False facts that changed the world

Are you taking your dog, mother-in-law and children to the dacha and stop at Dmitrovka? Then an inexpensive Western Degunino tow truck is your option. But it’s better to go to the dacha first, and then immediately go home, like for repairs and buzz.

Understanding the unique and sometimes bizarre behaviors of dogs plays a big role in our ability to properly care for them. However, sometimes the things we have read or heard about dogs are not entirely true. This article lists ten of the most common myths about best friend the person most of us believe in.

1. Dogs can't see colors

You have probably heard more than once in your life that dogs are color blind, that is, they see the world in black and white. Actually this is a myth. Even though dogs have different eyesight than ours, they can still see some colors. These include yellow, blue and purple. This means that colors visible to humans - such as red, green and orange - can't be seen by dogs.

In the retina of the eyes of humans and dogs, there are photoreceptors, which are divided into cones and rods. However, we distinguish colors due to the presence of a small recess in the retina, which allows us to see sharp details. Dogs do not have this feature.

However, they do have some visual benefits. Dogs have more rods (photoreceptors responsible for night vision) in their retinas. This allows them to see better in low light conditions.

2. If dogs are wagging their tails, they are happy.

This statement is not an absolute lie. When a dog wags its tail, it can actually be an indication that it is happy and content. However, this is not always the case. A person expresses emotions through facial expressions, while dogs do it with the help of a tail.

The main function of the dog's tail is communication. Knowing what your pet's different tail movements indicate can help you understand him better. Some of them are pretty obvious. For example, a tucked-up tail means that your pet is afraid of something.

And what about wobbling?

If a dog wants to express happiness, he will wag not only his tail, but the entire back of his body. The tail raised up, with which the dog slowly wags from side to side, means that the animal is alert. In this case, you better not come close to him.

If the tail is down and the dog wags it quickly, it can be assumed that he is going to run or fight (depending on the situation).

3. Than bigger dog the longer she lives

IN this case just the opposite is true. Average life expectancy of dogs small breeds, such as chihuahua and dachshund, is 14-15 years old. Dogs over large breeds(For example, Alaskan Malamute) usually live 8-10 years. The average life expectancy of dogs like St. Bernards, which are huge in size, is only 5-8 years.

This strange myth appeared due to the general pattern according to which the larger the animal, the longer it lives. The world's smallest mammal, the pig-nosed bat, has an average lifespan of 5-10 years, while the largest mammal on the planet, blue whale lives 80-90 years.

Scientists say it's all about the use of energy. body cells large mammals operate slower and more efficiently, and therefore last longer. So why doesn't this pattern work for dogs?

Large dogs grow rapidly in their first year of life. Great Danes (the largest dog breed) develop five times faster than humans. Due to this increased growth, large breed dogs also age rapidly.

4 Dogs Can't See Pictures on Flat Screen TVs

CRT televisions (older models) produce images at approximately 24 frames per second. This is due to the peculiarities of our vision. The number of frames that we need to see in one second to perceive the film as a continuous stream of images is 16-20.

In dogs, this frequency is much higher and is about 40-80 frames per second. When they watch TV with cathode ray tubes, they see only a flicker on the screen. But what about modern TVs?

The claim that dogs can't see images on flat screen TVs is a lie, as flat screen TVs display a much higher number of frames per second than older models. What's more, there is overwhelming evidence that dogs react to images flashing on plasma TV screens. This means that they are able to see anything.

5. You should wake up your dog if you think he is having a nightmare.

The question "Do dogs dream?" is still controversial. However, many are inclined to the affirmative answer. Dogs have a phase REM sleep, which in us, people, is accompanied by dreams.

Dreams are also associated with the process of delaying memories, an ability that dogs have, according to the evidence available. So what about nightmares? For starters, we can't be 100 percent sure that dogs actually have nightmares, because we don't know if they dream at all.

When dogs whine and twitch in their sleep, many people cannot stay away. As a rule, they decide to simply wake up their pets.

However, for four-legged friends, this can turn into stress and serious problems with health. Just like humans, dogs need a certain amount of deep sleep in order to have a good mental health and develop normally.

Dogs usually sleep 14-16 hours a day, but the proportion of deep sleep is negligible. When your pet has nightmares, as you think, this is most likely an important phase of deep sleep.

6. If the dog's nose is wet, it means he is healthy.

In fact, a dog with a warm, dry nose can be just as healthy as one whose nose is cold and wet. The temperature and humidity of a dog's nose changes every time. This may be due to recent activity, environmental conditions, and other factors and is not a reliable indicator of your pet's health.

