Money egregor: what is it? How to connect to the egregor of money and increase cash flows

Money and the level of financial well-being of a person in his current life are the achievements from his previous incarnations and the achievements of his Family.

That is, the amount of money is a constant value, an unchanging karma, which is set by the Higher forces at the moment of conception, depending on how a person realized his tasks and his Destiny in past lives.

But this does not mean that the situation with money cannot be changed in any way.

There are three ways to increase cash flow:

1. sacrifice other areas of life ( family well-being, health, etc.);
2. to help other people wholeheartedly and receive gratitude from them in the form of prayers;
3. The child brings money to the family. And if God gives children, he also gives children.

Each child comes with his own monetary karma, with his own monetary potential, which his parents also use until they reach adulthood. But it should be borne in mind that the parents themselves, with their thoughts and consciousness, invite the Soul with a certain monetary karma.

In any case, children are our helpers, clues, they are great sages and, above all, they help a man solve his problems, mainly material ones, help to realize his Destiny. Children come and rise financial well-being families.

Money is an unchanging karma from a person's past lives

Once again, money is the achievements of a person from past incarnations. And if your financial position“leaves, as they say, much to be desired”, this is an occasion to think.

Often, the lack of money in the current life of a person is the result of the fact that in the past (their) lives they violated the Spiritual laws in the field of money. These are various crimes related to money circulation: deceit, theft, betrayal.

As a result, in the current incarnation, a person is overtaken by karmic punishments, prohibitions that block the flow of finance into a person’s life.

Man must give karmic debts on past lives precisely in the monetary sphere. These violations in the monetary sphere are always based on the negative qualities of a person: his greed, fears, greed, lies, as well as his belief that money is the most important thing in life. This is the result - material losses and a shortage of funds.

Money - Rod's achievements

Money is energy, the energy of the Family. A person comes exactly to his Genus to realize the tasks and Purpose of the Genus. Moreover, the tasks of this particular person coincide with the tasks of his Family.

If a person lives meaninglessly, does not fulfill his destiny, does not go his own way, the cash flow is blocked.

For example, he goes to an unloved job, spends his energy in vain, exhausting himself (hence, the work does not correspond to his life tasks). Or a person wants to work, but cannot find himself appropriate place. This suggests that he does not know his Purpose. In this case, you need to listen to your heart, feel what you really want to do, what you can create, improve, transform with the help of work.

When generic energy is used for other purposes, the World, the Universe create uncomfortable, unpleasant situations(dismissal from work, reduction of wages, etc.) in order for us to realize why we came to this earth, what abilities-talents we should discover in ourselves, what good to give to people and the world.

If the work of a person corresponds to his Purpose and the tasks of his Family, is aimed at serving the Good, then the Family lives in financial abundance.

We all know cases from history when people were subjected to repression, dispossessed, ruined the Family. In this situation, Rod could turn away from people, as his representatives were illegally offended and robbed.

In order to change the financial situation in a poor Rod, it is necessary to realize and accept that such a phenomenon has taken place. Thank Rod, his offenders, and yourself as the main link that can change direction financial flows in Rod. Then start building good, kind relationships with representatives of other genera - other people.

The simpler and freer your relationships with people are, the easier money comes into your life.

Egregor of money: connection

Money egregore- this is an energy-information structure created by the circulation (movement) of funds.

Since all people in their Everyday life use money, regardless of whether there is a lot of it or a little, therefore, they are all connected to the money egregore. Another question is that someone interacts with him to a greater extent, and someone to a lesser extent.

For example, a strong, prosperous business of a person indicates that he knows and correctly applies the spiritual laws in the field of money, and also that he has good achievements in past lives and according to the Family.

Therefore, the question: how to connect to the egregor of money is a little incorrect. It is worth thinking about how to make friends with the egregor of money.

How to make friends with an egregor of money

Firstly, what any person can do is to find their own Path, to finally understand what kind of work brings joy, satisfaction and energy. That is, start fulfilling your tasks and the tasks of your Family, as a result of which the cash flow will open.

Secondly, find out (if possible) from esotericists, karmic astrologers about your achievements in money karma from past lives. Start observing spiritual laws in the monetary sphere (do not cheat, do not steal, etc.)

