The name of the New Year's snowman craft. DIY New Year's card with a Snowman. New Year's snowman made from plastic cups - Master class on video

Time is running very quickly and, despite the fact that there is no smell of snow now, the winter months won’t keep you waiting long! It's coming soon New Year 2019, symbolized by the Yellow Earth Pig. Pragmatic people prepare for everything in advance, maybe we should learn this too, so that the holiday does not take us by surprise. It's time to think about where and with whom to celebrate the New Year, as well as how to decorate the venue. Of course, here the traditional tinsel on the Christmas tree, garlands, all kinds of snowflakes and other attributes of the main thing will come to the rescue. winter holiday. In order to plunge into childhood, you can build a real snowman at home, dressing him up with a hat in the shape of a bucket and equipping him with a carrot nose and a broom for complete harmony. Why not do it at home? In this article we will tell you several great ideas, how to make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with your own hands from scrap materials, which is perfect as a!

Snowman made of corrugated paper

A wonderful snowman can be made from an ordinary corrugated paper. Even a child can handle this job.

You will need:

  • Corrugated paper (black, red and white);
  • Plasticine (it is better to take plasticine of a light shade);
  • Toothpicks.


  1. We take plasticine and roll “snow balls” out of it for our snowman according to the principle from large to small.
  2. Now you need to make squares from white corrugated paper. Cut out squares measuring 20 by 20 mm from paper.
  3. Then, one by one, put a toothpick into each paper square and roll it into a tube. Thus, we make a tube on a stick. This must be done with all squares.
  4. Starting from the bottom, string the resulting tubes on a stick onto a plasticine snowman. Please note that we stick in a circle not very tightly to each other. This way we cover the snowman completely. The end result is a cute paper snowman.
  5. Then we make his hands from black corrugated paper.
  6. Using red paper we make a bucket for the head and spout.
  7. Our snowman is ready!

Simple and interesting option from improvised material that everyone has: burnt out lamps. Be careful! Don't break it!

To do this you will need the following items:

  1. The actual lamp;
  2. Paper napkins or toilet paper;
  3. Paper glue;
  4. Paste;
  5. Acrylic paints;
  6. Paint brush.

Manufacturing progress:

  1. Using paste, you need to cover the light bulb with toilet paper or napkins according to the papier-mâché principle.
  2. We are waiting completely dry.
  3. Now white acrylic paint cover the entire surface of the lamp, simulating snow. It's better to do this in several layers.
  4. After the paint has dried, you need to draw eyes, nose and mouth, decorate the snowman with rhinestones and stickers of your choice.
  5. Using a string, we make a loop and hang our finished snowman.

Snowman made from plain colored paper

Beautiful snowman from plain paper, which can easily be done in a very short time. By the way, if you make a lot of these crafts and fasten them with ribbon, you will get an original garland.

For production you will need:

  • White A4 paper, it is better to choose thicker paper - 2 sheets;
  • Multi-colored paper, which will be needed to make an outfit, a nose and a scarf;
  • Black marker;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Sequins, rhinestones, buttons;
  • Paper cake pan;
  • Coin.


  1. We cut one sheet of white paper into strips lengthwise, the second - across.
  2. We collect the resulting strips into a ball, fixing them with glue.
  3. Now you can draw or glue on the snowman’s eyes, nose, and buttons.
  4. Cut out a long strip of colored paper - this will be a scarf. Let's glue it.
  5. We use a paper cupcake tin as a hat.
  6. To stabilize the snowman, glue a coin to its bottom.
  7. The springy funny snowman is ready!

Snowman made from paper towel or toilet paper rolls

This a simple snowman can be made from ordinary bushings from toilet paper or paper towels! Try making this craft with your children.

You will need:

  • A paper towel or toilet paper roll;
  • White paper;
  • Colored markers;
  • Colored paper;
  • Old colored socks;
  • Felt for decoration (optional)


  1. Take the sleeve and carefully cover it with white paper.
  2. Using colored markers we draw the snowman's eyes and buttons on his stomach.
  3. Cut out and glue a nose and scarf from colored paper.
  4. We cut out a hat from an old sock and put it on the snowman. You can also make a scarf.
  5. The miracle snowman is ready!

Snowman made of cardboard and cotton wool

With very young children you can make a snowman out of cotton wool and cardboard. Parents will need to help the kids quite a bit.

To make it you will need:

  • Cardboard;
  • Cotton wool (can be in balls);
  • White paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Multi-colored markers;
  • Small twigs (wash and dry in advance);
  • Disposable plate.


  1. On cardboard we draw a silhouette of a snowman from three balls.
  2. Cut out the resulting shape.
  3. Pour PVA glue into a saucer.
  4. We lay out the cotton wool into pieces or scatter ready-made cotton balls. Dip cotton wool in glue and glue it onto a cardboard figure of a snowman. Thus, you need to cover the entire surface on one side.
  5. We glue our prepared branches-handles onto the reverse side.
  6. All that remains is to draw or cut out eyes, a carrot nose, a mouth, and buttons from colored paper.
  7. The snowman is ready! You can glue a loop to it so that the craft can be hung on the Christmas tree; you can use a disposable plate to make a base for stability.

