How to make a girl love you more. Keep the situation under control. Act like her father

Hello is Lesha Doc.

In this article I will reveal such a burning question “ How to make a girl fall in love with you?»

How to make a girl fall in love with you again? A few steps after which she will be in love like a stupid schoolgirl.

He may not be indifferent to you either. You just need to conquer him, prove that you are worthy of him. It is you, and not some other beauty - a fif. He walks by and doesn't even look in your direction. He probably has a lazy look. And you, instead of a bouquet of daisies and other wildflowers that you love, collected a whole bouquet of complexes. I’ll tell you straight: the bouquet is not beautiful. And sad, like a downpour on an unexpectedly sunny day.

There was a huge desire to conquer the guy - don’t be full of complexes! In general, do you know that guys don’t like girls with complexes? Next to such girls, any guy feels out of place, or something. Put the guy back on his plate! He will be more comfortable there. Show that you are confident in yourself and in your external appearance. I dedicate this if you are filled with skepticism: you have external data. They didn't evaporate anywhere. Sometimes you need to notice what is happening opposite you, in the mirrors.

Of course, it’s not good to flirt with other people’s guys, and even more so to beat others off. But you can’t command the heart, and it yearns for a person despite his status.

The first thing to take care of is to try to communicate or “casually” date him only when his girlfriend is not on the horizon. Be nice and friendly, strike up a conversation and talk with him about topics that interest him. Try to make sure that every meeting with you is always easy, fun and carefree.

The sad truth is that in every relationship there is difficult moments. They probably exist in his relationship with his girlfriend. And if at the same time a carefree and sweet creature like you often appears on the horizon, he will believe that everything can be different with you. These meetings will be a little secret that will unite you.

Before you go on the attack, think: can you build your happiness on the tears of others? Do you really need this separation? If you don't doubt your feelings, act.

Just remember, you can only use WHITE magic. Black, which is more effective, will not bring you happiness. Your beloved will hate you fiercely, but will not be able to leave. Yes, you will live together, have sex and even raise common children, but neither you nor she will find happiness in such a relationship. Your family will be surrounded by complete emptiness.

This stage is the most difficult in your relationship, not only for her, but also for you. Without waiting for a call from her after your last meeting with a kiss on the cheek, write her an SMS saying that you need to be alone and decide what to do with your feelings. There is no need to clarify this statement - let her apply it to your relationship herself. In SMS it would also be nice to reassure her with a phrase like: “Don’t worry about me, everything will be fine.” Don’t forget to tell her that you are not leaving her, but are simply going away for an indefinite period of time to think. The main thing at this stage is to remember to write to her before you disappear for several weeks.

Stage five - withstand the separation.

In order for this whole performance to have a result, you need to radically change your lifestyle. Most likely, your girlfriend has already learned your entire daily routine during your communication, and if you leave everything as it is, she will quickly find you (and she will definitely go looking for you!). That's why ideal option It would be possible to change the SIM card on the phone and, taking a vacation from work, go out of town to the village to visit my grandmother.

The image you create can attract a man's attention to you and arouse strong interest. And now from yours further actions will depend on whether this interest will translate into romantic feeling. What should you do now, how to make a guy really fall in love with you? Start acting according to the plan, which we will describe literally step by step:

  1. Show him the best version of you

    In clothing, the main thing is not the fashionability of the wardrobe, much cleanliness is more important and neatness. Make sure you are dressed in fresh clothes and clean linen. And not a single hole anywhere, even the smallest one or “hidden” in an inconspicuous place! As our grandmothers used to say, “you need to dress in such a way that you won’t be embarrassed to get run over by a tram.”

  2. Smile

    Your best weapon is always available and completely free, and you can never have too many of them - it's your smile! Smile as often as possible. And not just the guy you like. Your smile signals your sociability, and he will not be so afraid to approach you. If you tend to blush and lower your eyes when he looks or talks to you, then let this happen after you have time to smile at him - you will be simply irresistible at this moment!

  3. Be a little mysterious

    Don't know how to stay mysterious? It's easier than it seems. Here's where to start:

    Don't tell him your life story right now. If he asks, give only some details. If he gets offended or insists, just smile and say, “Maybe another time.”

