Scenario for the musical and sports festival “Yuletide Carols” for kindergarten. Kolyada in kindergarten

Scenario for the holiday "Christmas Carols" kindergarten.


1. Maintain children’s interest in the origins of Russian national culture;

2.Continue to introduce children to ritual holidays;

3. Learn musical folklore material, use it in Everyday life;

4.Instill love and respect for the traditions and culture of your country, cultivate a sense of patriotism

Characters: Presenter - adult

The mummers (Mistress, Goat, Bear, Gypsy) are adults. Carolers - children

Attributes: a star on a long stick, noise instruments (rattles, tambourines, spoons, whistles), millet, a bag for treats.

Progress of the performance

The carolers come to the door group room playing noise instruments (rattles, tambourines, spoons, whistles). They knock on the door and sing "Avsen".


Avsen, Avsen, you walked around everyone,

Along the back streets, along the alleys.

To whom we sing songs, it will come true,

Whoever has it come true will not miss it.


Come out, boyar, come out, master!

Receive guests from all volosts.

Let me sing carols!

The door is opened for carolers, inviting them to visit. They come in, scattering millet, saying carols.


Kolyada came

Christmas Eve

Who will give the pie -

That's why the barn is full of cattle.

Barn with oats, stallion with a tail.


Good morning, generous morning!

Good health to good people.

Children (owners). Hello!

The first caroler.

Peace to this home and health to the owners.

Second caroler.

We came to carol -

Glorify the birth of Christ.

The third caroler.

Christ the Savior was born at midnight,

He settled in a poor den

Here the star shines above the nativity scene,

“Christ is born” - informs everyone.


It’s not snow, it’s not a blizzard that’s crumbling -

Christmas is coming to us, approaching

With games and dancing,

With Christmas tales.

We invite you to the hall for a celebration.

You sit on the bench

Look at us.

In the music room:


Good afternoon to good people

May the holiday be merry

Happy holiday to everyone!

Snowflakes are quietly spinning,

A fairy tale comes to our house.

Christmas tree, gifts, pictures

Let's call it all Christmas!

The stars are sparkling in the sky,

But there is only one brighter than all of them.

He announces joy to us.

About the holiday of Christmas.

In that magical holiday

Everything suddenly fills up

Faith, Hope, Love

And the light of goodness all around!


The New Year's bustle is over.

The time has come for light, happy holiday

Holy days - Christmastide. In Rus' during Christmas time

The children dressed up in costumes and went from house to house and sang

Carols. called carolers. They were given various sweets. It was believed that if children were not given a treat,

Then something bad will happen.

So the kids and I will go caroling.


Hey masters, get up!

Open the doors wider!

Carol is on the doorstep

It's time for everyone to have fun!

All the children go to the Mistress’s house and sing:

Camecarol , open the gate!

Open the gates and receive guests!

As we entered, we found a nice house.

Hello, owners!

Generous day, good afternoon

"Kolyada-malyada", golden beard.

A gilded whisker, a hair worth a ruble.

Bring it on, auntie, bring it on, mother,

On a plate, on a silver platter.

Kolyada-kolyada, on the eve of Christmas.

Kolyada has come, brought Christmas!

1 child : Just like ourscarol

Neither small nor large.

She's coming to your door

Yes, he sends his regards to everyone!

2 child : I a little boy,

I play the pipe

Amusing you all.

And you people know

Give me some candy.

3 child : Shchedriks - buckets, give me dumplings!

There are not enough dumplings, give me some lard,

Ham, sausages, a spoonful of porridge.

If you don't give me a pie, we'll grab the cow by the horns!

4child : Kolyad , carols , Kolyadin ,

I'm alone with my father.

Short skin

Give me a pie, mistress!

5 child : I'm a little boy

Climbed into the closet

Put on the red cap

Welcome to the patch.

Mistress comes out : Hello, good people!

Dear guests, invited guests!

Happy New Year! WITH new happiness!

May you be healthy! May they live for many years!


Mistress! Will you give our kids a treat?


Why should I treat you?

First, guess my riddles.

1. The old man at the gate stole all the heat.(Freezing)

2. The girl Belyan came, the whole clearing turned white.(Snow)

3. The tablecloth was white and covered the whole world.(Snow)

4. It flowed and flowed and lay under the glass.(River)

5. old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, he paved a bridge across the river, without hands, without an ax, without a wedge.(Freezing)

6. A cheerful horse is running around our village.(Snowstorm)

Presenter: All the riddles have been solved, it’s time to start a round dance.

Round dance song with children "The Feast of the Nativity of Christ"

1. Snowflakes are spinning in the frosty sky,
Winter waltzes towards us
And they lie down like a snow-white carpet,
The suns sparkle in gold.

Frost painted the windows
The cold of its cold.
Framed with a icy trace of a child's hand
In the light of garlands and lights.

Holiday Christmas Nativity
A holiday of love, warmth, kindness!
And let people under the Christmas tree
There will be gifts for children!

2. Where there is sadness, we will sow joy.
Well, in the darkness we will sow light.
Faith will replace doubts, weakness,
May God grant that man may live in peace!



Guys! But a guest should come to us for a holiday,

But apparently he got lost. Let's go with you let's sing a song,

He will hear us and come.

Carolers perform the Russian folk song "Oh, you, winter-winter."

Music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by E. Volgina

1. A white blizzard is sweeping,This is Winter coming,She led with her sleeve,All the roads are covered,She led with her sleeve,All the roads were covered.

2. Hello Zimushka Winter,Long-awaited Winter,Don't feel sorry for the snowballHave fun,Don't feel sorry for the snowballHave fun.

3. Past the fir trees and birches,Santa Claus is riding in a sleigh,In a blue casing,Together with the Snow Maiden,In a blue casing,Together with the Snow Maiden.

4. A white blizzard is sweeping,This is Winter coming,She led with her sleeve,All the roads are covered,She led with her sleeve,All the roads were covered.

Gypsy: Happy holiday, good people, congratulations! I didn’t come to you alone, but with Mikhailo Ivanovich himself. He is not an ordinary bear, but a scientist - he will do whatever you want, he will amuse all the guests!

Come on, Mishenka Ivanovich,
Born a boyary,
Walk and walk around
Talk, talk,
Don't bend over backwards
Like a tight bag
Well, turn around, turn around,
Good people show yourself!
Make fun of honest people,
Dance, my dear!

The bear shakes its head and growls.

Gypsy: So what is it? We forgot about music, Mikhailo Ivanovich cannot dance without music. Let's call the drummer! Yes, call not in simple words, but in a song, and the song will be like this... (sings to the melody of ditties):

Come on, Misha, dance,
Your legs are good!
The goat house caught fire.
The goat jumped out
Her eyes bulged
The cockroach was chopping wood,
My feet got stuck in the mud!

Clapping their hands, the children sing along with the Gypsy. They sing 2 times, and on the 3rd time while singing the words “The goat’s house caught fire”

Coming out"mummers" - children leading a goat(child wearing a goat mask) .

All : We are not walking ourselves, we are leading the goat!

1 child : Where the goat walks, there the wheat will give birth!

2 child : Where there is a goat's tail, there is life in the bush!

3 child : Where a goat has a horn, there is a haystack!

The Goat enters, she first bows, then dances to the applause of the audience and the sound of dance music, and then suddenly pretends to stumble and fall.