Snowman made from yogurt cups

Want to cool idea regarding the creation creative snowman, then here you go. Surely, you have a small number of plastic bottles of drinking yogurt or kefir lying around at home?! Call your kids to admire your masterpiece and help you create such beautiful crafts!

To work you will need:

  • a bottle of drinking fermented milk product;
  • a plastic cup of yogurt;
  • colored paper in red, orange and black;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • small foam ball;
  • White paper;
  • stationery knife;
  • black nail polish.

Manufacturing process:

  1. To create an unusual little snowman, you will need to take one medium-sized plastic bottle and a foam ball corresponding to the size of this container.
  2. Using a stationery knife, carefully cut a hole in our ball so that you can place it on the neck of the bottle. This will be the head of our product.
  3. After the body has been drawn, we will need to place a headdress on the glue - it will be a cup of yogurt.
  4. We cut out our hands from colored paper fairy tale character, a broom, a scarf, a nose in a triangle and a mouth - a smile. We attach all elements with PVA glue.
  5. We make eyes and buttons on the body from regular varnish for nails. That's the whole trick of our craft! Create a lot of these tricks together with your child, place them throughout the house: on window sills, on dressers, on the kitchen and holiday tables! Surround them with tangerines and sweets, rain and tinsel to feel the mood of celebration!

Cool snowman made of metal caps

With a snowman made of plastic bottles, we seem to have told you everything, and now your husband’s task is to collect a small amount of metal caps from beer or lemonade. Yes - yes, exactly, lids, since we will have to make a cool snowman out of them like in the photo. If you want to know more about this, then let’s immediately begin our step by step wizard class.

To work you will need:

  • metal beer caps;
  • hot glue;
  • glitter nail polish;
  • orange and black nail polish;
  • red yarn for a scarf;
  • satin ribbon for attaching to the Christmas tree.

Manufacturing process:

  1. We take three metal lids and fasten them together with hot glue.
  2. Then we transform the inside white part of the lid with glitter nail polish so that it sparkles under the mechanical lights.
  3. We design the Snowman's face. For this purpose we need to use black and orange nail polish. We draw eyes, a mouth and a nose - a carrot. It would also not hurt to depict buttons on the body of our craft, created with our own hands from scrap materials.
  4. Now our fairy-tale character has come to life, smiling cheerfully and cheerfully at us, but to complete the picture, a red scarf made of soft yarn for knitting is not enough. We cut off a small part of the threads and tie it around the neck of the snow hero to your taste.
  5. All that remains is to attach it at the base of the head satin ribbon so that you can easily hang our snowman on the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019.

Master class on a snowman made from cotton wool

Thanks to this master class, you will be able to make a snowman with your own hands in literally 30 minutes, which will perfectly decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year 2019. It is quite easy to do, you can even make it with children.

You will need:

  • glitter;
  • soap;
  • cotton wool;
  • water;
  • glue;
  • bright orange paint;
  • beads;
  • small twigs.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. So, the cotton wool, if it is rolled into a tight ball, needs to be fluffed up.
  2. We wet our hands in water and soap them, after which we roll two balls out of cotton wool, one larger, the other smaller.
  3. Rolling the balls will be very easy. We dilute the glue slightly with water, after which we lubricate the cotton balls with the resulting mixture.
  4. We connect the balls using a toothpick and place cotton balls on it.
  5. We cover our Snowman with a layer of glitter, which will create the illusion of a snowball.
  6. How to make a carrot nose? Wrap a little cotton wool around the tip of a toothpick, then paint it with bright orange paint.
  7. Break off a toothpick with cotton wool and insert it into the ball - the head.
  8. We make the eyes and mouth of the fairy-tale character from black beads, and the arms from twigs.
  9. Let the craft dry for about three to four hours.

Making a snowman from threads

You already know how to make crafts from cotton wool, and now let’s try to make a snowman from threads and glue for the New Year 2019. Look at the photo and instructions below and try it.

You will need:

  • white threads,
  • glue,
  • three balloons.

Preparation method:

  1. Inflate the balloons of three different sizes- “head” and two balls for the body.
  2. We take the first ball, coat it with glue and, holding it by the tip, wrap it with threads over the entire area.
  3. Having wound the first layer, we smear the threads with glue, after which we make another layer.
  4. Set the ball aside, giving it time to dry. In the same way we make two more balls, larger in size.
  5. How to remove a ball from a ball of thread? Very simple! Once the glue dries, you just need to pierce the ball and pull it through the threads.
  6. Now the balls need to be connected to each other, slightly pressing at the points of fastening.
  7. Let's decorate the head of our product - the eyes can be made from beads, the mouth from black thread or also from beads, and the nose - a carrot - can be made from cotton wool and a toothpick. Like this in a simple way It’s quite possible to make a snowman with your own hands from scrap materials for the New Year 2019 quickly and beautifully!

Master class with visual video instructions

Paper snowman

Well, again we have a snowman made from usually A4 paper, which can be made quickly and easily.

Here is a list of materials that may be useful to us:

  • paper white for quilling (long strips of the same length),
  • blue paper for the hat and scarf,
  • black beads for eyes,
  • red - for the nose.

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When it's too cold outside to make snowmen out of snow, it's time to stay inside to make, sew, or cut them out from scraps and even waste materials. Snowman crafts can be used to decorate your home, Christmas tree or table for the New Year, give as gifts to loved ones, bring to school/kindergarten for an exhibition, or simply be used for games. This material presents 7 master classes and 40 inspiring photo crafts for the little ones and older children.

