Do Greeks marry Russian girls? Greek men: character traits, appearance and clothing style

To marry a Greek or not - such a problem still worries the minds of some of our girls and women, despite all the horrors of the Greek crisis, colorfully depicted in the news. Are you ready for the Greek mentality? Do you know that for a Greek mother this is the most main man in life? How to make a choice?

In Greece it is customary to get engaged. People very rarely get married without getting engaged. When getting engaged, the rings are worn on left hand, and during marriage, the rings are removed from the left hand and put on the right. The engagement can take place either in family circle, and with a large number of guests, like at a wedding.

And the inspiration for this column was site reader Anya, who wrote the following in a comment.

"Good day!

I am a sailor, I have been working on Greek ships for 4 years, I think you have heard about Lewis Cruise Lines, I am in love with Greece, I have also been in a relationship with a Greek for 1.5 years, according to Greek. by standards, this is not so much, but still... in this moment There is a question about moving to Greece with young people. a person, herself from Kiev, has 2 apartments, a dacha, a car, as if everything is set up, but naturally he will not move here, he will not be able to live in Kiev, and especially in winter, he himself is from Crete. My mom and dad died many years ago, so I don’t have anyone to ask for advice, my friends tell me to go, but they would only have to go over the hill, I’m not hungry, I’ve already seen half the globe, reading what’s happening in Greece, I’m scared, and I don’t want to lose it either, but I’m not sure that I’ll have it there too, everything is as I’m used to and I don’t even know if I can live in the “Greek” style))) Something I write a lot))) So , I would like to read reviews of brides or wives of Greeks on your website, so that I could at least have a picture of what I’m faced with and in general it’s worth it, I understand that I need to sacrifice for the sake of love, but in life I have no one to count on, I don’t want to bite my elbows later … Σας ευχαριστώ για την προσοχή σας"

It’s difficult to answer such questions in a commentary, so I thought it would be better to do it in an article - it might be useful to someone else. In addition, other wives of Greeks can join and add their opinion and experience.

Marry a Greek

According to statistics, the age of first marriage in Greece is 27 years for girls and 31 years for men.

If we talk about me, I met my future husband after living in Greece for several years. And we officially got married after 6 years of dating, having gone through enough trials together. You can say that I am lucky, if there is any luck in this world - my husband Yorgos (George) is good honest man, hardworking and loving. Of course, neither of us are angels, each with our own shortcomings. But the main thing is that we found each other. And now the theory.

Let's start with the fact that when we marry any man, regardless of nationality, our life always changes. By definition, it will no longer be the same, we lose something, we gain something. For example, we lose some of our little freedoms, but gain a sense of security... everyone has their own view. If you have doubts, sit down, take a piece of paper, divide it into two columns and write down the pros and cons. After that, compare what is more and what is more important to you. This is the easiest way to bring some order to your head.

Now let's say that you are madly in love with your Greek and you can't wait to settle down with him by the warm Greek sea. What should you think about first if you want to quickly get used to the Greek way of life? Since the majority of Greeks live in villages and small towns, we’ll talk about the village way of life.

Civil marriages take place only on weekdays. Saturday and Sunday are the privilege of the church. There are very few town halls that schedule in the afternoon. Therefore, it is better to call them and find out about the time, so as not to sign at 10 am and then not languish until the evening banquet.

Firstly, the patriarchal way of life and the spirit of house-building are still alive among the Greeks. This is especially noticeable in villages, and even in cities it is simply hidden “underneath” thin layer civilization” I’m not saying that this is necessarily bad, it’s just something we have to reckon with. On the one hand, this is the preservation of the customs and traditions of the people, which I personally really like about the Greeks. On the other hand, some inertia may appear, especially in the older generation.

Faith, family and a football team are the main “shrines” of a Greek man. Parents and relatives in general are something sacred and untouchable (for a wife). He himself can quarrel with them with pleasure, but he will not allow you to say a bad word about them. Unfortunately, I no longer found my husband’s parents alive. But all the rest of his relatives - sister, uncles and aunts, cousins and my sisters accepted me calmly. If someone said something behind my back, I didn’t think too much about it. It was enough for me that everything was fine with my husband. And my sister-in-law became almost like me Native sister, I love her so much.

Our weapon is patience, a smile on the face, good mood and love for your spouse. And one more thing - I am absolutely convinced that the rule “how you treat people, so they treat you” applies in any country. Respect your husband, respect your mother-in-law, neighbors and people in general. In the village everyone says hello to everyone, don’t walk around like a beech either. To the question “Τι κάνεις?” - "How are you?" answer with a smile “Everything is fine, thank you!” All the same, your complaints will not be interesting, they will only give the local gossips another reason to gossip. In our time of the Internet, you will not be deprived of communication - your friends will always be there.

