What child benefits are due to a non-working mother? The amount of benefits for mothers-housewives. How to solve the problem with the allowance

Presenting my future life, most girls dream about how they will meet a loved one, create a family with him, give birth to a child and raise and educate him with her husband, enjoying every day. In youth, motherhood is seen by girls in pink color, and only growing up, the fair sex begin to understand that children are not only happiness, but also a great responsibility. Therefore, even the news of a desired pregnancy for a woman can become stressful, because it’s one thing to dream of a child in the future, and it’s completely different to understand that soon life will change dramatically, since you will need to be responsible not only for yourself, but also for the baby.

Pregnancy is a great reason to be happy

Carrying a child for a woman is not an easy job, because during this period significant changes occur in her body, which affect not only the physical, but also the psychological state. Due to hormonal changes in the body, pregnant women tend to frequent shifts moods, irritability, excessive emotionality, change taste preferences and others. Also, many pregnant women have fears associated with the bearing and health of the child and childbirth.

However, despite all the changes in the body and more global changes in one's own life, pregnancy is not the time for stress and anxiety. Doctors and scientists have long proved that the baby is still in the womb, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, and her psychological condition significant effect on fetal development. There is also a relationship between psychological and physical health the woman herself, which means that happy optimistic representatives of the fair sex are much more likely to mild pregnancy and childbirth than expectant mothers experiencing stress or depression.

To make the period of pregnancy a happy stage of life, and not torment, is within the power of every woman. The recipe for how to survive pregnancy without stress and difficulties is quite simple - you need to treat childbearing as a natural process and tune in to a favorable development of events, not concentrating on the negative and "horror stories". Also, the experience of many women who have already given birth to a child shows that the following recommendations will be useful to expectant mothers:

If the pregnancy was not planned

What to do when the planned and desired pregnancy, every woman knows, but it’s much more difficult to answer the question of what to do if the appearance of two strips on the express test came as a surprise. Unfortunately, until scientists invent a contraceptive that will guarantee a 100% result, unplanned pregnancies will occur. And what to do in this case is up to the woman herself, although she has little choice: either give birth to a child or have an abortion.

Having learned about an unplanned pregnancy, the first thing a woman needs to do is calm down and understand that what happened is not a disaster, and she is still able to control the situation. Then you need to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible to find out the duration of your pregnancy and, based on this information, make a further decision. In our country, abortions are allowed by law at the request of a woman for up to 12 weeks, so she has time to analyze the situation and decide whether to continue the pregnancy or not. To decide what to do about an unplanned pregnancy, you need to give yourself honest answers to the following questions:

Of course, abortion is negative experience for any representative of the fair sex, and it must be avoided by any means. However, in life, not everything happens according to our desire, and if a woman understands that on this moment she has neither the opportunity nor the desire to become a mother, early termination of pregnancy will be the best way out of this situation.

If the expectant mother has decided to keep the pregnancy, she needs to forget about her fears and worries and tune in to the birth healthy child and happy changes in your life. Yes, life will change dramatically after the birth of a child, but it is not at all necessary what will change in the worst side. Most of the women who choose to keep unplanned pregnancy, then they never regretted their decision and were able not only to raise wonderful children, but also to realize themselves both in their personal and professional spheres of life.

Falls and any mechanical injuries during pregnancy must be avoided in every possible way - this is a fact. However, this task is sometimes extremely difficult to accomplish.

After all, a pregnant woman is not exempt from many duties that require her to move around the city, being in crowded places, in transport, etc. We are talking, in particular, about the work that must be attended during the first two trimesters of pregnancy, about going to the antenatal clinic , about various economic affairs and worries.

That is why it is so difficult to meet a woman who would be able to completely avoid falls, collisions, and blows during pregnancy.

A woman is afraid, of course, not so much of the likelihood of injury (which is quite unpleasant in itself), but of the possibility of harming the child. Therefore, it is necessary to consider how dangerous a fall is during pregnancy and how it can harm the unborn baby.

Natural child protection

Nature itself provides for the baby in the mother's tummy to be reliably protected. amniotic sac And amniotic fluid protect the child from any mechanical injuries. After all, the shells of this bubble are a dense connective tissue, and the liquid is able to reliably dampen the force of a possible impact.

In addition, in protecting the unborn child from mechanical damage walls play a significant role. abdominal cavity and elastic muscles of the uterus. And if we are talking about early terms of pregnancy , then the fetus is also covered by the bones of the mother's pelvis.

