How to connect to the egregor of money and increase cash flows. Egregor of money, money egregor. how to connect to egregore money

Everyone wants money. Just not everyone knows how to get them. And most importantly, keep it. For someone, money, as if, flows into their own hands, and someone, although it beats like a fish on ice, cannot get out of poverty.

What's the matter? In education? In connections? In luck? All these are good starting conditions for wealth, but this is not enough. From a magical point of view, the main incentive for financial prosperity is a positive relationship with the money egregor.

"Charging Bull" - a sculpture on Wall Street, a cult object of money magic.

If the term "egregor" is not clear to you, check out a short article about egregores. This key concept in modern magic, and without a clear understanding of it, it will be difficult for you to understand this and other materials on the site.

What is a money egregore

Billions of people from time immemorial have worked and are working for money, for money and for the sake of money. And I don't just mean the literal work you have to go to. And first of all - mental forces aimed at money egregore.

All local and world wars were committed for the sake of enrichment, whatever the formal reasons. More people were sacrificed to the egregor of money than to any other "gods" or "demons". Therefore, he is one of the strongest. It is directly related to the energy projections of gold, wealth, business, political formations, states, etc.

There are, conditionally, three levels of money egregor:

  1. world, global;
  2. corporate, local;
  3. personal, individual.

You can highlight more levels, but this is an extra detail. The global egregor of money is like an ocean. This is a planetary level. Corporate - like full-flowing rivers that flow into the ocean. The largest of them are the financial egregors of states and transnational corporations. Smaller - correspond to serious commercial enterprises. The third level - rivers and streams - family or individual money egregors. This also includes astral projections of small businesses with a relatively small turnover of capital.

The world egregor of money is practically uncontrollable. There are too many who want to manage it. It's like a cart being pulled into different sides. But he himself is able to exert considerable influence on the course human history. This is not God, of course, but it is a force that has a primitive will, which is aimed only at being and becoming more powerful.

Corporate money egregors are more manageable, but also more demanding of their holders. They manifest themselves in the world much more actively, and between them, in a sense, there is a struggle. But do not forget that they are only manifestations of a global egregor, and this struggle is only an appearance. It leaves some people out and uplifts others, but in the end it's always the money itself that wins.

Personal money egregor and connection with it - this is what directly determines the real financial well-being person. This energy essence connects everyone with the world's cash flow.

Interaction with money egregor

Any actions with money, their transfer from hand to hand, from account to account, on the astral level, are interaction with the egregor of money. Here, not only external processes are important, but also internal ones. For example - with what thoughts, in what mood you spend or receive finances in each case.

If you regret spending, experience negative emotions, which means that your money channel is being damaged, and this is bad.

Of course, regret can be objective - in the case of unforeseen and unpleasant expenses. In this situation, your emotional state is only an objective indicator, like a signal, a beacon that - here - beware, keep in mind that your connection with the egregore has weakened, or rather, it has swung into negative side. In such a situation, you need to take it for granted, try to minimize the damage at the level of consciousness - do not wind yourself up for defeat, but try to restore peace of mind, and then take measures to restore your money channel.

It also happens that regret about expenses is not motivated by objective circumstances. For example: it's one thing when a large fine suddenly falls on you - it's unpleasant, but there's nothing you can do about it; the other is when you, for example, make some desired purchase of your own free will, but latently regret that you spent money on it. In the second case no objective reasons for damage, you yourself destroy your money channel. Therefore, you should be more careful about your expenses - think about what you spend money on. Decide what you really need, what is worth more to you than the amount of money you spend on it. And then any purchase, any investment will be profitable for you!

But this is an example of interaction, so to speak, mediated and everyday, which is not directly related to magic. You can interact with the eregora of money much more actively and efficiently - through magical practices, occultism, rituals.

Examples of using magic to strengthen money egregor

For a positive connection with the energy-information field of money and strengthening the flow, visualization of goals and intentions is important. Therefore, emblems, symbols, logos related to the egregor of money are widespread all over the world.

One of the main symbols of the world money egregore is described in the Bible. In the story from the Exodus, when Moses led his people to Mount Sinai and ascended it to receive the tablets from God, his people in the meantime created the Golden Calf - a statue of the idol of wealth and prosperity. Now in New York on Wall Street, the main financial street of the United States, a bronze statue of the Attacking Bull flaunts. The name is not biblical, but the connection of the “Attacking Bull” with the Old Testament idol of the money egregor is obvious to everyone. Moreover, it is the obviousness, the recognition of the symbol that makes it so powerful.

From a magical point of view, the statue on Wall Street is a rather ambitious occult attempt by the American financial system establish control over global monetary channels. How successful it is, judge for yourself.

Similar "golden calves" it was supposed to install five worldwide. But so far, apart from New York, there is only one in Shanghai. Why are other countries in no hurry to establish "golden calves"? Although this magical object strengthens the connection with the money egregore, the question is, in whose favor is this connection.

The statue is gigantic in fact. But this amulet works primarily to strengthen the American money egregor. A similar amulet, installed in the financial centers of other states, will no longer be just a bull, but a Trojan horse. All other duplicates of the idol will be subordinated to the New York one, and they are needed to reconnect the world's money channels in favor of the American one. In China, by the way, there are a lot of American companies and corporations.

The emblems and logos of banks, jewelry stores, for example, and any organizations related to money work in the same way (and they are all related to money, because the main goal of any enterprise is profit).

All emblems and logos carry magical information and are charged with energy. They are occult signs and seals and are set up in such a way as to strengthen the egregors of their owners, redirect cash flows in their favor.

Pay attention to the colors of the logo in the photo above: blue and yellow. Yellow is the color of the sun and gold. Yellow is also attributed to Mercury. Astrological planets that patronize money, profit and enrichment are Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. Their corresponding colors:

  • Venus - green, pink;
  • Mercury - red, purple, orange, yellow, in some systems - green, or blue;
  • Jupiter - blue, blue, violet, magenta.

Mercury is the most colorful. Sometimes, it is accepted as a multi-colored planet. Obviously, it is Mercury, which patronizes trade, that InvestCapitalBank addresses:

Pay attention and remember how many elements in the logo are four, I will talk about this later. In the meantime, let's name the main colors that money loves, they are easy to determine: green, blue and blue. Also red, the color of Mercury, but chromatically close to pink (Venus) and purple (Jupiter).

Although you need to be more careful with red, because it is an aggressive and unstable color, which also refers to Mars, a warlike and destructive planetary egregore. However, if it is skillfully handled in magical practice, then red can bring rapid development, growth and significant success in financial affairs.

According to the chosen color, we can conclude that Alfa-Bank adheres to an aggressive development strategy, associated with a certain risk. This is also indicated by the underlined letter "A" in the emblem, or "alpha" - the first letter of the Latin alphabet - in the full name. The magic that this bank uses to achieve its goals is just as aggressive, you can trust me.

Do not be surprised that banks use the services of magicians. Most of my clients who seek help in the region are serious businessmen. Of course, none of them talk about this, because the attitude towards magic in society is ambiguous, and competitors are not sleeping. Meanwhile, it is known that the occult was studied and practiced both in the USSR and in Nazi Germany at the very top. Why would you think that now something has changed? Yes, even states practice magic.

