How to distinguish a husky from a malamute. Lone wolf - Alaskan Malamute: description of the breed, characteristics and differences from the husky

Dog lovers note an interesting breed - the Alaskan Malamute. Breed characteristics include next questions: how to care for, train, feed? What is the history of the Alaskan Malamute breed? This will be discussed in our article.

The name was given by the Malemuts, a nomadic tribe living on the shores of Alaska. They were a peaceful, hardworking, resilient people. They bred the dog to match themselves. The main goal was - physical assistance in hard work. The first representatives of the breed were distinguished by thick long hair, a well-developed body, fidelity and obedience.

In the 20th century, the “gold rush” period began in Alaska. The popularity of the breed grew. This was explained by the fact that gold miners needed a good sled dog in order to get to the mine.

It was so wildly popular Negative consequences. Malamute was crossed with the most different breeds in order to breed the most hardy and strong dog. Because of this, there are only a few purebred representatives left.
With time " Golden fever" began to decline. It was replaced by a sports one. 1926 is considered the beginning of the breeding of purebred Alaskan Malamutes.

In the Second world war The dog population has decreased significantly. They died from disease and hunger.

The breed began to be restored in the post-war period. In the 70s, Malamutes “came” to Europe, and today the breed ranks 18th among the TOP 30 “Most popular breeds peace."


Direct purpose: working sled dog.

Dimensions: height 60-65 cm, weight 35-40 kg.

Body type

A strong, massive breed with a wide chest and a well-developed torso. The back is straight, sloping down to the hips. Large muscular neck.

The legs are strong, muscular, “snowshoe” category. Joints with moderately pronounced angles. There is fur between the claws. The fingertips are hard and stable.

The tail is long, looks like a fan, and is lowered. The bones are large and coarse, proportional to the height of the dog. The depth of the chest is equal to half the height of the Malamute at the shoulders.

Malamute wool middle length, hard, with dense undercoat.

Head, muzzle

The skull is rounded, tapering towards the muzzle. Nose, lips, eyelids black. The lips fit tightly to the muzzle. The jaw is voluminous, with sharp large teeth. The eyes are medium, brown. Blues are a vice.

Head held high, proud posture. The ears are big triangular shape, rise up if the dog is alert.

How is it different from a husky?

The Siberian Husky is often compared to the Alaskan Malamute. The characteristics of these breeds and external data have some similarities. But there is a significant difference in character, behavior, endurance.

Malamute, unlike huskies, is able to drag heavy loads for a long time. A dog can easily carry several tens of kilograms of weight at an average pace during the day in harsh winter conditions. He is tougher, more stubborn, but also slower. Malamute will clearly lose to huskies in running competitions.

In addition, the Malamute is the largest sled dog. They have better bone and muscle development than huskies.

The Malamute is used to being dominant. He is independent and willful. Husky is a more flexible dog in this matter.

The main advantages of the Malamute in comparison with the Husky:

  1. Strength, endurance. Developed muscles.
  2. Dimensions, weight. Malamutes are larger than huskies.

Character, behavior

Dog with good developed intellect and enviable stubbornness. She is a leader by nature, and she needs steady hand.

This breed is also called the “big teddy bear”. The Malamute is very friendly, playful, gets along well with children, and loves to be the center of attention. This is a pack dog that needs to live in a house. Living alone in a yard or enclosed enclosure will lead to the Malamute quickly becoming bored and withering away.

Physically and psychologically strong breed. Aggressive towards other dogs, stubborn, restless. Bad watchman. Protective service is also not for the Malamute. He is friendly to all people, and even rarely reacts negatively to strangers.

For the Alaskan Malamute, the physical exercise, after all, this is a working northern dog. She won't be able to live without them. Long walks, exercise fresh air with a stick or ball he needs. The owner should think about whether it is worth getting a dog that requires a lot of time.

People who live in the private sector should know that the Malamute is a digger. This is embedded in him on a subconscious level. For many years the dog had to get its food from underground. Therefore, your pet can easily dig up a vegetable garden or flower garden.