Presenter : And what happened? Why did the goat fall?

1 child : Our goat asks for a treat. Then she will get up and dance some more.

2 child : Our goat is dumbnecessary : a bucket of buckwheat on the stove.

3 child : A sieve of oats, sausage on top, and three pieces of lard so that the Goat stands up.

The goat is given a treat, after which it continues its dance,


The Bear and the Goat were having fun,
They were surprised at each other.
From that time on we became friends
We learned music and dancing together.
We went to live in the service of the owner,
Play, dance and entertain people.

Dance of the Bear and Goat r. n.m. "Lady".

Gypsy (comments): Come on, Misha, show me how grandma baked pancakes at the holiday and got crazy, her head hurt!

Goat, how do red girls comb their hair, bleach their hair, blush, look in the mirror, dress up for the disco?

Misha, show me how the boys steam in the bathhouse, lie on the shelf and use a broom - how, how! Oh, good! The bear tips over and, lying on its back, dangles its legs and waves its front paws. The goat “butts” him.

Gypsy: Cheer up, Mikhailo Ivanovich, bow down, thank you for the honor, for the respect, for the treat, for the work! Now, Mishenka, play with the kids!

Presenter : Guys, stand in a circle
Play with Mishutka and the Goat together. (Children invite their parents to the game).

The game is being played "Tambourine" .

Children stand in a circle and pass the tambourine to each other to the music. When the music stops, the one with the tambourine goes to the center of the circle and dances.

The game is being played "Stream" .

Children stand in pairs one after another, raising their joined hands up. Every couple must go under this"bridge" , gradually lining up in front of the other couple.

Presenter In that Holy holiday Christmas.

We'll tell each other

Nice words.

We wishand kindness

Illuminating your thoughts with the light of Christmas!

Song "Christmas Star"

1.Christmas star
Suddenly came out from behind a cloud
And the sky lit up with beauty.
This happens suddenly
That the whole earth is getting married
With heavenly immense beauty.

Open your heart wide open this Christmas.
On Christmas, wish people happiness.
At Christmas - a holiday of life and goodness -
At Christmas, the Virgin brought us happiness.

2. Snowflakes are falling from the sky -
All the children are happy
And the adults go happy.
Balls on Christmas trees glow
Women are molded from snow
And the bells sing the gospel.


3.And the angels of heaven
Compose flattering songs
And they sing praises to the Lord.
Gifts under pillows
Kids sleep with toys
The houses have a special festive coziness.



Now, Hostess, will you give the children a treat?

Did you like our songs, games, dances?

Mistress: Well done boys! And the songs were sung and danced well,

And they danced. Enjoy your health!

(Hands out treats to children)

Carolers (in turns).

We sang and danced,

We celebrated the Christmas holiday.

Let the candles glow

Warms us all

And may the New Year

Laughter can be heard louder.

Happy New Year with a new happiness,

For each food there are about a thousand pounds.

How many twigs are there on a bush,

I wish you had so many children.


Live together

Up to two hundred years.

Happiness to him

Who is in this house?

The presenter invites everyone to drink tea in the group

Target: Continue to introduce children to the traditions of the Russian people. Expand interest in the past of the people. Instill a love of folk art.

Previous work: Carrying out parent meeting on the topic of:

“Who is Kolyada?” Making costumes and paraphernalia for the holiday, learning round dances, folk games, and carol songs with children. Watching excerpts from the film “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”.

Round dances and games used in the holiday:

Folk song “The Moon is Shining”, round dance “And I’m in the Meadow”, game “Pie”.

The group is designed to look like a village street. The children follow the leader to the melody of a Russian dance song. The presenter and children are dressed in folk costumes. The carolers and the leader stand in a semicircle near the house. The carolers hold in their hands a solar disk made of cardboard, attached to a stick and decorated with ribbons and paper flowers - a symbol of the carol.

Hostess: Oh, so many guests! Hello, beautiful girls! Hello, good fellows! Are you looking forward to the holiday? I would like to know from you what holiday is approaching?

Children. New Year.

Hostess: For a long time people have seen off with a kind word old year, trying to forget about all your failures and troubles. They left everything bad in the old year, and when they celebrated the new year, they expected that it would bring them prosperity, fulfillment of desires, wealth, and good friends. Before the New Year holidays, young men and women dressed up and walked around the courtyards singing songs and saying jokes. Such songs were called carols, and those who sang them were called carolers.

From Christmas to Epiphany,
Having prepared the treats,
Various carols were sung,
They walked around the courtyards on Christmastide.
Dressed up and joked
We waited and loved the holiday,
So let's do it now
We will meet him here.
- Children! Ordered up to you
Bring forth the decree at this hour,
Prepared by myself
Our mother - Winter.

1st child.

Every year, on this day,
As the guide says,
People of the city, village
Come to the holiday.
Everyone should definitely
Be at the Winter Festival.

2nd child.

Hey, hurry up everyone here!
Kolyada came to visit.
We will joke, make faces,
Run, jump, have fun.
Give me your hand quickly, friend!
We are waiting for you all in a cheerful circle.

(Dance to the soundtrack of the song “The Moon is Shining”, movements as shown by an adult.)

Mistress. Now let’s go caroling with you. Sing and play songs.

(Children are sent into groups.)

- Hello, hostess! We will sing you Carols, and you will treat us.


Kolyada has arrived
It's Christmas Eve!
Give me the cow and the butterfly head.
And God bless whoever is in this house.
Rye is thick for him, rye is tight.

Kolyada! Kolyada!
On the eve of Christmas.
Good hostess!
This pie would be delicious!
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly!
Two, three,
We've all been here for a long time we're standing here,
Under the window, and everything with a little basket.


Thank you hostess for the treat!

Happy New Year! Happy new health! With new happiness!

(They go to the kitchen.)

Generous buckets! Give me dumplings,
Dumplings are not enough - a piece of lard.
There is little lard - hams, sausages,
A spoonful of porridge.
Auntie, dear one,
Give me something, something nice.
Take it out quickly
Don't freeze, you children!


Thank you hostesses for the treat! Happy New Year! Happy new health! With new happiness!

Thanks to this house, let's go to another.

(Go to the group.)

As we entered, we entered

1st child.

Generous day, good afternoon!
We sow, we weed, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Just like our carol
Neither small nor large.
Yes, he sends his regards to everyone!

And like the first star, yes (Name and patronymic of the teacher.)
And the second star - (Acting teacher.)
And the third star is an assistant, (I.O. nanny.)
And children are often stars, one more beautiful than the other.


Glory to you! Glory!
The carol rolled in, the carol was young,
What a glorious day, join in the round dance,
We'll walk around and amuse the guys.

(A round dance “And I’m in the meadow” is performed, movements as shown by the teacher.)


Thank you owners for the treat. Happy New Year, happy new health! With new happiness! Thanks to this house, let's go to another.

(Carolers go to another group.)

Kolyada has arrived, open the gates!
Open the gates and receive guests!
As we entered, we entered
Yes, to a good house. Hello guys!

1st child.

Generous day, good afternoon!
We sow, we weed, we sow,
Happy New Year!
Just like our carol
Neither small nor large.
Yes, he sends his regards to everyone!
He knows the owners and treats them with kindness.

