Options for decorating the New Year's table. What's hot? Cooking and decorating

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The closer to us the most magical and good holiday a year, the more pleasant troubles related to preparation. In addition to gifts, home and Christmas tree decorations, as well holiday menu, it would be nice to pay attention to table decoration.

website publishes ideas for a special New Year's table setting that will set the right atmosphere for the entire New Year's Eve.

Color solutions

New Year- this is almost the only holiday on which you can truly afford to make your whole house rich. Red color looks best with gold. Napkins, dishes, candles, tablecloth - let your imagination run wild and color it the way you want color combinations everything that comes to mind.


In addition to the play of light from the garlands, candles will perfectly complement the atmosphere. They don't have to be lit all day; they can only be lit during meals or when it starts to get dark. But the main thing is not to stop at ordinary candles, experiment with shapes and scents.


Napkins on the table - required attribute, which can also become an independent decoration. Large versions of red or even themed colors are best suited for these purposes. Also, before the feast, you can put one napkin on each plate, having previously twisted them into some unusual figure or shape.


Tangerines are already a separate symbol of the New Year, the smell and taste of which almost everyone associates with the main winter holiday. They can stand apart from all other fruits if you pile them in a large pile in a separate dish. Or they can become the main component of a fruit platter of apples, grapes and nuts.


Small spruce branches and cones spreading wonderful fresh aroma forests can also become an excellent decorative element. Place them on several small plates or napkins and place them on the table. Or create a larger composition that will become the main decoration.

Christmas decorations

Tinsel, rain, Christmas tree balls can not only show off on the Christmas tree, but also fit perfectly into the festive table decoration. They can be placed in several glasses or supplemented with them fruit compositions, or simply scatter on the table between plates of New Year's dishes.


Licorice candies, chocolate, and, of course, mountains of candy. Shiny and colorful candy wrappers will delight the eye, and the sweets themselves can be enjoyed in between main courses.

That’s why many people compose with such trepidation New Year's menu 2019, are looking for recipes for the New Year 2019 with photos and are racking their brains with the questions “what to cook for the New Year 2019?” and “how to cook New Year’s dishes”? The menu for the New Year 2019, recipes for New Year's dishes, recipes for the New Year's table are thought out in advance by prudent housewives. If there are children in the family, New Year's recipes for children begin to be discussed. Some are looking for simple New Year's recipes, others are looking for original New Year's recipes, and others are looking for traditional New Year's dishes. In the West at this time, people are most often only interested in the recipe for New Year's cookies, but our people approach this issue more thoroughly and prefer to prepare New Year's hot dishes and New Year's main courses. New Year's menu for 2019, in principle, must be compiled with taste, literally and figuratively. If you have any unrealized culinary recipes, new year holidays- it's time for them. Dishes on New Year's table 2019 can be very diverse. For those who have already begun to compile the New Year's menu, recipes, and those who are interested in eastern calendar, we remind you that the symbol of the new year 2019 according to Chinese calendar– Pig or Boar, more precisely, this is the year of yellow earthen pig. Astrologers are already drawing up their horoscopes to predict what the year of the pig has in store for us. We’ll tell you what to prepare for the New Year’s table for the Year of the Pig. Read more about the New Year's menu in the year of the pig. Celebrating the New Year is a very troublesome task, so it is better to select New Year's recipes for the Year of the Pig in advance. Recipes for New Year's dishes for the year of the pig have a simple rule: this animal must like them. The New Year's menu for the year of the pig must include various salads. Vegetables, fruits, meat - the pig loves everything tasty, but mostly still eats roots. New Year's recipes for the year of the pig (2019) can be prepared using nuts and mushrooms; wild boars also love them. New Year's recipes for children for the year of the pig, you can cook from fruits and vegetables, you can bake Acorns or Three Little Pigs cookies. Original New Year's recipes for the Year of the Pig for children can be prepared from boiled eggs and mashed potatoes. And of course, it would be nice to decorate children’s dishes for the year of the dog with handmade pigs and piglets with snouts. Recipes for the New Year's table in the year of the pig (2019) do not require anything completely surprising, since the pig, in principle, is an unpretentious animal in terms of food, so all our simple hearty dishes will come in handy. New Year's meat dishes can be prepared in a variety of ways, but of course not from pork. And it would be good to cook them with vegetables and fruits. To quickly and correctly prepare delicious New Year's dishes, use New Year's recipes with photos for the year of the pig. We have specially selected New Year's dishes with photos for the year of the pig. Recipes for the New Year 2019 with photos will tell you step by step how to make any dish you like. We hope that our New Year's recipes will help you prepare truly delicious New Year's dishes, and it doesn't matter whether you used complex New Year's recipes or simple New Year's recipes. The Year of the Pig will bring you happiness on January 1, when family members and guests will thank you for a wonderful New Year's table. It would also be nice to come up with appropriate ones for yourself and for your guests. New Year's names dishes, this will make the New Year's table 2019 even more original and mischievous; recipes with photos will spur your imagination and make this process even more exciting. And don’t forget to make New Year’s recipes with photos during the cooking process. On our website we have collected the best New Year's recipes, recipes for New Year's dishes, the most beautiful New Year's dishes in the New Year's menu 2019 to the New Year's table 2019. New Year's dishes with photos will help novice cooks. Recipes for New Year's dishes with photos will save time and protect you from mistakes. Post your New Year's recipes 2019 with photos with us, we will place them in the New Year's dishes 2019 with photos section, and we will be sure to quietly whisper to Santa Claus for you. And let's grunt loudly to the yellow pig :)

