How many grams should a child eat for a week. How much should a baby eat with artificial feeding. Stages of increasing the need for food while breastfeeding

When a baby appears in a young family, the whole life of the parents begins to revolve around him. Many mothers who give birth for the first time are interested in a huge number of important issues, the first of which is often: “how much should a newborn baby eat in order to gain weight well?”.

And it is right. After all, every woman wants only the best for her child and takes care of him from his very birth. It is important to know how, when and how much to feed your baby.

Natural breastfeeding

Firstly, it is worth saying that modern doctors and pediatricians insist on feeding babies only with mother's milk for at least 6 months of a newborn's life. The fact is that independent international clinical studies have proven significantly higher efficiency such food for the child. Nothing can replace natural feeding.

breastfeeding a newborn baby

The first time the baby is applied to the breast within 2-3 hours from his birth. Mothers may start to worry, since there is practically no milk as such yet. It arrives only for 3-4 days in a normal amount. However, there is no need to worry when the child eats little.

Features of the initial period of a child's life:

  • On early stage the newborn is not yet able to suck strongly. The reflex does not have time to form immediately;
  • Colostrum, which comes first from the mother's breast, is much more nutritious regular milk. Therefore, even a couple of drops of it provide the baby with the necessary amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • The stomach of a small child is still quite tiny (9 ml). It just can't hold more liquid in one go. On average, a child eats 10-12 times in the first day. It is very easy to calculate how many grams of milk he or she will eat - about 100 g (at the same time - you should not worry);
  • It is important to understand that milk will soon begin to arrive, and the baby will not remain hungry. Excessive anxiety only slows down the process of lactation.

"Do not miss the opportunity to cleanse your body of all toxins and harmful bacteria, as well as restore immunity and normal flora gastrointestinal tract.

First 10 days

At this stage, how much a newborn baby should eat depends on his age and weight. In the initial decade, it is very easy to calculate the daily volume of milk. Every day the stomach increases by 10 grams. On the first day, it holds 10 g, on the second - 20 g, and so on. Therefore, it is not difficult to calculate the required amount of food.

To control how much the baby ate, you can weigh him before and immediately after the meal. The difference between the indicators will show the volume of milk received.


Many young mothers are worried about how many times a newborn baby should eat. modern medicine slightly different from the traditions of the Soviet Union and offers to feed the baby as needed, only when the baby actively requires the breast. All children are different. Forcibly restricting food in time can cause a variety of digestive disorders.

Nuances worth remembering:

  1. Normal lactation is established 3-4 days after birth;
  2. The approximate number of feedings per day is 10-12 times;
  3. The interval between meals is 1.5-2 hours;
  4. On average, a baby suckles at the breast for 15-30 minutes. Sometimes the process can take up to 40 minutes. The child should not be disturbed. However, feeding for more than an hour leads to an overload of the baby.

To know how much to eat breast milk newborn baby in more late age, just open any site with recommendations for young parents. On the Internet, it is easy to find special tables with a detailed description of the increase in the weight of the baby and the required amount of milk per 1 dose.

artificial nutrition

a newborn baby should eat an average of 10-12 times a day

The rules described above are suitable for natural feeding of the baby. If the mother, for one reason or another, cannot provide her child with a breast, then special milk mixtures are used.

Basic points with such a diet of a small person:

  • Mode. Here you need to follow a certain schedule. It is necessary to feed the newborn at least 8 times a day;
  • An approximate calculation of the size of portions is carried out, as with breastfeeding;
  • It is important not to overdo it and not overfeed the baby;
  • In most cases, it is not difficult to find out the required dose. dairy nutrition. Modern packaging clearly shows how, when and how much to use.
  • From the first decade to one and a half months - a fifth of the weight of the newborn;
  • From one and a half to four months - the sixth;
  • From four to six months - the seventh;
  • From six to eight months - the eighth;
  • From eight to a year - a ninth of the weight of the baby.

Selected Features

When a child is formula-fed, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. If the baby ate some less than normal- do not worry. IN next move he will make up for the lack;
  2. At artificial food absorbed more slowly than breast milk. Therefore, the breaks between meals should be longer (about 2-3 hours);
  3. When the baby wakes up at night and cries, then - this does not mean that he is hungry. Often children suffer from colic or just need to burp;
  4. When constantly bad mood, a weak increase in mass, you need to contact a pediatrician.

at proper nutrition a newborn baby - his weight must constantly increase

Proper nutrition of the newborn is the key to his health and adequate development.

In the future, the portion size will increase until it reaches a value of 700-900 ml per day. This happens around 6 months of age. But by this time, mothers already perfectly understand their children and the question of how much a newborn should eat, as a rule, does not arise.

Formulas for calculating the volume of one serving

Exists simple circuit, which allows you to determine how much a newborn baby should eat every day. It is especially useful for those who feed the baby with milk mixtures.

So, if the weight of the crumbs does not exceed 3200 g, then you need to multiply the number of days of his life by 70. For example, a child is 4 days old, he weighs 3 kg, which means that he should receive 280 ml of milk per day. To determine a single dose, you need to divide the resulting number by the number of feedings. For a four-day-old artificial baby, this is 9 times. Therefore, one serving will approximately equal 30-35 g.

If the child weighs more than 3200 g, then instead of 70, the number of days of life must be multiplied by 80, and the rest of the forums remain unchanged.