A marriage certificate, or more precisely, a photocopy of the marriage record from the registry, certified by the registry office seal, is often issued the next day. Carefully read each letter of the documents: there is a high risk of finding errors in the spelling of surnames and names, especially Russian ones.

Of course, the most main question- relationship with your Greek man. If you love each other and will compromise - you will always find a solution. But many women want to immediately get answers to the questions: Can the Greeks be trusted? Will he get married or get married and leave? Will he support me (preferably as a princess)? and so on. Well, what can you say? Greeks, like people all over the world, can be very different - good, bad, fools, knights, rich, poor ... Look at a person, and not at words, but at deeds. Those who, after an hour of dating, say "Σ" αγαπώ "-" I love you "usually do not plan long term relationship, but simply mean “I want you.” If you want to have fun, that's your business, but then don't complain!

So, a quick summary. What to do if you marry a Greek:
1. It doesn't matter nationality, any man needs love and affection, don't be stingy!
2. Since you are going to live in Greece, try to fall in love with this country and immediately start learning the language.
3. Treat his relatives with respect and show this respect in every possible way, especially his mother! You must make her an ally, not an enemy! Understand her, because you took away the most precious thing from her!
4. Don’t be shy to admit that you don’t know or can’t do something. You will be forgiven for this, and ask what you want to learn. They will be happy to tell and show you everything.
5. Smile more, say hello to your neighbors and when you come to any store, don’t be shy to start conversations. Always tell strangers what a wonderful husband you have.
6. If you are not happy with something, try to calmly discuss it with your husband and find a common solution. Scandals and endless grumbling have never made anyone happier.
7. Praise your husband as often as possible; it is very important for him that you appreciate how lucky you are to have him!
8. Determine what is important to you in life and what is not. If you feel unhappy because your beloved has again scattered his socks in the corners, then this is your problem, not his. Life is too short to be upset over such trifles!

Maybe I’ll remember something else, or you can tell me, dear readers! Of course, the most important component happy marriage with a Greek, as with any other man - yours truly mutual love and respect. If this is not the case, no amount of advice or tricks will help!!! So, do you still want to marry a Greek??

My husband is Greek. Yes, there are pros and cons. It is still very difficult for me to get used to the huge relatives who are on the phone all day, all day long in our family. I agree that a huge plus for the Greeks is love and respect for relatives, but not to such an extent. Yes Greeks mama's boys. I was very surprised when one of my relatives went to school at the age of 30 and his parents paid for his studies. Laziness is inherent in the Greeks; chatting about nothing, drinking coffee - this cannot be taken away from them.
16.06.17 Olga

No, no, no...and no again!
Living with ANY European is hard morally, and even more so with the Greeks, with their stinginess and patriarchy ... and PATHALOGICAL love for relatives. Do you need a mama's boy? It infuriates people in Russia too... and second: If you have more or less pronounced character, then you won’t be able to live there. Life there is boring, very tedious and monotonous. In two weeks there I went crazy with boredom and monotony in EVERYTHING!!! For retirement - that's it =)))
29.04.13 Irina

privet,polnostyu soglasna po povodu patologicheskoy lubvi k mnogochislennim rodstvennikam,no vot jit zdes sovsem ne skuchno,eto zavisit ot vas.vsego horoshego
20.05.14 alla

But what about the fact that before marriage it is not customary to have sexual relations? therefore, these Greeks leave you and do not want to marry, because they have already tried you. An Orthodox Greek will not drag you to bed before marriage, then what values ​​​​are you talking about?
19.11.12 Laura

Don't listen to her. Greeks just respect their parents like everyone else normal people. The Greeks are not some kind of sissy, which I cannot say about the Russians. Greeks are very smart and funny people which are very interesting. The Greeks are certainly unholy, but your marriage with the Greek you want to marry will bring you happiness. Greece is a great country.
20.06.13 Seraphim

Greek men are known all over the world for their mesmerizing voices and bodies. ancient gods. The iodine-filled sea air of this country with an abundance of seafood affected the temperament of Greek men. Lovers of Hellas have repeatedly taken first place in male sexuality ratings.


The mentality of the Greeks inherited features that are clearly manifested in legendary myths Ancient Greece. They are romantic, conquest-minded and open-minded.

