Beautiful bedtime stories about love. Romantic bedtime stories (collection)

Do not promise a young girl eternal love on earth...
B. Okudzhava

Your eyes are closed, and sleep is already creeping across your face. I won't disturb you, my dear, sleep. You heard me enter, but didn’t open your eyes, only your lips moved in a slight smile... I love it when you smile... your lips look like a small hunting bow with raised tips, in the depths of which lives a pink tongue-arrow. Oh, this multi-functional arrow! She knows how to kill on the spot with well-aimed words, knows how to give powerful orders subordinate men, knows how to gently coo under my chin, or can just remain silent, doing his amazing job!
Go to sleep, my dear, I won’t disturb you. I will not lie down next to you, but will lower myself to the floor to be level with your face.
I love such moments of mental unity with you. At these moments there are no physical contacts, only our souls speak. For me now you are a little girl whom I want to caress, stroke her curls and whisper something absurd to the sweet future sleep. You are an adult, beautiful, confident woman, but you, too, miss your childhood, tender words, I know this and I’m ready to tell you them. They have accumulated in me, crowding both in my chest and in my head, they want to be heard. Mom could tell you a lot magic words, but mom won't say what she can say loving man. Sleep, sleep soundly to my muttering, and it’s even better that you fell asleep. You sleep, and I will whisper to you what my heart is filled with.
It’s a pity that I’m not an oriental poet - Ferdowsi, for example, or Hafiz, or Alisher Navoi... they knew a lot beautiful words, with which they sang their beloved ones.

A living spring is your mouth and the sweetest of all joys,
my sobs are no match for the Nile and the Euphrates itself.

All sweets have lost their taste and are cheap in price:
The nectar of your sweetest lips is the most beautiful of all delights.

And even the sun has a hard time competing with you:
your mirrored brow is a hundred times brighter than his.

Sweet words gurgle like a fast mountain stream, flow like a smooth majestic river, rustle with a gentle spring breeze, surround you with a viscous pink aroma... everything is for you, everything is for you...
I look at your bare shoulders. What are you wearing under the covers now? You have a flannel nightie with a lace collar at the neck, a funny cambric shirt, sometimes you wore flirty pajamas with ties at the throat and under the knees... I know all your night outfits, I know them with my eyes, teeth and touch, because I’ve taken them off more than once from you... and now I still see not the blanket on you, not your clothes, but your skin underneath... Just recently you were humming something in the bath, basking in clouds of snow-white foam, just recently you were leaving the bathroom, and the undried droplets the water glistened on your shoulders and on your chest above the towel, and here, right at the dimple on your throat... this dimple has always driven me crazy... and now my tongue habitually moved in my mouth... I love to kiss you on this dimple... no, no, I’m quiet and humble today, I’m just talking to you... in words, but silently... yes, it happens, thoughts are also words, only they are a thousand times faster!
I admire you. You are now lying on a high pillow, surrounded by hair golden from the light of the night lamp, still damp at the ends, although you tried to hide it under a cap, but it still got wet and became a dark bronze color... you smell of sea water, salty wind and something else... then painfully familiar, which makes you dizzy and takes your breath away... It smells like you... I inhale this smell, there is nothing more beautiful in the world... my roses, my beloved roses, forgive me, your aroma is magnificent, but there is no smell sweeter than the smell of a beloved woman!
I look at your eyes, they are closed, I remember them perfectly, I know what they look like in the twilight, the black dots of the pupils become huge, like a black universe, they attract me, and I drown in them...
I take your hand, bring it to my lips... I kiss every finger of yours, every nail, I run your palm over my cheek, do you feel how smooth it is? I shaved, you love it when my cheeks are smooth, you love to rub against them, touch them with your tongue. Of course, my cheeks will never compare with yours with their tender velvet skin, but somewhere in the very depths of me I am ready for the fact that you may suddenly wake up and want to press your cheek to mine... I am always ready! Do you remember how one day your cheeks were stubbled by my stubble and the next morning they were covered with many small red spots... To the puzzled looks of the employees, you casually answered that you had eaten too much strawberries... an allergy, they say, and no one asked where you can get strawberries in winter...
Therefore, I found pleasure in the once unpleasant activity for me - shaving... everything is for you, everything is for you!
I always want to call you baby, I want to caress and pamper you like a little girl, smooth your eyebrows with my finger, run it along the line of your nose, along the curve of your lips, along your chin, neck, down, down... stop...
You moved and smiled happily at the dream, sighing briefly...
Sleep, my beloved... sleep, it was I who entered your dream.

The Man Who Saw Love

He lost count of the days, months... For him, life was an eternity, and everything around him was just an endless, forgettable landscape. He did not know hatred, did not understand what cruelty was, living within himself and not thinking about what was alien to his fragile heart.
No one knew who he was or why his facial features were always bright and serene. But his thoughts were far from prying eyes.

He saw love, its living embodiment, slightly perceptible, foggy, as varied and cool as a summer breeze. People thought that their feeling resided in the heart, only occasionally showing itself, looking into the sun. But he knew that love had been nearby all their lives, yes, nearby, walking behind them, placing her palm on their warm hands, warmed by it.

And he, occasionally looking at passers-by, people immersed in their thoughts, only smiled at the splendor of the ghostly silhouette hovering next to them. He, too, was in love... But this love was platonic, impossible - no, not unrequited, but doomed to never acquire a physical meaning, an image, material, but no longer so sublime, but earthly. He was in love with his love...

