Dog breeds: American Pit Bull Terrier. All about the fighting American Pit Bull Terrier

Bull Terrier, breed description and photo

9.1 (91.11%) 9 votes

In earlier times, cruel hobbies were commonplace and most dog breeds were bred not for home keeping or protection, but for hunting, baiting large animals, and especially dog ​​fighting. For some it was entertainment and an opportunity to make money on bets. Others, mostly rich people, wanted spectacles to somehow diversify their measured lives. - a child of that harsh era. His ancestors were successful fighters. But thanks to perfectionist breeders, the breed has acquired a new stylish image. So, when cruel spectacles were banned, thanks to their original appearance, bull terriers found their place in the sun.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

About the name of the breed

Like most terriers, Bullies were bred in Great Britain. So the name of the breed has English roots. “Bull” means “bull”, with which the bulldogs who participated in the selection of the breed fought in the arenas. And “terrier” refers to the second type of dog that took part in the selection.

History of the breed

For the sake of the public

Before the ban in 1835, bull baiting with dogs was popular in England. The ancestors of English bulldogs took part in it. The breed looked different back then: high legs and a square, wide head allowed her to deftly fight large animals. But when the authorities banned cruel entertainment, the organizers of bloody spectacles found other ways to make money - dog fighting and rat baiting. Moreover, an impromptu arena could be organized in any pub. There were both poor people and rich people here.

But it soon turned out that fighting bulldogs were completely unsuited to new types of fights. Here even greater agility and cunning were required. Alas, the short-faced strong bulldogs could not adapt: ​​the battles became too dull.

Then fighting bulldogs began to be crossed with other breeds. Selection with terriers turned out to be the most promising. The resulting dogs did not lose their strength and tenacity, but in addition gained intelligence and dexterity. The new four-legged fighters were named simply - “Old Bull and Terrier”. They became the ancestors of modern bull terriers.

Chance of survival

The first Old Bull and Terriers looked awkward: overweight body, crooked legs, wide head with a blunt muzzle. But the “monsters of selection” coped with their fighting duties. In new generations, the features of terriers have become more distinct: the paws have become longer and the muzzle has become sharper. And yet they were far from the ideal of beauty.

This concerned dog dealer and fan James Hinks. He decided to improve the appearance of the breed while maintaining its fighting qualities. The breeder began his experiments in the mid-1850s. And already in 1862 he showed his best pet at a show exhibition in his native Birmingham.

As a true businessman, he realized that violent entertainment was gradually becoming a thing of the past. This means that the public will lose interest in ugly fighting dogs. And only a noble appearance could give the breed a chance to survive and attract the attention of aristocrats to it.

So Hinks decided to make his dogs completely white. To do this, he used white Old English terriers and Dalmatians in selection. This is how elegant, but still courageous dogs appeared. And so that the public would not confuse new dogs with unsightly ancestors, James gave his pets a simpler name - bull terrier.

The Bull Terrier revealed the most remarkable qualities that it absorbed from the dogs of its predecessors, namely endurance, high intelligence, activity. In England, he immediately received recognition and love from dog breeders. Keeping a white bull terrier has become considered fashionable. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, they began to breed colored bull terriers.

White and colorful

In 1864, two of Hinks' dogs, white bull terriers Madman and Puss, became champions. And although they were still different from modern bull terriers, the breed was already gaining popularity. The military and migrants became interested in her, and so soon, together with the English colonists, Hinx's dogs settled on different continents. Then the noble “bulls” fell in love with students and teachers at Oxford University.

But there were still many problems that the breeders had to solve. In 1985, the English authorities banned ear cropping. This little detail almost deprived the breed of popularity, since uncropped ears spoiled appearance. Fortunately, for quite short term breeders managed to breed individuals with naturally erect ears.

But perhaps the biggest problem was discrimination against dogs of color. To many they seemed not noble enough. When colored bull terriers won at shows in England, most breeders protested the judges' decision. After all, if you give titles to non-white dogs and use them for breeding, then white line the breed may degenerate. Because of this, not only colored dogs, but also white ones, which had colored ancestors in their pedigree, were no longer used in matings.

But it was this decision that almost destroyed the breed. Long-term selection of white individuals has led to the impoverishment of the bull terrier gene pool. At the same time, the dogs inherited many defects from their relatives, the English white terriers: deafness, infertility, blue eyes.

By 1950, the number of affected puppies increased. And only then, in order to save the breed, it was necessary to recognize colored bull terriers and allow them to be bred. The breeders remembered in time that in 1936 the champion title in England and America was won by the male Rebel of Blighty, whose parents were colored bull terriers.

Wiped his nose

It is interesting that initially the breeders of Old Bull and Terriers did not take Hinx's white "Bulls" seriously. They said that beautiful dogs make bad fighters. Then James made a fateful bet. He put his white forty-pound bitch Puss against a sixty-pound old-style dog. In half an hour, Puss dealt harshly with her opponent. James, who won the bet, received £5 and a box of champagne. And his pet, which received a minimum of wounds, won the title at a dog show the very next day.

Standard: main characteristics of a bull terrier

Oddly enough, the standard for this dog breed is very vague. Weight can vary from 18 to 30 kg. And the height is from 30 to 45 cm. The Miniature Bull Terrier breed has a height limitation. Its height should not exceed 35.5 cm. With a weight of 18 to 30 kg, it is important that the dog does not look very fat or, on the contrary, very thin.

Everything agrees on the main thing - this is a very muscular, strong dog.

The head is set low, strong, long, and egg-shaped. There should be no bends or distortions on it. Strong lower jaw with a scissor bite. Pronounced, open nostrils.

Eyes dark brown, narrow, triangular shape. The ears are erect, close to each other. The legs are strong and muscular, very stable and strong. The bull terrier's torso is round in shape. The chest has pronounced muscles and is quite wide. The tail is short and tapers towards the end.