Since Greece lives off the tourism business, it is full of Russian travelers. An often observed picture is how, among flirting Greek men, cold women from the Russian north, underestimated by their compatriots, reveal themselves to be seductresses and insidious beauties.


There are also similarities with the Russian mentality. Representatives of this country are mostly Orthodox Christians and have a warm attitude towards Russians, they are hospitable and friendly. They have a simple worldview and enjoy everything they do. Their peculiarity is the ability to live “here and now”, to abstract from everything that causes despondency and melancholy. Even a broke Greek man who has just been laid off from his job can go out and have fun with a noisy crowd, and that’s par for the course here.

There is widespread laziness in this country - clean water myth. In their free time from holidays, the heirs of Hellas are hardworking. Often workdays begin at 5 am. Greek men often support the entire family themselves, shouldering all the traditional men's responsibilities, their wives don't work. This is especially true for men of high status - such people always have non-working wives who take care of the house and children.

The situation has changed somewhat since crisis situation in the country. Then female part population went to work during the most difficult periods of time.

The emotionality of any Greek stands out as a separate point. Sometimes you can see two men quarreling to the death, but in reality they are just peacefully discussing the weather. Possessing increased emotional intelligence Thanks to the constant expression of their own feelings, Greeks are very attentive interlocutors. Being in harmony with their own inner world, they have the ability to subtly feel the people around them and their emotions. So, in a conversation with them, it may seem that they are listening so carefully, as if with their whole body. The Greek's gaze will only go to the side if something extremely wrong is happening. Well, either an interesting representative of the opposite sex is passing by. Absorption in one's own inner world fishermen from Greece was sung and became legendary. This is not surprising: only people with such a developed emotional sphere can go into such deep, attractive reverie with the same dedication with which they indulge in all kinds of feelings.

Key to the Heart

At the deepest levels of his subconscious, every Greek considers himself the heir of the gods and the rightful owner of the planet. At least the owner of shares in it. Therefore, a characteristic male trait - the need to be a patron - is especially strongly developed among Greek men. On genetic level he strives to teach, and his spirit comes to life when such an opportunity is given to him. Conversely, he feels unhappy when he feels that no one needs his experience.

The Greek man strives to become a mentor, and something masterful often slips into his approach. This manifests itself in relationships with the entire world around us. He can start teaching his interlocutor anything, even if he doesn’t understand it. And since the male sex of this nation simply adores women and communication with them at any age, this happens very, very often. Even a gray-haired Greek will not miss the opportunity to gaze at any representative of the fair sex for a long time, smacking her lips after her. And you need to be prepared for this, you need to understand what is really behind it. This feature hides a curious clue to to a man's heart any Greek. After all, he may suddenly discover a woman, next to whom Zeus, the patron of the whole world, will wake up in him.


The Greeks do not always keep their promises. Some carelessness in this matter - characteristic an entire nation. These people simply live for today and are careless about the future. They are serene and philosophically calm in matters of life.

Nevertheless, the Greek nation loves prosperity. Any holiday takes place on wide leg. It is considered normal to waste your entire month's income on one party. A Greek man will feed the entire bar at his own expense, order wine and a sea of ​​snacks, and never mind waking up tomorrow with empty pockets. After all, his generosity will remain in the memory of the participants for a long time. for a long time. And a Greek will never hold his head when remembering the money spent; the past and future are not as important to him as a specific moment, the emotions from which will warm him for some time.

Going to restaurants is almost the main expense item in the life of any representative of this nation. There are dozens of taverns in every locality. Sometimes it seems there are thousands of them, and this is a clear overkill per capita of the local population. However, they all turn out to be full in the evening. The Greeks do not like to gather in their homes as much as in taverns. Stuffy establishments are often literally packed, but this does not bother anyone. To an unaccustomed person it will probably be unclear where the place to rest in such conditions is. However, such evenings, taking place in an atmosphere of emotional friendly communication, are favorite place for the Greeks to hide from current problems. Greeks never spare money for food. However, until recently, average salaries allowed regular visits to taverns with tables filled with delicious snacks.

It is possible that such national traits led to a huge default in Greece. The Greeks simply continued to live, allowing themselves things beyond their means, without thinking about important steps to equalize the economy. And at the same moment, the way they appreciate every moment cannot help but draw attention to these those who love life to people.

Gender relations

The Greek people are distinguished by sensuality. Even people of high status have only apparent restraint. This is not surprising given the fact that from childhood everyone in the country was brought up not on classic cartoons, but on very adulterous myths.

