Beryl is a family protector stone. Precious and mysterious stone beryl

Beryl is one of best gems. It has crystals that resemble a prism in shape. Beryl stone is distinguished by a variety of colors and purity. Photo beautiful minerals will allow you to select the appropriate instance.

There are references to this stone in ancient manuscripts. Archaeologists still find amulets, rings, beads and talismans from a similar mineral. Unique properties make beryl one of the best jewelry.

An excursion into the history of a unique stone

Beryl has been known since before our era. The name of the stone was given by the ancient Greeks. IN Ancient Egypt valuable minerals mined in the desert of Namibia. The resulting raw materials were sent to Persia and India.

In nature, beryls are born in pegmatite veins and in places of mountain destruction, in placers.

In Russia, during the reign of Peter I, the Urals were considered a storehouse of gems. On its territory in the 19th century, yellow beryl was found, which had a weight of 2.5 kg. It is still kept in St. Petersburg in the Museum of the Mining Institute.

This stone became especially popular in the Middle Ages. It was used for decoration various items from church life. Beryl was also used to create seals, pendants and rings. Optical glasses were produced from the colorless mineral.

Interesting! The sizes of minerals can be different: from small to huge.The largest finds include an 18-meter stone weighing 380 tons, which was found in Madagascar.

Beryl properties

Beryl stone is of extraordinary value. The photo shows different variants. special attention deserve the properties and meaning of this stone.

This stone characterized by the following properties:

  • Fragility, as it is easy to split.
  • Aesthetics and glass brilliance.
  • Acid resistant.

Beryl is used to create pendants, bracelets, rings and earrings. There are many antiques from similar stone: necklace, brooches and tiaras.

Interesting! Transparent types of stone have high rates light refraction. This stone looks like real diamond and only a specialist will see the difference.

How to care for a stone?

Jewelry with proper care can last for a long time. They can be inherited, serve as talismans and be a family keepsake.

Beryl is brittle and does not need to be dropped or hit.

gentle care requires knowledge of the following rules:

  • Beryl is fragile, so it does not need to be dropped or hit.
  • If the stone is framed in gold that has lost its luster, then you need to wash the product with a neutral solution. For this, a composition is prepared from water and ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 10. Soap is added to the mixture, which does not contain dyes.
  • Silverware can be cleaned with dry baking soda powder. After cleansing, the jewelry is rinsed in warm water.

The stone is best stored in a closed case and wrapped in cloth. You need to clean the mineral no more than once a month with a brush and warm water. After the procedure, the product should be wiped dry with a towel.

How to distinguish a fake?

Jewelers and other gemstone specialists have no difficulty in determining the authenticity of a stone. The natural mineral has inclusions that are characteristic of this variety. If a stone looks completely clean under a microscope, then it is unlikely to be natural.

If a stone looks completely clean under a microscope, then it is unlikely to be natural.

Real beryl has the following features:

  • Transparency with a characteristic luster.
  • Transparent minerals are less susceptible to discoloration.
  • Various natural inclusions are found in crystals.
  • Beryls after cutting are subject to refraction of light rays, which make it possible to achieve the effect of a cat's eye.

Interesting!There have been many attempts to obtain artificial beryl in the laboratory. In the 1960s, complex beryl with a synthetic coating was obtained in Austria using the hydrothermal method. In the 90s, artificial pink beryl was created, but it differs from natural stone in the content of titanium.

Beryls are created by nature to bring beauty and harmony. Some gemstones have a positive effect on a person's health and mood.

Varieties of beryl. Less famous than its precious counterparts, the magical keeper of wisdom is interesting and worthy of attention in its own way. There are references to it in ancient manuscripts. Talismans and amulets, rings and beads made of stone are found in ancient treasures. It lends itself perfectly to jewelry processing, cutting. Precious transparent varieties fascinate with beauty and originality. IN best museums of the world are kept the regalia of royal persons, luxury items, works ancient art. They are adorned with precious ornamental stones, among which beryl occupies a worthy place.

