Events dedicated to Neighbors Day. Holiday "Good Neighbors Day"

Everything must start with preparation. You need to set up a stage in the central square of the village, decorate it and everything around it with ribbons, balloons, posters, and flowers. You can make a themed event (color design) depending on your budget and imagination. It is better to schedule this celebration for the evening (17-18.00). Notify all village residents in advance about the upcoming event. It would also be a good idea to organize several play areas for the youngest village residents. You can also install trade tents, barbecue grills and tables with drinks. The scenario may also be suitable for celebrating the village’s birthday.

Props: certificates of honor, gifts for participation in competitions, cards with letters or fruits, colored towels, baskets with vegetables and fruits, a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors, cake.

Characters: Presenter, presenter, music and dance groups, village residents.

The presenters appear on stage.

There are villages in our country,
You can't find them on the map,
But friendship and hope live in them,
The days here are filled with happiness!

The air here is special,
The most delicious bread
The rivers here have clean water,
It smells of grass, hay, flowers,
It’s like your soul freezes here!

Here good people, and very welcoming,
They will feed you, give you something to drink, and always help you,
Here women, girls, are the best,
Beauty lives in these parts!

There is no fuss here, no city worries,
Here everything goes as usual,
Hardworking people live here,
Here happiness, goodness lives in every home!

Good evening to you nice people! We are glad to see each of you at our event! Today we celebrate wonderful holiday- Day of the village.

The harvest has already been harvested, the land has been prepared, and you can go on winter vacation.

I am from pure heart I want to wish you prosperity, fertility for your land, happiness for your homes!

And also, so that each year is more productive than the previous one!

Now, with great pleasure, I will give the floor to your chairman, who probably has something to say.

(The chairman comes on stage and makes a solemn speech)

The village is full of talents,
Such beautiful, sonorous voices,
Sometimes they sing so sweetly
People come from the cities to listen to them!

(He comes on stage women's team, preferably of the older generation, and perform a song that every resident of the village knows)

So sincere, sincere, beautiful,
So harmonious, thank you,
It's like you inspired me
And for the song, we owe it to the years!

In the meantime, the artists are preparing,
I want to ask you questions,
About the village, about your home, the region,
You must give all the answers!

What are you thinking about? People have come to relax!

So they will test their knowledge and relax at the same time!

2 people are selected from the crowd. Everyone is asked questions, whoever answers the fastest and most wins. The winner is awarded a symbolic prize and a certificate of honor: “The main expert of the village.” Each question is given 5-10 seconds.
Props: symbolic prize and certificate.

Approximate list of questions (there may be others):
1. In what year was your village founded?
2. Who was the first village head?
3. How many people live in your village?
4. Main attraction?
5. Were there any celebrities in your village, if so, who?
6. Which plant predominates in your area?
7. What is your village famous in the area?
8. What does the name of your village mean?

(It is better to ask questions from a knowledgeable resident from whom you can get accurate answers)

Listen, what a great guy you are, what a great idea! I have learned so many new things about this picturesque region that now I simply have to look and see everything in person!

While you are preparing for the upcoming journey, I will invite you to the stage dance group(name), who simply can’t wait to congratulate the residents of this glorious village!

(The group enters the stage)

Well, they lit it, well done,
I would start dancing myself
It's just a pity I can't
At school I only learned the waltz.

Don't be sad, don't be discouraged,
Show yourself in others
Learn to make pies
Not for yourself, but for the soul!

I can bake pies
But you need to eat them later,
And I take care of the figure,
Believe me, I want to be slim!

Oh, just think
Happiness does not lie in being slim,
This is not where our wealth lies,
And in the wisdom of the years lived,
Which, alas, can no longer be returned!

You're right, I agree with you
And I bow to the older generation,
And I wish you health, goodness,
So that trouble does not knock on your door!

Now I want to invite you to the stage,
Now award the award of honor,
The person who is young at heart,
The one who threw aging away!

(The oldest resident of the village comes up to the stage. He is presented with a certificate: “Honorary Centenarian”, flowers and symbolic gift. You can conduct a short interview, ask a few questions about the village)

Question options:
1. Since what year have you lived in this village?
2. What is your most vivid memory associated with the village?
3. Your wishes to your beloved village?

With every new resident, with every new history I am falling more and more in love with this village!

And this is not surprising, because such energetic, cheerful, extraordinary people live here!

You also forgot to add melodic ones!

But we’ll check this right now!

2-3 residents are invited to the stage. Each of them listens to a song through headphones. The task is to show this song without words. The order of auditions and performances is determined by drawing lots. The one who gets the most correct answers wins. At the end, a certificate of honor “Melody of the Village” and a symbolic prize are awarded. Song display time is 15 seconds.
Props: certificate, prize.

Options for songs to listen to (you can take others):
1. I got drunk and drunk;
2. Suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked;
3. Oh, viburnum;
4. A stream flows, a stream runs;
5. And someone came down the hill;
6. We are neither stokers nor carpenters;
7. The girls are standing on the sidelines;
8. And I’m not a witch at all;
9. And I recognize my dear one by his gait;
10. Oh, in vain, aunt;
11. Music connected us.

Now a miracle will happen
Congratulations will be read to you,
Those who are much younger
Who fills the days with happiness!

(Children come up on stage and read)

(Someone tells interesting fact about the village and the harvest)

I wonder if our residents can dance as well as they do the harvest?

So let's check it out, shall we?

(Perky music is turned on and a short dance break is announced)

I want to invite you to this stage,
I'm a rising star
Friends will give you a song,
A little happiness and kindness!

