Mnemonic tables for adults. Memorizing numerical information. For whom will mnemonic techniques be useful?

Many people are interested in how to remember more information? To achieve this goal, mnemonics were invented. The main advantage of this method is that both adults and children can use it. The success of the plan depends on desire and perseverance. The most important thing is to understand the principles of the technique and often use the acquired skills in practice. This can be done at home, without additional training or purchasing expensive textbooks.

What is mnemonics

Mnemonics are certain techniques that help anyone remember necessary information. These techniques are based on the individual having ideas based on visual, auditory and sensory representation. The technique is based on people’s ability to create certain images in the subconscious, that is, any information that needs to be remembered is converted into an image that easily settles in memory.

It has long been known that the brain is not able to quickly perceive and retain a large amount of “dry” information for a long time, for example, facts and figures that are not very interesting. At the same time, almost anyone can easily retell the plot of a film or work of art they like, without missing a single detail. Having mastered mnemonics, a person, instead of cumbersome and uninteresting information, remembers bright image.

What is it for?

IN Everyday life situations arise when a person must remember some important information. You don’t always have paper and a pen or other means of writing notes at hand. In such cases, those people who have a well-developed memory win. They will not forget the necessary information and will reproduce it even after a while.

It is necessary for students of any educational institution to know the techniques of mnemonics. Those who learn to quickly memorize information will be able to reduce the time spent preparing for classes. Then you won’t have to use cheat sheets on tests, exams and tests. Such a student will be able to “copy” material from the storehouses of his memory.

  1. First of all, it's safer. The teacher will not remove a student from a test or test.
  2. Secondly, the knowledge gained through mnemonics is durable. They may be useful for further successful studies or mastering a profession.

For teachers and speakers, mastering the techniques will make it possible to quickly memorize a large amount of information and broadcast from the podium without looking at sheets of notes.

Business people who know mnemonics will not have any difficulty quickly recalling all the data about their business partners.

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Basic methods and techniques of mnemonics

The human brain thinks in certain ways. If an individual builds a chain of images in his imagination, then such a relationship is retained in memory for a long time. A person, having remembered one image, will be able to imagine the next one until he remembers the entire “chain”.

To better remember the entire sequence of images, you need to imagine them, repeat the information after an hour, and then every three hours.

Name of the appointmentDescriptionExamplesIn what situations is it better to use
ChainThe object is represented in the imagination in any form. Then several images are “connected” with each other.You need to remember the words: apples, milk, bread, rolled oats. You need to imagine that in a sea of ​​milk an apple is floating on a loaf of bread and scooping up rolled oats flakes.To remember what to buy in the store.
MatryoshkaThe images of objects need to be connected in twos. Moreover, the image of the first is large and includes the second. Then you should focus on the second image and connect it with the third, etc.We remember the words as in the previous case.
There is a packet of oatmeal flakes in the carton of milk. And there are apples in it. And on the apple is a loaf of bread.
Remembering the shopping list.
SymbolizationAny word is depicted as a symbol that is understandable to humans.Snowfall can be represented as several schematic images snowflakes, spring - in the form of an icicle with drops of water dripping from it.Suitable for remembering foreign words.
Roman roomMentally place the objects or information to be remembered in a room that is familiar.Imagine that a person is standing on the threshold of a room and begins to look around clockwise. There is some furniture on the right, it symbolizes one thesis. There is something else further - this is a different thesis. And mentally moving through a familiar room, you can remember all the theses.When giving oral answers or public speaking.
Letter encodingWith the help of encoding, all numbers are turned into a set of letters. A person must independently select 2 or 3 consonants for each number from 0 to 9. To do this, it is necessary to use associations. Then, to remember the date, you need to replace all numeric values ​​with selected alphabetic ones. From the resulting set of consonants, you can create words that at the right moment will resemble a sequence of numbers.The year 1812 can be written as PD BC PD GT. A phrase that would characterize this date could be: UNDER ALL THE DESTROYERS FALL.Suitable for remembering important historical dates.

Effective exercises for beginner adults

  • We remember people's first, patronymic, and last names. It is necessary to reproduce in your imagination an image that characterizes a person. It is important to connect associations, otherwise nothing will work. Volkovs, for example, can be imagined with wolf ears. Sorokins - with a tail like a magpie. Sveta has a lamp that burns above her head. And Rose has a wreath of flowers on her hair.
  • Memorize poetry or prose. For each word of the text, you can select an image, and then mentally “shoot” a movie, imagining the characters and their emotions, objects described in a poem or work of art, sounds, etc.
  • We memorize foreign words. For example, Chinese and Japanese characters it is very easy to imagine them in the form of the objects they resemble.