History and origins

Beryl has been known since ancient times. The name is given around 300 BC. Greeks, and, perhaps, in that era it had a different meaning.

Even in the II century. BC e. The ancient Egyptians mined beryl in the Namibian desert. The extracted raw materials for jewelry were transported to different countries: India, Persia. Traces of workings were discovered at the beginning of the 19th century. French scientist Coyle and received the name "Cleopatra's mines".

In the Book of Books, we find mention of beryl in the list of twelve biblical stones. They decorate the "confidant" - the linen bag of the High Priest. An ancient engraving on the stone made it possible to read the names of the twelve tribes of Israel.

In nature, beryls are born in pegmatite veins - narrow cavities in the middle of monolithic rocks. Or in places where the mountains have already collapsed, in a rounded form - in placers. The sizes of interesting objects during extraction can be different: from miniature to gigantic. An 18-meter crystal was found in Madagascar, it weighs 380 tons. Brazil is famous for its large finds. In 1983, a beryl crystal weighing 32 kg was discovered at the Tenenti Ozoriu deposit. In Russia, since the time of Peter I, the Urals have served as a pantry of gems. In 1828, a rare yellow crystal weighing 2.5 kg. The find is stored in the mineralogical museum of the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg.

Beryl stone properties and deposits

Physical properties

The composition of the stone beryl - beryllium aluminum silicate. Plain, colorless and translucent, has no jewelry value. The chemical element beryllium, which is important for industry, is extracted from it.
Structure crystal lattice island (ring).

The shape of the crystals is hexagonal. Hexagonal prisms of regular shape.

Solitary crystals, rarely parallel or radially radiant aggregates.

Glass luster.

Mohs hardness 7.5 - 8.

Density 2.75.

Refractive index 1.566 - 1.600.

Cleavage (the ability to split into fragments along planes) is absent.

Impurities Na, Cs, Rb, Li, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mg, Mn, H2O, He; rarely Cr3+, Sc, Ca.

Varieties: green emerald, blue aquamarine, red bixbite, pink sparrowite (), yellow, colorless or white goshenite. All belong to the beryl group.

Optical effects: asterism (star effect), iridescence.

Place of Birth

Beryl deposits are known in Brazil, USA, Canada, Argentina, India and other countries. In Russia, production has been greatly reduced in the last decade. The deposits are located in the Urals, Siberia, Transbaikalia.

Beryl stone properties - magic, healing

Gems, as if by nature itself, were created to bring harmony and beauty. But this is not the only reason they are attractive. An appeal to ancient, albeit not entirely reliable sources allows us to talk about the effect of precious stones on health. Ancient astrologers were aware of magical properties beryl.

The healing properties of beryl

Ailments from which the magic of beryl and morganite will relieve:

  • Cold.
  • Runny nose.
  • Backache.
  • Gynecological diseases.

Ailments from which the magic of heliodor will relieve:

  • Diseases of the liver, spleen, pancreas.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances.

Ailments from which the magic of the emerald will relieve:

  • Disorder of the nervous system.
  • Eye strain.
  • Insomnia.
  • Infections.
  • Inflammation.
  • Diseases Bladder and urinary tract.
  • Diabetes.
  • Heartache.
  • Psoriasis.

Ailments from which the magic of aquamarine will relieve:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Toothache.
  • Lung diseases.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Seasickness.
  • Fears, stress.

The magical properties of beryl

  • Beryl and its varieties symbolize friendship.
  • Helps to overcome difficulties in love relationships.
  • Makes the owner irresistible and invincible.
  • Helps its owner to become sociable and cheerful.
  • Heals laziness.
  • Sharpens the mind.

Talismans and amulets

From the point of view of astrology, beryl is a stone of the Moon, Venus, Pluto.

Amulets made of hard, but workable material, were carved in ancient times in the form of figures of animals and birds. People believed that stone figurines had supernatural powers.

The scarab granted the owner the ability of a soothsayer. The frog reconciled enemies, strengthened friendly ties.

As a talisman, framed in gold, beryl has a magical connection with the mind. He helps philosophers, scientists, politicians and anyone who wants to find useful connections.