But how to understand how much a newborn should eat when he has grown a little? Here, too, everything is simple:

  • At week 2 and up to 2 months, the daily norm of milk will be equal to 1/5 of body weight;
  • 2-4 months - 1/6;
  • From 4 months to six months - 1/7;
  • From 6 to 8 months - 1/8;
  • And 8-12 months - 1/9.

The only thing to remember when using these formulas: the daily volume of milk should not exceed 1200 ml.

How many times should a newborn eat, and is he getting enough milk?

Attentive parents always know how much a newborn eats, and can accurately tell if he has enough food. How? It's simple: they observe his behavior and condition.

If the baby sleeps peacefully between meals and evenly gains weight, then there is no reason for concern. On the other hand, if the child often suffers from colic, he does not gain or does not gain weight well, then most likely he does not eat enough.

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“How much should a child eat in order to be healthy and develop well?” - is one of the most topical issues for the mother from the moment the baby is born.

How much should a child eat

It is important for every mother that her baby eats well and gains weight well. Pediatricians and child nutritionists have developed a daily food intake for children from birth. These norms are approximate and are advisory in nature, because children are all very different and their needs for the amount of food may differ. Some babies are more active, others are calmer, different children different metabolic rate and different constitution. A child may have a very good appetite, but be thin at the same time, or he may eat little and remain quite well-fed.

In no case should you by hook or by crook try to "shove" into the baby all the age norm the volume of the mixture or porridge. If the child is underweight (), lethargic and has poor appetite, then it needs to be investigated. If he eats less than the age norm, but at the same time he is cheerful, cheerful and active, then everything is fine with the baby, just his body needs a little less food.

Overweight children are often simply overfed, especially zealous in an effort to feed their grandmother's baby. Remember, if a child is constantly overfed, he develops abnormal eating habits, he gains excess weight and, as a result, all this is fraught with obesity and related diseases.

Below are the approximate daily amounts of food for children from birth to 5 years. These norms can serve as a guideline for parents in organizing proper and healthy nutrition for their children.

How much should a child eat: From birth to month

The anxiety of a woman who has just become a mother for her baby in his first month of life is especially strong: does he have enough milk and is it nutritious enough, does his son or daughter eat up? After all, if the baby is breastfed, then it is impossible to understand how much he eats in one feeding. You can determine if a newborn is full by the following signs:

A well-fed child falls asleep at the breast after suckling;
a baby who has enough milk when feeding on demand maintains intervals between meals from 1.5 to 4 hours during the day and from 2 to 6 hours at night;
during periods of wakefulness, a well-fed baby is active and shows interest in the world around him.

If the baby cannot stand even a half-hour break between attachments to the breast, is restless and cannot fall asleep after feeding, does not gain weight well, then it can be assumed that he either does not have enough mother's milk, or it is not nutritious enough and the baby does not eat up. If such suspicions arise, then the pediatrician, before offering to supplement the baby with mixtures, prescribes a control feeding. The baby is weighed before and after feeding, and depending on the results of the weighing, the doctor determines whether the baby needs complementary foods.

If the child is on artificial feeding, then assessing whether he eats enough is much easier. In the first 10 days after birth, a baby needs an amount of milk per feeding equal to his age in days multiplied by 10. That is, if the baby is 5 days old, then he needs 50 ml of milk per feeding.

An infant from 10 days to a month needs to eat about 600 ml of the mixture per day. You can more accurately determine how much food a baby needs, focusing on its weight. The child should eat per day the volume of the mixture, equal to 1/5 of his weight. So, a baby weighing 3500 grams needs 700 ml of milk per day. This amount of the mixture is divided into 6-7 feedings.

How much should a child eat: From a month to two

On average, a child aged one to two months should eat about 800 ml of milk or formula milk per day. You can calculate the rate more accurately, focusing on the height and weight of a particular baby. To do this, divide the weight of the crumbs in grams by his height in centimeters and multiply the result by 7. So, a child weighing 4500 grams and 56 cm tall needs to eat 562 ml of milk per day. You can use a simpler formula: a child at 2 months old should eat a volume of food that is 1/6 of his weight. Let's calculate the volume of milk for an infant weighing 4500 grams according to this formula: the child will need 750 ml of milk per day.

Thus, when counting according to different formulas, the result diverges by almost 200 grams. The difference can be taken as the minimum and maximum amount: a child at 2 months weighing 4500 grams per day needs from 570 to 750 ml of the mixture. This amount is divided into 5-6 feedings.

How much should a child eat: Two to three months

For crumbs aged two to three months, the daily rate of the mixture is calculated in the same way as in the second month of life and is 1/6 of the child's weight. On average, the norm for a three-month-old baby is 700-800 ml per day. If the child is on breastfeeding, then on average he eats the same 700-800 ml. Often, a mother notices that by the age of three months, the baby began to demand breasts more often and worries that there is not enough milk and the baby has become malnourished. By the age of three months, the child's need for milk has really increased and this often leads to a lactation crisis. In order for the amount of milk from the mother to increase and breastfeeding to normalize, it is enough just to put the baby to the breast more often - the more often he suckles, the more milk will be. Supplementing with formula should only be done after consultation with a pediatrician or breastfeeding specialist.