She came to him one day and hasn’t left since then... They were always together: on a cloudy, harsh day, and on a noisy rainy evening, when, hiding in the warm living room from human worries, he made her laugh, and she burst into a ringing, a laugh that only he could understand. And when the sun was shining, warming the people immersed in the bustle with its rays, they sat in silence, smiling affectionately and carefree at each other. At these moments, it seemed that life was something magical, incredibly beautiful and so sentimental. But he lacked... more real, more earthly sensations.

So time passed...

One day he woke up and went to the window, dreamily looking somewhere into the distance... thinking that she was hiding somewhere behind him... smiling at the thought of how he would look back and see her playful smile.

But what he discovered under the window greatly disturbed him, instilling fear in his soul for something that might never happen again. The people he once looked at, as if at something bright, full of feelings, life, warmth... they had changed... they wandered lonely along the street. There were even smiles and delight on the faces of many of them, but... all this seemed so distant, unnatural without subtle silhouettes of feelings floating in the air.

Fear gradually filled his entire being, but there was something else in him... understanding coming from somewhere deep... expectation. He was not even surprised when he heard a barely audible rustle behind him, then he heard approaching measured steps, and, slowly looking around, he saw her... smiling, but not serenely, but thoughtfully, a little sadly... She was nearby, warm and real .

Sun and sea

He saw Her. She sat on the fence and dangled her bare feet.
"Hello," he told her.
“Hello,” She smiled in response.
- What are you doing?
- I love the sun.
- Does It love you?
- Loves.
- Right.
She looked questioningly.
- That's right, he loves it. You are beautiful.
He thought for a moment. She waited and was silent.
- You are very beautiful. May I kiss you?
- Kiss.
She jumped off the fence and approached Him. She put her hands on her shoulders and closed her eyes in anticipation. Feeling the soft touch of her lips on her cheek, she opened them again. A blush appeared under the light tan. Then They walked through the Forest to the Sea. Sitting side by side, they looked at the sunset going into the water.
“And I often come to Love the Sea,” He said.
“And I usually Love the Sun,” She answered.
- Let's love the Sun together as it goes into the Sea.
- Let's.
They hugged - it’s better to love together.
The Sun sank into the Sea quickly, and They could not Love it for long. And then He said:
- We sailed towards the Sun.
- Fine.
She began to undress. He wanted to turn away. She was surprised - why, you Love Beauty. You can watch and admire. Why are you turning away? She took off her light cotton dress and showed herself to Him.
He brought it to More. She led him to the Sun.
The sea carried their bodies, and the Sun spoke the way.
And the sunset did not end.

Eternal Devotion

In the long cold fans of the Tibetan winter, one can hear the story of two lovers whose love was so strong that it overcame not only the resistance of their parents, but also defeated death itself. They met at the ford. Every day they came here, bringing yaks to drink, until one beautiful morning didn't talk. It seemed that they could not stop talking, they parted reluctantly, deciding to meet tomorrow in the same place. And by the next meeting they were already in love with each other.
The following weeks were full of love and anxious expectations for them. In old Tibet, families agreed on marriages in advance, often from the moment the children were born, and unplanned unions were considered a disgrace. They had to hide their love from their loved ones, but every morning they hurried to meet at the ford.

One day the young man was more anxious than usual, waiting for his beloved to show up. He trembled all over when he finally heard her steps. They barely had time to exchange greetings before he discovered the secret that had kept him in such suspense. He brought her a family jewel - a silver earring inlaid with large turquoise.

Seeing such a gift, the girl thought about it, because she knew that accepting it meant swearing eternal love. Then she loosened her braid and allowed the young man to weave an earring into her long black hair. And from that moment on, she placed herself at the mercy of any possible consequences.

It is difficult for a daughter to hide the first impulses of love from her mother’s searching gaze, and the earring was soon discovered. Immediately realizing how far things had gone for her, old woman decided that only the most desperate measures could save the honor of the family. She ordered her eldest son to kill the one who dared to interfere in the affairs of the family, who stole her child’s love. The son reluctantly obeyed his mother's orders. He only intended to wound the shepherd, but without informing his son, the mother accepted additional measures and poisoned the arrow - the young man died in great pain.

The girl was shocked by grief and decided to be freed from suffering forever. Having obtained permission from her father to attend the funeral of her lover, she hurried to the ceremony - the body was already lying in the funeral pyre. Despite all attempts, no one from the family young man couldn't light a fire.

Approaching the place where the fire was lit, the girl took off her cape. To the surprise of those present, she threw it onto the firewood, and the fire immediately broke out. Then, with a mournful cry, she threw herself into the fire, and it consumed them both.

Those present at the funeral were numb with horror. The news of the tragedy soon reached the girl's mother, who rushed to the place of burning. Furious, she arrived at the funeral before the last coals had cooled, she decided that the young couple could not remain together even in death, and insisted that their bodies, united in the fire, be separated from each other.

She sent for a local shaman, who began to ask what the lovers feared most in the world during their lifetime. It turned out that the girl always had an aversion to toads, and the young man was terribly afraid of snakes. They caught a toad and a snake and placed them next to the burnt bodies. And immediately miraculously the bones moved apart. Then, at the insistence of the mother, the remains were buried on different banks of the river so that the lovers would forever remain apart.

Meanwhile, soon two young trees began to grow on new graves. With unusual speed they grew into dense trees, their branches stretching out and intertwining above the stream. To those who were nearby, it seemed that the branches were reaching out to each other, as if trying to embrace, and the children playing nearby said with fear that the rustling of the tangled branches was like the quiet whisper of lovers. The angry mother ordered the trees to be cut down, but new ones grew every time. Who would have thought that in this way they would be able to prove their loyalty and that their love would continue to bloom even after death in this place.