Aquamarines serve as mascots for sailors. Heliodor as a talisman inspires joy, calms and pacifies. Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure, it is believed that it attracts wealth.

Color and beauty from nature, jewelry care

Beryl color

The colors of the stones of the group cover almost the entire spectrum, from red to blue.

Green: emerald

According to jewelry classifications, it is included in the first row of precious stones. Magnificent color is due to impurities of chromium and vanadium. Especially rare in beauty and quality, emeralds are valued more expensive than diamonds. In emeralds, zonal coloration is often found. Its intensity varies along the axis of the crystal, or from the center to the periphery. The refractive indices, as well as the presence of inclusions, differ in emeralds from deposits of different genetic types.

Blue: aquamarine

Stone of the first jewelry row. Aquamarines, like sea water, can range from sky blue to deep blue. This range is created by the presence of iron ions Fe2+, Fe3+ in the crystals. Aquamarines are evenly colored, but sometimes there is zoning. All beryls are characterized by gas-liquid inclusions, while aquamarines have solid inclusions. They are called "snow signs", "chrysanthemums".

Pink: sparrowite (morganite)

The color is provided by the presence of Mn2+, Mn3+, Li, Cs, Rb. Mineral with a soft sheen, beautiful color. Transparent crystals without inclusions and cracks are rare. But large finds are known. Magnificent pink beryls are mined in Madagascar.

Yellow: heliodor

"Helios" in Greek means the sun. The name sounds like "solar gift". As part of heliodor for orange, yellow, golden shades the smallest admixture of iron, less often uranium, answers. Even the smallest heliodor crystals are able to radiate, play with light.

White, colorless: goshenite

Na, Li in impurities make this variety colorless. After cutting, goshenite is similar to, only its brilliance is weaker. But even without superfluous comparisons, the discreet beauty of this stone can attract subtle connoisseurs of pure color.

How to distinguish a fake

For gemologists, specialists in precious stones, distinguishing a fake from an original is not a difficult task. Natural beryl has unique features in the form of inclusions characteristic of this species. Absolutely clean (under the microscope) stones are unlikely to be natural.

Minerals of natural origin, more common on earth, can imitate emerald. The so-called "Siberian emerald" is very similar to the real one. This is an imitation of diopside. The difference is in hardness. In diopside, it is no more than 6, in emerald 7.5.

There is a way to fake emeralds by applying a plastic or non-metal film of deep green color to the surface of low-quality real stones. This fake can be recognized visually with a magnifying glass.

It is often simply unprofitable to imitate inexpensive stones.

artificial beryl

Scientists have been trying to get artificial beryl and find the key to its precious differences for a long time. The first fairly successful experiments date back to the end of the 19th century. In the 1930s, the first synthetic beryl was commercially available in Germany under the name "igmerald". Refractive indices, birefringence and specific gravity the igmeralda is lower than that of natural stone. Fake under a microscope through filters gives a red color, and a fiery color in the UV rays.

In 1963 on jewelry market In Europe, two artificial emeralds appeared at once, in Germany and in France. The production technology was kept secret. The disadvantages remained the same, and were easily detected by specialists. Under a microscope, formations are visible in such products. These are flux inclusions, often with gas bubbles.

In 1960, J. Lechtleitner (Austria) was the first to obtain complex beryls with a synthetic coating by the hydrothermal method. In the future, they became known as "simerald". A shell of synthetic emerald was built up on colorless or slightly colored natural beryl. The indicators are close to those of a natural mineral.

In the late 80s of the last century, an Australian company introduced a synthesis product, calling it "Emerald Pool". Made using low quality natural stones with which the solution was fed.

In 1990, artificial beryl was obtained Pink colour, but it differs from natural chemical composition, since it contains titanium.

With varying degrees of success, synthetic beryl (emerald) is obtained in Australia, Japan, and America. So far, these experiments have no practical significance.

Care of beryl products

Jewelry does not belong to utilitarian items. They are dear as a memory, are inherited, serve as talismans. It is understandable that the owners want to keep jewelry V at its best as long as possible. To do this, it is enough to follow simple rules. Like most transparent minerals, beryl stone is fragile. Do not hit or drop it.