Mnemonics for children

In children's preschool institutions Visual and graphic images are most often used for memorization.

  • Mnemonic squares are simple graphic images that represent words or small sentences. For example, the picture shows a bottle with a nipple. Looking at it, the child must make a sentence about which pet gives milk.
  • Then you can take 3-4 mnemonic squares and get a mnemonic track. For each graphic image, the preschooler makes one sentence. It turns out to be a short story.
  • Only then, from 6-10 mnemonic squares, you need to create a mnemonic table. Using it, a child can retell a poetic or prose text.

Mnemonic techniques are very effective and will be useful in many life situations. For them to work, you need to constantly train. Mnemonics will help

As a famous chess player from Armenia once said, memory is an extremely mysterious thing, since it allows him to remember games played several decades ago, but remembering his phone number is completely unrealistic. And for scientists who study the peculiarities of memory, it also still represents a mysterious mechanism. Some of its parameters and characteristics were identified and studied, but even more information is not yet available to us. Where are memories stored? How to activate memory? How to adjust memory storage? All these questions either do not have an answer, or scientists are just beginning to find one. Mnemonics were invented especially for those who want to develop their memory. The exercises that this practice offers provide opportunities for self-development and self-improvement.

How to improve memory?

As scientists learned, memory mechanisms involve a huge number of neurons that form connections with neighboring tissue areas. Cell stimulation nervous system allows you to store data in short-term memory, and frequent repetition of stimulation strengthens the connections between neurons and makes them stable. This allows data to move from short-term memory to long-term storage.

Mnemonics exercises involve influencing connections in such a way that data moves from short-term memory to long-term memory. This is also what all the exercises on which the school program: repeating the same thing over and over again makes neural connections stronger. At the same time, it is well known that some data is much easier to remember, but mastering others is very difficult. If some information is stubbornly not retained in memory, but it definitely needs to be memorized, mnemonic exercises come to the rescue, which are actively used in marketing strategies, both in directing and in psychology.

Basic Rules

As we found out (and then implemented mnemonics in exercises), a person best assimilates data at the beginning of an information block and at its end. It is also easier to remember if a person gives himself the attitude: “This is important!” As the research revealed, the subjects remembered unfinished phrases better (probably, the thinking mechanisms responsible for curiosity are triggered here).

How more interesting information, the easier it is to remember. An additional positive effect comes from repeating the data, preferably several times. Finally, the last rule is that you need to memorize it in practice. The more useful information is for our daily lives, the more efficiently our brain will assimilate it and be more willing to record it in long-term storage. Effective exercises from mnemonics, all of the above rules (or most of them) are taken into account.

Why do we need mnemonics?

Most often, such a question comes to the mind of a person who tends to good memory from nature. And yet, mnemonics can be useful in this case too: for example, this method allows you to retain difficult-to-learn information in your head. You can quite quickly create an associative series, thanks to which the brain encodes information and stores it, despite the difficulty of perception (for example, long numbers). It is possible to form an associative series, as can be seen from mnemonics exercises for memory, based on anything: touches, sounds or visual images.

Simple and effective techniques

One of the most effective methods mnemonics is called “Memory Palace”, but it is suitable only for those who have a strong imagination, as well as people with a pronounced creative potential, since you have to create a whole fictional world around an object, information about which needs to be learned. But mnemonics in exercises for children involves the use of much simpler, but also effective techniques, of which rhyme comes first. Since school, she has been known for memorizing the number “pi”: a special poem was written that allows her to memorize this complex number right up to the 13th digit. Mnemonics in exercises for children school age recommends writing simple poems for any object about which data needs to be learned. Presenting it in rhyming form makes it easier to memorize, and repeating a poem over and over again transfers the data to long-term storage of information in our brain.

It is through a poem that we can remember the verbs that appear in our native language exceptions. Were invented in poetic form collections of words in which complex stresses are not given to everyone. By memorizing a poem, mastering data is much easier. It is not necessary to take ready-made exercises; you can easily compose your own poem - and it will be absorbed even better than one prepared by someone else.

