Turning a loved one away from a rival: examples of strong conspiracies. Conspiracies and rituals for the lapel of your man or woman

If it is desirable to obtain a weakening of attachment to a person as a result, such a lapel applies to whites. Black rituals are when they are performed with malice in the heart. When conducting white ritual The person’s consciousness does not suffer, but attachment decreases.

Couples separated under magical influence do not even preserve friendly relations– magic destroys everything. An important condition is that the ritual is carried out alone and you cannot initiate anyone. Lapel is a violent intervention in human life, after a person gets rid of someone’s affection or forgets someone himself, heavy fateful blows can await him.

Fee for using magic

For any appeal to magic, you need to pay - it has a long, evil memory and is ready to take revenge at the first opportunity. Payment will definitely be required for the fact that there was interference in the plans planned by Heaven. For the conducted magical rituals, normal fee:

  • deterioration of health - resumes chronic diseases and new ones arise;
  • weakness, apathy, depression;
  • lack of money, unemployment, loss of business.

Not even the most skilled magician will be able to determine which sphere of life the reverse magical wave will hit. For a person who is using for the first time magical rites turning a man away from a woman, you should not immediately start with black rituals.

Happy families are often the subject of envy. There are rivals ready to take the place of their beloved wife. Only by creating a new relationship with the help of magic, she begins to understand that it is impossible to build happiness based on the misfortune of another person. To avoid the breakdown of family relationships, women often resort to rituals of turning away from their rival, which is enhanced by the waning phase of the Moon. The rules of magic must be followed unquestioningly and strictly. If the description of a magical ritual says to perform some action 40 times, you need to spend time and effort and clearly perform the ritual. Otherwise, the expected result will never come. Patience and faith in success must be mandatory companions.

When deciding to carry out the lapel ritual, you must show courage and not be afraid of challenges. The simplest ritual of turning a man away from a woman is negative consequences. Magic laws are harsh - part of the negativity will go to the woman who performs the lapel, even if the ritual is performed with good intentions.

It should be remembered that only those taken away from the family not of their own free will return with the help of magical rituals. It'll never work out good result, If family relationships are formal, but the man has real feelings for another woman.

Many peoples use lapel rituals; witchcraft books give answers to what a lapel is and what attributes are needed to carry out the rituals. Some practices are carried out at a great distance, without using the subject’s personal belongings; they use different methods to turn away from the mistress.

The lapel ritual, performed without errors, begins to act quickly and effectively. Performing the ritual requires the ability to concentrate and visualize.

For the lapel ritual important has - in what place the ritual is performed, time of performance, required attributes.

Before you decide to carry out a lapel and avoid making many mistakes, experts recommend:

  1. When starting magical actions, you should have pure thoughts. You should not start the lapel, wanting revenge. Acting with anger in your soul means harming the man and yourself;
  2. It is necessary to clearly understand the consequences of the result obtained; it is not always possible to return everything back;
  3. You can’t destroy someone’s family or turn a husband away from his wife. The happiness of the woman who performed the ritual will be illusory - the retribution will be painful;
  4. Magic rituals do not tolerate fuss - the necessary items are prepared in advance;
  5. When performing the ritual, clothing should not contain bright elements, preference is given to black;
  6. Before the ceremony, you must fast for 7-10 days, control negative emotions and evil thoughts, and not communicate with people who cause negativity;
  7. You should be aware that turning away is not enough - you need to be able to restore your relationship with a man, otherwise another rival may appear.

Lapel using a candle

To perform the ritual you need to take a candle purple and a small sheet of paper. Names are written on it and cut into 2 parts, the names should remain on different parts. Then the parts with names are rolled up one by one and burned separately on a candle flame, while the words are pronounced:

“Burn, my candle, burn, burn away the passion of lovers. Take their passion for yourself, and return my love to me.”

The plot is spoken 13 times. The ashes are scattered in the wind, then the hands are washed thoroughly. A few days later, the lovers begin to have their first disagreements.