For example, the US dollar is simply oversaturated with occult symbols. And it became a world currency, and in itself turned into a powerful symbol of monetary egregor. That is, it is not just money, but an object that has magical energy and meaning. Any currency has the same meaning, although to a much lesser extent.

Many banks choose more calm and reliable colors - blue (light blue), or green. You can see for yourself how popular they are if you look on the Internet with a dozen logos of different banks. Now you know that the colors were chosen for a reason.

Here are some examples:

Please note that the numbers 3 and 6 are encoded in the logos. These numbers are considered favorable for cash flow. They are encoded in the number of identical or visually similar elements. Moreover, in one logo, you can encode both numbers at once, as, for example, here:

Take a closer look at other logos - you will find many similar examples.

Often used in logos and the number "4" . It does not attract money so much, but it helps to save them. Four is the number of stability, the fundamental nature of the existence of the earthly world. Remember the InvestCapitalBank logo? There are four distinct elements and nothing else. This bank obviously focuses on the same energy:

Four is also the number of Watchtowers in Enochian magick.

Here is an example of a bank using the powerful occult symbol of the Watchtowers in its logo:

In short, the secrets of Enochian magic were revealed to John Dee by angels who wanted to hasten the hour of Armageddon in this way. Of course, they didn't tell Dee their true intentions. Subsequently, people learned how to use Enochian magic in a limited and safe way.

There are four Watchtowers in total, each has its own vast mystical meaning and magical functions. The bank's logo uses only two elements, as well as an open gate and a key, which symbolizes a wide money channel and open access to the financial egregore. Watchtowers have a deep mystical connection with time:

What is the equivalent of money? Material values, product of production. What is the first thing you need to create it? Technologies, raw materials - it all changes with time and builds up gradually, once there were no technologies at all, and the raw materials are stones and bones. First product primitive made with bare hands. But over time ... Here! The main thing is time.

Any production requires the time of the people who are engaged in it. This is the time of life, and it is limited. Most people, in fact, trade the time of their lives for money. And there is very little time left for life itself. Everything from a toothpick to the latest smartphone is seconds or months human life. Cities and space stations- it's centuries!

The egregor of money has long been closed to the egregor of time. The trick is to get wide access to the money egregore bypassing time, that is, at the expense of someone else's time.

Metaphysics of money energy

Why does financial disparity exist between people? Because otherwise there will be no movement. For example, consider the situation: a rich man goes to a restaurant. The porter opens the door for him, the waiter brings food, the best chef cooks it. Why do you need, for example, a doorman? Firstly, everyone who is not a cripple is able to open the door for himself, and secondly: it is easier and cheaper to arrange for the door to open automatically. But then where to put the porter?

If the door opened automatically, the janitor could receive a “salary” while sitting at home, because no one would lose, because the robot does not need to pay! But no one will pay the doorman if he stays at home. Because then everyone will want to become doormen. And if everyone becomes porters, then who will serve the rich man dishes and close the window if it's blowing? Nobody. They will say: "Close yourself!". Therefore, those who own the lion's share of the world's wealth will never share money just like that. Because you need someone to bring dishes, cook them, close the window, or open the doors ...

For elementary work to be done, there must be a flow of money, and for money to flow, there must be a difference between those who have it and those who do not. It's the same with electricity. In order for there to be current and the light bulb to burn, a potential difference is needed from “plus” to “minus”. For a hydroelectric power plant, a water level difference is needed, so a dam is being built on the river.

There are also many energy "dams" on the way of the world cash flow. They are created by large and small financial structures and by the people themselves - after all, everyone strives to the best of his ability to make money flow into his pocket, moreover, from someone else's.

How to expand your money channel and strengthen your personal financial egregor

Let me start with a few important principles:

  • The connection with the egregor of money can be either positive (income) or negative (loss, expense). The money channel can be wide and the flow is strong, or it can be weak and the channel is narrow. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the channel is wider for a positive connection than for a negative one. It is impossible to close a negative relationship in general, money must flow freely - this is the law.
  • You can strengthen your money egregor and expand the positive flow channel in general, that is, in principle. In this case, money will come little by little from everywhere - from, so to speak, free sources. It's free money energy, or poorly protected foreign egregors. Let me explain with an example: there is water that is everywhere - water vapor in the air, condensate, puddles, streams. And there are reservoirs, rivers and canals. Where there is more water, of course.
  • You can power your money egregor from another egregor, redirect other people's flows in your favor. If you connect to an egregore, for example, a neighbor, then it will be as if you began to carry water from his well. How much the neighbor will become poorer, and how much you will get rich, in this case depends on how much water he has in the well, figuratively speaking. It is better to connect to powerful cash flows and large egregors (to a neighbor is also suitable if he doesn’t peck money). But such egregors usually have good protection- sometimes at the whim of fate, but more often magical, specially set by an experienced magician.
  • The egregor of money is connected with many other energy structures. Therefore, intensive and wide cash flows have a proportional burden on many aspects of a person's life (and business too) and require, let's say, the corresponding energy capacity of a person (and business). Simply put, don't try to take on more than you can carry. A powerful cash flow can not only make you happy, but also destroy. Money must be kept and managed. There are cases when huge sums fell on people - lottery winnings, inheritance - and they mediocrely lost them, and they themselves died, or eked out a more miserable existence than before they were fabulously “lucky”.

There are various tricks to attract money based on the principles of magic:

  • Feng Shui;
  • stones;
  • amulets;
  • numerology.

These are the most popular destinations for so-called "home" use. That is, what you can read about on most sites, not only magical, but even on home economics, and - apply. All this, in principle, works. But all this becomes quite complicated if you follow the practice entirely in all nuances, and not from case to case. Most of the simplest advice is taken out of context, out of the general system. Therefore, they are ineffective, although not useful.

It was not my intention to teach serious money magic - it's too complicated a subject. But you could already draw some conclusions on how to independently improve communication with the money egregore by reading this article:

  • use the colors that money loves: green and blue (it’s better not to risk it with red) - wear clothes of this color, or a wallet;
  • use numbers 3 and 6; let's say you accept the third business offer that they make to you (but still wisely - that is, not obviously unprofitable);
  • to save money, choose the four, for example, store the amount numerologically equivalent to the number 4 (To get the numerological equivalent, add together all the digits of any complex number until you get a number from 1 to 9. This is done as follows: take the number 4909, for example, and add the numbers - 4 + 9 + 0 + 9 \u003d 22, then 2 + 2 \u003d 4, that is, 4909 is numerologically equivalent to 4);
  • do not pick up questionable items on the street, especially money, remember the bronze bull! - what you pick up may turn out to be, which will delay your cash flows in favor of someone else's money egregor;
  • take money and everything related to it seriously, with respect, because it is not just pieces of paper or coins, but material incarnations, symbols of monetary energy that have magical powers.

But if you want to radically strengthen your connection with the money egregor and set up a powerful income channel, you need to. Because this is a difficult and painstaking work that requires taking into account many factors - from astrological nuances to.