(A singer/singer comes on stage and performs any song)

Do you know what I heard about this village?

And what?

Women with magical powers live here!

Come on? Witches or what?

No, stupid, isn’t that what you’re thinking about? Here live women with the most unique culinary skills in the country.

Come on?

I’m telling you, yesterday I ate local borscht, I thought I’d swallow my tongue!

We need to check this urgently!

Cooking quiz game.
3 women are invited to the stage. Each person receives a card with a letter (the same). The task is to name the dishes starting with the specified letter one by one. The order of answers can be determined using an interesting draw (for example, whoever is the first to name the main ingredient of the chosen main dish will answer first, etc. You can simply draw matches). Whoever names the most will win (for repetition - elimination). The winner is awarded certificate of honor“Recipe Expert” and a symbolic prize. Instead of letters, you can also depict a fruit or vegetable on the cards, then you will need to name the dishes that contain the specified component.
Props: cards with letters or fruits/vegetables.

We talked about so many delicacies that I really wanted to try it all myself! But we continue!

So that our people don’t get bored,
So that people don't freeze,
We will dance with you,
Smile, light up!

(Dance break 10-15 minutes)

And we continue our holiday. And now I want to direct my attention to the male half of the population. I wonder if strong men live in this village?

So, what are you up to?

I thought I'd check it out!

4 men are selected. Everyone receives a wet towel (a dry one if it’s cold outside). The task is to tie the strongest knot on the towel (or several knots, depending on the size of the towel). After the knots are made, the participants exchange towels with each other and a new task appears - to untie the knot in 1 minute. Whoever completes it first will receive a certificate of honor “The Main Strongman of the Village” and a symbolic prize.
Props: colored towels.

I was always surprised how friendly people are in rural settlements. It's not easy neighbors, but one big family, which is a mountain for each other.

And this is truly amazing, since many city residents do not even know who they live next door to.

And I would really like to Once again test your cohesion!

2 teams of 5-10 people each are formed. Each team receives a basket of vegetables and fruits (pumpkin, apples, plums, potatoes, garlic, onions, grapes, cabbage), a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors. The task is to make a Harvest Spirit from the received materials. Time to complete: 5 minutes. The winner is determined by applause and given a birthday cake.
Props: baskets with vegetables and fruits, a set of toothpicks, tape and scissors, cake.

Thank you, dear residents, for your attention, presence and good mood.

We really enjoyed spending time with you. But, unfortunately, time passed quickly, evening came, the barbecue was ready, and it was time for us to say goodbye.

Finally, I would like to wish you all good luck and bright impressions!

Thank you for your hospitality, participation and warm welcome! Until next time.

Don't forget about musical accompaniment And

In 2000, Parisian Antanas Perifant first organized a holiday - Neighbors' Day. He found sponsors, managed to help those in need, employed several unemployed people, organized private mini-kindergartens at home, found transportation for the disabled, helped people escape loneliness and meet neighbors.

He sought to resist the growing disunity, alienation between people, and the loss of social ties. It was proposed to organize Neighbors Day on the last Fridays of May, but the date changed annually. Now the holiday is celebrated in various countries By different days until September.

To organize Neighbors' Day, all they need to do is gather around the same table. Everyone prepares their own little treat and should give everyone a great mood.

Let's celebrate a special day,
Everyone knows him in life,
Because without neighbors
It's hard to imagine a home.

There are neighbors above, below,
Covered on the sides.
Let everyone have their whims,
But they are clear to us.

We spend our lives with our neighbors,
In the morning we say “hello”,
Well, the holiday suddenly comes -
We are sitting at the same table.

Congratulations to all neighbors
And I wish with all my heart,
So that in peace and harmony
We lived as a big family.

If there were no neighbors,
Life would be boring for all of us.
No one to drink with, no one to remember with,
There is no place to ask for salt.

On Neighbors Day, let them in their apartments
The noise and din does not stop.
May good luck and fun
They often come to visit us.

Happy neighbors day
Everyone living in the neighborhood.
Let scandals, squabbles, quarrels
There will never be room.

I wish the neighbors
We lived as a friendly family,
For matches, for salt
We came in sometimes.

We are neighbors - that means
You and I are almost family,
On the holiday of happiness and health
I want to wish you.

Happy neighbors day!
Each of us is a neighbor,
I wish to live in harmony,
In friendship, without offense and troubles!

Smile peacefully at your neighbor
Extend your hand of friendship,
In an apartment building
Only friends lived alone!

“Choose not a house for yourself,
Choose your neighbors" -
Old people tell us
In a friendly conversation.

Good relations to you
I wish with them.
Happy neighbors day today

Live peacefully without knowing the shreds,
Help in sorrow.
What they will support and understand
So that you always know.

We'd be bored without neighbors
Life was not easy,
Nothing would interfere
Didn't leak or break.

Congratulations to you, neighbors.
Today, happy holiday.
Neighbors Day is an occasion!
So, we will “figure it out.”

I want to wish you peace
We have always lived with you,
So as not to quarrel, dear ones,
And they never got angry.

What are neighbors for?
To go to them for salt,
Sometimes we meet together
Drink morning coffee.

And with a respectful smile
Everyone comes to congratulate
After all, today is neighbors day,
We must wish you happiness.

Peace, joy behind the wall,
If anything, knock on us,
We will certainly help,
We will come running to your aid.

Happy neighbors day today
Those who live next to us,
May happiness always surround them,
Let everyone find their own joy,
We will live together with our neighbors,
It's time for us to forget about all the disputes,
Let's wish each other health,
Warmth, beauty and goodness!

