the atmosphere more comfortable, and, of course, so that his relationships with everyone he doesn’t even particularly like are always in sight.

5. Another secret is firmly connected with children - the girl does not always tell what exactly her child has done, what the consequences and problems of upbringing are, and how much pocket money she gave it to her child last month. And all because the relationship between mother and child is somewhat closer than with the father. This is where the phrase “just don’t tell dad” comes from. A girl and her child can also have their own secrets: dad often doesn’t know what grades his son brought home from school or how much his mother’s new dress costs. In matters of finance, the opinions of the mother and father also often do not agree: the mother always thinks that the child does not have enough, and the father believes that all this pocket money is just unnecessary self-indulgence.

6. Girls very often hide their intelligence behind the mask of a stupid simpleton. All this is so that the man once again feels smarter and more significant, and simply so as not to hear anything offensive addressed to him. There are often times when you want to shout “I know!”, but you have to sit and quietly remain silent. A girl usually sees when her husband is lying, but does not always show it. The same thing happens with the faithful’s stories about men’s exploits - he pretended that everything was true, and you pretended that you sincerely believed. So why this silence? Again, all so that the stronger sex once again feels the strongest and most significant.

7. The vast majority of girls admit that they quietly rummage through their pockets, notebooks, and look through the SMS messages of their loved one. The same applies to his account in social network and mailbox. Almost everyone does this, even those who swore never to do it. And it’s not clear when a girl gets more upset - when she finds a text message from her mistress or when her husband doesn’t give the slightest reason for suspicion. Whatever one may say, curiosity is an eternal female vice. Most likely, the fair sex does this, driven by the fear of being deceived and finding themselves in a stupid position by young ladies.

8. Girls often hide their true opinion about a man. Although it is very difficult, to hear for the fifth time from your loved one that something didn’t work out and to hold back an exclamation of bewilderment and displeasure, and instead gently say something like “you are the smartest and most talented, next time everything will be right.” ". All this is done only for the sake of one thing - girls sincerely want their men to grow wings behind their backs, so that they do not moan under their ears about their failures and mistakes, but are strong and proud of themselves. Naturally, this method does not work with everyone - but it is better than scolding and criticizing your soulmate.

9. Girls, like men, often hide their attraction to opposite sex and your sexual fantasies. Maybe it’s modesty or a desire to prove that your chosen one is the only one, but the fact remains a fact. A girl will never tell you that she is attracted to a work colleague or a young waiter in a nearby restaurant. And all because flirting does not have much meaning for a girl: it is something like an exam to prove to herself her attractiveness. After all, if a girl makes an impression on a stranger, then her lover will definitely appreciate her. This can also be a moment of self-affirmation, but only if the lover does not pay enough warmth and attention and the girl ceases to feel loved and desired.

10. Girls never, under any circumstances, tell their men about their predecessors, hiding how many men there were before their current beloved and what they were like. They do this out of the principle - “yes, let your loved one know that he is not the first, but not the forty-sixth.” Also, the fair half of humanity will not talk about betrayal, if it happened, as well as about their feelings for another man. Firstly, a loved one is unlikely to forgive this, and even if he does, he will remember it for too long and the relationship can be given up; secondly, suddenly the feelings are not true, but fleeting, like some kind of momentary insanity; and thirdly, it will cause him pain, and men are gentle and impressionable creatures. Thus, hearing a girl admit to cheating is the same as asking “let’s break up.” But still, the fair sex are more polygamous creatures, and if a girl cheated, something out of the ordinary happened. Such a step can be regarded as a cry for help, pleading loving man about affection and attention.

You've finally met the man you want to spend the rest of your life with, or the woman you want to wake up to every morning. Idyll of relationships, harmony of feelings - all this is wonderful and beautiful. But! should there be secrets between close people or, pledge strong relationships– is this complete and mutual trust? Today we will try to find the answer to this difficult question...

All men and women are conditionally divided into two groups:

first group- these are those who are against secrets and “for” frankness in everything (they don’t have secrets!),

second group- these are those who admit and consider normal occurrence have a certain privacy even from the person you love most (they are real secret agents and professionals at keeping secrets).

Who is right?
To begin with, let's clearly dot the i's - we are talking about secrets, and not about deception, betrayal or betrayal. So, what is a secret? As one of the encyclopedias states - This is information that is kept secret. A secret ceases to be a secret when someone else besides you knows about it.

What are the secrets in people's lives?

