How to connect to the egregor of money and increase cash flows. Appeal to the egregor of money prayer

Agreement with egregor of money

As you know, the Universe has everything that we need. And she, the Universe, is ready to generously share her wealth. Another question is that we ourselves sometimes push away its gifts: we don’t believe, we are afraid, we doubt ... And as a result, we accumulate and accumulate negativity: resentment against the world, fatigue from the constant lack of money, hopelessness.

fire power

If money is always not enough, a person loses not only the opportunity to acquire certain material values. He loses faith - in himself and in the world. He already knows for sure: fate is an evil lady, deprivation and poverty are prepared for him personally. As you understand, friends, in this case there is no chance to wait for at least some kind of gift from fortune: after all, any money that falls into the hands of such a person is immediately saturated with the energy of hopelessness and seeks to leave his inhospitable wallet as soon as possible. In a word, it is necessary to start with cleansing from the negative.

I will share with you a unique ritual. It should be carried out on the growing moon after sunset.

You will need fifty-ruble bills and five-ruble coins. In the eastern part of the apartment or room, put an inverted crystal glass on the table, fix a wax candle on it and light it. Sit down, concentrate and tell the fire all your troubles and problems regarding finances: let them burn. You can do it differently: write your complaints on paper, crumple it, put it in a metal ashtray and set it on fire from a candle, then put the candle on an inverted glass. Throw the ashes in the wind or wash off with a stream of water.

When the candle burns out, light a new one. Lay out a circle in a circle around the candle: the inner one is made of coins, the outer one is made of banknotes. While the candle is burning, meditate, imagining how your money circulation increases and your well-being grows, how life improves, harmonizes - both yours and your loved ones.

The candle must burn out. Leave the money on the table until morning. Count them in the morning and put them in your wallet. It is important to spend everything before the end of the month, leaving one bill and one coin - for happiness.

Poor man's karma

Well, what if it didn't work? Three options - either you did not try, or did not particularly believe in the power of the rite (then it was not worth starting), or ... Yes, alas: either the reason is karmic. Unfortunately, this also happens. If you had ancestors in your family who “quarreled” with the egregor of wealth, financial difficulties may be inherited. Well, it is necessary to establish relations with the egregor. By the way, those who call it money are mistaken, moreover, they attract serious financial problems into their lives. In the astral world there is no concept of money - there are concepts of "well-being", "harmony", "wealth". In an effort to get exactly money, a person asks the Universe for pieces of paper that have no value in the subtle world. Wealth, well-being - not the amount of money as such: it is a comfortable life, a sense of harmony with the world, which has everything you need. It is this message that attracts wealth.

Egregor of wealth

So, we are learning to talk with the egregor of wealth. First you need to understand what it is? To put it simply, an egregore is a special energy entity that oversees a particular area of ​​life, activity, a group of people united by common tasks. This is not a deity - evil or good, egregore is devoid of emotions, and it is useless to pray for him for something. But you can negotiate with him, convince him to support you: after all, in return you will begin to share your strength with him.

The egregor of wealth is fueled by the energy of people who have reached material well-being: the more there are, the stronger they are and the more correctly they treat their state (they do not save thoughtlessly, but invest in themselves, in their loved ones, in business) - the stronger the egregore. Try to imagine this entity: you need to find a mental image for it, somehow personify it. Probably, from the first time, without the help of the Master, not everyone will succeed - well, friends, meditate, call this spirit, turn to him: in the end everything will work out.

When the image of the egregor of wealth is formed in your mind quite clearly, you can proceed to the ritual. On the growing moon, shortly before midnight, sit in a chair facing east, it is best if there is a window in front of you. In front of you (on a windowsill or on a table), put a lit wax candle mounted on an inverted crystal glass, spread all the golden objects that are in the house around: chains, rings, and so on. It is important that at least one "gold" lies next to the candle, but the more there are, the better. Family jewels are especially appropriate. IN last resort silver will do. Burn incense. It doesn't really matter which one: the aroma should help you relax, immerse yourself, enter into meditation.

Now turn to the egregor of wealth. Point to the gold laid out around the candle: it indicates how much you appreciate its gifts, ask to bless you. They talk to the egregor with the help of mental pictures: you imagine that you have achieved prosperity, and your strength rises to the egregor, becoming at the same time his strength. This is how it is created energy connection with the egregor of wealth - and your personal money channel opens (here the word “money” is appropriate, because the channel is a means of communication with the egregor of wealth, and the connection is through money).

meditation should last until the image of egregor begins to gradually blur. At this point, thank him - and return to the real world.

It is very good to carry out such a ritual not alone, but in a group. Of course, if you are led by a Master, a magician, the rite will gain special power, but even if you just meditate with the whole family, the chances of success will increase.

Victims of the "black eye"

The evil eye, damage, curse... Yes, they are able to tightly block the money channel, break the connection with the egregor of wealth. And here there are two options. First: the evil eye lying on a person will be attracted by him. If you have not repaid some debt, you have attracted energy negativity, and it closed the path to prosperity. Of course, the most natural and simple solution is to repay the debt. If for some reason this is absolutely impossible, think about who you can provide free assistance to, whom you can support. Let not money: our time, our strength, spiritual participation are also worth a lot.

Just keep in mind: it’s not worth it to cheat with the egregore of wealth, as well as with the astral world in general: THERE know exactly what you can do and what you can’t.

Well, if, God forbid, the evil eye or damage is the result of the work of a dark magician, one cannot do without the help of a psychic. Only after the negative is removed will you have a direct path to financial success.

Andrey YAVNY

The quality of human life depends on the ability to manage the flow of monetary energy. The power of the money egregore is powerful, positive and motivating, but his resentment can break life.

