Statuses about girlfriends with meaning are funny. Cool statuses about girlfriends

  • Everyone has a friend who eats like a hippopotamus for days and never gets fat!
  • My friend knows so much about me that I will either have to kill her or be friends with her to death.
  • I have beautiful friends... To save this world, we just need to come together.
  • A best friend is not the one who drags you out of the bar, but the one who crawls next to you.
  • A friend came to visit and said: “Don’t be sad, I’ll sing now”... And she SINGED! ... Infection!
  • Funny quotes and statuses about girlfriends - A best friend is when you have such words, upon hearing which the two of you start laughing hysterically, and everyone else looks at you like you are idiots.
  • The best friend will never ask - why? She just goes to the store, buys it, brings it, opens it and pours it.
  • Only the best friend, in response to “Give me some gum,” gives the whole bag.
  • A true friend is not the one who will give you a hand if you fall. And the one who will fall next to you and laugh like crazy!
  • How sometimes I want to drink and cry, but with my friends I manage to get drunk and laugh.
  • Yesterday I had a blast with a friend, today I can’t remember where...
  • I was not surprised when one of my friends asked another for a screwdriver, but when the second one took it out of her purse...
  • A best friend is like a bra... Close to the heart and always supportive.
  • The best friend is the one who says several times a day: “You’re a fool...”, and then adds: “I’m all about me!”:)
  • It's always like this. You call your friend and ask: “Are you ready?”, she says: “Yes, yes, I’m ready.” And then you come to her, and she’s still running around the house in her shorts, drying her hair.
  • Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, whom you won’t tell anyone, because you’ll have to go there with her, so as not to worry about how she’ll get there!
  • Drinking alone is alcoholism, but with friends it’s already PSYCHOTHERAPY!
  • A true friend won't let you do stupid things alone!
  • ex girlfriend spreads obscene gossip about me, and some of them are not even true.
  • Your friends got boyfriends and they forgot about you? Set the status to "Damn! I think I fell in love with my best friend's boyfriend..."
  • A friend is a friend. You will call her at night and tell her that you have fallen in love. And she will simply say in a hoarse voice, “Sleep!” and hangs up. Then he will call back and say: “Open the door for me. Just be quiet, I’m with a bottle.”
  • A friend is not the one who will jump out of the window after you, but the one who will say that the exit from the apartment is in the other direction.
  • I went to pick up a drunk friend from the guests... Now we are sitting, waiting for them to pick us up.
  • She’s such a friend... You look at her, and she responds: “Yeah, I thought so too.”
  • My business? For all the “norms”, for him it is “the best of all”. And only for best friends: “Girl... this is fucked up...”
  • Only my friend can climb into my refrigerator, take a bite of a chocolate bar and ask: “Will you?”
  • I'll give my friend in marriage! I'm not healthy enough to walk with her so much!
  • I wanted to cry to my friend about how poor I am... In the end it turned out that I was too greedy.
  • If you fall, your best friend will definitely pick you up... As soon as she stops laughing.
  • I always get very worried when my friend doesn’t answer the phone. Suddenly she was kidnapped and raped... But I was not.

Social media today It is impossible to imagine without various statuses, clever expressions and sayings. You shouldn’t ignore like-minded people with whom the brightest events in life happen, leaving pleasant memories. Statuses about your best friend with meaning will definitely be useful for expressing your feelings to this person. The main thing is to find exactly those that are closest to you in spirit.

Touching statuses about your best friend

The closest one, like a relative with whom you can consult, have a heart-to-heart chat and spend hours as if just one minute, is worthy best words. Therefore, statuses in VK about can often be seen. If you want to convey emotions and depth of feelings with your thoughts, then you should do it beautifully. Statuses about your best friend with meaning for social networks will help you do this.

Best friends are like stars in the sky: t You may not see them for years and not talk to them for months, but you are always sure that they are in your life.

Only the best friend replaces the pillow.

When you share your experiences with your best friend, it becomes easier, because a problem divided into two is already half.