And like the first star, yes (Name and patronymic of the teacher.)
And the second star - (Acting teacher.)
And the third star is an assistant ,(I.O. nanny.)
And children are often stars, one more beautiful than the other.


Glory to you! Glory!
Kolyada, Kolyada, would you like some pie?
With onions, peppers, and mosquito hearts.

(The game “Pie” is played.)

Children stand in two ranks facing each other. A participant sits between the ranks, depicting a pie. Everyone sings:

Yes, he is so tall,
Yes, he is so wide,
Yes, he’s so soft,
Cut it and eat it.

While singing, “high” - they raise their hands up, “wide” - they spread them to the sides, “pulp” - they stroke the stomach. Immediately after the words “Cut it and eat it,” one participant from each line runs to “Pie.” Whoever touches the “pie” first takes it to his team, and the loser remains to pretend to be the “pie”. The team with the most “pies” wins.

Leading. Thank you owners for the treats. Happy New Year! Happy new health! With new happiness!

Well, that's enough, guys, we've made a whole sack full of it!

Two wheat pies
A piece of cottage cheese,
A stack of pancakes, a hundred pancakes,
Rolls of butter, pieces of ham.

(Return to their group).

Our holiday has come to an end.
Be healthy, be happy,
Live without troubles for many, many years!
The New Year has come, the old one has been stolen, it has shown itself,
Go, people, welcome the sun and drive away the frost.
And now we’ll drink tea, eat treats, and have a conversation.

How to conduct carols in kindergarten. Methodology and organization. Lesson scenario.

Do you know what “kolyada” is? The word “kolyada” is credited with the most different meaning. According to Karamzin, this is the God of feasting and peace.

In Rus', the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, which is celebrated on January 7, was celebrated solemnly and at the same time joyfully. From January 8 to January 19, Holy Days or Christmastide began.

Christmas is great Christian holiday. God the Father sent his Son Jesus Christ to the earthly world to save humanity from destruction. And from the day of the Savior’s birth a new time has come on earth.

There are many joyful customs associated with Christmas. At Christmas the tree was lit. A star was attached to its top - a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem. In Rus', according to the ritual, in the morning children walked with a nativity scene and a star. In the nativity scene - a small box covered with colored paper, depicting the cave in which the Divine Child was born - scenes from scripture were played out with the help of dolls mounted on an axis. The children received various gifts for their singing.

One of the traditions of wishing people a Merry Christmas was caroling. Youth, children, dressed up in sheepskin coats turned inside out, wearing funny and scary masks, walked from house to house or stopped under the windows and praised the owners, wishing them goodness and prosperity in songs and jokes. The hosts gave refreshments to the participants of such congratulation concerts. It was considered bad manners to refuse carolers. It was customary for them to bake pies, buns or gingerbread in the shape of domestic animals (roe). The caroling ended with general fun, sliding down the slides, and a general feast.

The ritual of caroling has two purposes:

1. Drive away evil forces.

2. Ensure fertility and prosperity of the family.

The first goal was achieved through fun and celebration, since it was believed that laughter disperses evil, and the second goal was achieved through primitive magic. The first condition for this magic was the composition of the carolers. The mummers were caroling, but they were dressing up not just for the sake of it, but also with deep meaning. Among the mummers were:

1. Kolyada itself is an ancient deity. So ancient that all that can really be said about it is that this deity carries within itself the possibility of the creator of everything, therefore, like all original creators, it does not have a specific gender. Anyone who dresses up as Kolyada takes clothes that are not their gender. The girl puts on pants and draws a mustache, and the guy blushes his cheeks and dresses up in a skirt and headscarf.

2. Birds for our ancestors were representatives of the upper world, the world of the gods - Rule. During the ritual, birds guard, protect carolers and hosts from rampant evil spirits, and even act as messengers of the gods.

3. The old man and the old woman are representatives of the ancestors.

4. They dress up as a bear, remembering that he is the first ancestor for forest dwellers. This is a totem animal from which a mystical pedigree is traced.

5. Horned animals are also not without reason. Horns in animals are an indicator of the possibility of having offspring. It was not for nothing that women’s headdresses had a hint of one, a pair, or even more horns.

6. A cone is something completely incomprehensible today. Who he is and what he is is unknown, but it is he who takes the carolers away from home. Apparently, he is one of some harmless evil spirits, because they don’t dress up as him, but carry a mask on a stick.

7. About Mekhonosh, into whose bag gifts are shaken from aprons, hats, and mittens, we can say that he must have a bag, and clothes do not matter.

8. The remaining participants may not be dressed up, but may increase the number of characters, except for Kolyada and Shishka.

The mummers always sang New Year's carols. In them they glorified the owners, wished them goodness and prosperity, so that wealth would increase in the house. The owners presented the carolers with pies, roe deer, and a penny. But offerings were never taken with bare hands. It was either taken with a mitten or in the hem, and then poured into a bag by Mekhonosh. And only at gatherings, after performing a ritual cleansing from slander, did they eat.

Fortune telling was also performed at Christmas time. The two most popular were: throwing felt boots on the road and looking in the mirror with lit candles.

Russians folk rituals and traditions are very interesting and educational. But organizing carols in kindergarten is extremely difficult. Firstly, carol songs are complex. Children preschool age They don’t yet fully control their breathing, and they can’t always sing chants. Secondly, children do not always understand the meaning of the ceremony, since modern children don't encounter this in everyday life. If in the villages some traditions are still somehow preserved, then in the city they know practically nothing about carols, and if they know something, it is in a distorted form. But if, after all, the music director and teacher risk providing entertainment in the form of carols, then a lot of preliminary work should be done:

Introduce children to the attributes and characters of the caroling ritual;

Learn Christmas songs, carols, games and round dances with children;

Explain the meaning of the words “kolyada”, “carols”, “carolers”, “Avsen”;

The teacher, together with the children, makes the attributes of the caroling ritual - a star, a month, a nativity scene;

Make a face of Shishka and a carol doll from straw and pieces of fabric;

With the help of parents, prepare costumes;

Prepare gifts for carolers.

There are many scenarios for holding carols in kindergarten and school. We offer you a lesson scenario in mixed age group kindergarten (children age 4-7 years).

Lesson on the topic: “Christmas carols”

Goal: Introducing children to Russian traditional culture, acquaintance with the ritual of caroling in Rus'.


1. Introduce children to Russian folk traditions (Christmas time, caroling ritual).

2. Learn Christmas songs.

3. Create conditions for the emergence positive emotions in children.

4. Foster love and respect for Russian folk traditions.

MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: Kolyada doll, Shishka mask, costumes and masks of carolers, 6 pots, towel, bun, ring, ribbon, button, twig, broom, scarves and belts for all children of the group, bag for collecting treats, tray and towel, gingerbread cookies "Roe."

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall to the music of the song “Blizzard” (you can take any previously studied winter round dance) and stand in a circle.

Musical director. Hello guys! Did you recognize the music you entered the hall to? (Answers). That's right - this is the song "Blizzard". I invite you to join hands and perform a song in a round dance.

(The song “Blizzard” is performed)

M.R. Well done, guys. You did well, you sang very well and performed the movements beautifully. And now you can go to your seats.

Children go to the chairs that are located along the wall. The music director puts on a cape and scarf.

