An unsent letter to mom from an adult daughter. letter to mom

Mom is the first and foremost important word for every person. It was she who gave us life, put all of herself into our upbringing. From childhood, she gives her child love and strives to make the child's life bright, full of care. How can an attentive daughter thank her mother? by the most in a simple way there will be words of gratitude and happy birthday wishes from daughter. On my mother's name day, when festive table the whole family will gather warm regards the light of love will be brought to the address of the birthday girl. Every mother deep down expects good in return for her actions, even if raising children is considered her duty. Congratulatory prose mother can contain as much as possible possible number kind and warming phrases. Sincere compliments are what will affect the sensitive mother's heart and will be appreciated. You can dedicate a song to the hero of the occasion, compose a poem in honor of her - such a gift will be an outstanding event at the celebration.

However, not only poems are able to touch the birthday girl, wishes in prose, full of respect for maternal labor, are no less valued. They are no less valuable than lines folded into rhyme. Adults are very touched by confessions from children - at these moments they feel needed and loved. And congratulations from own daughter(a person who will always be my mother's favorite) sometimes makes even the strongest representative of the weaker sex cry. It will be remembered forever, so its choice must be taken seriously.

Prose happy birthday mom

Gentle and kind mother. hard to find the right words and sentences to describe the depth of my love. Sometimes it seems to me that it is simply impossible to love more strongly. I am extremely grateful to you for life, for what I am on this moment, for all that you implanted in me with great love and expectation that I will definitely become a good man. I'll try not to disappoint. There is no chapel to the depths of your soul... You will always be my hero and my idol.

My beloved mother, on your anniversary, I sincerely wish you to be forever young, charming and attractive, so that in 20 years passers-by will take us for sisters! I wish you to remain as dreamy and naive as you were in your youth, as quick and funny as you were as a child, as caring and smart as you are now! I wish that all enemies suddenly become your devoted friends, and your friends become 10 times more!

My dear mother, for me there is no greater happiness than wishing you a happy birthday! And on this special day, I just can't help but cry. After all, there is nothing dearer to me in this life of a person! You do everything for me, everything for our family happiness! I want you to live for yourself too! I want your little heart, which contains as much love as no other can fit, has never known pain! After all, you are the perfect mom! Happy birthday my dear!

Darling, kind mother! Accept these flowers and my warm hugs on your birthday. Words are not enough to express my gratitude to you for sleepless nights and the kindness that you give me every moment. You are a part of my life, and without you the world would lose all its colors. I kiss your golden hands!

Dear sweet mother! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you eternal flowering, may love always live in your heart! I love you very much and I want your kind eyes to radiate the light of happiness, and a smile bloomed on your face. May there be more in your life pleasant events and happy moments!

Mother! You are the most dear person to my heart! And on your birthday, I sincerely wish you all the very best, for long years life and family happiness! You are the best on this earth, and please always remember that I love you very, very much!

Mommy, you are my dearest little man in this life! Your birthday is the most for me main holiday Because without you, there would be no me in this world. I wish you good health, cheerfulness and mental strength! May every day give you inspiration and wonderful moments of happiness in the circle of grandchildren and children!

Jill Alaimo - blogger and beautiful daughter

Jill is a college graduate and now lives in Rochester (a city in northern America) and works as an assistant at Tipping Point Communications. The girl grew up, but managed to maintain the most reverent and tender relationship with her mother. One day, she wrote her a heartfelt letter of gratitude, which quickly went viral on the Internet.

Dear Mom! I never told you about this, but I am very grateful to you. You gave me life, and every minute you took care of me, and gave all your love and tenderness. You have always been a role model for me, which only a girl can dream of. No matter what I did, you always knew how to find words that made me think about my actions. I know that you only want the best for me. And although I don’t show it, I always feel a feeling of boundless gratitude and love for you. Without you, I would just be lost in this vast world.