Interestingly, the dog loves to “talk” to people. The Malamute often makes muffled sounds and grumbles. He reacts to the sounds that a person makes and, as they say, maintains a conversation.

Features of training

When training an Alaskan Malamute, it is important to remember that this dog:

The breed is extremely stubborn. You need to raise a puppy with early age, and a person will need remarkable patience.

The best option training - somewhere in a field in the fresh air. This dog loves space and games. Very inquisitive, during training he is often distracted by something extraneous.

The Alaskan Malamute easily follows the most complex commands, but only as long as he perceives them as a game. If he gets tired, you can't force him to do it. A Malamute cannot be put under pressure, threatened or punished. He, of course, will not respond with aggression, he simply will not perceive the person as a leader.
The Malamute is difficult to wean. For example, if a dog is used to sleeping with its owner as a puppy or stealing treats from the table, it will continue to do this throughout its life. Therefore, the puppy also needs to be clearly explained what can and cannot be done. Any indulgences will lead to the dog simply becoming insolent.

This is a pack breed and needs a leader. If a person does not become one, the malamute will easily take his place and will command.

When training, it is important to remember that this dog loves to think. She needs tasks that simultaneously combine physical labor and nourishment for the brain.

A Malamute can easily take part in a bike ride, a hike, or help with housework (for example, carrying groceries from the store or digging up a plot). You just need to turn it into a fun game.

If a malamute does not see the point in a command, it will not carry it out. This dog has a rich history, solid experience of survival in the most difficult weather conditions, And simple tasks she's bored.

Alaskan Malamute - bad option for the first dog. A novice dog breeder cannot cope with it. By the way, this breed is considered one of the most abandoned. People fall in love with the big one Teddy bear”, but when the dog grows up, they simply cannot cope with it.

How to care

A very demanding dog to care for and maintain. She has long and thick hair, and on hot days the Malamute needs water treatments. They at least somehow help her freshen up. The breed does not tolerate high temperatures above zero.

You need to bathe your Malamute with special means, and rinse the fur thoroughly. Afterwards it needs to be dried well and combed. Hairballs can lead to the development of diseases.
The Malamute sheds twice a year: in spring and autumn. During shedding, the dog will have to be brushed every day. If this is not done, mats will form that will fly around the house or yard in huge clumps.

Malamute needs to rub his eyes clean water once a week. Clean your ears once a month. Cut your nails once every month and a half.

What to feed

The Malamute eats less than other breeds of the same size. They are partial to tasty food, which is what they should take advantage of during training. But an unlimited diet often leads to volvulus, so you need to feed your Malamute carefully.

A dog vitally needs fish and meat. It is better to limit the consumption of cereals, as well as dry food. This breed loves everything natural. During World War II, she had to eat rodents and small animals, so she has a special love for meat.

The pet eats great fresh fruits and berries, and is partial to nuts.

A one-month-old puppy needs to be fed three times a day. Portions are small. The diet should contain:

  • Milk porridge;
  • Raw meat, cut into pieces;
  • Boiled eggs.

When your pet turns 2 months old, the diet should be varied. You can give him:

  • Boiled zucchini, potatoes, raw tomatoes and carrots;
  • Fresh fruits and berries (apples, apricots, cherries and currants);
  • Fish, preferably sea fish.

How long do they live?

Malamute lives 12-15 years. You can significantly extend the lifespan of a Malamute if you care for it properly and regularly. In this case, the dog will not have health problems. She is physically hardy and feels great in the cold. Rarely gets colds.

The breed is most susceptible to the following diseases:

  • Volvulus;
  • Eczema;
  • Hip dysplasia.

To minimize the development of these and other ailments, the dog should not be overfed; it needs to be combed out, periodically bathed and subjected to physical work.