If the bull terrier is white, then colored spots can only be on the ears and head. If colored, then the colored suit should prevail over the white.

Masculine and stylish

Bull Terriers modern type appeared only in 1928. The first model dog was Lord Gladiator. His muzzle was lowered - this is the so-called “downface”. In profile, it resembled an arc going down, like the claw of a crayfish or the fingers of a person grasping something. The head acquired an ovoid shape. It was this feature that made the Bull Terrier’s grip very powerful, and it also instantly distinguished the breed from other dogs.

Lord Gladiator retained the features that bull terriers already had. His muscular body was perfect. Harmonious proportions, slanting small eyes, a powerful lower jaw with a scissor bite, strong limbs - all this formed the image of a serious and courageous dog, but at the same time not devoid of style.

And soon, as a result of selection, others were added to the classic pure white color: black, brindle, red, red, and a tricolor combination. With this exterior, the breed has survived to this day. And the variety of coat colors has increased the number of bull terrier fans.

Mini course

At the beginning of breed selection, bull terrier litters contained dogs of different sizes. Individual breeders began to select the smallest individuals and crossbreed them. It is also likely that . The result was miniature bull terriers, which were initially used to bait rats. They are not much different from their relatives. Only their height is from 25 to 35 cm at the withers, and their weight is from 11 to 15 kg.


The bull terrier dog breed is considered. She doesn't feel pain, she's strong, she's agile. But like other dog breeds, it all depends on training. If between a man and a dog real friendship, if a dog has learned from childhood that the owner is in charge, he is the leader and obedience to him must be unquestioning, then best friend than a bull terrier cannot be found.

This is a very active, playful, restless nature. Before you take a bull terrier into your home, you need to be prepared for daily, many-hour walks. Therefore this a dog will do for young, energetic owners, but not for elderly retirees.

Initially, this breed, although bred as a fighting breed, is not directed against humans. According to the standard, only balanced, adequate individuals should remain in the litter.

Aggression and bitterness are developed in a dog in the process of improper upbringing and maintenance. The Bull Terrier is jealous and capricious. He will never agree to stupid submission and slavery. This must also be taken into account when purchasing this breed of dog. It takes a lot of patience, love and care to properly raise a dog and socialize it correctly. And since she has a high intellect and her own mind, she will happily respond to a kind and friendly attitude and will readily obey a fair leader, that is, an owner. And then you won’t find a more devoted friend.

How to choose bull terrier puppies and where is the best place to buy

Puppies should be selected at the age of 2 – 2.5 months. Be sure to take it from a nursery. Under no circumstances at the bazaar or through an advertisement where you can buy a mongrel or.

In the nursery, by this age, puppies will receive all the vaccinations necessary for this age, and those that do not meet the standard will be rejected. You need to pay attention to your teeth. By this time the puppy should have twelve of them, six at the bottom and six at the top.

Check your hearing: Bull terriers have a genetic problem with their ears, especially white ones - they are often born deaf. You need to clap your hands and look at the puppy’s reaction, make sure that he hears. Ideally, you should also look at the parents of this baby. If they have any deviations from the standard, then this can be seen without being a specialist.

The Bull Terrier is a smooth-haired dog. She does not require any special care. She molts twice a year - in spring and autumn. The fur can be easily removed with a special mitten or a fine brush. After a walk, she doesn’t need to give her a bath either. Simply wipe with a sponge or damp towel. Check ears and eyes for inflammation. Bull Terrier ears are usually not susceptible to inflammation. But prevention doesn't hurt. A dog's nails wear down on their own during walks. But if they begin to protrude beyond the pads, they need to be trimmed.

Since the Bull Terrier is very active, his walks should also be active. Let him run around to his heart's content, play with the ball, and jump over the crossbar. Firstly, this will always keep him in good physical shape (these dogs are prone to obesity), and secondly, at home he will already be peaceful and imposing, and this will create a calm environment for the owners.

Not every dog ​​needs training, but... good upbringing Everyone should get it.


As you know, the cost of puppies depends on many factors. This is the presence of a pedigree, titles of parents, exhibition prospects of the dog, etc. In this regard, the price range may be from 15,000 to 70,000 rubles and above. But approximate average prices for bull terrier puppies in trustworthy kennels from 30,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Photo of the bull terrier breed

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Pit Bull Terrier - description of the breed, characteristics and photos

9.9 (98.53%) 109 votes

The history of the American Pit Bull Terrier breed is interesting because it originated not in America, but in the Old World, but it seemed especially useful to the Americans, who began to purposefully develop and improve it. In England and Ireland in the modern era, dog fights were popular, which were held between bulldogs.

These dogs were also used to guard homes and hunt large animals. Already in the 16th century there were dogs that looked like modern pit bull terriers.

Guard qualities
Protective qualities
Attitude towards children

English laws also contributed to the emergence of the breed. In particular, poor people were not allowed to own large hunting dogs, since only the nobility could hunt large animals. Therefore, less wealthy citizens had to keep small terriers for hunting and bulldogs for protecting property. To avoid violating the prohibition on possession large dogs, the poor kept the smallest puppies from the litter and used them for further breeding. This is how the first bull terriers appeared, in which the fearlessness and insensitivity of bulldogs were combined with the agility and mobility of terriers. The prefix “pit” appeared later; it meant that the bull terrier was used for fighting, since pit in English is a fighting pit where dogs were pitted against each other.

The exact date when the first pit bull terrier crossed the ocean and came to America is unknown, only that it happened before 1774. Dogs arrived along with emigrants from European countries, especially many of them arrived in the mid-19th century from Ireland. It should be noted that in Europe public opinion had a negative attitude towards dog fighting, as a result of which it began to be officially banned. For example, in England such a law was adopted in 1835. In America, on the contrary, such entertainment was welcomed and remained legal for a very long time.