Hence the desire to touch upon the most intimate topics in communication. Shameless stories, when and how much, are decorated with expressive details. One should not be surprised at the prevalence of such intimate conversations in Greek circles. They were never Puritans.

It is common for married, handsome Greek men to try to seduce any member of the fair sex. Fleeting romances often develop. Unlike the situation in our country, this does not usually lead to a split in relationships with wives. Husbands, entering into fleeting relationships, add spice to everyday life, but do not divorce their wives. Greek wives are usually quite confident, like queens in a beehive. They will only casually dismiss adultery and they will say that the poor husband is not able to say no to a cat.

And often wives behave similar to There are sayings in Greek society in the style of “Cuckold your husband and do not resort to witchcraft and potions.” This is often the Greek scenario for a happy, full-of-well-being family. Typically, the more prone a wife is to infidelity, the more smaller husband suspects her of cheating.

Since ancient times, Greek society, even in patriarchal foundations, observed the relative equality of the sexes. All female population Hellas received education. Girls and boys were taught reading and writing equally in the same schools.

Attitude to sex

The approach of southerners in this area is very different from that of residents of northern latitudes. This fully extended to the emotional Greeks. They treat the sphere of human sexuality in a special way. Strict concepts of sin have not reached here, and sex is not considered forbidden or immoral. The Greeks say: “If God wanted people not to make love without the goal of procreation, he would have made their physiology similar to animals - estrus strictly once a year.” No moral teachings of the church were able to suppress them healthy attitude To own body and natural gender relations.

Sinfulness generally failed to take deep roots in the culture of Hellas. They never had such “living in sin” concepts. Thus, female representatives do not change their surnames when they get married. The children have the choice of any surname. It’s not immediately clear whether the couple is scheduled. Regardless marital status the man and woman are called "husband" and "wife". IN Greek these words have the same meaning.

Greek appearance

Greek men's faces have the large, broad-boned features characteristic of the nation. The Greeks are stocky, their bodies are characterized by increased hairiness and dark skin.

All representatives of the nation differ in the depth of their eyes and thick hair. Typical Greek appearance men are broad-shouldered, stocky, with heightened sexuality and know their worth. All Greeks are proud of their origin, everyone considers themselves almost a direct descendant of Zeus himself.

The reference model deserves special attention Greek profile men of this country. The classical understanding of beauty is associated precisely with the national traits of the Greeks. The standard Greek nose for men is absolutely straight, with a smooth line running from the forehead. There is practically no depression on the bridge of the nose, there is only a barely noticeable bend. The world-famous Greek nose in men is reflected in all ancient frescoes and sculptures. The gods were then believed to have such features of appearance.

Greek style of clothing for men

Design motifs from ancient Hellas, the land of the gods of Olympus, are still echoed in the latest collections fashion designers. The Greek nation has praised beauty since ancient times human body. There was a real cult of good physical fitness. The clothing of this country emphasized the exciting curves of the figure of both sexes, although bright colors were not typical for it.

Silhouette-lengthening robes often resembled majestic temples white with their strict outlines. Greek clothing for men was spacious - these were capes, cloaks, and under them - loose pants with shirts. However, these days no one wears such things anymore, they are inconvenient and impractical. Modern men Greece wear European style clothes. Although many people wear National costumes for ancient Greek festivals.

Even with the hot climate inherent in the country, they have always been multi-layered and voluminous. There were always many folds in them where bladed weapons were hidden. The Greeks were in constant wars throughout their history, instantly transforming from peaceful peasants into brave armed partisans.

The most handsome Greek men

Men of this nationality are recognized throughout the world as the most beautiful on the planet. Their male beauty Italians and Latin Americans gave the laurels of championship. They are the most sought after in the male modeling business. It is enough to look at the photos of Greek men with the standard appearance of this ancient nation to personally see the validity of such judgments.


The distant ancestors of modern representatives of this nation gave the world many sonorous names. Ancient traditions are still preserved in the country. Thus, sons are never named after their father. However, it is very common to name children after grandmothers, uncles, and so on. The classic names of Greek men, now common throughout Greece, will be very familiar to the Russian ear.

Older generation

Representatives of the Greek nation generally respect old age. There are much more pensioners in the country than in Russia. Their faces are usually filled with serene calm and peace so that it becomes clear that they are getting a well-deserved rest. Life expectancy in Greece is also high - it reaches 80 years. The presence of a Mediterranean climate, healthy food, sun and easy attitude to life, obviously, does its job. There is a lot to learn from them.

