What checks can men arrange and how, without using them, to legally recognize a partner. How women test men

The subconscious of any woman already from birth has built-in parameters for choosing the most the right partner, which help from the first seconds to weed out illiquid assets, to assess the potential of a man, his temperament and fortitude. Someone calls it a genetic program, someone calls it female intuition, and someone sees it as ordinary whims. Be that as it may, such a strategy often turns out to be even more effective than recommendations from psychologists. Ready to find out what the weaker sex pays attention to when conducting a compatibility test with a satellite?

Catch 10 tests that any girl unconsciously takes at the beginning of a relationship

1. Caring test

No need to think that the lady is not able to fasten the shelf, find some book or clean the computer. Turning to a man with such requests, she just wants to understand if he is able to respond to her call, help with the problem, how exactly will he behave - will he be rude, ignore or show compassion? False helplessness is good test for compatibility. Because it shows whether a man will be attentive or indifferent in a difficult situation.

2. Attitude towards spending

Of course, no one wants to see a frank miser nearby, for whom money more important than relationships. On the other hand, the belief that all women adore the extravagant is also a myth. Serious young ladies choose men who know how to handle money, know their price, judiciously investing every ruble. On the contrary, the habit of littering bills shows the partner as a reckless and short-sighted person, with whom relations are unlikely to develop.

3. Fashion sentence

External neatness is important for someone, someone falls for the smell of cologne, and someone loves “not like everyone else”, they don’t argue with tastes. Then how can a universal compatibility test be born from different preferences? The secret is simple: absolutely all women pay attention to accessories - watches, rings, ties, chains. It is they who give out his character in a person - the desire for uniqueness or conservatism, independence or a desire to show off, brightness of character or his restraint.

4. Informative conversation

Already on the first date, gentlemen can give out valuable information about themselves, which will become decisive in determining whether a man has a chance or not. Stories about favorite films, book characters, friends and ways of spending leisure time - all this reveals to the lady the guidelines of a man, his values ​​and vital interests. Whereas talking about the family will show the seriousness of intentions in general.

5. Evaluation of voice, speech speed

Evaluation of a partner's speech is also a kind of test for the compatibility of temperaments. For example, a woman may not like the habit of nasalizing, drawing out words, using swear words or constantly evading the chosen topic. Moreover, the female ear also evaluates the speed of speech, the timbre of the voice, tonality, emotionality, lexicon. Deliberate brutality often indicates the frivolity of a partner, while softness or a change in notes betrays deep interest and sympathy.

6. Learning driving habits

If a man meets a woman in a car, the first thing she will pay attention to is not the make of the car. She will try to read the character by the way she drives. The reflexes of a man behind the wheel are quite eloquent - the habit of driving or braking, attitude towards other drivers, favorite music. Aggressiveness, the manner of competing on the road, abrupt changes, obscene language, which give out unbalanced types, are especially indicative.

7. Creating competitive situations

You are mistaken if you think that the girl wants to fill her worth with stories about the army of admirers. Most often, in this manner, she awakens the instinct of a hunter in a man, provokes some kind of reaction, which should tell a lot about him. Someone does not even blow in the mustache, which means they are not particularly interested. Someone, on the contrary, starts up with a half turn and shows himself extremely aggressive and defiant. Well, the best reaction is a decisive rebuff to competitors, along with clearly defined intentions towards her. A confident partner will definitely pass such a compatibility test.

8. Assessment of paternal instincts

If a man suddenly finds himself in a circle of children who are indirectly related to him, most likely this situation was deliberately set up in order to assess the guy's ability to get along with children. Yes, it is important for women to see a man in action. They want to see his reaction, his ability to quickly find mutual language with peanuts or run away in a panic. If a man coped with his role, he will receive fat bonuses and admiration in the eyes of his partner.

Deception of feelings is one of the most cruel deceptions, especially when it comes to the vulnerable. male soul. Therefore, cunning tricks, insidious tactics and strategies are often resorted to to test the sincerity of a woman. They can be very resourceful, and sometimes cruel, in their choice of verification methods. Not becoming an object of testing or being ready for testing will help to expose male tricks designed to test a woman for feelings. So let's open secrets - cunning male check!