In this article

What is it and what is its impact

Money egregore appeared long before the invention of banknotes and coins. Ancient people exchanged things or services. The exchange gave rise to a powerful egregor, one of the most ancient and strong energy-information fields of the planet.

Money is a way of energy exchange in money egregore

The egregor of wealth helps only its members. His help is:

  • constant inflow of material resources;
  • large incomes;
  • closing successful deals.

Whether a person will be rich depends largely on himself, or rather, on his mood and thoughts. Money, values ​​and material goods are unevenly distributed among people. Some are poor and live paycheck to paycheck, getting into debt. And someone does not even think about expenses, living on wide leg. In society, it is generally accepted that money is the equivalent of happiness.

Wealthy people are able to manage the energy flows of finance. Energy flows through them in both directions: towards people and away from people. The flow rate is not fixed, as is the channel width. The more a person receives energy from a money egregor, the richer he is. The channels of the poor are narrow, and the flow is too slow to keep up with the needs of the people.

People are able to control the flow of money into life

To become a rich and wealthy person, it is not enough to connect to an egregore. You will have to work on the flow of energies, increase the speed of its movement, expand the channel. There are certain rules for this.

Briefly about subtle matters

Every person interacts with society. It is impossible to break the connection with other people. The fear of loneliness is an ancient fear of death, when a person was rejected by the tribe.

Lose society and social support- to lose not only a roof over your head, but also to lose your attachment to the egregor of the Family. Connecting with him is very important as he nourishes the participants and protects them. And besides this, Rod lays in everyone a program according to which people take care of their descendants. This is important for the continuation of the Family, because without followers, the egregor of the family will die.

To protect posterity and create comfortable conditions for their life, growth and development, people earn money and accumulate wealth. And how successfully they cope with this depends on the quality of the connection with the egregor of wealth.

It happens that several generations of a family do not get out of poverty and poverty. Failures with money are pursued in every business. Everything is to blame for the resentment of the energy-information field. Once upon a time, the ancestors of the family violated the rules of behavior with the energy-information field of wealth and disconnected from it, naively believing that they could handle it themselves.

Descendants do not have to suffer because of the mistakes of their ancestors. Relations with an egregor can and should be built correctly, namely: to conduct a ritual of a new connection. Many turn to magicians and sorcerers for help, which is in vain. The ritual is simple, each person is able to fulfill the requirements and establish relations with the egregore of money on their own.

Connection to cash flows

Egregor of money perceives only clear images and clear desires. Decide what you want.

The image sent into space will return to the sender with the same mood with which it was sent. Human thought is material and can be embodied in real world. It is important to live without deceiving yourself.

Thoughts can shape a person's environment

Spend more time in banks or jewelry stores. These are places where positive energy accumulates and each person feels its creative mood, being there and being recharged.

In this video, the parapsychologist tells how to connect to the money egregor:

How to expand your channel

The free flow of energies is hindered by mental blocks in the human mind. They are noticed when the connection work begins. Blocks are negative attitudes, mental boundaries to scare away money.

Being rich is a shame, you need to be like everyone else and not stick out.

To get rid of blocks, follow the rules for working with money egregor:

  1. Imagine that a positive connection is stronger than a negative one. Negative thoughts are the most dangerous blocks.
  2. Start with small requests.
  3. Don't pick up money on the street.
  4. Wear clothes and use a blue or green purse. These are the colors of money.
  5. Respect money. They do not tolerate neglect and rejection.

money magic

To establish a strong and lasting connection with the egregor of money, visualization will help. Emblems, signs, logos of banknotes and banks carry the energy of money.

One of ancient symbols wealth is the golden calf. It has been known since the Old Testament times, when the people of Moses created a golden idol at the foot of the sacred mountain. In European culture, the meaning has not changed. The bull symbolizes stubbornness, greed and the desire to get rich.

Adoration of the golden calf

No wonder his bronze sculpture adorns Wall Street in New York. Psychics see this as an attempt by American financiers to subjugate the world's cash flows. This is a very powerful symbol. In addition to America, the bronze bull statue is located in Shanghai, where the American market is developing. Wherever a new statue of a bull is erected, it will inevitably connect to the local dollar egregor of Americans.

The golden calf is an idol of an ancient cult

Banks and businessmen use money magic in their work. If you look at the leader among world currencies - the dollar, then the strong occult symbols depicted on it are striking.

Signs on the dollar bill - money magic in action

The eye in the pyramid is one of the few magic tricks that has made the dollar a stable and strong currency. The color of the banknote is green. This is one of the colors favored by egregor.

mental communication

The egregor of money will respond if you turn to him. Communication and attention is all that is needed from those who want to connect. Thoughts must be expressed clearly. For example, ask for a certain amount for business development.

It is important not to think that without this money everything will collapse. After all, thought is material. positive attitude will help the money to be in the hands of the asking person faster. And they will come, most likely, in an unexpected way, following the will of the egregore.

After the money is received, the egregore is thanked. You can't ask too much at first. Greed makes it difficult to establish a strong connection and get the patronage of the energy-information field.

money mantras

The Indian mantra Ganesha is popular all over the world. The elephant-headed god is revered in Hinduism. He is the patron of wisdom, success and prosperity. He encourages his followers with prosperity in business and a stream of well-being. Treats with great attention to requests coming from a pure heart.

Ganesha has a thousand names, each symbolizing an aspect of the god

It is addressed collectively or individually. In a group, it is easier to tune in and understand the pronunciation of difficult syllables. The Ganesha mantra is sung at any time of the day, an unlimited number of times.