Thirdly, stop worrying about the lack of money and constantly think about it. So, according to the law of similarity, we start the flow of financial deficit. Learn to thank the World, God, husband, parents for what they give you in terms of money, be happy with what you have, this is how you let the flow of abundance into your life.

Fourth, change your negative attitude to money, their negative beliefs and attitudes such as: “Money is dirt”, “Money is not the main thing”, “Money corrupts”, “Rich people are scammers”. The egregor of money turns away from such people also according to the law of similarity.

Fifth, love money itself, not what it can give you, not what you can buy with it. Talk to them, stroke them, thank them, say that you love and respect them, invite them to come again and again, bringing older and younger brothers with you.

How to attract an egregor of money

Sixth, stop being shy and ashamed to take money for your work, set an adequate price that matches your energy costs. Because these attitudes violate energy flows between you and the money egregore. Money is energy. And if a person did something, but they paid him little, it is violated energy balance, an energy deficit is created on the subtle planes, and the person falls ill.

Seventh, money is the energy of God. They are given by higher forces for the development of society, for its education and upbringing, for the eradication of suffering, poverty and other evils. Money was created by God and is one of the necessary conditions spiritual growth and development of people.

Money, like everything that we see, belongs to higher powers and is distributed by them according to our merits - past and present, according to our worldview, influence on the world and consciousness.

When the realization comes that God gives money, and not we earn it ourselves, then pride, worries, fears and many other negative attitudes leave our lives.

In India people say, “Western people are so strange! God gives children, and you ask doctors for children, instead of applying directly! God also gives money, but you ask for money in banks without asking the One who has this money in abundance!

Edited by Marina Belaya.

For people very important aspect is the satisfaction of material needs, because we all live in a world where money plays huge role. We are part of the economic system and cannot exist without financial resources. Not everyone knows, but there is such a thing as an egregor of money - that is, a certain substance that provides prosperity in the financial sector and actively increases material wealth. You will learn how to connect to the money egregore and how to interact with it correctly from this material.

In reality, egregor is not some abstract deity or idol who needs to make offerings in order to win his favor. Egregor acts as a certain flow of energy, a kind of information-energy mixture, represented by the desires, thoughts, words, actions and emotions of a huge number of people.

There are various egregores of the human world, both positive and negative. Of the characteristic examples, one can name the Christian egregor, but today we will make a detailed emphasis on the monetary egregore, which gives wealth, success, prosperity and consistently high incomes.

Egregor is essentially a concentrated cloud formed by vibration waves, which radiates special person or a group of people having a common activity (professional, family, religious, linguistic, political, and so on).

Such clouds of energy form the entire information and energy shell of the planet on which we live. There is such a phenomenon as the absorption by one egregor of others or the growth of one from the other, as well as a collision or harmonious mutual coexistence.

Money egregor is one of the most ancient that appeared on our planet. Since ancient times, all people strive to achieve a good life, which, first of all, means a secure life. The egregor of money is a combination of thoughts, images, deeds and aspirations of a person aimed at achieving various material benefits.

In total, there are two subspecies of egregors:

  • Personal;
  • Free.

In the first case, a person uses his internal energy potential, which allows him to realize a specific idea in life. And when the idea is put into practice, a person receives a certain profit. But it is important to be particularly selective in the process of choosing targets. Be sure to visualize what you want well and imagine it as if you already have it in real time.

Considering the financial topic, it should be noted that the most pronounced result is observed in cases where your idea is designed to improve either your personal financial situation or the condition of your relatives and friends.

How all egregors work

To make it clearer to you, you should dwell in more detail on the principle of operation of egregors. As a result of the action of energy flows, a mutually beneficial exchange occurs. So, when a person wants to connect to a particular egregore, he needs to very clearly represent what he wants. Of course, he can receive both a positive and a negative answer, depending on the decision of the egregore.

And the decision is made by the egregore based on the benefits that he can get when the idea is implemented. In most cases, benefit means a large number of human energy to replenish their reserves and maintain the vitality of the energy-information system. If the energy is not enough, something else can be taken away from the asker at their own discretion.

Therefore, if you want to connect to an egregore, for example, to money, first think carefully about your decision and be very careful and careful. After all, you can never be 100% sure that you will be required in return for your help.