How much should a child eat: Three to four months

By four months, the child should eat about 900 ml of formula milk per day. The norm can also be calculated based on the weight of the baby: the daily volume of the mixture should be 1/7 of the weight of the child. However, this method is only suitable for children whose weight is within the age norm. If the baby's body weight exceeds the age norm, then a mixture of 900-1000 ml should be given per day, a single serving should not exceed 200 ml. Formula-fed babies can be supplemented, children who are breastfed by their mothers do not need it.

How much should a child eat: Four to five months

The volume of food that a child should receive from four to five months is 950-1000 ml. This amount of food should be divided into 5-6 feedings. If the child is bottle-fed, then at five months, pediatricians recommend starting to introduce vegetable food. This is especially true for children with frequent constipation. You need to start with a one-component vegetable puree: for example, with zucchini or broccoli. Complementary foods are introduced from one teaspoon per day and gradually, during the week, its amount is adjusted to 150 grams. First, the child needs to be given complementary foods, and then supplemented with a mixture. For the first time, in one of the feedings, the crumbs should be offered a teaspoon of complementary foods, then 180 ml of the mixture is given. Gradually, the amount of complementary foods increases, and the amount of the mixture decreases. By the end of the week, one of the feedings will almost completely be vegetable puree: 150 g of complementary foods and only 50 ml of the mixture.

Breastfed babies may need complementary foods at five months if the mother does not have enough milk, or if it is not nutritious enough. The decision to introduce complementary foods is made by the pediatrician observing the baby when the child has a lack of weight according to the age norm. In this case, the pediatrician will recommend starting to give porridge. You need to start with one teaspoon in one of the feedings, then the baby is given a breast. For a week, the volume of porridge should be brought to 150 ml. and replace her with one of the feedings.

How much should a child eat: Six months

Six months is the age when complementary foods appear in a child's diet, if they have not been introduced before. Only breast milk, and even more so a mixture, is no longer enough for a six-month-old toddler. Complementary foods are introduced gradually and by the seventh month the child should eat about 500 ml of formula or breast milk per day, 150 g of porridge, 150 g of vegetable puree, 30 g meat puree, 60 gr fruit puree, 40 gr cottage cheese and a quarter egg yolk, as well as 60 ml of fruit baby juice. All this volume of food is divided into 5 receptions.

How much should a child eat: Seven months

By seven months, bread and baby biscuits are introduced into the child's diet. The volume of the daily ration is slightly increased. The baby is entitled to 500 ml of formula or breast milk, 170 g of porridge, 160 g of vegetable puree and 50 g of meat, 70 g of fruit puree, 40 g of cottage cheese, 70 g of fruit juice, half an egg yolk, 5 g of bread and 5 g of cookies.

How much should a child eat: Eight months

At eight months, the baby's diet remains about the same as at seven. An eight-month-old child should eat about 500 ml of formula or breast milk per day, 170 g of porridge, 180 g of vegetable puree and 50 g of meat, 40 g of cottage cheese, 80 g of fruit puree, half an egg yolk, 5 g of bread and 10 g of cookies.

How much should a child eat: nine to ten months

By nine months, fish is introduced into the child's diet, the daily amount of food consumed becomes larger. The baby needs 550 ml of formula or breast milk. Part of this volume (200 ml) may be kefir. Porridge should be 180 grams per day, 180 grams of vegetable puree, 60 grams of meat or 30 grams of fish, 50 grams of cottage cheese, 100 grams of fruit puree, half an egg yolk, 70 grams of fruit juice, 10 grams of bread and 10 grams of cookies.

How much should a child eat: eleven to twelve months

A one-year-old toddler is supposed to eat 350 ml of a mixture or breast milk, 200 ml of kefir, 200 g of porridge, 110 g of fruit puree, 200 g of vegetable puree, 70 g of meat or 60 g of fish, 50 g of cottage cheese, 100 ml of fruit juice, 10 g of bread, 15 g of cookies and half a day. egg yolk.

How much should a child eat: One and a half to two years

The diet of a two-year-old baby does not change significantly compared to a one-year-old. It must contain cereals, vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, eggs and milk. A two-year-old baby can already chew food, so by the age of one and a half, instead of mashed potatoes, the child is offered to eat food mashed with a fork, and at two years they are given dishes cut into small pieces. The total daily volume of food in 1.5 years should be 1000-1200 gr, and in two - 1200-1400 gr, of which 600 ml is milk and 200 ml is kefir. Daily rate food is divided into 5 doses of 250-300 grams for each meal.

How much should a child eat: Three to four years

The diet of a three-year-old child consists of three main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and one or two snacks. The daily norm is approximately 1500 ml, the calorie norm is 1550 kcal per day. Pork, boiled sausage or sausages (70 grams per day), pasta, pancakes or pancakes (100 grams of flour products per day) are added to the diet of a three-year-old. It is not recommended at this age to offer children smoked and pickled foods, chocolate.

How much should a child eat: Five years

A five-year-old child needs about 2000 kcal per day, which is about 2000 ml of food. The main requirement for the diet is variety and the presence in it of products vital for the development of children. IN children's diet there must be a variety of cereals, meat, fish, dairy and dairy products, vegetables, fruits, eggs. Children eat at this age 4 times a day, lunch should be the most high-calorie.

As soon as the baby was born, every "new mother" is concerned: how much and how often should a baby eat in order to fully grow, develop and be healthy.