My Heart was locked and the key was given to the Great Keeper of the Keys. He has kept these keys for many centuries. Sometimes Hearts come to him and ask him to return the key to them. Then the Guardian looks sternly, frowns, as if he wants to see what awaits this Heart in the future and whether it is worth returning the key. What if the Heart does something unwise again?

In the castle, the Guardian has a large clay vessel in which he stores Love. When the Heart is just born, the Guardian gives it Love in a special small clay vessel and a key (it is needed to open talents, knowledge and love in the heart). The heart must handle it carefully and correctly. But there are always those Hearts that will definitely break all the rules of storing Love! They scatter it, splash it, leaving absolutely nothing for their family and friends. They spend Love on experiences, they begin to love money, things, they love everything, but they just don’t have what they need!

When love ends in their vessel (yes, this can also happen), then they become evil, love no one, and hate everyone! They even change color from green to purple-black!

The Guardian also has a Book of Meetings. This book records which Heart should meet with which Heart and when! Book cover made of sun rays and clean spring water, sprinkled with dew, flowers grow on its pages, a rainbow shimmers and a warm breeze blows! Unfortunately, a Heart that has wasted its Love on all sorts of trifles, when it meets a Heart written down for it in the Book of Meetings, cannot give it anything. After all, he doesn’t have even a small drop of love left... The heart cannot live long without love, it suffers, it suffers, it feels that it is missing something...

And then such exhausted, tired, tormented by sadness, melancholy and melancholy hearts close themselves and take the key to the keeper. They become calm, there is no longer pity, no melancholy, no sadness, no sadness, no love. They feel nothing, they have no Emotions, they are neutral and indifferent to everything; cynicism and selfishness, pride and pride become their companions...

But there were also reasonable Hearts, they carefully and with deep respect carried their love, their small clay vessel, carefully distributing it to loved ones, relatives, with those poor and unhappy hearts they also shared their warm love, they gave it to nature and animals. And they definitely had to give the brightest grain of their love to the Guardian as a sign of gratitude and respect for him, for the gift of Love, which is the most priceless in the world!

Sometimes it happened that a Heart came to the Guardian and really asked for a spare key from another Heart, because he couldn’t open it for a long time, and he suffered a lot from it! The Guardian took his Book of Meetings and looked to see if it was the Heart, and if their meeting was written there, then he, of course, helped and gave the key. But before that he could arrange various tests, otherwise it’s too early, he can’t be wrong! If the heart passed these tests (and if the heart loves, then it can cope with any tests and difficulties), then the Guardian gave the key. After all, nothing could soften the guardian’s severity and make him kinder than loving heart! Many hearts came to ask for those Hearts for whom they were not a mate, and there was no entry in the Great Book of Meetings.

Then the Guardian frowned again, was silent for a long time, he thought... Then he looked closely, he knew and saw that this never ends well... He pointed to the door and, saying that it was not time yet and we had to wait. And they left, these hearts sad and drooping...

But once a year the Guardian is very kind to everyone and gives gifts! To cruel and stupid, empty hearts he filled their small vessel pure love. So that they can love and be loved again, find their heart and give it the love that they could not give before... so that they can again discover knowledge in themselves and find faith and a new path!
Well, the Guardian gave ardent and fiery love to kind, honest and faithful hearts in a vessel of roses, lilies, summer breeze, and sweet strawberries and cherries, it will warm them for a long time, long years!
And all this happens only once a year. Can you guess when? On Valentine's Day.

The Tale of the Angel and the Shadow

Why did someone come up with the idea that darkness and light are incompatible? They are opposites, but that doesn't mean anything. Absolutely nothing.

One day an Angel fell in love with a Shadow.
- How come? - you ask. After all, an angel is a bright heavenly being, and a shadow is just a shadow.
Well yes, she was just a shadow, she was a demonic creature whose heart was saturated with darkness and pain. The angel was beautiful in his virtue, beauty and purity.
And yet he loved her. He loved her black hair, her sad eyes, her black clothes, her sad thoughts, he even loved her black deeds and her sad thoughts about them.
But the Shadow is a shadow, it belonged to evil. She laughed at the Angel, and, laughing, said: “Think for yourself. I am just a shadow and you are an angel. I am darkness and you are light, I am evil and you are good. We're not meant to be together."

But the Angel did not give up. He himself suffered for a long time, thinking about how he could love her, an eternal shadow, whose life passes in eternal darkness.
“But maybe that’s why,” the Angel reflected, “I fell in love with her, for her eternal wanderings and suffering, for her wars and defeats with herself, for her sad eyes and an ever-suffering heart.”
The shadow, like all shadows, was not a fool, and thought that an extra angel as a friend would never hurt. She accepted his gifts, signs of attention, smiled at him, stroked his warm cheek when he whispered to her: “I love you.” The angel was happy because he knew how to be happy.
But soon Shadow got tired of this, and she waved her hand at Angel, saying that it was better for them to part.
The angel wept for a long time, although he knew it was a sin. He cursed life and fate, even though he knew it was a sin. He suffered.
The shadow again only laughed evilly at him.

But one day a dazzlingly pure and kind thought slipped into the Shadow’s heart, this thought stuck in it like a splinter, it grew and inflated, turning into an obsession, and, finally, the Shadow, driven by this idea, took a fatal step - it did a good deed. Now her body began to cover honesty and kindness. Now a faint radiance of compassion began to emanate from her. The shadow, as best it could, began to cover them up with bad deeds and bad deeds. But it didn't help.