If you notice that your dog has a dry nose, don't worry. Most likely, she was just basking in the sun. When should you be concerned about your pet's health? Usually the problems are manifested in the dog's lack of appetite or a change in behavior.

7. Bacon won't hurt your dog

Everyone knows that chocolate should not be given to dogs, but most people are unaware that many other foods that humans eat can also harm our four-legged friends. The most shocking of these is bacon, which we sometimes love to pamper our pets with. After all, bacon is meat, and meat is an essential part of a dog's diet.

However, bacon is actually very unhealthy for dogs and can lead to long-term health problems. A huge amount of fat contained in bacon can lead to inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis. The pancreas is responsible for releasing digestive enzymes, which help the body to properly absorb and digest food.

8. English Bulldogs have a flattened muzzle due to a mistake made during the breeding of this breed.

Stocky, broad-shouldered and powerful, the English Bulldog is perhaps one of the most recognizable dog breeds in the world. He is associated with iconic British figures, the most famous of which is considered to be Winston Churchill.

English Bulldogs, despite their fame, have a very long list of health problems compared to other dogs. One of the most common is brachycephalic syndrome. This disease is predominantly found in dogs with short necks and constricted nostrils. They constantly snort, sniff and snore, trying to breathe air.

Ironically, English Bulldogs were bred with a flattened muzzle in order to improve their breathing. Initially these were fighting dogs who were attracted to bull-baiting.

Later, in many regions of England, laws were passed according to which the bull must have been bitten before slaughter, since it was believed that this diluted the blood of the animal and made its meat soft and tender. The English Bulldog's short, flat skull actually allowed him to breathe while bull-baiting. So, English bulldogs have a flattened muzzle, not at all because of a mistake made during the breeding of this breed. This was done consciously and intentionally.

9. Dogs love to be hugged.

Just so you know, dogs don't view hugs as a sign of love and tenderness the way we humans do. They consider this gesture a demonstration of dominance, so they become anxious when we hug them.

However, this is not true for all dogs. How your dog perceives hugs also depends on his personality. If the dog shrinks, closes his mouth and licks his lips, then this is clear sign the fact that your action confuses her. She does not understand what caused such behavior towards her.

10. Dogs eat grass when they are sick.

Most people think that dogs eat grass when they are sick. Actually it is not.

Sometimes our four-legged friends may eat grass due to a condition known as pica. It makes animals feel cravings for whatever it contains. nutrients and trace elements that they lack. Pica can also occur as a result of boredom, causing your dog to eat strange things, like peeling paint.

In addition, dogs may eat grass for territorial reasons or simply because they like the taste of it. Either way, the idea that dogs eat grass when they are sick is a misconception.

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We refute the most famous scientific misconceptions:

“Most of the diamonds are not formed from compacted coal. They are "born" at a depth of about 150 km, and coal deposits are usually located at a depth of about three kilometers.

The bats not blind. Yes, they navigate in space with the help of echolocation, but at the same time they see quite well.

“Blonds and redheads will not disappear over time. Recessive genes that are responsible for hair color can be passed down from generation to generation and through non-blonds and non-redheads.

Hair and nails do not continue to grow after death. This impression arises from the fact that the skin of a deceased person shrinks.

- It is impossible to determine by the color of the snot, bacterial disease or viral. The color of this substance can vary from transparent yellow to deep green in patients with a wide variety of diseases.

Pure water- not a very good conductor of electricity. The reason a person can get an electric shock through water is because it contains minerals, dirt and other particles that conduct electricity.

- From frogs and toads you can’t pick up a wart, but shaking hands with a person who has warts is very possible. Warts in humans are caused by papillomavirus, which only affects humans.

Ostriches don't hide their heads in the sand, even when they're scared. If they sense danger, they tend to fall to the ground and pretend to be dead.

- From the lack of oxygen, the blood does not turn blue - on the contrary, it acquires a darker red color. The veins just appear blue through the skin.

“Sugar doesn’t make kids hyperactive. Several studies have found that the activity of children was similar when consuming sugar-free and sugar-free soda.

- Clicking your knuckles can irritate your co-workers, but you won't get arthritis. The real causes of osteoarthritis are age, trauma, excess weight and genetic predisposition.

— If the product is natural, it does not mean that it does not contain pesticides. However, the level of pesticides in both organic and non-organic food is too low to worry about this (at least the ministry assures us of this). Agriculture USA).

