Do-it-yourself ubtan is a pleasure for people who love themselves! What is ubtan and how to use it. Contraindications to the use of ubtan. Approximate ratio of components in the composition

The traditional system of Indian alternative medicine - Ayurveda - is critical of the use of ordinary soap for washing, which violates protective layer skin. Ubtan takes care of the dermis carefully and delicately.

Useful properties of ubtan:

  • Gently cleanses the skin. When exposed to the skin, it removes impurities, dead cells, while maintaining the necessary protective layer.
  • Enhances blood circulation. Provides more intense blood circulation better nutrition skin, accelerating its regeneration, gives it a healthy look.
  • Nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin. Natural ingredients, the action of which is time-tested, not only cleanse the skin, but also, noticeably softening, enrich it with useful substances and moisture.
  • Rejuvenates the skin. The Ayurvedic composition provides an increase in skin tone, fights against its flabbiness, smoothing fine wrinkles.
  • Normalizes skin condition. Promotes balanced functioning sebaceous glands, prevents excessive dryness skin, oily sheen, excessive sweating.
  • Renders therapeutic effect . Facilitates the course of such dermatological diseases as psoriasis, eczema, different kinds dermatitis, neurodermatitis.
Thus, ubtan is a proven tool for centuries, not only for cleansing the skin, but also comprehensive care behind it, taking into account the most diverse needs.

Contraindications to face washing with ubtan

Numerous positive effects undoubtedly provide many adherents to the Ayurvedic powder, but before using an exotic remedy, it will not be out of place to determine the possible negative consequences.

Contraindications to the use of ubtan:

  1. infectious and fungal infections. The composition is applied to the skin, which is then often massaged, which increases blood circulation and can lead to the growth of affected areas.
  2. Open ulcers, boils. Application can exacerbate the problem, making healing and recovery more difficult.
  3. "Grid" of vessels. If you have rosacea (dilated vessels that appear on the surface of the skin), ubtan can exacerbate it, as it promotes more intense blood circulation.
  4. Individual intolerance. If the use of the product causes redness, inflammation, allergies or other dysfunctions, that is, there is intolerance to its individual components, the composition used should be changed.
The complexity of the compositions of various variations of Ayurvedic powder determines a whole range of its possible impacts on the body. The main thing is to find a kind of substance that will have an exceptionally beneficial effect on your skin, without causing negative reactions and exacerbating problems.

Composition and components of traditional ubtan

The ingredients for making Ayurvedic powder are surprisingly varied. The composition should be selected individually, with the gradual addition of the desired components. But there are well-established groups of ingredients, knowing which you can cook ubtan with your own hands.

Traditional ubtan ingredient groups:

  • Cereals and legumes (base);
  • Herbs, flowers and spices;
  • Plants containing saponins (natural soap components);
  • Various types of clays;
  • Additional substances (seeds, nuts, berries, salts, fruit peel, etc.);
  • Water, herbal teas, oils, or other liquids added to the powder to make a creamy mixture.
Flour of cereals and legumes is the basis of ubtan. Its amount can reach up to half the volume of the entire composition. The remaining dry, crushed herbal ingredients are most often used in a one-to-one ratio (for example, 1 teaspoon each). clay, saponins, and additional components are added in volumes determined by the purpose of the composition.

The amount of liquid is determined by its characteristics and the volume of powder available. These dry components are subjected to extremely fine grinding, thus obtaining a powder, which turns into a cleansing paste when a liquid is added.

It is important to know that ubtan paste has a very wide application. It can be used to cleanse the face and body instead of soap, scrub or peeling. You can use it as a mask, as a means for massage and body wraps. The powder itself is suitable for removing oil residues after appropriate procedures.

Ubtan recipes for different skin types

A wide range of possibilities for using ubtan allows you to find suitable recipes for the care of any type of facial skin. Classic recipes for Ayurvedic mixtures often include specific plants found specifically in India, such as ashwagandha and neem, which are difficult to find here. When preparing ubtan at home, exotic components should be replaced with components more familiar to the domestic climate.

Ubtan for problem skin

Owners of imperfect skin are well acquainted with psychological problems. The discomfort from self-doubt only exacerbates an already unenviable sense of self. Skin problems may be different character, but the Indian remedy in its diversity takes into account this aspect.

Ubtan recipes for problem skin:

  1. anti-inflammatory. Chickpea and wheat flour - the basis. Herbal ingredients - chamomile, thyme, calendula, oregano, mint and yarrow. Cinnamon, turmeric and flax seeds are also added. The crushed composition is diluted with purified warm water, rubbed into the skin with massage movements and washed off.
  2. From acne and post-acne. Warm milk to a paste-like consistency is diluted with a composition of ground red lentils, chickpea flour, turmeric and mustard oil. Flour serves as the basis, making up a third or even half of the total volume of the mixture. It is recommended to use for washing daily and as a mask to relieve inflammation (apply for 30-40 minutes).
  3. Antiseptic. The composition includes wheat and barley flour, a crushed mixture of sage, succession, St. John's wort, calendula, green tea, blue clay and sea salt. It should be brought to a creamy state with kefir or brewing green tea. Suitable for daily cleansing problematic skin.
  4. For narrowing pores. Base (about half of the mixture) - crushed cereals. Also, succession, sage, chamomile, gray clay and dried orange peels. The mixture is diluted warm clean water. After soaking the resulting mass, you can wash your face or apply it as a mask for 25-30 minutes.
  5. From age spots . Oatmeal or available bean groats (base) are crushed, then mixed with powdered leaves of dandelion and parsley. It is desirable to dilute the powder green tea, kefir or liquid yogurt. Designed for regular washing and masks.
The effect of the use of ubtan is able to pleasantly surprise. In addition to fighting skin problems, the powder softens it, giving it smoothness and freshness.