M.R. You were probably surprised by my appearance? And this is all because today we will remember winter folk holidays. In order for you to become like me, I suggest you wear suits too. Look back - there are scarves hanging on the chairs for girls, and belts for boys. Girls tie scarves, and boys straighten their shirts and tie them with belts. Now everyone is ready and I can start.

The music director sits on a chair in front of the children and begins his story.

M.R. Guys, tell me which ones winter holidays You know? Of course, this is New Year and Christmas. You know perfectly well what is happening in new year holidays, but what do they do at Christmas and Epiphany? (Children's answers). In order to better learn how Christmastide was celebrated in Rus', today I invite you to take part in the ritual of Caroling. Sit back, and I’ll tell you a story. A long time ago, many, many years ago, I was born on earth unusual boy. God the Father sent his Son Jesus Christ to the earthly world to save humanity from destruction. And from the day of the Savior’s birth a new time has come on earth. From that moment on, the whole world began to celebrate great holiday Christmas. Christmas is celebrated in Rus' on January 7th. And from January 8 to January 19 is the time of Christmastide, that is, Holy Evenings. This time is considered the most fun, because many joyful customs are associated with these days. At Christmas the tree was always lit. Young people and children walked around the courtyards and caroled, and on the night before Christmas they told fortunes. Usually the girls did the fortune telling. They wanted to know when they would get married and what the groom’s name would be. To do this, they went out into the street and threw their felt boots - where the felt boots pointed, the groom lived. I also suggest you tell your fortune. We will not break traditions, and we will have girls telling fortunes. It's cold outside, so we'll be guessing in the hall.

Fortune telling with pots.

There is a bench in the middle of the hall with 6 closed pots on it. The music director is learning a chorus for fortune-telling with older girls. Children walk in a circle and sing:

A pot from the top,

Tell us, my friend:

What will come true, what will happen?

Let the bad remain.

The girls take turns taking things out of the pots (the music director comments):

Towel. It spreads out far. A road and a journey awaits you.

Bun. The mouse is running in the room, dragging the loaf into the house. There will be prosperity and prosperity in your home.

Ring. Sow flour, bake pies! There will be guests for you, and suitors for me.

Ribbon. Walking across the field, the Russian braid is braided, intertwined with silk, entwined with gold. Ribbon - to wealth and profit.

Button. Oh, a bug walked around the rubble and threw out the goodies along the washcloth. You live in big family happy life!

Twig. And this is for fun, for a new game.

M.R. The winter evening is dark and long - I can count forty Christmas trees.

I’ll throw off my fur coat on the snow - everyone is welcome to the circle!

Come, boys, join us in a circle, let's play new game. This twig fell out of the broom, which means we will play with the broom.

(The game “Broom” is played)

M.R. Well, guys, did you like our fortune telling? And now it’s time to find out how they caroled in Rus'. On the night before Christmas, young people and children went caroling. They changed into different costumes, took a bag for gifts with them and walked from yard to yard. But they didn’t just knock on doors and ask for food or money, but sang special songs - carols. The older guys and Nadezhda Viktorovna have prepared such a Carol and now we will show it to you. Nadezhda Viktorovna will be Kolyada. Let's put a shirt on it, a beard, and tie it with a belt - and Kolyada-Malyada is ready. Kostya will be Mekhonoshey. Let's give him a bag to collect gifts in. We will put on a Bear mask for our wife, since the Bear is the ancestor of all animals. Nastya will be a bird, and we will give Katya a guise - she will be Shishok, no one knows who it is, but Shishok always went to carol. Well, the carolers are ready, and you guys listen carefully.

(The song “Kolyada-Malyada” is performed)

M.R. Oh, yes, well done, carolers, it would be a shame not to give such gifts. I brought you some special gingerbread cookies. They are called Kozuli. They make Roes in the shape of animals and birds according to old recipes. Open your mesh, Mekhonosha. It was forbidden to touch the treats before the gatherings, so you will try them in a group when there is lunch.

Educator. Guys, since you received a treat, you need to thank the hostess.

(The song “Ay, thank you to the hostess” is performed)

M.R. Well, you sang the song well. What new things did you learn today and what do you remember? (Children's answers). I think that now, when you grow up, you will definitely have fun at Christmas time the right way. And so that you don’t forget our lesson today, I have another gift for you. This is a doll. It was made the way people did it many centuries ago - from straw, sponge and colored scraps. Since Kolyada is neither a woman nor a man, there is no face. But I think you will still be interested in playing with it. Take it and don’t forget folk traditions. Our lesson has come to an end, but you will also leave folk tradition. Katya, were you our Shishok? Stand in front with the face of Shishka, take your neighbor by the hand, he is next, and so in one chain, like a thread behind a needle, you will go to a group gathering. Goodbye.

Leisure hour “The carol has come - open the gates”


Dear children! These days, the whole world and we celebrate the Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ. Now I will tell you about it.

More than two thousand years ago, in the city of Nazareth there lived a girl named Mary. She loved the Lord and had pure heart. One day the angel Gabriel appeared before her and said: “Hail, Most Gracious Mary! The Lord is with you! Blessed are you among women! Do not be afraid, Mary, you will soon give birth to a son and give him the name Jesus. He will be great, he will be called the Son of God, and there will be no end to his reign, and he will save people from their sins.

Soon Maria married good man Joseph. The prediction came true. And Joseph and Mary began to wait have a wonderful birth Son of God, Savior of the World.

In those days, the Roman governor Augustus ordered a census of the population. Everyone had to go to the city in which they were born. Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem. When they arrived in this city, all the hotels were occupied and there was nowhere to stay. They had to spend the night where the shepherds drove their cattle (sheep) during storms and bad weather. Here the time came for Mary to give birth, and she gave birth to her firstborn, swaddled him and put him in a manger for the sheep. When Christ was born, a star lit up brightly above the cave, announcing great joy to the whole world.

Then Christ grew up, he had many disciples, and when they prayed, miracles happened: the sick were healed, the lame were healed, and even the dead came back to life.

Today we too can worship Christ in prayer, asking for peace, mercy and blessing. In these holidays Let's remember the love for God, for people, that we need to live in peace and do good. Let us rejoice and be glad during these holy days. People called them that - Christmastide. And the more fun it was at Christmas time, the better. And we begin our Christmas fun, we will carol, sing and dance.

Educator: Let's go, guys, and sing carols in the group "Morozko"

Carolers: Kolyada has come - open the gates!

Teacher gr. "Morozko": Who's there?

Carolers: We are carolers!

First caroler: Hello, hostess!

Second caroler: Let me come into your house! Let me sing you a song!

Carolers (singing): Kolyada, Kolyada!

And sometimes Kolyada

On the eve of Christmas.

Kolyada has arrived

Christmas brought.

Teacher gr. “Morozko”: Come in, dear guests!

Third caroler: Enter the house and sit on the bench!

Fourth caroler: Sit on a bench and sing a song!

Carolers (sing): Kolyada, Kolyada

Serve the pie

Damn give it, give it

pork leg,

A little bit of everything

Carry it - don't shake it!

Come on - don't break it!

First caroler: What will you give us, hostess?

Second caroler: A bag of money or a pot of porridge?

Third caroler: A jug of milk or a piece of pie?

Teacher gr. "Morozko": Here's a treat for you - cheese and cookies!

Gingerbread cookies, sweets!

Eat up, kids!