If your jewelry is set in gold, but it has lost its luster, you can wash the item with a neutral solution. The composition of water, ammonia (1:10) and soap without dyes is best suited for this.

Light transparent stones beryl groups are best not left for a long time in bright light: they may fade.

Beryl and the signs of the zodiac

Astrologers assure that beryls will not harm anyone, and we believe with pleasure. Especially these amazing gems are designed for Gemini and Scorpio. To save yourself, gain wisdom, patiently waiting for the high point, beryl jewelry must be worn for a long time. This will become the protection of your material level, will lead to patrons.

Beryl - modest and attractive, worthy of attention

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The properties of beryl and the influence of stone on the signs of the zodiac were known to the ancient Greeks 300 thousand years ago. The mineral can be called the progenitor of the most popular and expensive gems of the 1st order.

The origin of the crystal is rooted in antiquity. The Bible says that 12 stones were laid at the foundation of Heavenly Jerusalem. Among them, the eighth in a row is the mineral beryl. The name of the nugget comes from the Latin and ancient Greek names and means "blue-green" or "color of sea water."

The Egyptians mined beryl in the desert of Namibia as early as the 2nd century BC. Raw materials were delivered to Persia and India, from which the ancient craftsmen made magnificent jewelry for the reigning persons and their wives. The blue variety of beryl was especially valued.

At the beginning of the 19th century, on the territory of modern Egypt, the French scientist Colle discovered traces of ancient workings, which were called "Cleopatra's mines." During the excavations, beryl beads were found. Presumably their age is about 6 thousand years.

The magical properties of the stone were highly valued by the Egyptian pharaohs. The owner owned his favorite jewelry not only during his lifetime. It was customary to take a beryl crystal to the afterlife. When opening the tombs, beryl items were found next to the pharaoh's mummy.

People believed in the magic of stone, it was considered a symbol of success, and its medicinal properties helped to cope with many ailments.

Beryl provides special protection to certain signs of the zodiac.

Origin and places of extraction

The birth of the mineral occurs in narrow crevices between monolithic granite rocks. There are both giant specimens and a small scattering of beryl pebbles. Small pellets are usually found in places where rocks have collapsed.

A huge beryl crystal weighing 380 tons and 18 meters long was discovered in Madagascar. In Brazil, the field is still being developed, where in 1983 they found a sample weighing 32 kg. The Urals, the underground storeroom of Russia, can also boast of beryl finds. In 1828, a rare yellow individual was found here, weighing 2.5 kg.

Nowadays, beryl stone in Russia is mined in the Urals. Here you can find a transparent yellow, sometimes colorless specimen. But in last years the extraction of valuable ore has decreased significantly.

Abroad, the largest developments of beryl are in India, Brazil, Colombia, the USA, and Greenland. Occasionally, precious pellets were found in Mozambique, they are found in Bavaria, Sweden, France, on the island of Elba.

The silicate of beryllium and aluminum is called beryl. This gem can be dyed in almost all colors. Beryls with beautiful coloration and its varieties are the most popular gems. Beryl instances good quality are highly valued. Many of them adorn museum collections of stones and private collections. Various small souvenirs, crafts, seals and carved ornaments are made from this gem.

There are deposits of beryl in France, Bavaria, Sweden and Russia.

What are the types and colors of beryl

Beryl has a huge variety of varieties and a rich range of colors. The most famous beryls:

