Old dog - care, nutrition, illness. How to care for an old dog


Dogs live up to 15–20 years, but signs of aging appear in them after 5–8 years; during this period, less dynamic behavior, joint pain, dulling of the coat with the appearance of white hairs, and decreased appetite are observed. It is still too early to talk about old age, but you need to take some steps to change your diet to reduce the problems associated with age.

A light regime is introduced when the dog shows signs of overweight. In adult individuals, on the contrary, it is necessary to maintain sufficient energy value of the diet and improve the quality of the components used to compensate for some of the difficulties that may arise during the assimilation of food. Contrary to popular belief, the amount of protein in older dogs' diets should be reduced. But proteins allow the dog to maintain muscle and protect itself from infection. Since aging dogs are less successful at digesting protein from food than younger dogs, the quality of protein needs to be improved.

To slow the gradual decline in kidney function, reducing dietary phosphorus intake is effective.

The old dog is slow to move, sleeps a lot and plays little. She no longer pleases with enthusiasm and energy, she becomes slow and weak. An older dog seeks a warm, comfortable place and may sleep all day. The dog's coat changes. Usually it turns gray, becomes thin and brittle. The elderly dog ​​is in no hurry to respond to the owner’s call and is capricious.

Dogs age faster than we would like, and it always happens unexpectedly. For every animal, old age begins at different time and depends on the size of the dog, breed, and health status. Small dogs usually live longer. Many live up to 20 years, and become old only at the age of 10–12 years, while large dogs They age at 6–8 years. For orientation: dogs weighing up to 10 kg live 15 years or more, medium-weight dogs - 11-14 years, and heavyweight dogs - 8-10 years.

How should an owner react to an aging dog? First of all, you need to become especially attentive when your pet and friend enters average age. What does this mean? Sometimes it is easy to make the mistake of overlooking a serious illness and mistaking a dog's decreased activity as a sign of old age. Symptoms of the disease include weight loss, lack of appetite, increased thirst, frequent urination, difficulty breathing, exhaustion, vomiting, bad breath or gum disease.

In short, you should be wary of any changes in the behavior of an elderly dog ​​- reluctance to go for a walk, involuntary urination, lethargy. These are signs that your pet is unhealthy.

Dog lovers have accumulated a wealth of experience in caring for older dogs, let’s summarize this experience.

Take your dog to the vet 2 times a year. Blood and urine tests done on healthy dog, will allow you to find out the norm, which will be needed for comparison when she gets sick. It is necessary to introduce a rule of regular examinations of the dog. veterinarian. He must listen to her heart, lungs, examine her teeth, eyes, ears and lymph nodes.

There is an opinion that old dogs do not need to be vaccinated. This opinion is extremely dangerous. As pets age, they become more susceptible to disease and need the protection that vaccines provide to your friend's weakened immune system.

Under no circumstances should you postpone a visit to the veterinarian if you notice a deterioration in your pet’s health. Do not wait for the situation to worsen when the disease leads to irreversible processes.

Your dog's teeth need to be cleaned regularly, on their own, using a special toothpaste for pets. By the way, dogs like the taste of the paste, so they quickly get used to this procedure. (About 85% of all older dogs suffer from dental and gum disease.)

Brush your dog regularly. Older dogs need more frequent bathing and shampoo.

While brushing, be sure to feel your dog to check for swelling. Examine the skin and fur, ears and eyes. The mucous membranes of the eyes should be Pink colour(as well as healthy ones).

About sterilization and castration. These operations can prevent tumors of the mammary glands and prostate, but it is best to perform them on a young dog. In old age they are also not contraindicated and can be effective.

Do not change your routine so as not to stress your old dog. She should live in a familiar family environment and eat regular food. When you get a new pet, be sure to pay more attention to your old friend.

About physical activity. They should be moderate - several short walks a day. If your dog is tired and breathing heavily, you should consult your veterinarian.

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Old dogs change in behavior. They tend to be easy-going, less energetic, less curious and calmer. They are forgetful, love to sleep, stick to their habits and are irritable.

They do not tolerate change of environment and hospitalization well. In such cases, dogs eat poorly, are restless, bark a lot and practically do not rest, and this is very bad at their age.