How much food do newborns need in the first days of life

After childbirth, a woman produces a special substance - colostrum. It is nutritious, much more satisfying than mature milk, his baby needs very little. In the following days, the mother produces regular milk.

How the child's appetite increases can be judged by the following data:

The first day the baby is enough to eat one spoonful of colostrum. His stomach is still quite small, and colostrum is quite high-calorie.

On the second day, the child needs a portion of colostrum increased to two tablespoons.

It takes longer to feed a newborn on the third day, because now he eats more volume.

Every day, the amount of milk for the baby should increase, as well as the time of his feeding. Two weeks later, its portion is about 500 grams per day, by six months it will be up to 1000 grams per day.

The first month is special - both for the baby and for his mother. Already in maternity hospital many women face an incredibly difficult and painful issue.

The baby in the womb was endowed with a sucking reflex, but in fact it is very difficult for him to adapt to his mother's breast. Moreover, newborns have different buildings oral cavity, while women have nipples individual characteristics. These difficulties are surmountable, so young women should not despair.

Features of breastfeeding

For the first month, the baby especially needs mother's milk, so the number of feedings can reach 12 times. The break between feedings is approximately 2-3 hours, but this average, as doctors recommend feeding the baby on demand. The duration of feeding is from 15 to 40 minutes.

Artificial feeding

With this type of feeding, there is a danger of overeating in a child, then he may experience an upset stomach. Therefore, it is very important to calculate the required amount of nutrition for him. In this case, you need to be based on the recommendations of the doctor, which he will give after examining the baby.

There is an easy way to calculate the amount of food. You need to multiply the number of days from birth by 10. Let's say on the fifth day of life you need 50

Every mother is concerned about the nutrition of her crumbs. How much did my baby eat? Is this enough for him? Maybe he's hungry? Let's look at the detailed calculations and determine right amount milk for your baby. Many doctors use the data obtained for their recommendations. The main factors affecting the amount of milk needed are the age and weight of the child.

In the first three days, the volume of the stomach of a newborn is 7 ml. He determines the required amount of food. On the fourth day, the need increases almost six times - up to 40 ml. By the end of the first decade, 80-90 ml is required. Already at the end of the first month, the baby should consume about 100 ml. Pediatricians allocate calculations necessary nutrition from the first to the tenth day, and calculations from ten days to one year.

The first ten days are calculated as follows:

For a single volume necessary for a newborn, you need to take the child's age in days and multiply it by ten. The above calculation is considered the simplest and easiest.

The daily volume depends on the weight of the child. There are two different calculation schemes, the choice of which is influenced by the mass of the crumbs. 1. If the weight is less than or equal to 3.2kg. To determine the daily norm, you need to multiply the age of the child in days by 70. For example, for a 6-day-old baby, you need 420 ml. If we divide the amount received by the number of recommended feedings, we get a one-time rate: 420 × 8 \u003d 52.5 ml (can be rounded up to 55 ml).

2. If the body weight exceeds 3.2 kg. In this case, we multiply the daytime age by 80. Consider an example. At 9 days, the baby weighs 4.1 kg. The daily rate is 720 ml, and a single volume is 90 ml.

When the age of the child exceeds ten days, then the calculation scheme is different. IN this case the required daily volume will no longer depend on day old. The baby is no longer growing so intensively, for this reason, such a need disappears. Calculations can be carried out once a month according to the following scheme:

10 days - 6 weeks: 1/5 of the child's weight;

6 weeks - 4 months: 1/6 of the child's weight;

4-6 months: 1/7 of baby's weight;

6 - 8 months: 1/8 body weight;

8-12 months: 1/9 of body weight

It is important to remember: the volume of all food for a child up to a year should not exceed 1.2 liters.

Let's look at a couple of examples

1. At 1 month, the child weighs 3500 grams. The daily volume will be five times less weight child, that is, 600 gr.

2. At 7 months, the weight of the baby is 7200 gr. He should consume 900 grams per day.

3. At 9 months, the weight is 1.2 kg. The daily rate in the calculation is 1.333 - this exceeds the norm. Therefore, the required amount is reduced to 1200 ml.

These calculations are more suitable for babies who are bottle-fed. Such children eat eight times a day. If the child is breastfed, then the number of single feedings can increase up to twelve times, which will significantly reduce the single volume.

You can often see overweight during the first months of a child's life. This can be explained by the sucking reflex, strongly pronounced during this period. It will be right if the mother begins to navigate by the weight of the child. The norm is a weekly increase of 150 - 200 grams. If infant adds less than 100 grams, then he most likely does not have enough milk, but other reasons cannot be ruled out. You can read more about this in the article "Bad weight gain in babies." The lack of breast milk is compensated by the introduction of additional complementary foods.

To determine the amount of milk consumed by the child, control weighing is used. The baby is weighed before and after feeding. A prerequisite will be the same clothes and diapers. The difference in body weight before and after feeding will be the amount of milk that the baby sucked.

In the hot season or the heating season, all children, regardless of the type of feeding, are recommended to be supplemented with boiled water. There are also other indications that would additionally give crumbs water. For example, when mom ate fatty foods.

Be sure to consult with the pediatrician or neonatologist who is watching your baby before making any decision.

