How to pull a splinter out from under the nail? How to pull a splinter out from under the nail - do you need help? Using stationery tape

The most common household nail injury is a splinter under the nail, but few people know what to do in this case. Inaction in such a situation is also not an option, especially since such an injury is often accompanied by pain and discomfort.

Among other things, despite such a small damage, the consequences can be very unpleasant and develop into infectious inflammation, which will lead to surgical interventions up to the removal of the nail plate.

If the splinter has not completely entered the tissue, its edge is visible and it is accessible, you should use thin tweezers, tweezers or just a needle and remove the foreign body. Be sure to pre-used tools must be disinfected with alcohol, vodka or regular cologne. When removing a splinter, the movements must be accurate, correct and possibly sharp, otherwise there is a possibility of aggravation of the situation, in which the injury will become deeper, and the splinter will become inaccessible for self-liquidation.

It is important to note

After the splinter itself is removed, it is necessary to without fail treat the damaged area with iodine, brilliant green, peroxide or potassium permanganate solution to avoid infection of the wound. If the consequence self-removal foreign body there is reddening of the tissues around the wound, inflammation, suppuration, etc., you should urgently consult a doctor who will carry out proper procedures to clean the wound and prevent further complications.

Answer the question "what to do if a splinter under the nail" will help and folk recipes. One of them is a salt bath, thanks to which there is a possibility of quite painless removal foreign body from tissues. To do this, pour a teaspoon of table salt and the same amount of baking soda into a glass of boiling water. Then you need to dip the affected area for a few seconds in hot tub 10-15 times or until the solution begins to cool. In addition to salt and soda, alcohol infusions of yarrow, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, eucalyptus can be added to the water - they all have powerful antibacterial and disinfectant properties.

Before deciding how to pull a splinter out of the nail, you should first treat the injured area with iodine. It is better to do this several times, thereby disinfecting the wound well. Perhaps, if the splinter was very small, after such treatment it will come out or dissolve itself, if not, you can use one of the popular recipes.

Recipe #1

If you have a splinter under the nail, you don’t know how to pull it out, try preparing a compress. To do this, take a dry comfrey or fenugreek root and grind it to a powder, which you mix with hot water so that a thick paste-like consistency is obtained.

If, after injuring your finger and nail, you did not treat the wound with anything, do it with iodine or alcohol, and then apply a compress with the prepared mixture and fix it firmly on the affected area. Change the bandage every 3-4 hours until the splinter becomes accessible, then carefully remove it with fine tweezers and treat the wound with calendula ointment.

Recipe number 2

You can prepare a compress based on the usual onion. To do this, take one onion, peel it and chop it with the smallest vegetable grater. Apply the resulting slurry to the injured area, having previously disinfected it (with peroxide, alcohol, iodine, etc.), cover the compress with a small piece of plastic wrap on top and secure with a bandage.

Change the applied compress at least every three hours, and be sure to treat the wound with a disinfectant every time.

Recipe number 3

How to pull a splinter out of a nail with pine resin will “tell” this recipe. Necessary this remedy apply to the areas around the nail plate, as well as on it and, if possible, under the nail. The wound should first be treated with alcohol or any other disinfectant. Next, tightly bandage your finger and leave it for 6 hours, then remove the remaining resin with a cotton or gauze swab dipped in turpentine or alcohol.

As soon as the splinter becomes available, try to carefully remove it with a suitable tool (tweezers, tweezers, needle), which must first be treated with a disinfectant solution.

Recipe number 4

You can also take a leaf of white cabbage, wash it well, dry it, and then grind it into a pulp.

Next, add one tablespoon of alcohol or ordinary vodka to the cabbage gruel, mix and spread the prepared product on a sterile gauze napkin, which then wrap around the finger and nail affected by the splinter. Apply a clean, dry cloth on top and wrap the compress well with a bandage. Change the cabbage compress to a fresh one every three hours and stop the procedure only after the splinter becomes available.