    Make him work hard to get your contact information. Instead of giving him your phone number or "befriending" him in social network, be patient. Make him wait a little. For example, if he sent a friend request, accept this request only after a day or two. If you wrote a text message, reply only after 30-40 minutes. While he waits, he only thinks about you and what you are doing right now. What is hard to obtain is more valuable.

    Even after you start dating, try to spend some time away from him. For example, go to sports section or to choir rehearsal. But the guy doesn't need to know where you go. Just tell him that you can't come on the date because you'll be busy. And answer questions with a smile. Such mystery will make you more attractive in his eyes.

  4. Always leave him while he still wants to communicate

    There is the so-called law of scarcity, when demand is created by limiting supplies. If you end the conversation before he gets bored, he will almost immediately begin to look forward to the next meeting.

  5. Do something to show him your attention.

    Show that you are willing to help him even when he doesn't ask for help. Try to keep this gesture not too obvious so as not to embarrass him, but also obvious enough to make him feel appreciated. Try doing the following, for example:

    Offer to be with him when he does something boring. He will do the work on his own, without putting part of it on you, and at the same time it will be easier for him to work, because you will entertain him.

    Support him in Hard time. If he doesn’t have time to finish work on a project, or if he has some kind of trouble, be there, helping him as much as possible.

  6. Be positive as possible

    People are always drawn to those who try to see the bright side of things. Instead of focusing on talking about your problems or people who annoy you, talk about something positive. This doesn't mean you can never complain about something in front of him. Everyone complains from time to time. It can be tiresome to listen to such complaints all the time. Everyone shuns whiners, don’t forget about it.

If you try to show him that you are better than you really are, you are setting yourself on a path to future disaster. Better show him the best aspects of your personality and appearance that are truly inherent in you. Try some of the following options:

Make an effort to look and smell nice. Keep your hair clean and neatly combed, give Special attention personal hygiene. Believe me, it’s not very pleasant to be next to a girl who has poured a lot of perfume or deodorant in an attempt to muffle the smell of sweat.

Be especially careful about your oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day and use dental floss. You can use it throughout the day chewing gum or special aerosol to freshen your breath.

When a girl doubts something or just wants to know someone else’s opinion on some matter, she goes to her mother or friends. Therefore it is important to produce good impression on her parents and friends. If you gain their authority, this can be invaluable in developing your relationship with the girl.

General company. Spend time with your girl not only just the two of you, find a common group of friends. It is advisable that these are your friends, and not the girl’s friends. Who will you hang out with, go to clubs, play sports with? What exactly depends on your hobbies. The common company will greatly unite you. When she communicates with her friends from this company, they will definitely remind her about you. This is to our advantage.

Sex. Be good lover. Give her pleasure in bed. Bad sex ruined many couples. Don’t be shy to experiment, try something new, and always know two or three techniques that are guaranteed to bring her to orgasm. She should want you a little more than you want her, so sometimes deny her sex. But never punish her with sex.

You know, at your age, isn't it too early? And in general, as many have already written, it will be slavery. And for her to love you, you may need to change a little. So to speak, ask her friends what she likes more and try to change herself. Just like that. You don’t need to force someone to do anything, but change yourself. Trust my experience.

If you are worried that the spark of passion and love between you is gradually fading, or your girlfriend's feelings have cooled a little, you will have to work hard before you can win her back and win her over to your side. If you are sure that your relationship is not destined to last long, this is a different matter, but if you really love your girlfriend and cannot imagine life without her, make sure that she feels love, care and attention from you. Rekindle the spark and don't let it go out! Do you want to know how to win back the love of your soulmate? Read our article.


Part 1

Make her feel special
  1. Give her more compliments. If you want to get your girlfriend's attention, show her that you really care about her. Don't get hung up on superficial compliments about her appearance and don't give compliments just to make her like you. So, you won't get far. Everything needs to be done from pure heart, from the heart. A meaningful compliment in right time will show you care. If your girlfriend does not reciprocate your feelings, perhaps the reason lies in the fact that she does not feel the fullness of your feelings? Talk about your feelings, let her know that she is special and give reasons why.

