What you can do together with your loved one. What to do in the evening for a young couple without children or animals

Sometimes it happens that you come home from work and have nothing to do. Boredom and idleness are not the best options for spending time in the evening, so you definitely need to find something to do!

How to decide on an occupation?

Before choosing anything specific, ask yourself a few questions:

Who exactly do you want to spend this evening with? For example, if you are planning something for the family, then you need to choose entertainment taking into account the interests of all family members, but if you just don’t want to see anyone, then come up with something interesting for your loved one.

Do you want to leave the house? If not, then you need to choose an activity that is possible at home. For example, on cold winter evenings, not everyone wants to go outside in the cold.

Do you have money to spend on entertainment? If not, then take it from there. Also, define specific amount and only then make further plans.

What's your mood? Want some fun? Call your friends, encourage them to come to a meeting with all the ensuing consequences. Do you want warmth, comfort and love? Spend the evening with your boyfriend (real men don’t need a noisy group of friends, they enjoy spending time with a girl).

Do you have to get up early tomorrow? This moment is also important, because the evening can drag on and smoothly turn into night. But going to work without sleep, with a sore head and obvious symptoms of a hangover is not very good.

Evening in company

If you decide to meet with friends, there are many options:

What can you do with your loved one? There are even more options here!

  1. If you decide to stay at home, then start preparing some unusual dish. Yes, yes, it's incredibly interesting and even sexy. You can arrange a mini-competition: everyone cooks something of their own, and the other evaluates the dish. And when everything is ready, sit down at the table together and have an evening meal with a glass of wine or martini.
  2. Arrange romantic evening. If you are tired of sitting at home, then book a table at a restaurant. But home romance opens up a lot of possibilities. So, the evening can smoothly flow into night, and the lovers will certainly move to the bedroom. And there will be waiting for them, strewn with rose petals and surrounded scented candles. And if you dilute the evening also interesting games(not at all the ones they usually play with friends), then everything will be even more exciting.
  3. Watch the movie. But it's important to do right choice. The picture should suit both partners, so if one loves horror, and the other has nightmares after it, then you should choose some other genre.
  4. Play some game that involves two players: chess, backgammon, dominoes, or something else. It's not only great way take time, but also a great workout for the brain.
  5. Go for an evening walk. Watch the sunset, count the first stars, pick flowers in the forest, roll in the snow (in winter), go to the river (in summer). In general, enjoy Mother Nature, saturate your body with oxygen and lift your spirits.

Family evening

If you have children, they are unlikely to be delighted with bored parents.

Where to go with your child? For example, to a zoo, dolphinarium, oceanarium. Children really like animals and charge them with positive energy. If your city has a petting zoo (where you can touch the inhabitants), then be sure to visit it. And certainly any child will be delighted with the amusement park with a variety of carousels and other entertainment. You can also go to the cinema to watch some cartoon.

If you decide to stay at home in the evening, you can arrange a family reading session and take turns reading some an interesting fairy tale. You can also watch a family movie or play . You can also buy a large puzzle and try to assemble it with the whole family. It is very exciting!

Evening with a friend

If your boyfriend is far away or simply not there, and you don’t want to be bored this evening, then call your friend for help. A wide variety of opportunities will open up for you:

  • Arrange it! Go on a shopping tour and buy yourself something you've been dreaming of for a long time. By the way, a friend will probably appreciate you in this or that thing and make a verdict on whether it is suitable and worth buying.
  • Go to a pizzeria, order a delicious pizza and drink a couple of glasses of soda, a couple of beers or some wine. Your figure will forgive you for this. In addition, if you go home on foot, all the calories consumed will be burned.
  • Have you always wanted to join a gym, but didn't want to go alone? Go there with a friend! You can also go, for example, to a swimming pool or a fitness club. It's more fun together, right?
  • Have a pajama party. Tell each other funny stories, share secrets, read a magazine together, share your experiences (a friend will always support).

Evening in splendid isolation

Even if it turns out that you have to spend the evening alone, do not despair. What to do, how to keep yourself busy?

  • Read some interesting book. Reading can captivate so much that time will fly by. Don't get carried away, don't forget to sleep.
  • Set up a spa in the comfort of your own home. Fill the tub with water, add foam and essential oils, turn on your favorite music, relax and forget about everything. And then make a mask for your face and hands, paint your nails, try out a new hairstyle.
  • Have a fashion show. Try on your dresses, skirts, blouses, etc., walk in front of the mirror and feel like a model. By the way, in order to benefit from such an activity, finally give away everything you don’t need!
  • Find some exciting hobby.
  • Read a magazine.

Have an interesting evening!

Answers (11):

Well, if you two have absolutely nothing to do together, then play some board games, the same “manager” game, or make something together, some kind of shelf or chair.

Go for walks. Until we had children, my husband and I got up every evening and went somewhere - to the cinema, to museums, to exhibitions, to cafes. Well, with the advent of children, we are busy only with children.

But we watch movies and TV series together in the evenings. Fortunately, tastes largely coincide. Sometimes we read some interesting things from the Internet together. More precisely, I read, and he listens - it’s also interesting.

There are a lot of options, for example you can buy a large, beautiful mosaic. You will be provided with a lesson for at least a week, and it is also very exciting. You can also watch a romantic movie together, arrange romantic dinner, do a themed photo shoot and just make faces in front of the camera. And then enjoy looking through these photos.

It’s strange that a young couple would ask such a question. Usually young couples in free time having sex. And I use every free minute for this activity. Are you tired of sex?

A good option play board games, now there are a lot of them in specialized stores big choice, you can watch a movie together or go somewhere, just take a walk in the park, to the cinema, museum or cafe, and then discuss your impressions at home. On extreme case You can clean up together or cook a meal, and then play the console.