Ubtan with herbs for dry skin

If you are the owner of dry skin, then you understand how delicate care she demands. First, of course, you need to deal with the root cause of dryness - various diseases, lack of vitamins, age-related changes, improper care etc., and only then choose the appropriate composition of the Ayurvedic mixture.

Ubtan recipes for dry skin:

  • Cleaning. The base is a mixture of oatmeal and wheat flour. Components for vegetable powder - lavender and linden inflorescences, fragrant rose petals, rose hips, licorice root. Also add gray or red cosmetic clay and sea salt. Dilute with water for daily washing.
  • Nutritious. The base is oatmeal or flaxseed flour. Also in the composition - powdered linden flowers, lemon balm, thyme, cornflower, sage, fenugreek, ginseng root, black or pink cosmetic clay. The resulting composition should be diluted with milk, yogurt or sour cream. You can add almond, olive, sea buckthorn or sesame oil. It is used for washing or as a mask for 30-40 minutes.
  • Moisturizing. For the base, take crushed flaxseed, almonds or oatmeal. Other Ingredients: Powdered peony petals, parsley, mint, St. John's wort, horsetail, lotus seeds, calamus, citrus peel, and red or gray clay. Bring to the state of the cream with aloe juice or cucumber. You can wash your face with the mixture, but it is better to apply it as a mask for 20-30 minutes.
  • firming. To a mixture of chickpeas and rice flour crushed rose petals, chamomile, lavender and yellow clay are added as a base. To the state of gruel, the powder is diluted by brewing green tea. You should massage your face with the resulting paste for 5-10 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.
  • Anti-wrinkle. A mixture of linseed and chickpea flour is complemented with crushed linden flowers, nettle, kelp, ginger, lemon peel, blue clay and sea salt. To obtain a creamy consistency, use natural yogurt, sour cream or milk. You can wash your face, massaging the skin, and also apply as a mask for 30-40 minutes.
The effect of the use of these recipes will be more significant if you follow the qualified recommendations for the care of dry skin and use the appropriate cosmetics.

Do-it-yourself ubtan for oily skin

With the right and regular care oily skin is no big deal. It is especially important to pay attention to proven products made from natural ingredients, which, of course, include Ayurvedic ubtan powder.

Ubtan recipes for oily skin care:

  1. With sea salt. Barley and wheat groats are crushed and mixed with sage, rosemary, green tea, rose hips, blue clay and sea salt, ground into powder. As a liquid, the paste contains a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Suitable for effective cleansing skin when washing.
  2. With rowan berries. Mix oatmeal and chickpea flour, adding crushed string, nettle, thyme, calendula, eucalyptus, birch leaves, rowan fruits, as well as green or white clay. It is brought to the state of paste with the help of decoctions of St. John's wort or nettle. The paste should be wiped over the face, gently massaging the skin. Wash off with cool water. Optimizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  3. With aloe juice. Chickpea flour is supplemented with powder from calendula, fenugreek, succession, horsetail, as well as rassul clay and green clay. The creamy state is achieved by adding aloe juice. It is recommended to gently wipe the skin with massage movements, and then leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes. Rinse off with water room temperature. The skin is visibly mattified.
The natural composition of ubtans contributes to the normalization of sebum production, stimulating the self-regulation of the body in the most natural and environmentally friendly way.

Ubtan recipes for sensitive skin

To restore normal functioning sensitive skin, it is important to regularly provide it from the outside nutrients, if necessary, stimulate regeneration and metabolic processes in it, activate its own immune capabilities. An ancient Indian remedy made from components provided by nature itself does an excellent job with these tasks.

Ubtan recipes for sensitive skin:

  • With almonds. Ground almonds as a base are mixed with grated oat bran and powdered milk powder. The composition is dissolved in warm milk. Suitable for daily preventive washing.
  • With flaxseed. The basis is ground oatmeal. Crushed flaxseed and milk powder are added. Soak with purified water. Gently treat the skin when washing. Suitable for make-up removal.
  • with turmeric. Sprouted oat flour (base) is mixed with nettle, lavender, sage, rassul clay and turmeric powders. The composition is brought to the state of a paste with milk, cream or aloe juice. You should also add a little castor oil. Washing with such an ubtan helps to reduce peeling, relieves irritation.
When looking for a composition for sensitive skin, it is important to choose components that do not aggravate its condition. With regular experimentation, you can get a mixture that is right for your skin.