Sounds and auxiliary objects

Quite often, mnemonics and memory development exercises are used when learning Morse code. Indeed, remembering the correct codes for all letters is very difficult. As a rule, students of Morse code resort to encoding each of the symbols with sounds, in other words, humming, mastering the alphabet. For example, to denote the first letter of the alphabet, written as a sequence of a dot and a dash, they often sing “Ay-daa”, and remember the second letter for themselves as “Baa-ki te-kut”, since the letter “B” is encoded by a sequence of a dash and three dots .

Suitable for everyone

The option described above is a mnemonic technique for developing memory in adults. Exercises for children are usually simpler. For example, to understand how many days there are in a month, you just need to count with your knuckles. Surprisingly, this technique, invented much earlier than the word “mnemonics,” fully satisfies the rules for the exercises of this methodology. To check how much long month, you just need to clench your hands into fists and count the months on your knuckles. If it falls on a bone - 31 days, if on a cavity - 30. Another funny method that allows you to remember the process of waxing of the moon, which is difficult for human perception: if you put your finger on the month, you can understand whether the moon is now waning or waxing. If the letter “P” appears, it means a period of growth.

Relationship between objects

Particular attention in mnemonics is focused on the interaction of objects with each other, on the possibility of creating a sequence from even seemingly unrelated objects, sounds and phenomena. This creates a meaningful sentence that is retained in memory for a long time. Classic example from Russian grammar, allowing you to remember all the cases in the correct sequence: “Ivan gave birth to a girl, ordered her to drag the diaper.” It would seem that this sentence has very little meaning, but it is precisely because of its absurdity that it is easier to remember. Another good example: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.”

The same logic, available from mnemonics, can be used to remember a sequence of numbers (for example, a telephone number). For encoding, you should use the same keyboard on which the number is dialed. For each number there is a combination of symbols written on the same key. You can simply remember a word that can be typed using the necessary keys, and this will allow you to save the phone number in your memory.

Speed ​​reading and mnemonics

One of the important practical applications Mnemonics are the ability to read quickly. The slower a person remembers the information received, the slower he assimilates it, the slower he reads. On the contrary, someone who can quickly remember the received data is also quickly able to read some text and learn the maximum from it useful information.

Learning mnemonics takes effort and time. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve good results in less than six months, although you can master the basic ideas of the methodology in just a couple of days. It is important to be diligent in the task you set for yourself and clearly understand why you need to train your brain.

Background memory

Simple mnemonics exercises allow you to effectively train background memory. Will come to the rescue free time you can come up with small examples and calculate the total from them in your head, without resorting to notes. It is also necessary to try, as long as possible, to retain in your head the data that has aroused at least some interest. If you can do this even without forming an associative chain, this is a definite success. When reading a book, you should concentrate on retaining several paragraphs in your memory at the same time - say, five at once. It won't be easy at first, but over time it will get better good results for memory.

If mnemonics are used to memorize poetry, then there is one good advice, which simplifies the learning process: it is necessary to repeat information daily. That is, the best results come from long-term memorization, spread over weeks and even months. There is no need to rush, the main thing is quality. You can start with one quatrain, to which you can gradually add several lines. In addition to the direct order, it is also worth remembering the reverse order. This will give the best result - the poem will remain in memory for a lifetime.

Numbers, words and science

Some scientists are of the opinion that it is impossible to improve memory. This is largely due to the fact that to this day all the features of the mechanisms on the basis of which a person remembers, stores information, and applies it to his life are unknown. But the appearance of good memory can be created if you use the capabilities of mnemonics. At the same time, it is known that clear memorization is available to everyone in the amount of seven objects (+/- two units). This applies to sentences, words, and numbers. This amount of information is absorbed at one time, but each subsequent approach increases the memorized amount of data.

To memorize numbers, it is recommended to use an associative series. These mnemonic exercises are most useful for children. For example, the number “2” is similar in shape to a swan - this is an associative chain that allows you to put it in your head correct writing. As soon as you manage to remember one hundred images describing one hundred numbers, then you will be able to select any images from memory to describe the most different numbers, no matter how long they are.

I started getting interested in mnemonics almost two years ago and managed to read quite a lot of books on this topic. And none of them gave me sufficient information about this science (except for one, about which a little later). And all for one reason: the authors wanted to make as much money as possible more money. Usually, the authors of such books conduct special courses in which they really (I would like to believe) explain to people what mnemonics are and what they eat with it, and do not pour water on them.

The end result is this: a lot of words, little really useful information. Basically - a set of words about what kind of mnemonics useful thing, excerpts from scientific encyclopedias showing the incredible capabilities of the human brain. This is completely unacceptable, in my opinion. All I want to do is try to explain to you as clearly as possible how to actually learn the skill of memorization.