At necessary treatment they need increased attention from you, mandatory presence during medical procedures, which has a calming effect on them and protects them from stress. Be sure to visit and care for your dog 1-2 times a day, this is much better than leaving it to its fate.

Changes appearance and behavior

With decreased activity and loss muscle tone An older dog's neck and torso become more awkward and skinny, especially the hips and shoulders. The stomach drops (sags), the back becomes saddle-shaped, and the elbows turn out. Muscle tremors may occur.

Old dogs need regular exercise. Lack of daily walks in dogs after 8 years of age has a detrimental effect on the function of systems and organs.

Walking increases muscle tone and strength, maintains joint flexibility, prevents obesity and maintains good spirits. During exercise, the dog should not get tired. If the dog leads a sedentary lifestyle or is overweight, start with short walks, which gradually increase as condition is restored.

Diseases of elderly pets

Most older dogs suffer from osteoarthritis. Stiffness in the joints leads to their deformation and weakness, stiffness in the cold, damp soil or on cement surfaces. Therefore, their place should be located in a warm and dry room. Dogs suffering from arthritis, especially large and damp ones, should sleep on soft bedding, and dogs of Toy breeds can be covered at night if necessary.

Physical inactivity with osteoarthritis leads to muscle pain. It is impossible to stop the development of arthritis, but analgesics, such as aspirin (given with food), reduce pain syndrome, which allows the dog to lead a more active lifestyle.

A caring owner takes his elderly pet to the lake every day - the pain from arthritis subsides in the water

With old age, there is a gradual decrease in hearing that cannot be treated. With age, visual acuity decreases. Senile (senile) cataracts are often observed. In some dogs after 8 years of age, decreased vision is associated with clouding of the lens. However, it can be caused by retinal disease or other eye problems.

Cataract surgery is performed on dogs with poor mobility and loss of visual acuity. If the dog's hearing is not damaged, they can navigate the area perfectly, even if they are blind.

Diseases of the teeth and gums that develop with age prevent the dog from eating. If treatment is started in a timely manner and carried out correctly, the dog’s condition and appetite do not suffer. Loose teeth are removed. If the dog cannot chew dry food, wet it 20 minutes before eating; use commercial canned food for older dogs.

Older dogs often experience urinary problems. With age, increased urine formation is observed, which is associated with a violation of the reabsorption of primary urine and the concentration of metabolic products by the kidneys. To compensate for this condition, the dog is forced to drink a lot. Often a dog with kidney failure will have to urinate at home, especially at night. Therefore, she needs to be walked more often: in the morning, evening and at night.

Cardiomyopathy is another well-known condition associated with the aging process. Heart disease develops long before the first symptoms appear. clinical symptoms heart failure. Early signs heart failure: the appearance of lethargy and weight loss, apathy and indifference to others, muscle weakness, shortness of breath, cough, mainly at night, after exercise or excitement.

Old dogs do not tolerate training and emotional stress well. Their heart, liver, kidneys and metabolism often cannot cope with increased stress, and acute decompensation may occur.

Cooling the animal should be avoided. If the dog is wet, it should be wrapped in a dry towel and placed in a warm room. An old dog does not tolerate heat well. Changing water and food is not advisable for old dogs. Any changes to the regime are introduced gradually.

The length and quality of a dog’s life depends on many circumstances, but the main thing is proper care and care of the owner. It is in relation to an elderly pet that one can judge a person’s attachment to his dog.

Behavior and character of an elderly dog

Older dogs tend to behave more sedately and with great dignity, become conservative in their habits, so they have difficulty withstanding a change of environment. They may become disobedient, irritable, and grumpy.

Especially often the character deteriorates in dogs suffering from serious illnesses, experiencing discomfort and constant pain. Some older dogs become timid, fearful, and unsure of their abilities.

Others, on the contrary, bully young dogs and try to maintain a leading position. In relation to their owners, dogs become more intrusive, jealous, touchy, and can withdraw into themselves and withdraw from communication. Spending most of the day half asleep, at night the “old men” wander around the apartment due to insomnia.

Dogs are extremely difficult to endure emotional and physical overload, stress is simply destructive for them. There are cases where a fairly vigorous dog became decrepit and helpless after suffering stress (loss of the owner, car accident, etc.).