In conclusion we will give brief description Alaskan Malamute breed. This is an energetic, intelligent, hardy, but at the same time stubborn dog. Requires a lot of attention and specific care. Does not tolerate simple commands and tasks. She is sociable with everyone: both family members and strangers. The Malamute is difficult to command. She easily becomes a leader in the family. If the dog receives enough attention, exercise, a varied and moderate diet, there will be no problems with it. Otherwise, the beautiful northern breed will turn into a stupid and lazy creature.

Alaskan Malamute and Husky - differences and differences between breeds

Despite the similarity, there are still differences between the Husky and Alaskan Malamute breeds. Much to the surprise of many, these dogs are not huskies (for some reason many people classify them as this breed). Laikas are hunting dogs, while malamutes and huskies are sled dogs. They differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in character, since they were bred in different places.

Difference between Malamute and Husky - external differences

A husky weighs less than a malamute. It is also smaller in size. These are easier to climb and more mobile dogs. They are the owners of dense wool - soft, but not fluffy. The paws are light, although very strong by nature. The tail of these dogs can only be in two positions: either raised or curled.

The eye color of the Siberian Husky breed is yellow, brown and blue. The eyes of the latter color create a special impression. Different colored eyes are also acceptable - this is not a marriage, but vice versa business card breeds

These dogs were not artificially bred. They were created by the wild and harsh nature that lives in the regions of the Far East Russian Federation. Huskies are real proof that nature is the best breeder.

The Malamute breed comes from the difficult conditions of Alaska - always cold and snowy. Although this breed is considered quite old, the main traits of its character have been established not so long ago. This breed- This is a mixture of a white wolf and a simple dog. Why such a large size, as well as clumsiness. They lack mobility because they have heavy bones and developed muscles.

They have a single color (which also distinguishes them from huskies) – gray-white. The Malamute's eyes are exclusively brown. Blue eyes in this breed indicate marriage. It is for this reason that blue-eyed Malamutes are not allowed for mating, as they are not purebred. The tail was inherited from the wolf. It is raised in exceptional cases - during greetings.

Characteristics of each breed

Malamute is not aggressive! Since the blood of the wolf flows in the veins of these dogs, the breeders made the maximum amount of effort and still destroyed the predator genes in the Malamutes. Consequently, despite the large size of these dogs, they cannot be watchmen. The good nature of these dogs cannot be tamed. A malamute can scare an enemy solely by its size and nothing more.

The Alaskan Malamute moves too fast, unlike the Husky. However, it is capable of delivering heavy loads over very long distances in the snowiest storms. These dogs have a sense of self-esteem.

Dogs of this breed cannot be called playful, even in childhood. Not a mischief maker or mischief maker, like a husky. He is not a leader and he does not want to be one. A dog is happy when he is talked to and given enough attention. Well, who is first in the bunch - the malamute doesn’t care at all, let the person deal with this issue.

Husky sticks his adorable nose even where it doesn't belong. These are the real Conans the Destroyers. But we are responsible for those we have tamed and will not be offended when we find a torn thing on the floor, right? They get along well with children, very playful and active. Capable of developing high speeds. But impressive loads on long distances will not be transported.

Huskies are leaders. It is very difficult to train them because these dogs have their own opinions and ability to make decisions. It is very difficult to convince dogs of this breed of anything.

Huskies are real and very formidable guards who are not demanding in special attention to a personal person. All they need from you is long and constant walks.

Similarities between Husky and Malamute

You have already learned how a husky differs from an Alaskan malamute, it’s time to familiarize yourself with their similarities:

  • Both breeds have thick fur, which allows them not to be afraid even severe frosts. The color of dogs is also similar;
  • These are sled dogs that are designed to transport people and cargo;
  • The height of these dogs is approximately the same, although the Malamute is slightly taller than the Husky. You can only tell them apart when the dogs are in the same room.

Both the Alaskan Malamute and the Siberian Husky are wonderful and adorable dogs. When thinking about buying one of them, you should remember that they need a lot of space (frequent and long walks outside) and exercise. It is not recommended to own these dogs for those who live in warm areas. Warm climates are not for huskies and malamutes. They need snow at least three months a year. Otherwise they may get sick.