What is this method?

All you need to know is that the method is based on creating images in your mind. You take information that needs to be remembered and turn it into an image through association. Humans have excellent associative memory, and mnemonics take full advantage of this.

Thus, to learn to remember, you need to imagine various objects in your imagination.

For now, just try to remember the following list of products the way you usually remember any information:

  • toilet paper;
  • Toothbrush;
  • soap;
  • processed cheese;
  • apples;
  • lemon;
  • butter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salad;
  • walnuts.

Usually people remember up to 7 products, but even if you remember everything, I am sure you will forget the entire list after 5 minutes.

Now I will try to explain to you how to remember the list so that you will not forget it for at least a couple of days.

The more unusual a situation you create, the more it becomes embedded in your brain.

I repeat, the image is at the head of everything. If you can create an image of an object in your head, then you are already halfway to success. Just try to imagine what a roll looks like toilet paper. Then imagine toothbrush and combine with a roll of toilet paper, that is, push the brush through the roll or place it on the roll. The point is that the more unusual a situation you create, the more strongly it becomes imprinted on your brain. Let the roll bleed, let it scream for help. But the main thing is to combine the two images.

Do the same This is the same with soap and processed cheese, with apples and lemon. For example, a mouse runs towards cheese and slips on a piece of soap, and an apple falls from a branch onto a lemon. In principle, you can simply “pierce” one image with another without inventing any situations.

The “piercing” trick almost always works, that’s a fact.

Connecting the images will take a lot of time, but that's okay. The result will amaze you - you will remember the entire list. That's all mnemonics.

I strongly advise you to look at the exercises from one book on mnemonics (exactly the book that I mentioned at the beginning of the article). It's called "Memory." Memory training and concentration techniques”, its author is R. Geisselhart. There is also a lot of unnecessary information, especially at the end, but the exercises are very useful.

Once you have completed all the exercises, be ready to create your own memory palace (or mind palace - to each his own).

What is a memory palace

This is your warehouse of remembered images, “built” in your head. For example, the same list of products. After a couple of days, you will forget it, even if you are a super mnemonic. Our goal is to keep this list on long years. This is precisely why the memory palace is being created.

The method of creating a palace is similar to Cicero’s method: imagine your home and assign an image to each object. But there is one difference: you create the palace yourself, which means that this room will be much more convenient for memorization, since you can use absolutely any objects.

The architecture of the palace can be absolutely anything: from a den to a castle in the sky (in my case, the role of the palace is played by a huge hall with a glass dome instead of a roof). The main thing is that you feel as comfortable as possible in your palace. In it, put any information that you need and need to save.

For example, let's take physics. Let's say you need to remember the formula q= C.U.

First we convert the information into an image. Let q- corn, C.U.- bag. As a result, we have a bag containing corn.

Now we place the image in the palace. To do this, we create a shelf in our palace and call it “Physics”. For clarity, next to the shelf we hang Einstein’s head (toy!) or any object that evokes associations with the word “Physics” on a string. And then we put the bag of corn on the shelf.

Everything is very simple!

You don't need to know how the brain works and how fast charge moves between neurons in order to learn the skill of memorization. You only need to know the memorization technique itself. I hope that I was able to clearly explain the basics of mnemonics and I will be incredibly glad if someone learns this method from this article. Thank you for your attention!

Hello, dear readers!

Do you have memory problems? Do you find it difficult to remember numbers and events? Then mnemonics will help you. You don't know what this is? Then I will introduce you to this concept, and you will remember everything always.

Want to? Meet: mnemonics - techniques for memorizing number combinations, events, words based on associations.

Mnemonics as a means of memorization arose in ancient times. The Greeks were the first to notice that a person’s memory is directly related to his senses. The more impressions a person receives, the brighter the memories. Therefore, in order to remember something, you need to connect various associations.

In order for memory to retain some words or numbers for a long time, it is necessary to replace facts and objects with concepts and ideas that have kinesthetic, visual and auditory representation. In other words, we replace dry facts in our minds with more vivid and impressive images.

Mnemonics gives amazing results. You will be able to remember hundreds of phone numbers, grammar rules, jokes, outlines, etc. Want to try? Then let's begin.

Remember numbers using mnemonics

If you need to learn a large number of numbers (car numbers, telephone numbers, mathematical operations), you can choose one of your favorite memorization methods using mnemonics.