She was noticed. They started checking. Having learned that she had done a good deed, dark circles They were furious, and when they learned about her connection with the Angel, they simply went berserk.
And they decided to apply the main measure of punishment. Not to destroy, no, they decided to send her to the “Gray” zone, a place where only the deeply guilty were exiled. A place where your true beginning, black or white, cannot manifest itself, tormenting you. Where, if you are a dark creature, your evil will eat only yourself, where, if you are a light creature, no one will need your virtue, and out of hopelessness it will turn into anger and hatred for the whole world. In the “Grey” zone there was no peace for anyone, only suffering and torment.

Black tears dripped from Shadow's black eyes as she listened to the verdict. And when she was asked about her last wish, she suddenly suddenly realized that she wanted to see the Angel. The angel flew in like a bullet, and was not even surprised when Shadow quietly asked if he wanted to go with her to the “Grey” zone. He just smiled sadly and answered just as quietly: "Yes, I'll fly with you."

Everyone gasped, but they could not forbid him anything. Because of their own free will, anyone could get there. Although willing, frankly speaking, was not at all. Only the Angel who followed his Shadow.
So they began to live together in the "Gray" zone. It was hard for them. But the Angel’s love worked wonders, the Shadow’s own evil did not eat her up from the inside, and, in the end, the feeling of gratitude to the Angel, much to her surprise, grew into reciprocal love. She fell in love with someone for the first time, because the feeling of love - a bright feeling - has never been inherent in the shadows.

This is how they lived, and with their strange union they violated all existing laws and rules.
And yet, the original heart of the Shadow, now shrouded in love, was wormy, and this worm was the Evil with which she was born and which she was called to serve.
She cheated on him. She cheated in response to his boundless love, she cheated with some unfortunate demon who was kicked out into the “Gray” zone a long time ago.
And he found out. And he suffered. He was silent for a long time and thought for a long time.

For the first time, Shadow suddenly realized that he was losing him. For the first time, she realized that the worst thing for her was not the “Gray” zone, but the realization that she would never be able to look into it again. Blue eyes, will never hear his voice again.
For the first time she cried, she cried not because of herself, but because of love for another.
He approached her and wanted to calm her down. No matter what she did, he could not calmly watch her cry. He came up and froze in one place.
The tears were not black and bitter, like all shadows, but transparent and salty. These were pure tears. He realized that he had changed her.
Now she could leave the “Gray” zone, because she was no longer the one who entered here.
He could, he forgave her. She didn't believe it, but he forgave her.

And they flew out of the zone together. Now the Shadow is no longer afraid of the light. Her love and the love of the Angel performed a miracle: she turned into a bright creature, changing her beginning.
And so, they, holding hands, fly towards each other sunlight and warmth, and the breath of the Creator illuminates their path.

And in the “Grey” zone they are still talking about that incident. Legends are made about this, and every time, finishing his story, the narrator asks his listeners: “Why did someone come up with the idea that darkness and light are incompatible?”

Pages of love folklore

Since childhood I have loved fairy tales. Probably the most favorite of them are the Azerbaijani ones - they have so much feeling and romance that I definitely wanted to listen to each of them to the end. Now I have grown up, but my love for mysterious magical stories has remained with me.

Fairy tales are such simple stories that are described in a special language, as if you were little. But this doesn’t hurt you at all, because you get the impression that you and the author have some kind of extraordinary secret that they will definitely tell you about.

I admire the world around me, I love the people who live in it. I like to find something unique in every seemingly inconspicuous thing - something that no one has noticed before (or maybe I just didn’t want to admit it to myself?).

Fairy tales are not as ephemeral as you might think at first glance. After all, if you have never seen the planet Saturn with your own eyes (pictures and even videos do not count, because in our time everything can be faked and edited) - this does not mean that it does not exist. It’s the same with any “magic” story. Of course, it contains many different epithets, metaphors and “little” exaggerations, but its very essence is always very truthful.

Reading or listening to any fairy tales, we, unnoticed by ourselves, involuntarily immerse ourselves in their plot. It develops our imagination and makes us think.

My fairy tales are very romantic and, perhaps, some would say, idealistic. I completely agree with you. But if you have your own ideals, then you have something to strive for. Are you on on the right track. After all, only a sensitive heart will tell you where to go, what to believe in and how to behave in any situation.

Believe in yourself! Trust yourself! Feel free to create your future, because it begins here and now.

A fairy tale makes you better and kinder. It gives a person hope for the best and makes him take a closer look at the world around him. After all, there are so many interesting, inexplicable and very, very touching things in life.

Now let’s get comfortable and dive into Magic world romantic fairy tales, where any obstacles can be overcome on the way to the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Little bright star

Beloved... My little Ray of Light... My Princess! I'm so glad that you and I are together.

It’s so nice to feel such a dear, warm, fragile body next to you. Feel your breath. Inhale the scent of your hair...

I almost whisper to you so as not to frighten your sweet half-asleep.

You smile at my words - and my heart begins to beat even faster.

I am grateful to you for suddenly bursting into my life and charming me. Now all my thoughts are only about you. And everything I do is for you.

In the meantime, you closed your eyes, enjoying the words that I whisper in your ear, I’ll tell you fairy tale.

* * *

Once upon a time there lived a small but very bright star.

She was so beautiful - almost diamond-like in appearance.

She really liked to appear in the sky when the sun set behind the horizon. She believed that she brought great benefits by illuminating the Earth at night. Although her friends, who were next to her in heaven, took it for granted.