As I wrote above, one of the effective solutions to money magic is to connect to a more powerful money egregor. For example, to the egregor of the bank. This is exactly what the mage does in the video below. The video captures only part of the final ritual, which takes place in close proximity to the main office of a large state-owned banking institution.

Video: Connecting a personal money channel to a bank egregore

money play huge role in the lives of people, all without exception. This is how it works modern world that without them simply nowhere. Almost any relationship between one person or a group of people is related to financial matters in one way or another.

Basic needs, such as food, when you have to buy food are paid for with money. Clothing isn't free either. You have to pay for the shelter with a rent, for which you also need to pay a certain amount. Other benefits of civilization in the form of technology, cars and the like also cost money. As compensation for work performed or services rendered, today they are also calculated in monetary terms.

In addition, the presence of as many zeros as possible in a bank account raises the individual socially very significantly, placing him at a higher level in the human hierarchy. A person is the more successful and satisfied with his life the more tightly stuffed his wallet.

Everything would be fine if money were evenly distributed in this world for everyone. But that's not the case at all. Some people are rich and wealthy, have a stable income, and with it high level life. They can afford a lot. Others are not able to have a lot of money, they are forced to be satisfied with a small income, or in general they are constantly in debt and experience certain financial difficulties.

This state of affairs can be explained in different ways. One of the options is as follows: the happier (or knowledgeable) are able to manage their cash flows, among other things, using the egregor of money for these purposes.

What is cash flow

These are all real or possible movements of finance both in one direction and in the other (receiving funds or their loss) with which a person operates throughout his life or in this moment time. The flow of money is like a river bed, and the money in it is the water that flows through it. The channel for moving money can be wide and deep, and the flow in it is fast, impetuous and stormy. In this case, we can say that the person is provided. If it is shallow and narrow, and the speed of movement in it is commensurate with that in a puddle on a calm day, the need for funds will be constant.

In most cases, a powerful cash flow is the result of the systematic and purposeful work of the person himself on his condition. But there are exceptions. For example, you can accidentally get a rich inheritance for yourself or win the lottery, instantly and repeatedly increasing the flow of finances. Whether it will continue to be so depends only on the person himself.

The qualitative characteristics of such a phenomenon as cash flow can remain constant or change in one direction or another. IN different periods a person can be financially secure to varying degrees in their lifetime. Those who expand and increase their cash flow by multiplying and spending money wisely become richer over time.

For the development of cash flow, the way in which the funds were earned is also important. A dishonest way to multiply a fortune harmful surrounding, contains bad negative energy, and sooner or later the movement of money through such a channel will dry up or begin to move in reverse side, forcing a person to go into debt and live in poverty.

In the formation of the cash flow, the breadth of the soul, the nobility and responsiveness of a person to the needs of their own kind also play an important role. It's about charity. Many people think that only when they become rich will they be able to allocate funds from their budget for this. Meanwhile, it has long been known that for good deeds everything comes back with a toric. And money as well. In addition, a rich person, even if he is only at the initial stage of his financial paradise, is simply obliged to act in accordance with his status.

Cash flow can be managed or unmanaged. If everything is left to chance and everything is left to chance, any of the scenarios for the development of events is possible - a person will have money (accidents sometimes happen), there will be very few of them, and most likely they will not exist at all. If the goal of becoming rich is still on the list of needs, it is worth learning how to manage the flow of finances, open the way for them in your life. This can be done with the help of egregore money.

What is money egregor

Our whole world is like a cobweb shrouded in subtle energies that are constantly in motion. They are ruled by egregors. Egregore is a powerful information and energy substance, like a sponge absorbing human desires and endowed with the people themselves and each in particular with certain characteristics and qualities. This is the soul of any object, generated by thoughts and emotions, which has earned the right to independent existence.

The egregor of money is a kind of mixture of constant thoughts about money directed by mankind into one information field for all. These thoughts can be positive or negative, egregor will endow them with the same features.

The desire inherent in everyone and everyone to have a lot of money, as well as beliefs about the ways to achieve prosperity, will be processed by egregor and mirrored into this world. Numerous and emotionally different experiences of everyone on earth related to the financial sphere are also taken into account among many other parameters.

Thus, the egregor of money is a totality of dreams, aspirations and actions related to money that is common to humanity and personal to everyone. The easiest way is to imagine an egregor in the likeness of a cloud vibrating with energy waves, the concentration of which is as great as the radiation in its direction by one individual or a group of people of their emotions and thoughts regarding money is powerful.

The egregor of money is one of the strongest substances in the world of subtle matters, solely because it draws its strength and is constantly fueled by the hopes and desires of a huge number of people. And this flow of energy is simply endless. It is also formed by real processes associated with the movement of money in life, while a quantitative indicator with a plus sign is essential for the existence of a powerful egregor, that is, the more financial transactions are made in a person’s life, the better.

Money egregor can help to establish and improve financial affairs, if you apply to it correctly. Being in connection with an egregore, you can quickly find yourself on the path of large cash flows. Desires related to money will suddenly become faster, and life will immediately seem filled with pleasant moments.

How to increase cash flow using money egregor

The volatility and volatility of cash flows in this world can be regulated and even directed in the direction you need, thus increasing your capital. Money egregor as a carrier of information and a source of strength can help anyone who connects to it. After all, the presence or absence of certain means in a person is explained precisely by his work.

To do this, you need to create in your mind and send to the world a mental image of the desired well-being. Thought is the energy that egregors feed on. Properly processed in the higher spheres, it will return to the quality of wealth and the increase of means. That is why the quality and ultimate clarity of thoughts sent to the powerful energy space are so important here. In other words, what is asked is given. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly formulate the request addressed to the egregore. In this regard, there are many recommendations and techniques to help those who wish.

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In general, an egregor can be imagined as some object in the subtle world, corresponding to one or another group of people or, sometimes, to some idea; so, they talk about the egregores of religions, states, families, professional, etc.

An involtation is an information-energy flow and a channel through which this flow goes, going from an egregor to a person or to another egregor; this concept is taken from the "Rose of the World" by D. Andreev, where many state egregors (witzraors) and their relationship with each other and with earthly life are also described in zoomorphic form.

The Trinity of the Deity, symbolically (though in different ways) represented in many religions, in the occult language means the existence of three Main egregors that control earthly affairs and are directly involuted by the Planetary egregor. These three egregores are quite abstract and high, but still lend themselves to some description, which in many cases makes it possible to understand which of them the activity of a particular egregor or person belongs to.

The first Chief egregor (in Western astrology it is symbolized by Pluto) has the key word "will". In its highest manifestations, it is the Hand (or will) of God; on social level- this is the legislative power, on the individual - the principle of will in man. According to D. Andreev, the Black Teacher according to the First Main egregor is Histurg, or the Great Torturer - the first hypostasis of the planetary demon Gagtungr. The main temptation of the First egregor is the temptation of power over the world in any form.

The second Main egregore (the planet Neptune) has the key word "feeling". In its highest manifestations, it is Divine love, mercy, compassion and grace of God; on the social level, it is the people, or public opinion; on the individual level, it is the inner life, especially emotional states and affects. The black teacher here is the Great Whore Fokerma, the second hypostasis of Gagtungr. The main temptations are selfish distortion of reality (especially lies), all kinds of low meditations (including alcohol and drug trances) and strong emotional states.