Master class 1. Snowman made from a sock

Looking at these soft toys, it seems that they were sewn by skilled needlewomen, but in fact, every child can make the same snowman with their own hands in just 15 minutes from... a sock.


  1. White sock;
  2. Filler – any small cereal or padding polyester/cotton wool;
  3. Thick threads or thin rope;
  4. Decoration materials:
  • For eyes and nose: beads or pins with colored heads. You can also simply draw them with felt-tip pens or acrylic paints;
  • Cloth: buttons;
  • Scarf: a piece of colored material (can be cut from a colored sock) or ribbon;
  1. Glue and thread with a needle to sew on buttons and a hat;
  2. Scissors.

Step 1. Cut the sock into two parts as shown in the photo. The lower part of the sock (it should be without a heel) is the future hat, and the upper part is the body of the snowman.

Step 2: Take top part sock and turn it inside out, then tie one end of the sock tightly with a thread (preferably the heel part) and turn our workpiece right side out again. You will end up with something like a bag.

The slider below clearly shows the process of how to make a snowman's body from a sock.

Step 3. Fill the resulting bag with filler, for example, rice as in our master class. For convenience, you can pull the sock over a roll of tape (see photo).

Shape the snowman's body, then tie the top with thread and trim the ends.

Step 4: Now tie the thread around your neck. Hooray! The snowman is almost ready, all that remains is to decorate it.

Step 5. First, we’ll dress the figurine with a scarf and at the same time hide the thread around the neck. The scarf can be cut from any soft fabric, for example, from a colored sock or fleece. If the selected fabric does not crumble too much, you can cut fringe at the ends of the scarf.

Make a snowman hat from the remaining part of the sock.

Glue the buttons in the middle. If desired, they can be sewn on.

Step 6. Finally, make the eyes and nose of your snowman. To do this, you can simply stick pins, draw them with felt-tip pens, cut them out of felt, or sew on beads.

If you wish, you can make a whole family of snowmen using different materials and socks of different sizes and colors.

Here is a selection of photo ideas for decorating snowmen made with your own hands from socks.

Master class 2. Snowman made of cotton wool and cardboard

Children over one year old will surely love the idea of ​​making a snowman from cotton wool and cardboard. You will need very little help from adults. The famous Olaf was made in this project, but you can make the most ordinary snowman.


  • Cardboard;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • PVA glue;
  • Cotton wool balls (or just cotton wool);
  • White paper, black and orange marker;
  • Small twigs (collect them on a walk, wash and wipe dry).


Step 1. First you need to draw a silhouette of a snowman consisting of three balls on cardboard. If you want to make Olaf, then copy him from a picture found on the Internet. You can tell the child that Olaf’s body consists of a large and a small ball, his legs are made of two small balls, and his head looks like an elongated diamond.

Step 2. Cut out the drawn figure.

Step 3. Pour PVA glue onto a piece of cardboard or saucer, pour cotton balls or regular cotton wool in front of the child. Next, you need to cover the entire figure with cotton wool according to the “dip-and-stick” pattern (you can say that). If you use regular cotton wool in a roll, then first you need to tear off a piece from it, then roll it up like a bun and only then glue it.

Step 4. C reverse side Glue the branch handles onto the cardboard. Don't forget to glue three branches to the head too.

Step 5. Now draw and cut out three small balls, paint them black and glue them onto the craft. Then draw, cut out and glue on the eyebrows, eyes, mouth and carrot nose. Olaf is ready! You can glue a loop to it and hang it on your door or tree.

By the way, if you have some disposable plates, you can glue them together and use them as a base for a craft.

And a snowman made of cotton wool can decorate wall panel or a postcard.

Master class 3. Snowman made of threads

The next craft idea is a snowman made of threads, which a child can make with his own hands with a little help from an adult.


  1. Balloons (2 pcs);
  2. A skein of thick white thread (you can use latex or waxed thread, but it’s better to try to find just cotton thread);
  3. PVA glue;
  4. Hot glue gun;
  5. Glue container;
  6. Paints;
  7. Scissors;
  8. Scotch;
  9. Decoration materials:
  • Hands: branches;
  • Eyes and mouth: black cardboard or black buttons;
  • Nose: orange paper/cardboard or white paper and orange paint;
  • Cloth: buttons;
  • Scarf: a piece of colored material or ribbon;
  • Top hat (optional): cardboard, printer and tape.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a snowman from threads with your own hands:

Step 1: Inflate Balloons: one larger (torso), the other smaller (head).

Step 2. Connect the balls using tape.

Step 3. Place newspaper on the table to protect it from glue. Pour glue into a saucer, lower most of the thread into it, then proceed to randomly wrap the balls, starting from the neck. Remember that the thread should always be generously covered with glue. Don't try to wrap the snowman too tightly.

Step 4. When the entire figure is covered with threads, leave the glue to dry overnight or 24 hours.

Step 5. Now that the glue is completely dry, pierce the balls with a needle and carefully pull them out. If you are afraid to widen the hole between the threads, pull out the balls under the neck, because it will still be tied with a scarf.

