Erotic declarations of love to a guy. Sexy sms for boyfriend

Erotic SMS to your beloved, always light and funny, sms of this type can always cheer up, and in some cases erotic sms will also rekindle passion and desire

I was possessed by a passionate demon,
And I send you erotic sms!
Beloved, be kind
Fulfill all my cherished dreams!

Today we will make love with you
And the whole world will hear how good we are,
I like to lie in bed with you
What else does a girl need to be happy?!

Bathe in my hair
Kiss my sweet skin
No more need for different words
After all, love is like no other!

Intoxicating me, you whispered in my ear,
That you love me, you then told me
My head is spinning with passion
So I want you, remembering the words of love!

Let this verse be erotic
Exotic sex inspires!
You and I are like two crazy animals
We will be busy with each other from evening to morning!

Please don’t pretend that you are working now and you can’t think about anything other than work….
and you know, I'm waiting for you at home tonight ....
do you know what you will eat? your favorite dish, me….
and you know under what sauce I will be - cream and strawberries ....
kiss gently lower lower. Love you! Your strawberry

If you see me, don't look.
If you look, don't kiss.
If you kiss, don't make love to me
If you make love to me, then don't stop!

erotic sms to your beloved man

Caress my body, sliding your lips ... Kiss me boldly - I'm only yours ... And in the fantasy world we will be alone - During ecstasy, you take me ...

Your beautiful body and eyes,
I wanted you, I'm crazy about you.
Burn me with your eyes, call for you,
I want your body and hot love.
I'll get lost in you, as if in a passionate fire,
And, enjoying the game, you will drown in me.
We will freeze for a moment, We will be fine.
You will not forget me, you will want more……..

When I think about us
I see how next to me
You walk holding your hand
On a rainbow under starfall.
And all dreams come true
Hopes come true
When you are next to me!
Of course, better without clothes!

erotic sms to your beloved guy

Clothes flew off ... a charge between us!
Press me to the body, touch your lips ...
Take me eagerly! - I humbly ask...
Now it doesn't matter... I CRAZY WANT!!!

Caress my body, sliding your lips,
Kiss me boldly, I'm only yours.
Give me desire and passion give,
And caress the fragile body with your hands.
And in a fantasy world we'll be alone
In moments of ecstasy you take me
So that I can never forget
How dearly we loved, and we will love!

Give me such love
To make the body tremble all night!
So that even from a kiss,
I couldn't speak!
So that both plexuses of the body -
You can't see any arms or legs...
For me to want more
So that you can't!

My soul is in your captivity
And the body is the slave of your desires.
And my heart aches endlessly
In the heat of love expectations.
I'm all yours, yes, without a trace,
I belong to you.
And it's so sweet for me to be with you,
I'm going crazy with happiness!!!

Let me under the covers
Where is the warmth and tenderness of hands,
Where is the time for love
Where only the beating of the heart is heard.

Beautiful erotic letter to him - beloved guy, man.

Erotic mail.

L darling, hello! I am writing to you as emotions overwhelm and overwhelm me.

Please read everything from start to finish. This is important to me, because you will read a lot of "magnificence".

When I first saw you, I started to go crazy. From your appearance. You are so sexy.... From the ends of your hair to your heels! Yes, there is no one like you .... No, because…. I'll tell you why now.

I want to touch you, gently, gently, stroking every inch of your body. Touch with fingers, handles, tongue. How do you like it better? I love touching your baby. Do you remember which part of your body I call that, and why? Not in order to humiliate your dignity, but in order to express my love and passion for you.

I remember how you undressed me, quietly, carefully, as if you were afraid of something. But he was afraid for nothing. I'm yours! I am completely yours! It annoys me so much the way you undress me…. I'm ready to kiss your hands. Can. First - the arms, then - the neck, chest, tummy, and lower, lower, lower .... You love kissing me in that sequence. I learned this from you. I also learned to look for and find erogenous zones. Your whole body is covered with them! I'm proud of it, but surprised. I have never met anyone like you anywhere. With what pleasure I enjoy you, dreaming of drinking you to the bottom, my angel ....