The third Main egregore (the planet Uranus) has the keyword "action". In the highest manifestations, this is the Finger of God, a miracle, that is, any direct intervention of God in earthly affairs. At the social level, this is executive power; at the individual level, Practical activities. Black Teacher - Urparp, the Great implementer of the demonic plan (in other words, the Builder of intrigues) - the third hypostasis of Gagtungr. The main temptation of the Third egregor is unreasonable activity, energetic actions with eyes closed(although often with the best intentions), which actually bring chaos and destruction, create new karmic knots that thicken and darken the world.

Money egregor is one of the most interesting egregors that have existed on Earth since man came into this world. People began to create it as soon as mutual settlements between them appeared. Previously, mutual settlements were carried out by exchanging all kinds of objects and things. But gradually humanity moved to the monetary form of mutual settlements in the form in which they exist now. Thus, the egregor of mutual settlements is and will be as long as a person is alive on Earth.

Money egregor helps everyone who is connected to it. It is his assistance that explains the presence or absence of money from any of us. How is it connected to the money egregor? Connecting to the money egregor occurs with the help of the correct appeal to it, the observance of “money” signs and some recommendations from the practice of Feng Shui.

Appeal to the money egregor. We resort to such treatment if we have a specific order. For example, you need several thousand dollars to develop an enterprise, but your company's budget is not currently ready for such expenses. Then contact the egregor with a request. If this is done correctly, then soon you will receive a loan, or you will be repaid - one way or another, there will be money.

It’s not worth “pulling” anything out of yourself, inventing a bicycle or, straining, compiling the text of an appeal. Ask in the way you think is best. The form is absolutely free. What matters is the motives that prompted you to take this step, and the feeling with which you make your request. Respect the egregore helping you, thank him for his help. “Dear money egregor, bring me profit. Help me, please, in the work that I am doing now. You can even name the number of the contract, on which your profit depends. Another form of communication can be a letter. When working with cash flow, you can write down your current account on paper and put it in front of you. Ask the money egregor to send money to your account.

Money notes. To connect to a money egregor means to comply with its requirements and laws. Basically, they are known to mankind a long time ago. Now this knowledge is fixed in signs about money. It is their observance that will be the first step towards connecting to the money egregore. To the question of money signs ah I'll be back in one of the next chapters. In it, we will talk in detail about the actions by which you can attract money into your own hands.

If you use this knowledge and money begins to “come” to you, then the egregor favors you, and there are either no blocks on the communication channel with him, or they are weak and do not interfere with progress. It happens, however, that at the first stage of connecting to the money egregor, no results are observed. This means that you have blocks that egregors put up, because they don’t want to have anything to do with you. Are there any methods that allow you to remove these blocks and help build relationships between you and the money egregore? Certainly! There are several tricks that will help you get your most warm relationship with money egregor. First of all, you need to adhere to a special course of action that attracts money to you.

The issue of holding money is quite interesting. The first thing to learn is to find suitable places to store money, and put it there. There is only one principle here - money must grow, that is, their number must increase. Sometimes the place where you keep money helps or hinders the flow of money into your home.

Most of the time we don't even think about these things. Some keep money in books, others in a closet or sideboard, others even in the refrigerator, and so on. All this is good, and there are no restrictions. The main thing is to see and understand whether money is still going to that place, whether it is saved there. Such a place can be found in every apartment, but for this you need to experiment: shift money from time to time to another place and observe what changes follow. In the end, you will clearly define the place where your money must be stored in order to accumulate. That is where they will "grow". Put a fiat coin there, which will become a symbol of your well-being. It is important to pay attention to the fact that this coin is without a hole. Coins with a hole (Chinese, French, etc.) are not suitable, because through it your money will flow away from you.

You should also keep your money properly. If money comes to you, share it. Let one part go for expenses - this is money that comes and goes. Put them in one place that you have identified experimentally. The most successful operations with current money will be associated with it. Set aside the other part of the money in a secluded place for implementation cherished dream. A realistic dream should be for everyone. But do not subordinate your whole life to its fulfillment, otherwise you will stop your movement, and you will never save up money for it, and you will fall on the hook on which you will be kept all your life.

You have to be respectful of money. This is an indicator that you respect the money egregor, listen to him and show him your disposition. It is necessary to communicate with money and mentally speak. Having given up money once, it is difficult to restore good and good relations with money egregor. Never give up money and wealth.

You need to have a wallet that would look decent. If it is torn, it must be replaced. Except when the wallet is magical, that is, in any state it attracts money and allows it to grow. It's worse when you put money in your wallet and it's empty, put it in and it's still empty. Money seems to be flowing out of him. Incomprehensible, stupid, useless expenses appear; costs almost double. This emptiness is concentrated around you, you get used to an empty wallet. If you are the owner of just such a wallet, from which money constantly disappears, then through it your money leaves astrally. Clothes and bags also contribute to either the growth of money or their waste. It is clear that when money leaks, it is better not to use such wallets, bags or clothes, or try to “recharge” them: give them to a rich friend or forget them in a house in which there is a substantial wealth. It is very good if a rich friend gives you a wallet with a bill for your birthday or some other holiday. This wallet will almost always bring you money.

If you were given a wallet, then you need to test it. Take a bill, put it in your wallet, hide it somewhere and watch what happens next. The wallet will gradually fill up with money - you will have some unexpected income, expenses will be reduced, you will begin to repay your debts. There are times when money starts to “leave” through this wallet: expenses will increase, petty theft will begin, wages will be delayed ... You should not analyze the reason for the disappearance of money, just see if they “come” or “leave”. As it turns out, so be it - the money will come anyway, no matter what. The only question is where to put them so that they are preserved and multiplied.

The next step is clothing. Classic variant: a man has trousers, into the pockets of which money “comes”, and there are - from which they “leave”. Moreover, it happens that everything develops simply paradoxically - money “comes” into the left pocket of the trousers, and “leaks” from the right.

Your task is to determine the main one: through which place in your house, through which bag, casket, through which purse or pocket money “comes” and “leaves”. It is likely that you will have to part with items that “take away” money from you. At the very least, try to limit your use of them, and definitely don't store money in them. Do not worry, with the money that will come to you as a result of their proper storage, you will buy yourself more than one pair of trousers, a wallet or a bag. Much more deplorable will be the option, during the development of which you will continue to use things that siphon money, luck, vitality. It is necessary to observe and react. If you bought an item, check it just in case.

It is important not to shy away from wealth and money, but to accept these situations as they are and “take your reaction”. If something is given to you, accept it with gratitude. Just do not forget to legally correct the receipt of money to you. If you are helped and the money goes into your hands, do not forget to thank your helpers.

Another important point in relations with a money egregore: a person who boasts or tells how cleverly he earned a lot of money will lose support. Questions about your wealth or state of affairs should be answered vaguely or not answered at all. The only exception is the tax inspectorate - a body that is unusually closely connected with the money egregore, with whom you should not dissemble.

It is good to have money symbols and carry them in your purse, pockets, bags, and also keep them next to the pot that holds change. All this should be located in the western sector of your apartment, according to the Feng Shui system. I will talk about this system in more detail in one of the following chapters.