In the moments when I talk to mine best friend, it seems to me that I am sitting in front of a mirror.

Only after hearing all sorts of nonsense from my lips will he simply say that he understands me very much.

A star is shining from heaven, how good it is that I have a girlfriend.

She will understand me without words, without unnecessary phrases and unnecessary actions. She will bring me peace, because it is always so interesting to be with her.

Only my best friend drinks from the same mug with me,

Boldly looks into the refrigerator,

Once I fall asleep, the alarm clock will set.

Like a mother or sister, she is very close to me.

A friend sometimes understands better than a husband or boyfriend.

Therefore, cherish your girlfriends.

There is nothing better and more reliable than talking to your reflection.

Talking to your best friend is the same thing. If you open up to her, you will definitely feel better.

Only with your best friend are there so many memories, as if you had lived together your whole life.

When your soul is sad, worries are tormenting you terribly,

You need to meet your girlfriend to feel happiness.

Beautiful statuses about your best friend, with whom you are never bored

Affectionate statuses filled with meaning and tenderness will help express a variety of emotions, presented below.

Only with you can I open my soul with my mouth closed.

You understand me without words, because you know me very well.

You are the most beautiful, the smartest, and you and I are very similar.

Don't be afraid to express your emotions, let your closest friend know that you love her.

Short sayings about best friend

For social networks, many prefer to give credit short combinations words Therefore, statuses on VK about a best friend often consist of several words, because expressing feelings and emotions does not always require a lot of text.

When I feel bad, I don’t call the fire department or ambulance, I dial my friend’s phone number.

Better than any psychologist is the girlfriend sitting next to you.

U best friends similar souls. So you can listen without interruption.

I don’t even send my real friend to the bathhouse, because I’ll worry, I know that for sure.

I don't believe those who talk bad about her. They are just jealous that she has me.

Often meetings with a friend cancel all other events for the current day.

And you, too, when you meet a friend for an hour, then at night you can’t order a taxi?

When meeting a friend we have so much general topics for conversations that a sharp transition from one to another does not matter.

Thoughts transmitted even over a long distance are true friendship.

Poems about best friend

Sometimes statuses about your best friend cannot meaningfully fit into a few sentences, so only through poems can you express all your emotions. All thoughts and feelings can be included in poems. And it’s not at all scary if statuses about your best friend with meaning are long and lengthy, the most important thing is that they carry the necessary meaning.

My sister, you are like a fairy tale.

I'm glad that you are in my life.

After all, every meeting is wonderful,

There are countless fun events.

And although we are not close by blood,

We are very close in soul.

It's easy and free with you,

Both in noise and in silence.

My best friend

I want to tell you:

I can't imagine without you

How could I exist?

If there is joy in the soul,

I'll go with her straight away to you,

If there are sorrows and adversity,

Support in any weather.

My dear darling,

I love you very much.

Adventures with a friend

Of course, every meeting with your best friend is filled with fun adventures and events. That's why funny statuses about your best friend are also very appropriate in in social networks. Interesting ideas you can take the most daring and different ones. This is the only way funny statuses about your best friend will be noticed and well received.

Just while walking with a friend, the next day each one talks about the other, having difficulty remembering herself.

After traveling with my girlfriend, each photo is a sea of ​​​​memories with conversations lasting an hour for each photo.

Sometimes I only remember the time I spent with my best friend through photographs.

If you collect all the pictures with your friend, you can create a story that will be even greater than “War and Peace.”

Not a single day spent with your best friend and a glass of wine is sad.

Fun moments with your best friend


With you is a sea of ​​memories that only we know.

It’s a pity that we will never be able to tell our children about many of our travels.

Every outing with you is like a zoo. Because we neigh like horses, make noise like parrots, and act like monkeys.

Sometimes I feel ashamed when you and I walk down the street together. Because we behave in such a way that people turn to us.

Express your emotions. Don't hide your feelings and remind your friend that she is very dear to you.

Statuses about your best friend. Will you trust her with your life?