Be sure to follow all the rules in order to subsequently receive maximum benefit for themselves without incurring any losses.

First of all, think about how much money will really satisfy you. Also be sure to indicate the purpose for which you are going to spend the money. Never just ask for money for the sake of wealth - thus, it is extremely unlikely that you can get help from an egregor.

Set a clear goal for what you need financial resources for now - for a new fur coat, cottage in the Maldives or maybe a new car? Do not be shy about your desires if you are sure that you have enough energy to realize your plans.

IN next video you are invited interesting information about money egregore, as well as various secrets successful and long-term interaction with him

Egregor money connection

When you connect to an egregor, a certain information and energy cloud begins to form. These are the vibrations that bills, gold bars or precious minerals radiate into the surrounding space.

In addition, the egregor of money also “feeds” on various monetary manipulations, which include the purchase and sale of various goods, the payment of salaries, the withdrawal of money from accounts, and so on. At the same time, it operates next rule- the greater the flow of money regularly passes through you, the better the money egregore feels.

But, of course, as previously indicated, none of the egregors that exist today will waste their energy, they always charge a certain “fee” for this. As a rule, in more quantity than it gives. Otherwise, egregors would simply cease to exist, because they are regularly fed by human energy.

In some ways, they resemble bankers - they take more money than they give. But do not rush to get upset and say goodbye to your idea of ​​enrichment. Egregors are not at all like vampires. After all, when you connect to them, you enter into relationships that are beneficial for both participants in the transaction.

At the same time, egregors very clearly control how many benefits they give and to whom, as well as how much they charge energy fees for their services. The last point is considered separately in each case.

The only exceptions are those cases when people have previously invested a lot of their energy in the egregore, but then the system itself will happily thank its new “partner”.

Rules for connecting to egregor

If we talk about free egregors, then they represent a certain danger for use, because for many years and centuries they have often absorbed not the most positive human energy with emotions. Therefore, it is advisable to dwell on the personal option.

To independently disclose the money egregor, you will need to perform the following simple steps:

  • set a specific goal for which you need money;
  • come up with a way how finances can come to you;
  • achieve complete relaxation, cleanse yourself of unnecessary thoughts;
  • think only about finances;
  • use various meditation practices.

After finishing preparatory phase take on a clear visualization of your desire. Due to the strong internal tension, your energy will begin to be actively thrown into the surrounding space, which in turn will contribute to the creation of an energy-information field around you, which forms an egregore.

It turns out that all that is needed to include your personal money egregor in your work is the maximum concentration on your desire, a strong desire for financial well-being.

If it is difficult for you to visualize material wealth on your own, we can advise you to visit a jewelry salon or a bank branch to feed on monetary energy. And then express your sincere and emotional request. Describe your situation in detail and name the one specific amount the money you need right now.

How to thank egregor for help

How powerfully the money egregor will help you will be affected by the correct handling of it. Indeed, otherwise, he will put up too high a "bill" for the services provided.

Regular gratitude on your part is important. Also try to keep your appeal to the egregor secret even from your closest associates. Magic is not an area in which you should brag about your achievements, otherwise you are at great risk of negating the result.

In addition, do not forget that money should be treated very respectfully. Never carelessly shove banknotes into your pockets, in no case do not crumple them. Buy a new, beautiful and high-quality wallet for money, in which money will be placed freely. This is their “house”, and if they like it there, they will be actively attracted to you.

It’s not worth spending money in vain, in which case the egregor will decide that you no longer need his help and you will face financial difficulties.

If you notice fallen banknotes on the ground, never step on them, it is advisable to bypass them. Also, negative thoughts in relation to money can prevent the increase in wealth. For example, you will think that money is evil, that it negatively affects the character of a person, then you will definitely suffer from constant losses.

The following rules will also help you to always increase your finances and be “in the black”:

  • Realize that you are in a mutually beneficial relationship with a money egregore, but never put money above everything else.
  • At every opportunity, express your praise to the egregor.
  • All your thoughts regarding the money egregore should be only positive.
  • Each time, contact the egregor for permission to get rich and succeed.
  • All your desires and prayers must be sincere and come from a pure heart.

Therefore, if you want the money egregor to become your reliable friend and always come to your aid in Hard time- follow all the above rules and show as much as possible respectful attitude to financial resources. Do not tell anyone that you are performing magical manipulations to increase your income. Such actions can frighten away the money egregor and you will be left with nothing.