    • You can give a compliment about distinctive feature her character. For example, “It’s amazing that you can strike up a conversation with anyone so easily. How do you do this? or “You are such a hard worker. It’s a pity that I lack perseverance.”
    • You should constantly watch your girlfriend and notice different little things. When she bought something new from clothes or got a haircut, say “It suits you new sweater. It matches your color beautiful eyes" She'll be impressed that you paid attention.
  2. Help her. You can show a girl that she is special and attract her to you in another way - provide her with help and support. If your girlfriend is having a hard day, bring her lunch, give her a ride to the right place, help clean up the apartment after the party. Make her life a little easier, and she will, in turn, appreciate you more. Of course, this does not mean that you will be her dog for a while. short leash and she may abuse your kindness. No. As long as she helps you, don't forget to help her.

    • She may be resistant if you ask if she needs help. If you see that your girlfriend really needs your help, don’t pull the cat by the tail, help.
  3. Support her goals and interests. If you want your girlfriend to feel special, you shouldn't treat her like a candy escort. You must respect her views, interests and life goals. If she is interested in football, you can accompany her and go to the match together. If your girlfriend is looking for a job, give her a mock interview. Let her know that you wish her luck and care about the things that matter to her. Your girlfriend will be touched to the core.

    • If your girlfriend is upset about something, you should support her and talk about the situation when she is ready. Don't be angry if she has Bad mood due to any personal disappointments.
    • If she has a big day coming up, encourage her, wish her luck, and tell her you'll keep your fingers crossed and think about her.
  4. Ask about her life. You don't want your girlfriend to get bored or think that you don't care about her. As you open up to each other, ask questions about her life. You can ask about her childhood, relationships with friends and parents, plans for the future or plans for next week. Show her that you care about the type of person she is and her development.

    • Let your girlfriend see that you are interested in her human qualities and are not asking questions out of simple politeness. When she talks about herself, give her your full attention and make eye contact with her.
    • Even if you don't know much about her hobbies and interests, get her to tell you more about them.
  5. Don't forget to take an interest in her affairs. If you want your girlfriend to feel that you care, take an interest in her affairs at least once a day. It doesn't matter if you call or text. Let your girlfriend know that even if you are not together, you still think about her. She will be very pleased. If she has an important day, either an exam or a football match, don't forget to ask how it went. Even if you are separated by kilometers, this is not a reason to stop communicating.

    • You shouldn't be too intrusive and call her every five minutes. Otherwise, your girlfriend will lose interest in you. If your girlfriend is out with her friends, instead of pestering her with calls and messages, give her space. You don't want her to think of you as a jealous owner?
  6. Be gentle. The truth is that most guys don't like holding hands or talking about marriage. But that doesn't mean you can't show your love and affection when you're together. Simply putting your arm around her waist, stroking her hair, holding her hand, or placing your hand on her knee while you sit together is enough. Gentle touches will show that you enjoy being around her. If you feel that your girlfriend is acting cold, melt her heart with tenderness and love.

    • You don't have to hold hands all the time. Do this from time to time so that she does not forget the taste of your touch. If you're watching a movie together, squeeze her hand a few times.
    • It is not necessary to kiss in front of everyone, but kissing your beloved when you meet and goodbye is your responsibility.
  7. Listen to your girlfriend carefully. Most people lack listening skills, and many guys don't have good listening skills at all. Next time your girlfriend starts a conversation, try to hear every word she says, take your mind off everyone foreign objects and look into her eyes. Don't interrupt her or try to solve her problem. Just be there and try to understand what she is saying. This way, your loved one will see that you are worried about her problems.

    • When she finishes her story, ask her questions to understand how she feels. If she wants to know your opinion and ask for advice, make sure you have all the facts for or against before you recommend anything.
    • If your girlfriend wants to tell you something, put your phone down. You'll drive her crazy if you constantly check your phone when she's trying to talk about something serious.