Whatever dog you choose, remember, it needs care and attention. For quality time spent with him, the dog will give you all his devotion and unconditional love.

Nordic sled dogs, such as Siberian husky and Alaskan malamute, have differences in exterior, size, character and purpose. Despite certain similarities between the Husky and the Malamute, these are two different northern sled breeds. Dogs of the breed stand apart from them Samoyed, also related to the northern sledding ones.


According to the breed standard, the Malamute is not intended for sled dog racing and was not bred to compete in speed competitions. The Malamute was bred for strength and endurance, and any trait in an individual, including temperament, which interferes with this goal should be considered a most serious fault.

Both historical and modern literature on the breed describes a clear distinction between physical features, inherent in the Alaskan Malamute as a dog for transporting goods, and the traits of those breeds whose development was aimed at speed in a sled, such as the Siberian or Alaskan husky. The Alaskan Malamute breed standard clearly reflects and supports this distinction.

Comparison of Malamute, Husky and Samoyed

Alaskan Malamute (female)
Ch Nanuke's Still The One (Kimmy)

Siberian Husky (female)
Ch Davik's Snowmist Ice Fox

Samoyed (bitch)

Purpose Transporting heavy loads at low speed over long distances. Transportation of light loads over long distances at considerable speed. Sled dog, companion dog.
General form A powerful, athletically built dog, with a deep chest and well-developed muscles. The Malamute stands firmly on its feet and gives the impression of a very energetic dog with its head held high. Medium sized working dog, with quick and light gait, with free and elegant movements. Balance of strength, speed and endurance. A certain reserve of restraint and dignity may be evident in an adult dog. Medium sized, elegant, white Arctic Spitz. In appearance one can feel power, endurance, charm, softness, dignity and self-confidence. Gender must be clearly expressed.
Scull WideMedium widthWide
Facial expression Soft, friendly, shows affection and affection, lively interest and curiosity are visible in the eyes. Sharp, sometimes angry, wary, cunning and mischievous, interested. (author of the definition - Polina Panyukova) The expression of a teddy bear (for the Finnish line) or a wolf (for the American breeding line) with the so-called “Samoyed smile” due to the combination of the shape of the eyes, their location and the slightly upward-curving corners of the mouth.
Bridge of the nose, stop (transition from forehead to muzzle) Slightly deviating from a straight line Well expressed Well expressed
Muzzle Large, voluminous ConicalConical
Lips Tightly compressedClosely squeezed Rounded, not drooping to the corners
Ears Medium size, small in relation to the head Medium, thick, well pubescent
Ear fit Widely spaced outside skulls Set high, pointed straight up Wide apart, but within the border of the outer edge of the skull
Eyes Oval, obliquely set, brown. Blue eyes or eyes different colors not allowed. Oval, obliquely set. Eyes may be brown or blue color; divergence of eyes and partial coloring are acceptable. Oval, inclined upwards, dark brown. Blue eyes or eyes of different colors are not allowed.
Nose, pigmentation Snow nose is acceptable, brown for red dogs, black for all others Snow nose is acceptable, pink in white dogs, liver in red dogs, black in all others Black is preferred, but other colors are not penalized.
Bite Scissor-shaped, large teeth Scissor-shaped Scissor, strong teeth
Neck Strong and curved Medium and curved Strong, well muscled
Ribs Well developed chest and ribs Quite elastic, not barrel-shaped Sufficiently elastic
Topline The back is straight, slightly inclined towards the hips One level from withers to croup The withers are the highest, the back is level with the lower back, the loin is slightly arched, the croup is slightly sloping
Tail A swinging “fan” over the back, not grasping and not tightly twisted into a ring. Can be pulled back while moving. A round panicle above the back (“fox tail”), when moving it is directed upward or curved. with a sickle, in a stance below the level of the back. Richly covered with long hair, carried over the back or side. In a calm state it can be lowered.
Height at withers Ideal: male - 63.5 cm, female - 58.5 cm, natural deviation is allowed. No extreme growth limits have been established. Males: 53.5 - 60 cm. Females: 50.5 - 56 cm. Dimensions represent the extreme limits of growth. The ideal height for males is 57cm ± 3cm and for females - 53cm ± 3cm.
Weight Ideal: male - 38 kg, female - 34 kg, natural deviation is allowed (weight is proportional to height). No extreme limits have been set. Massive bones are welcome, but without excess weight. Extreme growth limits - males: 20.5 - 28 kg, females: 15.5 - 23 kg. Any manifestations of excessive bonyness or weight are punished. From 23 to 30 kg. Weight in proportion to height
Proportions slightly stretched (optimal ratio of height at withers to body length 9/10) stretched Almost square (body length approximately 5% greater than height at withers)
Bones massiveaverage Massive for the size
Pasterns/tarsus Short, strong, slightly sloping Strong, slightly inclined, flexible Strong, straight but flexible
Paws Large, snowshoes, compact, thick pads, fur between the toes Medium size, oval, compact, thick pads, fur between toes Large, long, almost flat, thick pads, feathering on legs
Knees (angles hind legs) Moderate angulation, slightly flexed, metatarsus straight down Well defined corners, located close to the ground Well defined, 30% of the height from the hip
Wool Double, “standing”: (1) dense, oily, woolly undercoat, similar to felt, (2) coarse protective coat (awn), harsher than that of a husky. Double, soft and dense undercoat, protective coat straight and smoothly lying, never standing. Double: soft thick undercoat, coarse standing protective coat
Color From light gray to black, can also be sable, red, brown and white. The only solid color is white The color of the Siberian Husky can be almost any color. All colors are allowed from black and brown to pure white White, cream or white and biscuit (primary color is white with some biscuit markings). Should not give the impression of being pale brown.