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When you're ready, draw a card:

All people want to live comfortably, so various magical rituals and rituals aimed at attracting wealth are very popular. Any such action is realized by releasing energy and reuniting with it. But not everyone knows how to use spiritual practices correctly in order to increase their own income through the so-called egregors.

Egregor of money - what is it?

The concept of egregor refers to the field of bioenergy. It is an intangible accumulation of energy messages. It is based on people's emotions, their desires, goals, ideas, enthusiasm, and even vitality. He absorbs all these components in exchange for the corresponding services. It is worth noting that the payment for the fulfillment of specific material desires can be more significant - sometimes you have to sacrifice health or family happiness.

Egregor of money can be of two types: personal and free. It is better to use in practice the resources of personal egregors. In fact, it creates its own energy cloud, based on a separate idea, which, if implemented, can bring good profit. Moreover, the choice of ideas should be treated very carefully. The maximum return of the money channel will be only if the goal is aimed at improving the situation of the applicant himself and the people around him.

How do money egregors work?

Cash energy channels work on the basis of mutually beneficial exchange. You connect to it and voice your requests. A cloud of thought forms about money decides on its own whether to help a person or not. It is important for an egregor to see what he can get in return. He usually requires a large amount of energy, which he needs to maintain his own vitality. If there is no energy, he can take something else from a person.

The danger of turning to egregors lies in the fact that it is extremely difficult to predict under what conditions the exchange will be carried out. So that the result does not disappoint anyone, you should adhere to certain rules behavior and connection to money channels. This will minimize Negative consequences. Connecting money to the egregor should be conscious and thought out to the smallest detail. It is necessary to know exactly how much is needed, for what purposes, how they can be received. It is important to have not just a desire, but also ideas for its implementation.

Creating an egregore and connecting to it

It is not recommended to use free egregor in spiritual practices, since absolutely all the inhabitants of the planet have access to it. It was formed over the centuries and grew to an extraordinary size. To maintain such a voluminous energy cloud, he needs huge resources in the form of people's energy. Most often, such adult egregors as money or a channel for penetrating various vices into life feed on anger, envy, deceit and a thirst for revenge. It is these feelings that are the most powerful in terms of energy, so the egregore will specifically create situations that provoke such sensations.

How to open a money egregor created by yourself? To do this, you must first set goals for yourself, then think about ways to achieve them. At the next stage, the material resources that are not enough are determined. Next, you need to relax, think about money, about how much there is. Very handy at this stage will be the skills of meditation and reading motivating affirmations.

After the preparatory procedure, you can proceed directly to creating your own energy-information cloud and communicating with it. To do this, you need to visualize your desire, focus on emotions. When a strong moral tension is felt, a powerful release of energy will occur, which will create a special aura around. It is she who will form a personal egregor.

How to connect to the money egregor? The connection can be made at any time. To do this, you need to think about your desire, imagine an abundance of material wealth. It will help to stay in jewelry store or a bank. After the release of energy, an emotional connection with the egregor occurs. Now you can contact him with a request.

The text of the request to money channels can be arbitrary. It is important that it be saturated with the emotions of the petitioner, contain an ideological core and contain a part with gratitude. It is necessary to explain the current situation to the egregor, to tell about your intentions, possible ways realization of desire. Everything should be said only in essence, as accurately as possible, with specific figures.

How to appease egregor?

Knowing how to connect to the egregor of money is not enough. You need to have information on how to appease him so that he really helps solve the problem and takes a modest fee in exchange. To do this, you need to thank him daily for his services and attention. You can not tell anyone about the conduct of the relevant magical rituals for the purpose of gaining wealth. You should not discuss with friends either your own or other people's earnings.

The next rule is that money should be kept exclusively in a wallet or purse, but not in pockets. Banknotes must always be unfolded. If there is a coin on the ground on the street, then it must be picked up or simply bypassed. Do not step on paper money or coins. Banknotes of any denomination should be treated with respect.

Connection to the money egregore - effective method improve their financial situation. But before turning to such a technique, one should weigh all the pros and cons. After all, no one will give money just like that, and sometimes the fee is too high. When using the resources of the energy cloud, you must rely not only on the power of the channel, but also on your own abilities.