Offensive winter holidays- this is a special time when almost every housewife thinks not only about the festive menu, but also looks for ideas for decorating the New Year's table. This applies not only to those families who are accustomed to vigorously and noisily celebrating the New Year in big company friends and buddies. Every person wants to make his home or apartment beautiful, even if he is left alone when the chimes strike. It is noteworthy in this pre-holiday bustle that even the most avid connoisseurs of minimalism strive to find as much as possible more options stylish and original decoration DIY New Year's table.

Basic principles of decorating the New Year's table

So, how to decorate the New Year's table for the New Year 2019? It’s worth mentioning right away that you need to meet the coming 12 months with a good and kind attitude. This is relevant at all times, regardless of specific symbolism. To make 2019 successful, fruitful, profitable and happy for you and your family, try to create a harmonious and beautiful atmosphere in your home before the holiday.

By what principles should the New Year's table be decorated? In 2019, it is this attribute of the holiday that needs to be given maximum attention. If you show a little imagination, you will certainly be able to recreate harmony and comfort in your home, which is so valued by the symbol the coming year. Please note that for festive decoration important:

  • dishes placed on the table;
  • their external design;
  • decoration of the table itself (setting);
  • decor of the most key attribute.

Usually for the New Year we bet on festive table the most beautiful dishes or sets that are dear to our memory. It is also customary to lay luxurious, expensive tablecloths, abandoning “naked” fashionable tabletops and unpresentable oilcloths that night. It is equally important to remember about uniform devices. Don't forget about the importance of holiday paper and textile napkins. To make everything beautiful and solemn, place candles and other cute accessories that will add their own chic to the decoration of the New Year's table.

Consider character too upcoming holiday, which is always associated with hospitality and nepotism. Warmth, comfort, friendly atmosphere, and fun are at the forefront. So don’t skimp on pickles and dishes. But don't go overboard too much.

On a note! Extra frills on the table often turn out to be inappropriate, since the main thing is New Year's Eve– satisfy the appetites of all those present, and not feed them.

  • poultry, beef, pork;
  • hearty salads;
  • beautiful snacks;
  • cold cuts;
  • several types of bread;
  • fruit assortment.

Sweets, vegetable slices, and potato side dishes are popular. All this will appeal to all family members and those present at the table.