Everyone in the world has neighbors
And it's still great
Especially when the neighbors
They behave quite well.

They will always come to the rescue
And they can share their leisure time.
And sometimes it even happens
When your neighbor is your best friend.

So let this Neighbors Day
It will pass joyfully in smiles,
With greetings and respect
Neighbor will come to neighbor!

Today we celebrate neighbors day -
Such a wonderful and beautiful day.
I wish my neighbors inspiration
Active days and restful nights.

Let the neighborhood be joyful,
To meet nicely in the morning.
And I willingly share my childhood with the children,
And play sports in the wind.

I wish you, neighbors, a lot of happiness
And I am glad that I live among you.
So let's enjoy life together
And enjoy meeting you every time!

Congratulations: 73 in verse.


holding a district event

"Good neighbors - cheerful friends

Date: 05/28/15

Time: 18.00

Venue: district of municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 86"

Presenter: teacher-organizer Kunitsyna Yu.M.


(Before the start of the event, funny songs are played.)

The minus of the song “Wonderful Neighbor” sounds.


How can I not have fun?

Do not be sad from various troubles.

Settled in our house

A wonderful neighbor.

Good afternoon, Dear friends! Today we celebrate a wonderful holiday together with you - Neighbor's Day!

Everyone has neighbors - people, animals, countries, planets... And in order not to forget that we all live close and, in essence, are neighbors, World Neighbors Day was founded in 2000 by the Frenchman Athanas Perifan, which is celebrated in 30 countries. This is a joyful and noisy holiday for large groups of true friends living on the same staircase, on the same street or in the same yard.

Your smiles and sunny mood presented to you by creative groups in your neighborhood. Meet! Modern pop dance group “Naughty Girls” of the Municipal City House of Culture “Zvezda”. Head: Yulia Garmatnaya. Dance "Umbrellas".

Dance "Umbrellas".

At our celebration there are:

    Deputy of the Saratov City Duma Margarita Sergeevna Kozlova

    Director of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 86” Vasilyeva Larisa Anatolyevna

The floor is given:





A wonderful, good tradition is being born in the Leninsky district - the “Yards” will be awarded annually good neighbors».

(Fanfare sounds.)

This year this title was awarded to you. Full house “Yard of Good Neighbors” is awarded


Festive program continues the dance ensemble "Lada" p/c "Horizon". Dance "Fiesta".

Dance "Fiesta". Performed by the dance ensemble "Lada" at the theater "Horizon".

Presenter : Russian proverbs say: “A close neighbor is better than distant relatives. I can live without my brother, but I can’t live without my neighbor. They invite you to a neighbor’s house for a fun... conversation.

Blitz interview “Tell me about your neighbor.”

    Tell me, is the proverb “One for all and all for one” a proverb about your neighbors or not?

    Do you know by sight all the neighbors of your building?

    What are your neighbors' names?

    Do you say hello to your neighbors?

    Have you ever made requests to your neighbors? Which ones?

    What qualities should a “Good Neighbor” have?

    What action could you thank your neighbor for?

    Is there a tradition in your yard of giving each other food?


    Do you live peacefully with your neighbors?

Presenter: How beautiful is the world in which there is no place for quarrels, and everyone lives in harmony and joy. Dasha Boyko, a student of class 6 “B” of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 86” gives you a song called “Let the world be beautiful.”

Song " Let the world be beautiful."

Repeat game “Hug your neighbor”


You, we, you, me!

Together we are one family!

Hug your neighbor on the right!

Hug your neighbor on the left!

You, we, you, me!

Together we are friends! (tasks: wave to your neighbor, kiss your neighbor, wink to your neighbor, shake hands with your neighbor, smile at your neighbor)

And again the dance ensemble “Lada” is on stage. Dance "Ogonyok"

Dance "Ogonyok" Performed by the dance ensemble "Lada" (single theater "Horizon").

Presenter: Let's remember the good old days when all the neighbors gathered in their yards. Young people organized incendiary discos right on the streets. Both adults and children danced. Let's revive this good tradition and organize a dance marathon. (Melodies from countries around the world sound - gypsy girl, dance of little ducklings, lambada, Russian dance, apple, lezginka, rock and roll).

Dance marathon.

As a gift to everyone dancing couples the kind and beloved dance of our grandparents “Waltz” performed by students of class 6 “A” of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 86”.

"Waltz". Performed by students of class 6 "A" of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 86".

Presenter: And now a dance gift from the young and cheerful generation. We meet 11 “A” class of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 86”.Flash mob . Dance with us!

Flash mob. Performs 11 “A” class of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 86”.


Congratulations to all neighbors

And we wish with all our hearts,

So that in peace and harmony

We lived as a big family.

Happy holiday! Happy Neighbors Day! Make friends with your neighbors, visit each other and be happy in our beloved country of Russia.

Song "Russia". Performed by the ensemble "Harmony" (MOU "Secondary School No. 86").