How to cook ubtan at home

Cooking ubtan is a creative activity. There are recipes where ubtan for the face contains more than five dozen components. But there are a number of recommendations, the observance of which is necessary to obtain a quality product.

Features of the preparation of Ayurvedic remedies:

  1. Herbal ingredients must be well dried.
  2. All components should be very finely ground, preferably sieved to a powder, especially if the composition is prepared for daily use.
  3. If you create a mixture recipe yourself, you should check the components for compatibility.
  4. Choose only those formulations to the ingredients of which you are guaranteed not to be allergic.
  5. Preferably, the presence in ubtan of such basic components like flour, herbs, clay and saponins.
  6. Ayurvedic powder should be mixed with liquids right before use. Pasta with water or herbal tea can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
If you have prepared a significant amount of dry ubtan, it is best to store it in a dark place in a closed glass jar. It is important to prevent moisture from getting into it. Under favorable conditions, the powder can be stored without loss of its properties from six months to a year.

How to make an ubtan for the face - look at the video:

Ubtan is a well-established skin care product that can even fight skin problems and diseases. The secrets of its preparation were given to us by India. Using very affordable components, you can achieve amazing results. Luxurious leather faces - it's easy if you carefully follow the time-tested Ayurvedic recommendations.

An excellent solution for girls who do not want to spoil their health with factory-made cosmetics is ubtan. This tool perfectly cleanses and softens the skin, and homemade masks based on it can easily replace purchased lotions and gels. In addition, ubtan can be used as a shampoo and body scrub. Let's take a closer look at its properties and remember a few effective recipes.

What is ubtan?

This is a natural cleansing powder. His homeland is India. It was in this mysterious country that ubtan began to be used in cosmetic purposes. According to local traditions, brides used it before the wedding ceremony: under the influence of ubtan, their skin became silky and tender. The composition of the cleansing powder includes cereals, herbs, flowers, spices, clays, oils and many other ingredients.

An integral component of ubtan are plants containing saponin - a natural detergent. Thanks to him, the powder easily foams and is absorbed by skin cells. Benefits of ubtan include gentle action, natural composition and a wide variety of species. Suitable mixture can be selected for any type of skin. But this tool also has disadvantages - difficulties in buying and the duration of preparation.

Today, ubtan is sold only in special Ayurvedic shops. It can also be ordered through the online store, but it is better to make the powder yourself at home. So you get a unique product that is ideal for your skin. And also save a lot of money, because the cleansing powder is not a cheap pleasure.

What is ubtan made of?

  1. The basis of any recipe is the base ingredient, which makes up half the mass of the powder. IN traditional recipes this is chickpea flour, but you can use flour from cereals or legumes instead.
  2. Crushed herbs, flower petals, citrus peels, berries and algae. These components can be added in any quantity, given their compatibility with each other. Linden, marigold and flaxseed are especially useful - these plants contain saponin.
  3. Nuts are a source of vitamins and moisturizing oils.
  4. All types cosmetic clay that cleanses and softens the skin.
  5. Spices and essential oils - they give ubtan a pleasant aroma.
  6. Dilution liquid. With normal skin, this role is suitable mineral water, hydrosols and decoctions of herbs. For oily skin an excellent solvent for ubtan is freshly squeezed lemon juice or yogurt, and for dry ubtan - sour cream. Homemade milk meets the needs of aging, flaky skin.

Ubtan is not necessary to buy - you can make it yourself!

All solid ingredients should be ground separately to a flour state. This procedure is very important, because large particles can injure skin tissues. To achieve a powdery state, you must first grind the component in a blender or coffee grinder, and then sift the resulting powder through a fine sieve.

You can do the "old fashioned way": use thin filters as a filter nylon tights. The ingredients prepared in this way are mixed and stored in glass vessels, preferably protected from sun rays place. Unsifted grains of powder are advised to be added to the composition of the exfoliating scrub, which will be discussed at the end of the article.

Ubtan Recipes

For oily and problem skin

Stock up on the following ingredients:

  • oatmeal - softens and dries greasy skin.
  • flax seed - contains linseed oil, which has healing and rejuvenating properties.
  • series - heals wounds and removes oily sheen.
  • turmeric - mattifies skin color, saturates it with vitamins, regulates sebum secretion.
  • marigolds - help cleanse pores and cope with ulcers.
  • lime blossom is a source of vitamin C. It soothes irritations well.
  • rose petals - contain an essential oil that restores skin elasticity. It is a recognized remedy for rejuvenation.
  • white clay - deeply cleanses polluted skin, exfoliates dead cells and tightens pores.

Such an ubtan will perfectly cope with abscesses and comedones, making the skin smooth and tender.

Ubtan based on oatmeal dries the skin and relieves acne

For combination and oily skin

You will need:

  • oatmeal as a base.
  • citrus peel (lemon, grapefruit, tangerine) - cleanses pores and improves complexion.
  • dried cranberries - whitens the skin and saturates it with fruit acids.
  • mint - cleanses tissues from the accumulation of toxins, copes with foci of inflammation on the face.
  • ginger - improves blood circulation, makes the skin more elastic.