Requirements for colors and materials

In addition to preparing a variety of dishes, do not forget that the festive table should be decorated in a certain color scheme. Typically, designers annually offer us several options for fashionable and stylish decor.
In 2019, natural, natural shades who are distinguished by restraint and inner strength. Use the following colors to decorate the New Year's table:

  • khaki;
  • Marsala;
  • ocher;
  • Bordeaux;
  • terracotta

Beige, brick, milky white, and creamy tones will be no less relevant. You can decorate your holiday table and home with attributes in the color of ice cream and champagne. Suitable for the entire range of chocolate and brown paints. All this calm and comfort can be diluted with bright and rich accents. To do this, you will need to decorate the table using orange, red, grassy green, yellow shades.

Selecting materials for decorating the New Year's table

When coming up with the design of the New Year's table 2019, do not forget that on this holiday friendly calm atmosphere and comfort. That is why, when decorating a table and the whole room with your own hands, you should pay attention to close attention on the use of materials. Warmth, comfort and convenience in in this case stand above all else.
To ensure that the interior matches the trends that are always in fashion, it is recommended to decorate it with natural fabrics. Their texture can be fleecy or smooth. Burlap, wool, cotton and linen are great for this. Other similar materials can be used. But it is recommended to avoid synthetics.

The use of velvet and velor fabrics is also allowed. To avoid deliberate ostentation, they should be diluted with brocade or silk fragments. To do this, it is optimal to use napkins in the appropriate design.

Important! Also pay attention to the decor of the serving rings, which set a certain tone for the entire decoration of the New Year's table. The design of these accessories should not go against the rest of the space.

Selection of cookware

The choice of dishes for setting the New Year's table deserves special attention. The photo below offers several possible options. You don’t have to buy a new set to decorate your holiday table. You can use an old but favorite set of dishes. The main thing is that there are no chips, cracks, or chips on it.

It is equally important to maintain a friendly atmosphere when arranging cutlery and dishes. To avoid offending anyone, check the exact number of guests in advance if you plan to celebrate the holiday in a large company.

Don't forget about the kids! Each child needs his own plate and set of cutlery.

Also placing certain elements festive table setting, try to do everything so that no one hurts anyone if you need to reach out for a certain object.
Assess the dimensions of your table in advance and balance them with the parameters of the selected dishes. Plates and salad bowls should not be too bulky. Let the dishes only hold required amount food and does not clutter the table. Think in advance and arrange for individual cutlery to be placed next to each dish.

The material from which the dishes are made and their colors should organically blend into the overall scheme.
Priority is given to services made in discreet light shades. It’s good if the dishes are decorated in the old style, without sharp corners and sharp lines.
You should also carefully approach the choice of glasses and wine glasses. It is necessary to decorate the New Year's table with versions with beautiful glass and clear edges. Such dishes will make the New Year's table even more beautiful and elegant. In the rays of burning candles and in the shimmer of garlands, the light will play exquisitely, delighting you and your guests.

When choosing all the dishes, keep in mind that luxury is not the most important thing. Much more important than shine and radiance is comfort and coziness. That is why give preference to dishes made of thick colored glass, porcelain and semi-porcelain, ceramics, and wood. Such solutions are relevant for 2018 and will give you a feeling of genuine home warmth.

Using Accessories

Decorating the New Year's table elegantly and correctly with your own hands is not as easy as it seems. However, this task of designing it is incredibly interesting and exciting.

Decorating the New Year's table with candles

When you decide to add accessories to your table setting, don’t forget about candles. It’s good when there are a lot of them, because they bring warmth and create a cozy atmosphere. You can create an entire composition of candles with your own hands and place it in the center of the table. Several small figures can be placed near portion plates.

But when arranging candles, do not forget about the rules fire safety. You cannot install these accessories next to wreaths made of dry branches, tinsel, garlands made of paper elements, or napkins. They light up instantly.