(The song “Village” plays). An old car drives into the square. on the trunk there is a banner “WHO IS WHERE - AND WE ARE TO THE NEIGHBORS”
An old driver (aka Grandfather) gets out of the car, heads towards the audience, sits down on a bench.) His wife (aka Grandma) comes out behind him, holding a basket with a bucket, a bucket, a samovar, and a string bag with gifts in her arms
a bunch of bagels)

GRANDFATHER: Howdy bulls, sosida!!! Even though we are Susids, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. This is such a village life: you twist it, tighten it so much that you don’t even have time to look up the mountain. You know, cows, pigs, chickens, children. In general, my grandmother and I decided to drop everything for a day and come to visit you. How, will you accept it? (look around) Where is my grandmother?
GRANDMA: Yes, here I am! I'm tired of holding these gifts and gifts.
GRANDFATHER: Baba, did you fall from the oak tree? What is this, why did you bring it?
GRANDMA : What about without gifts? Everyone loves gifts, right?
GRANDFATHER: (Picks up a string bag with vodka) This is what I understand as a gift. Yes, and you’ll need a samovar when visiting, but what’s that? What is this, a quotation is also a gift?
GRANDMA: Yes, now, I’m daydreaming! This is my Pestrushechka (stroking the hen) She will soon bring us chicks. (takes out an egg from under the egg and puts it to his ear). Listen, it's moving. Oh, you are my Pestrushechka, honey. Listen.
GRANDFATHER: Come on, I still don’t get it.
GRANDMA: Well then, hold Pestrushechka, and I’ll say hello to the neighbors. Hello our dear neighbors, hello!! (bows low) How are you healthy, are you not sick like your children, your grandchildren are listening and honoring you...? A. Yes, my grandfather and I are fine too, we creak a little. We're getting along so far (stroking GRANDFATHER) Well, thank God! So what should I tell you... I don’t even know where to start. Ah, I remembered! My grandfather and I married off our daughters, all three of them.
GRANDFATHER : All three, thank God.
GRANDMA: One went to Ukraine and married a Ukrainian.
GRANDFATHER: Your fatherland.
GRANDMA: She stayed in her grandfather’s homeland. And the second one got married in Turkey and found her happiness there.
GRANDFATHER: Didn't you feel sad?
GRANDMA: Tick ​​on your tongue! But the third one is great, she’s all married to her mother in Russia
GRANDFATHER: Your katsapshchina.
GRANDMA : Mine, mine. It happened that everyone would gather together like this, grandfather, tell me what this word is..
GRANDFATHER : International.
GRANDMA: Wow, international. But my grandfather and I are not worried. But we have granddaughters with red hair, and black ones, and with freckles... How will everyone get together just like this? I forgot again, ah.. international. And recently our granddaughters sent us a parcel from Russia. I'll show you the gifts now. (opens the lid of the samovar and takes out the bagels) Now let’s sit down and have some tea with our neighbors. (music is heard) Yes, here they are, my Russian girls. My you are golden.

Dance “Samovar”________________________________________________________________
(at the end of the dance, GRANDFATHER puts out a samovar for his granddaughters and dances with them, the granddaughters take the samovar and run away)

GRANDFATHER: Oh, the dragonflies killed my grandfather!
GRANDMA : Grandfather, how about a samovar and bagels?
GRANDFATHER: They took my granddaughters, why do you feel sorry for the bagels, we still have no teeth.
GRANDMA : No, I don’t mind anything for my granddaughters. Don't worry. The main thing is that we came and were respected.

(piglets can be heard grunting)

GRANDMA: THEY WILL NOT MISS IT, DON’T WORRY, I HAVE ALREADY THINKED OF EVERYTHING. WHAT ARE DIAMPERS FOR? YOU ARE A GRANDFATHER SIT DOWN, YOU CAN'T WORRY, YOU HAVE A WEAK HEART ALSO. IT'S BETTER TO HOLD THE PESTRUSHKA. LOOK. (takes a bucket of food and calls the piglets) Oh, my good ones. Just look at them. Come here, I’ve cooked some porridge for you, eat, eat, get some fat. (“piglets” eat food, one of them takes out an apple with his mouth)
Oh, and I got the apple!

Dance of piglets “APPLE”________________________________________________

GRANDMA: Now we can rest until the evening. Really, grandfather?
GRANDFATHER : Yes, where to relax there! Look, our granddaughter has arrived from Ukraine.
GRANDMA: Where are you going?
GRANDFATHER. And there he goes, look.

(Ukrainian song “My Ukraine” sounds)
(“Granddaughter” is walking in a Ukrainian costume with a tray in her hands)

GRANDDAUGHTER : Good day dear neighbors! Good afternoon, grandma and didus! I arrived before you, but you were not at home. She guessed, where can you butts, if not from the neighbors. And I’ll come here straight away. And I brought you a little son as a gift!
GRANDMA: (jumps up) Oh, Sonochka, what kind of Sonechka is this? (looks at the sky) Ukrainian?
GRANDDAUGHTER: Why is it Ukrainian right away? But stop dividing us, It doesn’t matter that we are all alive! Chi in Russia, chi in Turechini, Sonechka is the same for everyone! Trimay granny,
GRANDMA : No, don’t let us treat the neighbors.

(together they go to the audience and give them food)