The star tried very hard to shine brighter than everyone else, with the exception, of course, of the moon. After all, it was very important for her to benefit people. This little girl was very happy when, as she herself believed, she helped a lost evening traveler find his way home. Or if any little person could not sleep, he had the opportunity to admire her through the window, hoping for something good, deep in his secret thoughts.

But in Lately she began to feel that something was wrong. Something darkened the joyful thoughts of the little star.

She began to think about what made her so sad.

And then the little bright star realized that she was very sorry beautiful girl with golden red silky hair. Every evening the little girl watched as the girl sat on the windowsill, turning her sad gaze to the sky.

The little star really wanted to help the stranger, but she didn’t know how yet.

From her heavenly friends she heard a legend that when a star falls from the sky, people make a wish - and it will definitely come true.

“But then you’ll die...” her friends were saddened.

- But I will be of great benefit! – she answered joyfully.

The little star really wanted to help the sad girl at the window, for this she was even ready to give her life.

Looking in last time to a beautiful red-haired girl, the star, breaking away from the sky, began to rapidly fall down. She no longer felt anything except the noise of her own flight...

And then, suddenly, she was overcome by an indescribable all-consuming frantic joy - it was the girl who took advantage of the moment and wished for her cherished wish. The little star was very glad that she could help the beautiful stranger. Now this little girl knew that she had fulfilled her true purpose. She, somewhere deep inside, felt calm. This is the last thing the star thought about before disappearing into oblivion...

The star’s deed was not in vain - the stranger’s wish soon came true...

And another little star appeared in the sky, even brighter than the previous one...

Who knows, maybe she will be the one who will be able to fulfill one of your deepest desires, Darling...

* * *

You are already sleeping, My Precious... I will kiss the top of your head, gently touch your eyelids with my lips and also fall asleep, greedily wrapping you in my arms, guarding your sacred sleep...

Sweet Dreams, my angel!..

Little New Year's miracle

This year the winter was especially beautiful: the trees and roofs of houses were covered in snow, shimmering silver in the gentle rays of the sun. Today was the last day of the passing year.

A girl sat by the window, peering into the fluffy flakes of falling snow. She had long dark brown hair Wavy hair and a graceful figure. The sun blinded her blue eyes, but transparent crystals of tears slowly flowed down her pale cheeks for a completely different reason. Today Lila will have to celebrate her favorite holiday completely alone...

It seemed that she had quarreled with Dan for a very long time - she no longer remembers how many nights in a row she cried into her pillow. But only two weeks had passed since he left, slamming the door loudly - then she jumped at the sound.

You don’t even remember what they quarreled about. You know, sometimes you quarrel “to pieces” with your loved one, firmly believing that, of course, HE is to blame. But then, some time passes and you no longer fully understand: “What was that?” Lilya was now in the same state. She would be glad to be the first to apologize, but he doesn’t answer phone calls, and no one opens his house. But the girl reassured herself that she at least tried to correct the situation.

Now she was sitting alone in the apartment that THEY had decorated together with such tenderness and love. She didn't want to go celebrate New Year to her friends, because this holiday was very personal for her...

She and Dan met a week before the New Year, when she was still in the 5th grade. That day Lilya was walking home with her friends after school. The girls chatted cheerfully, sharing their expectations of what they would give to whom for the holiday. When suddenly, the girl unexpectedly felt sharp pain in the head from a blow with a blunt object, and the back of her head quickly began to grow cold. Lily lost her balance and fell. Next to her, a snowball drowned in a snowdrift, finally unsticking from the top of her head.

Suddenly, a tall, handsome boy with light brown hair and honey-colored eyes appeared next to her.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you,” he said, guiltily lowering his black fluffy eyelashes.

Lily could not move from confusion, nor say anything in response. Then the guy extended his hand to her, prudently freeing her from the snow-covered glove and said:

Let me help you up.

Lily's girlfriends giggled and whispered to each other, surrounding the resulting couple in a circle.

“My name is Denis, but my friends call me Dan,” said the young man, helping the girl shake off the snow from her clothes.

“And I’m Lilya,” she was finally able to answer.

A young man volunteered to help a girl injured by his snowball by taking her home and making sure she was all right. Lily said goodbye to her envious friends, and Dan said goodbye to the boy he was playing with.

- How does such a lovely and fragile person manage to carry such a heavy backpack? – the guy was surprised, picking up her things.

Lilya loved to study and every day she took with her to school all the books she could need. She considered this absolutely normal.

“If it’s very hard for you, I can carry it myself,” the girl answered offendedly and tried to take her backpack from him.

"No, it won't be too hard for me," Dan said, grabbing her arm with his free hand.

The girl felt herself starting to blush at his sudden touch. The guy, apparently sensing this, carefully lowered her palm...

So the young people walked along snowy city, speaking in general terms about yourself. Lilya was not verbose because she was still embarrassed. She felt a little dizzy, but she no longer knew whether the reason for this was the snowball that hit her or this a handsome boy walking nearby.

From a conversation with Dan, the girl learned that he is in the 8th grade of her school, loves to create beautiful ice figures in winter, and when it gets warmer, he carves his masterpieces out of wood.

“Probably his creations are amazingly beautiful, just like himself,” Lilya thought and again realized that she was starting to blush.

Dan smiled, looking at the girl, and when they approached her house, he said:

– So this is where such a beautiful, slightly embarrassed and very touching girl lives!

Lilya felt that her whole face was starting to turn red.

“You’re making me blush…” she answered timidly.

“Wait, this is just the beginning,” he smiled a sly smile. “Besides, a healthy blush suits you.”