You taught me a lot, and even now, when I have difficulties, I go to you for help. You taught me to distinguish the bad from the good. And it doesn't matter if it was just the awful clothes I wore at 16, or something more serious. You taught me to listen, understand and love. Your words always help me to accept correct solution. Thank you for being there and protecting me. Your love inspires me.

You know how to cheer me up when I'm sad. You send me "I love you" texts just like that, for no reason. It's nice to chat with you about anything. When I have a bad day, one minute spent next to you makes me forget all the hardships. I know you always tell me the truth. It doesn't matter if I want to hear it or not. Because you always know the best thing to do, and you want to make sure I know it too.

I completely trust your advice, because only you feel me better than others. And that's what I love about you. Thank you for being my biggest fan. You are always there and sincerely share with me all the joys and failures. Whether it's raining, sunny, snowing, hurricane or earthquake, I know I can count on you. And to be honest, it's best feeling in the world.

You are the smartest. Whatever question I have, you always know the answer to it. They say that mothers know everything, and this is true. I don't know how you do it, but your mind amazes me.

And finally, I want to thank you for being mine. best friend. Without your help, I would not be who I am today. I am the happy girl in the world, because you are my mother. And even if we sometimes argue, we still remain the most dear people for each other. I just want you to know that you are best mom in the world, and I hope that someday I can become at least half the same as you. Love you!

your little girl

Hello mom. This year will be 18 years since I'm married. That is, as soon as we celebrate the anniversary, I will be married longer than not. And I can honestly say that you played an important role in this.
I want to thank you.

Thank you for respecting my decision and my choice when you found out about my intention to get married. My daughter will turn 18 in a year and a half, and now I'm starting to realize what it cost you. You were wise enough not to stand in my way, not to exhort and dissuade, not to argue against, not to pressure, not to swear, not to make a scene. You congratulated us and asked if we needed help preparing for the wedding.

Thank you for setting the boundaries right away: you said that complaining about your husband is a bad thing. You taught me not to wash dirty linen in public and not to involve friends and relatives in petty domestic conflicts. You said, “Things happen. But before you make your internal tensions public, think: most likely, everything will be crushed between you, and friends and acquaintances will recall this situation. It was very wise advice. I remembered him when one of my acquaintances painted the whole essence of her husband in colors, and then cooed sweetly with him at a party. I felt terribly embarrassed: so is he still our friend Lekha, with whom we have known each other for a hundred years, or is he actually elegantly disguising his mean nature behind a decorative facade? I wish I hadn't known the whole story about the quarrel. Honestly.

Thank you for letting me know right away that marriage is serious. I remember very well that conversation when you told me: “Daughter, my house is always your house. But if you now decide to go to independent life, remember: in a critical situation, you can always come, and I will always help, support and lend a shoulder. But running back and forth for the slightest reason is not an option.

You can leave your husband at any time, it's up to you. But you can only leave once. And get divorced. No matter how you quarrel, no matter what the conflict is, before you pack your things, think: is this really the end? Is this the reason for divorce? Because leaving does not solve any problems. Problems are solved by conversations, arguments and mutual desire to resolve the conflict. Leaving is the point in a relationship." You have no idea how much this helped me.

Thank you for telling me that applied telepathy doesn't exist. No one is obliged by default to guess that you need something or something is missing. That you love something, but you can’t stand something. Want normal relationship- Speak, describe, explain. Silence is not golden at all. Whenever I was angry with my husband and thought, how can you not understand that ... I remembered your words. And I realized that it was possible. You may not understand. You may feel differently. You can't read minds. And if it seemed to me that they did not understand me, I did not hysteria and did not take offense, but explained. And she was always ready to listen to his explanations, his thoughts and desires.

Thank you for "keeping a face" and carefully concealing everything you think about our marriage. It wasn't until many, many years later that you told me that you had originally given our union two years or less. You did not take my husband seriously, you categorically did not like him, but you kept silent. You turned out to be wise enough not to consider your first sensations to be true and justified. And it turned out to be right.