Loyalty check

The ability of a woman to be faithful is one of the fundamental qualities that a man wants to see in his chosen one. Being the only one is inherent in his psychology and genetics. He is ready to forgive a woman for the lack of beauty, intelligence, good manners, but never the lack of fidelity.

Checking through correspondence in social networks. A man sets up a fake profile on social networks and begins to communicate with his girlfriend under a false name. He provokes her to flirt, asks provocative questions, invites you on a date. Any reaction of the girl will "speak" more eloquently than her words. And even if for a girl this communication is just meaningless correspondence, then a man can already draw conclusions. It is better to immediately admit the perseverance of a new acquaintance, so that later you do not have to make excuses and prove your loyalty.

Checking through friends. The guy, being in cahoots with a nice friend, appoints a date for the girl and safely "late" for him. While she is waiting, looking at her watch, a "mishandled Cossack" approaches her and tries to charm her in every possible way, swindle her into a phone number, etc. Another option is also possible. A guy asks his buddy to openly or secretly flirt with his girlfriend at a party. Yes, not fair, but true attitude girls is revealed quickly.


Checking through courier delivery. A lover of checks anonymously sends flowers or a gift to a girl by courier. If she hurries to thank him for the surprise, it is obvious that she has one man. If the girl shuts up the situation, or finds out the facts with careful questions, the conclusions of the man will not be in her favor.

Check for reciprocity

A man tests a girl for reciprocity of feelings when he wants to make sure that the chosen one is truly passionate about him, cherishes, loves and is afraid to lose.

The man disappears after a long happy relationship or a good date. He stops calling, writing, ignoring any communication attempts. Probably, a man expects active actions from a girl, steps and actions that prove that he is dear to her, and she wants to return the relationship.

The provocation of jealousy often becomes a tool for testing a girl for reciprocity of feelings. Jealous means love. Guided by this attitude, the guy flirts, jokes, flirts with other / other girls at the party, asks a friend or colleague to write to him from unknown number love messages, being late from work, etc.

Check for commercialism

A man, especially an accomplished and wealthy one, fears that a woman will not love him, but his success and financial capabilities. Therefore, checking for a thirst for money is one of the most popular:

The man deliberately gives inexpensive gifts, leads to modest restaurants, arranges romantic dates without gloss and chic. His goal is to check the girl’s reaction: will she be capricious when she receives jewelry as a gift; how much will it cost to order in a restaurant; dare to reproach for the lack of expensive entertainment?

Wealthy men arrange more serious checks for commercialism. They hide their expensive cars, temporarily switching to cheap or public transport; conspicuous clothing brands are exchanged for affordable secondhand; guests are invited not to the penthouse, but to a rented Khrushchev.

Checking through tricky questions

To test a girl, it is not necessary to arrange trials or artificially create testing situations. Some men choose a more honest and gentle way to “bite” a girl in order to understand her. true motives in a relationship. These are provocative questions. Testing takes place in the form of a casual dialogue. A man asks tricky questions and during the conversation he looks at what strategy the girl chooses in her answers, whether she is cunning in order to please the man she likes, wants to seem or be real. It is better to prepare for uncomfortable questions in advance.

Here are some of them:

- Do you allow white lies?
What act do you regret the most?
What quality would you never forgive a man?
What qualities of character would you like to improve in yourself?
-What do you think about male polygamy?
Is friendship possible between a man and a woman?
- Should your man be handsome (rich, smart, generous)?
What act will you never forgive the man you love?
-Would you agree to paradise in a hut with your beloved?
-How do you feel about sex without commitment?
- Are you ready to go for your beloved man in difficult living conditions?
What do you consider proof of love?
What are you willing to sacrifice for love?
What are you willing to do to keep a man?
- Do you think a man's maternity leave is acceptable?
If you could give yourself advice about the past, what would it be?

