How to entertain guests: Games and competitions for the New Year. How to entertain guests at the New Year's table

Gone are the days when on New Year's Eve all you had to do was put a hearty dinner on the table, and nothing else was required. The rest was done by “Blue Light” and the film “S light steam" Now just watching TV is no fun. And not only because there is always the same thing going on there with the same characters, but also because in our time there is so much active entertainment that wasting time in front of the “blue screen” is a real crime! Let's make the New Year's Eve unforgettable, because this is the best, most beloved holiday since childhood! Let's find out how to entertain guests at New Year 2018 at the table and more.

What is needed for this?

Let the food this night be tasty, varied, but not very high in calories, so that after dinner you don’t experience an attack of “sudden drowsiness.” If you are visiting, and the table was set without your participation, then it is not necessary to finish everything to the crumbs - it is enough to try a little bit of everything so as not to offend the hosts. Save your energy, you will still need it for an active night! And it is not at all necessary to drink alcohol to the bottom after each toast, especially if you choose a strong drink.

Don't spend the whole night just eating and having intimate conversations. Both contribute to overeating and the desire to sleep.

Prepare for New Year's Eve in advance. To do this, you need to think of competitions and surprises and fun ones that will help you entertain your guests on New Year's Eve at the table.
If you are planning competitions, then prepare small prizes that you can give out for each win.

Let's celebrate the New Year with fun and zest

A great idea on how to entertain guests on New Year's Eve at home is to organize a masquerade party. Buy all kinds of masks and costumes for guests to dress up. The masquerade can be thematic (for example, guests dress up as characters from one fairy tale) or everyone comes up with their own own image. Changing clothes will bring a lot positive emotions, will liberate the company and force it to behave differently than in ordinary life, but in accordance with the chosen image.

Games are a traditional event for the New Year. But they invariably bring pleasure and will help you entertain guests for the New Year 2018 at home. It could be everyone’s favorite “bottle”, and “Guess the Melody” and “Field of Miracles” and many others. etc.

If your company is predominantly female, then this is the time to do... magic. New Year's fortune telling will add mystery or playfulness to your holiday. The most famous fortune telling is fortune telling using wax (melted in a water bath and then poured into cold water. Based on the resulting figure, one judges about the next year), fortune telling on bones (cubes), etc. The meanings of fortune telling can always be looked up on the Internet on specialized sites. Why not have fun for the New Year 2018?

Well, and, of course, they will help entertain guests for the New Year 2018... erotic games. Here everything will depend on the company, and only the organizer New Year's Eve decide whether such games are appropriate on a given evening. But be that as it may, pay attention to the following fun:
“Kisses”: ask what you like about each other, then kiss these places;
“Brave ladies”: two girls guess a number from 1 to 10. Then they say them out loud and, depending on what numbers were guessed, so many things are removed (watches and jewelry are possible). If a lady is shy, then she can call her gentleman for help and undress him.
“Erotic dance with pauses” - at each pause we take off each other’s clothes.
It’s better to start such games after one in the morning, and at twelve go outside, set off firecrackers, play snowballs, dance in circles - the New Year has come!

Hello, Dear friends and guests of the blog “WITH A GIFT!” Maria Zazvonova is in touch with you!

Wherever you, my dear Readers, celebrate the New Year: be it with your family, friends or even colleagues, with fun table entertainment the holiday will become memorable!

About how to wrap gifts, create Christmas mood I wrote and answered the question “What to give for the year of the goat?” and even told you how to collect everything in one postcard new year wishes, click!

How to entertain guests on New Year's Eve, what New Year's table entertainment to organize...

- a reason for conversation today! I'll give you a few ideas that might interest you! You can apply all the ideas or choose the ones that suit you, it's up to you!

A small wish: for table entertainment, it is important to choose the “ringleader” or “Chief” of the New Year’s celebration, who will invigorate and entertain everyone!

Idea 1. We are making a plan for New Year's Eve from 12/31/2014 to 01/01/2015.

What is needed for this?

The “ringleader” pre-prints a text in which adjectives are missing, and instructs the guests, for example, to name one adjective one at a time! And he writes them down in the blanks. You can download the template with passes for 2015 by clicking on the word!