Note that the period when the fetus is protected by the pelvic bones is considered one of the safest in terms of possible mechanical injuries. It continues until the fifth month of pregnancy - until the uterus enlarges so much that it goes beyond the area covered by the pelvic bones.

Thus, the baby in the belly of the future mother has its own natural protection. However, this does not mean at all that a fall or injury cannot harm him. Very often, falls or strong blows cause premature birth or miscarriage.

And, besides, there is a danger that the consequences of the fall of a pregnant woman will appear on her child after some time. Although this applies only to strong blows to the stomach, the consequences of car accidents, etc.

What to do if you fall?

As practice shows, many expectant mothers are wondering how to act in case of a fall. Here are a few simple recommendations who can help you:

  • If you fell or hit stomach stop for a while and listen to your own feelings.
  • Sit or even lie on the ground for a few minutes. Do not immediately rise to your feet - you may feel dizzy or feel worse.
  • Try to stay calm and not panic. Excessive excitement in such a situation is definitely useless.
  • If you feel dizzy after a fall, sharp pain anywhere if your water has broken or bleeding call an ambulance immediately.

Be sure to tell your doctor

Even if you don’t notice any tangible consequences of a fall, if nothing hurts you, but baby in the belly moves in exactly the same way as before, it will still be necessary to visit a doctor. This will help you finally calm down and dispel all worries, because the doctor can listen to the baby's heart, prescribe an ultrasound examination and other necessary procedures.

If the expectant mother fell… / shutterstock.com

But it is categorically not recommended to seek advice from your acquaintances or girlfriends - communication with incompetent people can only upset and scare you even more.

If you have any abrasions, scratches or bruises after a fall, they should be treated immediately to avoid the risk of infection in your body.

The damaged area must be carefully rinsed with running water and (if it is an abrasion or scratch) treated with peroxide or brilliant green. But iodine is better not to use for treating damage - it burns tissues and interferes with wound healing, and warms the bruised area, increasing swelling. So, if you have a severe bruise, put a weak bandage on it and apply ice for a while.

It is also important to get rid of the state of stress as soon as possible. Remember that this state is very dangerous in your position (maybe even more dangerous than the fall itself), and if you feel that you cannot calm down, take some light sedative drug on herbs .

Precautionary measures:

  • move around the city accompanied by someone close (if possible);
  • do not wear high heels;
  • on stairs, and even more so on escalators, hold on to the railing. Passing through the turnstile, cover your stomach with your hands;
  • do not keep your hands in your pockets while walking and put on a bag only over your shoulder;
  • where it is very slippery, move on bent legs, in small steps.

Analyzes, registration at the gynecologist, trimesters of pregnancy - it seems so hard, but in fact ...

With the advent of pharmacy test two stripes girl's life is changing. Some are not happy with such a gift, but for the rest it is happiness. It is easier for women who already have a child. They know how pregnancy goes, what happens to her body and baby, when to visit a gynecologist, etc.

For girls who will give birth for the first time, it is more difficult. But even here you should not get lost. Not everything is as scary as it seems.

Go to the doctor as soon as you see two stripes. The period from the 6th to the 12th week is optimal for registration, because during this period it is safe to say that the pregnancy has come.

The doctor turns on exchange card, which will describe the pregnancy, up to childbirth. After that, he will conduct a general examination, prescribe tests, and send him to undergo a commission.

You need to visit a gynecologist up to 20 weeks once a month, up to 32 - once every 2 weeks, and after 32 weeks - once every 7 days. If you have health problems, pathologies, then visit more often.

Trimesters of pregnancy

As a future mother, it is desirable for you to know what changes are taking place in the body and what is happening with the baby.

I trimester (1-12 weeks)

Happening in your body hormonal changes, the mammary glands swell, the areolas of the nipples change color, toxicosis and heartburn appear. Constipation may occur. Daily nausea affects general state, use .

The baby at this time is growing and developing rapidly. It develops from an embryo into a fetus. Parts of the body are formed in him, he begins to slowly move them. The movements are slow so you can't hear them yet. The genital organs are also formed.

II trimester (13−27 weeks)

By this time, the malaise passes, replaced by pain in the back, lower back. The stomach grows, it becomes difficult for you to do the usual things. Posture suffers. Around the 20th week, you will begin to feel the movements of the baby. At this time, his motor activity increases.