First caroler: Thank you! God bless whoever is in this house!

The porridge is thick for you, and honey is on your lips!

Second caroler: You and buns with cottage cheese

And the house is full of kids!

Educator: Children, let's amuse the owners. Let's all dance together.

Educator: Let's go, guys, and sing carols in the group. "Pinocchio"

Autumn, autumn. You walked around everyone

Through the back streets, through the alleys

To whomever we sing songs, it will come true,

It will come true, it will not pass!

Come out, mistress! Receive guests

From all volosts!

Carolers (sing): Kolyada, Molada! Kolyada was born!

Whoever serves the pie gets his belly's yard!

And whoever doesn’t give a penny, we’ll close the loopholes!

If anyone doesn't give us some flatbread, we'll block up the windows!

Whoever doesn’t give us bread, we’ll take grandfather away!

Whoever does not give ham, we will split the cast iron!

The hostess (group teacher) comes out

Caroler (child): Good auntie!

Give me something nice!

A donut and a flatbread!

Yes, a pig's leg!

Hostess: Here you go, dear guests, gingerbread and lollipops!

Yes, warm pie, yes butter, cottage cheese,

Yes, money in a spear, and a ruble in silver!

Educator: Good owners live here!

And I prepared a game for you

Not a game, but entertainment.

And with great, great significance:

So that there is a debt of ears,

So that the flax grows tall,

Jump as high as possible

You can jump higher than the roof!

The Russian folk game “Jump Rope” is being played

Educator: Thank you, mistress, for the treat.

Here, kids, we caroled,

Now let's go to the hut to warm ourselves.

Children with a teacher go to the hut.

Educator: Mistress, let me warm up!

Hostess: Let me in? If you solve the riddles, then I’ll let you in!

Who has a piglet,

Not clenched in a fist?

On his feet there is a hoof,

He eats and drinks from a trough. (Piglet)

Over the mountains, over the valleys

He wears a fur coat and a caftan. (Sheep)

Amazing child

Just got out of diapers,

Can swim and dive

What's his name birth mother! (Duckling)

Hostess: Well, well done! Please come in!

Caroler: Mistress, is it okay for you to litter?

Hostess: Yes, yes. Sory as much as you want.

Carolers scatter grains.

We sow, we weed, we sow,

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Hostess: Thank you, guests! This means you wish me well, and rich things

harvest, and good health. Thank you! Well, now let's sing yes

dance. Join in a round dance to amuse honest people!


Educator: On Christmastide everyone rejoiced at the holiday, had fun and joked with each other

With a friend. So we have clowns. Now they us too


Clown: None of the adults ask about me: “Who is he? »

It’s completely clear to everyone,

That I am a funny clown!

But I'm not alone here, and we can

Not only joke, but also dance.


Educator: They used to show it in the squares puppet shows And

Other outlandish numbers.


Educator: We had fun in the hut, warmed up. And now to our hostess

Let's sing a carol:

Kolyada! Kolyada!

And sometimes Kolyada

It's Christmas Eve!

Kolyada has arrived

Christmas has arrived!

We found Kolyada

In Akulinovo yard!

Caroler: Hey, mistress! Take the good stuff out into the yard!

How the frost outside freezes your nose.

He doesn’t tell me to stand for long, he tells me to serve soon.

Or a warm pie, or butter, cottage cheese,

Or money with a spear, or a ruble in silver.

Hostess: Thank you, you made me happy. My house is spacious, my cabbage soup is fatty,

Butter cakes do not fit into the windows! And here's a treat for you.

Treats carolers with pies

Educator: Our holiday is coming to an end.

What holiday were we celebrating?


A child reads the poem "CHRISTMAS"

On this great day

Christ came into the world.

And I believe in my bright faith

He brought it to us all.

He is with kindness and meekness

Enters every home

Where is the new hope

We are all waiting for him.

I'll open the doors

He will come to me

And me, I believe

It will lead to the light.


Dear children! Guests!

I wish good people all the best!

Gold and silver!

Lush pies!

Soft pancakes!

Good health

Cow butter

To whomever we sing songs, it will come true,

It will come true, it will not pass away.

Sounds bell ringing. Children read poetry.

First child: Christ the Savior

Born at midnight!

In a dark cave

He appeared.

Second child: Here above the cave

The star is shining:

Christ was born-

Proclaims it to everyone!

Third child: Christ the Master!

On your birthday

Give it to all the people

World of enlightenment!

Educator: May Christ protect us all, now and ever and forever

Centuries. Amen!

"Christmas time" for the preparatory group

The presenter holds a lit candle in his hands, the bright light is turned off for a while, the children are sitting on chairs.

It was a long time ago, 2000 years ago. IN small town There lived a family in Nazareth - the young virgin Mary and her husband Joseph.

During the Journey to the city of Bethlehem, they began to look for accommodation for the night, one man let them spend the night in a cave for cattle. There Mary gave birth to a son, whom she named Jesus. It was not an ordinary man who was born, but God. To commemorate this event, the sky lit up new star. People went to worship the baby Jesus and his mother. They carried gifts to Mary and her son. Since then, a tradition has arisen to celebrate Christmas and give each other gifts.

Great Christmas Eve

The colors of the sky are darkening

Everything is quiet... the celebration is near

Nature involuntarily feels it.

Days of fun and days of the sacred celebration of the Nativity of Christ are called Christmastide, Holy Evenings. They are accompanied by caroling.

Kolyada is the pagan god of feasting and peace.He was glorified with songs - carols, games, congratulations. For this, the owners gave them money and treats.

Ved. Oh, the carolers have come to us too.

Cheerful music plays, children enter the hall with a star and bags for treats.

1. I am a little boy, I play the pipe,

I play the pipe, I amuse you all

And you people know, treat me.

2. Kolyad - kolyad, kolyadin,

I’m alone with my father, short-skinned,

Give me a pie, hostess.

3. I'm a little boy, I climbed into the closet,

I put on a red cap, please at least a penny.

4. Here comes Kolyada before Christmas,

What did you bring Kolyada to the owners?

5. To good owners a cow and a calf,

A horse with a foal, a pig with a piglet.

6. Live for you, buckwheat, one hundred measures of peas.

When rye is born, wheat brings happiness and health.

Ved. - Thank you for good words, help yourself to some cookies and take some pennies.

And we continue Christmastide with songs, games, and riddles.

Come out, honest people, to a merry round dance.

Game – carol “The Tsar Walks”

The king walks, the king walks around the new city - the children walk in a circle.

The king is looking for, the king is looking for his princess - The king is looking, putting his hand to his forehead.

You, take the king, you take the king, your princess - the king chooses the princess, comes up and bows and takes her hand.

Lead the king, lead the king into her new town– they walk with their arms raised.

You make the king, you make the king dance and walk - the round dance disperses, the children of the main roles remain in the center.

Tsar: Walk around the princess, the prince ordered, the young man ordered - the princess walks around the prince, showing his posture.

Tsar: Dance princess, the prince ordered, the young man ordered - the princess dances.

Tsar: Kiss the princess, the prince ordered, the young man ordered. – children imitate kisses. The children bow and take their places, and another king comes out to replace them.

Here comes the Christmas story. Children perform the skit “Don’t Trust the Wolf.” A poetic miniature for live actors based on a poem by Yunna Moritz.