Your divine body is my talisman. I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when our bodies touch. The most beautiful moment... When you enter me, previously caressing, without ceasing .... You can do it! You know how to caress so sweetly that I could never say no to you. Ready to give myself to you at any time (night and day). I remember how excited you are when I tell you "take me, my love ...". You get turned on, and I love to say it all. Talk and repeat... Almost every second! I love it when you turn on. I love to feel how your baby swells .... I like to take it in my hands, playing with it with manicured nails. I know how to do it without hurting you. You should have seen, in these moments, your eyes! In their brilliance - the buzz of appeasement. I read from the look that you want more and more, that you want all these games to never end. And I am ready to continue them indefinitely myself!

I'm bastard when I see that you are pleased with me. It seems that at such a moment you are capable of anything for me. But I don't like taking advantage of you. All I need is your body. The whole body is yours! I can't do without it! You will say that I am the most vulgar vulgar thing in the Universe, but I will not pay any attention to it at all. I will undress you again, abruptly throwing every attribute of clothing far beyond our room. As long as you do the same with my clothes…. I will kiss you relentlessly. Kissing you is something magical. I'm sorry that sometimes I bite and you feel pain. I don't do it on purpose, to be honest. It's just that my love overwhelms me, I cease to control myself completely. Yes, I explain when you understand everything yourself. I'm sure you feel the same way. But you do not say it, but give it with hugs ....

I remember our first time. It had everything. First - the moon, champagne, stars, music, night. Then - confessions, the silkiness of the sheets, the fiery passions .... Your moans, which escaped, as if to freedom, from the depths of the soul, suddenly .... You yourself, then, were frightened and did not expect. I was even ashamed, although there was absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You heard my moans too. They have always (were and are) real, not some arrogant, not artificial.

You love my moans so much! You compare them with romantic music. You do everything to make moans flow like a river. Oh how you do it! I remember how you whispered my name. And I, in response, whispered yours, like the most native words in the world. Then she whispered something like “more…. more…. more….". Yes, I do not remember if these words were. The main thing is what we felt when our bodies and hearts flew away from feelings. By the way, about flights of feelings…. Do you know what I want when we meet again? I want you to enter me, and after sex, do not try to get it out of me. I want to feel and feel you inside me. Strange desire some, right? And we, women, are all with some oddities ....

I also want us not to waste (not waste) every minute of ours. I want, as then, in a hotel .... Do you remember how we made love without ceasing? We forgot about food, and about time, and about fatigue .... We lived in each other! They only drank, in between, grapefruit juice, and ran to the shower. After the shower - again intimate .... Yes, for several days. If you told your friends, they would be envious for sure! By the way, you asked if the size of your baby suits me? He is better than I thought! How much can he... Awesome! The main thing is that a lot can be done without getting tired. Sex giant! Doesn't offend you, I hope my compliment is like that? I have never said such a compliment to anyone! Your baby is the sweetest. Because when it was our first time, I did not feel any pain at the first intimacy. Oh, how the phrases are confused! It's all emotions, emotions...

I hope no one reads my letter but you? I don’t consider our telephone conversations, which “met” with us when you were on business trips, to be vulgar. We missed each other so much! I wonder if the operators listened to us? This would be heard! It all started, of course, with banal questions…. “What are you wearing now?”, “What panties are you wearing?”, “What color panties?”. I loved it all... I just couldn't sleep afterwards. I wanted to really feel you so much .... I know I won't let you go anywhere else! I can't live without your body, I wrote it already. Handsome you are my sexy .... Please take care of yourself. And take care of your strength so that we can enjoy each other for a long time. I want you, I love .... Take me, dear! I'm already waiting for you... If you see me, you will understand what a gift you got! I kiss you in all your places!

E rhotic writing is a message mental touch body and soul to the desired and beloved erotic image of his chosen one or chosen one.

Erotic Poems for a man, a guy.-, Beloved about Love frankly.

Tell him that. —, Phrases, words that excite men.

What else can you write to your loved one? —, Love letter.

Love Disability. —, How to drive a man crazy with love?

If he does not answer my letter, I will not execute him: rather, he is of a different breed ... Well, I will not rebel against myself.
Sinitsyna Irina

1. I would like you to go shopping with me, but I am afraid of the temptation to take you to the locker room.

2. Waiting for you, I already have no strength, in the pose that you asked!

3. I came, sat at the door, nervously fiddling with my bag: "Something else I wanted ... Damn it ... Oh yes! You!"

4. Can't cook dinner! Constantly distracting either a cucumber or a bunch of bananas! Come soon dear!

5. Do you want to increase something in size? Just come to me

6. Honey, yesterday, when you paid for me at a restaurant, you were counting on sex. Can I, having paid for you today, count on marriage?