Recipe number 5

If a splinter has stuck under the nail, the following recipe will tell you how to pull it out with a soapy bath. Grate ordinary baby soap on a fine grater so that it turns out 5 tablespoons, and mix the chips with a liter of boiling water. When the soap has dissolved, carefully dip the injured finger into the bath and soak it in the soap solution for several minutes.

Repeat the procedure until the liquid cools down. If after this the splinter does not appear, apply one of the compresses proposed above on top of the injured area.

It is important to note

The reasons for getting a splinter under the nail can be very diverse, ranging from small pieces of wood, fiberglass, metal shavings to plant thorns and thin fish bones. Usually a splinter that has fallen under the nail plate causes severe pain not only in the injured area, but throughout the finger and even the hand.

If the splinter has gone too deep and the pain is unbearable, or a splinter has appeared under the child’s nail, you should not take risks and try to remove it yourself. It is better to immediately seek qualified help from medical workers who will carry out all the necessary manipulations and the foreign object will be successfully removed from under the nail using painkillers.

Summing up all of the above, it should be noted that a splinter under the nail is, although not a big, but quite a serious injury, so you should not neglect and leave a splinter or try to remove it without observing the basic rules of hygiene and disinfection. All this can lead to the formation of inflammatory processes, an abscess under the nail and infection.

Man does his daily work with his hands. Hands off external influences are not protected, so there is a high probability of getting a splinter under the nails. To avoid negative consequences such an incident will help knowledge of how to pull a splinter out from under the nail. It is important to remove the object carefully, as there is a chance that the tip of the splinter will break off and remain under the surface of the plate.

The first actions after being hit by a splinter

Depending on the origin of the foreign object, conclusions can be drawn about which extraction methods will need to be used for this case.

Foreign bodies that can get under the nails:

  • Wooden splinters;
  • Shards of glass and glass wool;
  • Metal shavings;
  • Spikes of natural origin;
  • Bones, mostly fish.

The first actions, after getting a foreign body under the nail plate, will be common for all cases. Should be processed injured finger using alcohol, iodine, brilliant green or peroxide. Under a magnifying glass, you need to consider at what angle it is located foreign object in order to get it right, without breaking off. The final stage includes the treatment of the wound and the dressing of the finger, if necessary. It is important to avoid introducing an infection into the wound. Although human body will try to push the foreign body out on its own, if it is far from the edge, the foreign body will not come out on its own, help will be required.

Errors during the procedure

Mistakes made during the extraction of a foreign body exacerbate negative processes, increase pain, and increase the risk of not parting with a splinter for a long time.

Common mistakes are:

  • Attempts to immediately get rid of the object with improvised means;
  • Use of untreated instruments;
  • When trying to pull out the body, many drive the splinter deeper;
  • Refusal to treat the wound after extraction.

People who seek to pull out the object themselves are at greater risk than if they go to the doctor. A doctor is needed if you cannot get the splinter yourself due to the fact that it is located at a depth or there is no free edge, for which it will be possible to pull the splinter with the help of tools.

Less often people "forget" about the subject and long time walk with him under the nail plate. For 1 case out of 100, such an attitude does not lead to the development of negative processes. For the rest, trauma is the cause of infection, the development of inflammatory processes or other serious pathologies. Processing the instrument, finger before, after the procedure is a prerequisite for extraction.

Complications from mishandling

Complications arise when a person neglects elementary rules hygiene and care when extracting.

Complications are:

  • Painful sensations;
  • swelling of the finger;
  • Spread of infection;
  • Development inflammatory process;
  • Purulent inflammation;
  • The need to remove the nail plate.

The prospect of serious complications arises if the removal of the body was done incorrectly or a mistake was made. Blood poisoning is considered a severe case, when an infection from a finger spreads throughout the body at a high speed.