When they parted, they agreed that from that day on he would walk her home every time after school.

The young people spent the remaining days until the New Year practically without parting. Lilya gradually began to get used to beautiful compliments this amazing guy and began to tell him more about myself. The more they got to know each other, the closer they became. It seemed that they had always been together, and the time before meeting him simply did not exist in the girl’s life.

Years passed, and young people constantly managed to find something new and interesting friend in a friend. They had already grown up, life went on as usual. Lilya was already in her last year at the University of Art, and Dan opened his own antique company. The only thing that hasn't changed is them New Year's tradition: before the stormy celebration of the holiday, they went out into the street and played snowballs - only they did it gently, kindly. And somehow they were always lucky on snowy winter days...

Lilya was distracted from her memories by the loud purring of a fluffy white Persian kitten, which was warming herself in her arms. Dan gave it to her about a month ago, they named him Snowball. The girl smiled at this little warm lump, who was only 3 months old.

The eyes of this creature seemed to say: “Calm down, everything will definitely be fine. Today magical evening, and you can count on your Little Miracle.”

A little cheered up, the girl put herself in order and checked if everything was ready for the festive dinner.

“This time there won’t be too many dishes: only all the very, very favorite ones.”

When she finished laying the table, she noticed that she had arranged the cutlery, as if two people would celebrate the New Year: “Me and …”.

Sighing sadly and shrugging off not to plunge into memories again, she decided to leave the extra devices in their places.

“What if they come in handy…” - for some reason she thought.

Looking at her watch, the girl noticed that it was already 10 o’clock in the evening.

“At this time, Dan and I … always went outside and played snowballs,” she almost burst into tears. - Well, okay, this time I’ll go there myself. And it wouldn’t hurt for me to clear my head.”

Waving to Snowball, putting on a warm coat and boots, she quickly went down the steps.

The weather was wonderful outside. The sky was clear and starry, and the snow crunched softly underfoot. Everything around seemed somehow magical in the lights of the street lamps. Lilya took a deep breath of fresh frosty air and turned into the park, which was not far from the house.

In some places noisy joyful cries of young people who had already begun to celebrate could be heard. Walking past a small clearing, Lilya felt something lightly hit her from behind, and cold snow began to fall down her collar. The girl turned around, peering into the darkness, and was ready to shout at the offender:

“No one dares throw snowballs at me, no one except...”

“Defend yourself,” someone shouted from the darkness, throwing another portion of snow at her.

“ one except... Dan,” the girl finished her thought, deftly dodging a new attack.

Dan emerged from the darkness, smiling slyly. Lilya, without hesitation, rushed into his arms.

“Forgive me,” the girl said quietly, hugging his chest tightly.

“And forgive me,” answered the young man, inhaling the smell of her hair.

– I was so worried... I don’t even know why it all happened... I’m so sorry... I...

The girl did not have time to finish, as Dan covered her mouth with his hand.

“I was also very wrong... Only when I was apart from you did I realize that my love for you is a thousand times stronger than I thought before.” Moreover, this business trip... It forced me to be even further away from you...

Lilya wanted to tell him something else, but he stopped her.

-You're starting to freeze. Let's go home, otherwise we'll miss everything. It's already half past eleven! And it’s Snowball’s first New Year.

Dan grabbed a couple of bags that were standing by the tree. Winking at the girl in response to her curious gaze, he hurried towards the house, holding her hand tightly.

When they entered the apartment, the kitten was already impatiently waiting for them at the door, as if he was afraid that they would be late. It seemed that he was not at all surprised to see the two people closest to him together again.

They just had time to undress and open the champagne when an ancient clock in another room began to chime 12 o’clock.

“For newfound love,” Dan said, raising his glass to the girl.

“For our love and for the fact that we are together again,” Lilya said quietly.

Snowball settled comfortably on the girl’s lap and meowed contentedly.

The young people talked for a long time about their passionate feelings to each other. They were happy and now both were sure that this would be FOREVER...

Delicious dessert

Alika got a job as an illustrator almost immediately after graduating from college. She was infinitely happy about this event - after all, this is exactly what she always wanted to do.

Since childhood, she drew all the time beautiful pictures, which were on the walls, notebooks, albums, napkins - on everything that unconsciously came to her hands. Alika was glad that her obsessive hobby would now benefit someone. Now she could draw pictures for book covers and their interior design. People around her liked her work very much, some came up to her and praised her personally. In general, the girl was pleased with both her position and the close-knit team.

And when, after some time, a new cafe “Delightful Dessert” was opened next to her company, Alika was simply delighted. After all, sweets are her second favorite pleasure, right after work.

This was a special cafe: everything in it was somehow unusual. The building itself was in the form of a dome, the entrance to it was marked by an arch with two elaborate columns. The interior design of “Delightful Dessert” was even more unusual: the entire interior was focused on the play of light and shadow. The domed ceiling resembled the sky, and skillfully done lighting created the illusion of clouds, stars, sun rays, falling snow or dripping rain. The “weather” in this cafe was always exactly the opposite of the real weather outside. That is, if it was a cloudy winter day outside the window, then it was a starry summer night in this room. Even the tablecloths on the round tables changed depending on her: color ripe cherries, young grass, golden, deep blue, intriguing purple.

On the walls of “Delicious Dessert” there were very unusual paintings in fancy frames. Some tables had “sweet” images in the form of toys and various decorations(rings, brooches). Near the other tables there were photographs of cocktails with “dizzying” splashes, which created an overall picture of unreality and at the same time some simple naturalness. There were also photographs of huge cakes in the form of stunning doll houses. And hand-drawn pictures of desserts in the form forest clearings they simply excited the imagination with their “fabulousness”. Near Alika’s favorite table there were coffee-themed photographs with splashes of milk in white cups on a black background.