Ritual using an ordinary pin

To carry out this lapel you should prepare:

  • church candles made of wax;
  • ordinary pin;
  • glue for metal.

Above the burning ones church candles the pin splits. Then it needs to be glued to the door at the entrance on the wall, and the words are pronounced 3 times:

“I called you, the servant of God (name of the man), now you are all mine, but you will abandon the servant of God (name of the woman from whom you need to turn away), you will only feel indifference to her.”

The pin remains glued to the door for 20 days, during which time the loved one will cool off towards his rival and return home.

Lapel using blood

Magic rituals using blood have a powerful effect. To carry out such actions requires a certain courage, you should prepare:

  • photograph of a rival;
  • long black thread;
  • a sharp and thin needle;
  • own blood.

Squeeze a few drops of your own blood into a ceramic bowl, then place a long thread there for 5 minutes. Then the thread soaked in blood is placed on the photograph of the opponent, rolled into a tube and tied with the remaining thread. The scroll must be pierced in the middle with a long needle and placed in a bowl with blood, while the words are said three times:

“I will not give my man (name of the chosen one) to you. Forget about him forever and never.”

All items used for the ritual are burned. The needle is buried in the ground far from the house, preferably on the shore near the water.

Lapel using water

Powerful water energy has a strong impact on the fair sex. During the period of the new moon or full moon after midnight, it is necessary to collect the purest water from a natural source in a glass container while slowly reciting the spell:

“Alone, the servant of God (name of the man) will go to the left. The second, the servant of God (the name of the woman from whom you need to turn away) will turn to the right. They will part and never meet again. Let it be so!"

After you give your partner and rival some water, it is recommended to secretly add water to drinks. The main condition is that they should not guess about it.

Lapel using river sand

Another method is using sand, which should be taken from both banks of the river. At 24 hours on the river bank, you should pour sand from one hand to another, visualizing the man together with the homewrecker, saying the words:

River sand is poured and magic words are pronounced until not a single grain of sand remains in the hands.

How to turn a man away from you

To carry out such a ritual you should:

At night, you must collect the cemetery soil into a clay container;

IN home environment late at night, a container with earth and a glass of red wine are placed in the center of the table. Lights up 5 wax candles from wax. With a sharp knife, you should start stirring the wine, pronouncing the spell:

The glass of wine is left in a container filled with earth, and the room is left. After 2 hours, the charmed wine is ready and can be picked up. Within 3 days, the man who is the target of the lapel should drink this drink; the effect of the lapel is felt almost immediately.

A simple lapel of yourself

To carry out the ritual, you will need a photograph of the object of the lapel, which must be forgotten; if not, you can write his name on the paper. The photograph is torn into very small pieces, and the paper is burned. Then it is mixed with other household waste and taken to garbage disposals. While throwing it out slowly, recite the text:

“Sor leaves home, and you (name) leave my memory.”

There should be no witnesses to the ritual, otherwise the lapel will not begin to work, and the neighbors will begin to whisper behind their backs.

Rituals from photographs

Each photograph preserves the energy of the person depicted, this will help to influence actions with magical rituals. Experts advise to treat personal photographs with care so that they do not become tools with the help of which influence a person’s consciousness. Using a photograph, a person can be manipulated in different ways: to treat, kill, bewitch, fall in love.

It is not difficult to carry out the lapel ceremony using a photograph. The impact of this ritual occurs immediately on the aura. The man becomes disappointed in the beauty and spiritual qualities of his rival. Her presence will become a factor of disgust. Relationships become painful, hostility destroys love.

Lapel using salt

The subconscious influence of taste and smell on the mutual sympathy of people has been known for a long time. Thanks to witchcraft ritual You can turn a woman away using salt. All contacts with her will be accompanied by discomfort, will make the relationship unacceptable in a short time.