I suggest you laugh a little... and read our Zazvonov family New Year’s plan for 2014:

Beautiful New Year holiday! Our cheerful the company always celebrates it. B.Olya will cook as always silver cake. Great-grandmother Nina wishes everyone wonderful health! D. Vitya will please everyone cosmic congratulations. We will hand each other gold present! And ours amazing the kids will "crack" reliable candies. When congratulations are heard, we will shout impetus HOORAY! And then we'll drink beautiful tea is there greatest fruits. Everyone will pull out phenomenal a lump of wishes for what will be waiting for him in convincing 2014. Then, we hope, it won’t be possible without kind dancing and inexhaustible songs. But the most important thing is our dazzling smiles! This is how we will celebrate the holiday, this way hardworking will be New Year 2014.

You can edit the text of the plan to suit your company!

Idea 2. Celebrate the New Year based on the traditions of different nations!

Like this?

The “chief” of the holiday recites the history of the country and its New Year traditions.

"Japan. On the morning of January 1, all city residents go out to the streets to watch the sunrise. When the first rays of sun appear, the Japanese congratulate each other and exchange gifts.” Now the guests need to exchange words of wishes to each other. For example, in the new year I wish everyone...(new discoveries, big income).

The presenter then continues: “Vietnam. In this country, New Year is celebrated at night. When darkness falls, they light fires in the streets, where several families usually gather. On this night it is customary to forgive all offenses.” It is necessary to distribute leaves and pens to all guests so that everyone writes down all the grievances, from which they need to make a lump, light candles and burn the lump so that in the new year the grievances do not interfere.

“In Mongolia, the New Year coincides with the cattle breeding holiday, the Mongols hold sports competitions, competitions for agility and speed.” Therefore, here you can organize a competition: make snowballs from drafts of xerox paper; whoever makes the most lumps in 1 minute wins!

“In Bulgaria it is customary to gather for New Year's table turn off the lights for three minutes. This time is counted in minutes New Year's kisses, the secret of which is preserved by darkness." “Ringleader”: let’s try to turn off the light.

“In Romania, there is a tradition of baking various surprises into a pie - money, rings, candies, peppercorns, porcelain figurines... If you find one of the items, then happiness will accompany you in the new year; if you find a peppercorn, then you will sympathize with the person.” You need to cut triangles out of colored paper in advance on the white side, write predictions about what might await you next year, and then put the “pie” on a plate with the colored side and offer the guests a treat.

“In Burma, the New Year comes when it is very, very hot, so the “water festival” is celebrated at this time. Where it’s customary to pour water on people when meeting.” Host: We won’t pour ourselves over, but we’ll raise our glasses to us, he suggests making a toast!

Idea 3. Toast!

You need to select the toast you like, print it on a printer, roll each toast, tie it satin ribbon, put it in a New Year's bag and during the evening give everyone the opportunity to speak in turn, reading a toast. But you need to read according to the ritual! To appease the passing year of the Horse, when pouring drinks into glasses, all guests must loudly say “Igo-go.” And after drinking as a sign of greeting the New Year, the Goats should loudly say “MEEEEE” in chorus!

Idea 4. Competition

Come up with a word that contains the word SNOW, download word clues!

Idea 5. Fairytale horoscope

New Year is magical holiday. The host says: “And now, dear guests, you will find out what kind of person you would become fairy-tale hero, if you were in a fairy tale."

I honestly don’t remember where I downloaded it in 2014, I couldn’t find the author on the Internet, you can download the fairytale horoscope.

In the series of holidays, New Year occupies a special place in our country; it is the most beloved family celebration ! How to organize it so that it is not only sincere, but also original and fun? Here are a couple of ideas.

1. We arrange a New Year's "Christmas tree commotion" at home

Beautiful Christmas tree is an invariable attribute New Year's holiday- Russian people cannot imagine celebrating the New Year without it. What if you feel sorry for the natural Christmas tree? They chop the poor thing down “to the very root”... But I don’t want an artificial one. In this case, we propose to arrange a “Christmas tree commotion” in the house - many different “Christmas trees” instead of one. And don’t break the tradition and enjoy unusual holiday get it! What kind of “Christmas trees” do you mean?

Edible Christmas trees. We turn on our imagination and decorate the festive table with all kinds of “Christmas trees”. First, we make a salad “Christmas tree”: we form a crown from lettuce leaves, which we decorate with vegetables so that they look Christmas tree decorations(beads or “snowball” - from droplets of sauce or cheese, a star - from bell pepper, etc.). We supplement the festive feast with a buffet menu in the form of “ New Year's toys"(canapés, sandwiches, etc.), decorate the table with stylish “Christmas tree” napkins.