Aging and illnesses in an older dog

In older dogs, it is often impossible to draw a line between age-related changes and pathology. Due to a decrease in the function of the immune system, the symptoms of diseases appear “pale” and owners do not always pay attention to them in a timely manner. But even harmless symptoms in an old dog may indicate the development of serious illnesses.

Some dogs become pronounced meteopaths, their well-being is determined by weather conditions, which can also mislead owners (the malaise is attributed to the weather). By old age, animals acquire a whole “bouquet” of chronic diseases. This must be taken into account when selecting and prescribing drug therapy so as not to upset the delicate balance in the aging body. Sensitivity to medications often changes.

The dosage of even the most harmless drug should be selected taking into account age, since intoxication can occur due to a decrease in liver and kidney functions.

Dog on a walk and at home

Many old dogs, especially large ones, suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Usually, owners notice that the dog has difficulty getting up and lying down, turns around awkwardly, has difficulty going up and down stairs, and easily loses its balance. An old dog needs exercise to maintain muscle tone and joint flexibility, but the attitude towards walks should be reasonable.

In good weather you can linger outside for a while. However, you should not follow the lead of dogs that have retained their temperament and playfulness into old age. It’s one thing to give a dog pleasure, but another thing to miscalculate its strength and bring it to exhaustion. It should be remembered that with old age, ligaments become less elastic and bones become more fragile. Even minor injuries heal very poorly, so you need to watch your dog closely when walking.

After playing or fighting with other dogs, an older dog may complain about its legs or spine. In addition, overexertion while walking is fraught with weakness, attacks of cardiac arrhythmia and shortness of breath. During icy conditions, it is better to walk large dogs on a harness and leash. If your dog's legs become loose and he starts to fall, you can support him and soften the blow.

Older dog vision

After eight years, the dog's visual acuity decreases. This may be related to various diseases: glaucoma, atrophy of the retina and optic nerve, but most often with age-related changes in the lens. A barely noticeable, slight bluish “haze” in the dog’s eyes indicates the beginning of a cataract.

To stop the process, use eye drops: katachrome, oftan, taufon, 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day in long courses. If cataracts have developed, surgery is indicated. If this is not possible, then the blind dog is walked only on a leash, along a familiar route. At home, to prevent the dog from being injured, do not leave dangerous objects in its path. A decrease in visual acuity can occur without visible changes.

Then this is indicated by such signs as the dog’s reluctance to walk in dark time days, caution, overcoming minor obstacles with difficulty or with reserve. Blindness in only one eye can lead to quite unexpected behavioral reactions - fear or aggression towards familiar dogs that unexpectedly find themselves on the side of the diseased eye.

Or the dog suddenly doesn’t “fit” into the door or gate opening. Obvious signs of vision loss are careful gait, sniffing the road. The dog tries it on before each step, bumps into objects, and behaves insecurely. Fortunately, for dogs, vision loss is not a tragedy.

They quickly begin to navigate using other senses, primarily smell and hearing. The owner’s task is to reduce the risk of injury and loss, to teach the dog basic commands (for example, “Stop!”, “Quiet!”, “Forward!”), so that the dog feels more confident and relies not only on itself, but also on the owner.

Old dog hearing

Hearing loss is another natural change in the aging body. More often, dogs with chronic otitis media lose their hearing. Hearing loss is not as obvious as vision loss. Having lived a long life with a person, a dog is guided not only by the voice, but also by changes in facial expressions, gestures, it “reads” familiar commands and words from the lips.

Suspicions creep in when the dog does not pay attention to the commands given to it, gets lost on walks, despite the owner’s calls, and runs in the other direction. A dog with hearing loss must be walked on a leash. It is, of course, impossible to restore hearing, but timely treatment otitis media and proper ear care still reduce the likelihood of deafness in old age.

Skin care for an older dog

With age, the skin loses its elasticity, the sebaceous glands produce less secret, dandruff appears. The coat becomes dull and seems unkempt. Regular brushing will rid the skin of lost hair, dandruff, and improve blood circulation. The brush should be soft enough not to scratch the skin. Scratches on older dogs become easily infected. The claws don't wear well.