It should be remembered that:

money egregor - one of the most ancient egregors. Connecting to it provides us with success in financial affairs and commercial success;

connection to the money egregore occurs through the implementation of the laws of hermeticism, observance of monetary signs and recommendations of Feng Shui practice.

Unfortunately, in everyone's life there are situations when the despicable metal is sorely lacking. According to occultists, this problem can be dealt with by turning to the forces of the subtle world. If you dream of patching holes in family budget, or even become rich at all, call on the egregor of money to help.

It originated in those days when people exchanged bread for skins and vice versa. This is a very powerful energy-information structure, but at the same time, the egregore of money is very insidious, since it is often fueled by greed, envy, hatred, so you need to be extremely careful with it. First of all, you need to figure out whether you can even connect to the financial egregore. Try to honestly answer the question: how do you feel about people who live in luxurious mansions, have villas in the Bahamas and a Swiss bank account? If you think that they are all thieves and scammers (you won’t earn so much money with honest work), then you will probably spend your whole life with nothing. After all, in fact, you blame egregor: it turns out that he helps people who are dishonest. Well, do not hesitate: the egregor will take care of your morality - even if you work hard and honestly, you will never become rich.

If you think that millionaires are smart and not lazy people, then you should try to attract the attention of an egregore. Meditation on cash flow will help you with this. Imagine that bills are falling from heaven right at your feet - the more detailed the picture is, the more chances for success. In principle, one should meditate with the growing moon, but if a salary or other receipt of money is expected tomorrow, then regardless of the lunar cycles, by all means conduct meditation. Are you planning to buy something expensive? Imagine this thing in all details: size, shape, color - and place the picture on the virtual TV screen. Then ask the egregor for the amount you need to buy this item. Do the exercise three times a week. After some time, funds for a coveted purchase will suddenly appear. Having achieved success, do not think that you have grabbed the firebird by the tail. First of all, thank the egregor from the bottom of your heart, then he will surely fulfill your next desire.

If you manage to make contact with the egregor of money, he will throw you offers: good ideas, opportunities to get a job. new job, win the lottery. And in the meantime, he will keep a close eye on you. If you do not miss your chance, get a reward in the form of good earnings or a plump jackpot. And if you miss, there’s nothing to be done: it means that the exam has not been passed and you need to continue re-examinations.

And also keep in mind that at first you can’t ask too much from the egregor - only the most necessary. Don't forget that we live in a country where for decades being rich was considered a shameful act. This greatly spoiled the "character" of the domestic financial egregore. Go too far - and he, like gold fish, wag its tail and dissolve in the abyss.

Aigar Janson's blog

How to establish a connection with the money egregor.

Money egregor is one of the most interesting egregors that have existed on Earth since man came into this world. People began to create it as soon as mutual settlements between them appeared. Previously, mutual settlements were carried out by exchanging all kinds of objects and things. But gradually humanity moved to the monetary form of mutual settlements in the form in which they exist now. Thus, the egregor of mutual settlements is and will be as long as a person is alive on Earth.

Money egregor helps everyone who is connected to it. It is his assistance that explains the presence or absence of money from any of us. How is it connected to the money egregor? Connecting to the money egregore occurs with the help of the correct appeal to it, the observance of "money" signs and some recommendations from the practice of Feng Shui.

Appeal to the money egregor. We resort to such treatment if we have a specific order. For example, you need several thousand dollars to develop an enterprise, but your company's budget is not currently ready for such expenses. Then contact the egregor with a request. If this is done correctly, then soon you will receive a loan, or you will be repaid - one way or another, there will be money.

It’s not worth it to “pull” anything out of yourself, invent a bicycle or, straining, compose the text of the appeal. Ask in the way that seems to you to be the most correct. The form is absolutely free. Only the motives that pushed you to this step and the feeling with which you make your request are important. Respect the egregor that helps you, thank him for his help. Help me, please, in the work that I am doing now. You can even name the number of the contract, on which your profit depends. Another form of communication can be a letter. When working with cash flow, you can write down your current account on paper and put it in front of you. Ask the money egregor to send money to your account.

Signs of the magic of money. To connect to a money egregor means to comply with its requirements and laws. Basically, they are known to mankind a long time ago. Now this knowledge is fixed in signs about money. It is their observance that will be the first step towards connecting to the money egregore. I will return to the issue of monetary signs in one of the following chapters. In it, we will talk in detail about the actions by which you can attract money into your own hands.

If you use this knowledge and money begins to “come” to you, then the egregor favors you, and there are either no blocks on the communication channel with it, or they are weak and do not interfere with progress. It happens, however, that at the first stage of connecting to the money egregor, no results are observed. egregore?Of course!There are several tricks that will help you establish the warmest relationship with the money egregor as soon as possible.First of all, you need to adhere to a special course of action that attracts money to you.

The issue of holding money is quite interesting. The first thing to learn is to find suitable places to store money and put it there. There is only one principle here - money must grow, that is, their number must increase. Sometimes the place where you keep money helps or hinders the flow of money into your home.

Most of the time we don't even think about these things. Some people keep money in books, others in a closet or sideboard, others even in the refrigerator, etc. All this is good, and there are no restrictions. The main thing is to see and understand whether money is still going to that place, whether it is saved there. Such a place can be found in every apartment, but for this you need to experiment: shift money from time to time to another place and observe what changes follow. In the end, you will clearly define the place where your money must be stored in order to accumulate. It is there that they will "grow". Put a fiat coin there, which will become a symbol of your well-being. It is important to pay attention to the fact that this coin is without a hole. Coins with a hole (Chinese, French, etc.) are not suitable, because through it your money will flow away from you.

You should also keep your money properly. If money comes to you, share it. Let one part go for expenses - this is money that comes and goes. Put them in one place that you have identified experimentally. The most successful operations with current money will be associated with it. Set aside the other part of the money in a secluded place for the realization of a cherished dream. A realistic dream should be for everyone. But do not subordinate your whole life to its fulfillment, otherwise you will stop your movement, and you will never save up money for it, and you will fall on the hook on which you will be kept all your life.

You have to be respectful of money. This is an indicator that you respect the money egregor, listen to him and show him your disposition. It is necessary to communicate with money and mentally speak. Having abandoned money once, it is difficult to restore good and kind relations with a money egregor. Never give up money and wealth.

You need to have a wallet that would look decent. If it is torn, it must be replaced. Except when the wallet is magical, that is, in any state it attracts money and allows it to grow. It's worse when you put money in your wallet and it's empty, put it in and it's still empty. Money seems to be flowing out of him. Incomprehensible, stupid, useless expenses appear; costs almost double. This emptiness is concentrated around you, you get used to an empty wallet. If you are the owner of just such a wallet, from which money constantly disappears, then through it your money leaves astrally. Clothes and bags also contribute to either the growth of money or their waste. It is clear that when money is leaking, it is better not to use such wallets, bags or clothes, or try to “recharge” them: give them to a rich friend or forget them in a house in which there is a solid income. It is very good if a rich friend gives you a wallet with a bill for your birthday or some other holiday. This wallet will almost always bring you money.