We are like dark and white chocolate - we are sweet, but with a hint of bitterness. Like missing pieces of one whole. We're just best friends!

My friend knows so much about me that I'll either have to kill her or be friends with her to death

A best friend is like a husband, your only and beloved. This is the one with whom conversations do not get boring. This is the one whose pain is like your own. She's the one who can lift your spirits when you want to cry...

The best friend will never ask - why? She just goes to the store, buys it, brings it, opens it and pours it.

A true friend won't let you do stupid things alone!

Correspondence with my best friend - compromising evidence about my whole life

Your best and only friend is your own reflection in the mirror...

Losing a girlfriend is worse than losing a boyfriend. Because there can be a lot of guys, but the best friend is the one you’ve been with all your life.

A best friend is a person who will tell you to your face everything that pisses her off about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!

I’m not looking for another friend, You’re the best on the whole planet, You’re a ray of sunshine when I’m sad. How subtly we feel each other, One soul.

It is very difficult to find a best friend - after all, the best one is already mine.

Statuses about a friend - The best friend is a person to whom you don’t even need to tell anything, she can see in your eyes what an idiot you’ve done...

Jealousy of a best friend towards our mutual friend is the most terrible jealousy.

If your husband ran off with your best friend, you will miss her very much.

It's great to have a real friend. When you are tired of betrayal, of another pain, of the whole world, you can simply come to her without words, fall on the bed and silently close your eyes.

A best friend only comes once in a lifetime. At least sometimes she pisses you off and you want to kill her. But you understand that besides her, you won’t love anyone like that.

I will give my friend only to those hands that will love her more than I do.

U normal girl one best friend, not a million

The best friend is the one who will understand in any situation, even if you are talking nonsense.

With your best friend there is something to keep quiet about!

Your best friend is the one you call and she's busy. And you freak out terribly, but it turns out that she called you

A best friend only comes once in a lifetime. Even though she pisses you off and you want to kill her. But you understand that besides her, you won’t love anyone like that.

Best friends will never quarrel for the rest of their lives, and even if this happens, after a while they will make up again.

Sincere friendship is something that is given from above. And if you are lucky enough to receive it, make sure that your friend has no doubt about it. Put the best statuses about your best friend with meaning.

Together, even when it's very difficult

1. Why don’t I dedicate it to my friend? tender words? Because she already knows that I love her.

2. Every woman should have a personal space that only her best friend can violate.

3. I understand her without words. I have to, otherwise sometimes she talks complete nonsense.

4. And I know who really saw you without makeup...

5. Who cares what happened to this guy. I had a fight with my friend.

6. Than prettier girlfriend, the more difficult it is to be friends with her.

7. No one knows me 100%. But no, he knows.

8. Do you believe that there can be several best friends?!

9. Best friends are made for the best moments!

10. You can fall in love at first sight, but you can understand your friend at first sight.

Touching phrases for best friends

Do you think that you have true friend? Then she is worth the status about friends to tears with a hidden meaning.

  1. Being able to make friends is a talent just like any other.
  2. Living without a friend means being defenseless in a cruel world.
  3. When a friend is too beautiful, it’s bad, when she’s too smart, too. The main thing is that she has a good heart.
  4. Having a lot of girlfriends is just as bad for a girl’s reputation as having a lot of men.
  5. They say a friend is a friend in need... But that’s all nonsense! You know a friend when everything is better for you.
  6. If your best friend no longer consoles you, think about it: either you complain too much or you should complain about your friend.
  7. Together you need to be able to cry and laugh out loud.
  8. The height of happiness is when your daughter’s best friend is your daughter.
  9. Girls who are friends with ugly girls, don't think they don't notice it!
  10. Friendship is when you are ready to share a chocolate bar with your neighbor.

Support and support

Statuses with meaning about the friendship of girlfriends are not always pleasant, since real female friendship really rare.