Self-extraction of a splinter sitting in the depths leads to pain, further detachment of the nail, and a long healing process. It will be possible to avoid the development of complications with the right, careful preparation for the removal of a foreign body. If the rules are not followed, no one can guarantee a favorable outcome of the situation.

In exceptional cases, there is a risk of losing the hand, as the infection spreads at a high speed, but the person refuses medical care, therapeutic measures.

Extraction Tools

For a favorable outcome, you need to use the tools. Most of the main list is at home for every person. The main tool in the first aid kit should be a disinfectant. Without an antiseptic, it is dangerous to remove the item yourself. For dressing and processing, you will need cotton wool or gauze, a bandage will do. A magnifying glass will help you see a foreign object if it is too small to see with the naked eye.

Tweezers, a standard needle, scissors, specialized manicure tongs will help to remove the splinter. If possible, you need to have a lighter, matches or a burning candle. For final stage you need a patch.

The instruments that will be used for the operation must be pre-treated.

How to pull out a foreign body

Pulling a splinter out from under the nail is not so difficult if the tip sticks out. It is necessary to observe the technique, caution, attentiveness, not missing small details.

First of all, you will need to treat the tools with alcohol and fire. If possible, it is better to use a syringe needle instead of a sewing needle. You will need to wash your hands in soapy water, treat your finger with alcohol. To process a finger, you can rinse the limb in a manganese solution for 7 minutes.

For convenience, you will need to carefully, without touching the splinter, cut off the nail plate.

If extraction is complicated by the fact that the foreign body has settled far obligatory step is the steaming of the finger. This will require hot water, salt, soda. Salt, soda should be in the same amount. You need to soak in such a bath for no longer than ten minutes.

With a strong pain sensation An analgesic cream or an ice pack will help. After you need to decide on the extraction method. A visible splinter under the nail is pulled out easily with tongs. It is important to do this using bright lighting, carefully so that the splinter particle does not remain under the nail plate. If the tip is not visible, the use of a needle will be required. The needle must be used carefully, prying the tip of the object. deform with a needle skin under the nail can be solved only in hopeless cases. If possible, apply a little pressure with the needle on the fingertip under the plate.

With a deep-seated splinter, a compress with the addition of ichthyol ointment helps to get rid of it. The compress should be kept up to 3 hours. After a couple of hours, the tip of the object will appear outward and it will be possible to pull it out.

Folk methods

There are many foreign object extraction methods available. There is a way that anyone can try. At the same time, the skin softens, helping the splinter to come out faster; grated plantain porridge should be used as a compress.

An onion compress will help. Onions need to be chopped and put on a finger, secured with a film and a bandage, change bandages after 2 hours. An ointment prepared from white clay has a similar result. It is easy to prepare, mix water and clay to a state of porridge, apply to the injured area and change bandages every 3 hours.

Grated potatoes in the form of compresses will help to avoid negative consequences. For 8 hours, 4 compresses should be done. Such a measure will avoid suppuration, the development of the inflammatory process. A compress from ordinary cabbage with the addition of alcohol liquid has a positive effect. Grind the cabbage leaf into porridge, add a spoonful of alcohol-containing liquid. Change the compress three hours after looking at the result. Once the tip is visible, the item can be pulled out safely.

Injury associated with the ingress of a foreign body under the nail occurs in ordinary life often. The extraction process is painful and unpleasant. Knowing how to remove a splinter from under the nail is necessary. This eliminates the main risk of complications. If it was not possible to remove it, an appeal to the doctor is mandatory. It is important to follow the rules for processing instruments, the rules for removing an object from under the nail, and processing the finger after the operation. With a properly performed procedure, no negative consequences should be observed. Regardless of the material, its size, depth of location, the extraction must be done carefully, follow the rules, without provoking the deepening of the object, its fracture.