Fragrant powder based on citrus fruits will remove oily sheen and saturate the skin with vitamins.

To remove blackheads

Prepare this list of ingredients:

  • corn grits - tightens pores and gives the skin a fresh look. It can be replaced with white cosmetic clay.
  • herb St. John's wort or sage - suppresses harmful bacteria, whitens spots left after acne and comedones.
  • edible salt and soda - fight black dots.

This ubtan will remove minor imperfections, deeply cleanse the skin and help it "breathe".

For dry and normal skin

You will need:

  • chickpea flour - gently cleanses the skin.
  • almonds - rich in vitamin E. Moisturizes and nourishes, protects against drying and flaking, helps to prolong the youthfulness of the skin.
  • chamomile - has a bactericidal effect, protects against harmful effects external factors(wind, air conditioners, etc.).
  • clove - fights pimples and blackheads.
  • nutmeg - restores damaged skin, makes it silky.

The result is a very soft ubtan for dry and sensitive skin.

For rejuvenation

You only need a few ingredients:

  • holy flour;
  • white or blue clay;
  • kelp;
  • spirulina;

This algae is an excellent remedy for skin roughness, pigmentation and acne. Laminaria contains a whole cocktail useful substances: iodine, ascorbic acid, niacin, choline. Spirulina contains vitamins A, B, C, E, as well as the rarest gamma-linoleic acid, which is found in breast milk. "Marine" ubtan will slow down the appearance of age signs, smooth out wrinkles and make the skin more elastic.

How to prepare and apply ubtan?

3-4 tbsp mix bases with 1 tbsp. each ingredient. Dilute the powder with a few drops of essential oil before use. Just right, moisturizers will come in handy - for example, pink, ylang-ylang, lavender. With shiny skin, you can safely take citrus oils. Their impact will not only give an additional effect, but also give the ubtan a delicious smell. The resulting powder is more than enough for a month of daily use.

Before use, dry ubtan is diluted with essential oils
  • Washing with ubtan. Dilute 1 tablespoon of powder with 2 tablespoons of liquid. Let the gruel infuse for 1-2 minutes. Spread the mass over the face, rubbing the ubtan with massage movements. Then wash your face warm water.
  • Ubtan mask. Apply the same composition to the skin and leave for 5-10 minutes. This procedure can be carried out every day.
  • Scrub from ubtan. Remember the unsifted constituent particles? It's time to put them to work. Mix a pinch of screenings with the ubtan solution and rub into the skin. Such a scrub has a strong effect, so you should not abuse it. Peeling with ubtan is desirable to carry out no more than once a week. If you are the owner of sensitive skin, it is better to completely abandon the scrub in favor of soft masks.

Take precautions when using ubtan. Before adding each component, make sure that you are not allergic to it. Ubtan is not recommended for open wounds on the face, acne, fungal or infectious skin diseases. Try different combinations, add new ingredients and create your own recipes. Soon you will forget about skin problems and the cost of expensive cosmetics!

Ubtan is a unique remedy for those who are used to using only natural cosmetics. the birthplace of this unusual means is India, where local beauties use this powder for cosmetic purposes. Ubtan is a multifunctional product, an alternative to "soap + scrub + mask for face and body"

The recipe is several thousand years old, before wedding ceremony an Indian bride treated her skin with miraculous powder, and it became soft and silky. Indians practically do not use soap; as a detergent, they use a powder made from natural ingredients, which is mixed with ordinary water before taking a bath and applied to the dermis.

What does the powder consist of and how does it affect the epidermis

A natural remedy that is absolutely harmless to the body helps to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, and also brings great health benefits. This Ayurvedic preparation is used as a caring element for the skin of the face and body, it can replace a cleansing mask, light and gentle scrub, soap and even hair shampoo.

After applying ubtan, the skin acquires a delicate, delicate aroma. As a result of regular treatment with ubtan, the skin is renewed and becomes incredibly smooth and velvety, pores are narrowed, black spots and acne disappear. The preparation for facial skin is prepared on the basis of exclusively herbal ingredients, so ubtan perfectly copes with any skin problems, including dermatitis.

According to ancient recipes, the composition of the Indian cleanser includes many components: grain flour, medicinal herbs, flowers, clay, various natural oils and much more. An obligatory ingredient of the powder is saponin, thanks to which ubtan foams well and is perfectly absorbed. For a specific skin type, you can create the most suitable mixture.

The original product from India can be purchased in specialized departments or ordered via the Internet, but ubtan has quite high cost, so you can save money and time and make your own powder with ingredients that are perfect for your skin type. Despite the fact that it is problematic to purchase traditional Indian herbs from us, a miracle drug can be prepared from local herbal ingredients.

First of all, ubtan is used to cleanse the skin, unlike ordinary soap, it does not dry out the epidermis, but, on the contrary, restores cells skin. Ubtan can be used as:

  • daily cleanser;
  • masks;
  • acne remedies.


Despite the all-natural composition, not everyone is allowed to use ubtan for skin care. There are some prohibitions for use, namely:

  • Availability vascular network(rosacea) on the skin;
  • fungal infection of the skin;
  • sharp inflammatory processes and boils;
  • abrasions, wounds and scratches on the surface of the dermis;
  • individual intolerance to one of the components.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should carefully select skin care products, as well as take into account the type and individual characteristics of the skin.