  1. A dear soul... calms... consoles... I beg you, she and I can quarrel several times a day. But yes, we always make up later.
  2. It’s impossible to be around me, praising me all the time. I know that my character is definitely not sugar.
  3. Why do I call her a sheep? It's simple: don't jinx it!
  4. Female friendship the more valuable, which happens much less often.
  5. Girls who never had best friends are witches, that's for sure.
  6. They say that a friend who is too beautiful is dangerous for your marriage. So, the wrong man is dangerous for your marriage.
  7. If you have common jokes that others don’t understand, that means your friendship is developing.
  8. IN autumn weather a sad movie is not that, mulled wine is not that either. But a sad movie and mulled wine combined with your best friend are just the thing.
  9. My friend can basically eat everything I have in my refrigerator. But then she's in Once again will hear what kind of pig he is.
  10. When guests wash the dishes in the house, it means poverty; when your family is an idiot, it means that these dishes will finally be washed.

Friendship in the words of great women

Are you thinking about what meaningful statuses to put about your girlfriend on VK? You can't go wrong by choosing one of the following quotes.

  1. Some say that friendship is not the most important thing in this life. But how sad each of us would be, living in a huge palace, even with a loved one of the opposite sex. F. Ranevskaya
  2. Female friendship either exists or it doesn’t. There is nothing to strive for. M. Curie
  3. If you get sick, go to the doctor and call a friend. A. Jolie
  4. Don't be offended by your friend for pointing out your shortcomings. In fact, she is doing you an irreparable favor. S. Theron
  5. Being friends does not mean seeing each other often. To be friends means to wait with trepidation for your short meeting. D. Lopez
  6. Friends should be equal. Equal in spirit, not in material status. Madonna
  7. It's good when your best friend is your mother. N. Comaneci
  8. You can be lonely with your spouse, but not lonely with your boyfriend. A. Kellerman
  9. If you don’t feel happiness, it means you simply have no one to share it with. Mother Teresa
  10. Friendship for years is when even now you want to live with her under the same roof. R. Levi-Montalcini

Mutually and forever

Statuses about bad girlfriends with meaning should also be correct.

  1. I did a bad hairstyle. It’s not that I’m afraid to go outside... I’m afraid that this chicken will see and laugh at me.
  2. Love is blind. However, this is how friendship happens too.
  3. Have you seen a friend without flaws? Probably not, just like a person without flaws in principle.
  4. If you don't have a hundred friends, why do you need so many of them?
  5. A friend from whom you hide something from time to time is definitely not your best friend.
  6. People who have the skill to teach rarely have any friends.
  7. The spirit of competition is inherent in us by nature. You need to develop honor and conscience towards a friend yourself.
  8. It is unfortunate that strong friendship two girls can be violated by one guy.
  9. Unfortunately, you can recognize the scent of your boyfriend on the shoulder of your “favorite” friend.

Would you like your girlfriend to always be there? Dedicate to her a cool status with meaning about a friend.

I came to my friend to cry for my life... They laughed until the morning...

When guys appear, girlfriends disappear...even the best ones...

A friend is the person with whom you are in sickness and in health, in poverty and wealth, in joy and sorrow, today and forever.

Female friendship exists as long as the interests of women do not intersect.

The saddest thing is to see how sad your friend is and understand that you can’t help her.

No matter what you tell, there will always be a friend who had more, longer, longer, higher, better, stronger, tastier, richer...

The best friend is the one who stands up for you! Then he will take you aside and say that you were wrong!

The best friend is the one you can come to without calling, forgetting your house keys, and know for sure that she is at home.

You are my friend, we are friends, you are just as stupid as I am.

I will give my friend only to those hands that will love her more than I do.

Women's friendship is a 24/7 job!

It's always scary to meet a friend's new boyfriend. Especially if you slept with him...

Your friend forgot about you and she has a boyfriend? Set the status to “Damn! I think I fell in love with my best friend's boyfriend..."

It’s better to be with a friend than with a guy, you can tell her everything and act like a complete fool, but she will always understand and won’t tell anyone.

A friend is a news service, a liquor store and a psychological support center.

