Cool VKontakte statuses for girls. The best VK statuses for girls

Topic: Most best statuses in VK for girls. Women argue that men are fickle, and men argue that women are flighty. Jean de La Bruyère

You should never trust a woman who tells you her age. A woman capable of this is capable of anything. Oscar Wilde

Women need cuteness to be desirable to men; It is unreasonable for beautiful ladies to be attracted to men.

The inconstancy of the women with whom I was in love was redeemed only by the hellish constancy of the women who were in love with me. B. Shaw.

Only by admitting the guilt of women is honor tarnished. Ovid

It is not surprising that Solomon resolved the dispute between the two women in the blink of an eye: after all, he had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. Julien de Falkenare

Every woman should get married but no man should get married. Benjamin Disraeli

The song around the fire fascinates women more than the power of a hunter getting food. Wilhelm Schwöbel

Seeing a woman on a tree, Socrates said: Oh, that all trees would bear such fruit as this one! Abul Faraj

A woman is like a traffic police inspector: she’ll say crap, take away your money, ruin your mood, and it’s also your fault!

A real man should give way to a woman and not give way to anyone next to her

Nature told the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent. Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

The best necklace for a woman is the arms of a child hugging her neck...

Friendship between a man and a woman is impossible. Passion, enmity, adoration, love, just not friendship.

An innocent girl is corrupted with shameless speeches, a woman prostitute dizzy with respectful love: in both cases - an unknown fruit. Antoine de Rivarol

A true friend is a girl who knows your favorite song and reminds you of its tune when you forget it yourself.

As a rule, the problem is not that your wife loves you, but that she loves you alone. Unknown author.

Which one is the most clever woman? The one you want to thank even for refusal. Vasily Klyuchevsky

It is not true that without women there is no life in the world. The truth is different: it’s as if you never lived in the world without women. Karl Kraus

If you sympathize married woman, then you find either two enemies, or a wife and a friend. Henry Mencken

The woman on the sand is fascinating - she looks like a newly dug up statue. Ramon Gomez de la Serna

Men marry out of boredom, women out of curiosity. Both are disappointed. Oscar Wilde

A girl who never gossips simply doesn't have any girlfriends worth talking about.

A smart woman gives happiness, a stupid woman waits for it.

Man has an eternal, uplifting need to love. Anatole France

It is not true that we love a woman for what she says; we love what she says because we love her. Andre Maurois

The best ideas come the step before they fail.

We love both a child and a friend only if we already know how to love at all. A man learns this from a woman.

Women have always had an easier life: retirement age earlier, live longer, boobs are always at hand, no need to marry some idiot.

U loving man: a woman is naked at home, but in the street in a hat.

A woman always needs a friend to brag about.

A healthy body is wonderful; a healthy mind is even better; but the most important thing - both for a person and for a nation - is character, the sum of those virtues that make a man good man and a woman a good woman. Theodore Roosevelt

How do you think there are so many brave men that they look into a woman’s face, come up to her, shake her hand and say without horror: Do you want to be my wife? - then one cannot help but be amazed at the extent to which human courage can reach. Stendhal

The smartest man becomes a fool when he loves; The most empty girl, having fallen in love, becomes smart. Moritz-Gottlieb Safir

The baker whose wife cheats on him doesn't have horns, but bagels.

The doctor must have the eyes of a falcon, the hands of a girl, the wisdom of a snake, and the heart of a lion. Avicenna

The road to success is crowded with women who push their husbands in front of them. Thomas Dewar

A blade of grass will tell us honestly about which way the wind is blowing; But what a woman wants, God himself doesn’t even know! Maksim Gorky

Most women have no principles: they obey the voice of the heart, and their behavior in everything depends on the men they love. Jean de La Bruyère

When men forgive, they immediately forget everything, but women only know how to forgive.

Great love, obviously, lies in trust, in joy from each other, in respect personal life each other and respecting professional choices.

Once a woman gives you her heart, you will never get rid of everything else. John Vanbrugh

The arithmetic average of a woman's opinion of her husband a month before the wedding and a year after it is his true assessment in a very convenient form. Henry Mencken

You must first live for your own pleasure, have fun properly, and only then ruin everything with a serious relationship.