The menu in this establishment also did not lag behind everything else in its ingenuity. What was there: apple-caramel pie “Tarte Tatin”, delicious “Magically delicious cheesecakes” with marzipan decorations, fried ice cream, cookies “Waiting for salary”, “light as a cloud and quick as a deer dessert “Winter's Tale”. Moreover, the ingredients of favorite dishes changed periodically. For example, one day banana sorbet made from sugar syrup and fruit juice, on another day it could be with the addition of champagne or wine. You'll never guess what kind of surprise there will be tomorrow! Moreover, all dishes were prepared in a certain quantity. Each time, the dish of the day was chosen, the portions of which were larger than the rest. And if the visitor got the last one, he could choose a “delicious dessert” for the next day. There was something childishly cheerful and funny about it!

Alika has already tried almost all the desserts in this cafe since its opening. But most of all she loved the triple chocolate cheesecake and “Tarte Tatin” - the girl most often ordered these dishes when she came here on her lunch break.

Today she had some kind of bad day - she still couldn’t come up with a cover for a new book. Everything that came to her mind seemed somehow faded and inexpressive. With a sad expression on her face, she sat down at her favorite table. The “weather” in the cafe was rainy, although at that time the sun was shining brightly outside.

“Just like the state of my soul,” she thought.

Already starting to absentmindedly draw on the napkin on the table, Alika ordered herself a piece of triple chocolate cheesecake. She was very surprised when the waiter told her that today this dish was a “delicious dessert” and hers was the last portion. This was the first time such an event had happened to the girl, and she was somewhat confused.

“Don’t rush with your choice of “dessert” for tomorrow,” the waiter reassured her. – You can think about it while you eat.

Alika was left alone at her table. She was slightly confused: all her thoughts were confused.

– Can I come to you for a “light”? – a pleasant male voice interrupted her thoughts.

Alika looked at the stranger who asked her a question. He was a tall, handsome young man with golden hair And dark green eyes. There was a sense of grandeur and, at the same time, some kind of simplicity in his entire appearance.

“He has a very beautiful smile“, the girl thought when the guy smiled, waiting for her answer.

“Yes, of course,” she said. “I just booked a place for you here.”

- Well, how can I leave a person to the mercy of fate in such a crowded place?.. There are so many people that there is nowhere to sit.

– You are my savior! – the young man supported her, sitting down opposite her. – By the way, I’m Roman.

- And I’m Alika.

- How rare and beautiful name, - noticed a new acquaintance. “I’m sure that this must belong to a very extraordinary person with many hidden talents.”

Next to their table there was a small glass partition along which drops of “rain” flowed. The girl automatically looked at her reflection, which was clearly visible in the dim lighting. Brown short hair, revealing a graceful neck. Large almond-shaped dark blue eyes with fluffy black eyelashes, like a doll's. Graceful, fragile figure, like an elf.

“I look somehow fabulous today!”

- Yes, I am like that! – Alika smiled flirtatiously. – Only my talents are not hidden at all...

“I really hope to know about them.

- May be…

The waiter approached the table with their orders. He asked the girl if she had decided on the main dish for the next day. Alika chose the “magic” cheesecakes, which smelled so delicious on Roman’s plate. The girl was asked to formalize her wish in a beautiful old book. She had a whole page at her disposal, so she added a pile of cheesecakes to her inscription, with a cute jug pouring jam on top. The waiter smiled sweetly at this idea and added a gift “surprise treat” to her menu.

“Now, if you’ll allow me, I need to take a photograph of you,” he said politely. – We attach all the photographs of the “lucky ones” to the “Book of Wishes”, we give the second copy to the owner... If you want, the young man can join you...

Darling, good night! I missed you so much this day! You're tired, rest, don't think about worries! Lie down comfortably in bed, I'll tell you a fairy tale for the night! Throw away the thoughts of the day and get your ears ready!

You wake up in in a great mood, neither work, nor study, nor anything else worries you - vacation! An unfamiliar room reminds fairytale house. Openwork curtains, silk sheets on a feather bed, the exciting aroma of your favorite flowers... Where am I?

You open the carved doors and find yourself at the edge of the azure ocean! The splendor of the landscape fascinates and beckons. You're running into clear water, full of incredible and unprecedented fish, corals, stars. Warm water caresses your tender body, washing away the initial amazement, you smile happily.

Suddenly you turn around at a familiar voice - it’s me! The picture is changing. I am sitting at a table in a fashionable restaurant and calling you over. You run as you were, in a swimsuit, but when you cross the threshold, it turns into luxurious dress, emphasizing your charming forms. Anything is possible in a night fairy tale! A blissful morning flows into a sophisticated evening. The sounds of live music invite us to dance, and we kiss and twirl in each other's arms, attracting the admiring glances of those around us.

The page turns and the two of us run along the same bank. Wet and happy, alone in the whole wide world! Such relatives! The waterfall flowing from the cliff stops us. Rushing under its waters, you undress, clothes, falling, turn into flowers. I pick them up and throw them into the rushing stream. And now, instead of water, an endless shower of petals of the most beautiful flowers comes from the rock. This is all for you, my love!

The rustling of pages again. And we're at the carnival! Music makes you join the dancing, chaotic human impulse. Everything is spinning, turning upside down, tambourines are beating, glasses are being drained without sparing, trumpeters are blowing and castanets are crackling... Crazy and thoughtless joy takes over our bodies, and we laugh, laugh... “Let's run away from here!” - I shout. "With you to the end of the world!" - you answer.