Therefore, it was in America that there were people who appreciated the prospects of this breed and began the difficult path towards official recognition of its originality. At that time, the breed did not even have a specific name: such dogs were called pit bulls, pit terriers, pit dogs. The purebred line of “Red Noses,” who were called the “old family,” was especially valuable. The mistake of fans of this line was that they zealously guarded its purebredness, not allowing crossbreeding with pit bull terriers of other lines. Sooner or later this would lead to the appearance undesirable consequences in breeding.

The Irishman John Colby played a huge role in the development of the breed, who in 1900 brought excellent representatives of purebred pit bulls. He also called his dogs "old family", but believed that they should be involved as much as possible in breeding work with other lines. Many contemporaries did not understand and even criticized Colby, holding different views, in particular, they believed that only the line of “red” dogs should be bred, without mixing it with other representatives of the breed.

However, time showed that Colby was on the right track: he managed to get and raise many legends of the dog ring. Before 1900, it is difficult to trace specific statistics and history of the breed: it is unknown how many dogs were brought from different European countries. It is characteristic that they all had a wide variety of colors; in general, it is very difficult to develop a single standard for the breed, since the exterior has always been of secondary importance for pit bull terriers in comparison with their character and qualities as a fighter. After 1900, systematic documentary evidence of the development of the breed already appears.

Many American breeders followed Colby's example and began to breed this interesting breed. Thus, the name American was assigned to pit bull terriers, although, as can be seen from the history of the breed, many European countries could claim it. The first pit bull terriers lived in England, Ireland, Italy, Holland, Spain, but it was American breeders who did the main work in establishing the breed.

The FCI never recognized this breed, but this has never stopped lovers of American pit bull terriers. Back in 1898, the UKC club appeared specifically for fans of this fighting breed. However, later this club ceased to be a monobreed club and officially stopped supporting dog fighting.

Other organization where it is held breeding work is ADBA, which appeared in 1909. Now it is an international organization that registers pit bulls from all over the world. US law does not allow dog fighting, so the purpose of this organization is to officially maintain stud books that help preserve the breed, as well as to conduct popular competitions among pit dogs. These are conformation shows where conformation is assessed, and weight-pulling - a weight-pulling competition.

Now this breed is still popular, especially in the USA and Russia, although it has experienced a number of persecutions, which resulted in it being banned in some countries. Thus, in some EU countries the import of pit bull terriers is prohibited, and representatives of the breed available in the countries must undergo a sterilization procedure. In Germany, the state maintains strict control over the owners of pit bull terriers; for example, it is required to obtain special permission from the police in order to own this dog, and an increased tax has been introduced on their maintenance.

The pit bull terrier is officially banned in many EU countries and Australia.

Breed standard

Although the APBT breed is not recognized by the most important cynological organization, standards have been developed for it by two organizations involved in the registration of pit bulls: ADBA and UKC. These 2 standards reflect different views management of organizations for the breed. In the first case, the fighting purpose of the dogs is considered to be the main one, and their exterior is subordinated to this purpose. The UKC standard is closer to the show brother of the pit bull - the American Staffordshire Terrier.

Standard from ADBA

The appearance of the pit bull gives the impression of confident strength and good health. Shiny coat, attentive gaze reflecting strength of spirit, athletic smartness - this is the appearance of a real pit bull. Rendered muscles prevent obesity; adult pit bulls are even somewhat thin with slightly protruding ribs.

The head type allows for various options. If you look at the dog from above or from the side, the head is wedge-shaped, somewhat tapering towards the nose. When viewed from the front, the head appears round. The bridge of the nose is well developed, the line under the eyes is wider than the line of the ears. A scissor bite is preferred, the teeth are closed, the lips fit tightly to the jaws. The eyes are elliptical in shape. Ears may be cropped.

The neck is muscular and long.

The skin is elastic, thick, fits tightly to the body, there are folds on the neck and chest.

The chest is deep and moderately wide. The chest tapers towards the bottom and should not have a round or cylindrical shape.

The length of the loin is important and should not be too short or too long, which affects the dog's agility.

The forelimbs have muscular shoulders, the length of which is slightly wider than the chest.

The hind limbs have sloping hips, which are at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. The thigh is well muscled and full. The bones of the hind limbs are thinner, which affects the dog's flexibility, and their muscles are longer, which allows for vigorous movements.

The feet are small and well built with elastic pads.

The tail is set low, thicker at the base, and slightly shorter in length than the hock.

The short and coarse coat should be shiny.

Almost any color is acceptable, except for the following: albinism and merle.

UKC standard

APBT is a powerful dog with an athletic build. Strong bones and prominent muscles are combined with graceful mobility; the dog should not look overweight and obese. The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers. The dog is energetic, shows an interest in life, has confident strength and should not show aggression towards humans.

The head is large, but does not cause a feeling of disproportion in relation to the body. The head has clear outlines, the shape resembles a blunt wedge, the brow ridges are well developed. The length of the muzzle and skull have a ratio of 2:3.

The lower jaw is well developed. A scissor bite is desirable.

A nose with open nostrils, the nose can have different pigmentation.

The eyes are low set and widely spaced. Blue eye color is unacceptable.

The ears are set high and may be cropped or undocked.

The neck is muscular, without dewlap.

The back is strong and solid with a slightly sloping topline. Strong and short loin, slightly sloping croup.

The forelimbs are strong, located perpendicular to the surface. The distance between them is moderately wide. The shoulder blade and shoulder are approximately the same length.

The hind legs are strong and muscular, widely spaced. The hock joints have well-defined angles.

The tail naturally follows the line of the top, tapering towards the tip.

The coat is shiny, smooth, dense. The coat color is varied.

Weight of males – 15.9-27.2, weight of females – 13.6-22.7

The height at the withers of males is 40-42 cm, females are 2-3 cm less.

The painting by Rubens, dating back to the 16th century, depicts scenes of a wild boar hunt with dogs very similar to modern American pit bull terriers.