It is known that in the Universe there is everything that we need. And she, the Universe, is ready to generously share her wealth. But often we ourselves, without knowing it, repel its gifts: we do not believe, we are afraid, we doubt. And as a result, we accumulate and accumulate negativity: resentment against the world, fatigue from the constant lack of money, hopelessness.

The power of fire.

If money is always not enough, a person loses not only the opportunity to acquire certain material values. He loses faith - in himself and in the world.

He already knows for sure: fate is an evil lady, deprivation and poverty are prepared for him personally. As you understand, friends, in this case there is no chance to wait for at least some kind of gift from fortune: after all, any money that falls into the hands of such a person is immediately saturated with the energy of hopelessness and seeks to leave his inhospitable wallet as soon as possible. In a word, it is necessary to start with cleansing from the negative.

I will share with you a unique ritual. It should be carried out on the growing moon after sunset.

You will need fifty-ruble bills and five-ruble coins.

In the eastern part of the apartment or room, put an inverted crystal glass on the table, fix a wax candle on it and light it.

Sit down, concentrate and tell the fire all your troubles and problems regarding finances: let them burn.

You can do it differently: write your complaints on paper, crumple it, put it in a metal ashtray and set it on fire from a candle, then put the candle on an inverted glass. Throw the ashes in the wind or wash off with a stream of water.

When the candle burns out, light a new one.

Lay out a circle in a circle around the candle: the inner one is made of coins, the outer one is made of banknotes. While the candle is burning, meditate, imagining how your money circulation increases and your well-being grows, how life improves, harmonizes - both yours and your loved ones.

The candle must burn out. Leave the money on the table until morning. Count them in the morning and put them in your wallet. It is important to spend everything before the end of the month, leaving one bill and one coin - for happiness.

Karma of the poor.

What if it didn't work? Three options - either you did not try, or did not particularly believe in the power of the rite (then it was not worth starting), or ... Yes, alas: either the reason is karmic. Unfortunately, this also happens.

If you had ancestors in your family who “quarreled” with the egregor of wealth, financial difficulties may be inherited.

Well, it is necessary to establish relations with the egregor. By the way, those who call it money are mistaken, moreover, they attract serious financial problems into their lives.

In the astral world there is no concept of money - there are concepts of "well-being", "harmony", "wealth". In an effort to get exactly money, a person asks the Universe for papers that do not have subtle world no value.

Wealth, well-being - not the amount of money as such: it is a comfortable life, a sense of harmony with the world, which has everything you need. It is this message that attracts wealth.

Egregor of wealth.

We learn to talk with the egregor of wealth.

First you need to understand what it is?

To put it simply, an egregore is a special energy entity that oversees a particular area of ​​life, activity, a group of people united by common tasks.

This is not a deity - evil or good, egregor is devoid of emotions, and it is useless to pray for him for something. But you can negotiate with him, convince him to support you: after all, in return you will begin to share your strength with him.

The egregor of wealth is fueled by the energy of people who have reached material well-being: the more there are, the stronger they are and the more correctly they treat their state (they do not save thoughtlessly, but invest in themselves, in their loved ones, in business) - the stronger the egregor.

Try to imagine this entity: you need to find a mental image for it, somehow personify it. Probably, from the first time, without the help of the Master, not everyone will succeed - well, friends, meditate, call this spirit, turn to him: in the end everything will work out.

When the image of the egregor of wealth is formed in your mind quite clearly, you can proceed to the ritual.

On the growing moon, shortly before midnight, sit in a chair facing east, it is best if there is a window in front of you. In front of you (on a windowsill or on a table), put a lit wax candle mounted on an inverted crystal glass, spread all the golden objects that are in the house around: chains, rings, and so on. It is important that at least one "gold" lies next to the candle, but the more there are, the better. Family jewels are especially appropriate. IN last resort, suitable silver.

Burn incense. It doesn't really matter which one: the aroma should help you relax, immerse yourself, enter into meditation.

Now turn to the egregor of wealth. Point to the gold laid out around the candle: it indicates how much you appreciate its gifts, ask to bless you.