Pour a lot of salt into a container with water; the water should be salty. With a lit candle, the following spell is spoken:

The spell is pronounced 12 times, each time a pentagram (five-pointed star) is drawn above the bowl. Then the man's photograph is left in a container of water, which completely covers him. The photograph must be in the water until dawn. In the morning it should be taken out, dried and hidden behind the mirror.

How to perform a strong lapel at home

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • a deck of cards that is important to buy new;
  • photo;
  • a tablecloth, also purchased for the ceremony;
  • black candle.

A black candle is lit on a table covered with a clean tablecloth and a spell is pronounced:

Then cards are taken, the deck is shuffled and the 9th of spades is drawn with the words:

The 9th of spades is attached to the photograph of the person being turned away with a drop of black wax. The photograph is pressed down with the remaining cards, the candle should burn out completely. In the morning, all the attributes, along with a candle cinder, are buried under a tree, saying:

“I separate (name) and (name) forever.”

Black strong lapel

During the waning phase of the moon, you need to buy a chicken foot at the market ( important condition– do not take change). Running water is poured into a metal basin. By the light of a lit black candle, take right hand chicken paw, and you should move your paw along the water to the left with the words:

The conspiracy is spoken out 13 times, while experiencing a burning hostility towards the woman. It is then important to give the chicken paw to someone else’s dog, and the water used in the ritual is poured under the rival’s door. No later than 3 days later, the ransom is made. Take 13 coins and 0.5 liters of vodka (buy vodka before this). Everything is left at the crossroads and you should go home without looking back or communicating with anyone.

Magic rituals are carried out with strict adherence to all rules; they have an effect on a person’s aura. To protect against the consequences of a lapel, amulets are made or a special payoff using coins is sent to the crossroads. Magic rituals aimed at humans in most cases have negative consequences. Before performing a ritual, you must think with full responsibility about your actions and the need to turn to magic. Maybe reality dictates other ways to solve the problem.

In this article:

The lapel ritual from a man is, in essence, completely identical to the lapel from a woman. For magic, the gender of the target has absolutely no meaning. However, such rituals also have their own characteristics, although they are not so important.

It is worth noting that everything love rituals, designed to quarrel partners, are divided into three main types: lapels, cool spells and rituals for removing love spells.

Lapel is a magical technique that can make another person dislike their current love partner. In other words, a lapel ritual is the exact opposite of a love spell ritual; it is aimed at destroying any connections and should quarrel the target with a loved one.

Ostuda is a weaker form of lapel, which is intended to remove a person from falling in love. Such rituals are often performed on oneself, that is, the performer is also the target. Cooling is designed to save a person from emotional suffering over his beloved. In other words, such magic can be called an excellent remedy against unrequited love.

Love spell removal rituals are a separate form of love spell removal, which is also called cleansing. Carry out to remove the negative or unnecessary consequences of a love spell. In order to carry out cleaning, you need to understand the nuances of the love spell itself. Without knowing what ritual was performed, it is impossible to completely remove its effect, in best case scenario, the effect of magic will be reduced or blocked for a certain period.

You can do the cleaning yourself at home

Lapel methods

There are many ways to carry out lapel rituals. They are in many ways similar to love spells; here the performer can also turn to various forces for help. The ritual is most often chosen depending on the goals and the situation itself. Below are several options for strong lapels that can be used for both men's and women's purposes.

Lapel to the water

This ritual must be performed over a bowl with clean water. Conspiracy words:

“I will get up without crossing myself, I will leave without blessing myself, I will go out from door to door, from gate to new gate. I will go out into a clean field, I will find a pillar of fire in the field, from under that pillar a river of fire flows. A small boat is floating along that river, and in the boat the devil is sitting with the devil, their ridges facing each other. The devils turn, gnaw at each other with rotten teeth, tear at each other with their claws, and hate. So you (woman’s name) will sit with (man’s name), you will gnaw at him with your teeth, fight, pinch, you will not think the same thing, you will not sit at the same table, you will not lie in the same bed. The word is on the lock, the lock is on the key, the key is in the water.”