If you were given a wallet, then you need to test it. Take a bill, put it in your wallet, hide it somewhere and watch what happens next. The wallet will gradually fill up with money - you will have some unexpected income, expenses will be reduced, you will begin to repay your debts. There are times when money starts to "leave" through this wallet: expenses will increase, petty thefts will begin, wages will be delayed ... You should not analyze the reason for the disappearance of money, just look whether they "come" or "leave".

The next step is clothing. The classic version: a man has trousers, in the pockets of which money "comes", and there are - from which "leave". Moreover, it happens that everything develops simply paradoxically - money “comes” into the left pocket of the trousers, and “leaks” from the right.

Your task is to determine the main one: through which place in your house, through which bag, casket, through which purse or pocket money "comes" and "leaves". It is likely that you will have to part with items that "take away" money from you. At least try to limit their use, and certainly do not store money in them. Do not worry, with the money that will come to you as a result of their proper storage, you will buy yourself more than one pair of trousers, a wallet or a bag. Much more deplorable will be the option, with the development of which you will continue to use things that drain your money, luck, vitality. You need to observe and react. If you bought a thing, check it out just in case.

It is important not to shy away from wealth and money, but to accept these situations as they are and "take your reaction." If something is given to you, accept it with gratitude. Just do not forget to legally correctly register the receipt of money to you. If you are helped and the money goes into your hands, do not forget to thank your assistants.

Another important point in relations with a money egregore: a person who boasts or tells how cleverly he earned a lot of money will lose support. Questions about your wealth or state of affairs should be answered vaguely or not answered at all. The only exception is the tax inspectorate - a body that is unusually closely connected with the money egregore, with whom you should not dissemble.

It is good to have money symbols and carry them in your purse, pockets, bags, and also keep them next to the pot that holds change. All this should be located in the western sector of your apartment, according to the Feng Shui system.

It should be remembered that:

Money egregor is one of the most ancient egregors. Connecting to it provides us with success in financial affairs and commercial success.
Money back
Place a green candle on the table. Spread around her paper bills and coins. Light the fuse. Visualize a green mist emanating from a candle flame and turning into money. After a while, collect the money, put out the candle. Paying with this money for purchases, be sure that they will soon return to you. To do this, every day, light your ritual candle for five minutes, which will be the center of attraction for both old and new blessings.

  • Fundamentals of money magic andThe practice of money magic
  • Prayers to the essences of money and tohow to appease the essence of money
  • Money traps +
  • Creating a matrix of personal money egregor
  • Laws of money egregor
  • Cleaning and connection to the money egregor
  • Runes to connect to the money egregor
  • Email your questions.

    Two days th online training on how to connect to the egregor of money and get the patronage of a powerful egregor. Presenter Yuri Vector.

    To register, write to the mail.


    First, let's look at what an egregor of money is.
    According to some people, egregore is a kind of heavenly patron, who is called upon to contribute to the achievement of wealth, the increase of money and prosperity in general.

    In fact, an egregor is by no means some kind of abstract deity, an idol to which gifts and sacrifices should be made, as, for example, people in ancient times did, worshiping the god of fertility, trade, etc. The egregor of money is a certain energy flow. We can say that this is an information-energetic "mixture" of desires, thoughts, words, deeds, emotions of many people. People think about money, strive for it, possess it. An egregor can be imagined as a concentrated cloud, which consists of waves-vibrations emitted by a person or a group of people, united by a common life activity. (professional, family, religious, linguistic, political, etc.). IN this case we are talking about money, but the same applies to all other egregors.

    From such egregor clouds, large and small, personal and group, dense and loose, evil and kind, calm and aggressive, the entire information and energy shell of our planet consists, in fact. Egregors can absorb each other or grow from one another, collide or coexist loyally side by side.

    The egregor of money is a set of human aspirations, dreams and actions, it is perhaps the oldest on the planet. After all, at all times people have strived for a good life, implying wealth and prosperity.

    Connecting to the egregor of money implies the formation of an information and energy cloud. These are vibration waves emitted by money in any form, be it coins, banknotes, gold bars, precious stones. Also, the egregore of money is also formed by the processes of money movement, that is, the purchase and sale of goods, receiving wages at the cash desk of the organization, withdrawing amounts from the passbook. At the same time, the principle is important that the more money passes through your hands, the more pleasant it is for the egregor of money.

    But you must understand that not a single egregor gives energy just like that, he always takes a fee - usually more than he gave. Otherwise, there would be no egregors left long ago, they all live off energy. As bankers give less - take more, so egregors must replenish their energy channels. However, do not be afraid. Egregors are not vampires. When connected to an egregore, there is a mutual exchange. And egregors always follow to whom and how much to give, as well as from whom and how much to take. In this case, this will be at the discretion of the egregore, but he will take it to the maximum. Unless, of course, a person has invested more in it before, but in this case, the egregor will gladly share it himself, it is beneficial for him.

    Well, now that we figured out what the egregor of money is, it's time to find out how to connect to it. There are several options for this. Of course, everything depends on each person individually, but there are general tips.

    I will tell you about one of the main, well-established. In order to connect to the egregor of money, you need to see either a very expensive house, or a large number of money, or a large number of precious stones (jewelry). That is, you need to go to a large jewelry store, or go to a wealthy area of ​​\u200b\u200byour city. And when all these symbols of wealth are in front of your eyes, you need to do the following.

    You have all heard of the "third eye". If you really want to connect to the egregor of money, then mentally open your "third eye" by an effort of will. Look at the symbols of wealth that are in front of you, as if with inner vision, the "third eye". You will see that they are surrounded by energy. You should see a golden glow emanating from money or jewelry(depending on what you are looking at). Now imagine how this golden radiance enters you in a continuous stream through your "third eye". Draw this golden stream into yourself for as long as you have the opportunity and strength. And let this golden stream, this energy of wealth pass down to solar plexus. In your solar plexus, it must be collected. Pour as much wealth energy as you can into your solar plexus.

    All! You are connected to cash flow. If you did everything right, then the egregor of money should accept you. Sometimes it doesn't work out the first time. Repeat this exercise periodically and gradually you will notice that money begins to appear in your life out of nowhere.
    And to always stay with the egregor of money - thank him. Even for small unexpected amounts - thank you. Our sincere gratitude is the simplest and most valuable thing we can give.

    It is not recommended to use free egregor in spiritual practices, since absolutely all the inhabitants of the planet have access to it. It was formed over the centuries and grew to an extraordinary size. To maintain such a voluminous energy cloud, he needs huge resources in the form of people's energy. Most often, such adult egregors as money or a channel for penetrating various vices into life feed on anger, envy, deceit and a thirst for revenge. It is these feelings that are the most powerful in terms of energy, so the egregore will specifically create situations that provoke such sensations.

    How to open a money egregor created by yourself? To do this, you must first set goals for yourself, then think about ways to achieve them. At the next stage, the material resources that are not enough are determined. Next, you need to relax, think about money, about how much there is. Very handy at this stage will be the skills of meditation and reading motivating affirmations.

    It is best to connect to a personal egregor

    After the preparatory procedure, you can proceed directly to creating your own energy-information cloud and communicating with it. To do this, you need to visualize your desire, focus on emotions. When a strong moral tension is felt, a powerful release of energy will occur, which will create a special aura around. It is she who will form a personal egregore.