What do we call a splinter? Any foreign body that has penetrated the skin or nail. Most often, this is a small wooden chip, a thorn of a plant, but plastic, metal splinters can also be found. An interesting fact is that splinters of an organic nature contribute to the development of an infection in the wound, but not an inorganic one. However, it's worth taking them out anyway! The procedure seems especially difficult and painful if the foreign body is stuck under the nail plate. In some cases, it is simply impossible to do without qualified medical assistance. We will tell you how to get a splinter from under the nail yourself. Let's list simple methods.

How to get a splinter from under the nail: the most effective way

If you decide to remove the foreign body yourself, then it is better not to try to do it with your fingers and nails. It is much easier, faster and more efficient to use regular tweezers.

How to get a splinter out from under the nail:

  1. Be sure to wash your hands with soap before the procedure!
  2. Sterilize the instrument - you can use both boiling water and an alcohol-containing agent for this.
  3. Additionally, wash the area around the splinter with soap and water. Disinfect the area with an alcohol-based disinfectant.
  4. If the damaged nail is long, then cut it with scissors - this will greatly facilitate the procedure for removing the splinter from under the nail plate.
  5. Position the injured finger under a light fixture or position yourself in a bright room - you should be able to see the splinter well.
  6. With tweezers, gently pinch its protruding edge.
  7. Pull out the foreign body in the direction in which it entered under the nail.

If, when trying to remove the splinter, it broke off (its part remained under the nail), split, then this is a reason to contact a specialist.

Extraction with a needle

It is not always possible to pick up a foreign body with tweezers. How to get a splinter from under the nail if it is deep? Use normal sewing needle:

  1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. Sterilize the needle with boiling water or alcohol.
  3. Additionally, rinse, disinfect the injured finger.
  4. Position yourself in a well-lit area for the procedure.
  5. Gently slide the tip of the needle under the nail in the direction of the splinter.
  6. Once you have reached the near edge of the foreign body, your task is to carefully pick it up with a needle and move it closer to the outer edge of the nail plate.
  7. Bring the splinter with a needle to the distance from which it can be removed with tweezers.
  8. Disinfect the tweezers and remove the splinter with them.

Extraction with baking soda

A splinter got under the nail - how to get it? If the foreign object is too small to catch with a needle, tweezers, or has gone too far under the nail plate, try this simple method:

  1. Stir in warm boiled water one tablespoon of ordinary baking soda.
  2. Soak the injured finger in a similar bath twice a day.
  3. Procedures should be repeated periodically for several days. As a result, the splinter should come to the surface of the skin, from where it will simply be removed with the same tweezers. In some cases, it falls out on its own.

There is another way where baking soda is involved. Here, a paste is prepared from the powder:

  1. Trim the damaged nail short to allow access to the foreign body.
  2. Dilute a quarter tablespoon of baking soda with a few drops of boiled or drinking water so that you have a thick gruel, paste.
  3. Apply the product to the damaged area, and wrap your finger on top with a sterilized bandage.
  4. After a day, remove the bandage, inspect the damaged area.
  5. Under the action of the paste, most often the splinter comes out by itself. If this does not happen, then prepare a new portion of the product in the same way. Tie your finger again for 24 hours.

Extraction with tape

How to get a splinter from under the nail to a child? It is necessary to do this unusually and quickly so that the little patient does not have time to get scared and prevent the adult from performing the procedure. However, this method is good for small splinters, whose edge protrudes above the surface of the skin:

  1. Cut the child's nail short to allow access to the foreign body.
  2. Take a transparent adhesive tape - a splinter will be clearly visible under it.
  3. Press adhesive tape against the foreign body.
  4. Pull it sharply towards you - as a result of this action, the glued splinter will break out from under the nail.

Extraction with depilatory wax

Another unusual way, which will help to remove from under the nail plate small splinters that are difficult to grasp with a needle or tweezers:

  1. Trim the nail short near the damaged area to make the procedure easier.
  2. Heat the wax, then apply it to the damaged area - the substance must necessarily cover the protruding edge of the splinter.
  3. Lay on not yet cured wax a thin strip of cloth or bandage.
  4. As soon as the substance hardens, pull the edge of the glued fabric strip. Together with the wax, the splinter that has stuck to it should also move away.