Lyusya ate the first, the second, a piece of cake, nuts with condensed milk and compote. As a result, Lyusya is as happy as an elephant, but dissatisfied as a woman.

Life is like electricity: you get up with tension, you go to work with resistance, you sparkle all day, you pass out at night...

The woman is simultaneously a snake, an apple, and a pain in the stomach. Henry Mencken

The phone is truly useful only for large entrepreneurs and women who have something to hide. Colette

A woman before marriage is a provocateur; after marriage - gendarme. Henry Mencken

I must lose myself in activity, otherwise I will die of despair. Tennyson

There is little in the world decent women who would not be disgusted with their virtue. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

It is easier for a woman to overcome her passion than her coquetry. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

A jealous wife read her husband’s VKontakte statuses and liked him with a frying pan.

A woman spends more time reminiscing about her past romance than a man does starting a dozen new ones. Helen Rowland

A woman may sometimes confess her sins, but I have never known one who would confess her weaknesses. Henry Wheeler Show - The best VK statuses for girls.

The girl is a mystery covered in makeup.

A woman who everyone considers cold has simply not yet met a person who would awaken love in her. Jean La Bruyère

Girls don’t need much, just a caring husband who would ruin their lipstick but keep their mascara...

The funny thing is that the man of your dreams is someone's ex-asshole...

Each person has their own problems... for some, the shelving does not fit into the opening, for others, their ass is in their jeans.

And to hell with it, with this love, I wish I could find a person who at least just doesn’t infuriate.

If a man is made in God's likeness, then a woman is incomparable.

The wind takes me to a place where there are plenty of handsome guys.

I would love to be better! But it couldn’t be better!!!)

Yes, now it’s not the boys who have gone, but some women! Write first, call first, call for a walk first. Maybe I should pick her up and give her some flowers?

Most of all I like 2 commands on my phone: “edit” and “send”.

Women like romantic men, until you need male help. And he stands like this - a tear in his eyes, hands out of his ass.

A girl should always look perfect in case she meets her ex.

As the years go by, I make fewer and fewer mistakes. But their quality is definitely growing.

I don't know who's drunk calling an ex. When I'm drunk, I don't even know where my phone is lying around.

Not every girl believes in love at first sight, because it is difficult to determine by eye who earns how much.

At the beautiful and smart girl there must be one guy, and a lot of those who would like to be in his place...

Probably, after all, it was not worth saying to an unfamiliar hairdresser: “Come on, surprise me!”

If you want to look young and slim, stick close to the old and fat.

If you don’t have a personal life, then stop being decent...

I so want to cuddle up to someone ... put my lips to my ear and whisper ... GIVE MONEY ...

Flirting is when a girl does not know what she wants, but by all means she achieves it ...

If you want to effectively seduce a guy, throw him a pack of condoms and say: “Sir, defend yourself!”

Girls are masochists. Proven by epilator...

Mine comes up today and says: “You women are strange creatures! When your jeans do not fasten, you cry with grief, and when your bra - with joy!

I’m tired... I want champagne, strawberries, flowers and for my hands!

She was extremely sweet, good-natured and shy girl in those rare moments when no one annoyed her.

It's easy to have a bad reputation! It is enough to be beautiful and sociable, and people will come up with everything themselves and tell the rest!

I beg you, those who are leaving my life, close your mouth behind you.

Girls have no sense of proportion when they wear makeup, drink and fall in love.

Oh, this feminine weakness. How much horsepower does it have?

There are too many reasons to die in the world to die from modesty.

I have already passed the age when you worry about what others will think of you ... Now let others worry about what I will think of them!

Even if at some point a woman is satisfied with everything, then a moment can very quickly come when she begins to be dissatisfied with the fact that everything suits her.

I'm not really a heartless bitch - It's just that not everyone can pick up the key to my heart -

It is necessary to love a woman in such a way that it could not even enter her head that SOMEONE ELSE could love her more strongly!!!