This beautiful, powerful and proud animal has become the favorite of many dog ​​breeders. The Malamute dog feels equally comfortable in the harsh conditions of the North and the south of our country. This is a very friendly, sociable, strong animal, endowed with amazing intelligence.


The Malamute dog breed got its name in honor of the Malamute tribe, which lived on the shores of Alaska. They were a hardworking and peaceful people. The ancestors of the Alaskan Malamute were powerful animals with thick hair. They served faithfully - they ran in sleds and transported heavy boats.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Alaska was gripped by a gold rush. At this time, the Malamute dog breed received an additional impetus for development. The demand for these hardy animals increased. Gold miners tried to get to Alaska, but many did not succeed, and they died on the road. Only those who used a team with malamutes got there.

Despite the increase in the number of dogs, such interest in them also had negative consequences. Gold miners crossed the Malamute with other breeds of dogs, trying to produce an animal with maximum speed and endurance. These “experiments” led to the fact that only a few litters of purebred Malamutes remained.

External features

The Malamute dog has quite impressive dimensions: the height at the withers of a male is 63 cm, that of a female is about 59 cm. The average weight is 35-38 kg, but there are also more massive individuals.

The dog's head is large and correct round shape. The muzzle is voluminous, but not elongated. The ears are erect and quite elegant, triangular in shape. They are set wide apart, slightly rounded at the tips.

The jaws are well developed and powerful. The teeth are large and sharp. The eyes are almond-shaped, small, brown. Blue color is a serious fault.

The nose is almost always black. The only exceptions are red malamutes. Their lobes may be brown.

The neck is powerful and strong, somewhat curved. This gives the dog extra grace. The chest is wide. The back is straight, with a strong and muscular lower back. The Malamute dog has a provocatively curling fluffy tail.

The limbs are straight, set parallel to each other. Powerful paws resemble those of a bear. They have strong bones and developed muscles.


This is the main one distinguishing feature these beauties. Like all northern breeds, their coat has a hard outer coat with a soft undercoat. She's always a little fat. This improves the animal's heating and makes the cover "waterproof".