The charmed water must be added to the food or drink of the purpose of the ritual.

Strong lapel plot

This ritual must be performed at night, on the waning moon. To do this you will need a photograph of the target. The photo needs to be placed on the windowsill, open the window and read the lapel, looking at the photo in the moonlight. Conspiracy words:

“I will put wood chips under my heels, and go far without looking back, To the most distant country, and to the stone side. In that direction it lies, guarding any evil, evil evil, blood-sucking, devitiglazo, nine-mouthed, nine-yawned. Cool the soul of (name of target) to (name). From this day until the end of time, at night from candles, early in the morning, before dawn, at early church hour, and every time he looks at her, the devil himself will remember my word and give them both no peace. They will see no peace, no feast, no tender bodies, no love affairs, no salt, no sugar, no night, no day, no light, no freedom, but the most terrible fate. Let it be so".

Ritual for divorce

This lapel ritual is ideal for diluting the desired married couple. To do this you will need a photograph of the target.

Lapel ritual important role the energy of the performer plays

We put a black candle on the table, hold the photo above the candle fire and use scissors to cut the flame. At this time you need to read the words of the conspiracy:

“I cut off the flame from a black candle, I condemn him to black melancholy, to boredom, to separation. I cut off the servant of God (name) from the servant of God (name). You are a servant of God, walk the earth, but live on the sidelines, do not touch the servant of God (name), do not remember him, do not approach him, do not go to his threshold, do not anger the servant of God. Don’t covet someone else’s good, but give the man away. Amen, Amen, Amen."

This ritual is suitable both for taking a man away from the family and for taking a wife away. IN different options You can change the plot a little and the result will not take long to arrive.

How to make a cemetery lapel

This lapel should be performed on the waning moon.

To carry out the ritual, go to the cemetery and find a grave there with a name like your husband’s (you cannot use children’s graves).

Take some earth from the grave into your right palm. After that, go further through the cemetery and find a grave with a name like that of a woman (wife, mistress).

Place earth on this grave, cross yourself three times and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as the dead lie apart, so you (man’s name) and (woman’s name) will never be together. The place of a dead man is a coffin, a coffin is a grave, a grave is a cemetery ground, so your refuge will not be it, but me. What is said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is worth noting that most lapels can be used against both men and women. To do this, it is enough to change the words of the conspiracy quite a bit and you will get exactly the result that is required. If the words of the conspiracy do not have a clear link to gender, then the ritual can be changed without fear.

A lapel spell is a very popular magical effect. It is considered a remedy that helps to get rid of forcibly imposed love. That is, you can use this influence if you are convinced that you or a person close to you has been subjected to an energetic attack. In addition, the spell of turning away from your rival will allow you to remove obstacles to your own love. Particularly in demand are the so-called “preventive rituals”, which can be performed at the slightest suspicion that they are trying to take your loved one away. It is noteworthy that you can read the lapel spell from a distance. It is absolutely not difficult to carry out a lapel spell at home. But the main thing is to make sure that you need it. That is, you must be confident in your own sincere feelings to a person.

Using land

A strong spell for a lapel is read in a ritual involving the use of land. It cannot be dialed near the road. The best soil for the ritual is soil from a plowed field. Before the ritual in the afternoon, you need to prepare a mixture with soil and three tablespoons of salt. It needs to be poured into a small bag made of natural fabric, tie it and leave it in the room in which the ceremony is planned to be held until midnight. At twelve o'clock at night you should go into the room, light a candle and turn off the artificial lighting. The bag of earth should be untied and the earth mixture should be spoken in the following words:

“I will get up in the morning, Servant of God ( given name), I will leave my house not through a door, and I will leave my yard not through a gate, but through a mouse hole. Further into the wide field I will follow a dog trail along a log. there in wide field A Whirlwind Spirit will run out and fly towards me. He rushes towards me from field to field, runs, flies from sea to sea. He is in such a hurry that the grass sways and the waves rise. Let the Servant of God (boyfriend’s name) also hastily abandon and reject the Servant of God (girl’s name). So that he does not raise his clear eyes to her, does not hold her close to his heart and does not allow her to come to him. There is no retraction to my word, what is said is firm and will not change. Amen".