7. If you see me, don't look. If you look, don't kiss. If you kiss, don't make love to me, If you make love to me, don't stop!

8. Listen, what are you doing tonight. Don't think bad! What if you think about this idea?

9. My soul is in your captivity, And the body is a slave to your desires. And my heart aches endlessly. In the heat of love expectations.

10. You are a sexual ideal, you are a ruthless macho, I always want you so much and I cannot do otherwise!

11. Hello kitty! I just got out of the shower! .. You have 5 minutes to come and not let me get dressed.

12. In the depths of your eyes, it was like a fish swimming. I admired your hair in the morning. The body, the smell of it, I couldn't breathe. You disappeared like a dream and I began to choke.

13. I want to see, hear and touch you. I want your affection, tenderness and severity. I want all this not to seem to me, So that my fingertips relieve fatigue ... I want you gently, anxiously, godlessly. I want you very much, but it's a pity it's impossible ...

14. I want to reveal a big secret to you. I want you, and it's no coincidence.

15. I want you! What more, I can still dream. I dream of seeing you naked, I dream of caressing your chest, I dream of merging into one, You and I are in sweet ecstasy... Let's arrange a glorious duel, In which a draw will reign...

16. My mischievous tongue wants to play with you... Wants to go into your mouth, go in - and start a little!

17. Press 1 - get a kiss, press 2 - get caress, press 3 - get intimate, press 4 - get nothing. Well, if you want everything, dial my number!

18. I love you very much, I really want you, If you don't want to believe me, You can personally check everything!

19. Your baby grows beyond his years, And already embarrasses adult ladies, When I take him in my hands, I will not find a more powerful club ....

20. Menu for today: 200g. tenderness, 300g. caresses, 400g. erotica, 500g. intimate, 1000g. kisses, screams, moans add to taste!

21. Body drawing - like a guitar, And a nerve - a string is stretched, You are burning in crazy ecstasy, I am smoldering next to you!

22. I want you everywhere: on the roof, and in the elevator, every day and every hour, but especially now!

23. The Internet has everything except what I want now... You.

24. My mind suffers inflamedly, And, not wanting to hide my feelings, I will tell you quite definitely: You and I have something to dance about!

25. I want to shower you with flowers, tire you with poems, without hinting at anything, invite you for a cup of tea, treat you to vanilla cake, and then do it ...!

26. You are my angel and you are my demon. From love with you I fly up to heaven!

27. Now I'm sitting in my big leather chair and I understand that for complete happiness I miss you ... between me and the chair.

28. I will make my way to your bed, and I will be a warm breath, tickling the surface of the body, tormented by joyful confusion, timidly warming you.

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Beautiful erotic letter to a man - great way stimulation romantic relationship. The original message, permeated with sensuality and passion, will not leave anyone indifferent. There are several options when writing this kind of letter, depending on the specific circumstances:

Your acquaintance took place recently. In this case, it is recommended to call on all your secret desires and thoughts, to present yourself as depraved enough to attract the attention of the chosen one. Describe your wildest fantasies about him and his virtues, about what you want to do when you are in his arms.

A beautiful erotic letter to a man should evoke strong emotions and excitement for both you and your chosen one. You can add some rough notes to the message, instead of the banal “I love”, use a passionate “I want”. Take advantage of women's sites and forums or look at erotica, there you will learn a lot of useful things for your writing.

You have been together for a long time. When a couple for a long time lives under the same roof, everyday life and problems begin to crowd out passion in a relationship. The best way out is an intimate letter. You can come up with something new role play or an unusual pose that can turn ordinary relationships around. It is necessary to describe all these ideas in your message, bright and sensual.

An example of erotic writing

Hello, my dear, beloved, dear ... Every day of our separation for me stretches like an eternity. Every night I remember your caresses, feeling the gentle touch of your hands with every cell of my body.

My lips remember your kisses, which burned in moments of unforgettable bliss. Your hugs and hot breath drove me crazy. My memory gives me over and over again the memories of the irrepressible passion that our bodies radiated. In her impulse, you covered with caresses all of my silky skin. In those moments, I was suffocating with happiness ...

Erotic message to a beloved man

Every day I count the minutes before meeting you, and, as luck would have it, they stretch like an eternity. From unbearable longing, I give free rein to my fantasy, which draws me the moment of our meeting, and how we again indulge in unearthly pleasure. I feel your hot breath and merge with you into one single.