    Part 2

    Be best guy
    1. Be a gentleman. If you want to be the best guy for your girlfriend, you will have to learn to be a gentleman. This doesn't mean you have to become Gary Grant and pick her up in a horse-drawn carriage. But you must be attentive and polite. Open doors for her when she gets into a car or enters a restaurant. Pull the chair out in front of her when she sits down at the table. If she's cold, offer your coat and don't say bad words in front of her.

      • Don't worry, being a gentleman doesn't mean being fake or exaggerating. Be polite and attentive and your girlfriend will call you a real gentleman.
    2. Improve your communication skills. As you know, many guys do not know how to correctly express their thoughts and talk about their needs. If you want to be a better guy for your girlfriend, learn to talk honestly and politely about your feelings without becoming angry or annoyed. Learn to find a compromise in every situation, instead of getting upset if you didn't get what you wanted. If you work on yourself and develop communication skills, your relationship will flourish.

      • If your girlfriend is upset about something, try to figure it out and understand what's going on. Try to solve her problem. If she's angry that you're late for a date, she may think you're not putting in enough effort to build a strong relationship.
      • If you want to start serious conversation, the main thing here is to choose the right time. Choose a time when your girlfriend is not too tired or distracted by other things.
    3. Give your girlfriend more time. If you want to be good guy, spend as much time as possible on your other half. This does not mean that you should be there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and run to the rescue at the same moment for any requirement. No. Spend enough time to ensure that your relationship grows stronger every minute. For example, go on dates, talk on the phone, watch movies together. If you're never around or hang out with your friends often, your girlfriend will feel abandoned.

      • If you are constantly around, your girlfriend may think that you have become too dependent on her and will lose all interest in you. Don't forget about your personal life, about your friends, hobbies and interests. Even if you want to spend more time with your girlfriend, let her see you as an interesting and dynamic person.
    4. Respect her independence. It is important not only to give your girlfriend time and attention, it is also important to respect her time and personal space. Let her spend time with her friends, and you, in turn, don’t call every five minutes and don’t show jealousy. Don't try to do all the things she loves to do, like running or volunteering. Let her do what she likes, and you just welcome her passion. She will ask you for help if she needs it. You don’t want her to suffocate from your constant presence and run away from you wherever she looks.

      • If you constantly harass her with your calls, messages, or presence, she will think that you don't trust her or don't believe in the integrity of the relationship. If you give her the opportunity to do something she loves or go out with friends, she will know that you are comfortable in this situation and that you trust her completely and believe in your relationship.
    5. Be nice to your girlfriend's friends and relatives. Her friends and family are playing important role in her life and may become the key to her heart. Do not reject her loved ones and do not be sparse in your conversation with them. Ask how they are doing, tell them something about yourself and show that you care about them. Even if you behave nicely just because of a girl, this will work into your hands and all your relatives and friends will have a good opinion of you.

      • If your girlfriend invites you to meet her friends, don't refuse the invitation, even if you don't like the idea. This will serve as a sign that you care and are trying.

Love is a complicated thing. Sometimes we have to push away annoying fans, and sometimes we can’t figure out how to make a girl fall in love with you for years. But there is a simple psychological technique that will, if not awaken love in her, then make you more attractive in her eyes. Observing simple recommendations, you can conquer many ladies.

How to make a girl fall in love with you?

To be honest, no way. But you can increase your chances of success))) Girls love strength. Today, this expression has no direct meaning. To win her heart, you can be strong in:

  1. Erudition. When guys know a lot, it turns a lot of people on. The main thing is not to become a nerd;
  2. Originality. Find good places for walks, communicate on interesting topics, give unusual gifts;
  3. Decision making. Don’t show your problems and find ways out of difficult life situations;
  4. Style. Buy clothes that suit you and develop your image. Your lover will definitely notice this;
  5. Self-control. Don't show unnecessary emotions, don't run after her.

Many people confuse falling in love with the friend zone. To avoid making such mistakes, read. It's all about how not to become “just a friend” to her.

Don't show her your bad mood. Pessimists are often supported, but not often loved. To win her over, be cheerful.

Don't lie and don't put on an imaginary mask. Your game will one day be revealed, and there will be no talk of love. Girls rarely forgive the slightest lie.