-Which of the now deceased people would you like to meet, if it were possible?
If you could choose any place and time, where would you like to be right now?
- How do you imagine your own old age?
Do you allow your parents to interfere with your personal life?
What would you do if you could become a man for one day?
If you suddenly win a million, what will you spend it on?
What gift would you give and to whom if you had unlimited possibilities?
What do you think is the best gift you have received?
For what and to whom do you feel the greatest gratitude?
-What book, movie, meeting turned your life upside down or changed your world?
- Which of the real or fictional men do you consider real?
-Which celebrity life would you like to live at least one day?
How would you spend your day if you knew it was the last day of your life?

That's it, pretty girls! Be vigilant, and best of all, love sincerely!

He can give you his card and say: “Honey, do not deny yourself anything!” And here you think that you were in a wonderful dream and here he is, a generous prince from the very good fairy tale. In fact, some guys do this on purpose to see how much you will spend his money and what exactly you will buy.

Another variant of a similar test is just a joint shopping trip. He looks the same.

How to pass this test: choose the goods that you really need, don’t save a lot (unless, of course, in the future you plan to “tighten your belt”), but don’t scatter money, and be sure to look after your missus something. He will certainly appreciate your diligence and care!
How does a man check a woman for commercialism?

Often the representatives of the stronger sex want to see if we are selfish or not. How does a man check a woman for commercialism in this case?

Let's say if he has enough good car and a lot of money, he, if a person is really confident in himself, can dress simpler and not invite him to the most luxurious restaurant. It is important for him to assess how much you "enter" the banknotes.

Or here's another option - the first date, he pours compliments, says how incredibly amazing you are and invites you to go on vacation or even promises to marry. Of course, some men do not regard this as a test at all, but simply “hang noodles” in order to get the one and only pleasure for the next evening.

If you answer with lit up eyes that you agree to fly with him even to the ends of the world, or you are already starting to think over, and even worse, describe in detail your plans for wedding ceremony, then be sure: men arrange such checks for women in order to understand:

- the degree of your intelligence - perhaps you are too infantile, immature or even crazy (forgive me for being so direct), since you are ready to run after him, not knowing he is a prince (which are only in fairy tales like this - with shining eyes right on the first day dating), swindler or rapist;
- the degree of your self-interest - if he calls you to an expensive resort, and you start planning a vacation, then he becomes scared if you peck at his money, and he will conclude that at the end of the vacation you can find yourself someone richer .

How do men test women for feelings?

Do you enjoy receiving flowers for no reason? And from a mysterious stranger? Could this really be a test? But how? A man checks a woman for feelings, for loyalty and sincerity, and draws conclusions based on your reaction.

Imagine the situation: when you open the door, and a courier is standing in front of you with chic bouquet gorgeous flowers, who are they from, what do you think? Exactly! Each will think to the extent of its "corruption".

If you have several admirers, then you will wonder who it could be. When there is only one man, there is no doubt. Now imagine: he sends a mysterious surprise and waits for you to tell him something about flowers. If not, he concludes that you have a whole stadium of boyfriends. And that's it: the test of allegiance is not passed. This is how a man is able to combine the pleasant - for you - with the useful - for him.

Here's another situation for you, from which you will understand how men test women for feelings. He really liked you, but he is jealous, and therefore he is afraid that you, beautiful, spectacular and sexy, will start cheating on him. In most cases, this happens in men from self-doubt, but this does not prevent them from testing you for the strength of feelings.

They can even send their friend to you to flirt, flirt. Directly or through social media. And sometimes the man himself acts as such a “boyfriend”, only from the “left” account. He strikes up a conversation, tries to flirt with you or ask you out on a date, and sees what your reaction will be.

Why do men test a woman's feelings - usually to see if they should show their cards. Because it becomes important to make sure of the feelings of the chosen one for those who want to take the relationship to a deeper plane, but are afraid of getting burned. And perhaps the reason is in his past unsuccessful love relationships.

How do men test women for availability?

One of the most common male accessibility rapid tests is sexual blackmail…

The essence of sexual blackmail is that in one of the first days of dating, a man begins to actively offer a girl or woman to install sexual relations pressure method.