The mother has the main unquestioned authority in the family; she actually personifies Hera along with Athena. Family ties are very strong. Thus, weekly lunches with mothers are traditional. Their sons are devoted to them all their lives, fulfill all their requests, and listen to their advice. It is clear that the search for a bride is carried out by the Greeks with a focus on the qualities that the mother demonstrated. Most often, families are created at the age of 30. The Greeks do not deny themselves the pleasure of living a happy, free youth and having fun.

  • Greeks love to flirt. Sometimes it seems that beautiful girl they feel with the spinal cord. So don't be surprised if he pops up out of nowhere and starts showering you with compliments. The main thing is not to lose your head right away. The Greeks are the real conquerors, it is vital for them to do crazy things.
  • By the way, if your Greek man is crazy about you, this, unfortunately, does not mean that he is not married... Greece is a hot country, men most often do not wear rings (only on holidays). In addition, they believe that paying attention to attractive woman- This is fine. And they often go too far. So be careful! If you run into his wife, it won’t seem like much...
  • Perhaps the reason for this is that Greeks often marry girls they are not in love with. In Greek families with old-fashioned concepts, it is the parents who choose a man’s chosen one (and this can be either his classmate or a woman much older than him).
  • But even in modern families preference is given, rather, to young ladies who have known for a long time. So his parents must like you very much in order for them to accept you into their sacred clan.
  • By the way, the acquaintance will take place quickly. The Greek is not used to waiting. Almost at the first meeting, he is ready to grab all your things and take you somewhere to Corfu, promising heaven on earth. Don't rush into all the troubles! The most interesting is yet to come...
  • Greeks have very strong family and friendship ties. Their authority is relatives. Therefore, after you have met his parents, you have to meet at least a dozen more sisters, brothers, uncles and aunts. Get ready for all of them to look at you very carefully and ask a lot of questions!

  • Remember, at any age, for his parents he will forever remain a boy who can be kissed when they meet and patted on the cheeks. This is why Greek men most often get married only after 30 years of age.

  • But there is one phenomenon. Your man can adore his mother, be gentle and fluffy, but at the same time he can be a real tyrant. Greeks always need to dominate, be the most important in the family and demand a lot of attention. Therefore, if you somehow looked at him wrong or forgot to confess your love once again, he will be indignant!

  • Of course, the Greeks are very jealous! They allow themselves to stare at women, but they closely monitor how you behave towards other men. He is absolutely sure that he should be the best for you. Therefore, it is better not to start talking about male friends with him...
  • But there is also a plus to this. Greeks are very emotional and cannot keep anything to themselves. And if he is madly in love with you, you will find out about it very soon. And he will move mountains for you!
  • Emotionality leaves an imprint on his other qualities. The Greek man is a very addicted person. It’s easy to get him interested and hooked on something. But it can cool down just as easily and quickly. And this applies to both relationships and work.

  • On the other hand, they never sit idle and have no money and are always active. He will call you on various events and come up with something interesting. But for a Greek it is important to receive a return, so don’t try to say that you are tired and refuse.
  • The Greeks have an aura of sexuality around them. He can easily infect you with these vibes already at the first meeting. Since he likes to be in control, you can just relax and have fun. With its help you can learn a lot of new things about yourself...
  • But be prepared for the fact that your man may have increased hairiness. Although it is believed that the more hair on a man’s body, the more passion he has...
  • He is a romantic by nature. It’s just not customary for them to give flowers, but serenades under the window and long walks are definitely guaranteed.
  • Greeks love universal women: you must be able to cook, dance, sing (this is important!), and scuba dive, and know in advance about all his desires. In a sense, the Greek is looking for a girl who will be like his mother. It is important for him to feel that he is needed and that he is cared for.
  • If you are against alcohol, his family will definitely be wary. The Greeks always drink a lot of wine and eat, then dance, sing and drink and eat again... Often they do not observe any sense of proportion. Your chosen one can outdo all your crazy friends in love for a big holiday. And believe me, he will celebrate holidays very often... Guess who will cook?

  • Keep in mind that your budget will be divided between two people. He knows how to save money. However, there is another side to the coin - there will always be money for entertainment. If a Greek cannot set the table so that it bursts, this is a real tragedy.
  • There will definitely be no half measures in your relationship. The Greeks do not tolerate peace. It is important for them to constantly experience new emotions. So if you quarrel, then with shouting and breaking dishes (he can even send you out of the house!), and if you make peace, then... your poor neighbors...
  • He will adore your children. And carry you in my arms. Keep in mind that the Greek will ask for at least three. And this does not depend in any way on the presence or absence of housing and finance. For the sake of his family, he is capable of much.