For right attitude we recommend buying a figurine of a god and, when favorable changes occur, thank her with sweet fruits or sweets, because Ganesha loves sweets. To hasten the arrival of material wealth, place pieces of sugar at the feet of the deity every day.

Before performing the mantra you need:

  • calm down;
  • wait until the breath evens out;
  • focus on your request and the image of Ganesha.

The first mantra is simple and short, suitable for chanting and setting the mood.

OM Hrim Grim Hrim

The text of the second mantra is more complicated, and its execution will require attention and perseverance. Follow the correct pronunciation and do not confuse words in places, otherwise there will be no effect.


The third mantra of Ganesha is one of the most famous mantras in the world. She endows the prayer with success in business and strength for spiritual insights. It will only work if performed regularly.


Interaction rules

Money is not neglected. They may be offended by the state of the wallet in which they are kept. An old, shabby wallet that is long overdue to be thrown away can scare away cash flows from you.

It is customary to give wallets with a bill inside, so they are charged to attract material wealth. If the wallet misses money, in spite of everything, it is recharged - transferred to the temporary use of a rich friend or left for a short time in a wealthy house.

It is not recommended to carry banknotes in the pockets of clothes. So they crumple, tear, deteriorate and become unusable. Egregor will take this as disrespect. It is allowed to carry money in pockets only if carrying attracts energy flows to the owner. But even in this case, money needs to be protected and monitored.

In the place where banknotes are stored, it is customary to put a coin or a foreign banknote that will not be spent. It is dangerous to use Chinese coins with a hole, because the energy does not stay in them and flows away.

Wealth cannot be given up even as a joke. Manage your money wisely: do not squander and do not throw around. It is best to accept and spend them with gratitude and with a light heart.

On the street, do not step on scattered coins - this is a sign of disrespect.

With the right behavior, people attract the energy of money into life.

Forget about talking about bragging and showing off. Money doesn't like it. Best to avoid similar situations and do not discuss with anyone their own and other people's income.

Amulets for wealth

Creating amulets is an alternative to money rituals. They do not require painstaking preparation, and their effectiveness depends entirely on the energy and mood of the owner. Desire get rich will create a powerful amulet that can attract wealth into the life of a novice magician.

money hand

The hand of a person practicing a conspiracy will become an amulet.

After the ritual, the money will stick to your hands

A favorable time for creation is with the growing moon. You will need 2 white paper sheet and a pencil. In the evening, evenly crumble the lead on one. While reading the plot, press your hand to the sheet.

I do money rituals, I attract banknotes to the piggy bank. So that money goes to my house, they don’t forget the road. One to one, two to two! And all to me!

After that, instead of a hand, put three bills on the sheet different denominations and top with a second sheet. Put the folded sheets in a paper folder and hide in a closet.

tree to attract money

To create an amulet, seedlings of a fat woman or zamiokulkas are suitable. They cannot be bought in a store; it is best to take them from rich and wealthy acquaintances. The fat woman attracts rubles, and the zamiokulkas attracts dollars.

A fat woman attracts money energies into the life of the owner

Together they do not work well, so you will have to choose only one plant. When planting in a pot, read the plot:

My copper money, my gold money, my any money, go to my hands, to my purses, go on Monday, go on Tuesday, go on Wednesday, go on Thursday, go on Friday and Saturday, go on Sunday. Let every penny and ruble know me, not in the hands of others, but in my wallets. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Before landing on the bottom of the pot, put three identical coins. To enhance the positive effect of the amulet, praise the plant and decorate with jewelry.

Wealth Secrets

Whenever you make a profit, the connection with the egregor grows stronger. Giving alms or helping out friends with money, you appease the karmic egregore. A positive relationship with him can increase income.

Nobody prevents people from getting rich, except for themselves.

Envy and anger scare away money. Envying someone else's wealth is allowed if it motivates you to take action. Money does not tolerate dirt, so the houses of the poor are often not cleaned. Spiritual dirt is like garbage. Cruelty and betrayal are not acceptable for the creative energy of the money egregor.

Wealth appreciates optimistic and active people. What to do if there are not enough funds? The answer is simple - make money. Money will appreciate aspirations and desires, but those who are used to crying and complaining about their fate are avoided by money energy.

Money doesn't like debt. Each loan, as long as it is paid, does not affect karma, but if the payment period passes, then the flow of energy is disturbed. Debt destroys cash flow.

How to say thank you for your help

The less people know about your desire to connect to the flow of money energy, the better. Wealth does not tolerate empty talk.

In order not to experience financial difficulties, remember about 5 simple rules maintaining contact with the egregor:

  1. Do not revere money as a shrine. Banknotes and coins are only a means of energy exchange for egregor and participants. Material wealth is not a goal, but a way to achieve goals.
  2. Constantly express gratitude to the egregor and praise him.
  3. Think positively about him. Not money is the source of human vices, but the people themselves.
  4. Turn to egregor for advice and help.
  5. Be sincere.

Respect and gratitude attract money into a person's life

If you maintain a relationship with an egregore as with good friend, then the answer will not be long in coming.

How to turn off the egregor of poverty

Before establishing a strong connection with monetary energy, it is recommended that a practitioner of magic disconnect from the egregor of poverty, if in the past he depended on it.

For this, the magician takes comfortable position and meditates on the calamities that have visited him. Everything that causes sadness is within the energy field and is connected to it with golden threads. The practitioner imagines how the threads are woven into a thick rope. While a person is reading a prayer, the rope breaks:

I free myself from the energy of instability and become free from connection with the egregor.