Too long, they interfere with walking and cause lameness. They should be periodically inspected and, if necessary, carefully trimmed. Old dogs get cold easily, so wash them only if absolutely necessary. If possible, it is better to clean with a special dry shampoo.

Feeding an older dog

The focus should be on the quality of the feed rather than its quantity. It is better to stick to the usual set of products: a sudden change in diet ends in digestive upset. Dogs suffering from chronic diseases can be transferred to dietary food, including industrial medicinal rations. Dieting is one of the important conditions well-being of an elderly dog.

Older dogs experience changes in appetite. Some become very picky when it comes to food, others are always hungry. Bulimia (satiation disorder) is dangerous not only due to overeating, but also because by eating everything, the dog runs the risk of poisoning. And very poor appetite, and gluttony is a reason to visit the doctor.

The body of old dogs really needs vitamins. It is advisable to use complexes designed specifically for the elderly - “Dekamevit” or veterinary drugs. When choosing vitamins, it is better to consult a doctor. Some drugs (Gerontologist) contain Eleutherococcus and similar substances that increase vitality dogs, but they are contraindicated for liver diseases. “Vitapet” has proven itself to be excellent for aging dogs.

It improves well-being, increases activity, has a beneficial effect on the condition of joints, and the coat begins to shine.

Untidy elderly dog

One of the most common reasons for the euthanasia of old animals is untidiness. Indeed, at some stage, an old dog may lose control of its natural needs and begins to “walk” in the apartment. Accustoming to cleanliness is a skill that is gradually instilled in a puppy, but in old animals many conditioned reflex connections fade away, which leads to untidiness.

Scolding and punishing in this situation is pointless; it is better to introduce additional walks. Many older dogs tend to drink excessive fluids, and this is another possible reasons enuresis. Quite often, thirst is associated with impaired renal function. It is very difficult to cope with this, but you cannot limit your dog’s access to water.

It’s better to take her out more often so she doesn’t have to endure it for long. Increased thirst can be a symptom of other diseases: pyometra, diabetes mellitus etc. To clarify the cause, you need to show the dog to a doctor and do tests.

Behavior and character

The length and quality of a dog’s life depends on many circumstances, but the main thing is the proper care and concern of the owner. It is in relation to an elderly pet that one can judge a person’s attachment to his dog. Older dogs usually behave more sedately and with greater dignity, become conservative in their habits, and therefore have difficulty withstanding a change of environment. They may become disobedient, irritable, and grumpy. Especially often the character deteriorates in dogs suffering from serious illnesses, experiencing discomfort and constant pain. Some older dogs become timid, fearful, and unsure of their abilities. Others, on the contrary, bully young dogs and try to maintain a leading position. In relation to their owners, dogs become more intrusive, jealous, touchy, and can withdraw into themselves and withdraw from communication. Spending most of the day half asleep, at night the “old men” wander around the apartment due to insomnia. Dogs are extremely difficult to endure emotional and physical overload, stress is simply destructive for them. There are cases where a fairly vigorous dog became decrepit and helpless after suffering stress (loss of the owner, car accident, etc.).

Structure and diseases

In older dogs, it is often impossible to draw a line between age-related changes and pathology. Due to decreased function immune system symptoms of diseases appear “palely” and owners do not always pay attention to them in a timely manner. But even harmless symptoms in an old dog can indicate the development of serious diseases. Some dogs become pronounced meteopaths; their well-being is determined by weather conditions, which can also mislead owners (the ailment is attributed to the weather). By old age, animals acquire a whole “bouquet” of chronic diseases. This must be taken into account when selecting and prescribing drug therapy, so as not to upset the delicate balance in the aging body. Sensitivity to medications often changes. The dosage of even the most harmless drug should be selected taking into account age, since intoxication may occur due to decreased liver and kidney function.

Dog on a walk and at home

Many old dogs, especially large ones, suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Usually, owners notice that the dog has difficulty getting up and lying down, turns around awkwardly, has difficulty going up and down stairs, and easily loses its balance. An old dog needs exercise to maintain muscle tone and joint flexibility, but the attitude towards walks should be reasonable. In good weather you can linger outside for a while. However, you should not follow the lead of dogs that have retained their temperament and playfulness into old age. It’s one thing to give a dog pleasure, but another thing to miscalculate its strength and bring it to exhaustion. It should be remembered that with old age, ligaments become less elastic and bones become more fragile. Even minor injuries heal very poorly, so you need to watch your dog closely when walking. After playing or fighting with other dogs, an older dog may complain about its legs or spine. In addition, overexertion while walking is fraught with weakness, attacks of cardiac arrhythmia and shortness of breath. During icy conditions, it is better to walk large dogs on a harness and leash. If your dog's legs become loose and he starts to fall, you can support him and soften the blow.