After this, the bag with the enchanted earth should be tied again and, putting it in your pocket, leave the house. Next, you need to take 100 steps downwind, after which you will stop and cross yourself three times, and then read the well-known and saving prayer “Our Father” three times. After this, you can return home. Upon arrival, you need to put a bag of earthen mixture under the bed. Early in the morning you need to take a bag with a charmed earthen mixture and go to the place where the guy lives. You should position yourself so that he does not notice you when leaving the house. After him you need to throw the enchanted land. After this, cross yourself three times and go home. You cannot talk to anyone along the way, otherwise the lapel effect will not be effective.

Protecting your loved one

You can use regular safety pin to protect your loved one against your rival. A new and strong pin must be used for the ceremony. It must first be washed in cold running water. In this case, the conspiracy to turn on a rival sounds like this:

“Sharp, new and strong pin, serve me, the Servant of God (proper name) with faith and truth. Always and everywhere be close to my beloved, the Servant of God (boyfriend’s name). Protect him from the machinations of enemies and from everyday troubles. Save him from betrayal and save him from the love of my rival, the Servant of God (rival's name). Just as you are closed reliably and firmly, so let the heart of your loved one be closed to the feelings of your rival forever. Just as you are prickly and sharp, so when my beloved and my rival meet, let them exchange barbs, swear and quarrel. Let them go their separate ways and part forever, and over time completely forget each other. Let it happen. Amen".

The enchanted pin needs to be attached to the clothes that your loved one most often wears, in an inconspicuous place, so that it is with him as often as possible. This lapel plot works at the first meeting with a rival. At first, minor disagreements begin, which lead to a gradual cooling of feelings, and subsequently the relationship is interrupted in a natural way.

Lapel conspiracies at a distance

There are many conspiracies that can be read from a distance. When performed correctly and in accordance with the recommendations, such rituals are very powerful.

On the street

You can read the lapel spell at a distance on the street. To do this, you need to choose one of the windy evenings during the waning moon. For the ritual, you will need to first prepare a sheet of paper with the name of your rival written on it. When you go outside, you should tear this sheet into small pieces and scatter the pieces to the wind. While saying the following words:

“The wind is strong and powerful, you walk on the earth and help everyone. Help me too, the Servant of God (proper name). Take away the feelings of my rival, the Servant of God (rival's name) forever from our dear life. May my beloved, the Servant of God (boyfriend’s name) cool off towards her forever, and may our strong love with him be freed from her feelings. Cool the strong wind of her soul and extinguish her passion for my dear. Let her be colder than ice eternal. Let her feelings, together with you, the mighty wind, be carried away to distant lands; let true happiness ask for our doorstep. Amen".

At home

Another strong conspiracy from a rival, which works at a distance, can be read at home. To do this, you need to boil it in the kitchen at midnight large saucepan water. As soon as it boils, you need to say these magic words:

“As water is boiled in this pan, so will your, Servant of God (name of rival), sinful passion be digested in it. You will fall out of love and forget, feelings will grind and digest and dissipate through the air with steam. And as soon as you begin to approach my beloved, the Servant of God (guy’s name), your soul will immediately be burned with boiling water under a spell. The person will become worse for you than the dark night, and you will want to part with him as quickly as possible. I, the Servant of God (my own name), said the words and sealed them with a seal forever. No one can change them. Amen".

After pronouncing the words, you should turn off the stove and stand for a while near the cooling water in silence, thinking about your future happy and have a prosperous life with your loved one. After a while you need to say other words:

"You, hot water, quickly cool down, give away your warmth, and you, the Servant of God (the name of the rival), quickly leave behind my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of the guy). As the water cools, you will turn away from my dear one.”