Thank you for trying sincerely to love my husband. Now you are friends, you can solve some problems without my participation and talk about important things, you understand and respect each other, you are close people. And I understand that it takes two to tango, but you set the vector. You were interested in his work, you paid tribute to his skills and abilities, you never found fault and did not cling to shortcomings. You told me: “If you love him, and you are my dearest and most beloved person, then there is something to love him for, and I want us to develop a good relationship". They worked out, and I'm terribly happy about it.

Thank you for living in your house for 5 peaceful years when we saved up for a mortgage payment. Two families in one house - it's always not easy, different modes, different preferences, different menus, different budgets, different shelves in the refrigerator and separation of utility bills - what a field for conflict! But you never entered the room without knocking, you didn’t tell us for night vigils and sleep until dinner on the day off, you didn’t demand submission, it was an equal coexistence. Although you were the mistress and had every right to establish your own rules and demand compliance with your rules. But you respected our family as an equal. And we tried our best not to cause you any inconvenience, because we saw how you were going to meet us halfway.

Thank you for always respecting my decisions. I changed jobs, I took on all sorts of projects, and you never expressed doubts about my success and shook your head, saying, “I told you” if there was a failure. You always believed in me, and even when you serious problems(and two unemployed with a mortgage - this is another problem) said: "We'll break through." If anything, I'll help. And from this confidence that - you will help, you will not reproach, you will not lament and groan that you believe - everything will work out, I always got up and moved on.

Thank you for being the perfect grandmother. I was only 19 when our daughter was born, and you, a doctor with many years of experience, fully accepted the fact that the word of parents is the first and most important thing. We could discuss something, and often I admitted you were right, but I knew for sure: if you stayed to sit with the child, you would dress her the way I asked, feed her with what I left, and treat her the way I think it's right. You never reproached us with inexperience, you never questioned our parental authority. Moreover: you always asked me why I do this or that, and if I referred to a book, the opinion of a psychologist or other sources, you got acquainted with them and did not hesitate to say that your ideas were outdated or that new technique better than the old one.

Thank you for never interfering in disputes. If suddenly you happened to become a witness to our disagreements, you turned into a deaf-blind-mute. You never took sides, you never rushed to defend me or your son-in-law, you never acted as an arbiter or went into lectures. You always thought we should figure it out ourselves. And we figured it out, and then no one can make a claim to another, they say, my mother intervened and that's why ... We always knew: no matter what happens, this is only our business and our responsibility.

Thank you for taking my granddaughter home when needed and giving us the opportunity to have a non-parental life, but never insisting that she be brought in on schedule or “given away” at the agreed time. We have always known that at any time you can call and ask for help, but there will never be a call with a demand and no bill will be issued.

Thank you for being self sufficient. You have a job you love, a few hobbies, and a need to have your own space and time. You didn’t make your granddaughter the center and meaning of life, you didn’t leave what you love, and you didn’t plunge into a pensioner’s life, accompanied by complaints about life, health and longing for loneliness. You have always lived your life, not someone else's. You've always said that you value self-reliance and independence. You never pushed your interests and desires to the far corner in order to earn a couple of points or show that we can’t do without you. You were there, but did not merge with us, did not try to become a member of our family in its narrow sense. You always emphasized: you have your own fairy tale, and we have our own.

Thanks for keeping up with the times. You master new technologies, you have accounts in social networks, you write to me on whatsapp and send links to interesting pages that you come across. You don't brush aside the new, you never say "I'm old, I don't understand what I can do, I don't know how." You are still constantly learning and developing, you are interested in this world, and do not hide from it.

In fact, I've told you all this a million times. Therefore, this letter is not for you. My daughter will turn 18 in a year and a half, then she will leave her parents' house, meet love and get married. And then I will open this letter and I will reread it. And if I succeed in what you did, I will add another paragraph here, which will begin with the word "thank you."