Such a thick fur coat protects animals from the most severe frosts. They withstand very low temperatures- up to -70 degrees.

The color can be light gray, black and white and even blue.


It is impossible to describe a Malamute without mentioning its character. This is a friendly and benevolent animal. He needs to always be the center of attention. Therefore, he is an excellent pet for big family with kids. Despite its impressive size, the dog can become a gentle and caring nanny for babies.

The Malamute dog loves its owners immensely and becomes attached to them with all its soul. True, it always requires reciprocity from a person. This is a pack dog - it is vital for her to be in a family. And it is not so important whether the members of this family are his brothers or people.

Malamutes should not be kept in a closed enclosure. He cannot stand loneliness at all - the dog may lose trust in the owner, love, respect for him.

It is worth remembering that once you undermine trust by offending your Malamute, you will lose his respect forever. It is impossible to return it. He will switch all his love to another family member. This cannot be called betrayal on his part. Since dogs of this breed are very smart, and also stubborn, they quickly get bored with repetitive and monotonous actions. In other words, if you force your pet to fetch a newspaper or slippers every day, he may perceive it as disrespect and will remember it for a long time.

As already mentioned, these dogs are very stubborn. This often interferes with their learning. But they are so inquisitive and endowed with such powerful intelligence that they are able to remember even complex commands the first time. They will fulfill your orders and requests, but no more than 1-2 times. They will then get bored and lose interest in learning.

If, flattered by the size of this animal, you decided to purchase it as a guard, then we hasten to disappoint you. The Alaskan Malamute will not use this “arsenal” under any circumstances. He is completely devoid of aggression towards humans. This can be explained by his natural kindness and friendliness. Malamute will not rush at a stranger unless he introduces real threat the dog itself or its owner. He will treat family friends warmly and kindly.

This noble and beautiful dog needs careful care.

Malamute is a big lover water procedures. The dog simply cannot be pulled out of the water. With such a luxurious fur coat in the summer heat, bathing is vital for him.

The most important thing is to thoroughly rinse the hair to remove any remaining shampoo. After bathing, the Malamute must be dried. Otherwise the wool will roll off.

The dog will need help from its owner during shedding. It happens twice a year - in spring and autumn. At this time, you need to carefully comb the fur. Otherwise, your pet will be covered in tangles, and dog fluff will fly around the house.

The Malamute has sharp and long claws that need to be ground or trimmed periodically. Wipe your eyes once a week, clean your ears once a day.

Laika Malamute

This breed name is incorrect. These dogs (Laika and Malamute) are often confused. We will try to talk about the differences between these animals. We would like to note right away that huskies and malamutes are not huskies. Let's say more: huskies are significantly inferior to them in the harness, but they are in the lead in the hunt. Therefore, the “Malamute husky” does not exist in nature. There are malamutes and huskies - sled dogs, and there is the husky - a hunting dog. These breeds are old friends and human assistants.

Husky. Malamute. Differences

These animals are confused even more often. Probably because they are very similar in appearance. But that's where their similarities end.

Malamute, unlike huskies, is very stubborn and incredibly resilient. The Siberian Husky can be harnessed to a sled. He may even win the race, but he will not be able to carry an impressive load over a long distance. long time. In addition, huskies are faster and smaller in size.

The Malamute is capable of performing any, even the most difficult, work. These are the largest and strongest among all sledding breeds.

Choosing a puppy

It’s probably not worth saying that such a dog cannot be purchased at the poultry market. As a result of such a purchase, you can get a very cute puppy... mongrel. Of course, he can also become true friend, but we need a dog of a specific breed, don’t we? We are interested in the Malamute. The price for these dogs is quite high (we'll talk about this later), so if you are offered an excellent puppy for a couple of thousand rubles, feel free to pass by.

Having decided on a nursery, you need to start getting acquainted with your future pet. Look at the room in which adult dogs and puppies are kept. The Alaskan Malamute should be kept with its mother and its brothers in a dry, well-ventilated (but without drafts) room.