  • - the most expensive of all beryl. Most often has a saturated green coloring, but in general the colors vary depending on the deposit.
  • . Colors vary from blue to blue, the color is most often uniform. Small gems weighing less than 3 carats are not of great value, but large stones play a big role in jewelry.
  • . Extremely expensive and rare gem. The mineral has a large number of red shades: from pale pink to burgundy.
  • Heliodor. Beryl is light green in color with a bright golden sheen. This gem can be completely transparent and have a soft yellow tint. When heated to 400 degrees, heliodor loses its golden color and acquires a blue tint.
  • Mashish. A gem with a deep blue color is named after the city in Brazil near which it was found. In terms of its properties, the stone is very similar to augustite, but it can fade much faster. The instability of color has become the reason for the low cost of the mineral, and its extraction is considered unprofitable and is carried out very irregularly.
  • Rosterite. The color of this beryl can range from completely colorless to bright pink. The mineral differs from other stones in that it has a high content of alkali metals and other impurities. Similar in price and cost to goshenite.
  • Augustite. This type of blue beryl can reach $150 per carat. As a consequence high cost Augustite is often forged. The gem tends to fade from time to time or from prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • Goshenite. The colorless variety of beryl attracts attention with its discreet brilliance. transparent gem like jewelry material valued much less than their painted counterparts. However, headsets and decorative goshenites are in great demand, because this mineral does not scatter a large number of multi-colored sparks around itself. Jewelry with this gem is solemn and strict.
  • Pezzoatite. This gem, found in Madagascar, was considered a special variety of beryl for several years. The pink mineral struck the researchers with its bright color and high content of cesium in its composition.
  • Bazzite. A blue mineral with a weak color intensity. The stone is listed as a separate variety due to the high content of scandium. Not used in jewelry.
  • Bixbit. Beryl is red. Due to its rarity, a one-carat gem can cost up to 15,000 rubles. Many refer to bixpit as a red emerald, but its prevalence is much less than that of emerald. Crimson beryl is mined in just one deposit, which is periodically flooded with groundwater.

The magical properties of beryl stone

Beryl is a stone guardian of marital ties, a family hearth. The gem will promote good relationships between children and parents, husband and wife. The mineral will not allow to enter the house negative energy, which can be brought by both guests with bad intentions, and the household themselves. Beryl will instantly dispel any negativity, as the stone is a talisman of peace and goodwill.

Not only does the gem protect the family, it also protects the stability of the professional and financial situation of its owner. If the owner of beryl shines with dismissal or bankruptcy, he should put on a talisman with beryl, and the incidents will be settled. At litigation the mineral will help win the case.

Beryl is also a female stone: the gem will give the owner the love and loyalty of a man, the trust and respect of children, the sincerity of girlfriends.

Medicinal properties

Beryl helps to increase immunity and restore lost health. In ancient times, this gem was used as a cure for chronic diseases of the intestines and stomach. The inhabitants of ancient Babylon used the mineral to treat hepatitis and liver diseases. The stone was considered healing for women, he was credited with the ability to heal gynecological diseases. Doctors of antiquity believed that in order to heal a damaged organ, it was necessary to direct a beam of light through a gem through a gem.

Beryl stone for zodiac signs

Beryl is a talisman for, and.

Beryl will help active and constantly moving representatives of the Gemini sign to achieve their goal and move forward faster and more confidently. The mineral will not allow Gemini to leave things unfinished, will make them solve even the most difficult tasks. The action of beryl will allow representatives of this sign to always achieve excellent results in any activity.

Beryl is necessary for Libra during bouts of gloom, loss of strength, melancholy and pessimism. The gem will help the representatives of this sign to get out of depression and invigorate for new achievements. Beryl will assist in establishing friendly relations, will muffle the negative traits of representatives of the sign of Libra, such as laziness, self-doubt, apathy and weak will.

The gem will provide Scorpions with invaluable help: it will get rid of negativity and help extinguish anger. Beryl will help the representatives of the Scorpio sign become more friendly and teach them to think at least about close people, as well as awaken and enhance such qualities as caring, iron will, strong spirit and a sense of invincibility.

Zoisite - stone positive emotions Euclase - a stone for the strong in spirit
Topaz is a stone of wisdom and balance.
Sapphire - stone properties

And they belong to the varieties of beryl. For many centuries, this crystal has been giving people an amazing color palette and amazing properties. Being the most popular gem, beryl surprises with a variety of rare and valuable species.