How to cook ubtan for the face

Miraculous ubtan can be prepared by yourself, replacing expensive Indian spices with plants that are common in our country. For example, mixtures of medicinal herbs can be found in any pharmacy, and desired view flour - in the supermarket.

As a base, it is best to use rice, oatmeal, corn wheat, pea or flaxseed flour. Some recipes call for sesame, flaxseed, or lentils instead of flour.

Ubtan foams thanks to additives from such herbs:

  • St. John's wort;
  • licorice;
  • horsetail;
  • elecampane;
  • violet (grass);
  • soapwort (root);
  • fenugreek.

From natural oils, linseed or olive oil, sunflower, or grape seed oil is most often added to the composition of the product.

Medicinal plants are used for self-preparation of ubtan:

  1. calendula, which has a powerful wound healing effect, quickly restores damaged skin, relieves inflammation;
  2. chamomile - relieves irritation and itching;
  3. ginger - performs the function of a tonic by improving blood circulation in the cells of the epidermis;
  4. nettle refreshes the skin and makes its surface smooth and velvety;
  5. turmeric is necessary to improve the complexion, and also perfectly tones the skin and stops inflammation;
  6. seaweed is included in many recipes as a powerful stimulator of collagen production - under the influence of this component, the skin becomes more elastic, and wrinkles are smoothed out;
  7. plantain, sage - prevent early aging;
  8. thyme cleanses the skin;
  9. mint - tones, cleanses and relieves inflammation;
  10. linden - replenishes the deficiency of useful trace elements, cleanses and moisturizes.

When choosing the most suitable recipe for making ubtan, you must make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components indicated in the recipe.

Cooking sequence

The main rule for preparing ubtan for the face is that all components should be five, for example, five types of oil, five types of herbs and five types of flour. Which ingredients will be added to the miracle mixture depends on the type of skin and individual features organism. So, ubtan is prepared as follows:

  1. If there is no ready-made flour at hand, you can make it yourself using a coffee grinder. Grind the cereal for flour, as well as the rest of the ingredients, carefully, the finer the grinding, the better the mixture for the face will turn out.
  2. In the same ratio, combine flour and chopped herbs. You can take a teaspoon of each type of flour (wheat, corn, pea, oatmeal, and so on), add the same amount of herbs (nettle, chamomile, calendula). Turmeric is allowed as a tonic, but it is added to the mixture strictly by prescription, since turmeric can greatly change the color of the skin.
  3. The finished powder is diluted with warm water and left for a couple of minutes so that the mixture is infused. Used as a mask - applied to the skin and left for five minutes. You can also use the powder as a facial scrub.
  4. An obligatory component of traditional ubtan - natural oil, which is introduced into the mixture in a ratio of 1:0.5. For example, for two teaspoons of flour, take one tablespoon of oil, maybe even less. Next, mix until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained.
  5. Store the product in a tightly closed container, out of the reach of moisture. Shelf life is about seven days.

Ubtan can be used as a daily face wash, as a scrub for gentle cleansing skin, as well as healing mask with rashes, irritation and even dermatitis.

  • Liquid components are added to the dry mixture, mixed well and the surface of the skin is treated with the resulting composition. Ubtan is applied strictly along the massage lines.
  • When using the product as a scrub, the mass is applied to the skin, gently massaging the problem areas with your fingertips. To enhance the effect, cosmetologists recommend adding to the composition of ubtan ground coffee, soda or sea salt - these ingredients will help get rid of acne and cleanse the dermis of dead cells. The mixture is ideal for removing dirt and excess sebum.
  • If you intend to use ubtan for washing your face, the mixture is applied to the skin and immediately washed off with warm water.
  • A therapeutic ubtan mask is applied to the surface of the epidermis and kept for no more than 15 minutes, then washed. To enhance the effect, you can additionally add cocoa, fruits or berries, lemon, orange zest and other natural ingredients to the composition.

Self-made ubtan can be used as a make-up remover, the mixture not only deeply cleanses the skin, but also soothes and relieves irritation.

Most Popular Recipes

Masks with ubtan have a beneficial effect on any skin, regardless of its type and condition - irritation disappears, moisture balance is restored and the deficiency of useful elements in the cells of the epidermis is replenished.

Sensitive skin care

For delicate care of very delicate and sensitive skin, the following recipes are suitable:

  1. Sprouted young oats are crushed with nettle, lavender and sage, a little turmeric and castor oil are added. The resulting mixture is diluted with milk to a puree-like consistency and the skin is treated. The tool quickly relieves irritation, redness and helps get rid of peeling on the surface of the skin.
  2. Crushed flaxseed and milk powder are added to oatmeal (as a base). Dilute with water and use the resulting mixture to remove makeup.
  3. Oat bran flour is combined with powdered milk, ground almonds are added and used for regular care.

For dry skin

Moisturizing and nourishing mask for the skin, they are prepared with the addition of sour cream or milk, aloe juice also gives an amazing result - ubtan is applied to the surface of the skin and gently massaged for ten minutes.