I want to feel your excited body again and completely dissolve in you. I want to enjoy you all night, all day, day and night. Forget about everyone and everything with you. I want to melt in impulses of passion and fly away from the unprecedented bliss that you gave me every time.

Erotic letter sample

My dear, good! I want you to know - I completely belong to you! I'm waiting for you and burning with impatience. My body is waiting and yearning for love. Only with you I was able to fly into the heavens in a moment of bliss and descend to the earth inspired with pleasure.

My dear, dear. I miss you and only memories help me overcome the painful days in separation from you. Only they send me your image, your smell, your voice. My heart yearns for you and sometimes it seems to me that I can overcome all distances on the wings of my love, just to be with you.

P.S. I love you... I'm waiting for you... I want you...

Ways to send a beautiful erotic letter to a man:

  • Email. Most traditional version. Having received an intimate letter during work, your chosen one will undoubtedly be pleased and intrigued.
  • SMS message. Fast and easy way delivery of your erotic desires.
  • Letter on paper. An option for lovers of old romance. Such a message can be hidden in a pocket, bag or somewhere else where your loved one will definitely find it.

The most important thing is to be frank, bold and depraved, fantasize, do not be shy about your feelings and desires. Your man will be satisfied, and the relationship will be filled with new sensations and emotions.

When you feel aroused in separation from a partner, imagine a love scene with a partner, giving vent to your sexual sensations. In a letter to your partner, outline what you want to do, then describe the love scene and how you feel, as if everything is really happening. Here is an example of a letter from a man to his wife.

"Expensive. How I miss you. I feel so excited, but I can't see you to touch. How I love touching your beautiful naked body. His graceful curves, yours beautiful breasts give me pleasure and drive me crazy with desire. I love to touch your hard nipples and suck them.

At this moment, I imagine holding you in my arms. I feel your warmth soft body clings to mine. I like to hold you tightly to me. I breathe your delicate fragrance and my love for you grows stronger. I kiss your gentle lips and my whole body trembles. Gradually, our kiss becomes more and more passionate, and you open your mouth for me. My tongue penetrates your mouth and its wetness excites me even more.

I hold your head in my hands and stroke your beautiful hair. I like to run my fingers over your body, knowing how it turns you on. I love light touch your fingers to my body. Just as you give me pleasure with every touch, I know that you also enjoy my caresses.

I like to take off your bra and feel the tenderness of your breasts and the hardness of your nipples. I know that you want me just as much as I want you. I submit my love to you. You are all I want. I am burning with the desire to connect with you, to merge with you, to enter your warm and moist womb.

As soon as my fingers just touch your wet womb, even more excitement permeates my body. Slowly and rhythmically, I move my finger in a circle until it touches the clitoris. I pick up the pace, you start to breathe heavily, I increase the speed and pressure.

I can feel that you, like me, want more. Everywhere touching you, I hear your gentle response sounds. My hard erect cock that was longing to enter you finally got what it wanted. What heavenly bliss to penetrate into your sacred chamber, what love overflows my heart, what passion is born in me. I begin to slowly sink deeper.

Time stopped. Finally, we are one. I move forward and fill you, hear your loud cry and feel you surrender to my presence. I keep moving back and forth, back and forth, my cock getting harder and harder. Every movement inside you soothes the most tender strings of my soul. I feel like I'm ready to explode, but my tension eases when I hear your delicious moans of pleasure.

Together we plunge into the sensations of love, pleasure and ecstasy. All my love rushes to you when you reach orgasm. Your breathless moans of pleasure peak, and a sparkling burst of pleasure explodes in me as I reach relief. And we plunge into an intoxicating unity, clinging to each other, our naked bodies are intertwined, I find peace. My life is at peace and I feel so complete again. I thank God for you and for the special gift given to me from above - to love you and be loved by you.

Beautiful erotic letter to him - beloved guy, man.

Erotic mail.

L darling, hello! I am writing to you as emotions overwhelm and overwhelm me. Please read everything from start to finish.

This is important to me, because you will read a lot of "magnificence".

When I first saw you, I started to go crazy. From your appearance. You are so sexy.... From the ends of your hair to your heels! Yes, there is no one like you .... No, because…. I'll tell you why now.