You need to sprinkle the cooled water in the corners of your home with the words:

“Go away, homewrecker, Servant of God (name of rival) forever, so that you are not near us, and you do not disturb our thoughts.”

After this, the lapel ritual can be considered completed. When deciding to use lapel plot, it should be understood that such impact is considered higher powers as interference in the fate of another person. Therefore, such rituals do not belong to harmless actions, which means they may have unpleasant consequences, first of all, for the performer of the ritual. Therefore, it is recommended to use lapel magic only in situations where the use of lapels can be considered justified.

Lapels are called magical actions: conspiracies, rituals, ceremonies that influence the mental body of the object, ridding it of feelings for a loved one. They are considered one of the most strong influences in the field of magic. The purpose of lapels is the complete alienation of people who were once close to each other, the emergence of persistent hostility and even disgust. That is, completely opposite to a love spell.

Rituals of this type relate to love magic and can be beneficial in many ways life situations. For example, if a wife suffers because her husband left for his mistress, there is no more reliable way reclaim loving husband and father to children. A strong lapel will help solve this problem forever. Sometimes the mistresses themselves ask to get the man away from his wife, so that he leaves the family forever.

It also happens that a man toils between two women, while he suffers greatly and is mentally tormented, but cannot finally leave either one. At the same time, all participants love triangle feel discomfort and cannot find peace. In such situations, the woman who makes the decision to make a lapel does the right thing.

Consequences of a lapel for the customer and the victim

All participants in the magical influence, including the object, receive certain “ side effects"if the result is achieved. Before starting work, you need to clearly set yourself the goal that must be achieved. It is worth thinking carefully by asking yourself the question - what happens if? That is, if a mistress wants to take a man’s family away, then why? Why exactly is it important that he be only with her? And most importantly, does she want to connect her life with this person forever? Otherwise, when the influence does not have a specific goal, then not only may the ritual simply not work, but the most unpredictable consequences are also possible. For example, a wife is very worried that her husband left the family, but in fact she is not ready to accept him back. Naturally, when feelings for his new passion cool down, he will return to the family, especially if there are children. On the other hand, the wife’s desire for revenge, who ultimately will not be able to forget about the betrayal, will turn everyone’s life into a nightmare. In this case, it is advisable to distinguish well between your desires and feelings of resentment.

It happens that the person himself, who is the performer of the ritual, gets the opposite effect. Instead of complete alienation, intense passion arises. This happens when a clear goal is not set that is planned to be achieved with the help of a lapel.

The object of the lapel itself may begin to experience spiritual emptiness, become lethargic and apathetic. Unreasonable attacks of anger or paranoia may occur. A person becomes scandalous, can be aggressive and even completely lose control of himself. Together with his feelings for his partner, he may lose his individuality and meaning in life. Suffering from a lack of emotions, the object of the lapel often acquires bad habits, begins to decay morally.

But not only psychological problems may arise. Typically tense emotional condition Not in the best possible way affects a person. Physical and health problems begin. It disappears in men and women sexual desire, heart rhythm is disturbed, changes in energy level often provoke the development of malignant tumors.

It is necessary to clearly understand that once the ritual takes effect, there will never be a way back. Not only the victim, but also the customer (performer) of the ritual himself may suffer from improperly done work. The lack of a clear goal may cause him to suffer from remorse.

For example, when a rival’s man is thus taken away, and she herself is no longer needed for the reason that the passion was caused solely by jealousy.

It doesn’t matter who exactly performs the ritual, the customer still receives a kickback. Exactly energetic force the person in need of a lapel will become the “engine” of execution. You can get rid of a rollback only by leveling the scales good deeds aimed at saving the lives of people or animals.

How does a lapel work?