Game – carol “Christmas felt boots”

A felt boot decorated with patterns is passed around while music plays. At the end of the music, the child who still has the felt boot in his hands performs a dance, song or reads a poem and takes out a surprise from the felt boot.

Games were played, stories were told, songs were not sung.

Start a round dance and let’s sing “Blizzard.”

Song "Blizzard"

1. A snowstorm is sweeping along the street, soon it will sweep all the paths,

Ay, burn, burn, burn, she says, soon she will sweep all the paths.

2. Let’s harness the horses in a sleigh and quickly go to the forest to get firewood. Ay, burn, burn, burn, he says, let's go to the forest for firewood as soon as possible.

3. We will trot, trot after each other, and quickly reach the forest.

4. With axes we will hit one at a time, only the slivers of wood will crackle.

5. We’ll quietly go get the firewood, and then we’ll start slapping it with our hands.

6. And then stamp your feet all at once, well, now the frost is not terrible for us. Ay, burn, burn, burn we say, well, the frost is no longer scary for us.

This is how much snow there is (snowflakes with riddles are laid out on the floor). The presenter raises snowflakes, and the children take turns asking riddles they have learned in advance.

Without hands, without an axe, a bridge was built (Ice).

Uphill there is a piece of wood, and down the mountain there is a horse. (sled)

It does not burn in fire, and does not drown in water. (Ice)

A white blanket lay on the ground, summer had come, it had all gone.

How Kolyada went for a walk along the street,

walk along the street,

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Our Christmastide and Holy Evenings are over. And we will prepare for the next one big holiday- Maslenitsa. Goodbye, good people.

Entertainment scenario for children middle group“Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas”

“Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas.”

Entertainment scenario for middle group children.

Software tasks:

Continue to introduce children to the ritual of caroling, promote comprehensive development preschoolers, cause positive emotional mood throughout the holiday, cultivate a positive attitude towards folk traditions.


Musical instruments (tambourine, rattles, bells, scarves, felt boots, beads, Christmas trees, a Christmas star, 2 cardboard houses, a goat mask, a dish with treats (bagels, candies, gingerbread cookies).


(The teacher enters the music room with 4 children)

Presenter: Under cover of the starry night,

The Russian village is dozing;

All the way, all the paths

Covered with white snow...

Here and there lights on the windows

Like stars are shining.

Runs towards the fire like a snowdrift

There's a crowd of guys with the star;

There's knocking under the windows,

“Your Christmas” is sung.

"Waits! Waits! "-

It is heard here and there.

And in a discordant children's choir

So mysterious, pure,

The holy news is so gratifying

About the birth of Christ...

1 Child: This holiday is the longest

He's funny and old

2 Child: Our great-grandparents

We had fun for two weeks:

From Christmas to Epiphany,

Having prepared a treat,

Various carols were sung,

We walked around the courtyards on Christmastide.

3 Child: Dressed up and joked

The holiday was awaited and loved.

(Children in pairs (master and hostess) go home, laughter and children’s screams are heard, “carolers” enter the hall).

Carolers: Here we come, shepherds,

All our sins are forgiven.

We make our way to home,

We glorify Christ God!

(They sing the song “Kolyada has come” and knock on the hut).

Owner: Who's there?

Children: It's us, carolers!

1 Child: Master and hostess, open the door and give us a gift!

(The hostess invites the children to the hut)

Hostess: What did you come with?

1 Child: Hello, master and hostess!

Let me come into the little room,

2 Child: Enter the little room,

Yes, sit on the bench

3 Child: Sit on the bench,

Yes, sing a song.

Hostess: Come in!

(Children come in and sing the song “White Blizzard is Sweeping”).

1Child: Today an Angel came down to us,

And he sang: “The Lord is born! »

2 Child: We came to glorify Christ!

And congratulations on the holiday to you!

(We perform the Russian folk song “We sow, we sow, we sow”)

1 Child: Kolyada, Kolyada,

Bring me some pie.

2 Child: Or a loaf of bread,

Or half a buck

3 Child: Or a chicken with a tuft,

Or a cockerel with a comb.

4 Child: Open the chests,

Take out your heels!

Owner: You sang to surprise,

You deserve a treat!

Hostess: Here's a treat for you -

Gingerbread cookies,

Lambs, sweets,

Eat up kids!

So tnank you!

Child: May your field turn green

And the cattle didn’t get sick!

(With the song “Already we walk, already we wander,” they walk along the street to another house. They knock.) .

Owner: Who's there?

All: It's us, carolers!

Child: Auntie, dear,

Give me a little pie,

Don't cut, don't break,

Whole come on!

Hostess: What did you come with?

All: We are not going on our own,

We are leading the Goat!

1 Child: Where does the Goat walk?

The wheat will give birth there!

2 Child: Where is the goat's tail?

There is bush life there!

3 Child: Where is the goat's horn?

There's grass there!

(Goat runs out and stomps his feet).

Goat: I am the Dereza Goat,

I stomp, stomp my feet,

I will stab you with my horns.

(The goat falls to the floor and lies motionless).

Owner: What happened to the Goat?

Child: Our Goat is sick!

We need a measure of oats,

Sausage on top

Yes, a piece of lard

So that the Goat gets up!

Hostess: Here you go -

Gingerbread cookies and lollipops

Yes, warm pie,

Yes to butter, cottage cheese.

Owner: Get up, Goat!

Host: Let's continue the holiday,

Let's sing and dance!

(Song “At the edge of the forest”).

Child: I don’t understand what’s wrong with the legs

They don't stand still

They ask to dance themselves!

(Children dance to cheerful Russian folk music)

All: Thanks to this house,

Let's go to another!

(They walk down the street singing “We’re Walking.” They stop.)

1 Child: From the east with the wise men,

A star travels.

2 Child: With precious gifts,

They came to give Christ!

All: We came to glorify Christ!

Happy holiday to you!

1 Child: To all good people

We wish you goodness, gold and silver!

2 Child: Lush pies,

Soft pancakes!

3 Child: Good health,

Cow butter!

All: To whom we sing a song,

It will come true

It will come true

Doesn't change!

Happy New Year,

With all the family!

Christmas time, Christmas time is coming... Christmas carol scene

In ancient times, people in Rus' looked forward to Christmas. And when it came, the celebration was accompanied by great fun, songs, all kinds of dressing up, fortune telling, and games. This celebration is Christmastide, in which both big, small, and old participated. Children especially rejoiced at this celebration. They accepted Active participation in celebration.

I bring to your attention a carol scene that you can perform with children at the holiday.

Along the walls of the hall there are flat houses depicting a village street. Children follow the leader to the melody of a Russian dance song. They stop near houses and dance.

Some of the children - the owners, the housewives - go to their “huts”.

The carolers and the leader stand in a semicircle near the houses. The carolers hold a star made of cardboard in their hands.

Children holding hands walk around the hall and sing:

The carol came on the eve of Christmas.

Whoever gives pie will get a stable of cattle,

Barn with oats, stallion with a tail.


Let's go to Uncle Nikola's to sing carols.

Children approach Nikola’s house and sing a carol:

We found a carol in Nikolin's yard.

Kolyada, Kolyada, give me some pie!

If you don't serve the pie, we'll take the cow by the horns!