Extraction using the Wisniewski tool

How to get a splinter from under the nail if it is deep? Vishnevsky's ointment here is the easiest painless way. It is applied, in particular, to small patients. The procedure goes as follows:

  1. Trim the damaged nail short.
  2. Apply a little ointment directly to the area where the splinter has penetrated.
  3. Wrap the injured finger well with a bandage - the ointment emits bad smell leaves stains on clothes bed linen.
  4. After 24 hours, remove the bandage - the splinter under the action of Vishnevsky's remedy should come to the surface by itself.
  5. If the foreign body remains under the nail, repeat the procedure again - a daily bandage with Vishnevsky ointment.
  6. If the splinter did not come out completely, but its edge appeared above the surface of the skin, then carefully pull it out with sterilized tweezers.

Folk ways to extract a splinter

Before using any of the following methods, we advise you to pre-wash the wound with soap and disinfect it with an alcohol-containing preparation:

  • Compress from the root of comfrey or fenugreek. The ingredient, crushed to a state of powder, is poured with boiling water. The resulting mass is applied to the damaged area - the bandage is changed every 4 hours.
  • Onion casserole. Grind the product on a grater, attach the gruel to the wound. Change the compress to a fresh one every 3 hours.
  • White cabbage. The cabbage leaf is rubbed on a grater into gruel. The latter is applied to the wound. Every 3 hours, such a compress should be changed to a fresh one.
  • Treatment of the wound with vodka, juniper resin, tar also helps to soften the skin around the splinter, which contributes to the independent exit of the foreign body.
  • For the same purposes they warm baths from baby soap(5 tablespoons of soap bar shavings). The injured finger is kept in water until it cools. Continue the procedure until the splinter comes out.

After extraction

You know how to get a splinter out of your finger. After you have succeeded, do not forget to do the following:

  1. Wash the wound where the foreign body was removed with soap and water.
  2. To prevent infection from getting into it, treat the area with iodine, brilliant green, or antibiotic ointment.
  3. Did you bleed during extraction? Requires hydrogen peroxide treatment. After the bleeding stops, disinfect the wound and bandage the finger with a sterile bandage.

Need medical help!

How to get a splinter out from under the nail? Sometimes this problem only a specialist can decide. These are the cases when a foreign body went too deep under the nail plate, an infection was introduced along with it. This can be determined in several ways:

  • A splinter calls profuse bleeding.
  • You cannot get to the foreign body on your own (you already know how to get a splinter from under the nail). Here you will need a local anesthetic that will help remove the splinter painlessly.
  • The area around the foreign body is swollen, reddened, you feel pain when touched, pressed. Most likely an infection. You will be prescribed antibiotics to rule out serious consequences.

You now know the ways to help remove a splinter on your own - both small and deep under the skin, for both an adult and a child.

A splinter, regardless of where it arose, is a rather painful and unpleasant phenomenon. However, a splinter deep under the nail is not only the most painful, but also presents significant difficulties in removing it, because it interferes nail plate. How to pull out such a splinter will be written below.

Compress to remove a splinter

Pay attention to the depth of the splinter and the degree of damage nail bed. In the event that the lesion is severe, and the splinter is large and deep, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible. However, the injured area must be disinfected immediately.

Apply an herbal compress to pull the splinter out. The root of fenugreek or comfrey must be ground to a powder state and a little water should be dripped into it. The result should be the consistency of thick sour cream. Clean your finger with an alcohol wipe and apply the paste on it. Bandage the top. In addition, comfrey can be replaced with plantain ground into gruel.

Change the bandage after four hours. Wait for the splinter to appear on the skin, as comfrey helps to pull it out, including from under the nail. After that, treat the tweezers with alcohol and pull out the splinter with it, without pinching it too hard so as not to cut off the splinter, thus complicating its removal. After that, clean your finger again with an alcohol wipe. Lubricate the wound with iodine or brilliant green.