— Stress does not play a big role in the development of chronic hypertension. Severe stress can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure, but in general it does not happen. main reason hypertension. Genetics, smoking and unhealthy diet play a much larger role.

- Lightning can strike the same place twice. It hits some tall buildings up to 100 times a year.

- A person is not born with all the convolutions that he possesses in adulthood. There is evidence that, at least in several parts of the brain, the process of formation of nervous tissue continues into adulthood.

One gene is not the same as one protein. Many genes make many different proteins, depending on how the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) of the gene is located in the cell. Some genes do not form proteins at all.

— Goldfish have a pretty good memory. They can remember certain things for several months.

The main problem with all the world's theories is that after some time there will definitely be a smart guy who will debunk them. But since we are used to the fact that science does not lie, we firmly believe the bullshit that really needs to be handed. It is a pity that this is not immediately clear. Perhaps now we are doing some kind of fierce crap that our descendants will laugh at. Slavery, belief in the day of judgment, the search for Eldorado - all this changed the world irrevocably. Alas, not for the better.

We thought that the character of a person can be read by appearance, and became superficial

We do it all the time whether we know it or not. This is the reason why Jason Statham always plays the roles of brutal silent men who just hit in the ear. But he is a very sweet and witty guy. All the fault of the ancient and merciless science with a funny name - physiognomy. Pythagoras was known to turn down students who looked too smart, and Aristotle wrote that people with too much broad faces are usually dumb.

The concepts of physiognomy were concretely defined only in the middle of the 17th century in the letters of Giambattista della Porta. However, we still believe in superstitions related to appearance.

In the 19th century, the criminologist Cesare Lombroso made the discovery that the criminal element can be identified at a glance. How? By their apelike appearance, a vestigial tail (take your pants off suspicious people to be sure), and tattoos. So thank you, Mr. Lombroso, for reinforcing the terrible idea that you can and should completely judge a person based on appearance. In this case, all the tattooed would have to be transplanted away from sin. Preferably in a cell with ugly girls and bearded men.

We thought we could find the elixir of immortality, but instead we invented a more effective one - the killer

Early Chinese texts described elixirs that could do everything from becoming invisible to immortality. Some elixirs would allow a simple drunk to visit the world of the gods, to force demons and pretty women to serve him. Now find a fool who would refuse it? There are none, because both fools and smart people believe the ancient scrolls. Therefore, alchemists worked day and night, sometimes spending entire lives to create valuable elixirs. Although mass culture has accustomed us to the image of the medieval European, it must be said that alchemists were everywhere and at all times.

In 850, a Tang Dynasty alchemist created a formula that was 75 parts saltpeter, 15 parts charcoal, and 10 parts sulfur. Alas, this formula did not make him immortal, rather the opposite. As noted in an old text, "Smoke and flame burned the hands and face of the alchemist, along with the house in which he worked." As you may have guessed, this is how gunpowder was discovered. The irony is that instead of the elixir of life, the alchemists created a real elixir of death, which is successfully used to this day. However, then he was very helpful: he helped to kill the viciously grinning Mongolian neighbors.

We believed that the air carried diseases, so we took care of ventilation and hygiene

London in the 19th century was the least likely place to escape to with stolen millions or a dream. In the 1830s, epidemics of typhus, influenza, and especially cholera literally destroyed the city. It was so bad that even the upper class took notice of the squalor, unsanitary conditions and filth in which the poor lived. So there was a theory that it was the foul-smelling air that caused the mass pestilence of people. To the prim and luxurious lords, the idea seemed plausible. Like, we don’t stink (in fact, it stank), and we die in smaller quantities - which means that everything works like that. Of course, this whole theory is one sheer nonsense, but it was precisely this misunderstanding that turned out to be incredibly positive influence to the world as a whole.

The miasma theory greatly improved the sanitary situation in London. Drainage and ventilation systems began to correspond to the title of the capital of the big empire in the world. People firmly believed that now, when it became easier to breathe, the damned pestilence would recede. Naive little people, they fought the wrong enemy.

In the 1850s, an anesthesiologist named John Snow (not a bastard) suggested that the cholera that killed part of Old England wasn't caused by stink: germs and infection were hiding in the water. But it was too late, the miasma theory spread across the planet and was accepted by the scientific community, and people stamped their feet and said that the air was not fresh enough.