GRANDDAUGHTER : I give it to you from a generous heart. You had guests, as if you had a lot of sunshine, and on your table there is a bulla back from a pig. Mushrooms before the appetizer More sausages for the guests and once again may you greet our sun with the Viconce.
GRANDMA : Well, granddaughter, like Pushkin, speak directly in poetry. You are my sunshine! Grandfather, you told me yesterday that she wouldn’t come, but it turns out you shaved it?
GRANDFATHER : Not shaved, but washed!
GRANDDAUGHTER: Don't let yourself get boiled! Grandfather really has nothing to do with it. The dude didn’t really let me in. Yes, you know my mother, she’ll persuade whoever you want. So I arrived.
GRANDMA : Oh, my granddaughter has such a heart, such a heart!
GRANDDAUGHTER : Axis about the heart I have a fiery verse. Listen to the axis! I'll remember in a moment.
GRANDMA: Tell me, granddaughter, tell me. Otherwise, I don’t know anything about this Ukrainian. I forgot everything in twenty years.
Cossacks are torturing a maiden at the fence
When will you, Oksana, love me?
I'll get it with my saber for stealing
And light pearls, and a bunch of rubles
The girl responded by braiding her hair:
That's what the fortune teller told me in the forest
She prophesies to me in response to Sami:
Let my mother bring me her heart as a gift.
No need for pearls, no need for rubles
Give me the heart of your old mother.
I will infuse its ashes with hops
I'll get drunk and love you!
From that day on, the Kozak became silent and frowned.
I didn’t slurp borscht and didn’t eat bread
He cut his mother's chest with a blade
And with the treasured burden he set off on his journey.
He puts her heart on a colored towel
Kohanoi brings in his shaggy hand
On the way, his vision grew dim,
Entering the porch, a Cossack tripped
And the mother's heart fell on the threshold
She asked him, “Is your son hurt?”
(Grandma is crying)

GRANDDAUGHTER : Here you go! Well, why are you crying? I wouldn’t mind telling all this verse!
GRANDMA: And grandfather says that I’m heartless!
GRANDFATHER: Calm down, you are my most cordial. Most most!!!
GRANDDAUGHTER: I'm so glad to cheer you on. What about your cow MILKA?

(sounds like a cow mooing)

GRANDFATHER : Did you also push a cow into the trunk?
GRANDMA: I didn’t take the cow, did you fall from the oak tree? I didn’t take the cross for you! Come on, come on... God, our Milka really came for us. What time is it? Clearly, it's time to milk. Now hold Pestrushechka and I’ll milk Milka.

(a dancing Cow runs out into the square to the music (a large rubber glove with milk is sewn on her stomach).

GRANDMA (“milks” the cow, then dances with it, gives the grandfather a drink of milk, the granddaughter strokes the cow)
GRANDDAUGHTER : Grandma, look how our Milka is hungry. Maybe I’ll go and graze it, while you talk to the neighbors.
GRANDMA : Go and graze, take Pestrushechka and let her warm herself in the sun. Are my grandchildren good? But for one thing my soul hurts so much. This is the one who went to the Turks, as she is there. If only I had wings, I would
and flew and flew
GRANDFATHER: Navisha, toby, you have a wing, look over there, our granddaughters themselves have flown to us.

(granddaughters of the “Turkish woman” come out)

GRANDMA : My golden ones, they arrived and did not forget us. My dolls!!!

(Turkish belly dance)

GRANDMA: You see, we were passing through and stopped by!
GRANDFATHER: And our neighbors were respected. (chickens can be heard clucking) What else is this?
GRANDMA: Here you go! While you were visiting the neighbors, did Pestrushka hatch some chickens? Oh, look, he’s leading his chickens, he’s leading them!

(Kvochka and the chickens come out.)
(Chicken dance)

GRANDMA : And I keep thinking about something, why did my grandfather rattle all the way: let’s go, let’s go.

(at this time the grandfather is admiring the young woman)

GRANDMA (sings the song “My Rival” - Kadysheva, chasing the young woman, hits GRANDFATHER with a rolling pin) GRANDFATHER grabs the grandmother on his shoulder and carries her away)


Please: when copying the script " Good neighbors"from this site, make a link to our site or to the author (if available)

Methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting International Day neighbors

It would seem that the time has long passed when neighbors were something like family members, when problems were not solved alone, troubles and joys were shared by everyone. People have acquired heavy metal doors, closed them with massive locks, and not everyone knows who lives next door. Not for everyone, especially in big cities, the neighbor remained a friend, and did not turn into just an acquaintance or a negative character in our difficult life. Therefore, holidays of households or districts, which are held annually in many regions of Russia, become a real revelation and joy for many.

However, how many more people remain behind? closed doors, how many residents have no idea who lives behind the wall or meets them every day in the elevator or in the yard with the dog. How difficult it is for us now to solve common problems and various household details, because we not only don’t know how to do it, but we don’t know with whom.

“...We live in paradoxical times. Sometimes it is much easier for us to communicate with a person on the other side of the world than to say “good afternoon” to our neighbor. This holiday was created as a response to the development of isolationism and individualism that flourishes in our cities... International Neighbors Day is a meeting designed to establish and develop social connections, and a great opportunity to get to know your neighbors...”

The idea of ​​holding such a day was born in Paris in 1990, when Antanas Perifan and a group of friends from the “Paris for Friends” association decided to hold a holiday for neighbors in the 17th district of Paris. The purpose of the holiday was to unite people living in each other's neighborhoods and to resist the increasing isolation in society, to jointly implement various projects for the benefit of residents.

This relatively young holiday very quickly attracted a lot of attention. Many examples of celebration appeared, people began to actively communicate with each other, and the holiday gained popularity.

On such holidays, residents began to actively invite not only those who live in their home or neighborhood, but also those who work on their territory, thank them and actively involve them in cooperation for the benefit of residents and their home.

This holiday is aimed at improving relations between neighbors, teaching people to be united and friendly in this world, where social indifference is increasingly common. Neighbors uniting and supporting each other makes it possible to overcome their daily difficulties. And the phrase " good neighbors become good friends" speaks for itself.

In the old days they said: “If you are going to build a house, choose not the place, but the neighbors.” The saying is as old as the hills, but it still doesn’t lose its relevance, because many of us are sometimes tempted to say an unkind word about our neighbors. Our peace and comfort often depend on them. If neighbors respect each other, then the music won’t start blaring at inopportune hours, water won’t pour from the ceiling, and you won’t have to wade through mountains of garbage in the entrance. And what happens if you make any request - how good it is that there is that same kind neighbor or neighbor who will help, if not with deeds, then with advice.