Secret thoughts. Well, how could it be otherwise! What you and I are thinking about is something only we know, of course, unless your partner has acquired a melophone and does not have the telepathic ability to read other people’s thoughts. Oh, what are we thinking? Yes, about everything in the world. And now let's try to answer the question - Is it really necessary for your partner to know everything you think about? As they say, no one limited freedom of thought, but freedom of action... If these are not constructive thoughts that are aimed at improving your relationships, nor criticism - the purpose of which is to change the state of things, but your Subjective opinion, perception of events and people - something your partner does not need to know about this. Why? Yes, because today you have one secret (thought), and tomorrow - another, today you consider his friend or her girlfriend to be a frivolous person, and tomorrow this friend or girlfriend can help you out of trouble. So, you simply reprogram your perception, otherwise, you will have to listen to “Oh, you said (said) ... You can’t think so badly about people!” You have every right to a personal – private and secret perception of people and events, and even your partner does not need to know what you really think about his dog!!!

Secret relationships and contacts with other people. Here we are not far from betrayal, both physical and psychological. Moreover, if such a secret of yours is revealed, then a scandal is just around the corner (in best case scenario!). Try to answer yourself - why are you hiding this relationship? Because it's bad? But, if this is bad, then maybe you shouldn’t continue in the same spirit... Are you missing something in your relationship - lack of communication, time spent together? Try talking to your partner. Better reconsider existing relationships and make adjustments to them, rather than live in constant fear that your secret boyfriend or girlfriend will be revealed. Besides, the person who lives next to you probably does not expect such betrayal from you...

Secret stupid things. It is quite understandable that you value the positive image that your partner created when looking at you. Your frankness, especially if you committed a stupid act unintentionally, can find both understanding and forgiveness, and can become a constant thread that a skilled manipulator will pull on occasion. Don't give it to anyone!!! and never!!! reasons to manipulate yourself (see article). Let your mistakes, your past relationships forever remain only your secret.

Secret hobbies and interests. Usually, if you trust your partner and have adequate hobbies and interests, there is no point in hiding this fact. It’s a different matter if you are a fan of sadomasochism, for example... But, will you be able to combine your relationships and your hobbies or will you have to give up something? When it comes to hobbies, you need to either look for like-minded people or choose what is more important to you. But, the person next to you deserves to know as much as possible about you that can affect your relationship with him...

Alexandra Savina

SOMEONE BELIEVES THAT BETWEEN CLOSE PEOPLE there are no and cannot be understatements, others want to protect their partner from “unnecessary” information and keep small secrets, others strive to protect their personal space. We talked to women about how they resolve this issue for themselves and what to do if you and your partner don't have the same views.

That is, I understand the very mechanism of relationships with secrets, but for me they seem temporary: either the partner gains courage and at some point tells, or does not tell, and then mistrust in the couple grows, which leads to the end of the relationship. It is clear that not all things are easy to experience and tell someone about them, but it seems to me that we should strive for this. Of course, there are different requests for relationships, but in my understanding permanent relationship should be comfortable for their participants, and the presence of secrets is uncomfortable for me. I have almost no requirements for temporary relationships, so even with a bunch of secrets they will probably be able to fulfill their function.

Rita Popova

Product Manager at Replika

There is an opinion that people who take words seriously (and I certainly want to consider myself one of them) early years they know that lying or concealing the truth is evil. I don't agree with this opinion. It seems to me that secrets in a relationship are a necessary thing, at least as long as these secrets do not directly affect the life of the partner. Moreover, I think that in some cases keeping a secret is nobler than telling it. The act of “telling the truth” supposedly reduces the weight of the secret you are telling, but in reality it simply shifts the responsibility from your shoulders to those of your partner. Instead of acting as a responsible adult to either deal with the consequences of the secret or simply move on with it, you force your partner to do it for you. Relationships are not a confessional, and to cause dear person I don’t think it’s right to have unnecessary worries or worries.

I, of course, have secrets, both small and significant, but they don’t affect my partner’s life in any way, and I don’t see the need to talk about them: in my opinion, it’s much more valuable to protect healthy sleep And good mood person rather than dumping stories from the past or minor disturbing incidents on him. I expect the same from my boyfriend and have said this directly: if he doesn’t want to tell me something, it means I don’t want to know it. In general, it seems to me that such things as secrets should be negotiated on shore: there are different opinions on this matter, and in order to avoid broken hearts and disappointed hopes, it is better to discuss a list of things that can be hidden and which should not be hidden. It seems to me unreasonable to hide problems with health (both physical and mental), money, work and, in fact, relationships - all this will sooner or later cease to be a secret. And the rest, it seems to me, can be dealt with alone.