The theory held out until 1892, and according to Buckinghamshire Chilterns University lecturer Stephen Halliday, the British changed their minds after a cholera outbreak in Hamburg. The air in London was cleaner than 50 years ago, but still impossibly stinky. The epidemic did not reach London, and people thought that maybe the air had nothing to do with epidemics?

We believed we were the complete product of our genetics and invented eugenics

Talk of biological determinism in the 18th century led to the persistent belief that all human qualities are inherited. Not only eye color, but also personality type, criminal tendencies and even laziness are more related to our genetics than to environment or other outside forces.

By the late 1800s, naturalist Francis Galton was talking about eugenics and selective breeding as ways to encourage inheritance. good qualities and, ultimately, the creation of a more perfect race of people. In his book Hereditary Genius (1869), he preached the false truth that smart people are biologically superior to worldly idlers. One Austrian artist took these ideas a little too much to heart - the result of the Third Reich's massive and infamous eugenics program is known to all.

Not only Germany distinguished itself, but also the Empire of Good according to Ronald Reagan. In the 1920s, the US was the first country to centrally introduce sterilization for the purposes of eugenics. Not only the mentally ill, but also the deaf, blind, epileptics, and people with physical deformities fell under the program. In some cases marriages were forbidden and Cohabitation, for violation could be assigned a prison term of up to 3 years. For example, for marriage with an alcoholic or a representative of another race. Many Indians and African Americans have been sterilized against their will in many states, often without their knowledge, while they were in the hospital and for other reasons. Interestingly, sometimes the fate was decided by the IQ test, which determined the suitability for childbearing. If the figure was suitable, then the doctors "gave the go-ahead" for procreation. If the indicator was like that of Stallone, then they could have banned it.

We thought that sight worked due to invisible eye rays, which formed the world's superstitions

Probably, nothing embarrassed a person as much as the device of the eyes. Everyone understood how they work, but no one could quite understand the mechanism. for a long time. According to ancient Greek scientists, the eyes contained some kind of fire inside, which flowed out and looked through the world. Kind of like a harmless version of Cyclops from X-Men. I must say that such a theory, despite all its absurdity, was warmly received by the ancient world and gave rise to such bad and archaic devilry as the evil eye. This concept is found in many cultures and religions, since the nature of the gaze could not be studied for a very long time.

As a result, even in the 21st century, there are many people who firmly believe that all the failures in their lives are due to the fact that someone looked at them the wrong way.

Which we believe to be true, but in reality they are just common misconceptions. Turns out, old dog new tricks can be taught, and as leopards grow older, leopard spots do change.
We bring to the attention of readers 10 myths, which many consider to be true, but in reality it turns out that these are more fiction than facts.

Ostriches hide their heads in the sand

- this is the largest bird known, it can run at speeds up to 65 km / h, and with a kick this creature is able to bend steel bars. And in fact, ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand as defense mechanism. In case of danger, in addition to trying to escape or fight back, these birds really try to hide, but for this they lie down on the sand. Thus, from a distance, when the ostrich rises, its tiny head appears to be below ground level. But is it really sunk in the sand? Not at all.

Possums hang on their tails

While they do have a strong tail and are extremely dexterous with it, they do not actually hang from it and certainly do not sleep in this position. A baby opossum can hang on its tail for a couple of seconds, but adults are too heavy for such a trick. But for the purpose of climbing trees on the paws of these animals there is a spaced finger.

Touching a toad can cause warts

The skin is bumpy, but they cannot infect with warts. The reason for their appearance is a virus inherent in humans, and not the skin of amphibians. But in general, it’s really better not to touch these creatures, because the wart-like bumps of some toads contain glands that produce poison that can cause severe irritation. So be careful when kissing these frogs.

Lemmings commit group suicides

Since the 19th century, we have believed that lemmings are subject to cult-like suicidal behavior and perform massive cliff jumping during migrations. Yes, during the growth of the population, lemmings look for new habitats and sometimes fall off the rocks, but it is wrong to consider these group suicides. The interesting thing is that mass cliff-falls are not the strangest rumors that unfortunate creatures are forced to endure. In the 16th century, a geographer suggested that lemmings fall out of the clouds during a thunderstorm, and then suffer a mass extinction when the first spring grass begins to break out of the ground. Impressive.

An earthworm split in half becomes two worms

First, fi. Secondly, an earthworm divided in half does not become two individuals. If the worm is cut behind the girdle, then its head part may survive and regenerate, but the tail half will die. However, the amazing planarian flatworms - tiny freshwater creatures belonging to a different type - are able to restore the entire body from a piece the size of only 1/300 of the original organism.