After eight years, the dog's visual acuity decreases. This may be associated with various diseases: glaucoma, atrophy of the retina and optic nerve, but most often with age-related changes in the lens, and the onset of cataracts is indicated by a barely noticeable, light bluish “haze” in the dog’s eyes. To stop the process, use eye drops: katachrome - oftan, taufon, 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day in long courses. If cataracts have developed, surgery is indicated. If this is not possible, then the blind dog is walked only on a leash, along a familiar route. At home, to prevent the dog from being injured, do not leave dangerous objects in its path. A decrease in visual acuity can occur without visible changes. Then this is indicated by such signs as the dog’s reluctance to walk in the dark, caution, overcoming minor obstacles with difficulty or with a “reserve.” Blindness in only one eye can lead to quite unexpected behavioral reactions - fear or aggression towards familiar dogs who unexpectedly find themselves from the side of the diseased eye. Or the dog suddenly doesn’t “fit” into the door or gate opening. Clear signs loss of vision, careful gait, sniffing the road. The dog tries it on before each step, bumps into objects, and behaves insecurely. Fortunately, for dogs, vision loss is not a tragedy. They quickly begin to navigate using other senses, primarily smell and hearing. The owner’s task is to reduce the risk of injury and loss, teach the dog basic commands (for example, “stand”, “quiet”, “forward”) so that the dog feels more confident and relies not only on itself, but also on the owner.


Hearing loss is another natural change in the aging body. More often, dogs with chronic otitis media lose their hearing. Hearing loss is not as obvious as vision loss. Having lived with a person long life, the dog is guided not only by the voice, but also by changes in facial expressions, gestures, it “reads” familiar commands and words from the lips. Suspicions creep in when the dog does not pay attention to the commands given to it, gets lost on walks, despite the owner’s calls, and runs in the other direction. A dog with hearing loss must be walked on a leash. It is, of course, impossible to restore hearing, but timely treatment of otitis media and proper ear care still reduce the likelihood of deafness in old age.

Skin care

Skin loses its elasticity with age, sebaceous glands produce less secretion, dandruff appears. The coat becomes dull and seems unkempt. Regular brushing will rid the skin of lost hair, dandruff, and improve blood circulation. The brush should be soft enough so that it does not scratch the skin; scratches in older dogs become easily infected. The claws are worn down poorly, they are too long, they interfere with walking and cause lameness. They should be periodically inspected and, if necessary, carefully trimmed. Old dogs get cold easily, so wash them only if absolutely necessary. If possible, it is better to clean with a special dry shampoo.


The focus should be on the quality of the feed rather than its quantity. It is better to stick to the usual set of products: a sudden change in diet ends in digestive upset. Dogs suffering from chronic diseases, as prescribed by a doctor, can be switched to dietary nutrition, including industrial medicinal diets. Diet is one of the important conditions for the well-being of an elderly dog. Older dogs experience changes in appetite. Some become very picky when it comes to food, others are always hungry. Bulimia (satiation disorder) is dangerous not only due to overeating, but also because by eating everything, the dog runs the risk of poisoning. Both very poor appetite and gluttony are reasons to visit a doctor. The body of old dogs really needs vitamins. It is advisable to use complexes designed specifically for the elderly - "Dekamevit" or veterinary drugs. When choosing vitamins, it is better to consult a doctor. Some drugs ("Gerontodog") contain eleutherococcus and similar substances that increase the dog's vitality, but they are contraindicated for liver diseases. "Vitapet" has proven itself to be excellent for aging dogs. It improves well-being, increases activity, has a beneficial effect on the condition of joints, and the coat begins to shine.