Character of the American Pit Bull Terrier

Modern public opinion is not very favorable towards fighting dogs, personified by American pit bull terriers. Each person can draw his own conclusion about the character of this breed only when he gets acquainted with it, taking little puppy and raising him. Long years breeders considered the main characteristics of the breed to be the ability and readiness for battle, the so-called “game”. But at the same time, it was unacceptable for humans and was the reason for the disqualification of the dog.

Therefore, the nature of the APBT does not include aggressiveness towards people, although on the other hand, anger in this breed develops quite quickly with targeted upbringing. If the owner of a pit bull sets the goal of getting a reliable companion for an active life, then this breed will perfectly cope with this role. Natural strength and energy makes pit bulls very inquisitive, they are ready to learn and explore the world every second. These are very active dogs that love to be played with. active games, they are ready to follow their owner everywhere and carry out his commands.

We can say that the character of pit bull dogs is created by its owner, which is why there are so often opposing opinions about the character of these dogs. From a pit bull terrier you can raise both an angry dog ​​that poses a danger to the people around you, and a peaceful and inquisitive companion who will get along well with everyone. Particularly important childhood In order to develop a future character, psychologically traumatic factors should not be allowed at this time.

The character of adult dogs is stable. They are aware of their strength, confident in themselves, but do not strive for superiority over the owner; on the contrary, they show their readiness to constantly benefit him. This funny dogs who combine childlike spontaneity and playfulness with the attentiveness and prudence of a wise dog. Certainly, best qualities Pit bulls show character only if they are properly raised and trained.

A real record holder
The American pit bull terrier champion in white-pulling is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for towing a load 100 times its body weight - 1.7 tons.

Features of training and education of a pit bull

According to the observations of dog handlers and training instructors, the American Pit Bull Terrier easily masters various commands and performs complex tasks. This is facilitated by natural curiosity and liveliness.

To begin with, it is recommended to take a general training course (GCD) to teach your dog obedience. After this, many opportunities open up for the pit bull owner to develop the abilities of their pet. As practice shows, representatives of this breed successfully cope with teams from the ZKS (protective guard service) course. In the process of mastering this course, a very important skill for a pit bull is developed - the ability to manage its aggression, and the owner learns to control his dog.

It should be noted that it is not recommended to pay too much attention specifically to the development of aggression against humans. A pit bull terrier who takes this path poses a great danger to others. He always not only bites, but, like an experienced fighter, instinctively chooses vital places. Add to this destructive force bite him, and you will understand how dangerous a pit bull accustomed to aggressive behavior is.

There are many scary stories about its aggressiveness, but according to statistics, pit bull attacks make up no more than 10% of the total number of dog attacks on humans. Such a wide public outcry is caused precisely by the devastating consequences of pit bull attacks. Bad role To create the image of the breed, some owners also played a role, who purposefully get pit bulls as bodyguards and thoughtlessly poison them on people, intimidating everyone around them.

Fortunately, there are other lovers of this breed who discover a different side to pit bull terriers. They participate with them in interesting competitions: agility (overcoming an obstacle course against the clock), wait-pulling (towing heavy objects), spring-pole (hanging on a rope), dog-pulling (tug-of-war). These spectacular events are becoming more widespread and serve to increase the popularity of the breed.

Care and maintenance of a pit bull terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier is an unpretentious dog that is easy to care for. The main thing is to ensure a balanced diet, on which the formation of the dog’s physique and health depend. A simple feeding rule for active dogs is to choose foods that have high energy value. You don’t need to feed your dog only meat; its diet should also contain plant components, but meat is the main source of proteins, which are necessary for the dog’s growth and development and for the development of immunity.

There are many examples of dog diets that take into account calories and other important features. You can take one of these schemes as a basis. Some owners prefer to use ready-made dry or canned food. This breed may react to some food components.

In order for all the work on creating a balanced menu not to be wasted, you must definitely give your dog anthelmintics both for treatment and as prevention.

Otherwise, caring for the American Pit Bull Terrier is very simple. You need to bathe him on average once every six months, comb and wipe his ears about once a week. The dog gets along well in an apartment provided there is sufficient physical activity.

Choosing a puppy

Before choosing a pit bull terrier puppy, you need to decide on the purpose of purchasing it. Pet-class puppies that are not intended for further breeding or attending exhibitions are suitable as pets. These are not necessarily puppies without a pedigree; they can also appear in stellar litters.

Breed-class puppies are those with which you can already qualify for prizes in exhibitions and for breeding. Canine aristocracy are show-class puppies that can make a brilliant show career.

The main problem is that predicting a puppy's future at a young age very difficult. Therefore, abroad, for example, there is a practice of buying older puppies. At 6-8 months, as a rule, you can already buy with greater confidence a future champion that has been exemplarily raised by experienced breeders.

On the other hand, a puppy at this age has already formed a character and habits that you may not like, and it will not be easy to retrain her to suit your taste. Moreover, it is difficult to do this with such serious dog like a pit bull terrier, which is why most people prefer to buy small puppies.

You can’t give in to a momentary impulse and buy a puppy at the first ad you come across. It's better to compare several litters, look at General terms maintenance and health of puppies. If there are at least 2 puppies in the litter with any defects, this is not in favor of the remaining puppies. It is better to collect as much information as possible about the breeder from whom you are going to buy a puppy. It is best if he has contacts of buyers of previous litters with whom he can contact and find out how their dog has grown.

Pit bull puppies price

If you are offered an elite puppy for a lot of money, then this is an unwise purchase, since an elite puppy can only be adult dog, who achieved excellent results at exhibitions and competitions. Therefore, the price of American pit bull terriers mainly depends on the ambitions of the breeders and the presence of interesting pedigrees registered in American organizations. average price for a puppy with documents - 20,000 rubles. Remember that the RKF does not recognize this breed, so having a RKF pedigree is impossible, and most pit bulls in our country are sold without documents at more affordable prices - 5-10,000 rubles.