  • Alphanumeric code. The technique is based on the fact that each of the numbers from 0 to 9 is assigned a letter corresponding to the name of the number, for example: 1 - p (times), zero - n, etc. To remember big number, you need to break it down into pairs of numbers and assign a letter to each. Then words are formed with these letters: 58-53 (PV-PT - Peacock Got Lost). It’s best to come up with a few sentences or a coherent text, then memorization will go much better.
  • "Hanger". This unusual technique, which consists in coming up with a consonant or associative series for each word. Then a story or fairy tale is composed with these words. To make it easier to memorize, you can use rhymes, for example: one is master, two is head, etc. Sometimes numbers are represented as one curve of buttons on a phone.

  • Combining images and numbers. This technique refers to the form of writing a number. For example, one looks like a pole or pencil, zero looks like the sun, etc. Then the found images are combined into some interesting, memorable story.
  • O'Brien Method. It is similar to the previous ones and consists in assigning to each number the image of a famous person.

Use only one method! Don't try to use everything at once! This is very difficult and not productive. The techniques are designed for short-term memorization.

They are good if you need to quickly prepare for an exam or other important event. You will not be able to learn all physics or mathematics using this method. Although, who knows?

Learning foreign languages ​​using mnemonics

One of the most big problems when studying foreign languages is memorizing words. Unfortunately, traditional cramming does not always bear fruit. In order not only to remember the sound and meaning of a word, but also to be able to recall it at the right moment in a conversation and apply it in practice, use the following memorization algorithm:

  1. Create an image based on the word.
  2. Connect the image with the meaning of the word by association.
  3. Retrieve the image from memory at the right moment and restore the sound of the word.

Let's look at the example of learning English words using the technique of mnemonics, since this language is most in demand today in international communication.

Here's an example: owl in English language means "owl". It is similar to the Russian word “aul”, which means “eastern settlements”. Imagine that an owl is flying around a village. Restore this image at the right moment, and the sound will come to you by itself.

It is better to create such “memories” yourself. This way they will be stored in memory because they were invented by you.

However, if you don’t have enough imagination and time to think about each word, you can use ready-made techniques. The images have already been invented for you: you just put them into practice.

Many modern mnemonics teachers claim that if you master the technique perfectly, you can memorize 100 words per hour. Is this real?

Reviews on various forums from people who attended mnemonics seminars say that the technique really works. However, you need to adapt to it and tune your brain. Not every one of us is ready to look in a dictionary and invent some ridiculous stories and then remember them!

Techniques for remembering historical facts using mnemonics

Who among us has not suffered from the fact that he needs to prepare history papers for an exam, but it is not possible to remember all the dates and events? This is because you did not use mnemonics techniques to prepare for your history exam. Here you can combine several methods at once.

First you need to understand that history is not just dates, but their specific sequence. To remember them in order, you need to make a series of associations.

Let's look at an example. Let's assume that we are faced with the task of mastering the date of the death of Byzantium - 1453.

  1. We compose a number-letter code. To do this, we assign a letter to each number. The path will be 4-chsch, 5-pb, 3-kh. Together we come up with a word, say, Sliver. You can take other notations and create them yourself.
  2. Next we encode according to consonance. Byzantium is in tune with the plastic visa card.
  3. As a reference to the empire, we present the imperial crown.

We connect all the elements in our imagination. Let this be the card number in the corner and its type - crown.

At the right moment, imagine a map and decipher this image. Believe me, it will be easy to do.

Does mnemonics work?

Many, looking at the chain of associations that they have to carry out, will say that it is too difficult. To remember a single date or a series of numbers, you have to invent entire stories.

At first, this process seems labor-intensive, since it requires straining the imagination, and we do this not so often in everyday life. But after a few practices, memorization will come naturally.

Mnemonic chains really work. The fact is that our memory prefers to store not dry facts and meaningless words and numbers, but images. Today this scientific fact is available to everyone, but we do not use it for our own benefit.

In ancient times, the Egyptian priests had a so-called “science of imagery.” It was a secret teaching, carefully kept from ordinary people. Why is image so important to us?

If you carefully follow your train of thought, you will understand that you think not in words or numbers, but in images. If a word is associated with a concept, you will remember it easily, and it may even make you feel a certain way.

It's the same with numbers. We even perceive the people around us as certain images they created.

Why not create an image yourself to remember? Gradually you will get used to this line of thinking and will not be able to exist without it. Mnemonics will be your best assistant.