Anna Zakharyeva


I believe that a couple can have secrets from each other. Many people at the beginning of a relationship, when everything is still built only on passion and falling in love, strive to ensure that they have everything in common, so that there are no secrets, they want to grow into each other. At first it seems like a good idea, but I think when you find yourself thinking that you want to completely lose yourself in someone, you need to stop yourself. It is important to understand that you are a separate person, and so is the other person, you should not expect that you will be one. Therefore, I believe that there is nothing wrong with some small and not terrible secrets. As long as this secret is not a deception, or an insult, or a betrayal, you can and should have them - it just means that you have your own zone, you cannot spend one hundred percent of your time on someone else.

My husband would rather have no secrets in a couple and discuss everything. It seems to him that even small and stupid misunderstandings mean that you don’t trust him completely or don’t let him into your space. It seems to me that you need to have a personal zone - as long as it does not affect his interests. If he feels that the secret offends him simply because it is there and not because of what it is, I don't think that's a good enough reason and needs to be discussed. How do we resolve this contradiction? My husband doesn’t want to do things alone or keep any secrets from me. It’s okay for him that I do this, but he himself is uncomfortable with it.

What secrets are acceptable? Of course, not love for another. But, for example, if I say that I’m going to the cinema with a friend, but in fact I’m going to a master class and I don’t want him to know about it, this, it seems to me, is normal. Although, of course, if you think about it, this could reveal other sides of my personality to him, and this could lead to something more global.

Olya Stepanova

executive producer of marka agency

You need to understand what is meant by secrets in a relationship. It is important for me to know about global things: what worries my loved one, what he dreams about, how he is doing at work, how his family is. I am sure that fundamental things cannot be hidden in a relationship, and I believe that there can be no secrets in love, because any problem of one person automatically becomes a problem of two people, a couple. Of course, it is absolutely not necessary to decide everything together; sometimes it is enough just to be nearby - this is already a huge help. But if a loved one keeps many things secret, it means that he cannot completely trust you, and in this case, what serious relationship can we talk?

At the same time, I really don’t share everything with my loved one, but not because I have secrets - I just don’t see the need for it. He knows about me exactly as much as he wants to know, he knows my most important experiences, what worries me, what makes me happy, and the like. I don’t very often tell how my day went, who I saw, what I did and who I talked to, simply because, as a rule, it concerns my personal life, my friends, hobbies, affairs. But if my partner asks, I always tell.

I can’t say that my boyfriend completely shares my opinion, he doesn’t always share with me what he thinks about, what he wants to do next in life, what he plans and what he dreams about, but not because he doesn’t trust me, but rather because , that he believes that he has to cope with some things himself. Sometimes this offends me: it seems to me that relationships should be built exactly the way I used to think, but, in the end, everyone has their own ideas. When something seriously bothers me, I talk about it directly and, as a rule, get answers to all my questions. In general, I rarely remain silent when something doesn’t suit me.

I don't think a man needs to know what I look like in a face mask, how much money I spend on underwear and how I met my friends. My beloved tells me almost nothing about past relationships, even when I ask, because he believes that everything that happened is in the past and there is no point in projecting the past into the future. I agree with him on this.



Before we talk about secrets, we need to define what we mean by a secret. If I don’t tell you how much my new shoes that I bought myself cost, is it a secret? Or don’t I tell you about some incidents that happened at work - is that also a secret? Or does secret only mean betrayal? Or is betrayal not a secret, but betrayal? Is a conflict with a girlfriend that the young man doesn’t know about a secret or just uninteresting information?

I think secrets should be avoided at all costs. Firstly, where there is a secret, there is room for mistrust. Secondly, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, and then there will be problems. The secret is, to some extent, a ticking time bomb. On the other hand, not everyone and not always can live without secrets. But secrets are different. For example, there is an anecdote about how a guy kept a secret from a girl that the rented apartment they were paying for in half was actually his own, and he simply took her money by deception. Such a secret, evil and dishonest, is the end of a relationship and generally disgusting.

In general, a lot depends on specific person. For example, Leo Tolstoy once decided to tell his wife about his exes. Note that he didn’t even admit to treason, but talked about the past. And she was upset, offended, and cried all evening. I admit that in in this case it made sense to keep everything a secret or at least not give details.

Probably, saving secrets can be acceptable. If, for example, someone is rude to me when my boyfriend is not around, I will think ten times whether to tell him about it or not. After all, he will want to protect me or somehow punish the offender, and these are unsafe things. I don't think my partner and I great masters keep secrets, so it just so happens that we don't have any. I just try to talk less about some things, but my boyfriend feels that I don’t want to talk about something and doesn’t ask much.