Dogs live much shorter than humans and become old by the age of 10-12 years. It seems that just recently the dog was a playful puppy, but now she is reluctant to get up from her bedding. Unfortunately, old age cannot be cured, but the owner has the power to improve the condition of his pet, allowing him to live the rest of his life as well and happily as possible. An old dog requires special care, because old age is often accompanied by arthritis, rheumatism, diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, Bladder, and these diseases of old dogs lead to a decrease in the health of the dog as a whole. Dog long years was a devoted friend, so at the end of her life she especially needs the love and care of her owner.

At what age is a dog considered old?

Old age occurs at different times in dogs of different breeds. Representatives of small and medium breeds age later than large dogs. Thus, a toy terrier and a miniature schnauzer can remain playful, agile for up to 10-12 years and no different from dogs mature age, aging by 12-13 years. Dogs of such breeds as German dog, Irish Wolfhound and most Molossians can already be considered old by the age of 7 years. Therefore, they need special care at this age - carefully balanced diet, adding vitamins and mineral supplements to the diet, reducing exercise, etc. – this helps to prolong the dog’s life and improve its quality of life.

Character and physical activity dogs in old age

Older dogs become less mobile and active, sleep a lot, and sometimes become more irritable. Your aging friend makes demands on himself and his health increased attention– he becomes more demanding in food, has a harder time withstanding stress and changes in the environment and way of life. You need to be more careful to ensure that your older dog does not overexert himself physically, because his muscle tone is reduced, his joints become less flexible, his back and stomach sag, and his gait becomes less agile and confident.

It is important that the old dog does not experience stress, which can be caused by separation from the owner, a change in place of residence or family lifestyle, as well as lack of attention and care.

The bones and joints of aging dogs become vulnerable, so the owner must keep an eye on the dog's condition physical activity. Despite the low activity level of older dogs, they still require long walks, which should now be calmer and slower, so that the dog does not get tired or overexerted. If your dog doesn't move enough, it can have a negative impact on function. various systems and organs, such as the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

How to feed an old dog

Old dogs have a slower metabolism, making them very susceptible to obesity. Walking helps reduce this risk, but if excess weight gain cannot be avoided, obesity in an older dog must be addressed. To do this, you should monitor the calorie content of her diet, gradually reducing it, and gradually increasing the duration of walks. You should not suddenly change the diet of an old dog, because old animals are sensitive to changes in diet and may experience stress. Once your dog's weight has been normalized, he should be placed on a maintenance, well-balanced diet to avoid excessive weight gain in the future. It would be best to purchase dry food. Obesity most often occurs in small breed dogs.

An older dog should eat less food, but food for older dogs should be of very high quality, with a high content of easily digestible protein, high biological value and less fat. If your dog eats natural food, you should reduce the amount of meat, as it creates additional stress on its kidneys and liver. You can partially replace meat by introducing cottage cheese and boiled eggs into your diet. You need to be careful about what you feed your old dog. Her diet should be as balanced as possible; additional vitamins should be added.

In addition, older dogs often experience constipation, which is most often caused by poor nutrition, low motor activity the dog's intestines and the tone of the abdominal muscles.

Caring for an old dog

Due to declining activity sebaceous glands The coat of older dogs also requires different care. The dog's skin becomes drier, and the coat becomes brittle and thin. It is recommended to use conditioners and balms while bathing your dog to moisturize and nourish his skin and make his coat shiny and healthy. Cracked paw pads also need lubrication special creams to moisturize them. Growing nails become more brittle and can cause discomfort to the dog, so they need to be trimmed promptly.

The dog’s teeth also require increased attention from the dog’s owner. Strong and healthy in her at a young age, now they begin to crumble, sway, tartar and caries appear. Tartar must be periodically removed using ultrasound - this procedure is carried out in almost all veterinary clinics - and caries must be treated in a timely manner. It is not difficult to understand that an animal is suffering from toothache - it does not allow you to examine its teeth or touch its mouth, and, in addition, often rubs its muzzle with its paws. It is best to remove diseased teeth. Today it is possible to insert ceramic teeth into a dog in place of extracted ones; many veterinary clinics offer this service.

Diseases of old dogs

Older dogs often have problems with hearing and vision - their acuity is significantly reduced. Sometimes a dog can even go blind and become completely deaf. However, this does not prevent her from moving freely around the house without any assistance. But when walking, it is better to keep the dog on a leash so that it feels more confident and safe.