You can replace the comfrey root, for example, with onions, which are in every home. It needs to be finely chopped, or better, rubbed on a grater. Apply the gruel to an alcohol-disinfected finger and bandage. This bandage is updated every two to three hours and contributes to the same stretching of the splinter.

A compress using cosmetic white clay is the easiest to make and it will also be quite effective. Connect the clay with water, disinfect the finger with alcohol, peroxide, or treat it differently. Apply a paste-like mass to the damaged area. Then wrap your finger. It is better to update the compress every one and a half to two hours.

A bandage using cabbage can also be very effective. You need to crush or grind a few cabbage leaves in a blender. Pour 40 ml of vodka into the mass. The consistency should remain thick enough to not run off your fingers. The gruel is applied to cotton pad, which is applied to the nail and bandaged on top.

Another method of how to remove a splinter from under the nail involves the use of tar. To do this, you need to purchase tar ointment at the pharmacy and apply it to your finger, which was previously steamed with a bath of salt and soda. Bandage your finger. The ointment has a rather unpleasant odor, but you won’t have to wear such a compress for a long time, as it will quickly pull out the splinter.

Vishnevsky's ointment perfectly draws splinters. However, it should be used when inflammation has not yet developed. You can replace this ointment with Ichthyol, as it has the same effect. Before applying this composition, steam your hands and wipe them with alcohol wipes or vodka. Then apply the composition in a thick layer on the problem area and the area around it. Leave this ointment for five to six hours.

The process of removing a splinter

Before proceeding directly to the removal of a splinter, make sure that you have enough time. It is impossible to rush when removing, as this can cause difficulties and exacerbate the problem. Provide good light to the area you are working with, in low light, the process will become much more complicated. Wash your hands with soap and water and then disinfect them, or at least your splintered finger.

After that, disinfect the tweezers, needle and other tools that you will need when removing the splinter. This can be done with antiseptic liquid, alcohol wipes or hydrogen peroxide. In the absence of all these compounds, disinfection can be carried out by calcination with fire.

Before thinking about how to get a splinter from under the nail, pay attention to the angle at which it is located to the surface of the finger. If it has not gone too far under the skin, then with the help of a compress you can remove it completely. However, most often this does not happen and you have to remove the splinter mechanically.

When the splinter protrudes sufficiently from the skin, then it should be clamped with tweezers and pulled out. If its tip is too short, then a needle will help to remove it. It must be placed under the skin strictly parallel to the splinter and pushed up so that it comes out from under the skin. As soon as it becomes possible to catch on the edge of the splinter with tweezers, pull it out.

Then disinfect the wound with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. You can also treat a splinter with iodine. You can additionally apply a compress according to any recipe described above to the injured finger.

Common Mistakes

Careless and hasty removal of a splinter can lead to many backfire, such as the development of infection, inflammation, and even panaritium. There are a number of common mistakes that those who seek to remove a splinter themselves can make.

The most important of these is haste. Some begin trying to remove a splinter as soon as it is discovered. As a result, not only non-sterile, but simply improvised instruments can be used for this. Such treatment can drive the splinter deeper under the nail, break it off, which subsequently greatly complicates its removal, etc.

You need to be careful about the condition of your nails. If a person’s pain threshold is high enough, then you may not notice that there is a splinter under the nail and not start doing anything on time. As a result, after six hours (in warm time years faster), an infection will develop, pus will form and the splinter will cause severe pain. Pulling it out, respectively, will be even more difficult.

Thus, if a splinter has formed under the nail, then there is no difficulty in how to pull it out from under the nail. However, there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account. Otherwise, you risk only aggravating the situation and provoking the development of inflammation.

Sometimes, doing the most ordinary things: working in the garden, doing carpentry, cleaning, and even cleaning fish, you can accidentally drive a splinter under your fingernail. It is very painful, and most importantly, it is fraught with different unpleasant inflammation, suppuration.