Secondly, we make a “Christmas tree” from all sorts of goodies: fruits, sweets, chocolates. To do this, we buy a cone-shaped base in flower shops and, using skewers, attach all this “yummy” to it, interspersed with real Christmas tree decorations. Then, of course, a cake in the shape of a Christmas tree - we cut out the cake layers and decorate the cake (with berries, chocolate and cream), again like a Christmas tree.

"Christmas decorations. We decorate with “Christmas trees” (from tinsel, colored stickers, beads, garlands and small toys) literally the whole house: walls, doors and windows. The “Christmas tree” on the wall can become central, under which we place toy Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and prepared gifts.

"Christmas" entertainment. We continue the theme of Christmas trees in entertainment. For example, a beauty contest among couples, who is better (for limited time!) from auxiliary material will decorate his “Christmas tree” (one depicts a Christmas tree, the other decorates it). Then, to the accompaniment of Serduchka’s song “The Christmas trees are rushing through the city,” there was a general fashion show. The winner can be determined by “beauty” or by the number of items used for decoration.

New Year at home, in a close company is also good because everyone can take part in all events and show all their talents without any embarrassment. Why not organize a competition of parodies of the singer Yolka or a wonderful musical - everyone should sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” to different tunes and in different manners: romance, rap, hard rock, etc.?!

With the participation of the "Christmas tree" there are many New Year's tales, which you can easily act out on your own. You can also stage the song “A Christmas Tree was Born in the Forest” or act out a small funny New Year’s scene , not requiring preliminary preparation and rehearsals.

The holiday under the slogan “Christmas Tree Trouble” will turn out to be cheerful and sincere, and most importantly, in its credits it will be possible to safely write that “when organizing the holiday, not a single live Christmas tree no harm"!

2. We celebrate New Year's Eve at home.

New Year's Eve with your family is a wonderful opportunity to be in a cozy atmosphere and enjoy delicious food. festive table, in an atmosphere of warmth, friendly communication and joyful fun!

“These are all love - beautiful moments” - don’t miss them!

Especially for the site

By and large, before the New Year 2017 there is still enough time for a variety of preparatory work, but it’s best to start thinking through some points in advance. This applies to entertainment, because without a fun pastime, any feast will be dull, even under good alcohol. But here a pressing question immediately arises: how to entertain guests for the New Year 2017 in a new way?

Basic information

Before you think about choosing what to cheer up your guests on New Year's Eve, you should first think about who will be there. Agree, it’s somehow inappropriate to hold stripping contests in front of your parents or invite a stripper to a candlelit dinner with your wife. That is why it is worth carefully choosing the appropriate entertainment for such an occasion, so that it is as suitable as possible for any circle of guests.

Wipe the napkin

To hold such a competition, you will need several couples at once, and it is advisable that the guests are already a little tipsy at this time - it will be funnier. It's best to choose as much as possible more willing couples and it will be good if these couples are not such in reality. The essence of the competition is very simple - chairs are placed in a row on which young people must sit. Now on their knees
the most ordinary ones are laid out paper napkins. Next, the girls should sit down on such an original bed, and while listening to music they will have to start a very entertaining activity: fidget on the guys’ laps so that the napkin tears, or at least gets very wrinkled. After a certain period of time, the music stops, and all the guests watch which of the girls most wanted to win the marked competition. The winner of the competition is chosen based on the maximum wear of the napkin and the satisfied appearance of the man on whose hands all this action took place.

Friendly advice: you should not choose those applicants for the competition who have overly jealous boyfriends or girlfriends. You don't want a scandal on New Year's Eve, do you?

Sweet candy

To conduct such a competition, several couples will also be required. In this case, each of the participants will initially have to tie their hands. Now the couples stand facing each other, and in the middle between them there is a chair on which lies a pile of sweets. At the presenter’s signal, each pair must, using just their lips, untie as many candies together as possible and eat them. At the same time, it is important that each of the candies is divided between the participants in a brotherly way - equally.

Such a competition turns out to be very lively and energetic, and often after it new couples are formed.

Ladies First!