Poor girl, she dislikes all his girls so much that it will be difficult for her to choose a name for her daughter)

When you start dating a guy, you start using a razor more often! Is it true, girls?

Darling I love you more life!.. However, I will still go to football today-

Sun light, twinkling stars! there is no mutual understanding between us

She's a little bit of that. Me too. It's easy for us to be together.

At school, she is a diligent student, for her parents - good daughter, for friends - a great friend - However, no one knows what she is like when she is left alone.

Women's logic: sent, and then waits to write.

I don’t understand why the women’s curling iron is called Vitek, and the motto is kind of strange -Made wisely-)))

A girl with an angelic face is a disaster. Sex is full of problems. Look into her eyes. I want to repent, cry and pray.

Today he told me: “My little one, why are you sad?” I'm shocked, because he had never even paid attention to me before!

Your page is like a refrigerator. I've been looking all day, I think something new will appear)

A little proud as fire.

- why do we only meet on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday?!?:(- on other days my head is just dirty.

It’s only me who can search for a cell phone in the dark for an hour, while highlighting the same cell phone for myself, and then call it and wonder why it’s busy!

Perform every act as if it were the last in your life.-

guys - *sigh* why do you like bitches and bitches? There are plenty of good girls around -

A woman's best perfume is the scent of her loved one on her skin.

Everything is wrong again, I got an asshole again!

With a dream in her eyes and hope in her heart, she left in search of paradise.

I’m like the sun - warm, sometimes burning, sometimes sad, but damn cute!

I want to fall in love so much that it hits me and doesn’t let me go for the rest of my life!

Throw a stool at me if I start killing myself at this creature again!

- the main thing is not what’s on the outside, but what’s inside! - - under the clothes -

Girls, before you declare that a guy is not your type, try him first!

Girls are being divided, have been divided, and in the future will be divided into Various types, types and subgroups.. but everyone has one that does not fit into more than one framework.

- you look like a cat. You will always be on your own in life. However, you really need love and affection...

I'm jealous, angry, hysterical and acting like a little girl. Ideal people, forgive me, I don’t know any other way. I'm so-

We are all good girls, until some beauty appears on his list of friends...

A classmate, complaining of a cold, says: “I sneezed so much that the tampon flew out!” Everyone laughs, imagining this sight - it turned out that the girl went to the dentist, and there was a cotton swab at the site of tooth extraction -

As soon as a girl puts a bad photo on her profile picture, all her friends immediately start clicking “I like it”

The girl's avatar beautiful ass and legs and status - will black hair suit me? - damn it, on the ass or something ?!

But it’s still nice when his friends said to him: “She’s small!”, and he replied: Not small, but young!

She spends hours on the Internet, listens to songs about love, chats on the phone, falls asleep at 3 am, swears, then makes up, freaks out, but loves only him -

Well, well, seduce me, try!

No matter how you cut your bangs, they still interfere with dyeing your eyelashes.

Girls! Learn to paint! Cosmetics must EMPHASIZE natural beauty! Don't use fakes! Own hair, eyelashes and nails have always been and will be more beautiful!

This morning Robert Pattison called me ten times to wish me a happy birthday, but I hung up and hung up... and then the damn alarm clock woke me up...

I know what infuriates almost every girl in her family! eternal question: “Haven’t found a groom yet?”

All girls seem stupid. But only before they show their intelligence.

At your age, only a girl has the right not to know what she wants. Men do not have such a privilege!

Best status:
Women's logic has been in an irreconcilable struggle with the male psyche for hundreds of years.

Let not every girl be a decoration for her man, but anyone can become his treasure!

Until I was 15, I was a smart girl, and then... I fell in love!

At the age of 3, I confused vodka with water... and I loved it!

No the best way shut up a girl than give her flowers!

Should a girl lean on something solid? male shoulder how she instinctively climbs onto his neck.

Beautiful suits the girl any thing, and most of all – their complete absence.

Girls, don't let your eyes down and they won't let you down!

In order to sit on a man's neck, a woman needs to be able to spread her legs well!

A woman is ready to do anything for love, even make love.