It is not easy to get a splinter out from under the nail, especially if it has settled deep and it is impossible to pick it up with anything. But still there are some helpful tips and methods by which it is possible to get rid of it. Let's look at how to remove a splinter from under the nail with folk remedies.

What to do if a splinter entered under the nail?

* First, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with hot water and soap so as not to bring dirt into the wound. Put a magnifying glass, a piece of cotton wool, a thin needle, alcohol for disinfection on the table, in a well-lit place.

Moisten with alcohol a finger with a splinter under the nail, the tip of the needle. Then try to gently pick up the stuck object with the tip of the needle to pull it out.

This can work if the splinter is not very deep, it is visible and not very big size. But if it went deep, try this method:

* Pour some alcohol or vodka into a glass, hold your finger there for half an hour. The splinter should appear above the skin, after which it can be pulled out with nail clippers or tweezers.

* Ichthyol ointment will help remove a splinter from under the fire. Lubricate the surface of the nail, as well as the area where the splinter sits with ointment, let the product absorb.

* If it still hasn't surfaced, use fresh leaves. Grind fresh leaves to a pulp, apply it to the area where the splinter is located. Despite its simplicity, plantain always does its job well. After exposure, the skin softens, and it will be easier to pull out a foreign object from under the nail.

* When you try to remove a splinter from under the nail with folk remedies, remember the wonderful product for these purposes - resin. Lubricate the nail with it for 20-30 minutes. Then what is stuck under the nail can be pulled out.

* If, after removal, the skin in this place is swollen, reddened and sore, put your finger in a hot saline solution for 5-10 minutes or make a warm alcohol compress.

I think these funds will be enough for you to remove a foreign body stuck under the nail. But just in case, I will list some more very effective folk methods to remove a splinter:

* If you can't get the stuck small object from under the nail, set fire to a kitchen rag. While it burns, hold your injured finger over the smoke. They say the splinter comes out quickly (probably suffocating). After this procedure, there will be no abscesses, and the wound will heal quickly.

* If it has gone deep and you can’t pull it out, pour it into a glass ammonia, put your finger there, hold for a few minutes, and then bandage thick cloth. The ammonia will dissolve the splinter.

* Pour a glass of very hot water, add 4 tbsp. l. salt, stir. Dip your finger in there, be patient as long as you can. The total procedure time is 15 min. By morning, the pain will pass, and you don’t even remember that something got under the nail. Only you need to soar the nail immediately, and not after two days.

It is even better to strengthen this recipe with Vishnevsky ointment. After steaming, lubricate the nail overnight with ointment and wrap with a bandage.

* Also try this remedy. Dissolve a small bar of baby soap in a glass of hot water. Dip your finger in there, hold until the solution cools down. After the damaged area has steamed out, remove the stuck item with nail clippers.

* Grind the root of the grass, pour a small amount of boiling water to make a thick paste. Put a little hot product on a cotton or gauze swab, apply to the damaged area. Bandage your finger tightly.

Change the bandage every 4 hours. Soon a splinter will appear on the surface of the skin. Pull it out with tweezers. After that, treat the wound with alcohol, grease with calendula ointment.

* Grate a small, fresh one, apply gruel to damaged skin, wrap with cellophane, secure with a bandage. Change the bandage after 4 hours.

* Of course, getting rid of a splinter on your own is not at all easy. Ask for help from loved ones, together it is much easier to cope.

I hope the tips come in handy, and it will not be difficult to remove a splinter from under the nail with folk remedies. Just make sure that no dirt gets into the damaged skin, disinfect it in time.

Even if it was possible to pull out a splinter without resorting to the help of a doctor, but the wound became inflamed and festered, be sure to treat it with alcohol, lubricate it with iodine or brilliant green. good remedy for these purposes is 3% hydrogen peroxide. Then be sure to lubricate the skin with an anti-inflammatory agent.

Be healthy!


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