Best friends are like the wind: noisy, violent, impetuous and unpredictable!

A true friend won't let you do stupid things alone!

Only a true friend can be told to her face: “You’re pissing me off.” And at the same time, do not be afraid that she will be offended.

It doesn’t matter what they say about your friends: if you like them and you feel good with them, then they are exactly the people who should be around - regardless of age and social status.

A true friend is not a chick who wipes your snot when your boy dumps you. A true friend is one who is sincerely happy to see you beautiful!

The best friend is the one who says several times a day: “You’re a fool...” and then adds: “I’m all about me!”

It's just terrible when you start to see your best friend as a potential rival...

I was not surprised when one of my friends asked another for a screwdriver, but when the second one took it out of her purse...

Best friends are when even strangers they call you sisters!

The best friend is the one with whom you constantly have to delete your message history after corresponding with her.

It's happiness when you have a friend who you can open your heart. Appreciate friendship...

Your friend gave you a hickey and now you can’t prove to the guy that this is REALLY your friend!

A true friend will always scratch her nose or head when your nails are painted!

It’s so nice to hear from a friend: “Did you see how he looked at you?”

I went to pick up a drunk friend from the guests... Now we are sitting, waiting for them to pick us up.

The best friend is the one who forgets about her problems because she understands that yours are much more serious...

I love my girl friend! Only she can endure ten hours of stories about how bad he is and how much I love him!

Yesterday I had a blast with a friend, today I can’t remember where...

I have a friend who is a true genie. As soon as you open the bottle, it’s right there.

Female friendship exists right up to the moment when one has something that the other doesn’t have.

True friends do not compete with each other and do not envy, but help and are sincerely happy for each other...

Only a woman, having discussed a topic on the phone for twenty minutes, can say to her friend: “Okay, we’ll talk when we meet. This is not a telephone conversation.”

Only a true friend can understand that something is wrong with you, even when you smile.

There is nothing better in the world than eating candy with your best friend!

I always get very worried when my friend doesn’t answer the phone. Suddenly she was kidnapped and raped. But I don’t.

Not in the world better friend than a best friend!

Girlfriend. Only she will dissuade you from writing SMS ex-boyfriend when you're drunk!

Girlfriends are those people who know what a bastard you really are, but are still friends with you.

By your actions, you can see how much you are valued... By your calls - how much they need you... And only over time - who cares about you.

A best friend is a person who will tell you to your face everything that pisses her off about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!

The best friend is when you have such words, hearing which the two of you start laughing hysterically, and everyone else looks at you like you are idiots...

I love my best friend - she is the only person in whom I am 100% confident, who will not betray me or abandon me. I love her very much.

A friend is like a perfume - to choose one you have to try a hundred.

That's what they are - friends. You fight, make up, and then, as usual, together forever.

My friend knows so much about me that I will either have to kill her or be friends with her until death.


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Since childhood we have been accompanied different people- parents, relatives and of course friends. Also in kindergarten we find ourselves in a small society, where, of course, the first friends appear who shared candy with you, helped you put together a puzzle, or simply came up and said: “Let's be friends!” In a carefree at a young age Friendship develops the first human qualities in a girl. We grow, we change, and our friends do with us. With the emergence of the concept of “best” between friends, a lot changes, they begin to treat friendship as a kind of relationship. A best friend is both a friend and an enemy, an adviser, an accomplice, the strictest critic and a master of compliments. Time spent with this person is priceless. Best friends harbor your deepest secrets and secrets, all your hopes, dreams and desires. It is a pity that not every friendship is eternal and not every friendship can withstand all disagreements and misunderstandings. The reasons for disagreements are very different, but at the same time as old as the world: I liked one guy, someone spilled a secret, I went for a walk with another friend, I said something behind my back. Be that as it may, female friendship is one of the strongest forces on the planet. A friend will always understand and support, always protect and cheer. Whichever life situation It didn’t overtake you, you can always find statuses about your best friend here and express your thoughts with a status.