Serve the pie - the rye will be thick,

The rye will be clean and threshing,

It will be from an ear of bread to a pie, from a grain to a pie.


Welcome, guests, I was waiting for you. My house is spacious, my cabbage soup is fatty.

Butter cakes do not fit into the window.

Nikola treats the guests.

1st caroler (child):

God bless whoever is in this house!


You and buns with cottage cheese!


And a house full of kids!

The carolers go to the next house.

Entertainment script

"Christmas Carols"

(senior and preparatory groups)

Children - "mummers" walk around the kindergarten, in their hands they have noisemakerstools. They "carol".

CHILDREN: Kolyada, Kolyada, give me some pie,

Or a loaf of bread, or half a piece of money,
Or a hen with a crest, a cockerel with a comb,

Or a bunch of hay, or a pitchfork to the side!

Adults give them sweets and toys.

CHILDREN: The carol came on the eve of Christmas.

Whoever gives a pie will get a house full of oats,

A stallion with a tail, a barn with oats,

Whoever doesn't give pie gets a chicken leg,

A pestle and a shovel - a hunchbacked cow!

Then the children come up to music hall, caroling, they are greetedMistress. She brings out the treat.

LEADING: Open the chest, serve a snout, even a pancake, even a lard wedge!

HOSTESS: I sow, I sow, I sow, I congratulate you on the New Year, may you be healthy and live for many years!

HOSTESS: Why are you guests standing here, or don’t you want to come in? We've had tea in the morning, it's time to relax, we'll walk together and celebrate Christmas!

The hostess bows and invites you into the hall, everyone comes in and takes their seats. TR. No. 1

HOSTESS: Today is not an easy day, a holy holiday has come to us

Christmas has come - let's start the celebration!

Children No. 5 gr. perform a Christmas song (choice of musical director)

HOSTESS: Come on, kids, tell me

What are Christmastide?

1st child: The holiday is the longest

It's fun and vintage.

Our ancestors drank and ate

We had fun for two weeks!

2nd child: From Christmas to Epiphany,

Having prepared a treat.

Sang different carols

We walked around the courtyards on Christmastide.

3rd child: Dressed up and joked

The holiday was expected and loved

So let's do it now

We will meet him here!

4th child: Hey, hurry up everyone here! Carol came to visit

We will joke, make faces,

Run, jump, have fun.

Give me your hand quickly, friend,

We are waiting for you all at fun circle!


LEADING: The fairy tale is good in its structure, and the song is in harmony.

Tr. No. 3. SONG “Crystal Winter”

Tr. No. 4.The children sit down.Tr. No. 5.WINTER appears.

WINTER: Hello kids, girls and boys.

Happy New Year with a new happiness!

To be healthy

May they live for many years!

I came to you with bitter frosts and pouring snow.

And I ask you, what do you like in winter?

Tr. No. 6. SONG - “What do you like in winter?”, “SNOWBALL PLAY”

WINTER. Now let's play in the snow. Where's the box with snowballs? ( looking for). Well, okay, we’ll put on new ones, and I’ll add some snow.

Tr. No. 4.Winter is pouring snow, children are running after winter, throwing snowballs at it.

WINTER: Well, that's enough, that's enough, stop, dust yourself off.

LEADING: And it’s winter, our children will tell poems about Christmas.

Christmas Poems:

1. In the realm of frost and snow

Crystal gardens bloomed.

To our window from the festive sky,

The light of the Christmas star is shining.

2. In every tower, in every little room,

The golden-winged angel has arrived.

He lit up the Christmas tree

And he looked at us with a smile.

3. Bells are ringing all around

IN fun party Christmas

The stars dance in circles,

All the people are having fun!

WINTER: I'll give you a star.

Let her decorate your Christmas tree! (The star lights up)Tr. No. 7.

Tr. No. 8.Winter says goodbye and goes away.

Tr. No. 9.Baba Yaga runs in to the music.

BABA YAGA: Wow! Where did I end up?

LEADING: You are Baba Yaga in kindergarten at the children's holiday.

BABA YAGA: What kind of holiday?

LEADING: But listen!


HOSTESS: Now let's play a game with Baba Yaga.

Game "Baba"- Yaga."

(stands in the middle of the circle on one leg, holding a broom, childrenwalk around and say):

Grandma - Hedgehog - a bone leg, fell from the stove, broke the leg,

I went to the market and crushed the samovar,

She went out onto the lawn and scared the bunny.

The children run away, and B.Ya. catches them.Tr. No. 11.

Baba Yaga: They decided to tease me! Here, I'll ask you!

I'll steal - As much as I am a star, you won’t see a holiday!

He grabs the star and runs away.Tr. No. 12.

LEADING: What should we do now? How to celebrate Christmas? Tr. No. 13.

HOSTESS: Let’s not be upset, but let’s sit side by side and talk well. Night came, darkness brought, the cockerel fell silent, the cricket began to chirp.

He turns off the light and lights a fake candle.

LEADING: Guys, at Christmas, on a dark winter night, young men and women gathered together and told fortunes. Let's tell our fortunes too? Maybe we’ll find out how to get our star back. Aren't you afraid? Then let's begin...

Tr. No. 14.Suddenly there is a howling wind, a whistle, a howl, a “meow”, etc.

HOSTESS: Oh, who is this? No way the devil decided to laugh at us, to scare us.

Tr. No. 15.The little devil jumps out. "Dance miniature".

CRAP: Yes it's me!

LEADING: Mind you, mind you, me. Are you scaring our guys?

CRAP: And I’m like that, I like to do all sorts of dirty tricks. What are you doing here?

LEADING: To say - we will not say, but to show - we will show. Do you wanna take a look?

CRAP: Certainly!

LEADING: Aren't you going to interfere?

CRAP: I won’t be honest with the devil, I’ll sit like a mouse, quietly, quietly.

HOSTESS: Let `s start? Once on a frosty evening the girls were telling fortunes and they cheerfully threw a shoe through the gate. Tr. No. 16. 1. Fortune telling “Shoes”

They blindfold the eyes, spin them around, and wherever the shoe flies away, the groom is there.

2. The ring rolled on the velvet, rolled towards the yacht, whoever takes it out will have it come true, it will not pass.

Tr. No. 17. GAME "RING"

3. Take any object out of the bag without looking, and use this object to determine the profession of the future bride or groom.

CRAP: That's great! So I liked it, and I also love to play, do you want to play?

Sit in a circle.

He sits in the center, shows different movements or faces, childrenmust repeat.

HOSTESS: Well, thank you, damn, you amused our guys, and we also know how to have fun. Our guests are two hedgehogs in bast shoes, a hare in boots, a fox in earrings, a bear in a caftan, fleas in a sundress, and a goat in a warm sheepskin coat. ( The goat comes out in the middle)


CRAP: Oh, I can’t, oh, they made me laugh. Well, ask for it, whatever you want, I’ll do it!

The hostess whispers with the children.

HOSTESS: Can you return the Christmas star to us? Baba Yaga stole it.

CRAP: It's a piece of cake! “Undy, fundy, chundy, gay... Baba Yaga appear quickly!”

Tr. No. 19.Baba Yaga runs in with a star.

BABA YAGA: I'm running, I'm running. Here you go, I turn around your cursed star. Oh! I wanted to say smart! (The presenter hangs a star)

CRAP: That's the same! And no more mischief here!