Step 6. Cut out a small circle at the bottom of the figure. This is necessary so that the snowman can stand.

Step 7: Trim branches to required length and glue them using a hot glue gun.

Step 7: If you want your snowman craft to have a top hat, print out the template below on cardstock, cut out all the pieces, and glue them together. The cylinder can then be decorated with ribbon.

Click to download the template

Step 8. Now the work remains small. Tie a scarf on the snowman, glue a couple of buttons. Then glue eyes and a smile cut out of black cardboard onto the face. Finally, roll the orange paper into a cone and glue it under the eyes. Voila, the “snowy” cutie is ready for the holidays!

Master class 4. Large snowman made of plastic cups

Do you want your home snowman to be as big as a real one, to be able to withstand even outdoors, and even glow from the inside? We suggest making a snowman with your own hands from plastic cups as in the following photos.

This craft is done quite easily and quickly. The main thing is to stock up on cups (about 400 pieces) and even more staples for the stapler. You can learn how to make a snowman from plastic cups with your own hands from this video.

Master class 5. Snowman made from toilet paper rolls

Rolls from toilet paper or paper towels are excellent blanks for New Year's snowman crafts. Wrap the sleeve in white paper or paint it white, then draw eyes and buttons on the stomach with a felt-tip pen, glue on a nose and a scarf cut out of colored paper.

If desired, the snowmen can be insulated with scarves and hats cut from colorful socks

Pipe cleaners and felt were used to decorate these snowman crafts.

You can even make an Olaf out of a toilet paper roll!

Master class 6. Christmas tree decorations made from light bulbs

Another idea for making snowmen from waste materials is Christmas decorations from incandescent light bulbs. True, you need to work with them as carefully as possible and only with the help of an adult. But hand-made New Year's snowmen will be able to decorate the Christmas tree more than once.

Santa Claus and reindeer will make excellent company for the snowman


  • Light bulbs;
  • Rope, ribbon, thread or thin wire (for a loop);
  • Acrylic paints and brush or PVA glue and white/silver glitter;
  • Materials for decoration: fabric for a scarf/hat, ribbons, buttons;
  • Hot glue gun (needed for attaching branch handles);
  • Branches (if desired).


Step 1. Paint the light bulb in 2-3 layers of white paint or cover the lamp with PVA glue and sprinkle generously with glitter as shown in the photo below.

Step 2. Wrap the base with rope/wire and make a loop.

Step 3. Glue the twig handles using hot glue.

Step 4. Paint the eyes and mouth with black paint. Draw the nose orange or glue a carrot made of felt, fabric or paper in its place.

Step 5. The metal base of the light bulb can be painted black, as if it were a hat, left unpainted so that it resembles a bucket, or put a cap on it.

Step 6. Cut a scarf from a piece of fabric, tie it and, if necessary, secure it with glue. Draw or glue a couple of buttons on the stomach.

Master class 7. Springy paper snowman

And finally, we suggest making a snowman simply from colored paper. If you make a lot of these crafts and hang them on a ribbon, you will get a beautiful New Year's garland.


  • Two sheets of white paper (regular office paper will do, although thicker paper will work best).
  • Paper of other colors (for the nose, scarf and outfit).
  • Black marker.
  • Glue, scissors.
  • Optional: paper cupcake tin, glitter, buttons.

Step 1. Cut the paper into strips in two lengths, for example, cut one sheet of paper across and the other along the length.

Step 2. Now collect the strips into a ball, fixing it with glue.

Step 3. Draw or glue all the details: eyes, nose, buttons. Cut a long strip of colored paper and make a scarf. You can also use a paper cupcake liner as a hat.

Step 4. If you want the snowman to be able to stand, then glue a coin or small stone to the bottom of it.

New Year 2019 is approaching Yellow Earth Pig, and each of us is preparing for this wonderful holiday. Some people plan to celebrate the holiday at home, with their family, while others, on the contrary, in a noisy company of friends, on the street. In both cases, I would like to beautifully decorate the New Year's meeting place. Usually the New Year's decoration of the home consists of a Christmas tree, all kinds of garlands and beautiful holiday compositions from Christmas tree branches and tinsel. On the street, traditionally, a snowman is made from snow and decorated with various fun accessories. But what if you want to have such a funny snowman in your apartment, or it happens that there is little or no snow outside? For such cases, we offer some great ideas on how to make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with your own hands from scrap materials.

Snowman made from plastic cups

In order to make such a rather unusual snowman, you don’t have to work hard, because creating such a miracle is as easy as shelling pears!

To make it you will need:

  • plastic cups - 300 pcs.;
  • PVA glue or stapler;
  • plasticine.


  1. 30 glasses should be laid out in a circle and fastened together using a stapler or glue. The first row is ready. According to the same principle, we make the second and all subsequent rows. For each subsequent row, fewer and fewer glasses will be required, since they are cone-shaped. Thus, the first lump should be obtained.
  2. The next com should have more round shape and smaller sizes. Take 22 plastic glasses and form the second lump in the same way as the first. After that, we turn it over and lay out the missing rows. If desired, you can make a third lump, however, in this case, it may be too unstable.
  3. Connect both lumps and make sure that everything turns out correctly and evenly.
  4. Let's start decorating. Make eyes from black plasticine and a nose from orange plasticine. Wear a hat or cap. You can also use a scarf, ribbons, fabric and other elements for decoration.
  5. You can put it under a snowman New Year's garland, in this case it will also glow. The main thing: show your imagination! This decoration can be installed indoors or outdoors.