The motives for performing the ritual are extremely individual, but they act almost identically. Lapels lead to a complete cooling of the feelings of the object of influence. This does not mean that the victim stops loving completely, just that persistent indifference arises. Under the influence of the ritual, a person begins to think that there has never been any love and that the entire past is self-deception.

In fact, a person does not want minimal communication with his once loved one and tries to avoid him in every sense. Physical contact evokes a feeling of disgust just thinking about it. A person begins to think that he made a mistake in his choice or that feelings were imposed by that person to whom he became completely indifferent.

If the feelings were caused by a previously made love spell, then the lapel does not remove its impact. In this case, the consequences can be the most unpredictable. A person begins to experience conflicting feelings, complete alienation is replaced by attacks of sudden passion. Feeling resentment at the mental level against someone who is trying to control him, a person under the influence of magic can suffer from attacks of sudden aggression and experience intense anger. Therefore, everything needs to be done correctly, starting from diagnostics, then removing previous magical effects (cleaning) and then installing your programs.

Collection of love lapels

A lapel is a delicate matter. Before you start work, you need to be well prepared. The first thing you need to do is clearly define your motives. Magical influence Those who have good goals will always have a good result. Moreover, if the goal is poorly defined and is destructive, for example, out of revenge on a man or a rival, then the consequences will also be negative. Understanding all the responsibilities and defining the right goal, you can start working.

Below are collected effective and proven lapel rituals that can be applied depending on the capabilities and personal preferences of the subject. Ideally, it is easier to direct the impact when there is communication with the victim, but if there is no communication for some reason, then it is quite possible to turn away from a distance.

On a spoon and a candle

This lapel ritual is performed at midnight from Friday to Saturday. You will need to prepare in advance: water in a container, a church wax candle, a spoon.

Important! So that the spoon used for the ritual is used by the object of the lapel.

Light a candle and heat a spoon on it (not necessarily red hot, just hold it for a few minutes), then quickly lower it into cold water. While she is in the water, read the lapel spell:

"How is this spoon in cold water is cooling down, so are you (name), cool down! Forget about my rival, the black snake (name), and about your lust for her. The eyes don’t see her, the lips don’t speak to her, the soul doesn’t reach out to her, the body doesn’t miss her! You only see me, you only hear me, you only want to be with me! Just as this spoon will remain in my house, so you, the Servant of God (name), will never leave these walls. My word is strong! Amen (three times)."

Perform the ritual up to 3 times until it works.

For poppy seeds

In the case when a girl herself needs to get rid of passion and love for a man, a strong lapel with poppy seeds is suitable. Made from natural black fabric You will need to sew a small bag and fill it with poppy seeds.

Important! Perform the ritual on the waning moon, buy poppy seeds and sew a bag on the same day.

At midnight, make a path of poppy seeds near your loved one’s house, saying the following words:

“Put my feelings to sleep and never wake up again. Close, my heart, from love for the Servant of God (name). Just as poppy seeds are scattered separately, so me (name) and Slave (name) will never more love not to experience. Key. Lock. Language. Seal".

For a glass of fresh milk

This lapel ritual is suitable for those who live together with the object or see him often. Liquid, and especially milk, is charged with information at the molecular level, and the human body consists mainly of water. Drinking rituals are extremely effective; such a strong lapel will forever help you get rid of the passion that interferes with your life. You will need to take a glass of fresh, cold milk, symbolically spit into it and, while stopping with a spoon, say the following words:

“There are no people who don’t spit. I (my name) give you an instruction to the Servant of God (name) - cool down. Forget about passion for my rival (name), caress her and tenderness. Get rid of lust for Slave (name). Just as this spoon is part of our house, so should you, the Servant of God (name), always be in the house next to me. Amen (three times)."

Drinking spell

This version of the ritual is suitable for women who have frequent communication with the object or live together. It is quite simple and can be done at home. It is produced by charming a liquid intended for drinking by the person on whom the lapel is to be made. It is best if it is clean drinking water, not carbonated.