Very often, older dogs suffer from senile or senile cataracts or clouding of the lens of the eye. Such diseases may be caused by retinal diseases or other disorders. Cataract surgery is only recommended for dogs with noticeable vision loss. However, it is important to remember that dogs that have lost their sight but retained their hearing can navigate the terrain perfectly.

It is important to prevent your dog from getting hypothermic. An old dog at home should have its own warm place to sleep and rest; there should be no drafts or noise in this place. It is advisable that it is not located on the aisle so that the dog can rest and sleep peacefully. IN cold weather Before a walk, the dog should wear a special blanket or overalls, which can be picked up at a pet store. If the dog gets wet in the rain or snow, it should be dried at home and covered with a small blanket. In addition, in the heat, an old dog is more likely than a young dog to get heat or sunstroke, so you shouldn’t walk your dog for a long time hot weather and it is absolutely forbidden to leave her alone in the car.

Heart problems are the most common problem in old dogs. large breeds, however, cocker spaniels also fall into the risk category. The most common cardiomyopathy in dogs is due to myocardial ischemia, which can result from age-related changes vessel walls. In addition, the risk of developing myocardiopathy increases if the dog is obese, diabetic, or has metabolic problems. It is important to remember that prevention of these diseases plays a major role, because diseases of the heart muscle can for a long time develop without showing any clinical signs. Shortness of breath indicates the presence of heart problems, fast fatiguability and a cough in an old dog.

Older dogs also often suffer from chronic renal failure, which usually results from inflammatory processes occurring in the kidneys - for example, pyelonephritis - and prostatic hypertrophy in male dogs. If the dog is suffering urolithiasis, this increases the risk of chronic renal failure.

In turn, hypertrophy, or enlargement, of the prostate gland, which occurs in old male dogs, may be the cause chronic constipation, as the enlarging prostate gland puts pressure on the dog's rectum. In unsterilized bitches, especially those who have not been bred, the risk of inflammatory diseases increases with age. reproductive system, in particular - pyometra.

For breeding animals, the breeding rules established by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) stipulate the age after which they cannot be used as a stud. As a rule, for females this age is 8-9 years, but can be slightly extended - for example, if the dog is of great breeding value for its breed. However, the owner should remember that elderly dog it is more difficult to bear and raise offspring, this creates an additional and very high load on all organs and systems of her body. Therefore, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth getting puppies from a bitch who has reached the age of 9, and whether her health is strong enough for this. Males can be used as stud dogs for the rest of their lives.

Urinary disorders, incontinence in an old dog, arise as a result of impaired absorption of primary urine and the concentration of metabolic products in the kidneys. To improve your dog's condition, you need it to drink a lot and to its heart's content. In addition, dogs with urinary incontinence need more frequent walks, often at night, because with kidney failure the dog will pee at home if it is not walked at night.

Osteoarthritis – another common problem old dogs. Decreased joint mobility leads to weakening and deformation; the dog moves stiffly in cold weather, as well as when on damp ground or cement surfaces. Large breed dogs with a raw build suffer from arthritis more often than others. If, with this disease, the dog also moves little, then it develops quite strong and regular muscle pain. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of arthritis, but you can reduce the pain by giving your dog analgesics, such as aspirin, with food. Then the dog will be able to lead a more active and mobile lifestyle, making its owner happy.

Treatment of old dogs associated with surgical intervention, is complicated, as a rule, by anesthetic risks. As a rule, veterinarians warn owners that an old dog has a risk of not waking up after anesthesia - the heart may not be able to withstand it. Thus, any operation has the risk of being fatal for an older dog. Therefore, it is best to prevent diseases and, of course, vaccinate your pet annually. Vaccinations usually prevent many infectious and viral diseases in older dogs.

Despite the owner's careful attention to the health of his aging pet, it is important to have the dog examined regularly by a veterinarian. Only he will be able to pay attention to changes in the dog’s health in a timely manner and prescribe competent treatment and care that will help improve the dog’s quality of life. And remember that you need to start taking care of the health of an old dog now, while your pet is young and full of strength - than better nutrition dogs and caring for her, the fewer health problems await her in old age.