Master class on making a snowman from plastic cups

Snowman made of threads

One of the most simple options How to make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with your own hands, using ordinary threads. It looks original and is done, surprisingly, quickly and easily.

  • A skein of white thread,
  • PVA glue,
  • Balloons - 5 pcs.,
  • cotton wool,
  • Needle.


  1. First of all, you need to inflate the balloons, they will be the body. 3 - different sizes and 2 - the same (for hands).
  2. Use a needle and thread to pierce a jar of PVA glue. The thread must be saturated with glue. We remove the needle and wrap the thread around the inflated balloons, previously coated with a small amount vegetable oil(so that the thread does not stick to the ball). Try to wrap the balls as carefully as possible so that there are no gaps at all. Once all the balloons are wrapped, place them in a warm place to dry completely (at least 24 hours).
  3. After this, pierce each ball with a needle and remove its remains by the tail.
  4. We sew all the parts together with white thread. For maximum effect You can coat the stitching areas with glue. Leave it until completely dry.
  5. The eyes can be made from buttons or beads, the nose and mouth from colored paper. Wear a hat and scarf. Our snowman is ready for the New Year!

Master class on making a snowman from threads

Snowman made from beer caps

A snowman made from beer caps does not require great creative skills to make. like this New Year's craft Even a child can easily build it with his own hands. And since the snowman from ancient times is considered a good helper in the performance cherished desires, then such a craft will not only serve as a decorative element for you, but will also attract good luck and fortune to your home.

To make it you will need:

  • Bottle caps;
  • Acrylic paints - white, black, orange, red;
  • Brushes;
  • Ribbon;
  • Hot glue;
  • Buttons;
  • Scissors;
  • Glitter (at your discretion).


  1. Take three bottle caps and paint them white, then glue them together with hot glue.
  2. Glue a red ribbon to the back of the future snowman, making a loop at the top.
  3. Using a thin brush, draw the eyes, nose, mouth and buttons on the snowman.
  4. We tie a thin ribbon, which will serve as a scarf, between the first and second lids. To make it more beautiful, you should glue a button or other decorative element that you like.

Our cheerful snowman is ready for the New Year!

New Year's craft "Chocolate - snowman"

New Year's holidays in every family, of course, are not complete without sweets. But, given the fact that the New Year is a time of magic and the fulfillment of all cherished desires, you should definitely transform an ordinary chocolate bar into a rather cute snowman, thereby intriguing your children beautiful packaging made with your own hands.

You will need:

  • white or blue paper;
  • Scissors,
  • Black felt-tip pen,
  • PVA glue,
  • Corrugated paper orange color;
  • Scarf and hat (can be made from a sock or corrugated paper);
  • Fir branch with beads or other decorative elements.


  1. Let's take it Blank sheet paper and wrap a chocolate bar in it, and so that it does not unfold, glue it with PVA glue.
  2. On the finished snow-white tile, draw the eyes of the snowman with a black felt-tip pen, and form a nose from a small rectangular piece of orange corrugated paper, tightly wrapping it into a cone and gluing it with glue.
  3. We draw a smile with a black or red felt-tip pen, and create a blush on the cheeks using a red pencil, which we use to shade on a small piece of white paper, and then lightly rub it on the cheeks.
  4. We make a hat and a scarf from a sock: cut it in half and sew one part, where the heel remains, using a needle and thread. Using a thread from the top of the hat, we create a bubo. To make the hat seem mischievous, sit slightly at an angle and tighten one side of it with thread.
  5. We cut the scarf in a semicircle from the second half of the remaining sock and tie it around the snowman’s neck. So that the ends of the scarf do not stick out in different sides, we secure them to the tile itself with double-sided tape. We decorate the scarf spruce branches and beads or something of your choice. Ready!

Master class on making a chocolate snowman

Candy snowman

You can make a snowman quite creatively for the New Year 2019 using candies; it will fit perfectly on your holiday table or near the Christmas tree.

To make it you will need:

  • Candies "Raffaello";
  • Foam balls (one small, the other a little larger) - 2 pcs;
  • White paper;
  • Hot glue;
  • Toothpicks - 3 - 4 pcs.;
  • Scissors;
  • Foil;
  • Chenille wire (fluffy, flexible);
  • Silver cardboard;
  • Rain.


  1. Let's take two foam ball and cover them with white paper.
  2. We connect the finished glued balls together, place them on top of each other (small ball on a large one), place them on toothpicks, and secure them with hot glue.
  3. We make mittens: cut out mittens from foil and insert a small candy into them and seal it inside with hot glue.
  4. By using chenille wire we wrap both mittens around the edges, making them fluffy, and twist it at the base of the mitten.
  5. We paste the resulting snowman with candies: we paste the bottom ball in three rows, at a short distance, and on the top - three candies.
  6. We wrap the entire snowman in rain, securing it with hot glue. We put a cap made of silver cardboard on the head and also attach it to glue.
  7. We glue eyes taken from an old soft toy onto the face, a nose from gold foil, a mouth from red rain or other material.
  8. Glue on the mittens, and then the legs, made using silver cardboard in oval shape. Well, that's it!