The noted competition involves two of the most brave girls. The essence of the competition is very simple: both girls must think of a number from 1 to 10 and say it out loud. Now each of the ladies will have to take off the number of things they wished for, to the accompaniment of explicit music. It is worth noting that in this case jewelry, shoes and even false eyelashes will be counted. If some of the beauties turn out to be too shy, they can call for help from any other person who decides to “be naked” as support.

A bag with presents

All guests can take part in the marked competition. To carry it out, it is necessary that they all stand in a circle, in the center of which there will be a presenter or Santa Claus himself with gifts. True, no one knows what kind of gifts are in this bag, of course, with the exception of the presenter himself. Then the incendiary is turned on New Year's music, under which everyone should begin to move in the same direction in a circle. In this case, the presenter hands a bag of gifts to one of the participants, who must give it to the other and so on until the music ends. At this moment, the person in whose hands the bag ends up is eliminated from the game. True, along with a gift from the bag, which the presenter takes out for him from there. According to the terms of the game, the eliminated participant must put on his gift and remain in it until the game is completely over.

Corporate toast

Very funny competition, in which all participants also take part. To do this, it is necessary for each of those present to say a toast, and not a simple one, but a poetic one. Santa Claus or the host of the evening begins to say a toast, and all participants continue it until the fantasy ends. The one who hesitates in making the toast will be the loser - he will have to drink. The competition continues until one person is left alone with Santa Claus - I dress him in the Snow Maiden. Both characters must dance a fiery dance to the delight of all guests.

guess who

For the next competition you will need to prepare a little. It’s worth creating small ones in advance paper crowns, on which it should be written who the crowned person is. At the beginning of the competition, such crowns are put on by the presenter for each player, and then they need to take turns guessing what kind of word is written on the crown. There is a small nuance: everyone present, in addition to the crowned individual herself, can answer any questions “yes” or “no”.

Advice: for the game it is better to choose those words that are directly related to the celebration of the New Year 2017.

Elegant Christmas tree

For the next New Year's competition Couples required: boy and girl. One of them must decide what the role of the Christmas tree will represent. After this, the partner is blindfolded, and a variety of flowers are attached to the “Christmas tree” itself. New Year's tinsel, which usually belongs on a traditional holiday tree. The essence of the competition is as follows: as soon as the music starts, the partners of the finished “Christmas trees” must find all the New Year’s paraphernalia on the “tree” as quickly as possible and remove them. Of course, you can only use your hands for this. Believe me, for a drinking company with in a great mood I would really like this kind of competition.

The noted examples of competitions for the New Year 2017 are an approximate list of exactly how you can cheer up the company at the time of the event. New Year's feast. Show a little creativity and come up with your own, no less interesting and funny games, which will help people relax and have a good time with their friends. Happy holiday!

Gone are the days when guests were received at home. But how wonderful it is to meet friends and treat them to your own culinary masterpieces. Restaurant cuisine and entertainment program led by a professional toastmaster can get pretty boring. Why not add variety and invent perfect evening, where only close, kindred spirits will be present and entertainment will be provided that is preferred by members of your company. Or you can come up with something new, because the owner is a gentleman!

Where to begin

Depending on what event the upcoming dinner party will be dedicated to, you should carefully consider the list of guests invited to it. If these are colleagues, you should not get carried away with too frank conversations and games, especially if your immediate boss or other management will be present at the evening.

For a company consisting of co-workers, themed entertainment with a professional twist is suitable. This scenario will be close to everyone and will lift their spirits.

If the company consists only of close friends, then you can completely relax and come up with various games, even with a sexual slant.

In cases where a company consisting of people gathers different ages, we need to take into account the interests of everyone and create a program that will unite. The organization will be successful if, having thought through the scenario of the holiday and competitions, prepare everything in advance. Then the evening will be a success and will be remembered for a long time by all guests.

You can turn to the most active and creative individuals. Writing a script alone is not only very difficult, but important details can be missed during the process.

If you give the task to all guests to come up with a competition, you can sum up at the end of the evening whose competition is the most interesting.

If colleagues are invited

In cases where work colleagues gather around the table to organize a holiday, the following facts should be taken into account:

  1. Number of women and men in the team. If the team is same-sex, then pair competitions will not be possible.
  2. How close are the relationships in the team? Usually many people only know each other’s name and position, completely unaware of each other’s marital status and even about age. In this case, you need to choose business games, not affecting personal qualities colleagues.
  3. Age of colleagues. If everyone is approximately the same age, you can come up with more explicit competitions. When the company consists of colleagues aged 25-50, the task ahead is more difficult.