I remember how you undressed me, quietly, carefully, as if you were afraid of something. But he was afraid for nothing. I'm yours! I am completely yours! It annoys me so much the way you undress me…. I'm ready to kiss your hands. Can. First - the arms, then - the neck, chest, tummy, and lower, lower, lower .... You love kissing me in that sequence. I learned this from you. I also learned to look for and find erogenous zones. Your whole body is covered with them! I'm proud of it, but surprised. I have never met anyone like you anywhere. With what pleasure I enjoy you, dreaming of drinking you to the bottom, my angel ....

Your divine body is my talisman. I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when our bodies touch. The most beautiful moment... When you enter me, previously caressing, without ceasing .... You can do it! You know how to caress so sweetly that I could never say no to you. Ready to give myself to you at any time (night and day). I remember how excited you are when I tell you "take me, my love ...". You get turned on, and I love to say it all. Talk and repeat... Almost every second! I love it when you turn on. I love to feel how your baby swells .... I like to take it in my hands, playing with it with manicured nails. I know how to do it without hurting you. You should have seen, in these moments, your eyes! In their brilliance - the buzz of appeasement. I read from the look that you want more and more, that you want all these games to never end. And I am ready to continue them indefinitely myself!

I'm bastard when I see that you are pleased with me. It seems that at such a moment you are capable of anything for me. But I don't like taking advantage of you. All I need is your body. The whole body is yours! I can't do without it! You will say that I am the most vulgar vulgar thing in the Universe, but I will not pay any attention to it at all. I will undress you again, abruptly throwing every attribute of clothing far beyond our room. As long as you do the same with my clothes…. I will kiss you relentlessly. Kissing you is something magical. I'm sorry that sometimes I bite and you feel pain. I don't do it on purpose, to be honest. It's just that my love overwhelms me, I cease to control myself completely. Yes, I explain when you understand everything yourself. I'm sure you feel the same way. But you do not say it, but give it with hugs ....

I remember our first time. It had everything. First - the moon, champagne, stars, music, night. Then - confessions, the silkiness of the sheets, the fiery passions .... Your moans, which escaped, as if to freedom, from the depths of the soul, suddenly .... You yourself, then, were frightened and did not expect. I was even ashamed, although there was absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. You heard my moans too. They have always (were and are) real, not some arrogant, not artificial.

You love my moans so much! You compare them with romantic music. You do everything to make moans flow like a river. Oh how you do it! I remember how you whispered my name. And I, in response, whispered yours, like the most native words in the world. Then she whispered something like “more…. more…. more….". Yes, I do not remember if these words were. The main thing is what we felt when our bodies and hearts flew away from feelings. By the way, about flights of feelings…. Do you know what I want when we meet again? I want you to enter me, and after sex, do not try to get it out of me. I want to feel and feel you inside me. Kind of a strange desire, isn't it? And we, women, are all with some oddities ....

I also want us not to waste (not waste) every minute of ours. I want, as then, in a hotel .... Do you remember how we made love without ceasing? We forgot about food, and about time, and about fatigue .... We lived in each other! They only drank, in between, grapefruit juice, and ran to the shower. After the shower - again intimate .... Yes, for several days. If you told your friends, they would be envious for sure! By the way, you asked if the size of your baby suits me? He is better than I thought! How much can he... Awesome! The main thing is that a lot can be done without getting tired. Sex giant! Doesn't offend you, I hope my compliment is like that? I have never said such a compliment to anyone! Your baby is the sweetest. Because when it was our first time, I did not feel any pain at the first intimacy. Oh, how the phrases are confused! It's all emotions, emotions...

I hope no one reads my letter but you? I don’t consider our telephone conversations, which “met” with us when you were on business trips, to be vulgar. We missed each other so much! I wonder if the operators listened to us? This would be heard! It all started, of course, with banal questions…. “What are you wearing now?”, “What panties are you wearing?”, “What color panties?”. I loved it all... I just couldn't sleep afterwards. I wanted to really feel you so much .... I know I won't let you go anywhere else! I can't live without your body, I wrote it already. Handsome you are my sexy .... Please take care of yourself. And take care of your strength so that we can enjoy each other for a long time. I want you, I love .... Take me, dear! I'm already waiting for you... If you see me, you will understand what a gift you got! I kiss you in all your places!

E rhotic writing is a message, a mental touch of the body and soul to the desired and beloved erotic image of your chosen one or chosen one.