I think that, first of all, partners should not have secrets regarding health from chronic diseases and sexually transmitted diseases, to allergies and different features body - all this is very important information. With STDs, of course, it is clear - this is a danger for both partners. I believe that it is also important not to hide the fact that you now have a headache or that you feel ill - for your partner this will at least be a reason to show concern, and in extreme cases, for example, it can help identify some kind of disease in the early stages.

I am very open man and I tell everything in general: how I was rude in the store, what a student said to me in class - and especially often I express my emotions, I say that something infuriates or upsets me. Of course, it is very difficult to share your feelings - my boyfriend does not like my outpourings and never expresses his feelings out loud, he believes that this is not necessary. I understand his position on this matter, but I don’t accept it.

Of course, I want to know everything. But after nine years of relationship, I realized that it is better to keep opinions, primarily negative ones, about close relatives and best friends partner. You cannot openly hate them and express this under any circumstances. If my boyfriend doesn't like me best friend or mom, let him think it to himself, but don’t tell me. Of course, I won’t leave him because of this, but I will suffer very much because I cannot bring my favorite people together.

Nothing pleases a girl more than finding something simple and effective way to be beautiful. In this post you will find a list of tips on how to be beautiful that you can follow in your home. Beauty has never been so simple!
1. Make a gel eyeliner out of a pencil eyeliner.
All you need is a black pencil and a lighter. Hold the tip of the pencil on the heat for about a second and let it cool for 15 seconds. The eyeliner will leave a beautiful black line, just like a gel liner.

2. White shadows perfectly emphasize the brightness of colored shadows
Before applying eyeshadow, cover the entire eyelid with white eyeshadow. This will make your eyes brighter!

3. Cover up dark circles under the eyes with lines of cream, not dots
Drag the concealer from the corner of the eye down diagonally to create something like a triangle, instead of applying the cream in dots. This way the cream will lie better.

4. Don't let lipstick get on your teeth.
Watch out for this: this is a common problem for well-made-up girls.

5. Apply lipstick correctly
After applying lipstick, blot your face with a napkin, then gently powder your lips. This way the lipstick will last all day!

6. Pout!
Instead of spending a lot of money on lip gloss that creates a plump effect, make your own! All you need to do is add peppermint oil to your shine.

7. This tip will help you forget about false eyelashes
Apply mascara to your eyelashes, take cotton swab, dip it in talc and cover your painted eyelashes with it. This will allow the mascara to set and you can apply it with a second layer. Repeat several times.

8. Use lip liner correctly
Line your lips as shown in the picture to get those seductive “heart” lips.

9. Getting rid of split ends is easy!
Divide your hair into 4 equal parts, curl each part as shown in the photo, and you will see them! After that you can cut them off.

10. Create a quick and easy high bun.
Tie it up high ponytail, divide it into two parts and twist them around its axis along the base of the tail in opposite directions. Secure with pins. And if you like to experiment with buns, especially for you, we remind you of the previously published 25 ways to create the perfect bun!

11. DIY shellac
Try a cheaper version of shellac manicure at home! It lasts just as well as shellac, it's just much more affordable. Find out how to do it here.

12. Apply Foundation like a professional
If you have no idea how to apply different shades foundation - here is a simple photo instruction.

13. Ideal “arrows” are drawn on the eyelids... with a spoon!

14. For “volumetric” arrows, draw two lines and paint the space between them

15. And perfect French manicure you can do it at home too
Use a rubber band for this!

16. A business card will help you successfully apply mascara
To get the mascara to the base of the eyelashes, pull down the eyelid business card and calmly paint them over!

17. Simple nail art using a patch
After applying the polish, wait for it to dry, apply a patch with holes on the nail and apply a different color of polish through it. This is how you get a polka dot manicure!

18. To prevent shadows from falling off, combine them with eyeliner
Are you tired of there being nothing left of your shadows at the end of the day? Apply criss-cross lines with eyeliner on the eyelid as shown in the photo, and only then apply a little eyeshadow. These “shadows” will definitely be sustainable!

19. Removing glitter nail polish is no longer a problem.
Glitter is beautiful, but we all know how annoying it is to take it off. But if you use PVA glue as a base, removing glitter polish will be easy!

20. You can also use PVA to ensure that the varnish remains only on the nails and not on the skin around them
To do this, apply it on your finger like this. All varnish splashes after painting will be removed instantly!