Pitbull photo

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Hmm, what can you hear when you walk with a bull...

For myself, I made the following conclusion: people are divided into two categories - those who love boules and those who are simply afraid and hate these dogs. Yes, the boule with its specific appearance does not leave anyone indifferent... What happens.

I've had different cases: for example, you are going down the stairs with a dog, a woman with a child comes up towards you, at the sight of the dog she begins to scream and cover the child’s face with a bag... The dog looks at me in bewilderment and tries to timidly wag its tail, I also have a stupor... When asked, Why is she doing this, the woman starts dumping information on me that these dogs are eating children’s faces! But if such a dog rushes, then the bag will not save the child, and any dog ​​will never simply rush.

It is worth saying a big thank you and
the yellow press, which loves to publish articles with stories about dogs attacking their owners. Without particularly understanding the breeds, reporters insert a photo of a bull or write “bull terrier,” although often these are either hybrids or even breeds that are not related to bulls. Yes, I agree, the wounds inflicted by a bull terrier are terrible, but how far does it take a dog to cross the line? The only breed has "people friendly" written in its standard, and this one breed - English bull terrier This breed was bred to fight rats, a scourge of that time, and only then they began to be used against animals and people. The bull cannot be set against people, because... This dog has a different purpose, it is not a servant who is simply trained to carry out commands. Bool will “think” - why, or maybe it’s not worth executing this command? But if you insist, he will do it, but again in his own manner.

For a bull terrier that has crossed the line, any person becomes a target for attack. If you want a crazy “bodyguard,” then you should get another breed that, at your command, will rush and tear all living things. The Bull Terrier will undoubtedly protect you and your child, but only when it is really necessary.

Why is everyone equal?
Dogs of this breed all fit the same mold? And among people there are also murderers, cannibals and hooligans, why then don’t we shy away from all people, then we should be afraid of everyone! My bull is a completely calm dog, I am confident in him, and I know that he will never rush first, but he will not back down if challenged to a fight. Children are generally his playmates. The dog can sit for hours and watch my son play and from time to time try to help with his paw or nose. A 10-year-old child showed my dog ​​at the “Young Handler” competition, and in addition to us, there were 2 more dogs in the ring, a Newfie and a black terrier. And my bull ran next to the child, stood and demonstrated a bite with the help of children's hands, which opened this mouth and raised its jaws, showing the dog's complete submission and obedience. And this at the age of 1 year!

I asked my parents for a dog for a year. I was 14 years old when they finally agreed to a miniature poodle. This is my mother's dog. I turned 15 and started asking for a big dog. After much thought I settled on German Shepherd, but here in the book" Decorative breeds dogs" I saw a photograph and description of the bull terrier breed. I liked this slanted muzzle, but
At that time in Murmansk (I was born and raised in Murmansk) there was only one male bull terrier, and such dogs were incredibly expensive. I would like to remind you that in 1992-93 these dogs were imported for fighting and destruction of various living creatures. These dogs were owned by certain people social status and provisions...

And for my birthday I was allowed to adopt a shepherd puppy. I brought home another dog - an East European Shepherd. I graduated from school, the shepherd dog grew up, and the poodle, unfortunately, had to be put to sleep because... After 2 years of age, he developed hereditary epilepsy. We tried to keep him on medication, but it only got worse...

After finishing school, I went to study in St. Petersburg, naturally veterinarian. Having entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Veterinary Medicine and having studied for six months, I got my first bull terrier.

It happened completely by accident. Once a girl came to our course and said that they were giving away a 2-year-old bull terrier girl with a pedigree. At that time, I already had a Persian cat, but I wanted to take a closer look at this breed. We went to pick up a dog whose name was Amazon Be Healthy. We met with the owner of Amazon's sister, who began to persuade us to take the dog, at least not for ourselves, but urgently. When I saw the dog, I understood why: just a skeleton covered in skin came out to me. When she
looked into my eyes, I realized that I would not leave without her. The owner gave us moldy crackers to force the dog to come with us. The dog flew ahead of me, as if it knew the way. She and the cat quickly found a common language, he stole pieces from her bowl, and Mona, or as I began to call her Manya, allowed it, although I was very worried about the cat. It took about six months to nurse the dog: she ate, and after that she vomited and, excuse me, had diarrhea. Another detail was revealed: it turns out that the dog was hardly walked, the paw pads were very soft and smooth, like those of a puppy. After the first walk, the skin completely came off from the pads. Bandaging and walking in slippers began. And we went through this, recovered and became a good dense dog, as a bull should. And all this time, Manya stoically endured injections, pills, dressings and rinses, never even growled and did not resist the procedures at all. And when she broke her leg, I didn’t even realize at first that it was a fracture and for 2 days I massaged the broken leg and punctured the swollen area. At the same time, the dog simply turned away and pressed his ears, this was his whole protest! Osteosynthesis was performed and after 2 months the pin was removed. During the operation under anesthesia, Manya began to growl and I had to hold my hands near her nose. Then she calmed down and wagged her tail.

I was very surprised by Mani's friendliness towards all people, dogs and even rabbits. And how she played with the calves! When my child was born, Manya decided that she would feed the child and milk appeared. Then, when the child began to crawl, she began to regurgitate food for him, as wolves and other predators do for their cubs. And I just couldn’t count how many times she was bitten by a child on the nose and ears - and all this was tolerated absolutely calmly. It was forbidden for strangers to approach the stroller on the street: we didn’t growl, we just looked point blank, and people somehow immediately retreated. And when I didn’t have Mani, I realized that if I ever got a dog, it would only be a boule. I was captivated by the nobility, charm, friendly character and feeling of calm confidence when such a dog is nearby. The bull terrier also has a very specific sense of humor. They are artists of large and small theaters, especially when they need to beg for something or to be pitied.