Erotic Poems for a man, a guy.-, Beloved about Love frankly.

Tell him that. -, Phrases, words that excite men.

What else can you write to your loved one? -, Love letter.

Love Disability. -, How to drive a man crazy with love?

Any man is pleased when he is loved, when he is admired, when he is taken care of. For a woman who gives him happiness, he will be ready for anything. But it so happens that life and everyday life kill romance between lovers. If you want to add tenderness and passion to a relationship, I suggest writing a letter for your loved one.

Remember how long it has been since you received postcards and letters? A man will definitely be delighted with such a surprise and appreciate your efforts. But what would he once again be convinced of how unpredictable and amazing you can be, so that he would again see in you a passionate and desired woman, we will write not just a letter, but an erotic message.

Of course, your loved one will be pleased to read an erotic letter when you are not around. He will think about you and want you even more. But don't give up on the idea of ​​making a surprise for someone dear just because you live in the same apartment. Just ask him to check his mailbox after dinner if he doesn't do it himself.

A man will be surprised at an unexpected letter, rejoice at the words that are written in it, and then, for sure, will not let you fall asleep soon.

What do you need for erotic writing

It is not necessary to look for a holiday for a gift such as a letter. Please a man just like that, without any reason. After all, you are also pleased when your loved one makes gifts not only on the eighth of March and birthday.

In order to please her husband with an erotic message, not so much is needed. First you need to find a pen and a piece of paper. It will be great if you find another envelope and a few stamps at home. If not ours, then buy them at a stationery store or at the post office.

Of course, you can write a letter not by hand, but type it on a computer. But, you see, your husband reads the printed text every day in electronic messages. But the text written by your hand will be much more pleasant to read, even if the handwriting is not at all legible. It will even add mystery and intrigue to the message.

Even the fact that a man knows your handwriting and immediately guesses it is very good. If he may not recognize you by handwriting, then it is better to sign the letter. For intrigue, you can not write the name on the envelope, but it is desirable under the text itself. Otherwise, a man may begin to fantasize and think about who could write him a letter and represent not you at all. And this is not at all what we want.

In addition to the above stationery, you will also need about an hour of free time.

Make sure that no one can interfere with you at this time. Turn off your phone and close the door. While you are writing a message for a man, focus only on him and your feelings. So the text will turn out to be more sincere and of high quality.

The main condition for writing erotic writing- put a piece of your soul into it. Your letter to a dear man should be honest and frank. Write what you might have wanted to say for a long time or what you would never have dared to say. Open yourself to your loved one from a new perspective.

So where do you start writing?

It is better to start a letter with an appeal to a loved one. Think, maybe you need to start the words "Dear Dmitry", or maybe it would be better to write "Hello, my gopher." It all depends on how you are used to communicating with a man. But still it is better to give preference to a more serious option. Do you write adult writing with a very childish purpose. Try to do without "babies", "seals" and "hamsters". Let a man feel like a man.

What can be written in a frank letter to a man?

After the greeting, the letters used to write news, weather or something interesting. So are you. Write to your beloved man that recently you were left without him a little longer than usual and realized how madly you missed him. And no matter what last days your maximum distance between each other was like from the apartment to the shop around the corner. Write that you alone were terribly cold and chilly. Write about how you would like him to warm you, hug you and not let you freeze.

Write, for example, about what you wanted to keep warm and while you were looking for a blanket, you remembered what you did together on it last time. Maybe it will even be a story that you put the kettle on for the same purpose, and the thought of sex in the kitchen came to your mind. Ask if he minds. Let this be a rhetorical question.

If your relationship has not yet reached sex, then remember another moment in your life when your man could turn you on, even if it was touching his hand or texting him at night. Well, if you can’t surprise your man with sex in the kitchen, then you can write that you warmed up without him in a hot bath. And you missed him so much. There are countless options for such spicy stories. I'm sure you can come up with a lot of similar options if you want to.

The main thing in this part of the letter is to make it clear to your beloved that you missed him, that you needed him. Thus, the man will delve into your letter with even greater interest and delight.

In the second part of the letter, the addressee is usually asked about his affairs, news and other aspects of life. You can also ask the man something.

Ask, for example, if he remembers that sex in the kitchen that you mentioned above. Ask if he would like to repeat. Write whatever you'd like and don't forget to mention something specific and special, like the way he kissed your back or the way he acted bossily and made you feel completely defenseless.