They talk to the egregor with the help of mental pictures: you imagine that you have achieved prosperity, and your strength rises to the egregor, becoming at the same time his strength. This is how it is created energy connection with the egregor of wealth - and your personal money channel opens (here the word “money” is appropriate, because the channel is a means of communication with the egregor of wealth, and the connection is through money).

Meditation should last until the image of egregor begins to gradually blur. At this point, thank him - and return to the real world.

Victims of the "black eye".

The evil eye, damage, curse... Yes, they are able to tightly block the money channel, break the connection with the egregor of wealth.

And here there are two options.

First: the evil eye lying on a person will be attracted by him. If you have not repaid some debt, you have attracted energy negative, he closed the path to prosperity. Of course, the most natural and simple solution is to repay the debt.

If for some reason this is absolutely impossible, think about who you can provide free assistance to, whom you can support. Let not money: our time, our strength, spiritual participation are also worth a lot.

Just keep in mind: it’s not worth it to cheat with the egregore of wealth, as well as with the astral world in general: THERE know exactly what you can do and what you can’t.

Well, if, God forbid, the evil eye or damage is the result of the work of a dark magician, one cannot do without the help of a psychic. Only after the negative is removed will you have a direct path to financial success.

Basic rules of "courting" for money.

You don’t need to make a cult out of money, but it’s a must to love it, groom and cherish it! Treat recalculating your capital in chests, safes or pockets as meditation - relax, surrender to the magic of coins and banknotes, dream - how would you like to spend them, where to invest, meditate in your hands. In the moments of such intimate communication with money, the material channel is fed colossally, and in gratitude, it will allow you to further increase your fortune.

In no case should one express disregard for money, flaunt, saying, “I am a silver-free man and material wealth means nothing to me!” The egregor will certainly punish such a fool, and the money will leave him.

Self-programming phrase: “I will never have money!” and those like her also contribute to impoverishment. On the contrary, at least once a day you need to imagine yourself busy counting money inside a red or golden ball - rich, happy and successful.

And it’s also very useful, closing your eyes, to imagine that a stream of money is pouring on you, you collect them, and, banknote to banknote, add, add, add ...

Never underestimate your needs. “I would just like a little money, a little bit, to pay off my debts, buy a modest apartment ...” - with such an attitude, it makes no sense to open a money channel. A completely different principle works here: “if you want a Zhiguli, ask for a Mercedes.” Higher powers will “cut down” the gift for some faults, so there is no need to do it yourself.

Egregor will not help you if you start giving money to just anyone. By distributing them to idlers and drunkards who will use a handout for another bottle or trinket, we prevent them from working off karmic debts, for which higher power will not fail to punish us.

Don't lend large amounts. People who lend money often have financial problems in 98% of cases. However, if there is a commercial interest, for example, money is given at interest, such problems do not arise.

Everyone wants money, but not everyone knows how to get and keep it. Everyone lives differently. For some, the cash flow hits fantan, while others cannot get out of poverty.

Why is it so? What is the reason? In education, connections, luck? Perhaps, but not really. From the point of view of esotericism, the main thing is a positive connection with the egregor of money.

If you do not know what egregor is, read the article about it. Egregor is the main concept in esotericism and magic, therefore, without understanding it, the following information will not be clear.

What is a money egregor?

From time immemorial, man has worked and is working for money. Here the main role is played not by the physical action itself, but by the emotional investment of a person in his work.

All wars are about money and wealth. The egregore of money absorbed the largest number of victims compared to the gods and demons. Therefore, it is very powerful. His projections are gold, wealth, business, politics, the state.

Levels of egregors

  1. Global, worldwide;
  2. Object, corporate;
  3. Individual.

The global level is an ocean of money, a global scale. Corporate - egregor of the government, the state, can also indicate transnational corporations, large commercial companies. Individual - family, personal flow of money, can be an egregor of a small company.

The global flow of money is not controllable. At the same time, the egregor of world money provides strong influence on human life generally. It does not carry any negative positive value. Egregor is a stream of energy with a primitive mind, which is aimed at becoming more powerful and stronger.

Corporate egregors are manageable, but also very demanding on those who are connected to them. There is a struggle between corporate egregors for the number of adherents. Such an egregore is part of the global flow of money. As a result, the struggle leads to nothing, the money itself wins.

Personal cash flow, egregor is something that greatly affects the well-being of an individual in a large web of egregors.