If you need to prepare a remedy for daily washing, an additional half a teaspoon is added to the composition. olive oil then the skin will become smooth and velvety.

Problem skin care

You can get rid of acne and rashes on the face with regular use ubtan. Recipes for problem skin do not involve the use of the product in pure form, ubtan should be diluted with yogurt or sour cream in a ratio of 1: 2, you can also add a couple of drops lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the face and gently massaged into the skin for several minutes, then washed.

Important information: care product problematic skin should be used immediately because long-term storage microbes can appear in the products, which will adversely affect the condition of the skin.

Aging skin care

Anti-aging ubtan, smoothing wrinkles and restoring the elasticity of the skin, is prepared with the addition of components in the same amount (two tablespoons of each):

  1. linden flowers (a powerful antioxidant needed to activate collagen production);
  2. kelp ( high level iodine content);
  3. cosmetic clay (corresponding to your skin type);
  4. oatmeal (gently cleanses and evens out the skin texture).

All components are mixed in dry form and diluted with milk (you can use water) to the consistency of gruel. This type of mixture is recommended for daily washing.

Even normal skin, not prone to peeling, rashes and other problematic manifestations, requires permanent care. Ubtan - ideal remedy, prepared from natural ingredients, it can be used to get rid of oily sheen on the face, remove black spots and pimples, even out skin texture and smooth out wrinkles.

The main condition is to choose the right one, unique composition, depending on the type of epidermis. For dry skin, nourishing and moisturizing components will be required, for oily, on the contrary, drying substances with an antiseptic effect.

Also, do not forget about healthy way life - proper nutrition and good sleep, combined with well-chosen care products, will help to preserve the beauty and youth of your skin for a long time.

Here I want to talk about a skin care product that came to us from India and is generally traditionally used in the rituals of preparing the skin of the bride for the wedding, but sometimes grooms also use this tool. Some Indian women use it all the time. I learned about it only recently, but it impressed me a lot. Yes, it is used in India, but it is not necessary to be born and married there to experience its effect. And the effect of it is simply amazing. This remedy is called ubtan.

Ubtan is a mixture of dry powder ingredients that can replace a whole set purchase funds skin care products that are used to cleanse and rejuvenate the skin. It can simultaneously replace soap, scrub and nourishing mask. Ubtan enhances blood circulation, and this contributes to the regeneration and improvement of skin color, nourishes, eliminates flabbiness, dryness or oily sheen, allows you to cope with pimples, etc.

Classic ubtan is made from certain Indian plants such as ashwagandha (Ashwaganda), neem (Azadirachta indica), sandalwood powder, etc., with a small amount of chickpea or oat flour and clay. But it can also be made from other ingredients that are more accessible to us, but also effective. Ubtan is used in a diluted form: a liquid (kefir, herbal decoction or extract) is added to it, so that it turns into a gentle paste that is absolutely safe for the skin. However, since this is very soft remedy, then the best result of its action is visible with constant use and for a long time, maybe even six months.

Composition of ubtan

Usually ubtan consists of several groups of ingredients:

  1. Flours from cereals and/or legumes;
  2. Finely ground herbs and spices;
  3. Ingredients containing saponites (natural soap components);
  4. clays;
  5. Liquids for powder dilution.


Flour may be different. The best ubtan base is chickpeas (it is the most nutritious). The ubtan base should make up a little more than half of the total. Also great as a base is oatmeal, which cleanses and tightens pores, exfoliates and softens. You can use flour mixtures to create a complex effect.

Also suitable for ubtan:

  • Lentil;
  • barley;
  • Pea;
  • Rice;
  • Linen (helps to cope with redness and peeling of the skin, moisturizes and softens);
  • Corn;
  • Flour from germinated wheat grains (a wonderful antioxidant, very rich in nutrients);
  • Mango flour.

Herbs and spices

As I wrote above, the traditional powder uses herbs that are exotic for us, but they can be replaced.

What can be used:

  • Turmeric (it heals and rejuvenates the skin, but you need to be careful with it if you have bright skin, since it can give a yellowish tint, it should be added quite a bit);
  • Nutmeg (softens the skin);
  • Ginger (is an antioxidant and tones the skin well, but with dilated vessels on the face it is better not to add it);
  • St. John's wort (fights acne and inflammation);
  • Basil (good for fighting acne and inflammation);
  • Chamomile (good for irritation and redness);
  • Nettle (has anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating effect);
  • Eucalyptus (relieves inflammation);
  • Calendula (cleanses pores, relieves inflammation and moisturizes the skin).

In addition to these herbs and spices, you can use others that are used in cosmetology, depending on the effect you want to achieve.

Ingredients Containing Saponites

In order for ubtan to lather and have a delicate texture, it must contain natural soapy components (saponites).

It can be:

  • Liquorice root;
  • soapwort;
  • birch leaves;
  • Sage;
  • Ginseng root.


Clays can also be used very different, you can use a mixture of clays, depending on the type of skin.