“A close neighbor is better than distant relatives”- another Russian proverb. You will say that the days when neighbor was a friend, comrade and brother are gone?! No! Look around: not only do we yearn for normal human good-neighborly relations, but also our children, without knowing it, are looking for (but do they always find?) warmth, home comfort, including outside family circle. And they will definitely find him, very close, if in good deeds good neighbors will unite.

We have formulated answers to frequently asked questions from beginning participants in the holiday good neighbor movement:

Why is Neighbors Day held?

Give an opportunity to get to know your neighbors better, relax a little, chat, discuss common problems, create or strengthen good neighborly relations, overcome loneliness and simply learn neighborhood news.

When is this holiday celebrated?

Every year on the last Friday of May.

Who celebrates it?

Residents and their neighbors in many countries around the world.

Where to mark?

In any place where it is more convenient for you - street, garden, courtyard, hall, sports (children's) playground, neighborhood centers, cultural centers or assembly halls of institutions.

How to organize such a holiday?

Come up with a scenario with possible competitions and performances. Set the table together, for which everyone brings something tasty.

Who can and should be invited to visit?

Deputies and representatives of local administration, public organizations, management and resource companies, your neighbors from other houses.

Who supports this holiday?

Federal project “School for a literate consumer”, WFP “ United Russia", Ministry of Construction of Russia, local governments, management and resource supply organizations.

To inform neighbors about upcoming holiday useful to do Poster. This is necessary in order to inform and interest the residents of your city (yard, house,...). The poster can be placed near the school, on stands in the neighborhood or near the post office, shops, and in all public places.

As an alternative or companion material, one can make Leaflets, which are very useful as they explain how to organize a holiday.

Invitation can be hung in the hall of the house that is taking part in the holiday, on the stairwell near the elevator, stairs or mailboxes. You need to indicate the place and time of the holiday, as well as other details regarding the holiday, and leave your name and contact phone number.

Remember that when placing an ad, it should not spoil common property Houses!

To reach out to specific people or especially important guests, send them personalized invitation letters. Such letters allow you to establish contact with your neighbors. Place them in mailboxes or hand them out in person, inviting your neighbors to join in the celebration.
For creating Have a good mood and a bright, memorable holiday, other materials can be used: T-shirts, multi-colored air balloons, hats, ties, specially prepared cards or gift bags.

Very it is important to attract to participate in the holiday as much as possible residents and do everything possible so that residents become not guests, but real participants in the celebration.

On the day of the holiday, all people will be able to meet each other at the same table, have a drink or a snack, and everyone brings something different to the table. This A good reason give housewives the opportunity to express themselves by preparing a delicious treat for the common table.

Organize neighbors holiday easy, and its organization depends only on you.

You, the neighboring residents, are the main participants and the key to the success of the holiday. Don't hesitate to ask your neighbors for help organizing this event. Everyone can make a contribution to the creation of their own holiday. Conditions growth and hospitality, unity and solidarity will allow all neighbors to feel like members of one large team, where everyone’s opinion is important and taken into account and joint activities are very important.

There is nothing difficult about organizing such a holiday. At minimal cost, we assure you, you will get excellent results.

Preparation for the holiday can be divided into several parts.

Before the holiday

In order to plan and hold a holiday, you need to gather a team of like-minded people and at the same time assistants. It will be very great if many of your neighbors take part in preparing the holiday. Remember, the more people participate in preparing for the holiday and prepare to come to it, the more fun and friendly it will be, which means your goal will be achieved!

The holiday can be celebrated in different ways. For some, a tea party held in the apartment of one of the neighbors will be very joyful and festive; for other neighbors, the entrance will become a platform for celebration, and for some, even a whole yard will not be enough. Each city, town or village has its own traditions and customs. In big cities, it is difficult to take the holiday outside the home and celebrate it even on the street, while in towns and villages in such cases it is simpler - they celebrate the whole street, and do not deny themselves the festive space.

Understanding that the most important thing is that the holiday turns out to be sincere, joyful and would please all the neighbors and guests of your home (street, area), we offer you an approximate scenario, where we noted the main points that you should not forget about when preparing.

Preparation for the holiday.

In a few weeks

1. Determine the composition of the initiative group of residents responsible for holding the holiday.

The group may include representatives of the HOA activists or senior residents of the building, the MKD Council. It is important that these people have time to supervise the holiday and accept Active participation in its preparation. It is very important that these residents are known among the neighbors and can invite others to the celebration.

2. Make a list of events that you plan to hold on this day.

To avoid getting lost in large quantities opportunities and determine what exactly is necessary and possible to do in your home, make a list of those positive things that you would like and could do on this day. Distribute those responsible for each of them and clarify what needs to be done to make everything planned come true. Think about what exactly would please your neighbors. What do you like to do all together? What kind of event, sports competition, or maybe decorating the yard, planting flower beds can attract all neighbors to participate in this day.

3. Make a list of necessary equipment, materials that need to be purchased and made in advance.

Many of the little things can be bought in nearby stores or made yourself. So as not to waste extra money, check your own mezzanines. So you will certainly find a lot of useful information. Check with your neighbors. What can you do for the holiday in advance?

4. Prepare a questionnaire for residents to identify those who would like to participate in the holiday.

Many residents will be happy to congratulate their neighbors and take part in this holiday. Ask your neighbors a question - “How would you like to participate in the holiday?”, “How to congratulate your neighbors?” – and learn a lot of new things about those who live next to you. Maybe you will find a cook who will bake delicious pies for everyone, or maybe someone who will sing a congratulatory song or a hymn of neighborly friendship of his own composition...