We are back in our paradise. The wise ocean lulls us to sleep with the roar of waves. The sky is strewn bright stars. Look! They moved! In the dark blue sky the most beautiful stars formed into the words: “I’m happy! I love you! Be with me forever!"

The fairy tale has come to an end, but our love is just beginning! Sweet Dreams My Love!

Share this important information with friends on social networks!




Once we get married, we will have a bunch of children. We won’t have a job, we won’t have anything to feed our children, we’ll take them into the dark forest further away, and abandon them there... then Thumb Boy...
You won’t have a job because you have no initiative, you will only wait for help from some guy.

ArtyomArtyom ArtyomArtyom

oh.... Tell her about how your relationship began in a fairytale way. From the very beginning until the day you tell it :)

Evgeniy Filatov

Hello, Darling! So I want to kiss your plump lips now! Such soft and sweet offended lips! I want to undead and caress them until a happy smile takes over them! And then you can sit comfortably on my shoulder and listen to a new fairy tale born in my dreams!
Today this fairy tale will be about a girl who I dreamed of on amazing nights, accompanied by the quiet crackling of logs in the stove and the mysterious light of a small lamp on the wall. This lamp was in the form cute gnome with an umbrella and it seemed that he was conjuring magic!
So, there was a girl. She lived peacefully and calmly, and everything was enough for her, except for one thing! She was very lonely, and therefore there was no happiness!
And then one day the girl went to look for this happiness! Every time I met good and bad people along the way good people, it seemed to her that she had found her happiness! But time passed, and interest in her disappeared; too quickly everyone around got used to the quiet and trouble-free wanderer. Then she went on search again. But the path was not always so serene. And not only good people met her.
One day, on the threshold of a house, a very polite and courteous young man opened the door for her. And she went there without fear. The tired traveler was fed and put to bed. And at night an evil spell fell on this house. And only in the morning, with the first rays of the sun, she woke up exhausted on the street. But the fear of the events of that night was stronger than fatigue, and she rushed to run away as fast as she could! From then on, she never trusted any young man again. But the belief that somewhere in the world happiness awaited her helped her move on.
And then one day she sat down to rest on the bank of a small river under the rays of a bright spring sun. A mischievous stream sang to her a funny song about distant countries to which he aimed his streams. The girl was so enchanted by this picture that she did not hear light footsteps from behind. Someone's warm hands They hugged her shoulders, and a gentle voice asked:
- How far are you going, Bunny?
This touch and voice immediately felt so close and dear that in response she could not say anything other than:
- I’ve already walked a lot, I’ve seen everyone! And now my journey alone is over! Hello, my happiness! Hello, my beloved!
The girl turned around, took her Happiness by the hand and never let go of her again!
I love you! I love you, my happiness! I will never give you up to anyone! And if you suddenly want to leave, I will hug and kiss you so hard that it will be impossible to break this hug!

Bedtime story
fairy tale

guys, help me find a SHORT good bedtime story for a girl


Grandpa Au Banana

So today the Hedgehog said to the Little Bear:
- How good it is that we have each other!
The little bear nodded.
- Just imagine: I’m not there, you’re sitting alone and there’s no one to talk to.
- And where are you?
- I am not here, I am out.
“It doesn’t happen like that,” said Little Bear.
“I think so too,” said the Hedgehog. “But all of a sudden, I don’t exist at all. You are alone. Well, what are you going to do? .
- I'll turn everything upside down, and you'll be found!
- I’m not there, I’m not anywhere!! !
- Then, then ... Then I will run out into the field, - said the Bear cub. - And I’ll scream: “Y-yo-yo-y-y-y-y!” , and you will hear and scream: “Bear-oh-oh-ok! ..”. Here.
“No,” said the Hedgehog. - I'm not there one bit. Understand?
- Why are you pestering me? - Little Bear got angry. If you are not, then I am not. Understood?…


Say that you will marry her


gossip about your love

Jurijus Zaksas

Once upon a time there were Grandfather, Baba and a chicken Ryaba. And somehow a hen laid a testicle for Grandfather. Grandfather is crying, Baba is crying, and the chicken is cackling: “Don’t cry, Baba, don’t cry, Grandfather, otherwise I’ll lay your second egg...”

Is it true that the fairy tale is SHORT and the chicken is terribly kind?

Nikolay Filippov

Say you want to marry her.

sympathetic segrifice

Maybe you can try to come up with something for her... romantic!

A short tale about a smart princess

In the Far Far Away Kingdom, in the thirtieth state, there lived a beautiful, independent, independent and intelligent princess. One day she was sitting on the shore of a picturesque pond in a green valley near her castle, thinking about the meaning of life, and suddenly she saw a frog.
The frog jumped into her lap and
said: "Darling, kind girl. I was once a handsome prince, but evil witch bewitched me, turning me into a frog. If you kiss me, I will turn into a prince again, and then, my dear, I will live in your castle, and you will cook my food, brush my horse, wash my clothes, raise my children and be glad that I took you as my wife . "
That evening, after a light dinner of frog legs with herbs and a glass of white wine, the Princess chuckled quietly and thought: “Fuck you!”

There's room in life for not caring

Better than a bottle of champagne! Cuts very well, tested)))

TALES for girls... who tells them... before bed?


Fleur De Lis

I'm waiting for the continuation of the story....


no one is telling! thanks for the story ;-)


program " Good night, kids", they also show cartoons))