This video shows how to effectively disconnect from the egregor of poverty and tune in to positive thinking:

Each of us lives in a world where material wealth is of great importance. They can only be obtained through money. Their presence or absence determines social status, quality of life and, in many cases, even human health. Why do some people struggle with money all their lives and live in poverty? Do others manage to benefit from any situation and turn even failure into a serious sum of money? Is it possible to attract money into your life? Let's try to find answers to these questions that worry millions of people.

Money energy

Everything that surrounds us has its own energy field. Almost any sphere of life, be it family, work or love, has an energy that is not tangible for common man. Magicians and sorcerers can always easily determine the intensity and saturation of this energy field around a person. After all, in their opinion, it is precisely the inability of people to use the connection with the information field of the Universe, which feeds the individual energy cloud of each living creature on earth, which leads to various life problems.

Money also has its own energy, the well-being of a person directly depends on it. Have you noticed that some people work a lot and hard, but their material wealth does not even reach the average level? In this case, magicians say that the connection with the monetary energy is broken, or someone else is fueled by someone else's energy.

The ability to capture money vibrations can ensure the well-being of more than one generation of a family, because usually financial wealth is inherited and increases over the years. Thanks to such skills, clans of millionaires and billionaires known throughout the world are formed. It is not known whether someone helped them to establish a connection with monetary energy, or it was done intuitively, but well-being has not left such families for centuries.

If you are tired of poverty, then it means that it is time to think about the world of subtle matters and establish a connection with your money egregor - an energy cloud that is responsible for financial side human life.

Money egregor: briefly about subtle matters

In this world, everything is interconnected at the level of mentality, so you cannot consider yourself the only one in the vast Universe. Be that as it may, but each person is part of one family, clan. He is what was before him and what will be after. Therefore, it is so important to establish a connection with your money egregor, because from today depends financial well-being your children and grandchildren. Magicians believe that failures and monetary losses clearly indicate that your ancestors once offended their money egregor, and he stopped helping them. You can correct the situation only by connecting to your financial flow again.

For many people, understanding how to connect to the money egregor is difficult, and they seek help from specialists in the field of magic. But in fact, you can do this rite and restore the once lost communication channel on your own.

Before you try to connect with your financial energy field, it is necessary to understand that there are two types of money egregor. The first has a universal scale and interacts with absolutely everything that happens in this world. That is, it can be considered as a kind of information cloud that stores absolutely all data about the past, present and future. Many people think of it as a kind of data bank. Connecting to this type of energy is mortally dangerous for an ordinary person, not every magician can interact with such matters.

But here generic egregor, which every person has, contains a separate money egregore available for connection. Exactly close connection with it will help to get rich and become a financially prosperous person.

There are still many practices that answer the question of how to connect to the money egregor. Magicians suggest using runes, meditation and special rites to achieve the goal. Each of the methods will help clear and restore the communication channel with financial energy, but the strength of this connection depends only on the individual.

The goals of connecting to the energy of money

The principle of interaction with the money egregor

Any interaction is subject to certain rules and principles, the same applies to subtle matters. Closely related to the question of how to connect to the money egregor, the principle of operation of this channel can be summarized in the form of several theses:

  • think before you connect to the money egregore (it will change your whole life);
  • you are not in charge of the money egregor, but he is you;
  • for any help from egregor you need to be grateful;
  • financial needs must be real;
  • receiving help from a monetary egregore comes after a clear formulation of needs.

That is, in order to enter the money egregore, you need to love money and accurately imagine the purpose of the amount that you ask for from subtle matters. And also always respect your finances and the egregor that gives you well-being.

Runes and meditation: effective methods for connecting to money egregore

Many people cannot independently establish a connection with financial flows. Therefore, tired of failures in this area, they actively begin to look for a way to connect to the money egregor. Runes in this case can greatly facilitate the connection process and strengthen the communication channel between you and the egregor. But the ceremony requires basic knowledge in the field of runic magic, otherwise you can seriously harm yourself and your loved ones.

There is more safe way to reconnect with their generic financial energy. For those who do not know how to connect to the money egregore, meditation will be a great practice. To conduct a connection ritual, you need to relax and focus on the area in the lower abdomen. It is here that the chakra that connects a person and the energy of money is located. In the process of meditation, you need to "talk" with your money egregore and ask him for help for specific purposes.

How to keep in touch with the energy of money?

Magicians believe that it is not so difficult to restore a connection with an egregor, but far from everyone succeeds in maintaining it throughout their lives. The principle of conservation has its own specific algorithm of action. What happens to you when you are tormented by the question of how to connect to the money egregor? The emotions experienced during the restoration of communication with the egregor feed this process and strengthen the financial flow. But over time, passions subside, and the connection begins to weaken. In order for the money egregor to always work, it is necessary to maintain an excellent mood and focus only on positive emotions.

How to connect to a money egregore: reviews

I would like to note that doubts about the effectiveness of the method of connecting to the money egregore will not allow you to establish a connection with subtle matters. Please note that any dissatisfaction with your egregor, including doubts, will instantly destroy the connection with him. Moreover, it will be impossible to restore it in the future.

Therefore, before entering the money egregore, read the reviews of those who use this energy. Weigh all the pros and cons, evaluate your capabilities and needs, listen to the advice of magicians. Be careful with negative reviews to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Remember: your life depends only on you. And it's never too late to change it for the better. Having found a way to connect to the money egregore, take this first step on the path to success and prosperity without a doubt.

The egregore of money was of particular importance at all times. This is how our world works - without Money simply impossible to live. Learn how to connect to the money egregore and turn off the poverty egregor, which is opposite in effect.

In the article:

Egregor of money - what is it and what is its impact

Money egregore existed even before the first banknotes or coins. Initially, mutual settlements between people took place through the exchange of goods - skins were exchanged for dishes, tools for clothes, etc. Like all other varieties of egregors, the egregor of money was created by the people themselves during the appearance of mutual settlements. It will exist as long as people need material goods, and it will always be so.