    How to connect to the money egregor? The connection can be made at any time. To do this, you need to think about your desire, imagine the abundance of material wealth. It will help to stay in jewelry store or a bank. After the release of energy, an emotional connection with the egregor occurs. Now you can contact him with a request.

    The text of the request to money channels can be arbitrary. It is important that it be saturated with the emotions of the petitioner, contain an ideological core and contain a part with gratitude. It is necessary to explain the current situation to the egregor, to tell about your intentions, possible ways realization of desire. Everything should be said only in essence, as accurately as possible, with specific figures.

    How to appease egregor?

    Knowing how to connect to the egregor of money is not enough. You need to have information on how to appease him so that he really helps solve the problem and takes a modest fee in exchange. To do this, you need to thank him daily for his services and attention. You can not tell anyone about performing the appropriate magical rituals in order to gain wealth. You should not discuss with friends either your own or other people's earnings.

    The next rule is that money should be kept exclusively in a wallet or purse, but not in pockets. Banknotes must always be unfolded. If there is a coin on the ground on the street, then it must be picked up or simply bypassed. Do not step on paper money or coins. Banknotes of any denomination should be treated with respect.

    Connection to the money egregore - effective method improve their financial situation. But before turning to such a technique, one should weigh all the pros and cons. After all, no one will give money just like that, and sometimes the fee is too high. When using the resources of the energy cloud, you must rely not only on the power of the channel, but also on your own abilities.

    In general, an egregor can be imagined as some object in the subtle world, corresponding to one or another group of people or, sometimes, to some idea; so, they talk about egregores of religions, states, families, professional, etc. Involtation is an information-energy flow and a channel through which this flow goes, going from an egregor to a person or to another egregor; this concept is taken from the "Rose of the World" by D. Andreev, where many state egregors (witzraors) and their relationship with each other and with earthly life are also described in zoomorphic form.

    The Trinity of the Deity, symbolically (though in different ways) represented in many religions, in the occult language means the existence of three Main egregors that control earthly affairs and are directly involuted by the Planetary egregor. These three egregores are quite abstract and high, but still lend themselves to some description, which in many cases makes it possible to understand which of them the activity of a particular egregor or person belongs to.

    The first Chief egregor (in Western astrology it is symbolized by Pluto) has the key word "will". In its highest manifestations, it is the Hand (or will) of God; on the social level it is the legislative power, on the individual level it is the principle of will in man. According to D. Andreev, the Black Teacher according to the First Main egregor is Histurg, or the Great Torturer - the first hypostasis of the planetary demon Gagtungr. The main temptation of the First egregor is the temptation of power over the world in any form.

    The second Main egregore (the planet Neptune) has the key word "feeling". In its highest manifestations, it is Divine love, mercy, compassion and the grace of God; on the social level it is the people or public opinion; on the individual level it is inner life, especially emotional states and affects. The black teacher here is the Great Whore Fokerma, the second hypostasis of Gagtungr. The main temptations are selfish distortion of reality (especially lies), all kinds of low meditations (including alcohol and drug trances) and strong emotional states.

    The third Main egregore (the planet Uranus) has the keyword "action". In the highest manifestations, it is the Finger of God, a miracle, that is, any direct intervention of God in earthly affairs. At the social level, this is executive power; at the individual level, it is practical activity. Black Teacher - Urparp, the Great implementer of the demonic plan (in other words, the Builder of intrigues) - the third hypostasis of Gagtungr. The main temptation of the Third egregore is unreasonable activity, energetic actions with closed eyes (although often with the best intentions), which actually bring chaos and destruction, create new karmic knots that thicken and darken the world.

    Money egregor is one of the most interesting egregors that have existed on Earth since man came into this world. People began to create it as soon as mutual settlements between them appeared. Previously, mutual settlements were carried out by exchanging all kinds of objects and things. But gradually humanity moved to the monetary form of mutual settlements in the form in which they exist now. Thus, the egregor of mutual settlements is and will be as long as a person is alive on Earth.

    Money egregor helps everyone who is connected to it. It is his assistance that explains the presence or absence of money from any of us. How is it connected to the money egregor? Connecting to the money egregor occurs with the help of the correct appeal to it, the observance of “money” signs and some recommendations from the practice of Feng Shui.

    Appeal to the money egregor. We resort to such treatment if we have a specific order. For example, you need several thousand dollars to develop an enterprise, but your company's budget is not currently ready for such expenses. Then contact the egregor with a request. If this is done correctly, then soon you will receive a loan, or you will be repaid - one way or another, there will be money.

    It’s not worth “pulling” anything out of yourself, inventing a bicycle or, straining, compiling the text of an appeal. Ask in the way you think is best. The form is completely free. What matters is the motives that prompted you to take this step, and the feeling with which you make your request. Respect the egregore helping you, thank him for his help. “Dear money egregor, bring me profit. Help me, please, in the work that I am doing now. You can even name the number of the contract, on which your profit depends. Another form of communication can be a letter. When working with cash flow, you can write down your current account on paper and put it in front of you. Ask the money egregor to send money to your account.

    Money notes. To connect to a money egregor means to comply with its requirements and laws. Basically, they are known to mankind a long time ago. Now this knowledge is fixed in signs about money. It is their observance that will be the first step towards connecting to the money egregore. I will return to the issue of monetary signs in one of the following chapters. In it, we will talk in detail about the actions by which you can attract money into your own hands.

    If you use this knowledge and money begins to “come” to you, then the egregor favors you, and there are either no blocks on the communication channel with him, or they are weak and do not interfere with progress. It happens, however, that at the first stage of connecting to the money egregor, no results are observed. This means that you have blocks that egregors put up, because they don’t want to have anything to do with you. Are there any methods that allow you to remove these blocks and help build relationships between you and the money egregore? Certainly! There are several tricks that will help you establish the warmest relationship with the money egregore as soon as possible. First of all, you need to adhere to a special course of action that attracts money to you.

    The issue of holding money is quite interesting. The first thing to learn is to find suitable places to store money and put it there. There is only one principle here - money must grow, that is, their number must increase. Sometimes the place where you keep money helps or hinders the flow of money into your home.

    Most of the time we don't even think about these things. Some keep money in books, others in a closet or sideboard, others even in the refrigerator, and so on. All this is good, and there are no restrictions. The main thing is to see and understand whether money is still going to that place, whether it is saved there. Such a place can be found in every apartment, but for this you need to experiment: shift money from time to time to another place and observe what changes follow. In the end, you will clearly define the place where your money must be stored in order to accumulate. That is where they will "grow". Put a fiat coin there, which will become a symbol of your well-being. It is important to pay attention to the fact that this coin is without a hole. Coins with a hole (Chinese, French, etc.) are not suitable, because through it your money will flow away from you.

    You should also keep your money properly. If money comes to you, share it. Put one part on expenses - this is money that comes and goes. Put them in one place that you have identified experimentally. The most successful operations with current money will be associated with it. Set aside the other part of the money in a secluded place for the realization of a cherished dream. A realistic dream should be for everyone. But do not subordinate your whole life to its fulfillment, otherwise you will stop your movement, and you will never save up money for it, and you will fall on the hook on which you will be kept all your life.