Today this science is even taught in some schools. Not intentionally. Maybe we can raise a generation with unusual abilities. But for quick counting they use a different technique - .

The twenty-first century is a time of high technology and large amounts of information. It would seem that its availability wide range the means necessary for assimilation, the development of communications should help a person master a large amount of knowledge, however, scientists note that difficulties are increasingly arising with memorizing and reproducing information, especially when teaching children.

There are many ways to solve the problem modern means, but still one of the most proven and reliable mechanisms for interacting with texts is mnemonics - a set of tools that ensure memorization of the necessary information and increase memory capacity by forming associations (connections).

Techniques and exercises of mnemonics

Based on science, methods and tools have been developed and are successfully practiced to help people of different specialties and ages remember the necessary information. We present a review of positively proven ones.

Let us note that the idea of ​​the mechanisms for working with mnemonics is based on the formation of certain connections (associations), but preference is given to those of them that, in turn, serve as special exercises.

The main technique is the “Chain”, when similar words are transformed into associations in pairs. Based on them, a connection is established initial images, and when the first word is remembered, you need to focus on the second. The subsequent relationship is formed in a similar way. An example of a classic chain of words: “candle – table – window – moon.” A beautiful association appears with the first two images (a candle is on the table), then there is a relationship between the following words (the table is by the window), with the first image moving deeper into consciousness, and finally, the last pair is similarly associated (the moon is shining through the window). Remembering chains, a person reproduces all the images in his mind.

The “Matryoshka” technique is a variation of the previous one. Experts say that it serves as the most optimal method of mnemonics. The basis is the connection of images in pairs, and the previous type of association must always be greater than the subsequent one, this means that the impression is necessary that the first type of word includes the one that follows it. After their connection, it disappears from consciousness, the subsequent image becomes the main one, which mentally increases, similarly an association is created between standing friend after another words. Thus, images are constantly embedded in each other, like a “matryoshka doll”. A classic example of this action is when it is necessary to combine two seemingly incompatible images of “beauty and the beast.”

“Symbolization” is quite simple to perform both as a technique and as an exercise. It serves for memorizing abstract concepts that do not have a clear idea. For example, cold, infinity, winter, spring and others. In principle, each of these words is encoded into images differently different people, but at the same time the symbols fixed in the consciousness of the majority will work. And it is not surprising, because from childhood the words are coded: cold - ice, winter - snowflake, heat - sun, and so on. The child does not imagine autumn, but can imagine a picture of yellow leaves that is easy to remember.

The remaining techniques and exercises of mnemonics are based on compiling a chain of words (“Ordered associations”, “Key words”, “Spatial marking”) and encoding information (“Reception of mental pictures”).

Some memory techniques

Such exercises are simple and accessible to anyone who would like to improve mnemonic abilities, that is, to work on developing the processes of reproducing and memorizing information. The brightest of them are below.

  1. Cicero's original method is that the objects to be remembered must be in a certain order mentally locate and encode in a familiar place or room (e.g., room, table, car). In the future, you will simply need to remember the place in the room and reproduce the memorized information.
  2. The exercise begins with weaving a chain of associations, where any word is invented to start, then the second and subsequent ones, which are associated with each other. Example: sky - rain - umbrella - puddle, as in the previously presented “Chain” exercise.
  3. An interesting and creative task “Search for a chain of associations.” We take two initial words to which a chain of images is selected. The connection of words begins with the initial and ends with the last. For example, two words are suggested: snowflake - blizzard, on their basis a chain is compiled: snowflake - snowdrift - cold - blizzard.
  4. Simple, but useful connection images “Combination by attribute” is constructed as follows: two words are selected, followed by a few more words that match certain characteristics. For example, light and warm: sun, day, light bulb, candle. This activity is accessible and very useful for children.
  5. Exercise " Appropriate words" We work similarly with connections and select words that interacted with each word from the chain at the same time. We suggest words: flower - water - earth, suitable for them: garden, flower bed, pot.
  6. Exercise “Unusual Associations”. The first word is simple, but the next ones must be original, inappropriate for its meaning. For example, “pencil”, the usual association is “notebook”. But “curling your hair” with a pencil is an unusual association.

“Who owns the information, owns the world,” Rothschild uttered this phrase two hundred years ago, but it is still relevant and carries deep meaning in our time - in the age of information and high technology.

Author of the article: Lyudmila Lapinskaya