The baby continues to form organs, the skeleton hardens. The kidneys are already working, the first urine is being excreted. The kid hears you, you can talk to him. With the help of ultrasound, the sex of the child is determined. If suddenly at the end of the second trimester they begin premature birth, the baby can survive, but only with the help of intensive care.

III trimester (28−40 weeks)

Your belly is growing, your chest is getting bigger. You put on weight, because of this, stiffness in movements appears. Difficulty climbing stairs, walking for a long time. By the end of 37 weeks, false contractions appear. They are irregular, so you should not sound the alarm, but you need to tell the doctor about them.

The baby's organs and systems are finally formed. He makes his first breaths. Nails, hair, teeth grow.

Subjective symptoms of pregnancy (fetal movement, delayed menstruation, nausea) appear purely individually for each woman.

How everyday life is changing

You, as a future mother, take care of your health, take care of it. External factors affect you and the baby.

Bad habits

Give up alcohol, smoking and especially drugs if you want to have a healthy child. These are the causes of congenital deformities, diseases.


Everything you eat goes to the baby. Nothing needs to be radically changed. It is necessary to exclude junk food, fast food. In the daily diet should be all trace elements. Add natural vitamins. If it is not in season, consult your doctor and buy them at the pharmacy.

Sleep and wake mode

You can't overstress. This does not mean that everything is prohibited. Alternate rest with light physical activity. And don't do more than what you're capable of. Do not lift weights, this can cause placental abruption, miscarriage, premature birth.

Preparing for childbirth

Prepare physically for childbirth. There are exercises that will help ease childbirth and keep fit. Sign up for childbirth preparation courses. They will tell and show how to alleviate pain during fights, how to behave correctly.

It will not be superfluous to discuss the issue of wearing a bandage and compression underwear. You may not need it, but you can ask once again.

On recent weeks pregnancy, do not do anything that can cause premature birth. These factors include sex, strong exercise stress, stress.

Prepare a bag with things to the hospital in advance. List of documents, things that you will need, take to antenatal clinic. Prepare it 2-3 weeks before the birth, so as not to forget anything, and you never know what.

You read on Internet forums a lot of advice and information about upcoming birth- for health. Useful for broadening one's horizons. But listen and do as the doctors and midwives in the hospital say.

Normal delivery is between 38 and 40 weeks. Every woman has a different period. The main thing is to know exactly when you need to go to the hospital.

The obstetrician-gynecologist will calculate the date of birth. For 1-2 weeks of the onset of contractions, harbingers of childbirth appear. They prepare the expectant mother for regular contractions.

Harbingers of childbirth:

  • It becomes easier to breathe, because the head of the fetus is inserted into the small pelvis.
  • The uterus is almost ready for contractions, so it becomes more excitable.
  • There is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, in the lower back.
  • A couple of days before the birth itself, a mucous plug comes out of the genital tract.
  • Colostrum is secreted from the nipples.
  • The appearance of regular contractions.

Contractions begin for a few seconds with a long break. Gradually, the rest time is reduced, and the time of contractions increases. When they become regular 1 time in 5-7 minutes, go to the hospital. Assuming you live close to it. If you need to travel for a long time, go immediately with the appearance of the first contractions.

If this is your second child, don't delay. Go right away, the second birth is easier and faster than the first time.

Often before contractions or with them pour out amniotic fluid. If this happens, go to the hospital. After the water breaks, you must give birth within 12 hours.

There are situations from which neither you nor anyone else is immune. And you need to act immediately, because you are already responsible for two lives, yours and the baby.

Emergency conditions:

  • There are pain sensations in the abdomen.
  • Blood discharge appears or amniotic fluid has an admixture of blood.
  • The child stopped moving or, on the contrary, the movements intensified.
  • The contractions are too painful or the uterus does not relax during the rest period.
  • Deterioration of general well-being: dizziness, changes blood pressure etc.

Now you know everything a mom-to-be needs to know. Pregnancy is important for a woman. You instill in yourself little man. In fact, this is a wonderful state. You are special, you glow with happiness, everyone helps you in everything. You will always remember this state, tell the baby how you carried it in your tummy. So let it pass you easily, only with positive attitude. Being a mom is happiness.

Payment procedure maternity benefits(of what is colloquially referred to as “maternity”, “prenatal” and “postnatal”, “140 days benefit”) regulated from January 1, 2007 federal law dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ "On the provision of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth of citizens subject to compulsory social insurance." And in accordance with Article 2 of this law, the following have the right to receive benefits for pregnancy and childbirth:

Persons working under labor contracts;

State civil servants, municipal employees;

Individual entrepreneurs and other "self-employed" persons who voluntarily pay their own social security contributions.