Girls are divided into 3 categories: - I will give! - I will not give! - I will give but not to you! (No offense to girls) x))

If men knew what women think, they would be twenty times more impudent, just as if women knew closer to the men, then they would become even more flirtatious.

Lips in a bow, eyebrows like a house... again mixed rum with gintonic...

The trouble is when you shaved in the evening, and got up in the morning and you have stubble again ... and you are 12 years old and you are a girl

You deleted me from VKontakte friends... from friends in my world... deleted my phone number.. deleted from ICQ.. from agent... WHAT FROM MEMORY, WEAK?!

In the lower grades, boys beat beautiful girls briefcases on the head, and then wonder why all the beautiful girls are fools

Every time I leave the hairdresser, I am tormented by the same question - why did they ask me how I wanted to cut my hair?

A girl is like a calculator: it adds problems, takes up time, multiplies expenses, divides property

A man's problems begin not when a woman begins to undress for his money, but when she begins to dress with it.

The girl is the only divine intellect that does not know what she wants))

Kind, sweet, childishly jealous, uncontrollably cheerful, in love with a secret, proudly free, soaring in the sky, eternally happy, giving joy

The weak sex is stronger than the strong due to the weakness of the stronger sex to the weak

Well, this was necessary in response to my mother’s humorous question. Daughter, do you smoke? reply What exactly?

Hysteria is female way have fun...

scarier feminine logic maybe it’s collective female logic

There is only one woman in the world destined for you, and if you do not meet her, you are saved.

I'm a poor girl who's bad at arithmetic! Above two, higher mathematics immediately begins for me!

The two most useful books for a girl - mother's kitchen book and checkbook father.

You know what really hurts? This is when you lie on the couch, chatting on the phone, you want to lean your legs against the wall and then a slipper flies right into your eyes

wonderful girls do not lie on the road. they need to be recaptured from idiots who don’t value them...

A woman in her life must have time to do three things: cut down a tree, blow up a house and raise a daughter ...

here the guys say that we are brakes, but nifiga! we understand everything, it's just that they always put questions wrong))

Women's logic: I'm waiting for you online so as not to write to you

A woman is such a CAT who, at will, can arrange a DOG'S LIFE for any man!

What difference does it make what's going on in my soul? The main thing is how I look. Admire it.

The higher the slit on a woman's dress, the easier it is for her to run away from a man, but the more he wants to run after her.

An insane woman is a woman who, at the end of sexual intercourse, screams “Not at me!!

I'm just one of those girls who invites me to tea and really goes to put the kettle on.

When a man feels bad, he looks for a woman. When a man feels good, he looks for another one.

There are three periods in the life of every woman: in the first she gets on the nerves of her father, in the second - to her husband, and in the third - to her son-in-law.

Some girls can get any man they like; others like any man they can get.

In order not to get bored of a man, a woman changes dresses, and in order not to get bored of a woman, a man changes women.

Women are the best psychoanalysts, until they are in love.

All men are bought by the fact that all women are sold (Oscar Wilde).

A woman wants many things, but from one man, and a man wants one thing, but from many women.

She doesn't consider herself beautiful, but she knows that she can easily make anyone fall in love with her...

When a woman says that she has nothing to wear, it means that everything new has run out. When a man says that he has nothing to wear, it means that everything clean has run out.

I went to the store to buy a handbag, but I liked the boots and bought a blouse)))

A woman is almost helpless until her nails are dry...

If a woman quickly surrendered to a man, this is not his merit, but all those who were with her before.

I’ve never understood those girls who, after 2 days of dating a guy, change their last name to his in contact..

I am free and at the same time not alone, in search, but not actively! I think I found it, but it’s not mine yet...

I would be a good girl if it weren't for these bad boys...

If you cut yourself and don’t bleed, that means you’re a heartless bitch!!!

The only one I will run after will shout to me “catch up, mom”)))

Girls are different, the consequences are the same =)

TO beautiful girls not only guys stick, but also gossip ...

The man leaves quickly, but often returns. A woman thinks for a long time before leaving, but leaves forever.