Money egregor helps only those who are connected to it, but how to become one of these lucky ones is a little lower. It is his assistance that explains the stability of the financial situation, high incomes and good luck in everything related to obtaining material benefits. It represents negative and positive thoughts and desires associated with money - the direction of energy depends only on the person himself, his mood and attitude towards money. The egregore of money is regularly fed by the material desires and aspirations of every person on the planet.

It is known that money is unevenly distributed. Some people are richer than others high level life, able to afford a lot. Others are not able to earn a lot of money, are content with modest earnings, or even constantly owe someone. In our world, money is considered the equivalent of happiness, and happier and richer people know the secrets of management. cash flows.

Cash flows are able to move both in the direction of multiplying benefits, and in the direction of their loss. The channel can be wide or narrow, and the flow rate can be absolutely any. The material well-being of each person depends on the characteristics of the money channel. Small canals with low flow rates are the cause of want and poverty. A powerful and fast flow is a consequence of working on it and observing certain rules. If you wish, you will have to work on the energy component of this flow and interaction with the egregor of money.

Egregor of money - connection to cash flows

The presence or absence of money in a person is explained by the work of the money egregor, or the egregor of wealth. Therefore, it is so important to connect to this source of monetary energy - it is able to help any person connected to it who knows how to interact with cash flows. So, how to connect to the money egregore?

Connecting to the egregor of money depends on mental image of the desired level of well-being. It is known that thoughts are material. Much depends on their quality. Thought, intention, desire - this is what the egregor of money feeds on. The thought forms sent into his energy space are embodied exactly as you imagine. Simply put, what you ask, then the egregor will provide you, therefore it is so important to formulate your desires correctly. Stay in jewelry store or the bank will also benefit - in such money places, thoughts are amplified by their energy. It is not surprising that people who do not dream of high incomes do not have them.

Mental communication with egregor will help you find what you want. Just ask him for what you need, in your own words. These should be specific desires, for example, several thousand dollars for the development of an enterprise. As a result, you will receive money to fulfill your goal, but they can come in the most unexpected ways.

The feelings and motives that motivate you to achieve your goal are of great importance. No need to imagine that without you you will be in need. Imagine what will happen when this wish comes true. Do not forget to thank the egregor of money for helping in your business. At first, you should not ask for too much, until you make contact with the egregor and receive his patronage, limit yourself to the most necessary.

Money meditation is performed on the growing moon or in anticipation of a large receipt of funds, regardless of the phase of the moon. Just imagine how bills fall on you from heaven. All of them are yours, you can dispose of them at your own discretion.

Cash flow blocks - frequent occurrence, with which almost everyone who starts working with them contacts. They are expressed in the absence of results from working with egregor. These blocks are exposed by him - so they try to isolate themselves from people with whom they do not want to deal with.

However, knowing how to connect the egregor of wealth, or the egregor of money with the help of thoughts, is not enough. There are many rules, some of which are known as money signs and superstitions. They are described below and should be observed. Each egregore has its own limitations and frameworks, and the monetary one is no exception. He gives blessings only to those who are really worthy of them.

The right attitude towards money is another important point. Remember that crunchy bills alone do not bring happiness and cannot solve all your problems. Money is a means to obtain material goods, nothing more. Do not build them into a cult, but use them to improve the quality of life. The attitude to wealth and the people who possess it is also important. Attitudes like “we have never lived richly, there is nothing to start” or “you can’t earn so much with honest work” do not lead to good. Thanks to them, a person who will work hard and honestly will never become rich. We live in a country where for a long time being rich was a shame, which seriously affected the standard of living in the country.

It is also known that not a single principle of connecting to a money egregore will justify itself if a person avoids honest work, is unsure of himself, and is also lazy. In itself, the ability to use cash flows only provides support on the path to wealth, but the financial situation depends not only on it, but also on the personal qualities of a person.

Money egregor - rules for interacting with it

The rules of the money egregore pulled out more than one person from the poverty line. One of the main rules recommends finding a place where the money will increase. A place of storage can both attract cash flows and hinder them, creating a block. As far as it is intended for storing banknotes, it does not really matter. Many people keep money not only in wallets or pockets, but also in books, separate drawers. desks and even in the refrigerator. The main thing is that the banknotes remain clean and do not wrinkle, because such a careless attitude towards them can offend the egregor of money.

How to find a place that will attract material wealth to you? Experiment by changing the places for storing banknotes, notice how their change affects your financial situation. As a result, you will determine which one is most suitable for storing funds. There you can put a fiat coin that will never be spent and will remain an eternal symbol of your well-being.

However, popular amulets in the form coins with a hole are not suitable for this role - they will contribute to the leakage of money, not to attract them. This big mistake- use such Chinese or French coins. It is believed that they are able to become good, however, they are categorically not suitable as fiat coins. Otherwise, the presence of money amulets will be more of a plus than a minus. For example, it is quite suitable for this role.

Signs about the wallet will become yours practical guide to attract money. Another rule of money egregore is the correct selection of a wallet. It must look decent, even if big money to purchase this accessory is not. A holey, frayed or otherwise damaged wallet should be thrown away - it expresses your disrespect for money.

In addition, there are wallets from which money is constantly leaving. It is better not to use them, but you can try to recharge such unfortunate wallets. Let a rich friend wear such a thing or leave it for a while in a house where they live richly. It is good if the wallet was presented by a rich person according to all signs of gifts - with a bill inside. With a high probability, it will attract cash flows.