In order to prepare enchanted water, you need to take a glass of fresh spring or boiled water and read the following words:

“For my beloved Servant of God (his name), I will speak water. My dear, you will drink this water and you will hate my rival (her name, the devil knows her name if it is unknown). You should be angry with her and scold her, don’t let her come to you. Amen".

Lapel in the photo

Rituals in photographs are quite effective, since the photo contains an energetically charged image of a person. In addition, they are quite affordable. This option features a strong release that works almost immediately. Today, getting a photograph of a person is not difficult. In this case, the photo should be as fresh as possible; it should not depict animals, especially children. The photograph must show the subject and the opponent.

As a rule, lapel rituals are performed on the waning moon. It is important that no one distracts you during activities, so it is better to turn off your phone and computer.

Cut or tear the photo in such a way as to separate people, leaving their images separate. At the same time say:

“I, my name (my name). I tear up the photo and order it. As now in photography, so in life. The fate of the Servant of God (the name of the rival) and the Servant of God (the name of the man) will never unite, never be together. From now on, and forever, do not share a bed, do not eat food. Mutual understanding and love cannot be found.
I, Slave (name), conjure on blood and swear by my blood. Life is worse for you than a cat and a dog and different sides disperse. My word is strong, my words are true. Amen".

Lapel on a raw egg

This ritual is simple, but gives a good result if the person performing it has strong energy and the desire to achieve results. The goal must be justified. It will be necessary to take on the waning moon raw eggs in the amount of two pieces. It is advisable that they come from the same chicken or at least purchased at the same time. On one egg write the name of the object, and on the second - the rival.

At the same time, break them by throwing them against something hard, then remove them. The smaller the eggs are broken, the better the result. You can do this kind of lapel several times.

Lapel if he left

There are cases when a man leaves his family for his mistress and avoids meeting in every possible way. Most likely, the new passion resorted to magic or simply said nasty things about the family man’s relatives in order to keep him close. A woman needs to do something to bring her rival to clean water and return your loved one to the family. A ritual with cemetery soil will help.

You need to take a handful of earth from the cemetery and read the following words onto it:

“Just as no one can avoid death, so the feelings between (husband’s name and rival’s name) will die,
Instead, the fire of hatred will burn.
The attachment of souls will dissipate like smoke, there will now be quarrels and scandals between you.
My words are power, no one can defeat it.
Not a witch, not a sorceress, not the devil himself.
Key. Lock. Language".

Pour this earth into the place where they walk nearby. It is important that both the man and the woman who need to be separated step on the ground, otherwise the ritual can only affect one of them. Of course, the lapel is accessible only to those who know the whereabouts of the man.

On a pin

When a man is seen in a love affair with another, but does not intend to leave the family, you can use the ancient version of a lapel with a pin. The result of the influence will be the desire to get away from her as soon as possible. An object under magical influence will experience discomfort in the company of the one to whom he is drawn.

It is necessary to purchase a new small pin and discreetly attach it to the item of clothing that he wears most often. When fastening it, you must say the following words:

“My pin, I give you an instruction, is always near the body of my husband, the Servant of God (name). Protect his soul from temptation and temptation. Don’t let forbidden passions and offensive ones overtake my heart. If his thoughts are for memories of another, the needle of conscience and the pain of my soul. My beloved (his name) can only be with me (name). Do not go to the left towards (rival). Only the Servant of God can give me his caresses and tenderness. The eyes don’t see her, the heart doesn’t feel her, the lips don’t speak about her, I want to leave her. The snake (name of rival) feels the point of a pin, the pain of my heart poisons its body with poison. You are a vile homewrecker, know your place, forget my beloved. With someone else you will find love and feminine happiness. My word is strong, my word is law (three times).”

When your loved one is delayed and there are suspicions that he is with his mistress, repeat the words of the conspiracy. Each word must be carefully thought through and visualized.

Important! When it is known for sure that there is a rival, but her name is not known, you need to say “the devil knows her name.”