    You have to be respectful of money. This is an indicator that you respect the money egregor, listen to him and show him your disposition. It is necessary to communicate with money and mentally speak. Having abandoned money once, it is difficult to restore good and kind relations with a money egregor. Never give up money and wealth.

    You need to have a wallet that would look decent. If it is torn, it must be replaced. Except when the wallet is magical, that is, in any state it attracts money and allows it to grow. It's worse when you put money in your wallet and it's empty, put it in and it's still empty. Money seems to be flowing out of him. Incomprehensible, stupid, useless expenses appear; costs almost double. This emptiness is concentrated around you, you get used to an empty wallet. If you are the owner of just such a wallet, from which money constantly disappears, then through it your money leaves astrally. Clothes and bags also contribute to either the growth of money or their waste. It is clear that when money leaks, it is better not to use such wallets, bags or clothes, or try to “recharge” them: give them to a rich friend or forget them in a house in which there is a substantial wealth. It is very good if a rich friend gives you a wallet with a bill for your birthday or some other holiday. This wallet will almost always bring you money.

    If you were given a wallet, then you need to test it. Take a bill, put it in your wallet, hide it somewhere and watch what happens next. The wallet will gradually fill up with money - you will have some unexpected income, expenses will be reduced, you will begin to repay your debts. There are times when money starts to “leave” through this wallet: expenses will increase, petty theft will begin, wages will be delayed ... You should not analyze the reason for the disappearance of money, just see if they “come” or “leave”. As it turns out, so be it - the money will come anyway, no matter what. The only question is where to put them so that they are preserved and multiplied.

    The next step is clothing. The classic version: a man has trousers, in the pockets of which money "comes", and there are - from which "leave". Moreover, it happens that everything develops simply paradoxically - money “comes” into the left pocket of the trousers, and “leaks” from the right.

    Your task is to determine the main one: through which place in your house, through which bag, casket, through which purse or pocket money “comes” and “leaves”. It is likely that you will have to part with items that “take away” money from you. At the very least, try to limit your use of them, and definitely don't store money in them. Do not worry, with the money that will come to you as a result of their proper storage, you will buy yourself more than one pair of trousers, a wallet or a bag. Much more deplorable will be the option, with the development of which you will continue to use things that drain your money, luck, vitality. It is necessary to observe and react. If you bought an item, check it just in case.

    It is important not to shy away from wealth and money, but to accept these situations as they are and “take your reaction”. If something is given to you, accept it with gratitude. Just do not forget to legally correct the receipt of money to you. If you are helped and the money goes into your hands, do not forget to thank your helpers.

    Another important point in relations with a money egregore: a person who boasts or tells how cleverly he earned a lot of money will lose support. Questions about your wealth or state of affairs should be answered vaguely or not answered at all. The exception is perhaps the tax inspectorate - a body that is unusually closely connected with the money egregor, with which you should not dissemble.

    It is good to have money symbols and carry them in your purse, pockets, bags, and also keep them next to the pot that holds change. All this should be located in the western sector of your apartment, according to the Feng Shui system. I will talk about this system in more detail in one of the following chapters.

    It should be remembered that:

    money egregor - one of the most ancient egregors. Connecting to it provides us with success in financial affairs and commercial success;

    connection to the money egregore occurs through the implementation of the laws of hermeticism, observance of monetary signs and recommendations of Feng Shui practice.

    Unfortunately, in everyone's life there are situations when the despicable metal is sorely lacking. According to occultists, this problem can be dealt with by turning to the forces of the subtle world. If you dream of patching up holes in the family budget, or even becoming rich at all, call on the egregor of money to help.

    It originated in those days when people exchanged bread for skins and vice versa. This is a very powerful energy-information structure, but at the same time, the egregore of money is very insidious, since it is often fueled by greed, envy, hatred, so you need to be extremely careful with it. First of all, you need to figure out whether you can even connect to the financial egregore. Try to honestly answer the question: how do you feel about people who live in luxurious mansions, have villas in the Bahamas and a Swiss bank account? If you think that they are all thieves and scammers (you won’t earn so much money with honest work), then you will probably spend your whole life with nothing. After all, in fact, you blame egregor: it turns out that he helps people who are dishonest. Well, do not hesitate: the egregore will take care of your morality - even if you work hard and honestly, you will never become rich.

    If you think that millionaires are smart and not lazy people, then you should try to attract the attention of an egregore. Meditation on cash flow will help you with this. Imagine that banknotes are falling from heaven right at your feet - the more detailed the picture is, the more chances for success. In principle, one should meditate with the growing moon, but if a salary or other receipt of money is expected tomorrow, then regardless of the lunar cycles, by all means conduct meditation. Are you planning to buy something expensive? Imagine this thing in all details: size, shape, color - and place the picture on the virtual TV screen. Then ask the egregor for the amount you need to buy this item. Do the exercise three times a week. After some time, funds for a coveted purchase will suddenly appear. Having achieved success, do not think that you have grabbed the firebird by the tail. First of all, thank the egregor from the bottom of your heart, then he will surely fulfill your next desire.

    If you manage to make contact with the egregore of money, he will throw you offers: good ideas, opportunities to get a new job, win the lottery. And in the meantime, he will keep a close eye on you. If you do not miss your chance, get a reward in the form of good earnings or plump "jackpot". And if you miss, there’s nothing to be done: it means that the exam has not been passed and you need to continue re-examinations.

    And also keep in mind that at first you can’t ask too much from the egregor - only the most necessary. Don't forget that we live in a country where for decades being rich was considered a shameful act. This greatly spoiled the "character" of the domestic financial egregore. Bend the stick - and he, like a goldfish, will wag his tail and dissolve in the abyss.

    Aigar Janson's blog

    What should be done in order for Egregor of Money to accept you? To do this, at least, you need to work with your internal energy. It is believed that 2 chakras are the most powerful in connection with the money egregore: svadhisthana (second chakra) and manipura (third chakra).

    Where is svadhisthana? A hand's width below the navel, and about half a hand deep (if you have a large belly, make allowance for the thickness of body fat). Approximately there is the second chakra.

    Where is the third chakra (manipura) located? Feel for the solar plexus, the very tip of the bone. It's literally 1.5 cm lower. In the region of the solar plexus, the central bone on the chest. These chakras need to be developed. Most effective method- use breathing practices.

    These two chakras are not enough. In order for the energy flow to be as large as possible, you also need to pump the very first chakra - muladhara. It is red in color and is located at the lowest point of the perineum. This is the sexual chakra (muladhara). It gives power to the whole process.

    Muladhara is very well pumped when, for example, you are doing a rhythmic dance to a loud monotonous drumming. When performing such exercises, muladhara swings very well. Remember the dances of the natives around the fire? They have a very well developed muladhara. This chakra provides a connection to the earth.

    Even if the second and third chakras are pumped, and the first chakra (muladhara) is weak, then the monetary energy will not work. Or be very weak.

    There are many tantric exercises to improve muladhara. For men, there is a good exercise called Praying Mantis Breath.