Author of the publication: Margarita Ignatova

The birth of a new life always raises new questions: is his skin care enough, is he dressed warmly, is everything in order with his health, and, most importantly, how much breast milk should a newborn eat. Even if a mother has experience caring for children, it will never be superfluous to update this store of knowledge.

How is lactation established?

To understand how much breast milk a newborn should eat, you need to understand what the neonatal period is and how lactation changes at this moment.

Newborn is the period that lasts from 1 to 28 days after birth. The child is going through the process of adaptation to extrauterine existence, the woman at this time is lactating and the body is recovering after childbirth.

From the moment a baby is born and touches the breast for the first time, hormonal system the mother initiates a phase of active lactation, as a result of which the child receives the first portion of colostrum. From day 1 to day 8, the mammary glands continue to produce colostrum, and, starting from day 4, it is gradually replaced by early milk. From days 8 to 21/40, the stage of transitional milk begins, and, finally, from 22 or 40 days to 2 years, mature milk is released.

If the mother actively feeds the child in the first month of life, then the mammary glands adapt well to all subsequent stages of lactogenesis. At the same time, it is important to feed exactly on demand, once every one and a half or two hours, as well as several times at night.

On initial stage Milk production is regulated mainly by prolactin and oxytocin. But in phase mature lactation breast filling no longer depends on hormones, but on the degree of its devastation. The arrival of mature lactation is evidenced by the softness of the breast, the feeling that it is not sufficiently filled before feeding, and during this period there is no pain at the time of milk arrival, and its production occurs during feeding.

Changes in the breast occur in accordance with the growing needs of the baby. And if you feed him on demand, regularly apply during the day and night, then the child will eat and develop in accordance with the norms.

How much should a baby eat per feed

How much breast milk a newborn should eat depends on his age. The baby is born with a 7 ml stomach. Not surprisingly, physiologically at a time, he is unlikely to be able to take a portion of more than one teaspoon. And if a mother produces very little milk, this does not mean that it is not enough. Colostrum is high in calories and covers all the needs of the baby.

The approximate amount of food needed for a healthy baby per feeding can be represented as follows:

  • 1 day - 5 ml;
  • 2 day - 10-15 ml;
  • 3 day - 35-40 ml;
  • 4 day - 50-60 ml;
  • Day 5 - 65-70 ml.

In the future, to calculate the required daily amount of nutrition, pediatricians advise the formula: age in days multiplied by 70 for babies weighing less than 3200 g, and by 80 for children weighing more than 3200 g. For example, the child is 10 days old, he weighs 3250 g. The daily volume of milk will be 10 × 80 = 800 ml. If a child eats about 8 times a day, then he will need about 100 ml of milk for a single feeding. However, these are average indicators that are more suitable for monitoring artificial feeding by the hour. In the case of breast milk, everything is regulated naturally: if the baby has not eaten from one breast, the mother can offer him the second, and after a while again attach to the first, until the needs of the child are satisfied.

Home " Food " Norm of nutrition baby by weeks. How much does a newborn eat

During the first month of life, the baby practically does not show activity. He can only move his legs and arms a little. But this is quite enough for a small person. All nutrients, which he receives from the mixture or mother's milk, go to growth and physical development. A little more time will pass, and new member families will begin to independently hold a spoon and show their eating habits. Until six months, the baby's menu does not differ in great variety.

Breastfeeding or formula?

If there is a choice: to feed the baby with a formula or breast milk, it is, of course, better to stop at the second option. Unfortunately, in Lately many new mothers do not want to enjoy the lactation period. They transfer their babies to mixtures immediately after discharge from the hospital. This act is motivated by the fact that breastfeeding spoils the shape of the mammary glands. This is not entirely true. Baby food at 1 month does not affect a woman's breasts at all. The mammary glands take on a different shape during pregnancy.

It is considered ideal for a child. Experts say that every woman produces nutrition for the baby, which has unique properties and composition. And it doesn't matter how much the child eats. 1 month of breast milk feeding allows you to charge the baby with strength for the rest of his life.

If for a number of reasons a woman cannot continue breastfeeding, you should not be upset. There are many mixtures on the market today that can replace mother's milk. But preference should be given only to an expensive high-quality product.

Baby always wants to eat

Many mothers complain that the child constantly cries during the first month of life. Peace can only be maternal breast or a bottle. Is the baby always hungry? How much should a baby eat at 1 month? Despite the fact that the baby sleeps a lot and is practically motionless, he needs good nutrition. The child eats a lot. He needs to gain strength, develop mentally and physically.

Mothers who breastfeed their babies generally do not have to worry about feeding their baby at 1 month. The baby should be offered the breast on demand. If he wants to, he will eat. Breast milk cannot harm the baby. The kid can eat it as much as he wants.

With children who are on the case is a little different. The formula is a complete breast milk substitute. But eating such a plan can be difficult for a newborn's weak stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to feed the baby by the hour.

The following table is for infants under the age of six months. Mothers of babies of the first month of life can also be guided by it.



Artificial feeding

Feeding occurs every 2-3 hours. Applications for every requirement. 8-10 applications per day

Feeding every 3-4 hours. Strict observance of the schedule. 6-8 feedings per day. The volume of one feeding should not exceed 100 ml.

1-4 months

Reducing the number of feedings by improving nighttime sleep. 6-8 applications per day

5-6 feedings per day. The volume of one feeding increases to 130 ml.