BABA YAGA: Of course of course! (She wants to run away but the Devil grabs her by the collar)

CRAP: And you have to pay for your tricks, come on guys, come out into the circle quickly, let’s dance B.Y. so that everyone can have more fun!

Tr. No. 20. Everyone performs the cheerful “Shizgar” dance in the river. n. arr. by show

Give me a ride home! (Jumps on B.Ya.’s back and runs away)

Tr. No. 21.CHILDREN sing the song “Christmas Tree”.

HOSTESS: And now the holiday is over, and the end is the crown of the whole affair.

LEADING: Guys, invite your guests to the group for tea, cakes and

samovar, you are welcome!

Svetlana Shaldina
Entertainment for children at the preschool educational institution “Christmas Carols”

« Christmas carols» Children enter the hall to the music.

Ved: Everyone is on Christmastide, everyone is on Christmastide. Come on guys!

Hello, Russian pullet, Beautiful soul,

Snow-white winch, Hello Mother Winter!

Either a blizzard or winter I composed this song

But when it sounds, we can’t sit still.

Song “Christmas tree, Christmas tree forest scent....

Winter's exit. What's the noise in my chambers? Who's bothering Winter here?

Confess who dared to take me away from my work.

Ved: Oh, what a beauty And she doesn’t look evil at all

He just says sternly We came to ask you

Open the winter holiday to us

Winter. Do you like me? Indeed?

Retreat away from the blizzard So that the guys don't catch a cold

The winter holiday is so playful I open it to everyone’s wonder.

Dance of snowflakes...

Winter. Who loves my fluffy snow? Patterns on the window?

Who loves fast sledding, Who rejoices at me?

Ved. We love you winter. Your frost and ice

And the snow is fluffy on the branches. And a sled and a skating rink.

Ved. Oh, how much snow we have in our yard.

How fun it will be now!

Song "about winter".

Winter. And I came up with a game I'll amuse the kids.

A game "Carry the snowballs on a shovel".

Ved. We ask, Zimushka, to show us your fairy tale today!

How nice it is to play and sing songs in the wonderful winter!

Winter: Look how many stars have sunk low

This means a fairy tale, children, Very, very close.

Watching a cartoon...

Presenter: The New Year's bustle is over. The time has come for a bright, joyful holiday

Nativity of Christ. From January 7 to 19 come Holy days - Christmastide. In Rus' during Christmas time

Children dressed up in unusual costumes and went from house to house and sang Songs - carols. Children were called carolers. They were given various sweets. It was believed that if you don’t give the children a treat, then trouble will happen. Here we are with you today carol.

Presenter: On the threshold carol It's time for everyone to have fun!

All the children go to the Mistress's house and sing:

Came carol, open the gate! Open the gates and receive guests!

"Kolyada-malyada", golden beard. Gilded mustache, a hair worth a ruble.

Serve it, auntie, serve it, mother, On a plate, on a silver platter.

Kolyada-kolyada, the day before Christmas. Kolyada has arrived, Christmas brought!

1 child: Just like ours Christmas Carol, not great.

She comes to your door and sends her respects to everyone!

2 child: I'm a little boy

I play the pipe and amuse you all.

And you people, know, give me some candy.

3 child: Shchedriks - buckets, give me dumplings!

There are not enough dumplings, give me some lard,

Ham, sausages, a spoonful of porridge.

If you don't give me a pie, we'll grab the cow by the horns!

4child: Kolyad, carols, Kolyadin,

I'm alone with my father.

Short skin, give me a pie, mistress!

5 child: I'm a little boy I climbed into the closet

I put on a red cap, welcome a snout.

Mistress comes out: Hello, good people!

Dear guests, invited guests!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

May you be healthy! May they live for many years!

Presenter: Mistress! Will you give our kids a treat?

Mistress: Why should I treat you? First, guess my riddles.

1. The old man at the gate stole all the heat. (Freezing)

2. The girl Belyan came, the whole clearing turned white. (Snow)

3. The tablecloth was white and covered the whole world. (Snow)

4. It flowed and flowed and lay under the glass. (River)

5. An old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, paved a bridge across the river, without hands, without an ax, without a wedge. (Freezing)

6. A cheerful horse is running around our village. (Snowstorm)

Presenter: We walked, we searched, Kolyada, Kolyada,

In all the yards, at fairs, and they found it in your garden!

It's freezing outside, my nose is freezing,

He doesn’t tell you to stand for long, he tells you to sing songs!

Round dance “Like thin ice...”

Mistress: Who wants to tell fortunes and find out their fate?

(they take out the table, there are upturned pots on it, under them various items. Those who want to tell fortunes leave the hall

Pot from the top, Tell us, my friend!

What will come true, what will happen? The bad, let it stay

Bread means living in abundance.

Ring - ring, mother of flour, bake pies.

Vata - who will happen, soft life will get it.

Coin - to prosperity, you will live richly.

Candy - there is no better joy for children than sweets.

A thread - a thread will stretch far, a journey awaits you.

Mirror - to admire yourself. Don't do business.

Ved: only one pot left. (Baba Yaga runs into the hall and whistles.)

Baba Yaga: And tell your fortune for me. I want happiness too! takes out a twig from under the pot. What is this? Explain!

Winter: visible to the new broom!

Baba Yaga (looks sadly under the pot) is there no ring there?

Mistress: So, who will marry you? how old are you?

Baba Yaga: Ah well! Oh there you are (disperses everyone with a broom). Now I will be the mistress. dance with me! I'll give you an exam!

The game is being played "Witch's Broom".

Baba Yaga: Eco, they play cleverly. They are brave, they are not afraid of anything, and I will arrange another test

A game "Who is faster on the broom".

Baba Yaga. Well done, I thought you couldn't handle it.

Well, well done kids, girls and boys!

I don’t understand that the legs are running to the right, to the left.

They don’t stand still and just dance and ask!

Round dance "4 steps"

Presenter. The holiday has a beginning. The holiday has an end.

Who played and laughed with us. He was great throughout the holiday.

Angels descended from heaven to make a wish.

Handing out angels to children

So that there is happiness and fun in the house all year round So that there are too many guests.

Mistress: Here you go, dears. carolers, gingerbread cookies, these gingerbread cookies are not ordinary - they are special, baked especially for the holidays. They are called kozulki, they depict cows, lambs, and horses. Such gingerbread brought good offspring to the house.

Ved: That's how fun our holiday turned out to be. People have long believed that on these frosty January days a good goddess walks around the world Kolyada, brings joy and health to the house. Thank you, darlings carolers, for your kind words and congratulations. And now it’s time to distribute Christmas gingerbread cookies and sweets to the children.

All the heroes of the holiday are under cheerful music treat children.

Publications on the topic:

A lot of work was done to prepare children for the Nativity of Christ entertainment senior group"Star" Nikitenko.

Project "Christmas Carols" Project “Christmas Traditions” Project participants: Children 2 mixed preschool group Teacher: Kurdova T. A. Preschool specialists Parents.

Entertainment for children of senior preschool age “Carols” Entertainment “Kolyada has come - open the gates!” For older children and preparatory groups. Characters: Mistress - leading 4 boys.

2017. Children enter and sit down to Russian folk music. The Skomorokh boys come out: 1. Congratulations! Christmas time has arrived, from Christmas to Epiphany.