The bull is a very specific dog, but after the bull only the bull gets started, other dogs seem hysterical, shrill, because from the bull you can very rarely hear whining, barking, and it’s not even barking - just grumbling and thumping. They have a very unique facial expression, which can only be understood after long-term communication with representatives of the breed. Still, a lot depends on heredity; if the dog’s parents have a healthy psyche, then the puppies will be the same. When growing, you can correct it, teach something, but what is laid down will grow, although you can turn a lapdog into a monster. Can improper upbringing spoil any breed, even the most harmless one, but when you have 30-40 kg of solid muscles at home, which you cannot control and do whatever comes into their head, this is where it gets scary.

Why is it used to raise children? various methods influences - physical, moral, material, but they cannot show the dog that you are the owner of the house, and not she. It is very important for a dog at certain stages of growth to make it clear that you are the leader and he is the subordinate. To do this, it is not necessary to beat the dog, just press it firmly to the floor and bite it on the ear, nose, or shake it firmly by the scruff of the neck. But this must be done at the moment of disobedience or an attempt to show aggression; if you miss this, then the next stage will be a bite of you or your child, especially when the dog is young and trying its hand. And this applies to any breed. And now the dog is already tyrannizing the whole family, taking up any chair, sofa, and when you try to kick it out, it growls and rushes, and the owners say this is the breed. And they begin to tell everyone they know that they had a dog, and it did not let them live in peace. At this point, the dog is usually disposed of, and the dog, once in normal hands, quickly becomes manageable and adequate, because there they immediately set boundaries for her and explained who the owner and leader are.

So who's to blame? Breed? Or maybe you still need to carefully read about each breed, visit exhibitions, talk with the owners,
breeders and already decide for yourself what you need a dog for and make a choice from this. There are many breeds, but which breed is right for you? There is no need to follow loud advertising or fashion. Decorative mini breed dogs are very fashionable these days, like toys with bows, curlers, and jackets. Demand, as always, gives rise to supply, and veterinarians see dogs with diseased kidneys, spines, eyes, and simply congenital anomalies, passed off as a super breed trait. Having bought such a dog, the owners suddenly find out that this dog cannot be bred, because its weight is small and it will not be able to give birth!!! So why breed such animals? So, and a dog costs at least 700 dollars, so they breed puppies without monitoring the health of the parent stock.

Yes, I really love bull terriers for their character and appearance. I spend a very long time asking a person who decides to get a bull terrier - why he gets it, how he will raise it, feed it, what he will do if the dog does not obey. The bull dog is very cheerful and active, you need to walk and play with it a lot, otherwise the “under-walked” bull will begin to try his hand at household items and will successfully dismantle the sofa, he has a lot of strength. Therefore, dear future owners who have decided to get a bull terrier, think about whether you have the strength, patience, time and understanding to raise a dog like a bull terrier. But if you have a bull terrier at least once in your life, believe me, you will no longer need any other breed, because: “The only thing better than a bull is a bull!”

Tatyana, bull terrier owner,

tel. 377-13-84, Kolodyazhnaya Natalya Anatolyevna

Those who intend to acquire an American Pit Bull Terrier should be clearly aware that the breed was bred for deadly dog ​​fights and only after a while was adapted for other purposes: hunting, herding livestock, as well as searching, rescuing and protecting people.

History of the origin of the breed

Before dog fighting, the ancestors of pit bull terriers were used in impromptu battles against bulls, boars and bears. In 1835, Great Britain banned bull baiting by law, and dogs were no longer used.

They were useful to the organizers of blood sports in the United States, who did not want to part with their profitable occupation. The American Pit Bull Terrier was the result of a mating between Old English Bulldogs (hardy and powerful) and swift terriers with good instincts.

This is interesting! American breeders managed to create new breed, named American Pit Bull Terrier. The word “pit” is translated as a fighting pit, and “pit bull terrier” is translated as a fighting bull terrier. The abbreviation “pit bull” translated from English is interpreted as “fighting bull” and is completely incorrect.

The breed is not recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), however, the USA is considered to be the country of origin of pit bull terriers.

Description, appearance of the pit bull terrier

There is a difference between working dogs and . Pit bull terriers are also divided into three types: bulldog, terrier and mixed.

They usually don’t find fault with the size of dogs when assessing the harmony of their physique. Height depends on the bone structure and mass, which is used when assessing a dog’s size. Weight varies between 12-36 kg. Males are traditionally larger than females.

Breed standards

The Pit Bull Terrier is officially banned in Australia and the European Union, but there are two structures that recognize the breed - ADBA and UKC.

The second organization describes the American Pit Bull Terrier breed standard as follows:

  • The dry, rectangular head is of medium length, with a flat (but wide between the ears) skull. The square muzzle features prominent cheeks and strong jaws with a scissor bite.
  • The ears are set high: they can be natural or cropped. For almond-shaped eyes, any color is allowed. The nostrils of the nose are wide open.
  • The slightly convex muscular neck widens towards the withers. The shoulder blades (wide and muscular) are set obliquely, the back is slightly sloping, the belly (without fur) is retracted, the loin is slightly convex.
  • A deep chest cannot be called too wide. True ribs are elastic, moderately convex, closely adjacent to each other; false ribs are long.
  • The limbs have strong rounded bones, the pasterns are strong and straight, the thighs are muscular and fairly long, the paws are medium.
  • The step is springy and light. Ambling and waddling are not allowed. The short, low-set tail is raised to the line of the back when moving/excited.
  • The coat is dense, short, hard and shiny, devoid of undercoat. All colors (except merle) and white spots are allowed.

Personality of a pit bull terrier dog

A well-trained American Pit Bull Terrier is peaceful, devoted to family and owner, gets along well with children and patiently withstands their pressure.