Many people prefer to keep money not in wallets, but in their pockets. If you believe money signs, this is wrong - banknotes are crumpled and dirty in pockets, which is a sign of disrespect for them. However, if you can provide proper storage money in your pockets, you should know that, like wallets, they can attract and repel cash flows. There are both happy or materially unhappy wardrobe items, as well as different pockets of one product. Experimentally, you can determine in which pocket it is worth keeping money. Check all new things for interaction with cash flows.

Proper distribution of funds is another law of wealth. Every person has a material dream, which is quite realistic to realize. Set aside half of your income for the realization of this dream, and leave half for current expenses - this money comes and goes. They should be stored in an experimentally selected place or in the “right” wallet, and the money set aside for the fulfillment of a dream is stored separately, in a secluded place. Do not save money for an abstract "rainy day". You can have some amount to solve important issues, from which no one is safe, but no need to go too far with this.

When you receive a large sum, let this money spend the night at least one night in your house - a sign of money. You need to spend money with pleasure, without feeling regret. But this does not mean that you need to make unreasonable spending.

Watch a video about money egregors.

Money must be treated with respect - this expresses respect for the money egregor. Talk to them out loud or to yourself. Never give up money and wealth, even as a joke. Once you give up material well-being, you can lose it forever. If the energy-informational entity, which is the egregor, is seriously offended, it will be very difficult to restore relations with it. Receive material resources with gratitude, do not forget to thank the egregor for this. You can not step on money with your feet and in other ways express your contempt for them.

Many are afraid to talk about money, afraid to jinx their income. It's not just that - a person who boasts of his earnings or money luck, will soon lose the support of egregor. If you are asked about wealth or how things are with your financial situation, you can’t open all the cards, but it’s better not to answer such questions at all. Discussion of other people's income is also prohibited. If you perform certain rituals to attract money or observe folk omens, you can’t reveal the secrets of your wealth to anyone, otherwise everything acquired will go away.

When cash flows grow - the secrets of wealth

There are certain manipulations that contribute to the growth or decrease in cash flows. So, planning actions that should bring profit contribute to their increase. Even if the profit is not as great as you expected, the flows will still grow.

The flow of money energy grows even if you lend money at interest. And the issuance of funds without interest reduces them. However, if you help out a friend in this way, it will positively affect your karma and appease the karmic egregor. Accordingly, incomes will still grow, but he will already influence this, and not the egregor of money. Charity has the same effect.

The feeling of envy reduces the power of cash flows. You can’t envy someone else’s profits, but other people’s success can be a good motivation. Someone else's envy is also destructive, in this case special amulets and prayers will help you. Cause envy consciously - to loss of profit. Try not to discuss the topic of earnings at all - neither your own nor someone else's. You can’t laugh at money, even if the amount really causes only laughter.

Money does not like crybabies, who only do what they whine because of lack of money. No money? Think about how to earn them instead of whining. Money loves business people, practical and able to remain optimistic in any situation. Any work has a positive effect on flows - even cleaning or working in the country. Dirt is a frequent occurrence in poor homes. Get clean - money doesn't like dirt. Emotional dirt is also taken into account, betrayal and cruelty towards other people can seriously worsen the financial situation.

Money is closely related to health. The point is not only that the restoration of the latter requires a lot of money. Are you experiencing financial difficulties? give thanks higher power for taking money and not health - material problems and illnesses are the most common punishments for sins.

A large amount of debt can cause a serious deterioration in your financial situation due to the destruction of your cash flow. Before working with a money egregor, distribute debts that have passed the due date. If you have, for example, a loan that you regularly repay, there is nothing wrong with having it until it becomes overdue debt.

How to turn off the egregor of poverty

Before you start working with the egregore of wealth, you should disconnect from egregore of poverty. This applies to people who are under its influence, have corresponding negative attitudes, or experience difficulties of a different nature that may interfere with establishing a connection with the egregor of money. So, how to turn off the egregor of poverty? There is a special meditation.

Take any comfortable position. Focus on material things that make you sad. You need to look at them as if from the side. When you're ready, imagine how the energy threads associated with each of them depart from you. These threads go up or down, weave into a rope, which is the core of the egregor of poverty. When you realize what appeared before your inner eye, mentally say:

I free myself from the energy of instability and become free from connection with the egregor.

Now mentally grab all the threads and tear them away from you. There should be a feeling of freedom, hope, lightness.

Egregor of Money is formed by the energy of money. This egregor borders on the egregor of goods and the egregor of services, intersecting with them in the zone of exchange of goods/services for money.

Egregor of Money is a kind of dedicated space located in a certain zone of multidimensionality.

The 15th channel is adjacent to the Egregor of Money. This is due to the fact that in the 15th channel there is a principle of control, on which almost all processes in society are tied. And society and Egregor of Money are very closely intertwined.

Because Channel 15 enters the Egregor of Money, through the setting to 15A you can get closer to the egregor.

Inside the Egregor of Money, the energy is of a different quality. When you get into the Egregor of Money, the energy that fills it is perceived as golden and quite pleasant to the touch.

I repeat, Egregor of Money is formed by the energy of money.

What is money. Money is a specific commodity (thing) that is the universal equivalent of the value of other commodities. Money is a commodity that functions as a measure of value and as a medium of exchange. Money expresses the value of other commodities, in so far as they are exchanged for any of them.

IN modern conditions the role of money is not so much specific goods (for example, gold or other precious metals, from which coins are made), how much debentures state or central bank (in the form of banknotes). Such money has no independent value and is only nominally equivalent. The basis of their circulation is the state power, which obliges citizens to accept banknotes and coins as legal tender in a given territory.