See how puppies behave in their family. The Alaskan Malamute should play with its brothers at an early age.

If possible, get to know the baby's parents. Look at their awards, study their pedigree. Watch how they behave. Often the cub is a reflection of its parents. Do not take the first Malamute offered to you. Watch the puppies for at least an hour. Pay attention to the manifestation of overt or hidden aggression. Under no circumstances should you purchase such a puppy.

It is important that a spark of love and mutual understanding runs between you and your future pet. Only in this case will you find a faithful and devoted friend, a sensitive companion.

Education and training

Don't forget about the Malamute's stubbornness and desire to dominate. A puppy needs socialization from an early age. Be patient to complete the training.

The Malamute is a bundle of energy. He is very inquisitive, grasps everything on the fly. He will happily follow your commands until he gets tired of it. And then he will back down. It is at this moment that you must prove yourself as a leader, a leader. But keep in mind that you cannot put pressure on a Malamute; remember that he is touchy.

Don't forget about the size of your pet. It's hard to drive an adorable little fluffy ball off the couch who looks at you with such love and devotion. When he turns into a huge handsome man, and you decide to wean him from this habit, you will no longer be able to do this. Most likely, you yourself will leave your favorite place.

Malamutes are extremely developed and “thinking” dogs. Your pet will assess the situation himself and decide for himself whether to obey him or not. Therefore, control over his behavior must be constant. Even the smallest offenses of the puppy should not be overlooked.

Puppy cost

So, you have decided that an Alaskan Malamute should definitely become your pet. The price of puppies may vary. An animal without a pedigree will cost you 10 thousand rubles. Up to 30 thousand rubles must be paid for a dog with a pedigree. Puppies from elite, titled parents cost about 50 thousand rubles.

Many people believe that malamute and husky are the same animal, which is not true. Of course, they have common ancestors. Many argue that initially it was one breed, but in the process of hundreds of years of formation, the animals began to differ radically from each other!

Interesting fact! The Alaskan Malamute and the Siberian Husky appeared around the same time, back in the Neolithic period.

Huskies are bred on the territory of modern Russia by local peoples. It is difficult to say for sure whether they were Kereks, Asian Eskimos, Yukaghir-Chuvans or Nichvi: no one documented the appearance of this breed due to the lack of writing. Huskies were bred to be strong and resilient sled dogs, capable of traveling long distances without food or water. The mother breed was crossed with local sled dogs to obtain maximum effect.

Representatives of the maternal breed, both for Alaskan dog So for huskies, they lived throughout the northern latitude, and in Alaska these wild dogs are beginning to be crossed with representatives of their racing dogs in order to get the maximum result from the animal. Again, what local breeds? we're talking about unknown as there are no records of it. The only thing we can say with certainty is that the Alaskan dog was bred by the local Malamute tribe, who named the breed after themselves.

Interesting fact! Many dog ​​breeders claim that the mother breed was a Samoyed dog. These are the first sled dogs, bred long before the Husky and Malamute and they lived in the northern regions of America and Asia. It has not been possible to confirm that the Husky Samoyed Malamute are “relatives” until today.

At this stage, it can already be argued that even the history of the formation of these rocks is different. It was their breeding history that influenced the differences between the dogs.

The note! Many also mistakenly believe that a husky is the same as a husky or a malamute. But this dog is not adapted to riding in a harness. Laikas are a group of hunting dogs that include Malamutes and Huskies in their family, but crossed with hunting dogs. They are significantly smaller in size, and their weight does not exceed 23 kg.

Exterior differences

Due to the fact that the “first” breed was crossed with local representatives of dogs, both in Siberia and Alaska their appearance is slightly different. Externally, Malamutes are taller than Siberians. Their dimensions can reach 64 cm, while the “Siberians” do not exceed 56 cm. A big difference lies in weight, dogs from Alaska weigh 39 kg, and from the north of Russia - no more than 28-30 kg. It should be said about the wool cover.