We like to watch movies and TV series together, we just love to lie down on the sofa at home and turn on something exciting. You can also play board games, cards, cook dinner together, or go to the movies.

Necessarily evening walks before going to bed, you can also play some board games: lotto, cards. And then, what can you do if no one bothers you - it's good sex.

When we didn’t have children, we didn’t even think about doing something like this. There are a lot of options: discos, cinemas, concerts, cafes, billiards, bowling. If only there was enough money for everything.

Home-work-home… Most of us live according to this schedule. During the day you get tired at work, and you simply don’t have the strength to go somewhere in the evening. (By the way, on the website “ Sunny hands“There is a wonderful article from Rashid Kirranov, it’s called “ How can I be less tired at work?. Read it, you will find a lot useful tips) But you want to spend your leisure time interestingly not only on weekends, there are only two days, is it really necessary to live from Friday to Friday? Give yourself a break from household chores once or twice a week. When I decided to live according to this principle, I was surprised that I didn’t know...what to do in the evening at home with my husband. I don’t have any special hobbies, and neither does my husband. I didn’t want to lie around watching movies (you can find a list of worthy films in the article “I want to recommend you good films with meaning” ). I was looking for something to do in the evening at home that would be interesting and that I could do it with my loved one.

Good old cards. Gambling was the first leisure option that I suggested to my husband. I admit that as a child I loved cards, probably because I grew up with two brothers who, naturally, like all boys, knew a lot of games. It turned out that the husband early years I liked the cards too. We spent a lot have a nice evening, remembering the rules of long-forgotten games, they laughed and argued kindly. I was once again convinced of what Anastasia Gai writes a lot about: discovering a loved one is very interesting. I recommend it on this topic article “How to maintain interest in the family and novelty of communication?” As a result, we settled on the well-known game “Fool”. Only we have our own rule: the task of each player is not to leave his partner as a loser; in our game there can only be one score - a draw. Believe it or not, we always succeed!

Board games. I used to not be particularly interested in them, but on my last birthday, a friend gave me the Uno board game. Friends came to visit - we played and liked it. I thought, why not look for board games for two people? (me and my husband) Unfortunately, the choice of these is not great, mostly board games are designed for companies of four people. But still, I found some interesting ones, and now my husband and I play them, these are Scrabble, Beehive, Monopoly. There is also romantic games for two like "He and She", "For You", In Love, I heard about them, but I have never bought them yet. Maybe I’ll give it to my loved one for the next holiday! (February 23 is coming soon, it will help a man find a present article “What to give a man on February 23?” on the website "Sunny Hands" .)

Here is another option for what you can do with wever at home with your husband or boyfriend. Instead of board games puzzles are also an interesting leisure activity. My husband and I most often buy puzzles with images of famous landmarks different cities. Usually we put it together, but sometimes we want excitement, then we buy two boxes of puzzles and put them together at speed. Whoever did it faster won. Of course, there is a prize - some wish.

Checkers, chess, backgammon. We don’t turn to this type of leisure option often, because I’m not a big fan of these games, although my husband likes them, but his partner (that is, me) is weak. Sometimes we take checkers, chess or backgammon from the shelf and “cut ourselves”. I put these games in a separate paragraph because many people simply forgot about them. Recently, two friends and I were having a conversation about leisure time, and when I suggested to both of them that we play checkers or chess with our husbands, they exclaimed the same thing: “Why didn’t this occur to me before?! As a child, I really loved these types of games, and I know my husband did too.”

Learning is light.
The leisure option that I will now talk about appeared in our family by accident. I needed to prepare a report in Excel; I had not worked in this program before. I asked my husband to help me in the evening. He was surprised that I didn’t know Excel, I was offended by his joke, and I also said something similar in response. Then, of course, he helped me, but I had an idea: what if we teach each other what each of us does well, but the other cannot yet? I suggested it to my beloved, he supported the idea. And for six months now, when we have time and desire, we have been sharing our talents. You just need to think about what you have long wanted to learn from what your other half knows, and ask him for help; it doesn’t have to be something global. On the contrary, it’s quite earthly, like with my Excel.

The only thing better than travel is travel. My husband and I both love to travel. (By the way, read the report about one of our last trips.) It is no less interesting to then write reports about your trips, make photo books and refrigerator magnets. For us, this is also one of the leisure options. Having returned from another trip, I prepare an article, my beloved processes the photographs, comes up with a design for a photo book (we have such a tradition - after each trip we make a photo book) and magnets. Very creative occupation, which gives a lot of warm emotions and brings us closer! One of the options for what to do in the evening at home with your husband.

We also like to watch programs about interesting places in Russia and abroad, discuss the traditions of other countries, especially if we have also been there and have formed our own opinion about the life of the local population. And, of course, we love making plans for future trips!

Bon appetit!
And who said that men hate messing around in the kitchen?! Of course, they are unlikely to like doing this every day, but sometimes when V Teaching them to create culinary masterpieces will be very useful (it helps you, it interests them, and it brings the family together). Choose a few original ones, but not complex recipes, offer your loved one a choice, buy groceries together and go to the kitchen to create! For example, my husband and I often prepare rolls. Moreover, he taught me this. Yes, yes, he himself has been preparing this popular Japanese dish for a long time and perfectly. And now we make rolls together when we feel like it during the holiday week. We make sure to set the table beautifully, we even bought special utensils for the rolls. Delicious recipes can be found on our website in the section Second courses .

I hope you find my advice useful and you won’t be bored at home together. Don't be afraid to experiment! A couple I know signed up for Latin dancing this winter; the guy was very shy at first, but now he goes to the gym with great pleasure. So look for common interests and become closer friend to friend!

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.