It is also worth keeping the promises made to her. If she sees that you are a punctual and purposeful person, then her heart will melt. But sloppiness will cause the opposite reaction.

Also, forget about weaknesses. Embarrassment, fear, disappointment. Keep it all for yourself. With her, be a confident, simple and moderately firm person. These are the ones that conquer ladies' hearts.

Girls love mystery and hate publicity. Do not confess your love to her in front of someone and do not show active signs of attention. Otherwise, she will begin to take everything as a joke, and the situation will worsen.

Decisive actions as the path to female love

Always be proactive, don’t sit in the back:

  • Ask her out;
  • Find a moment to talk alone;
  • Help with something;
  • Give a gift online or in real life.

Even if she refuses, you shouldn’t give up. They love persistence. Get your way. But you shouldn't be angry or pathetic. Just go towards your goal and she will fall in love with you.

Many guys, when conquering the girl they like, use the advice of friends, parents, and acquaintances. You shouldn't do this. You can ruin everything. If she finds out that you are resorting to help from third parties, it will look pathetic and petty.

When taking any measures, remember that someone else may already take your place. And to prevent this from happening, you need to act as quickly and efficiently as possible.

How to check whether she fell in love or not?

It is impossible to woo her forever. Therefore, you need to check the results of your actions. A girl begins to fall in love if:

  1. She smiles at you and starts the conversation herself;
  2. The girl looks in your direction, but you don’t address her;
  3. The lady is shy in front of you and feels awkward;
  4. She straightens up in front of you, straightens her hair and tries to look more presentable;
  5. When you address her, the girl turns her whole body, demonstrating increased attention.

There is no recipe for how to make a girl fall in love with you. It all depends on the qualities of the guy and the preferences of the lady.

Often, signs of falling in love are simple signs of friendship, decency or good manners. Don't lose your head and draw castles in the air.

Set a goal and go towards it. Invite on a date, hug, kiss. May determination be with you! Forward to victories!

And if you overdid it, and some guy fell in love with you, then read this.

If a girl doesn't pay attention to you, that's not a reason to give up. It's worth showing off the best side, highlight in yourself those qualities that women value most in representatives of the stronger sex. You need to have a lot of patience, as you will need a large number of time for her to appreciate your merits. At the same time, you should remember that you cannot be nice by force. If you have done everything possible, but no feelings have arisen, it is impossible to make a girl fall in love, either in reality or by correspondence.

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Signs of a girl in love

Understanding that a girl is interested is not so difficult; you can pay attention to the following signs:

  • she will always try to keep the conversation going, try to pay more attention;
  • the chosen one seeks your gaze;
  • the girl will always try to be in your company, even in places that she has never visited before, it will seem that she “appears out of nowhere”;
  • gestures and emotions will give her away, she will straighten her hair, remove invisible specks of dust from her clothes.

How to make a boy fall in love with you

How to make a girl fall in love with you

Many men think that in order to get married, they need to expose themselves to better light: shower them with gifts and take them to expensive restaurants. This is a very erroneous opinion, because if you demonstrate unusual behavior, then after some time everything will come out, and this can put the relationship at risk. Many psychologists advise show your strengths and weaknesses as they are.

But to attract more attention, a man is recommended to have the following virtues and qualities:

  • Well-read and smart. Girls love to talk about everything in the world, and if a man can support a topic, then this is only a plus. Therefore, do not forget to read books again and again, learn last news or just solve crossword puzzles.
  • Originality. Among so much competition from guys of the same type, you need to find a way to stand out and make an impression. Let it be some kind of extraordinary surprise or an unusual place for a date. Give free rein to your fantasies, but don’t overdo it too much so as not to scare off your beloved.
  • Masculinity. We must not forget that all women want to love a real man who can take on the problem of choice, defend the honor of the girl he loves, and next to whom she will feel safe. You should not follow the lead of your chosen one in front of strangers.
  • Well-groomed. You should not neglect the rules of personal hygiene: wear clean clothes, watch your hair and smell.
  • Sense of humor. Try to make your beloved smile, positive emotions always have a good effect on the impression of a person than bigger girl smiles, the greater the chance that you will attract her attention.
  • Romance. Every woman wants to live like in a fairy tale, so that there is a handsome prince nearby, and life is bright and interesting. Make unexpected holidays and surprises for the girl. Give compliments, hug tightly, kiss sincerely - all this is necessary to create a strong relationship.
  • Unpredictability. Always try to be a little different from usual, to do something special. A slight understatement is the basis of the chosen one’s interest. Let the girl worry a little, think about where you are, how and what you are doing. The main thing is not to overdo it.