You are everything to me mom! My support, my girlfriend, my Guardian Angel. Although under no circumstances will I be able to thank you for giving me the most useful present, life. You are always there, and I do not know a single difficult moment, at a time when you were not there! Thank you mom for your love, affection, knowledge and education! And if I were given the choice of my mother, I would never, under any circumstances, change you for anything! I want you to be joyful! And then I will be fine! ©

Mom, in given word merges the most strong love and incredible patience! You, my dear mother, have a birthday today! Today, I want to apologize. Because I rarely tell you what I adore, but I really adore you madly! Apologize for all the trouble you got into because of me and for the fact that sometimes you had to cry because of me! Happy birthday my dear mother! I want to thank you for always being with me! And for what I have the best mom! Be joyful! ©

Dear Mom! I want you to have a good birthday, strong impressions and beautiful moments! May heaven always favor you, and all your paths will be open! Long life to you, dear, excellent health, bright well-being! Be joyful and cheerful and know: I adore you very much! ©

Mom's favorite, unique, the best, the most beautiful! Let relatives and friends surround you on the day of birth, catchy and nice compliments, insulated words of congratulations! I wish you sincere happiness and home well-being. May your most cherished dreams come true on this holiday! ©

I really want to give my beloved mom on her birthday
all the colors of the world, all the groovy songs and dances, energetic, as if
my mommy! I want you, my dear, so that your life reminds
beautiful good fairy tale necessarily with a joyful ending, and to live
I want you up to a hundred years in love, understanding, care from our side!
I want you a sea of ​​human happiness, an ocean of health and success,
so that grief and bad weather do not under any circumstances knock on the house! ©

On your anniversary, Mommy, I really want to want health, so that
your hair did not turn gray, but happiness and joy filled your soul
every day, and the heart sang from love! I want you under no circumstances
I didn’t know pain, I didn’t cry from resentment, I didn’t feel loneliness!
And we, your children, promise to pamper you, surround you with care and affection,
so that under no circumstances can you hear indifferent silence! Thank you for
everyone, happy birthday! ©

Happy Birthday Mommy,
beautiful butterfly,
You easily flutter in the clouds,
You know about everything in the world
I wish you

Blow out the candle on the cake
So that you do not guess
Let dreams come true
Be healthy and beautiful
In general, mom, be happy! ©

My mother dear
You are the sweetest and most beautiful
I honestly congratulate
Happy birthday!

Let trouble not touch you
You are with us, mother, alone
Let the guiding star help
May the Lord protect you.

Don't be sad and don't be sad
There is around you a large number of happiness,
You are my best,
My beloved mother. ©

My most beautiful mother in the world
He is now celebrating the day of his birth,
She is my main adviser.
And her good word always with me!

I wish her love to warm in the cold,
And under no circumstances did she cry with the rain,
In order to receive only good news,
And her house was full of laughter!

Let her always smile at all people,
And the good mood does not leave her,
And any of her days will be bright,
I give her all the warmth of my soul! ©

I want mommy with the sunrise
I am warm in the winter of summer,
For butterflies to flutter
Flowers exuded joy

So that the wind beats in curls,
And later soared to the Sun,
So that the sky gives clouds
And the mighty tree took on the handles,

Mother lifted to the sky
And brought a present
All my love and faith
So that spring brings through the door! ©

Two weeks before Mother's Day of Russia, the local branch of the VOD "Mothers of Russia" organized creative project"A letter to my mother." The essays were written by students from many schools in the area. Today we publish the best works.

Letter to my mom

My mother's name is Sveta.

I would like to address her with the following words:

Mom, you are my favorite person on earth!

In these moments that you give me, I am the happiest of all in the world!

I'm trying to imagine what it was like...

I'm lying in bed ... You swaddle me with love and affection, sing a lullaby.

I’m a year old… These days you must be tired, because it’s very difficult to cope with a restless daughter.

I am five years old ... I already know how to properly hold a fork, a spoon, and make sandwiches.

IN kindergarten I have many friends - my mother taught me to value friendship.