If this is too much for you, write something more decent. Maybe it will be a story about how you like it when he kisses your hands. Ask him to repeat.

It is very important that you can hook his memory and make him feel the passion and excitement that he once experienced with you.

Then ask him in a letter if he likes it when you, for example, take off his shirt or lick your lips. Do not be afraid to go too far, your man will understand you correctly. You can ask if he wants you to moan loudly with him or bite his earlobe. Let your man's fantasy begin to draw pictures and images in his head.

Just do not stretch the poem into 10 sheets. Let it be a page and a half essay about how you want it. Write in clear and accessible words.

How to finish a letter?

Finishing the letter, write that you love him very much, write that you need him. After the man is a little aroused, remind him that you need him. This will be an insanely nice line.

At the end of the erotic message, write to your beloved “thank you” for having him. So reliable, native and the best. If you are overclocked to write the page completely, do not rush, this is not the end.

There should be a line with your name on it. Write something simple like "Your Tanya". Add "Kiss".

And the most interesting is the “postscript” section. Recall that you recently bought new underwear and ask your loved one to let you know if he wants to see it. Or that he has a "great ass". In short, it should be a line for which he will reread the letter again and again.

When you finish writing the letter, reread it and put it in an envelope. For effect, you can sprinkle the leaf with your perfume or kiss it with painted lips.

It remains to sign the envelope, seal it and, sticking a stamp on it, send it. If you live together or not far away, throw the letter into the mailbox yourself, so it will definitely not be lost.

That's all you need to please your loved one erotic message. After he reads it and evaluates it, bring the fantasies from the letter to life. He must know that your pleasant surprises ends even better.

  • How to write a letter of erotic content to a loved one in order to convey to him all your feelings of body and soul?
  • How to arouse his feelings and make them mutual?

Take an example! And then you can go to real world intimate illusions and material sensations of bliss of the body and a rainbow of spiritual emotions!

Erotic mail

Dear, hello! I am writing to you as emotions overwhelm and overwhelm me again. Please read everything from start to finish. This is important to me, because you will read a lot of "magnificence" that comes from my soul.

When I first saw you, I started to go crazy. From your looks… You are so sexy….. From the tips of your hair to your toes! Yes, there is no one like you .... No, because….

My desires

I want to touch you, gently, gently, stroking every inch of your body. Touch with fingers, handles, tongue. How do you like it better? I love touching your baby. Do you remember which part of your body I call that, and why? Not in order to humiliate your dignity, but in order to express my love and passion for you.

I remember how you undressed me, quietly, carefully, as if you were afraid of something. But he was afraid for nothing. I'm yours! I am completely yours! It annoys me so much the way you undress me…. I'm ready to kiss your hands. Can I? .. First - the arms, then - the neck, chest, tummy, and lower, lower, lower .... You love kissing me in that sequence. I learned this from you. Learned to seek and find erogenous zones. Your whole body is covered with them! I'm proud of it, but surprised. I have never met anyone like you anywhere. With what pleasure I enjoy you, dreaming of drinking you to the bottom, my angel ....

Your divine body is my talisman

I love it when your body touches mine. I love it when my body touches yours. I love it when our bodies touch. The most beautiful moment... When you enter me, previously caressing, without ceasing .... You can do it! You know how to caress so sweetly that I could never say no to you. Ready to give myself to you at any time (night and day). I remember how excited you are when I tell you "take me, my love ...". You get excited, and I love to tell you all this again and again ... Say and repeat .... Almost every second! I love it when you turn on. I love to feel how your baby swells .... I like to take it in my hands, playing with it with manicured nails. I know how to do it without hurting you. You should have seen, in these moments, your eyes! In their brilliance - the buzz of appeasement. I read from the look that you want more and more, that you want these games to never end. And I'm ready to continue them to infinity!

It's nice to see that you're happy

I'm bastard when I see that you are pleased with me. It seems that at such a moment you are capable of anything for me. But I don't like taking advantage of you. All I need is your body. The whole body is yours! I can't do without it! You will say that I am the most vulgar vulgar thing in the Universe, but I will not pay any attention to it at all. I will undress you again, abruptly tossing every piece of clothing far out of the room. As long as you do the same with my clothes…. I will kiss you relentlessly. Kissing you is something magical. I'm sorry that sometimes I bite and you feel pain. I don't do it on purpose, to be honest. It's just that my love overwhelms me, I cease to control myself completely. But what am I explaining when you understand everything yourself? .. I'm sure that you feel the same way. But you do not say it, but give it with hugs ....