  • White clay tightens pores, has a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect, removes excess fat, it is suitable for oily and problem skin.
  • Blue clay has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect, improves complexion, contains many useful mineral salts and trace elements.
  • green clay cleanses, rejuvenates, restores the moisture balance of the skin, so it is recommended for dry skin.
  • red clay rejuvenates and soothes, suitable for sensitive skin.
  • pink clay suitable for normal skin.
  • yellow clay tones, improves complexion, relieves inflammation.
  • black clay removes toxins from the skin, deeply cleanses the pores.
  • gray clay moisturizes and nourishes dry skin.

Thus, according to the type of skin problems:

  • For skin inflammation white, blue, yellow clay will help.
  • For oily skin suitable white and blue clay.
  • For dry skin- green, gray and red, and blue clay may also be suitable.
  • For sensitive skin- red clay
  • For aging skin- white, blue, green, red clay.

Other Ingredients

In addition to the listed main ingredients, ground nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachios, coconut), a little salt, coffee grains, kelp, and dry fruits can be added to ubtan. All of this, of course, in the form of a grind.

Liquid for powder dilution

Ubtan dilution liquid should also be chosen depending on the needs of the skin and its type.

  • For dry skin suitable aloe juice, milk, sour cream, yogurt, cucumber juice, such base oils like apricot, almond, sesame, sea buckthorn, jojoba, avocado, macadamia.
  • For oily skin- aloe juice, yogurt, calendula flower water.
  • For aging skin- aloe juice, milk, pink water, jasmine flower water, base oils such as wheat germ, jojoba, grape seed.
  • For normal skin– mineral water, plain water, herbal decoctions, flower water.

You can also add a few drops to diluted ubtan essential oils. You can add honey if you are not allergic to it. When using oil to dilute the powder, it is also necessary to use some kind of aqueous liquid.

Do-it-yourself powder preparation

As you probably already understand, ubtan can be made from a huge variety of ingredients. Its composition depends on the imagination, what is right for your skin and, of course, on what is available.

  1. Before cooking, all components must first be checked for possible allergic reactions.
  2. We grind especially hard components. I separately grind the licorice root, because. it is very hard and takes a long time to process.
  3. Grind herbs and spices (if the spices are not already ground).
  4. Add clay, flour.
  5. Sift through a fine sieve or nylon tights all the components. The powder should be very fine, especially if it is to be used daily.
  6. We mix everything and put it in a tightly closed jar in a dark place.

An example of ubtan for dry skin

I have dry skin and I made my own ubtan using oatmeal, flaxseed, licorice root, chamomile, nutmeg, and blue clay.

I sifted the ubtan through nylon tights and using two containers. First I sift licorice and chamomile, then nutmeg. If the component is poorly sieved, then I additionally rub it with my fingers through the capron.

I just add flour and clay, because they already have a very fine grinding.

How to use ubtan

I use ubtan daily morning and evening. It is the constant use of it that gives good result. Although you can apply it, for example, only in the morning or only in the evening and replace it with washing with oil. You can read about the use of ubtan in a personal care complex at.

Ubtan must be diluted in liquid immediately before use. Half a teaspoon of powder is enough for the face. It can be poured directly into the palm of your hand and diluted on it. I add the liquid until the desired consistency is obtained, so that a delicate creamy paste is obtained.

Then this paste should be applied to the skin and in a circular motion massage for a couple of minutes. You can leave this composition as a mask for 5 minutes and then rinse off. If after applying ubtan there is no feeling of tightness, then you can do without the subsequent application of cream or oil. I have very dry skin, so after applying ubtan I apply cream.

Skin care with ubtan is very simple, although it may seem that its use is very dreary. However, it is not. Moreover, if you use it, then in fact there is no need for additional masks and the use of scrubs. Take care of yourself with this natural remedy very nice and helpful. It is all the more pleasant that it can give more lasting effect than using expensive cosmetics.

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Another mascara recipe you can make at home

Ubtan - cosmetic product, which has been used by women in India for many centuries in a row. They cleanse and wash the face and body. Ubtan is a completely natural remedy.

Any woman can cook ubtan with her own hands. You will get a gentle powder mixture for cosmetic use.

Classic ubtan is handmade using Indian herbs and spices. But our women, as always, are enterprising and inventive and are determined to replace many herbs with our native plants.

Ubtan recipes need to be created for certain type skin, i.e. for oily, dry, fading, problematic, sensitive, from age spots.

Ubtan has a multi-component composition, so allergy sufferers need to use it carefully.

The composition of ubtan and how to apply it?

Ubtan is a cosmetic product widely used by women in India. It replaces them with soap, all kinds of cleansing and nourishing cosmetics. They wash their face, take care of the body and hair. This is a completely natural remedy.

By its consistency, ubtan is a powder, which is diluted in water or other liquids before use and applied to the skin. After that, they simply wash it off or leave it for a while, and then the components of the mixture act on the skin like a scrub or mask.

But the most interesting thing is the composition of ubtan! What is not in it! Of course, all the most useful and necessary for the skin, and we will now analyze with you the composition of this wonderful cleanser.