All my drawings, plasticine crafts, were just for you, dear mommy!

I'm already ten ... I'm a schoolgirl. Mom taught me to be tidy, to keep clean, to choose clothes that fit me in style and color. I help with the housework, wash the dishes, feed the pets. I so want to be useful so that my mother gets less tired and smiles more!

Now I'm twelve... For my birthday, my mother baked a beautiful cake, cooked a delicious dinner and made me chic gift! She teaches me how to use makeup. Mom began to let me go to the disco, allows me to take a walk in the evening with my girlfriends longer, but she always worries and waits for me. But you have to start trusting your daughter sometime!

I am learning to get a good education and to please your dear mother. Every day we discuss my school affairs, successes and failures, I trust my mother in everything!

If I'm in trouble, Mommy supports me, gives me advice and tells me that she loves me with all my "bells and whistles".

I love you very much, mom! I wish you happiness, health, stay as cheerful as now! I am grateful to you for the love, warmth and kindness that you give me all my life!

I know that for you I will always be a little daughter and that I can come to you for help and support at any time!

Your daughter Alena.

Alena Kuzhina, 7th grade student

MKOU "Secondary School No. 17" p. Lukyanovka

Hello my dear mother!

Your son Ilya is writing to you. You always protect me, help me, and I will love you forever. You know, mommy, as soon as I'm alone, I immediately begin to miss you. You are the most beautiful! You are so beautiful and soft hair. And your green eyes as beautiful as emeralds. I love your warm and tender hands so much!

Every year on my birthday you bake a very delicious cake. I really like it and my friends too.

I feel sad when you get upset. I will try not to upset you. I want you to be healthy and happy. I want to spend all my time with you. I love you very very much.

Bye, my mom. Your son Ilya.

Ilya Kuverbin, 5th grade. MKOU "OOSH No. 23" v. Novokreshchenka

My sweet mommy!

I decided to write you a letter and tell you how much I love you. I know that every child thinks that his mother is the best in the world. And I think so. You are the most dear to me and close person. Only you I can tell about my secrets and dreams.

Mom, you are the most beautiful, kind and sympathetic. You help me with difficult homework and are sympathetic to my occasional setbacks.

I like the way you cook food. I especially love your condensed milk roll.

I want to tell you, my dear, thank you for your affection, love and kindness! Your son Sasha.

Alexander Guzhva, 5th grade, Novokreshchenka village

Hello dear mother!

I love you very much and I want to write you a letter. I have no one closer to you. I love your smile, green eyes and cheerful laugh. You are my most caring and kind mother in the world. Many people respect you, and I respect you very much and take care of you.

When I was little, five or seven years old, you bought me toys almost every day. And in Once again you told me: "This is your last toy." But we both knew it wasn't. And you bought me toys more and more because you are very kind, mom.

Do you remember how many funny things happened to me? Once you sent me to the store for flour, butter, sugar and eggs. I came to the store and saw a very beautiful chocolate bar, which was simply impossible to refuse. I bought it and happily forgot about all the other purchases. When I came home, you were not angry, but laughed merrily. And instead of the planned cake that you wanted to bake, we had tea with delicious chocolate.

I think you did not scold me, because you are very kind and you know how to forgive. Mom, you are the best in the whole wide world! Your son Daniel

Daniil Khandoshka, 7th grade, Novokreshchenka village

Dear Mom!

How are you? I'm fine. Mommy, I want to tell you how good it is to have you! You always help me. I feel so good with you!

Mom is the most important thing in a person's life. You love me like no one else and you will never give me bad advice. I'm sorry for all the bad things I ever did to you. Sometimes, if I do something bad, you will, of course, scold me, and then you will hug me and regret it. And it is so pleasant, it becomes so good in the soul that it is beyond words. There was a case in my life that confirms this. Once I broke a cup, and I told you that a cat did it. Of course, you believed me, you were not angry with me at all, but my innocent cat had a bad time. But do you know how hard it is to live with guilt in your soul? The next day I confessed everything to you, my soul immediately felt better. And you didn’t scold me, but gently hugged me and whispered softly that you love me very much. That's the kind of mommy you are: sweet, kind, affectionate and very wise.