Interaction with money egregor

Any financial transactions, transferring money from account to account, paying for purchases is an interaction with the egregor of money. In this process, the main thing is with what thoughts a person performs these actions.

Gambling people are obsessed and fall victim to egregor. If you regret it when buying or when you give money, then your personal egregor suffers and becomes emaciated from negative thoughts.

In situations like this, you don't have to beat yourself up. Take it for granted, let go. Minimize the damage from negative experiences positive emotions and take action to restore cash flow.

If you regret an unexpected purchase made of your choice, then you risk destroying your personal egregor of money. Next time, be careful shopping and don't waste your money. The main thing, when you get something, you need to thank your egregor of money, which gave you the opportunity to buy it.

Most effective methods work with cash flows with the help of practices, rituals, magic and occult activities.

Examples of using magic to enhance

To establish a good connection with money egregors, visualization is important. Therefore, people widely use symbols, logos, signs that belong to the egregor of money.

The bank logo is its magical seal. All her small parts matter. This picture shows a lion with six shields of armor.

The main symbol of wealth and prosperity is the golden calf. According to biblical traditions, it was created when Moses led his people to Mount Sinai. On the main street of Wall Street in New York, there is a bronze statue of a charging bull. The name is popular, but the connection with the golden calf of the Bible and the egregor of money is visible. Therefore, this symbol has a powerful beginning.

From the point of view of magic, this statue is an occult attempt by the American financial system take control of the world's money flow.

There were supposed to be five such statues around the world. But on this moment there are only two in New York and Shanghai. Other countries are in no hurry to install them. This symbol increases the connection with the money egregor, but not in their favor.

The bull is a powerful amulet. But he is working to strengthen the American cash flow. If it is installed in other cities, then it will connect to the New York bull and will work for the Americans. In Shanghai, for example, there are many American companies.

Emblems, logos of companies, shops, banks carry strong energy money egregors.

All logos carry information and enhance the energy of egregors, direct cash flows in favor of the owners.

Money likes green, blue, blue, red colors.

But red is aggression and instability. The color symbolizes Mars. If these colors are skillfully handled, then quick success, development and prosperity are guaranteed.

Alfa-Bank logo

According to the Alfa-Bank logo, we can conclude that the bank has an aggressive development strategy and there are risks. Also, the letter "A" is underlined at the bottom. This bank uses aggressive magic to achieve prosperity.

Banks use magic in their practice. It's no secret that big businessmen use it, they just keep silent about it. In our society, it is not customary to talk about such things. Occult practices were used both in the USSR and in the Nazis, so far the states have not abandoned it.

The dollar is hung with cash flow symbols. He himself became the emblem of the egregor of money. Therefore, the dollar is the world's currency, no other currency has such power.

The most famous occult sign depicted on the dollar is a pyramid with an eye in a triangle.

The dollar is the most famous monetary egregore

Many banks choose certain colors in their logos for a reason, the most popular being blue or green.

The egregor of money is closed to the egregor of time. The bottom line is to get access to the money egregor without time.

Metaphysics of money energy

Financial inequality between people is like a dam on platinum. If it does not exist, then there will be no one to do the elementary hard work. Therefore, the rich will never give enough money to the poor to make them rich. This is how the money system works. Everyone is trying to get them and put them in their pocket at the expense of others.

How to expand your money channel?

Principles of interaction with egregors:

  • It is necessary to strive to ensure that the positive connection with the egregore is wider than the negative one. You cannot completely get rid of the negative, then the flow of money is blocked.
  • Strengthen your cash flow and money will come from all directions.
  • Connect to powerful money egregores.
  • You don't have to take more than you can carry. Everyone has a different energy for someone, the average salary is enough, and someone needs more. You need to look not at greed, but at the strength of a person.

There are different magical ways, attracting money:

  • Feng Shui;
  • stones;
  • Amulets;
  • Runes;
  • Taro;
  • Numerology;
  • Use the colors of money: green and blue - wear clothes of this color, or a wallet;
  • Do not pick up objects, money on the street;
  • Treat money with respect.

If you want to make the connection between your personal flow and the money egregor strong and set up an income stream, you need the help of a specialist. And positive attitude to money.

To do this, you can connect to a powerful egregor, such as a bank.