Based on the nature of the material, there are two main types of money: natural and symbolic.

Natural (material, commodity, real, real) money - money, in the role of which is a commodity that has independent value and utility. They can be used not only as money: for example, gold coin can be melted into jewelry. It is this kind of money that is all types of goods that acted as equivalents in early stages the development of commodity circulation (cattle, grain, furs, pearls, shells, etc.), as well as metal money - copper, bronze, silver, gold full-weight coins.

Natural money went out of circulation due to the inconvenience of frequent circulation, as it is too heavy, indivisible, or deteriorates during storage. But most importantly, they are too expensive to manufacture. After all, the cost of their manufacture must correspond to their face value, otherwise natural money will not play the role of an ideal commodity, acting as an equivalent of the cost of other goods. At the same time, with the development of the economy, the need for money increases, which makes the state's monetary system too expensive. The cost of money in such an economy is always comparable to the size of GDP, that is, too many resources are directed not to the production of goods and services, but to the production of money, which reduces the country's overall production potential.

Currently, natural money is used as a store of value and for collections (investment coin).

Since 1971, the international currency market has been suspended, and since 1976 the gold equivalent has ceased to be used.

Money that does not have independent value, or it is disproportionate to the face value. Usually, it is credit money. Such money includes:

  • banknotes;
  • coins made of cheap alloys, for example, based on aluminum (bilon coins);
  • electronic money, including in the form of records in bank accounts;
  • checks;
  • bills;
  • bonds;
  • other securities.

Today, the main form of money is banknotes and non-cash - in particular, electronic money. With the spread of plastic cards, banknotes are gradually being squeezed out of circulation.

The main functions of money:

  • Measure of value.
  • Recourse tool.
  • A means of accumulation.

These three functions are alternative in nature and divide the money supply into its component parts: money acts either as a means of accumulation (savings) or as a means of circulation.

Other functions of money

  • Instrument of payment.
  • The function of world money. Manifested in the relationship between countries or legal and individuals located in different countries. Until the 20th century, the role of world money was played by precious metals, primarily gold. In this case, as K. Marx wrote, " money throws off national uniforms". Today, this role is played by some national currencies - the US dollar, the pound sterling, the euro.

If we take the most common types of money, then from natural it will be (in the accumulation function) gems(diamonds, emeralds, rubies), precious metals (gold, platinum, silver). Of the symbolic money, the most common are banknotes, coins, checks and electronic money.

If from the point of view of society the most important parameter money is their price, then, from the point of view of the world of energies, we will talk about the frequency of money. Frequency is speed. In the context of Egregore Money, this will be the velocity of circulation of this type and type of money. Because we will measure this frequency by a subjective method - i.e. ourselves or relative to ourselves, then we will operate with a frequency of 7 ranges from red (muladhara) to violet (sahasrara).

So, money that has the lowest velocity of circulation will be of lower frequency. Conversely, money with a high velocity of circulation will be more high-frequency.

Here it is also necessary to highlight additional types money - "active" and "passive", as well as "dead". By "active" money, we will refer to those that are in circulation. To "passive" - ​​those that are withdrawn from circulation and perform a savings or funded function. Such money can be attributed to those that are not saved on a deposit in a bank, but in a glass jar or under a mattress. The same type of money can be attributed to the money that is part of the funds or expositions of museums or are included in private collections. The "dead" include money that performs the function of treasures (hidden or buried somewhere).

The lowest frequency (the "slowest") will be "dead" or temporarily lost money that exists in the form of various treasures.

In terms of frequency, they will correspond to the lowest range of muladhara and have a color close to brown. Higher frequencies will be gems. They will be red-brown in color. Then there are precious metals. Lower frequencies are palladium and platinum. Silver and gold will be higher frequencies. They can be attributed to the red and red-orange frequency range.

Banknotes and coins are directly associated with the country (or group of countries) that issue them. We are talking about a group of countries in the context of the European Union and their currency - the euro. The frequency of banknotes and coins is directly related to their characteristics such as free conversion. That is, if some currency is universally recognized in the world and can be exchanged (converted) for currencies of other countries of the world, such as the dollar, euro, pound and yen, it is more high-frequency than other countries. And, on the contrary, if some local currency is in circulation only within its own country, moreover, it is not large, and nowhere else, this currency will be of a lower frequency.

That is, some dollar of Tuvalu (a country in Polynesia with a population of 12 thousand people) will be more low-frequency than the euro, pound, ruble, hryvnia and tenge.

The most convertible currencies in the world - the dollar and the euro - are also the most high-frequency money. The euro is in the yellow-green frequency range. The dollar is in green. Higher frequency, faster and more abstract will be electronic money. Credit cards will be in the green-blue frequency range (more low-frequency of electronic money, because they have a material carrier). In the blue frequency range there will be actually electronic money tied to bank accounts.

Egregor Money itself has three levels.

The first is the lower level. Most people interact with this level. We get into this zone by tuning in to the Egregor of Money.

The second is the middle level. This is the zone energy flows Egregora Money. If we interact with some strong currents, we need to move to the middle zone. With this zone, the Lords of Wealth, working within 3A, interact the most.

The third level is the top, managerial. From this zone, the Egregor of Money manages the hierarchy of the egregor. Here is the Main Temple of Egregor, which stores Books with "Accounts" of all people "connected" to the egregor in the past, present and future and who are his elite.

As part of our elective, we will interact with all three zones of Egregore Money.

Egregor Money has certain zones - terminals corresponding to 7 human frequency bands.

These terminals connect people to the egregor through their individual channel.

The frequency range in which a person is turned on to the Egregore of Money is associated with two parameters - his caste and the type of doing by which he earns money. More precisely - to the range of which caste the type of activity due to which a person earns belongs.