Decorating the New Year's table with garlands

Don’t forget about garlands when decorating. Modern options so delicately and exquisitely made that they can more than successfully fit into the decor of the New Year's table and decorate it in a truly elegant way. This element will give it a wonderful and somewhat magical atmosphere, which will appeal to the guests of the holiday and all the children present at the table. Many will appreciate such a non-trivial move. The examples in the photo will help you decorate the New Year's table with your own hands using a garland.

Using napkins to decorate the New Year's table

When choosing small items and accessories for the holiday table, do not forget about napkins. It is such a minor detail that will help not only create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort, but also bring a special chic to the table design. There are several in the photo below great options. To do this, it is recommended to choose napkins that simultaneously meet two important requirements. They must be functional and quite beautiful. Since this can be difficult to do, it is recommended to take care of purchasing paper and fabric accessories. As you know, the second option is considered a decorative addition. That is why close attention must be paid paper napkins. To make them look presentable on the holiday table, you should choose a beautiful and effective stand for them. It’s great if it’s made of wood or metal.

On a note! When choosing the napkins themselves, rings and stands for them, consider the color scheme that is preferred for 2018.
Paper napkins can be secured in a stand. You can roll them beautifully with your own hands, but you shouldn’t do anything too tricky and complicated this year. Take a peek possible options in the photo below.

Tablecloth to decorate the New Year's table

Will not complete decoration New Year's table 2019, if you forget about the tablecloth. Modern tables are very beautiful without it. However, it is this accessory that can create a truly cozy and festive atmosphere. So don’t deny yourself and your loved ones such little things. When choosing this decoration element, pay attention to the shade and material. The fabric must be natural. About current color solutions for decorating festive tables with your own hands was discussed above.

Attention - to accents

You can diversify the decoration of the festive table using beads, Christmas decorations, wreaths of pine cones and Christmas tree branches. They flicker very beautifully in the lights of candles and garlands, filling the house with magic and the expectation of a real, genuine miracle.
By the way, if you wish, you can dilute the decor of the New Year's table original composition, representing the New Year. There is no need to restrain your creative impulses here. Allow yourself to fantasize, because no matter how on holiday you can allow yourself to show a little creativity and realize your creative impulses.

Also, don’t forget about thematic options table decorations. Relevant elements will be a Christmas wreath, a composition of spruce branches and cones, Christmas balls and beads. The photo below has some interesting ideas. Small souvenirs will fit into the decor no less beautifully. These can be small figures in the form of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, a green Christmas tree, candles or gift boxes.

The New Year's table is the very personification of the holiday. After all, behind it we sum up the results of the past year, make wishes for the new one, share gifts, smiles and joy with loved ones. And every year we are looking for new ideas to ensure that our table not only amazes with dishes, but is also elegantly served. After all, at a beautifully set table, a holiday truly becomes a holiday, and photographs from the celebration turn out to be very colorful.

Today we will talk about how to turn the holiday into a real fairy tale with the help of New Year's table setting! Our instructions consist of 6 steps and contain useful practical advice and a lot of photos.

Step 1. Decide on the color of the table decor

In the article we already said that most often the dominant color in the New Year's kitchen is red. It goes well with white, gray, silver and gold colors, and of course, someone else can play a worthy match with it New Year's color- green. Look how the table is transformed with this color scheme! However, of course, you can choose any other color you love as the main theme of the New Year’s table, because everyone has their own special New Year and New Year's taste. We have selected for you examples of the best table settings not only in the traditional red, white and green design, but also in other interesting color combinations.

Step 2. Lay out the tablecloth

Depending on the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year, it can be elegant and patterned, or simple and plain - everything is in your hands! We advise you to take into account the shape and material of the table - for example, a linen table runner will look beautiful on a rectangular wooden table. If you have round table, then pay attention to tablecloths with patterns or embroidery along the edges. In addition, the tablecloth can have an unusual print that can be combined with the decor on the table - take a look at the tablecloth with deer and how the idea of ​​the forest is played out in dishes and souvenirs on the table. You shouldn’t completely abandon it, because even a simple white tablecloth will create a festive Christmas mood if there are appropriate decorations on the table.