If the girl did not fall for all your actions, then you can make her jealous. Try to play on feelings, but if this does not bring any results, then you should understand that you cannot force someone to fall in love with you.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially saddened by my eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles plus dark circles and swelling. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

The topic worries many: not only teenagers, but also adult men. Only a few know what needs to be done to make a girl go crazy and fall in love. Now you will find out how a girl’s brain works, how these beautiful creatures fall in love.

The logic of most women is incomprehensible. A woman who cannot stand her brain is called a mystical creature. Why? Almost every guy is sure that the more good deeds he does for the sake of a girl, the greater the chance of success and that she will fall in love. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?), this is not entirely true.

Male knights conquered women's hearts by their brave deeds since ancient times. Most likely, guys dream of being like these same knights. But please! This is not the Middle Ages here! We need a completely different approach to girls. We do good, and sometimes even brave, deeds, but in return we receive something completely different from what we expected. After this, the guys are inclined to believe that feminine logic if it exists, it is the ravings of a drunken rabbit. But! Of course, they have logic, but not everyone manages to feel it.

How is a woman made?

A woman is a cunning individual who requires affection and warmth from a confident man. If a man is not confident in himself and is afraid of losing her, he will soon lose her. And he will have to think about it back. A girl needs a male, behind whom she will be like behind a stone wall. But situations do not allow us to be courageous and confident. Life has taught us to crawl under the lovely creatures of the fair sex. From childhood, everyone was taught that you need to open doors for ladies, kiss their hands, and in general, give in to everything. Don't fall for it!

First of all, you need to respect yourself. Remaining a man and not following a woman’s lead—that’s the kind of guy all girls like. This is how you can make a girl fall in love with you! Put your interests first. If you don’t want to do what the girl asks, don’t do it.

Be confident! It's time to stop being afraid to look her in the eyes and directly state what you think, what you want from her! Do you have a girl in mind that you like? Great! DON'T TELL HER YOU LOVE HER. Right now, find out where she is, go up and tell her to her face that she is beautiful and instantly prove your words with a kiss on the lips. Actions are everything, words are practically nothing. After that, don't drool and become a romantic fool. Tell her that it was cooler than you expected, wish her Have a good day and get out quickly! Let her think about you and what happened! If you don't believe it will work, try it! If you don’t try because you’re afraid, it means you’re not a man’s friend, which means it’s not a girl you need to look for, alas. Girls really like confident guys.

Put your interests first! Perhaps she is asking you to do something beyond your strength, or you simply don’t have enough time to accept her proposal. There is a solution! Tell her NO! Tell her you can't help her. First of all, take care of your interests. In most cases, a girl will pretend to be offended, make a face and say something absurd. Amazing! It's her problem that she can't understand you! But after such an act, she will see you as a person, a real guy, and not a doormat. She will see a guy who respects himself and his interests.

Let's summarize, how to make a girl fall in love with you, gain her trust and feelings? Now we've reached the deepest part! Don't be timid. Explain your wishes directly. Like? Come and kiss me! For the first time, a tongue kiss will look too inadequate - just peck her on the lips. Don't overwhelm with gifts! Don't make concessions! Give DUBIOUS compliments and make you smile!

Remember: the more you love her, the less return you get. Strictly so, no other way! Be a little cruel with her, but at the same time show that you like her and care about her. You need to behave slightly boorishly with a girl, but in moderation. Let her know that you are not a person to be played with. Show that you are an independent guy and are responsible for your words: D Then she will definitely fall in love with you.