As you can see, there are no non-working mothers in this list. And consequently, a non-working mother is not entitled to receive maternity benefits. (At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether the future mother’s husband works or not, whether the future mother is registered with the employment service or not, how much and for whom the future mother worked before.). The fact is that the maternity benefit is a compensation for the earnings that the expectant mother does not receive due to going on maternity leave. A non-working mother does not have such an income.

Exception 1: future mothers fired due to the liquidation of the employer. They receive maternity allowance at the rate of 300 rubles for a full calendar month of maternity leave.

Exception 2: expectant mothers are non-working full-time students of educational institutions. They receive a maternity allowance in the amount of a stipend. And this does not depend on whether they pay for their education or not - they are required to receive benefits.

Rule two: the process of obtaining a lump-sum allowance at the birth of a child depends on the father of the child

Order of appointment and payment lump sum at the birth of a child is defined by the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ "On state benefits citizens with children. In accordance with this law, a one-time allowance at the birth of a child is due to absolutely all citizens, regardless of their income, social status, the number of children in the family . This allowance to all families (including those where there are non-working parents) at the birth of a child is assigned in the same amount (however, in some regions of Russia there are more regional surcharges, but now we are talking about the federal allowance). This amount from July 1, 2008 is 8840.58 rubles, excluding regional coefficients. If the recipient of the allowance lives in the territory where regional coefficients are established (for example, in the Urals this coefficient is 15%, in some regions - 20%; in Siberia - 40%, etc.), then the amount of the allowance is multiplied by district coefficient(therefore, the amount of the allowance in the Urals, for example, is 10,166.67 rubles).

By law, both parents of a child, as recorded on the child's birth certificate, are entitled to receive a lump sum allowance. However, if one of the child's parents works and the other does not, then the parent who is employed and is a person insured by the social insurance system is entitled to receive benefits. Therefore, if the mother does not work, and the father works, then the father of the child must apply for childbirth allowance.

If, on the birth certificate of a child of a non-working mother, there is a dash in place of the father, or the father of the child also does not work and this is documented, then only in these cases, the non-working mother should apply for benefits at the birth of a child to the social security authority (social security) at the place of her registration.

Exception: Mom is a full-time student. If the unemployed mother is a full-time student educational institution, she applies for childbirth allowance at her educational institution.

Rule three: child care allowance for non-working mothers is now assigned - it was not assigned before

After the birth of a baby, the parents eligible for two benefits, which are assigned and paid on completely different conditions:

1) allowance for caring for a child until he reaches the age of one and a half years;

2) regional allowance for a child.

Regional child benefits are assigned and paid in each region of Russia in different sizes and by different rules. On our website you can get acquainted with the procedure for paying these benefits in specific regions.

But the procedure for assigning and paying benefits for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old to non-working mothers is the same throughout Russia, as established by the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-ФЗ “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”.

Benefit for caring for a child up to 1.5 years of age is assigned to non-working mothers from the moment the child is born(unlike working mothers, to whom it is assigned after the end of maternity leave). Please note that until January 1, 2007, non-working mothers were not assigned and paid childcare allowance for a child up to 1.5 years old.

For non-working mothers, the allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old is assigned in the minimum amount. Let's see what the amounts of these benefits are from July 1, 2008:

Allowance for the care of the first child (excluding the regional coefficient) - 1657.61 rubles;

Allowance for the care of the second child and subsequent children (excluding the district coefficient) - 3315.22 rubles.

If you live in a territory where a district coefficient is set, then the listed minimum benefits increase by an additional amount of the district coefficient.

Benefits in minimum sizes for 2010 you can see.
Benefits in the minimum amount for 2012 - .
Benefits for 2013 -
Benefits for 2014 - .
If in a family there is a non-working mother and a working father, then only the mother can apply for childcare allowance. The fact is that this allowance is assigned only to the family member who cares for the child. By default, it is assumed that care is provided by a non-working family member. Therefore, when non-working mother parental leave cannot be granted to a working father and benefits cannot be assigned.

A non-working mother receives a child care allowance department of social security (social security) at the place of mother's registration. Registration of a child before December 31, 2009 did not matter (unlike regional child benefits).

It is very important! From January 1, 2010 to qualify for monthly allowance to care for a child up to 1.5 years old, the recipient of the allowance in the social security - a non-working mother - must be registered with the child as well as for receiving regional benefits.