A person can have an assemblage point on anahata, and earn as a locksmith. In this case, his channel of connection to the Egregore of Money will be in the frequency range of the Muladhara Chakra, in the red range.

If a person has income from different types activities, frequency-spaced, he will have several channels of connection to the egregor at the level of the corresponding chakras. For example, a person works as an official in the administration (manipura chakra, yellow frequency range) and at the same time is either a businessman (svadhisthana, orange range) or a famous scientist who publishes his works and patents inventions (green-blue frequency range).

Red frequency range. Muludhara Chakra level.

The lower frequency range (closer to brown) will be associated with hard physical work: a loader, a handyman, etc.

The middle frequency range (red) is the work of a Master who can put his "soul" into his creation.

The upper frequency band (red-orange) is the worker who begins to focus on trading the fruits of their labor.

Orange frequency range (svadhisthana).

In the lower segment (orange-red) is a master who is learning to trade.

On average (orange range) - this is the ability to create a "living" business - a company that will not close in a few months, but will exist for a long time. Also - to work in the flow of money, with loans.

In the upper range (orange-yellow) - a businessman who strives to get into politics.

Yellow frequency range (manipuras).

In the lower segment (yellow-orange) - this is "work" in a criminal environment (banditry), service at the very bottom of the hierarchy power structures(army, police, etc.)

In the middle segment (yellow range) is a politician or organization leader who acts like a shaman and can awaken the collective spirit of his structure.

In the upper frequency range (yellow-green) there are people who, as a rule, are no longer interested in managing. They are trying to understand the world through science and art: art critics, musicians, teachers.

Starting from the level of anahata, in addition to ordinary, human doing, psychokinetic doing appears - work on the market of psychic, psychokinetic services.

In the lower segment of the human professions there will be scientists, engineers, artists who have anahata fully involved, medical workers(often nurses and therapists).

In the middle segment - in the field of the esoteric services market, these will be psychics. People who earn fortune-telling, predictions.

In the upper segment (green-blue) - representatives of all esoteric guilds working in the market of psychic services and are at the level of 3-4 MA.

In the blue frequency range (vishuddha) are scientists who move civilization with their discoveries. And psychics of the second level.

Also in the blue range, those who work with the creation of thought forms are included in the Egregor of Money - inventing ideas (business plans), which are then sold and implemented. These people are consultants, and their consciousness is capable of creating rather dense thought forms.

The blue frequency (ajna) range is associated with the inclusion in the Egregor of Money of people who have the 9th quality of the 2nd caste, who perceive the world through the prism of egregor. Egregor of Money, as it were, imposes his own filter on their perception, and they see all the objects of the physical world as price characteristics.

At the level of sahasrara (in the purple range), people and psychics are included in the Egregor of Money, which make up its elite and hierarchy, whose consciousness is modulated by the egregor.

By itself, Egregore Money is in a fairly low-frequency zone - muladhara-svadhisthana. This is due to the fact that the bulk of money has this frequency range. And also, among people, the second caste, which is the second largest, interacts most closely with the Egregor of Money. Most of the money revolves in trade.

Therefore, the orange range with impurities of other frequencies eventually gives a golden color. Also, the cliché of the image that for quite a long time gold was the main type of currency and a symbol of wealth played a role here.

Why did the golden calf become the symbol of Egregore Money.

Several points can be considered.

First. The symbol of the Golden Calf is known to us from that part of the Old Testament, which tells about the overthrow of the image of worship by the ancient people of Israel, the golden calf, by Moses.

The image of God in the form of a calf among the ancient Jews may be associated with Egyptian influence, with borrowing from the Egyptian pantheon.

In Memphis, the god Apis, the incarnation of Ka Ptah (in ancient Egyptian, Ka and the bull have the same reading) had his own temple. In Heliopeol, Mnevis was worshipped. Apis was the bull of the moon, and Mnevis was the bull of the sun. Both Apis and Mnevis were dedicated in Heliopolis to Osiris. The Egyptian origin of the golden calf is also indicated by the nature of the rituals performed in honor of its triumph. In addition to sacrifice, it consisted of feasting, games, dancing and noisy songs.

The calf or ox served in ancient times as an image of strength and energy. The Jews recognized the power embodied in the golden calf as the power that brought them out of Egypt: "Here are your gods, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt."

The Torah states that four images shine under the Throne of Glory. The image of a man, the image of a calf, the image of a lion, the image of an eagle. Recall glyphs 10A.

The image of the calf was sacred.

Second moment. Psychics, who for a long time worked with the Egregor of Money, drew attention to the fact that the consciousness of the egregor is similar to the consciousness of an animal, a calf. It cannot be said that consciousness is absolutely unreasonable, but you cannot call it superintelligent either.

The human brain is made up of 1 trillion. cells, of which about 100 billion are connected into the most complex networks of neurons. About 16 billion neurons in the cerebral cortex. The brain is a certain egregor of cells, in which each cell, each neuron is a base point.

If we talk about Egregor of Money, then its base points, cells, will be all institutions directly or indirectly related to money: banks (Temples of Egregor), stock exchanges, pawnshops, credit organizations, shops. And since the entire population of the planet is 6.5 billion people, it is clear that the "cells" of Egregore Money are much smaller than the brain cells. Hence - a simpler, in comparison with the human, consciousness.

Also one of the features of the calf (bull) is obstinacy. This quality indicates the inertia of Egregore Money. Because The egregor of Money is closely intertwined with society, and society is a rather inertial and massive system, the processes inside the egregor have significant inertia and it is difficult to make instant and decisive changes in this egregor with one action.