Snowman made of cotton wool

Such a craft will certainly interest the guests of your home, and probably none of them will immediately guess what this beautiful snowman is made of.

We will need:

  • Deodorant bottle
  • PVA glue,
  • cotton wool,
  • Buttons,
  • Beads,
  • Ribbon,
  • Crepe paper.


  1. Carefully cover the bottle with cotton wool using PVA glue and place it in a warm place to dry. Attach the scarf (ribbon) with glue.
  2. Sew several small buttons onto the body. Make eyes from beads, crepe paper- mouth, eyebrows and nose. It will turn out very fluffy and soft.

Master class on making a snowman from cotton wool

Snowman made of balls

This is probably the simplest New Year's craft that even a schoolchild can make with his own hands.

For production you will need:

  • multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens.
  • modeling ball – 1 pc.,
  • white balloons – 2 pcs.


  1. We inflate white balloons of different sizes and tie them together using threads or ponytails.
  2. We inflate the modeling balloon and secure it in the form of a scarf where the white balloons are tied. Use a black marker to draw eyes, orange for a nose, and red for a mouth.

Master class on making a snowman from balls

Snowman made from a sock

To make such a snowman for the New Year you will need very little time and effort.


  • White socks
  • Two buttons
  • Scissors,
  • Rubber.


  1. Cut the elastic from the sock.
  2. WITH wrong side secure it with an elastic band and turn it inside out.
  3. Now fill the sock with rice and cotton wool.
  4. Give the shape of the snowman using an elastic band: secure it in the middle.
  5. Make eyes out of buttons, put on a hat and scarf. It will make a great souvenir or Christmas tree decoration.

Master class on making a snowman from a sock

Fabric snowman

From fabric you can make with your own hands not just a unique snowman, but also an excellent soft toy for your child.

We will need:

  • White fabric,
  • Threads,
  • Needle,
  • Buttons,
  • Sintepon,
  • Ribbon,
  • Beads,
  • Cardboard.


  1. Sew a small bag from white fabric, then fill it with padding polyester.
  2. Using thread, tie it tightly in two places to form the head and body. Sew a ribbon and secure beads at the ends.
  3. Make a nose out of red cardboard and eyes out of buttons. You can tie a scarf made of plaid fabric around your neck.

Master class on making a snowman from fabric

Light bulb snowman

Did you know that from old light bulb you can make something original Christmas decorations? It's very easy and simple!

If you know how to make a snowman, then you can make one with your children, and they will take it creative work to kindergarten or school. This attribute of winter and New Year is created from various materials, from unnecessary things.

To make such funny character You can use socks that are out of fashion or that are too small for your child. To work you will need:

  • light sock;
  • colored sock;
  • padding polyester;
  • rubber bands;
  • white yarn;
  • buttons;
  • needle with thread.
The size of the socks depends on how big you want your snowman toy to be. You can use small or large. Take a sock, fill it up bottom part 3 cm with rice.

White grains are not visible through the fabric. This filler will help the structure to be stable. If you don’t have rice and the sock is thick, you can pour another light grain into it, for example, millet.

Place padding polyester on top of the cereal, thus filling the sock to the heel. Make small balls on the right and left by pulling the sock with pieces of padding polyester with an elastic band - you get blanks for handles. Just above this place, in the middle, also tie the sock with an elastic band. This is a snowman's throat made from a sock. Now we need to make his head. To do this, fill part of the sock with padding polyester above the neck, round it, and tie it on top with an elastic band.

Shows how to make a snowman with your own hands photo above. Looking at it, you will understand that at this stage you need to replace the elastic bands with white yarn.

Next, we make a cap for a funny character. A colorful sock will go with it. Put it on the head of this assistant of Santa Claus and tie it at the back of the head with a thin elastic band. The length of the hat can be any, cut off the excess, tie yarn instead of an elastic band. Decorate the tip of the cap as you wish by cutting its edge, or leave it as is.

Now let's start creating the face. Buttons of blue color will serve as the eyes, and the brown one as the nose. Sew three black buttons onto his belly, use scraps of a sock to make a scarf with fluffy ends and hang it around the snowman’s neck.

The next craft is no less interesting - the idea will tell you what use can be made for used plastic cups. If you have a lot of them, then you will get a big snowman. It can be placed in the office, on the street, next to any institution. It will decorate the building and attract the attention of passersby.

DIY snowman made from plastic cups

For this craft, in addition to empty containers, you will need a stapler. For decoration you will need:
  • carrot;
  • colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • textile.
Start by making the top ball. To do this, fasten the cups together with a stapler, placing them evenly to each other, with the bottom in one direction. Soon they themselves will take the desired circle shape. In the same way you will make the second half of the snowman. The top ball should be smaller than the bottom one.

Both of these figures are circles; they do not need to be completed to the end; the bottom must remain free so that the snowman made from plastic cups is stable.

Connect his head to his body using a stapler, and tie this place with a scarf made of corrugated paper. From it, or from ordinary colored paper, you will make buttons and eyes of the figure. For the nose, you can put a carrot in a cup, cutting a circle of small diameter in it, as shown in the photo, or make it out of cardboard.