4-6 months

5-6 applications per day. The baby starts eating food.

4-5 feedings per day. The volume of one serving is 150 ml.

The data is indicative. All children develop differently. Some have a good appetite, while others will have to be forced. The main thing to rely on is the weight gain of the baby and his general well-being.

The child is not gaining weight

The lack of weight gain should alert the young mother in the first place. The first reason for this condition may be the fact that the child simply does not eat up. Sometimes children spend the whole day at their mother's breasts and remain hungry at the same time. If this situation occurs, then the child’s nutrition is not complete. Perhaps it makes sense to transfer the baby to mixed food. But in no case should you stop lactation.

Children who are bottle-fed can also not eat up. If the baby is naughty and does not sleep well at night and is considered absolutely healthy, it is worth increasing the portion of the mixture. How much should a child eat at 1 month, every mother knows. But some children may deviate from generally accepted norms.

Baby refuses to breastfeed

It is not uncommon for women to successfully breastfeed their babies for several weeks, and then the idyll is broken. The baby stops breastfeeding. There may be several reasons for this problem. The baby may or may not be able to breastfeed due to nasal congestion. In any case, you should not panic. Lactation can always be restored.

The first thing a mother should do is to find out the reason for the baby's refusal to breastfeed. If all else fails and the baby continues to refuse milk, you should contact a lactation consultant. The specialist will tell you how much a child should eat at 1 month and how to help him return to his mother's breast.

Rule out allergic reactions

The first month of life is quite common. The baby's body is rebuilt from the womb to the outside world. Even the most common foods that a young mother consumes can cause a rash in a child.

A woman during lactation should monitor her diet. Avoid spicy and fatty foods from your diet. You will have to forget about red berries, as well as citrus fruits for a while. Any product should be introduced into the diet gradually. Mom should monitor the reaction of the baby.

During the mother should also not consume chocolate and coffee. These products can be introduced into the diet a little later.

How to choose the right formula for babies?

Although manufacturers now offer high quality infant formulas, some of them can also cause allergic reaction. Often, the transition from breastfeeding to artificial is characterized by a change in the baby's stool. In addition, there may be pain in the tummy or constipation.

Even the highest quality formula cannot replace mother's milk. It is also difficult to answer the question, in 1 month of this or that mixture. After all, food must be offered to the baby in a certain amount. You can't skimp on breastfeeding. Moms need to choose products from a trusted manufacturer that has quality certificates. It is better to purchase the mixture in a pharmacy or in a specialized children's store.

Baby has a stomachache

Breastfeeding can be a problem for many. Especially often babies of the first month of life suffer from colic. Unpleasant sensations in the tummy can cause both the highest quality formula and breast milk. There are many drugs on the market that will help alleviate the condition of the child. But you can give them to a child only after agreement with the pediatrician.

Abdominal pain may be due to gas. During feeding, the baby swallows some air. To eliminate gases from the stomach, after each feeding, it is necessary to carry the baby in a column for 10-15 minutes.

You should not overfeed your baby. This is especially true for those babies who are on artificial feeding. When compiling a portion, the table of nutritional norms should be taken into account.

Should I give water to my baby?

Previously, water was given to babies from the first days of life. It was believed that a bottle of warm water soothes the baby. Now experts say that it is absolutely not necessary to give water to a child who is breastfed. In addition, by offering a bottle to a child, the mother risks completing the lactation process. Many babies refuse to breastfeed, as bottled water is much easier to obtain.

You can offer a little water to the baby only in the summer heat. And even in this case, it is advisable to drink the baby from a spoon. But children on artificial feeding can drink water even in winter. But the first thing a mother should rely on is a 1-month diet. After drinking more water, the baby will not want to eat the mixture.

Choosing a bottle

The success of feeding largely depends on the dishes that the mother uses. For babies on artificial feeding, these are first of all high-quality bottles. Today, utensils for feeding babies are made of glass and high-strength plastic. Preference should be given to the first option.

Glass is an environmentally friendly material. In addition, in such a bottle heat is perfectly retained. The size of the bottle should be chosen according to the age of the baby.

This question, probably, at least once was asked by every woman with children. And most likely, the concern about the malnutrition of the crumbs arose after the conclusion of the pediatrician that the baby needs to be supplemented: they say that he is underweight. Doctors really determine whether a baby has enough milk, according to monthly increase. But modern experts do not recommend limiting yourself to this criterion alone. And in general: the approach to breastfeeding today has changed radically. If it seems to you that the baby is not full or that your milk is not enough, do not rush to supplement it! Especially if he only has breasts. With properly organized breastfeeding, there is no need to add infant formula to the diet of a newborn. But for mothers of artificial babies, the question of how many grams of the mixture a newborn should eat at a time or per day is certainly very relevant. However, today we will talk about how much a newborn should eat, located on both IV and GV.

How much breast milk / mixture should a newborn eat: table

In the first hours and days after birth, the baby mostly sleeps, he eats very little. Interestingly, the volume of his ventricle is only 7 ml! But let's remember that it is not in vain that colostrum is so nutritious and there is not so much of it. Moreover, the baby is still quite weak, and cannot actively and for a long time suckle the breast. Gradually, the capacity of the baby's stomach increases, and accordingly, he begins to eat more, gaining strength.