Red causes aggression in bulls

The widespread belief on which it is based says that a red cloak excites bulls and makes them pounce on a matador. In fact, cattle do not distinguish colors and, accordingly, do not perceive the red tint as bright. And the bulls react to the movements of the cloak and the general threat hidden in the environment. (They should not be blamed, anyone would go mad.)
And this photo adds optimism to the situation. It depicts Spanish bullfighter José Tomas during a bullfight in Catalonia, the latest since the 2011 government ban on such events.

Bats are blind

Many bats have small eyes, and about 70 percent of the species have supplementary vision to help them hunt at night. But are they blind? In no case. Merlin Tuttle, Founder & President international organization on the protection of bats, states unequivocally: “There are no blind bats. They see great." Like this.

Koalas are a type of bear

Although these incredibly glorious creatures, which have inspired many Australian souvenirs, have a bearish appearance, in fact they are definitely not bears, but marsupials. After birth, the mother carries the cub in a pouch for about six months. When he grows up, he climbs on his mother's back or clings to her stomach, accompanying him everywhere for up to a year. Extraordinarily nice.

Goldfish have a 3 second memory

It's funny to think that every time you swim against the wall of the aquarium, gold fish makes a new journey, because we all believe that she is practically devoid of memory. But no. Research has shown that these creatures are able to remember and learn. Scientists at the University of Plymouth have concluded that a goldfish has a memory cycle of about three months and can even be taught when to expect dinner. In fact, there is plenty of evidence that fish are just as smart as birds and many mammals.

We refute the most famous scientific misconceptions:

“Most of the diamonds are not formed from compacted coal. They are "born" at a depth of about 150 km, and coal deposits are usually located at a depth of about three kilometers.

- Bats are not blind. Yes, they navigate in space with the help of echolocation, but at the same time they see quite well.

“Blonds and redheads will not disappear over time. Recessive genes that are responsible for hair color can be passed down from generation to generation and through non-blonds and non-redheads.

Hair and nails do not continue to grow after death. This impression arises from the fact that the skin of a deceased person shrinks.

- It is impossible to determine by the color of the snot whether a bacterial disease or a viral one. The color of this substance can vary from transparent yellow to deep green in patients with a wide variety of diseases.

Pure water is not a very good conductor of electricity. The reason a person can get an electric shock through water is because it contains minerals, dirt and other particles that conduct electricity.

- From frogs and toads you can’t pick up a wart, but shaking hands with a person who has warts is very possible. Warts in humans are caused by papillomavirus, which only affects humans.

Ostriches don't hide their heads in the sand, even when they're scared. If they sense danger, they tend to fall to the ground and pretend to be dead.

- From the lack of oxygen, the blood does not turn blue - on the contrary, it acquires a darker red color. The veins just appear blue through the skin.

“Sugar doesn’t make kids hyperactive. Several studies have found that the activity of children was similar when consuming sugar-free and sugar-free soda.

- Clicking your knuckles can irritate your co-workers, but you won't get arthritis. The real causes of osteoarthritis are age, injury, excess weight, and genetic predisposition.

— If the product is natural, it does not mean that it does not contain pesticides. However, the levels of pesticides in both organic and non-organic foods are too low to worry about (at least that's what the USDA says).

— Stress does not play a big role in the development of chronic hypertension. Severe stress can cause a temporary increase in blood pressure, but in general it is not the main cause of hypertension. Genetics, smoking and unhealthy diet play a much larger role.

- Lightning can strike the same place twice. It hits some tall buildings up to 100 times a year.

- Lemmings don't commit mass suicide. However, during periods of migration, they do occasionally fall off rocks if the area is unfamiliar to them.

- A person is not born with all the convolutions that he possesses in adulthood. There is evidence that, at least in several parts of the brain, the process of formation of nervous tissue continues into adulthood.

- Many people call the dinosaur shown in this picture a brontosaurus - even Michael Crichton in Jurassic Park. It's actually an Apatosaurus. The myth of the brontosaurus was born 130 years ago, during the so-called "Bone Wars", when two paleontologists used any means in competition in the search for fossils.

One gene is not the same as one protein. Many genes make many different proteins, depending on how the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) of the gene is located in the cell. Some genes do not form proteins at all.

— Goldfish have a pretty good memory. They can remember certain things for several months.