How to make a cylinder headdress can also be seen in the figure. Cut out a rectangle and a circle from cardboard. The length of the larger side of the rectangle should be equal to the diameter of the circle. You will also need a rim for the cylinder, in the figure it is indicated as number 3. Cut out blanks from colored or white cardboard, coloring them in desired color. You can cut the same blanks onto fabric, cut them out and paste them onto cardboard. Now all the parts need to be glued together, as shown in the figure, and you can place the cylinder on the head of the New Year's snowman you created with your own hands.

There are many ideas for such creativity. As a result of the implementation of the following, the craft will turn out to be openwork and airy. Using this technique you can also make a new lampshade.

In addition to the materials listed, you will need:

  • 5 balloons of different sizes, large for the body, smaller for the head, even smaller for the arms;
  • white threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • for eyes 2 black buttons;
  • for the nose a little orange polymer clay;
  • big needle.
The exciting process begins with inflating balloons. You can involve the whole family in this. Now you need to wrap each ball with threads. To prevent the balls from bursting, this is done carefully, without stretching the threads too much.

Now generously coat the windings of the balls with PVA glue. It should cover all sections of the thread well. Hang the balls by the ropes that tie them at the top and let them dry thoroughly. To do this, it is better to leave the blanks overnight, then your morning will start very happily, since now you need to burst all the balls with a needle. After that, remove them through the holes between the threads.

Now place the largest piece on the floor or some kind of base. Attach a slightly smaller ball to this large ball, and on top - a snowman's head made of threads. Glue its handles in the same way and let the pieces dry.

The finishing touches remain. A beautiful nose is made from polymer clay or cardboard. For the latter, it is cut out in the shape of a triangle, then one side is placed on the other and the joint is glued. Sew the button eyes in place, make a headdress as in the previous case, and the thread snowman is ready.

To make your polymer clay nose strong, mold it in the shape of a carrot, and then put it in boiling water for 8-10 minutes. Then the workpiece will become hard and at first glance it will be difficult to distinguish it from a real carrot.

Knitted snowman

With this figurine you can decorate a sweater, potholder, decorative pillow. The patterns clearly demonstrate how such knitted snowmen are created. This one shows that you will need eight colors of thread.

Color number:
  1. - white;
  2. - yellow;
  3. - violet;
  4. - red;
  5. - blue;
  6. - sea wave;
  7. - blue;
  8. - green.
If you don't have yarn of a certain shade, you can replace it with another. So, the character’s hat, scarf, and legs may be of a different color.

Such knitted snowman performed using technology stockinette stitch. That is, on the front side you will knit with facial loops, and on the reverse side with purl stitches.

To change the color to another, twist the thread the desired shade with the one you finished knitting the last loop with. Then the junction of different yarns will be invisible and done neatly.

A knitted snowman is created with knitting needles from the first loop of the bottom row. In the diagram it is the right one bottom corner. As you can see in the figure, 10 loops are knitted from right to left up to the number 20, and then another 7 loops with blue thread. Next, the snowman's leg begins. Twist the yellow and blue thread, knit yellow 6 knit stitches. Also knit until the end of the row, but with blue yarn.

Turn the work inside out, knit 39 loops using blue yarn according to the pattern, then 8 with yellow yarn and the remaining 16 with blue yarn. In the same way, focusing on the snowman knitting pattern, create the entire fabric. It consists of 92 rows, and 60 loops are used horizontally. In the diagram, cell 1 is one loop.

When you need to finish knitting a piece of a certain color, cut and tie the end of the thread so that it does not unravel. When alternating colors, your threads should be on the wrong side.

To make the design look good, after completing the work, place a knitted snowman on the front side, damp gauze or cloth on it and iron it. If your knit item uses a ribbed pattern, you do not need to iron it, otherwise it will stretch.

Snowman for kindergarten made from a plastic yogurt bottle

If your beloved child was asked to make such a New Year's attribute, use available materials for this. Even a small child can make a toy using an empty Rastishka container.

A bottle snowman is easy to make; in addition to this, you will need:
  • green corrugated paper;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors;
  • soldering iron;
  • a piece of red plasticine or cardboard of the same color.
Remove the label from the bottle. Roll up rectangular sheet paper to make a narrow strip, start wrapping it around the neck of the bottle, not forgetting to shape the neck. This way you will simultaneously close the hole and make a snowman hat with your own hands.

Now use a soldering iron to make a hole in the bottle. If you are creating a craft with your child, take on this part of the work yourself. Meanwhile, let the baby roll a piece of plasticine in the shape of a snowman’s nose between his palms. Attach it to the resulting hole; you can also use a folded piece of colored paper or cardboard for the nose.

To help the paper stick better, use glue. Use it to attach sparkles or circles in the middle of the snowman's body, these are improvised buttons on his clothes. Make eyes out of colored paper new toy. After the glue has dried, the New Year's craft for kindergarten and the schools are ready.

Video tutorials on how to make a fabric snowman with your own hands and other photos:

No one knows how to enjoy snow as much as children. Even if they have already made a dozen snowmen on the street, they still will not refuse to make them at home from other materials. We have collected 25 ideas for you, at home from paper, felt, felt, thread, socks and other improvised materials.