When compiling such a list of “neighborhood talent,” please note: Special attention the opportunity to collect many different things in parallel important information about your neighbors. For example, make a list of neighbors who are car enthusiasts, so that you can solve all pressing car issues together and help each other, or a list of those who could help your elderly neighbors go grocery shopping or pharmacy.

5. Make a holiday budget and determine where to get funds.

Of course, any holiday requires different costs, but at the same time, you need to take into account that this holiday is organized by the neighbors themselves, and the costs for it are not so much. According to the event plan, draw up an estimate for the holiday. Cross out from it the costs of what you can do yourself. Then remove what businesses and organizations around your home can help you with (for example, dishes in a nearby cafe or a microphone with speakers at school...) and you will see that such a holiday does not require much money. Try to break this amount into several parts and chip in together with neighbors. We are sure that if we divide the required amount among everyone, the holiday will be quite affordable.

6. Inform and invite the press, as well as important guests.

In order for everyone to know how well and cheerfully you celebrate this holiday and to set an example for neighboring houses and areas (and maybe even streets and villages), invite journalists from a local newspaper or TV channel to your place. We are sure that they will be interested in coming to visit you and watching the holiday, which is celebrated unanimously by the entire entrance or house!

Important guests of your holiday, such as representatives of the administration or managers of the management company, must be informed and invited in advance. They are like any busy people, make their schedule in advance, and it is very important for them to find out about this not in one day.

In order to exchange ideas and plans, as well as experience in holding a holiday and organizing neighborhood events, you can organize visits to neighboring yards, city districts, or to colleagues and friends from another city. Neighbors can be not only close, but also distant.

For two weeks

1. Hand over invitations to guests, representatives of the District Administration, HOA, Management Company, TOS, Council of Pensioners, residents of the district (house), representatives of contracting organizations.

According to a pre-compiled list of those you would like to invite, you need to post or send out invitations. Invitations must clearly indicate the date, time and location of the holiday. If it is held outdoors, then in the invitation you can note the need to dress warmly or bring something necessary with you (for example, your own cups for tea or something soft so that you can sit comfortably).

2. Agree on holding the holiday with the school or other possible and accessible premises. Of course, the most optimal way to celebrate this holiday would be in your home or yard. But, unfortunately, not all of our houses allow this. It is important to choose a room so that everyone who wants to take part in the holiday can fit. If the weather and the format of the event permit, then it is quite possible to move it outside. Please pay attention to the fact that the site for the celebration is close to your homes and has convenient approaches. If you plan to use any electrical devices, make sure in advance that there is somewhere to include them.

3.Install a screen for viewing photos and a projector on the stage. You'll probably want to share it with your friends and neighbors interesting photos or home videos that capture the life of your home or neighborhood, the pride and joy of your neighbors, as well as important events and news from your home. In order for everyone to see them, you need to take care of them in advance necessary equipment. Please note that schools and cultural centers often have such equipment. If you are spending your holiday in some other place, find out where you can rent it. Check to see if one of your working neighbors can take him home from work for one day.

Don’t forget that by inviting your neighbors to organize, you can not only involve them in the holiday as much as possible and please them, but also allow them to feel needed and not just participants, but welcome guests at your holiday. At the same time, counting on such neighborly mutual assistance, you can significantly save each other’s money and time.

4. Collect or take photographs of those management company employees whom it is pleasant to celebrate at the holiday for Good work And good attitude to the residents.

Make a selection of photos and films in advance that you would like to show your neighbors and holiday guests. Schedule your show time. Announce the show if you wish. If you have difficulties with equipment and a large screen, you can always take out photo albums and give them away. Believe me, it will bring no less pleasure to your neighbors. And if they can find themselves in these photographs, then they will be doubly pleased.

Collect all the photos of your neighbor's life in Last year or six months. Make a selection of your friendly photos. It’s always nice for everyone to remember the warm moments of your life.

5. Prepare certificates and gifts. If you want to separately mention one of your neighbors and those who service your houses (for example, a janitor or a senior person in the building, or maybe a smiling neighbor from the fifth floor who more than once helped everyone out with tools for the car...) you can give them memorial certificates or small gifts. Remember that such actions are best done taking into account the opinions of all residents. Anyone can sign such a document. A gift in such a situation can be not only a cake, and maybe not even a cake at all, but for example a basket of homemade cookies or a memorable burning that the children of your home can make in advance...

6. If your holiday involves a buffet or feast, then you need to purchase food and drinks in advance.

At any event, a few bottles of water and hot tea or coffee will never go amiss. And if you have planned a buffet or banquet, then you need to buy or order products in advance. Nowadays there are no problems with organizing a feast. Everything from the most exquisite products to disposable tableware, you can buy in a hypermarket or market. Calculate required amount products is easy. Offer your guests several shared platters of sliced ​​cheese and sausage, vegetables and fruits, and small sandwiches. Please note that the number of treats is at your discretion. If you want, you can set a large table, but if there is no opportunity or desire, then just tea with cake or homemade cookies will be very helpful.

On a neighbor's holiday, all dishes prepared by neighbors with their own hands are especially welcomed. Invite your mothers and grandmothers - wonderful and beloved housewives - to come up with a snack bar or sweet table. We are sure that all guests will remember your holiday for a long time.