The girl wants to first go to restaurants to understand whether she should go to bed with a guy. And the guy wants to get the girl into bed as soon as possible in order to understand whether it’s worth taking her to restaurants?

It's better to be alone and not love anyone! What to love and be alone!

Girls are amazing creatures, they want to please even those who don’t like them.

Finding a husband is an art, keeping a profession!

One must be able to often obey a woman in order to have the right to sometimes command her V. Hugo

To check a man’s feelings, you need to find out not what he is ready to do for you, but what he is ready to give up for your sake.

Calm down, finally think about it, the mascara is running, Superman actually wore panties over his leggings... and nothing... everyone loved him

Women smarter than men... Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

Girls don’t think at first, and then they wonder why they didn’t think when they should have thought...)

You never learn the truth from a woman. From the beginning they have a girlish memory, then women's secrets, then senile insanity

Hm. As a child I was VERY modest, but now you can’t say the same about me, where did that go??? It probably went to the boobs

It’s a pity for the girls who won’t sit in vanilla heaven and cry into their pillows, since the 14th is a school day.

If you cut a woman's wings, she will sit on a broom

IN female soul there are corners where no man will look, and if he looks, he won’t see anything, and even if he sees, he won’t understand anything...

You sit in the evening, paint your nails beautifully, paint them, repaint them, and in the end it turns out beautiful, you like it. The next morning you come to school and your friend says: “Wipe off that varnish, it turned out ugly!”... it’s so offensive (((

A man is ready to do anything to make love, even to love.

A woman knows the meaning of love, and a man knows its price

She does not forgive betrayal. She hates betrayal, lies... And if she leaves once... then you will never bring her back...

Women are very clean; before sitting on a man’s neck, they carefully wipe their feet on him.

Women's logic: I'm waiting for you online so as not to write to you.

Forget you? What you. I would like to remember you first.

Girl, were you cute as a child or what are you like now?

There is no greater disappointment for a woman than the inattention of a man for whom she wants to be inaccessible

I'm not jealous of my exes. From childhood, my mother taught me to give away old toys to those who were less fortunate.

Mmmmm when I saw you - the heart in my chest ... By the way, about the chest. I bought myself a new bra.

A real woman should be able to roll up three things: cans, eyes and a tantrum.

If a man gives a woman everything she asks, then she asks for too little.

A man commits violence against a woman, taking her by storm, and a woman commits violence against a man, remaining unapproachable.

How deeper cut on a woman's dress, the easier she breathes, but the harder - a man ...

The first sign that a girl doesn't have a boyfriend is painted lips.

Probably every girl has experienced what makeup means at -30 degrees and what it turns into

12 years is a special age for which you need unusual quote. Sometimes, only with its help can you express what has accumulated in your soul.

VK statuses for 12 years old

VK statuses for boys 12 years old

Life is not easy, you always need to prepare yourself for the fight. To begin with, you can choose a suitable saying:

VK status for boys aged 12

First love is not only unforgettable, but, in most cases, very difficult. What to deliver during this period?

Cool statuses for girls 12 years old VK

The title phrase for a girl’s page should be romantic, and at the same time, moderately instructive. What statuses are the most appropriate?

  1. Are you hurt? It just fell too loud in my eyes...
  2. In order to infuriate me, all you have to do is take a photo, and then not show what happened.
  3. Even if the whole world is against her, I will fight against the whole world. I'm talking about my best friend now.
  4. Let's continue to love when we are angry.
  5. You know, I'd rather prefer your hatred than indifference. I know for sure that it leaves an emptiness.
  6. His hands feel warmer than the warmest blanket.
  7. It’s better to let someone out of your heart who is unlikely to look at you with loving eyes.
  8. Sometimes you just want to wake up in a different consciousness, in a different head, without these problems.
  9. The wounds on my heart cannot be counted, even though I am only a few years old.
  10. You can only be a loser at home; in any other place you need to keep your mark!
  11. The past can no longer be returned, and the future cannot be caught up.
  12. If it seems to you that everything is smooth in life, start trusting people.

Surprise your friends with a non-standard status today!