21. Create the effect of volume on your lips using light shadows
Apply them after coloring your lips. lower lip and to the middle of the top. This will help your lips reflect light and look much fuller.

22. Perfect Wavy hair= braids + hair straightener
Braid your hair into several braids, then run a straightening iron through it. Result? Beautiful curls for the rest of the day!

23. Find out where to apply perfume so that the scent lasts all day!
There are some points on the body that allow the smell of perfume to be more persistent. They are all in this picture.

24. Apply neutral eyeshadow before applying color.
This will give your makeup a more professional look.

25. Never wear makeup in a car!
Of course, we are talking about the engine being turned off - but still! In a car, the lighting for applying cosmetics is insufficient and distorted.

26. Use two brushes to create a smokey eye effect
One brush is for applying makeup, the other is for removing excess.

27. Never do this to mascara!
This allows air to enter the bottle and the mascara dries out.

As the heroine of one story by Victoria Tokareva said: “My taste is impeccable. My cosmetics are French. The weakest link is the face.” Although, in fact, in most cases, the “weak link” is not your face at all, but your ability to do makeup. After all, cosmetics can work wonders, if, of course, you use them correctly.

I have always admired French women for their ability to be beautiful, sexy and stylish, it’s as if they don’t put any effort into it. However, sometimes we are prevented from looking great by our ignorance of some subtleties and tricks, without which we can create perfect makeup pretty hard.

Secrets for girls

I recently had the opportunity to meet Dessange Paris makeup specialist Lauren Martin, who came to Moscow from Paris for a few days. I learned from her several very valuable advice, which will be useful to every representative of the fair sex.

Editorial "So simple!" learned from a famous French makeup artist 7 secrets of creation perfect makeup . Use cosmetics correctly!

  1. Serum and moisturizer
    Did you know that beautiful glowing skin looks much more attractive than bright lips duck and rich shadows on the eyes? Therefore, the issue of applying tone must be approached with particular care. First, stop layering foundation. It is much better to start properly preparing your face for makeup. Then the tone will not be useful at all!

    Lauren Martin advises taking these three steps before proceeding directly to makeup. Start by applying eye cream under your eyes, but not too close to your eye! Place the cream along the bone, first under the eyebrows, and then along the bone under the eyes. Do a light massage by tapping your fingers on the skin, it will literally take 10–20 seconds. And remember: apply the area directly under the eye and upper eyelids no need.

    Next, apply the serum to the entire face and also do a light massage with your fingertips, distributing the serum from the middle of the face to the periphery. The massage will make your skin more elastic and instantly improve your complexion!

    And finally, you should apply a non-greasy daily cream. It works a lot better than any base or primer. Thanks to these simple actions the skin will be moisturized and you will not harm it with subsequent makeup.

  2. Applying powder
    You must have a big fluffy brush!

    If you have a good one, clean skin faces, you can completely do without tone in everyday makeup. Apply powder to your face using a large brush, and then blot it with a napkin. This way you will get perfect and almost invisible coverage.

  3. Applying concealer
    This option will do as long as you don't use shadows that are too dark. It is preferable to apply concealer with a brush rather than with your fingers, and after you have distributed it in the area around the eyes, you should powder the skin - this will eliminate shine and make the makeup more durable.

  4. Discreet makeup
    French girls don't like bright makeup, which cannot be said about Russian women.

    It is unobtrusive shades that are most preferable in everyday makeup. Pay attention to the shades in nude shades. And here careful shading is especially important - it makes the makeup as natural as possible. For these purposes, a brush with a pointed tip is useful.

  5. Use a lighter
    I liked this trick the most. Before applying makeup, hold a black pencil over a lighter - after the fire, the lead becomes soft and pliable, it can be used to color the mucous membranes of the eyes.

  6. Eyebrow tinting technique
    Eyebrows are the basis of makeup. They are the ones that others pay attention to when looking at them. your face. It is best to tint your eyebrows with dark shades, but pencil also works great.

    Before dyeing, the French makeup artist advises combing all the hairs down so that you can see the line of their growth, and carefully painting it with shadows. Then you should return all the hairs to their place, lifting them up, and use a transparent gel to fix them.

  7. Applying blush
    The finishing touch to any makeup is a light blush. And the key word here is “light,” so you shouldn’t go overboard with blush. If you use dry blush, it is better to apply it in layers using a brush.

    Having scooped them up, you must first remove the excess product with a napkin, and only then apply what is left on your cheeks. With this method it is difficult to overdo it, so the makeup will most likely turn out to be calm and unobtrusive - like that of real French women.