Crafts with children for the New Year: 25 ideas on how to make a snowman

Crafts with children for the New Year: Funny Snowmen made of felt

Try making snowman appliqués with your children. These adorable felt decorations require minimal sewing skills, meaning even a beginner can make them.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Paper snowman

Enough easy craft for children for the New Year - a snowman made of paper. To make it with your children, you just need to cut out circles of different sizes and fold them like an accordion, and then secure them with glue.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Musical snowmen

Decorate the tree with your favorite Christmas snowmen. They are easy to make with children: they can cut out circles from music notes and make a hat, scarf, and nose out of colored paper. Trace each piece with a black marker or glue them onto black cardstock. Assemble as shown in the picture and make a hole in the top for hanging.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Table runner with Snowman

This cozy New Year's snowman will invite everyone to the festive table. Even people can make such an applique on a woolen carpet small child. With your help, of course.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Snowman jar decoration

This felt decoration with cute New Year's snowmen will decorate even the most ordinary glass jars, and will create a New Year's atmosphere in your home.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Snowman made from a sock

This is one of the easiest ways to make a snowman with your own hands, and even with your children. You don't need any special materials - use whatever you have on hand. How to do it, see our master class at the link.

Crafts with children for the New Year: DIY Hanging Snowman

Hang this smiling Christmas snowman in your window for an extra dose of holiday cheer. In order to make such a craft with your own hands, you will need felt and a hoop.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Sweater snowman

Take an old knitted sweater out of your closet and repurpose it into merry snowman. One sleeve is enough for one snowman - just cut it off, stuff it with cotton wool or other material and sew it up by hand.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Snowman Christmas tree decoration

What other New Year's crafts can you make with your child? Of course, decoration for the Christmas tree! These cute snowmen are made from felt, ribbon, and fiber filling. Such crafts can be made for the New Year for children in kindergarten or as a gift for loved ones who will appreciate children's creativity.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Snowman cookie box

You can decorate anything for the New Year, even a metal cookie box! Encourage your child to get creative and decorate it with colored tape, ribbons, paper and stickers to make the box fun and festive. And, of course, don’t forget about the most important decor - the snowman!

Crafts with children for the New Year: Clay snowman

Let this snowman reign at the holiday table! There is nothing easier than making such a craft for the New Year with a child. You will need air clay, wire, wrapping and a decorative stand. You can choose colors and details to match your interior.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Sparkling Snowman

With beautiful details and a quaint old-fashioned look, this is a masterpiece self made as if it came to you straight from your beloved New Year's story. Make a model out of aluminum foil, then cover it with a layer of air clay and decorate.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Snowman greeting card

Invite your child to make something for his grandmother and other close relatives. You will have fun making this craft with your children, and your loved ones will be touched by your attention.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Felt snowman

The Snowman craft can create not only a festive atmosphere, but also... warmth and comfort! Yes, yes, just look at this soft and fluffy snowman! To make this DIY wonder, felt scraps of wool into balls, then pin them together to form the body of a snowman. All that remains is to add small parts, like an eye, mouth, nose and buttons, and decorate with a scarf.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Snowman frame

Holiday decorations don't have to be just for the Christmas tree—these friendly snowman faces, made from polymer clay, can be placed in small photo frames to decorate your walls.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Stand for a Snowman from a book

Make your favorite snowman the hero of the holiday this year. Cut a hole in a worn book and place a snowman figurine on top of a paper pinwheel. Finally, draw or stick a winter landscape on inside book cover.

This cute snowman garland is sure to bring a smile to your face every time you walk into the room this holiday season. These happy snowman faces - simple craft, which is easy to do with your child - you just need to cover foam balls polymer clay, give each snowman facial features and color them.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Snowman made of threads

In frosty weather, it’s such a pleasure to make snowmen at home from threads. Just connect balls of different sizes and decorate them with accessories. For this you can use pins, buttons, nails and wire. If you have a lot of threads in your house, you may end up with a whole family of snowmen, especially if you involve children in making crafts.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Snowman stand

Such a cute snowman is not only a great decoration festive table, it also has a very practical side - it can be used as a stand for glasses. To make such a New Year's craft with your own hands, you will need some felt, a marker and imagination. If you want to make such a craft for the New Year with a small child, you don’t have to use a needle and thread to fasten the parts, but simply glue them together.

New Year's table decoration in the form of a Snowman

Great idea for serving New Year's table- arrange the plates and cutlery in the shape of a snowman. Just a little to add bright details(use decorative napkins) - and your guests will be amazed.

Crafts for children for the New Year: Snowman Advent Calendar

And you will have to do this New Year's craft with your own hands without the help of a child. After all, it is for children. You still have a couple of days to make something amazing for your child.

Crafts for children for the New Year: Snowman labels for gifts

Instead of the usual tags indicating the name of the gift owner, use these cute snowmen. They are easy to make with your own hands from felt.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Snowman on a ball

If you're looking for some easy New Year's crafts for kids, this one is perfect for you. Color with your child Christmas balls- draw funny snowmen on them.

DIY New Year's card with a Snowman

This homemade Christmas card with a smiling snowman will warm the hearts of friends and family even after the holidays are over.

Crafts with children for the New Year: Garland of Snowmen

Decorate your doorways with a shimmering snowman garland that's super easy to DIY with kids. Cut out a garland from white paper and cover it with white paint or glitter glue.

Based on materials from