The main rule for organizing an evening among colleagues is the absence of shallow jokes and excessive frank conversations. Also, you should not organize competitions in which someone will feel at a disadvantage.

Pair competitions
Pair competitions are very popular. Among colleagues, everyone is divided into 2 camps: men and women, between whom competitions are held.

Who is more beautiful
Women choose a man for themselves and quickly begin tying bows on his hair. The more bows a man has tied to his head during the competition, the better. The winner is the pair that not only completes the task quickly, but also receives an advantage in the number of bows compared to others.

Hugging with one hand, the other man and woman are holding balloon, which should be inflated one by one. Whoever copes with this task faster wins.

Stickers are placed on a woman's clothes different places. The man is blindfolded. He must remove all the stickers from her. The one who completes the task the fastest wins.

If a group of close friends consisting of single men and women gathers, you can come up with an evening where everyone will find their soul mate.

Do beautiful hearts and cut them in half in zigzags. Give these halves to all single people. To prevent the halves of one heart from falling into the hands of two men or two women, you can color them different colors. For example, a heart will be pink on one side and purple on the other, therefore female half will be pink.

On the newspaper
Do your friends love to dance and never miss an opportunity to show off their talent? So this competition is for them. Lay old newspapers on the floor. Each pair should stand close enough to each other to fit on one newspaper.

Not only that, they have to stand, they have to dance on the newspaper, so that it doesn’t tear! As players drop out, the task becomes more difficult: the newspaper is folded in half and you need to stand on this small piece. This happens until there is only one pair left. The cleverest one wins!

Quick disappearance of lettuce
This game is usually played by men, as women do not want to show off their salad-eating abilities. The men choose their favorite salad and plate it, after which they are blindfolded. Until the command to start is given, they change their plates, placing the broth in front of them. When the command to start the competition sounds, the men, without suspecting anything, grab their forks and try to grab something from the plate, but nothing comes of it!

Haute couture
For this competition you will need old clothes. The guests are divided into pairs. A man should be dressed up by a woman women's clothing, then they change, and the man dresses the woman in a man's outfit. The game is more fun than meaningful. Friendship wins in such a competition.

Family celebration

The feast is not always accompanied by unbridled fun, sexual games and jokes. Sometimes relatives, usually people, gather at the table different generations. We must pay tribute to them and invite them to our celebration. Usually the family gets together for someone's birthday or for a traditional family dinner.

Such meetings are accompanied by pleasant memories that took place in the life of the older generation. Sometimes the relaxed atmosphere can give way to heated debate about politics and political figures. In this case, the owner will need to defuse the situation and entertain the guests with games, drinking songs and competitions.

You shouldn’t be surprised, people of the older generation really love entertainment of this nature, they are not boring old people, as you thought they were until recently, but very cheerful and cheerful people. This will help you make sure:

  • Table games;
  • Card tricks;
  • Song competitions;
  • Memories of famous films;
  • Word or city games.

The intelligence and speed of decision-making of the older generation will surprise you. Everyone will benefit from the meeting good impression and get even closer.

Beautiful words
The game is as follows: one of the names of those present is chosen, and everyone must describe it with words that begin with letters from this name. For example: Maria: sweet, adventurous, playful, playful, bright.

If there are many guests and the chosen name is too short, you can add letters from the middle name and last name. At the same time, you don’t always need to pronounce an adjective; you can come up with something original.

Shall we sing?
IN family circle When several generations gather at once, they rarely do without songs. Most have their own family songs, which are usually sung during all meetings. Why not hold a singing competition? Ideas for a singing competition:

  • Remember songs in which plants are present (“apple and pear trees were blooming”, “oh, viburnum is blooming”);
  • Colors (“green-eyed taxi”);
  • Names, etc.

Movie Memories

For this competition you need to write famous phrases from your favorite films on paper, roll them into a tube and put them in a bag, from which everyone will take turns pulling them out and remembering the film.

Family dinner will be remembered for a long time. Having laughed heartily, both young people and elderly relatives will remember this evening for a long time.

Any meeting can be organized so that it is remembered for a long time, and it is not necessary to invite a professional toastmaster. By organizing such an evening yourself, you will demonstrate your care and attention to your loved ones, friends or colleagues. And this is much more important than professionally organized meetings.

Video: how to entertain guests