7. Agree on photo and video shooting.

In order for you and your friends and neighbors to have a memory of the holiday, so that you have something to brag about in the future, something to show to those who are just planning to hold a similar holiday, you definitely need to take photos or videos. To do this, agree in advance which of your neighbors can take on this responsibility. Leave it to the high school students! They will definitely succeed. When planning your event, be sure to ensure there is adequate lighting and accessible outlets in the room. Don't forget to check the free memory on the flash drive and charge the batteries. Agree in advance on how and where you will subsequently show these photographs to your neighbors. You can display them on a stand or make a photo album that you can leave with the concierge...

8. Prepare a festive concert.

In order to make your neighborhood holiday even more fun and as many of your neighbors as possible can take part in it, you can organize a small concert of your amateur performances in honor of the holiday in your yard. Surely some of your neighbors read poetry well, some sing well, and some are great at showing funny scenes from the life of your home. You can also invite musicians to take part in the celebration of your neighbors or invite school ensembles... Don’t forget to take care of everything necessary for such performances on time. Remember that many props can be made with your own hands.

At the end of the holiday, when it gets dark, you can set off some fireworks to celebrate the holiday.

Please remember that it is important to comply with all necessary measures fire safety and agree on the location in advance so as not to have problems with the police and fire services later. Recently, for launching fireworks in in public places a fine is provided.

On the day of the holiday

In the morning, check that everything you need is ready for the holiday. Call other members of the initiative group, schedule a time to meet and prepare the site for your holiday. Don't plan an event for early time. Optimal time it starts at 18.30-19.00

During the day you can spend several different festive events for your neighbors. For example, a mini cleanup day to clean up the site for a holiday together with those children who will return from school in the afternoon. Or decorate the yard holiday posters and balls.

During the day, you must adhere to the pre-designed holiday program. In order for everything to work out, it is not at all necessary for the whole house to take time off from work. It is enough to allocate responsibilities and the required time of presence in advance.

Do not forget that during the day you may need the necessary things prepared in advance for preparing and holding the holiday. Make sure that they are accessible during the day, and not locked in the apartment of a neighbor who has gone to work until the evening. Think ahead about what you need.

If you are planning a treat, think in advance which of the housewives' neighbors may be responsible for preparing the treat and who can help her. For everything to be a success, you need to prepare the table a few hours before the start of the event. It is important not to forget to cut and bring everything on time.

Make sure you have enough utensils, napkins, bread and toothpicks. Think about what other help you might need during the day. Which neighbor will be able to lend a shoulder if prompt assistance is needed?

The celebration program might look like this:

09.00 Meeting of the initiative group of neighbors in the yard

A creative five-minute session for active residents will never be superfluous. Moreover, you probably have something to remind your neighbors about in the morning before the holiday.

It's a good time to start decorating your yard and driveway. Of course, a lot can be done in advance, but you probably won’t have time to do everything. In the morning you can and should remind about your invitation to fun party to those who often visit your home - the local doctor and police officer, the postman and school teacher, plumber and janitor... The group leader needs to check that everyone remembers and knows their roles for that day. If you need to buy something, for example a couple of loaves of fresh bread for sandwiches, then don’t forget to leave money.

09.30-12.00 Decorating the house (yard, entrance) for the holiday.

Decorations can be anything, including hand-made and dedicated to the holiday. If the weather permits, then you can decorate the outside of the house and the yard, but if this is not possible, then you can stop at decorating the hall and entrances.

Announce a competition among residents in advance for best decoration your floor (entrance) for the holiday or congratulation poster. Don't forget to reward participants and winners.

12.00-16.00 Carrying out yard events dedicated to the holiday.

For example, conducting a tour of the house and surrounding area together with the management company - “The House We Live In” or a meeting with a representative of the administration of your area...

In each yard you can come up with many interesting events on a neighborhood theme. All those who are free during the day can take part in them. If the weather does not allow you to have fun outside, you can completely organize a competition best drawing or poems on the topic “My fun home"or "My Nice Neighbors" for adults and children.

18.30 Start of the holiday

Introduction (the organizer of the holiday opens the Holiday), Speech by the chairman of the HOA, the head of the house or a representative of the initiative group. If representatives of the Administration, contractors, management companies, and other departments come to visit you, give them the floor.

Remember that everyone is the most important words must be said at the beginning of the holiday. Don't forget to mention the holiday organizers, guests and thank all the helpers and residents (neighbors) for their support.

Concert (amateur artistic performance).

Concert numbers can be either after the official part or during it, between performances. Consult with your neighbors about how best to proceed in your case. Considering that the holiday is not official and is aimed at improving good neighborly relations, it is not necessary to organize a large and significant concert. It is important that you and your neighbors like it. For example, a small choir of pensioners with a button accordion on a bench at the entrance will be no worse than performing from a stage with a microphone.


21.00 Festive fireworks

Don’t forget to fence off the launch site in advance and coordinate your actions with the necessary services (police, firefighters, Ministry of Emergency Situations...). Agree, studying the code of administrative violations is not the best way to end the holiday. Make sure that children or dogs do not accidentally run up to this place during the fireworks!

The active part of the holiday must be completed by 22.00. This is a neighbor's holiday, and children will take part in it. Don't forget to have a good rest after the holiday. But not before the last bag of trash has been taken out and all the furniture has been put back in its place.

After the holiday

Large organizations - HOAs, TOSs, etc. I can arrange and conduct seminars to sum up the results of the past day and reward the brightest participants and activists.

Dear neighbors!

Don't forget to congratulate everyone who cares about your home!

We wish you with all our hearts to celebrate this glorious holiday in the warm company of your good neighbors!