Step 3. Decorate the table

The decoration of the New Year's table can become a vivid reflection of the idea of ​​celebration. What does New Year mean to you? Most bright holiday in a year when everything should sparkle and shine? Take a look at the photo, you will like the decor of the New Year's table with shimmering fir trees and silver candlesticks. Or is New Year one of the few days when you can spend time with your loved ones, and nothing should distract you from communicating with them? In this case, you will be satisfied with modestly standing decorative spruce trees on the table. In any case, the one thing you can’t do without when decorating a New Year’s table is candles. They can add enthusiasm, or, on the contrary, the feeling of a fairy tale, if lanterns serve as a candlestick, and spruce branches lie nearby. Don't forget about holly or rowan - these bright red berries can be used to decorate anything beautifully. If you have an abundance of Christmas tree balls, you can fill vases with them, or make improvised candlesticks from glasses, as in the photo below.

Advice: New Year is family celebration. Therefore, the whole family and especially children should take part in preparing for its celebration. With your little helpers, cut out snowflakes or stars from paper and hang them not only throughout the house, but also place them on a tablecloth in a contrasting color.

Step 4. Decorate the chairs

Setting the New Year's table is not limited to just one table, because we still need to “land” somewhere. And in decorating chairs there is certainly room for your imagination to run wild! Children will definitely love it New Year's hats, put on the back of a chair and from the deer behind you!

And we really like it when they use pine cones to decorate chairs and tie them on a bow.

Bows, by the way, can be the most different colors and sizes, because they fit any backrest. Chair with upholstered backrest can be wrapped elegant fabric and pin it with a large brooch.

Advice: To prevent the ribbons from falling off, attach double-sided tape to the reverse side.

Many people attach mini New Year's wreaths to the back of their chairs.

Take a look at the photo to see how many options there can be for New Year's decoration chairs! We will show many other ways to decorate chairs in another article.

Step 5. Serve the dishes

There's only one small thing left to do - you need to choose the dishes. The decor of the New Year's table implies traditional New Year's scenes: spruce trees, snow-covered landscapes, red and green checkered patterns, forest dwellers and everything that is associated with the New Year. Dishes with such scenes can be found today in any large hardware store.


  • If you don’t plan to buy new dishes for just one day a year, then there are many ways to decorate your daily ones. By making a small stencil with your own hands and using permanent marker for coloring, you can get a beautiful holiday dish. You can do this with mugs too! Remember that the dish must then be “bake” in the oven for half an hour;

  • Well, if drawing is not your thing, then you can go in a simple way and arrange rosemary sprigs on plates, beautiful Christmas balls or sweets. For example, sweets will look great on the most ordinary plates. christmas sticks shaped like a heart. Another original way- this is to fold the dishes in the form of a snowman.

Step 6. Serving the cutlery

We've sorted out the dishes, but what about serving cutlery? Agree, do you want something more elegant than napkins folded into a diamond shape? How do you like the presentation of New Year's cutlery in the photo below? Musicians and those for whom New Year is invariably “The Nutcracker” will love a case made of musical notes. New Year's table setting can’t do without a sock, which is usually intended for gifts - you knit such covers yourself or buy ready-made ones, they will look charming! What can you say about mini mittens? For New Year theme V rustic style Easy-to-make covers made of linen and lace are suitable. Using colored cardboard you can also make cute covers in the form of mini clothes.

Clue: If there is no time left to buy or make decorations for cutlery, the simplest option will help you out - cutlery wrapped in a disposable serving napkin and tied with twine or just a ribbon of New Year's colors.

We hope that with our simple tips And colorful photos table setting will become for you the most pleasant part of preparing for the most long-awaited and beloved holiday, and your loved ones on New Year's Eve will be happy not only delicious dishes, but also their surrounding environment. New Year is always a time of hope and expectation of a miracle, so we wish you a whole snowfall of miracles in the coming year, a merry, spiritual holiday and have a great holiday!