The Malamute's hair is much longer than that of the Husky, which gives it more volume. appearance. The massive wool allows them to withstand extremely low temperatures, which are unbearable even for Siberians. But such a “fur coat” greatly reduces the speed of the Malamute compared to the Siberian. Big size a dog from Alaska makes it more agile, capable of transporting large loads, but this also affects endurance; the Siberian dog is able to cover a much greater distance than the Malamute without stopping for a break.


If it is necessary to cover a distance of up to 12-15 km, as a competition, then the difference between the breeds is almost imperceptible: where there is a straight and well-trodden path, the Siberian dog will dominate; on deep and snowy trails, the malamute will take the lead due to its strength, weight and height. That is why they are allowed to participate in the races without classification.


The Alaskan dog has a much larger head, but a shorter nose. The Siberian has a long muzzle and a medium-sized black nose. The Malamute's nose is significant bigger size than that of the “Siberian”. Huskies can be blue-eyed or brown-eyed; there are also individuals with complete heterochromia, which makes the eyes of different colors: brown, blue. American racing dogs always have brown eyes. If you meet a Malamute with blue eyes- This is a cross between a husky and a malamute.

Interesting fact! When crossing an Alaskan Malamute and a Siberian Husky, the puppies are born similar to one of the parents. This breed was not given its name and was not classified, since the mixture loses the speed of the husky and the strength of the malamute, contrary to the expectations of innovative dog breeders.

Outwardly, in detail, it is clear how dogs from Alaska and Siberia differ, but the differences also lie in the character of the animals.

Both huskies and malamutes are completely devoted to their owner and there is no difference in this. Their different character immediately manifests itself in terms of training. Alaskan dogs more calm and “soft”. The Malamute instantly learns new commands and is able to act in accordance with any instructions from a person.

Malmut is extremely obedient and gets along well with children. The Siberian dog is a Klondike of energy and loud bark. The dog is also very friendly and gets along with any other animals, but training “Siberians” is a real challenge. Husky does not listen, during the training process he instantly loses interest in everything that is happening, and suffers from absent-mindedness. The animal just needs to run constantly.

But there is one difference between dogs, showing huskies in better light. Because of its “disobedience,” a dog from the north of Russia is able to make decisions independently in extreme situations, ignoring the person's instructions. This character trait of the animal has saved not a single rider. Often, losing his way during heavy snowfalls, a person could only rely on huskies. They could lead the sled to a populated area or destination if the alpha dog was already there. They saved riders when they were injured or lost consciousness from hypothermia or dehydration.

Interesting fact! These two dogs get along just fine. A striking example of this is Rocky and Mike - huskies and malamutes who have won the hearts of thousands of dog breeders. Their friendship can be seen on their own YouTube channel.

Now even an inexperienced person will be able to distinguish a husky from a malamute, although they have one purpose - to help people.

In custody

What is the difference between an Alaskan Malamute and a Siberian dog?

  1. First of all, they have different heights and weights. American dogs much larger and heavier.
  2. The Northern Husky has blue, brown or different colour eye, when only brown is typical for malumat.
  3. To form breeds, different sled dogs were taken.
  4. The Alaskan dog has a massive coat; Russian dogs are smooth-haired.
  5. The dogs differ in their muzzles: the Malamute has a large black nose, wide cheekbones and a short muzzle; husky with a small neat nose and a long muzzle.
  6. “Alaskans” are trainable, while “Siberians” prefer to rely more on themselves than on human commands.
  7. Huskies are faster, Malamutes are much stronger.
  8. Alaskan dogs are calmer and quieter; dogs from Siberia are the most energetic animals in the world. Their barking can only be calmed by a few kilometer run.
  9. The coat color of the Siberian can consist of white and black or white and brown, while the Alaskan is black and white.

The description makes it clear that huskies and malamutes are completely different animals. Now you know the difference between a Malamute and a Husky and that the variation between the breeds was caused exclusively by the meat sled dogs of Alaska and Siberia.