Until we meet again, mommy, live a long, long time and do not get sick!

Your beloved daughter Julia

Julia Forostovskaya, 5th grade, p. Newly baptized

Hello dear mother!

I want this letter to bring you joy and make you smile.

Today I tell you thanks a lot for everything: for your daily care and love for me, for the fact that you gave birth to me, that you help to do homework, you can listen and understand in difficult moment. I am sometimes naughty and misbehave. But I know that you will forgive me. I want to ask your forgiveness, mommy, for sometimes upsetting you.

From the word "mother" breathes kindness, care, affection. Mommy is like priceless gold that cannot be compared with anything.

I love it so much when we do something together with you: we work in the garden or make dumplings on winter evenings. You can talk sincerely and frankly about everything in the world. You are my most beautiful, kindest, most tender, most beloved. I love you very much, because you are the closest person in my life. It's such a blessing to know that I have you. Your son Daniel

Danil Lebed, 5th grade, Novokreshchenka village

Hello, my dear, dear and beloved mother!

We see each other every day, but I don’t tell you those words that I should say every minute ... I think that on paper I can write those words that I didn’t say before. After all, people rightly say: “Better late than never.” Life is short, so you can't be silent.

My dear mother, I want to tell you that in this life you mean a lot to me. Of course, it would be better to say these words to you in person. I will definitely do it, I promise! You are the closest and most to me native person on this vast planet. I think you will understand me. You are the best for me close girlfriend. I can always ask you for advice. You can be trusted in any situation. You're very reliable person and never betray me. Dear mother, you gave me life. From birth, you surrounded me with care and love, did not sleep at night when I was still quite a baby. You always worry about me. I will be eternally grateful to you.

My dear, I want to ask your forgiveness. After all, we often quarrel over trifles, some word thrown not from evil hurts you very much. Please forgive me!

You taught me a lot. I promise I will try never to upset you. Oh, my dear mother, if you only knew how much I love you. You are amazing and unique. And also, my dear mother, I want you to never get sick, so that everything in our lives is good. I promise to help you in everything. My dear, dear, priceless, I love you! See you soon. Your daughter Tanya.

Tatyana Fraltsova, 8th grade, Novokreshenchka village

About mom

My mom is very caring. Her eyes are green and her hair is dark. And most importantly, mommy is patient. Mom helps me do homework. Mom has a lot of worries and troubles: clean the apartment, wash clothes, cook delicious food.

Mommy loves to drink tea and loves cleanliness and comfort in the house. During tea drinking, my mother and I talk about everything in the world. Mom is my best friend! Mommy will always help and support me. I love and adore my mother very much.

Julia Mikova, 2nd grade,

v. Vostretsovo

Why do I love mom?

I love my mother because she is the most precious thing on the planet for me. Mom gave birth to me, fed me, did everything so that I grew up and became an intelligent and educated person. She does laundry, prepares meals, does not sleep at night, worrying about me. My mother is the most beautiful and very smart. When I have a question, she will definitely tell me the answer to it.

I love my mom very much!

Mikhail Laletin, 2nd grade,

With. Vostretsovo.


I love my mom because she gave birth to me. Gave me beautiful name Albina. She is kind, funny and beautiful. She is the best mom in the whole wide world. Even when I grow up, I will visit my mother and I will take care of her. And she takes care of me and wishes me happiness and success in my studies.

Albina Bochkova, 2nd grade,

With. Vostretsovo


My mother is very dear to me and I love her very much. Mom is the dearest person, even more expensive than her relatives. She is kind, loving and beautiful. If she leaves, then I miss her. And when she is next to me, I feel warm and good at heart. That's why I love her more than anyone in the world.

Ilya Dyadchenko, 2nd grade,

With. Vostretsovo