If a dog is purchased not for participation in fighting, it is provided with increased physical exercise, providing an outlet for her hyperactive temperament and endurance. The more intensely the pet puts in all the effort in training, the less chance face his unmotivated aggression.

This is interesting! The Pit Bull Terrier does not need physical exercise (running, jumping, playing fetch), but sports such as weight pulling, agility, bike and skijoring. Periodically weigh down your dog's equipment: this way the training will be more effective, and the dog's muscles will gain beautiful relief.

It is believed that the breed is easy to train, since from serving the owner it receives positive emotions . When training, the dog is motivated and encouraged without using physical punishment, which usually leads to the exclusion of the dog (downtrodden or embittered) from breeding.

The pit bull terrier has won the trust of American and Russian law enforcement officers: dogs with an excellent sense of smell are used to search for explosives and drugs.


Representatives of the breed live on average from 8 to 15 years. If you get a puppy without characteristic genetic abnormalities, it is quite possible that he will live up to 20 years or a little more.

Keeping a pit bull terrier in an apartment is not a difficult task, but it is responsible.. The most important thing is to give your energetic pet the opportunity to unwind, for which purpose the walk is supplemented with elements of weightlifting.

Care, hygiene

Care is the same as for all smooth-haired breeds. Short hair does not require frequent combing and washing. The Pit Bull Terrier is clean and rarely gets dirty even on walks. After being outside, the dog's paws are washed and given a full bath once every six months.

If an animal runs a lot on a hard surface, its claws wear down on their own. Otherwise, the owner will shorten them. Periodically look into the ears - they should be clean and dry.

Diet - what to feed a pit bull terrier

Your pupil must look lean, not loose, so exclude all cereals (they make the pit bull terrier sick). For the same reasons, the dog is not given bread and crackers. The main emphasis is on animal proteins.

  • chicken, beef or turkey by-products;
  • chicken eggs (1 pc. 3-4 rubles per week);
  • fermented milk products;
  • vegetables - to the dog's taste (white and cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, bell peppers, broccoli, pumpkin, beets and tomatoes).

Important! Meat and dairy products are given in different feedings. Since there is not much benefit from pure meat, it must be mixed with raw grated vegetables, seasoning with a tablespoon vegetable oil(better than olive).

You can include fish in the menu, but there is not enough of it nutrients, and not every pit bull terrier is able to digest it. Fish mixed with vegetables is recommended for weight loss.

The number of feedings depends on the time of year: in hot weather one feeding (per day) is enough, in cold weather they switch to twice a day.

Diseases, breed defects

Like other breeds, the Pit Bull Terrier is prone to genetically determined illnesses or ailments that are caused by poor quality food or poor care.

Typical diseases include:

  • Heart disease, often accompanied by wheezing and coughing.
  • Malfunctions thyroid gland(including hypothyroidism), leading to obesity and other, more serious, pathologies.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Allergic reactions to different types irritants.
  • Dirofilariasis is a helminth infection that is chronic and has severe consequences.
  • Demodecosis.

The so-called working puppy will be needed by those rare owners who plan to exhibit the dog in contract matches. Such people face a truly difficult task, since the dog’s fighting qualities are revealed no earlier than he turns 2 years old.

Some guarantee of inheriting the will to win (game) will be the championship titles of the puppy's parents, if they participated in such fights. But, regardless of the fearlessness of your immediate family, your pet will need to pass a personal game test.

This is interesting! In a fight between two dogs of the same weight, the loser is the one who retreats first.

The behavior of a dog in the ring gives grounds to classify it as one of the following types:

  • fatal - the dog fights to the last drop of blood;
  • reinforced - the dog fights with all his might, on trembling paws;
  • standard - the dog fights until he feels very tired.

Most buyers are looking for a dog for home keeping, less often for breeding. Such animals will not pass game tests: compliance with the standard, the absence of breed defects and a peaceful disposition are important for them.

Where to buy, what to look for

In the USA, they often buy teenage puppies that are already six months old. At this age, it is clear which class your acquisition belongs to - show (for exhibitions and breeding), breed (for mating) or pet (for home games).

Supporters of buying younger puppies remind us that at 6-8 months a pit bull terrier has not only a character, but also habits that will not be easy to change (especially since the breed itself does not have a superficial attitude).

Important! Before you go to the breeder, collect information about him. Talk to the person who took the puppies from him, find out what problems they encountered in raising them.

As when buying other dogs, it is important to analyze the behavior of the parents and the puppy itself. Dogs should not show aggression or, conversely, be overly timid.

American Pit Bull Terrier price

Free advertisement sites contain offers with a ridiculous price for APBT puppies - 10 thousand rubles. Sellers declare purebredness, availability necessary documents and vaccinations, praising the parents of living goods. It is clear that such a dog can be taken as a companion without dreaming of exhibitions and contract fights.

The real price for a pit bull terrier starts from 20-25 thousand rubles. The Russian Cynological Federation does not recognize the breed, and all official documents, including pedigree, are issued to dogs by cynological organizations in the USA.

Puppies from a titled father/mother do not cost less than 30 thousand rubles, but more often they ask for 40-45 thousand rubles. In Russia there are not many breeding kennels focused on breeding pit bull terriers: in addition to Moscow and St. Petersburg, kennels can be found in Tambov, Volgograd and Pavlovsk.

These dogs cannot be classified as very affectionate and gentle pets. American Pit Bull Terrier breed was specially bred for dog fights, thinking with the appropriate characteristics: viciousness, endurance and agility, which were necessary for four-legged animals to fulfill their purpose.

However, pit bulls (as the breed is usually called for short), like all representatives of the canine family, are characterized by genuine devotion to their owner. To this quality, oddly enough, we can add: loyalty and tolerance when communicating with others, a good-natured disposition.

This name is literally translated: “fighting”, which has its own explanation, because dogs replaced bulls in the rings, the battles of which were prohibited at a certain point in history, although they were extremely popular.