The base is broken. Half of the powder mixture is flour. It can be flour from chickpeas, oatmeal or rice cereal, lentils, peas, corn, flaxseed. It is very important that there are no grains in it, only a fine powder. Such flour can be purchased at the store or ground in a coffee grinder, and then sifted through a sieve. You can take one type of flour or a mixture of several types.

I decided to use chickpea flour for making ubtan for skin rejuvenation, because it is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, and flaxseed, which contains nourishing linolenic acid and has moisturizing properties.

Dried herbs. In India, women use their own local herbs. We live in Russia. We are closer to our plants. The essence of this does not change, because different herbs have their own specific properties - nourish the skin, moisturize, degrease, relieve inflammation. Most often, we use chamomile, calendula, plantain, burdock, raspberry, strawberry and black currant leaves, parsley, mint, string, linden flowers, eucalyptus leaves and others.

For skin rejuvenation, nettle leaves, linden flowers are best suited. I took dried herbs and ground them to powder. There were grains left, so the powder had to be sifted. I mixed this herbal mixture with prepared flour. And I started working on the recipe.

Herbs that make ubtan soapy. It is necessary that our detergent glided over the skin so that they could easily wash off the dirt from the face, the remnants of cosmetics, keratinized epithelial cells. These goals are met by licorice, ginseng root, soapwort, calendula, sage grass, horse chestnut and birch leaves. These herbs contain saponins, which give soapiness.

I bought kelp at the pharmacy and ground it in a coffee grinder. Sifted through a sieve. I included it in my preparation. I have already prepared flax in the composition of flaxseed flour. Hooray! Something similar to ubtan has already turned out. But still, I have not yet used all the components and added them to my mixture.

Clay. When making ubtan with your own hands, you must use white, black, blue, green, red clay or rassul clay. Each clay has certain properties. I had a bag of blue clay at home. It is suitable for all skin types. I am satisfied with its properties such as stimulating the production of collagen, increasing skin elasticity, and moisturizing. Clay also contains saponins, has soapiness and perfectly cleanses the skin.

Spices. Indian women add many different oriental spices to ubtan: turmeric, nutmeg and ginger. You should not get too carried away with a variety of spices. It is necessary to introduce them into the mixture gradually. First you need to try one of them. Make sure you are not allergic to it. Then add the next.

Other components. And now, without even straining your imagination too much, think about what else is useful in your house? You can take sea salt, dried berries, dried almonds, rose petals, and coffee beans. And a lot more.

Grind all these blanks, turn them into a fine powder, sift and remove grains, mix with the main prepared mixture.

You can add a few drops of aromatic oil with your favorite scent to the powder. Now transfer your ubtan to a glass, fat-free jar and close with a screw cap. Keep it dry. So he can stand at least a year. But if you add any vegetable oil to the dry mix and turn ubtan into a paste, the shelf life will be reduced to 1 - 2 months.

How to use ubtan?

Wash your face every morning and evening. Take 0.5 tsp. ubtan. It can be placed directly in the palm of your hand. But you can take a small porcelain bowl and pour the powder into it.

Then, depending on your skin type, dilute the dry composition with a liquid: mineral or boiled water, milk, kefir, green tea, natural yogurt, sour cream. For mature skin milk is best. Pour a teaspoon of milk into the dry mixture and stir.

Simply apply to the face, lubricate and lightly massage the skin with your fingertips. Keep it on your face for five minutes. Then rinse with tap water.

Skin Rejuvenation Ubtan gently cleanses the face. Exfoliates superficial dead skin cells. Does not break the lipid mantle. Increases blood circulation and nourishes the skin with all sorts of useful vitamins.

The skin is moisturized, its tone increases. She looks healthy, smooth and tender. Fading skin is revitalized and you look 10 years younger.


Chickpea flour - 1.5 tablespoons;
flax flour - 1.5 tablespoons;
dried nettle leaves - 1 tsp;
linden flower powder - 1 tsp;
kelp powder - 1 tsp;
blue clay - 2 tsp;
ginger powder - ½ tsp;
lemon peel powder - ½ tsp;
ground sea salt - ¼ tsp;
patchouli aromatic oil (I like the smell) - 5 drops.

This is my first experience. I will use. I'm very glad I found natural alternative soap. Of course, I use cleansing milk to remove makeup, tonic. But also baby soap sometimes I use. Now I want to try ubtan. It's so easy - I'll put it on the shelf in the bath and quickly wash myself. There will be time - I will hold the mixture on my face longer - I will get a mask. I'll massage the skin - here's a scrub for you. I love rationality in everything!

Do not forget that despite such positive characteristics, ubtan has a number of contraindications for use. They are few, but they exist. First, any of the components of ubtan can cause a person to allergic reaction. That is why, if you are new to making this cleanser, do not try to include too many components in its composition. Secondly, never use removed for skin damage, inflammation and disease.

Ubtan is a completely natural Ayurvedic remedy. It has a century of experience in the East. Creating a do-it-yourself ubtan for skin rejuvenation is not difficult. Washing your face regularly with ubtan will revitalize aging skin. You will look 10-15 years younger.

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We are preparing a universal (budgetary) ubtan. Natural cosmetic with your own hands.