How much a newborn eats depends on a large number of factors, and this must always be remembered! This is the weight of the crumbs at birth, the state of his health, and even the time of day. Appetite and food needs can change constantly. And also great importance has a feature child's body: Different babies have different food needs.

That is why, last but not least, it is extremely important to properly organize breastfeeding from the first days. The kid himself will be able to regulate the amount of food consumed and eat as much as he needs or wants. Modern experts are sure: to undereat or overeat on breastfeeding baby can't! Moreover, after a certain period after childbirth, mother's milk begins to be produced in a certain mode: that is, exactly in the amount that her baby needs specifically at a given age stage(in response to the volume eaten by the crumbs).

However, due to some reasons, in certain situations, it is still necessary to know how much a child should normally eat. We will talk about this in detail, but for now we offer a table in which the approximate norms for children from birth to a year are indicated - and it is very convenient and simple.

How many grams of breast milk/formula should a newborn baby up to a year eat?

This Geibern calculation is just one of many options.

We draw your special attention to the fact that the figures given are only a guideline. In each individual case, the norm may differ from that indicated in the table. It largely depends on the type of feeding. But in any case, a child under one year old should not eat more than 1200 ml per day! Overeating is no less harmful and dangerous than undereating.

The amount eaten by the baby at a time is primarily of interest to mothers whose children eat mixtures. Moreover, in this case, it is important to adhere to the feeding regimen: since the mixture is digested much longer than breast milk, the intervals between feedings should be an average of 3 hours.

Food jars usually indicate the norm for a child of a certain age. But pediatricians believe that this clean water commerce: the more the child eats, the faster the package will run out, and you will have to buy more often. And therefore, it is necessary to determine the portion rate for your crumbs in a different way - relative to the age and body weight of the newborn.

There are many different ways to do this.

How to determine a single serving of milk/formula for a newborn:

  • The simplest formula: N*10=X, where N is the age of the child in days, and X is the amount of milk eaten at a time.
  • The weight of a newborn baby (g) must be divided by his height (cm). The resulting number will be the approximate one-time amount of food for the crumbs.

How to determine the daily portion of milk / formula for a newborn:

  • It depends on the weight of the child. If the baby weighs less than 3200 g, then the formula looks like this: N * 70 \u003d X, where N is the child’s age in days, and X is the amount of milk eaten per day. With a weight of more than 3200 g, the formula is: N * 80 \u003d X.
  • Starting from the age of two months, the newborn should eat 800 ml of milk / formula per day, and with each next month 50 ml are added to this volume, that is, at 8 months, the daily portion averages 1110 ml.

Despite the variety of ways to calculate one-time and daily portions of formula / milk for a newborn, all children have their own food needs. different kids at the same age, they can eat unequal amounts, but at the same time it is equally good to gain weight and develop. This is what should be taken into account in the first place, assessing whether the child is full. Mainly, focus on his behavior and well-being during and after feeding. And also consider weight gain (but this is far from the most important criterion!): 150-200 g per week is the golden mean.

You can also do a wet diaper test: during the day, only diapers should be used instead of diapers! After 24 hours from the start of the experiment, the number of diapers used should be counted: if there are at least 12, then there is nothing to worry about.

To determine how much the baby eats at a time, simply by weighing the child before and after feeding, always in the same clothes. The difference will show the portion he consumed. However, such a single weighing should in no case be taken as indicative: portions of sucked from feeding to feeding breast milk can be very different! Moreover, babies are usually applied to the breast much more often (approximately 10-12 times a day) than artificial ones eat (on average 8 times a day), and therefore they eat less at a time. Therefore, in order to draw more or less objective conclusions, control weighings must be carried out for several days in a row.

And in general, with regard to babies, everything is completely different here.

In order not to worry about the lack of breast milk, the lactation process must be established immediately, and done correctly. The easiest way is to invite a breastfeeding consultant: he will teach you how to properly attach the baby to the breast and talk about all the possible nuances.

The most important thing that a nursing mother should know and consider is the following:

  1. Much more important is how much a newborn eats per day, and not at a time. One feeding cannot be indicative.
  2. A child's appetite and need for food is constantly changing, especially in the first weeks and months of life, and this is normal. And therefore, you should not control the amount of food eaten by the child at this time: just offer him a breast every time on demand, without limiting!
  3. In no case should you refuse a baby in the chest!
  4. Make sure that during feedings the child will certainly suck out the back milk - it is the most valuable and nutritious. That is, do not change breasts often. Hind milk enters the baby after at least 15 minutes from the start of continuous sucking.
  5. Breast milk is produced most actively at night, and therefore it is extremely important to feed the crumbs at night!
  6. The fat content and nutritional value of breast milk is also constantly changing, and it is almost impossible to determine them “by eye”.
  7. In the first three months, the production of breast milk is regulated by hormones, and therefore problems with lactation during this period are infrequent. But if the process is not set up correctly, then errors will almost certainly surface after this period.
  8. After three months, breast milk is produced in response to the offer: that is, it begins to be produced in the amount that your baby needs now. It is after a 3-month milestone that it may seem to the mother that there is less milk, because the breast between feedings is no longer poured, as before. This is an erroneous opinion. Despite its softness and apparent emptiness, there is enough milk in the breast. You can feel the milk coming directly during feeding - there is a tingling sensation in the mammary gland.
  9. It is during this period that the child begins to change the feeding regimen: he can apply more or less than usual, take the breast and immediately throw it, etc. Now this is normal. But many mothers unknowingly think that, probably, there is less milk - and the child is hungry.
  10. Exist lactation crises when less breast milk is produced temporarily. At this time, there is a restructuring in the process of its development in response to the changing needs of the child. If lactation is adjusted correctly and the woman continues to offer the baby a breast each time, then he is able to survive the milk crisis without any damage and wait for the amount of food he needs.
  11. A healthy newborn who is exclusively breastfed cannot starve if he has unlimited access to the breast.
  12. Do not express breast milkto determine its amount. You may not squeeze out anything, but this does not mean at all that your chest is empty, but doubt and anxiety are provided after that. And the fact that the baby constantly “hangs” on his chest is his physiological need, and not a sign of malnutrition.
  13. Also, do not try to increase the fat content of milk - it does not make any sense. It is much more important to enjoy the process of breastfeeding and not be nervous once again.