The name was once also used: pitdog (fighting dog), which was more suitable for four-legged animals, but for some reason did not really catch on.

The breed originated in the Old World, but later fell in love with gambling Americans who loved bloody entertainment. The once super-popular dog fighting gave impetus to the targeted improvement and development of many breeds.

If it were not for human passions, then there would not have appeared american pit bull terrier. Dogs were brought to America around the end of the 18th century. But only a century later the breed was officially recognized.

Representatives are currently accepting it Active participation in various canine sports competitions, where they demonstrate endurance, jumping ability, agility and the ability to perform complex tricks.

Interestingly, one of the representatives of the breed became famous with the title of champion, having proven his ability to tow a load exceeding his body weight a hundred times. Talking in more detail about the origin of the breed, one should delve several centuries into history, telling about the events that took place in England and its surrounding areas.

For dog fights in those distant times were widely used. Their duties also included hunting large strong men and guarding homes, which they coped with excellently.

But this type of four-legged helper was only suitable for the nobility, since keeping large ones was prohibited for English commoners.

Therefore, for their own needs, they selected smaller puppies from litters and bulldogs, crossing them with each other, which greatly contributed to the birth of extremely similar ones already in Tudor times, according to description, With American pit bull terriers today.

The dogs were distinguished by their insensitivity to pain, mobility, agility and fearlessness. These were bull terriers. The prefix “pit” in the name of their descendants appeared a little later, meaning in English a pit for bleeding, which is a direct allusion to the use of the breed.

The appearance of these dogs gives the impression of strength, strength and power; obesity is an extremely undesirable feature. The exemplary silhouette looks lean and lean, even the ribs should protrude a little.

Pit bulls have an attentive gaze, reflecting liveliness and interest in life. The animal's body is shiny and tough, the skin is dense with folds on the chest and neck. The head is shaped like a wedge, tapering towards the nose; the lips are adjacent to the jaws with closed teeth; eyes wide apart, slightly slanted.

At the owner's request, the ears are cropped. They are also distinguished by their long, muscular neck and shoulders; wide, cylindrical chest, tapering downwards.

Proportional lower back plays huge role in motion, adding agility and grace to her, as well as flexibility of the hind legs.

The length of the legs should be slightly greater than the width chest; hips, slightly sloping towards the horizontal, densely built; the pads on the paws are elastic; the tail is not particularly long, set low. Details of the external appearance of representatives of this breed can be seen photo of American pit bull terrier.

Care and maintenance

Pit bulls, due to their small size, take root in city apartments and are kept without problems. However, dogs need sport games. They and their muscular body are simply created for exhausting training and long walks, during which dogs frolic in the fresh air.

Caring for four-legged animals is not at all difficult. There is no need to bathe often. This is usually done a couple of times a year, and weekly combing and ear cleaning is also necessary.

But the main element of content is proper nutrition, on which the healthy formation of the pet’s bones and muscles depends, since american pit bull terrierdog extremely active and by nature, must be physically strong.

Here you need, first of all, meat. It is the main supplier of animal protein to the body, which ensures growth and protection from disease. It is better to give high-quality meat to adult dogs raw, because when cooked, many important properties are lost and nutrients and vitamins are destroyed.

But if the product is in doubt, then it would be useful to give it a short heat treatment. Plant-based nutritional components and dairy products are also important.

Many owners, avoiding unnecessary and tedious hassle, prefer to use canned and dry food. All this is not bad if such food does not cause allergies, attacks of which often occur in dogs of this breed.

During training, pit bulls learn new commands and perform difficult tasks with ease. First, a general training course is usually carried out. Then everything depends on the owner’s desires and inclinations.

Many of the representatives of the breed successfully acquire protective guard skills. The main thing to remember: raising pit bulls, teaching them unquestioning obedience based on trust, and socialization are strictly required.

Price and reviews of the American Pit Bull Terrier

Having made a decision buy an American pit bull terrier When looking for a puppy abroad, you should take into account that their import is prohibited in certain EU countries.

If the animal already lives in these countries, then their owner is required to sterilize their pet, and special permission is required to keep it. In Germany, the owners of such cars were literally strangled by inflated taxes.

As for the USA, at least this breed It is still popular there, but dog fighting is prohibited by law, and the breeding of fighting dogs is under strict control.

Pit bulls have survived a number of persecutions, but remain in demand, so it is possible to purchase a puppy by finding a good kennel or using advertisements on the Internet.

Prices on American pit bull terriers quite affordable. It is possible to purchase a puppy without documents for 5 thousand rubles. But real purebred dogs with excellent pedigree are, of course, more expensive. Often purchasing them costs amateurs no less than twenty thousand.

Public opinion, fueled by a series of media publications with colorful photographs demonstrating the particular danger of certain breeds, has an extremely negative attitude towards fighting dogs.

This also applies to pit bulls. Is it worth it, in this case, to take a dubious pet into your home? The decision should be made with full responsibility. As reviews indicate, the character of a pit bull depends entirely on the upbringing of the owner.

When handled inappropriately, aggressive tendencies develop and make themselves felt extremely quickly. But when making a judgment, we should not forget that these are active and inquisitive creatures that can bring, in addition to problems, a lot of joy.

Pit bulls are extremely suitable for athletic, active people. Games and communication with such pets greatly contribute to strengthening physical fitness. Skillfully trained dogs are always ready to unquestioningly carry out any commands of the owner.

Little pit bulls are extremely cute. And adult dogs, feeling their strength and power, are confident in themselves, their character is characterized by stability and wise prudence.

Choice American pit bull terrier puppies– it’s a very responsible matter. And here you should not rush, succumbing to the momentary impulse and charm of a charming cutie baby, but look through several litters, compare and consider the options.

The main thing is to decide on the purpose for which you are getting a puppy: will he be an expected champion of exhibitions or just a friend and protector? And, based on this, draw your own conclusions.