Varieties of stone

It looks like a transparent mineral with six faces. Beryl stone is strong enough and resistant to acids and salts. It has several varieties that differ in color:

Production and deposits

Stone deposits underground reach several hundred centimeters in length and weigh tens of tons. Minerals of ten carats are very rare.

Its deposits are in Kazakhstan, USA, India, Mozambique, Namibia. Large stones are mined in Brazil High Quality with exceptional transparency. Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, and Nigeria are rich in beryl deposits. Noble beryls are mined in Ukraine. Australia, Mexico, Colombia are famous for their valuable specimens. In the Russian Federation, its production is carried out in Transbaikalia, Altai, the south of the Urals and Chukotka, as well as in Primorsky Krai.

Application of beryl


This unique gem has quite a wide range of uses. Many of its copies adorn personal collections and museums. It serves as an ornamental material for the production of souvenirs. Beryl has found its application in industry and nuclear power. It is used to produce laser and X-ray materials.


The stone is actively used by jewelry craftsmen to create jewelry. Not all mined crystals are suitable for such use. Suitable for products only transparent beryls without defects and various inclusions. The stone lends itself well to cutting, so it is given absolutely different forms. With the help of heat treatment, the desired shade and the desired color saturation are obtained.

How to distinguish a fake stone

Often you can find a fake of this crystal. It will be possible for specialists in precious stones or gemologists to distinguish it. Despite the diversity of species, all stones have similarities that are unique to them:

  • natural minerals have exceptional transparency with a certain brilliance;
  • they are able to change color in different directions when light passes through them;
  • hydrochloric and acid solutions do not have a strong effect on the stones.

The magical side of beryl

Many centuries ago, they began to attach special importance to it. Beryl is used to protect against theft, which is why it is popular with merchants and travelers. For pupils and students, the stone will help develop intellectual ability and improve brain function. It brings good luck to its owner and gives charm, helps to forget about fatigue, attracts wealth. It is advised to take the stone with you to court and in difficult working moments associated with dismissal.

It is considered a talisman for family happiness and perfectly reflects bad energy. It is important to acquire beryl in families where quarrels and conflicts often occur. The representatives of the weaker sex wear earrings and pendants with beryl to seal the union with the beloved man.

The stone helps soothsayers and fortune-tellers to see the signs of fate, to strengthen the gift of clairvoyance. Best of all, the mineral shows its abilities if it is framed in silver. Its unusual strength also depends on the color:

  • red promotes a surge of strength and energy;
  • blue creates family comfort and ensures harmony in the house;
  • green improves eyesight by relieving eye strain.

Healing properties of beryl

Great impact on health female body provide jewelry that contains beryl. Earrings with it will help get rid of migraines and pain in the teeth. Bracelets are worn against diseases of the genitourinary system and ovaries. The ring will protect against many gynecological problems. Beryl pendant is recommended for women who smoke to avoid respiratory diseases.

This incredible mineral returns strength, restores vitality and lost health. It strengthens the immune system, helping it defend itself against viruses. Lithotherapists use it for back pain and bronchial diseases. It has a positive effect on the state of the mind of its owner, eliminating fears and neuroses. With pancreatitis and liver failure, it is advised to wear yellow or green stones.

Beryl in astrology

The stone is not contraindicated in any zodiac sign, except for Aries, which can only become more aggressive and sarcastic. Wearing this mineral will bring good luck to Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. For representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini, emerald and heliodor are suitable. These people will be able to bring their plans to the end and behave with dignity in any situation. A crystal set in silver will protect Scorpio and Sagittarius from stress and breakdowns. Taurus will make new acquaintances, expand the circle of friends. The stone is necessary for the sign of Libra during an apathetic mood and depression. He will bring the virgins family happiness helping to maintain fidelity and feelings for many years.

How to care for a stone

Beryl is often inherited and serves as a protective talisman for its owner. He is dear as a memory and has great importance for many people. Therefore, the owners try to keep the jewelry with it in the best possible way.

The stone does not need special care, but like many others precious minerals he can't stand long stay under
direct rays of the sun. Jewelry is wrapped in cloth and stored in a case or box. The gem is cleaned once every month, and then wiped dry.