In my memories

I remember our first time. It had everything. First - the moon, champagne, stars, music, night. Then - confessions, the silkiness of the sheets, the fiery passions .... Your moans, which escaped, as if to freedom, from the depths of the soul, suddenly .... You yourself then were frightened and did not expect. Even ashamed, although it was not necessary. You heard my moans too. They have always (were and are) real, not some arrogant, not artificial.

You love my moans so much! You compare them to the music of passion. You do everything to make moans flow like a river. You turn me on ... Oh, how you do it! I remember how you whispered my name. And I whispered yours in response, like the most native words in the world. Then she whispered something like “more…. more…. more….". Yes, I do not remember if these words were. The main thing is what we felt when our bodies and hearts flew away from feelings ...

By the way, about flights of feelings….

Do you know what I want when we meet again? I want you to enter me, and after intimacy did not try to get it. I want to feel and feel you inside me. Kind of a strange desire, isn't it? And we, women, are all with some oddities ....

I also want us not to waste (not waste) every minute for nothing. I want, as then in the hotel .... Do you remember how we made love without ceasing? We forgot about food, and about time, and about fatigue ..... We lived in each other! They just drank, grapefruit juice in between, and ran to the shower. After the shower - again intimate .... Yes, for several days. If you told your friends, they would be envious for sure! By the way, you asked if the size of your baby suits me? He is better than I thought! How much can he... Awesome! The main thing is that a lot can be done without getting tired. Sex giant! You do not offend, I hope, my such a compliment? I never told anyone! Your baby is the sweetest. Because when it was our first time, I did not feel any pain at the first intimacy. Oh, how the phrases are confused! It's all emotions, emotions...

I hope no one reads my letter except you? I do not consider ours vulgar telephone conversations who "met" with us when you were on business trips. We missed each other so much! I wonder if the operators listened to us? This would be heard! It all started, of course, with questions and very banal ones .... “what are you wearing now?”, “what panties are you wearing?”, “what color panties?”. I loved it all so much... I just couldn't sleep afterwards. I wanted to really feel you so much .... I know I won't let you go anywhere else!

Can not live without you

I can’t live without your body… Handsome you are my sexy…. Please take care of yourself. And take care of your strength so that we can enjoy each other for a long, long time. I want you, I love .... Take me, dear! I'm already waiting for you... If you see me, you will understand what a gift you got!

I kiss you in all your places!

- this is an intimate message, a mental touch of the body and soul to the desired and beloved erotic image of your chosen one or chosen one.

What else can you write to your loved one? -

Love Disability -


The relationship between a man and a woman, between a guy and a girl, at the very beginning of its inception, is nourished by interest in the unknown and the unknown. However, the more time people spend together, the more fewer mysteries and secrets begin to see in each other. Romance is replaced domestic problems, and all interest disappears, risking very much harm to the strength of the relationship. And in no case should this be allowed. If the person is dear to you, if you miss what was, or simply do not want to allow the appearance of cold between you, then you need to bring variety to the relationship. Here, albeit small, but absolutely unexpected surprises are perfect.

Try sending beautiful erotic sms to your soulmate in your own words and see what happens. We assure you that such a step can bring an effect much stronger than you could imagine. The main thing is to choose the right words and cast aside all principles and prejudices. Erotica is neither vulgar nor vulgar. Erotica is subtle and beautiful.

Take the best ones to the site right now, and return passion and fire to your relationship!

I think about you. I want to run my hand over your velvet belly and bury my head in your hair... Wait for me.

I lie and imagine: you are doing ***, and I am stroking your ass ... Why am I writing this nonsense? After all, you are not around and I don’t stroke the priests ...

I want to see you, hear you, touch you. I want your sweetness, weakness, severity. I want it to seem and to touch, so that my fingertips relieve fatigue. I want you tenderly, anxiously, godlessly. I want you! Do you hear! Is it possible?

The erotic dreams that your texts set me up for are, of course, great, but maybe you will still come and we will do all this in reality?

We'll drink tea together, bite a slice of bun. I'm in the bath, and you're in bed. Wait for me - we'll go to bed.

I'll tell you everything straight, not ashamed and not hiding - dear, you can undress, because today I'm yours!