However, you won’t have to be nervous: if the breastfeeding process is set up correctly, and the newborn receives breasts whenever he wants, there is no reason to worry about malnutrition, modern pediatricians are sure. And this is another undeniable huge benefit of breastfeeding.

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIEVA

How much a newborn should eat is mainly of concern to mothers whose babies are bottle-fed, but Amurochka will tell in detail about the volumes of breast milk and formula sucked out by the baby, as well as how much water should be given and under what circumstances.

How much does a breastfed newborn eat

The volume of the ventricle of a newborn child is only 7 ml, so for the first 2-3 days of life when breastfeeding, a few drops of colostrum per feeding are enough for him to fill up. The main thing is to provide the child with unhindered access to the breast so that he can apply when he wants to. Do not worry that the baby will overeat breast milk: newborns themselves feel how much they suck.

Newborns up to 3 months, or even up to 6 months, who are breastfed, may not need additional water supplementation at all, since 1/3 of the milk drunk per feeding is a nutrient substance, and 2/3 is a liquid that replaces water. But regularly offer a few drops of boiled, cooled to room temperature water from a teaspoon is a must. If the room is not hot, the child is not wrapped up excessively, then most likely he will refuse water, but your task is to often offer.

A few important things about how much a newborn breastfed baby should eat:

  • Do not try to check the amount of milk eaten from the breast by pumping out with suction: nothing may be sucked or less than that what is really there. Main criterion the fact that the baby had enough and he ate - his calm behavior.
  • Offer breasts on demand, indefinitely, including at night.
  • Do not refuse to feed your child, because the needs of a growing baby in milk can increase daily.
  • Try to let the baby suck out "hind milk" from the distant ducts of the breast. It begins to flow to the child only after 15 minutes of sucking.
  • At 3 months of a baby's life, the breast is rebuilt to the mode of milk production according to the needs of the child. The baby can get a lot of milk at a time and quickly, so the mother may notice that he has finished sucking sooner than usual, but do not worry that he has not eaten: at this stage and beyond, the amount of milk in the breast = the needs of the child.
  • Lactation crises associated with a clear decrease in milk in the breast are solved by regular breastfeeding.

How much does a bottle-fed newborn eat?

If the baby is applied to the breast "on demand", then on willows (artificial feeding) it is important to observe a break of 2.5-3 hours between feedings, otherwise the mixture will not have time to be digested, because it is absorbed much longer than breast milk.

Manufacturers of mixtures often indicate "norms" of how much a newborn should eat at a time and during the day. But in many ways, the numbers on the jars are dictated by commercial considerations (easier to eat, faster to buy new jar), and among the consequences of regurgitation and excessive weight gain. Therefore, pediatricians recommend calculating necessary for the baby volume based on exact weight and age.

To ensure that the child does not remain hungry, but also does not overeat, it is important to give him such a volume of formula that corresponds to his age and weight.

More precisely determine the volume of the mixture in your specific case For a newly born baby, the formula will help:

  • If the child weighs less than 3200 grams, then N * 70 \u003d X, where N is the child’s age in days, and X is the amount of milk eaten per day (note: per day, not per feeding!)
  • If the child weighs more than 3200 grams, then N*80=X.

From the age of 2 months, the baby drinks about 800 ml of the mixture per day, and then with each new month, 40-50 ml is added to this volume. That is, by the year about 1100 - 1200 ml of the mixture per day.

On artificial feeding, a child must definitely drink water, no matter if he is 3 days old or 3 months old. In this regard, the willow is radically different from the Guards. Therefore, constantly offer him a bottle of boiled water cooled to room temperature. The amount of water you drink is according to your needs. The child will determine when to stop and stop drinking.

How to understand that a newborn is full

All babies, even a few days old, are different. Their needs are different, so there are no unambiguous criteria for how much a newborn should eat: babies can eat unequal amounts of milk / mixture, but normally gain weight and develop.

To determine that a newborn is full, he can have enough food by the following signs:

  • The child soon falls asleep after feeding, or calmly looks around, does not worry, does not cry, does not pull and does not ask for a pacifier.
  • Weight gain should be about 150-200 grams per week.
  • During the day, the baby writes at least 8 - 10 diapers.

On average, children on the IV are fed 8 times a day, on the guards - 10-12. If the child eats much less, it makes sense to show him to the pediatrician to rule out a cold or virus, despite the fact that the portion from feeding to feeding can normally be different.