Sexual blackmail under pressure can be carried out in two main ways: covert (through more and more insistent kisses, hugs and strokes) and open (through frank conversation).

IN this case to pass the test, you must remember that we always value little what we get without special efforts… This rule is especially clearly seen in love.
He does not call: not interested or checking?

In a large percentage of cases, you must admit right away, a man does not call because he is not so interested in you and he has more important candidates. But there is a percentage of situations where a man does not call consciously. Here are the checks men arrange for women when they want to find out if you are a hysteric for an hour:

Deliberately don't call or pick up the phone
- being late for a meeting
- flirting with your girlfriend,
- give a trifling present instead of jewelry.

I would like to point out right away that sometimes the situations described above are not checks, but elementary snobbery or greed. young man. And if something doesn’t suit you much, you don’t need to adapt too much to it.

It is often difficult for a woman to understand how a guy treats her. This applies to unfamiliar men, and permanent partners. At some point, it becomes unclear what to expect in the future and how serious his intentions are. Then you have to come up with ways to check the feelings of a man, because it can be inconvenient to ask directly.

How to check if a man loves you?

There is no need to rush into this matter. remember, that everyone loves in their own way and perhaps your partner shows feelings as best he can. And if his behavior does not meet your expectations, this does not mean that he does not love you. Therefore, first try to understand it. When that fails, push:

  • Start act indifferent. Psychologists believe that this is one of the most reliable ways to bring a man to " clean water". If you are interesting to him, he will become worried, will ask what happened, call more often, show attention;
  • Or maybe leave, few pass the test of distance. You will immediately feel care and attention even when you are far away, if he is really bored;
  • Say you want to introduce him to your parents. This is a crucial moment, he will immediately understand the seriousness of your intentions. And either he will agree that he already means something, or he will simply disappear from the horizon.

So, main advice - watch. Note whether he cares, worries, listens to your opinion and gives in.

A person remembers only important information

pay attention to little things, sometimes they help to compose more complete picture what is happening. When something is important to us, we try to remember it or write it down so as not to forget. Whether it's an unmissable event or a phone number.

The same is true for a young man. Remember, does he always wish you a happy birthday, remember when your mom's birthday is? Or he regularly skips these events.

It is also important whether he remembers your phone number by heart or can only call by looking at notebook smartphone. If the device is lost, he will not be able to contact you if he did not try to learn the cherished numbers.

Of course, circumstances are different, and this is far from an indicator of an indifferent attitude if he forgot to wish you a happy birthday. Could be important things - work or study, or tired. It's not worth sounding the alarm. But such events still leave an imprint and form a certain opinion in his direction.

How to test a man for the sincerity of feelings?

Also, pay attention How does he act around. There are things that show how he treats you on a subconscious level. This is a basic concern:

  1. Does it help to carry heavy bags, does it hold the door;
  2. How to respond to requests for help and assistance;
  3. How to say goodbye. Reread the messages, see what words are at the end, whether they speak of tenderness and care.

If you can not objectively assess his behavior, ask a friend to help. Spend a few weekends or evenings together and let her watch. Just choose for these purposes a person who can be trusted with such delicate topics.

How not to do it?

Now the main thing is not to do stupid things. Some women go to extremes, then regret their mistakes. Noticing that you are trying to test him, a man may be offended.

He will also begin to distrust and the matter may end in parting. To keep this from happening do not do it:

  • make jealous. light flirting with another in the presence of a loved one, later phone calls or other similar tricks can convince him that you are cheating. Then he will either just get up and leave, or he will also slowly change, feeling the right to do so;
  • Tempt. Don't try to test its reliability using beautiful girlfriend. Sometimes girls do this, ask a neighbor to meet a guy to see how he does. Often this ends with the wedding of a neighbor with your boyfriend.

The best way to clear things up - talk or at least hint that you are tormented by doubts. Explain what you are missing, what is not clear. This is an honest and courageous act that deserves respect. And most importantly - it will help get rid of misunderstandings.

How do men test women for availability?

Guys are tricky people too. They sometimes weave intrigues not worse than women. To understand which girl is more accessible and what feelings she experiences, the guys come up with different “moves”:

  • They make you jealous, start talking about ex-girlfriends. How to react to it? The best option- listen with restraint and simply do not continue this topic;
  • They go with her to an expensive store. There, they offer you to choose whatever you like. Thus, the essence of a woman becomes visible: one will rush to buy everything, the other will refuse, because it is expensive, and the third will buy a shirt for her beloved;
  • Meet friends and watch them. If the girl’s entourage is her comrades-in-arms, preoccupied with finding a husband with money, and conversations are constantly revolving around financial well-being, a young man can conclude that the chosen one is beyond his means;
  • They might try to figure out reliability like this in a tricky way- send SMS from friends' numbers with offers to get acquainted;
  • Or they may even persuade a friend to try to have an affair.

And again, responding to such behavior is best frank conversation. Specify what is happening, why does he arrange exams for you? You will disarm him with your directness, and he will have no choice but to confess his deed.

Distrust is a disadvantage modern man. We are constantly looking for a catch in people, look at them, listen. And often we offend them with this. Therefore, before you think about how to check the feelings of a man or a girl, decide if time will put everything in its place and you should not rush.

Video: test for feelings

IN this video psychologist Diana Volodina will tell you how to find out with 99.9% accuracy how a man feels towards you, how much you care about him:

Strange as it may seem, the first and most important test that your man can give you will be a test of loyalty. And it doesn’t matter that you just met, or even don’t know each other at all, or maybe you already have children, and you have lived together for 40 years, rest assured, He is still or already testing you for fidelity.

Real men value fidelity more than sex, and more looks, and more recognition.
They have a nose for your inner ability to be faithful.

In the life of a filled woman, situations will certainly arise when men hover around her. But the attention of a woman is gold, so you understand.
The attention of a real, filled woman is worth incredible wealth, because her attention is love, a force that can change the whole world and give rise to new life, this power for which men fight, the power that gives men energy protection in society, gives success at work, in business, in bed ... This force kept the soldiers alive on the battlefield and diverted arrows and bullets from those whom the woman loved. Attention real woman- this is her woman's witchcraft, energy that even the most courageous of fighters is afraid of, that force that cannot be broken, conquered, curbed. She is invisible, and therefore invincible.

And your man, even if he is not around, and even if you do not know him at all yet, he is definitely testing you for fidelity. Loyalty to yourself. Your values ​​and priorities in life. He looks at how you can defend your space, your ideas, your goals, your boundaries, your Dignity, and how you value your attention, your energy, what you direct it to. He will choose you only if he is convinced that you will not be broken, that you are not exchanging small things for short ties and loud phrases. He tests you for fidelity, first of all, to your femininity, your dignity, your love.
He will arrange for you a corridor of tests and provocative situations without knowing it and will make sure either that you are his woman or not. No other is given.

You can save yourself without exchanging for trifles and absolutely unnecessary connections and contacts for you only by loving yourself. You can save your feminine core-string only by developing your feminine Dignity. Choosing with whom and how much to be. Learn to refuse. Learn to identify your priorities and be able to defend them. State your values ​​openly and boldly.

Your man, wherever He is, tests Your Will, Your Spirit for strength, for stamina, He looks at how much you are able to follow Him or to Him without looking back, leaving behind seductive offers, other people's gifts, someone else's attention, someone else's sex , other people's words and compliments, other people's beliefs and values, other people's goals. He looks at how much you are magnetized, how much
You are centered in Yourself, as far as You are able to be a swift river, carrying its waters to Your Sea, demolishing everything in its path, preserving its purity, its fidelity, its love. He looks and chooses whether to be with you or not, he is convinced of his rightness or mistake, if the choice has already been made.

He is yours. He breathes you and lives in your heart. He kisses your Soul and admires your body. He will throw the world at your feet, thanking God that you are with him. His. The only one. Real woman.