Gray clay properties and applications in construction. Clay modeling with children. What are clays

Clay is a very common rock. Complex, both in composition and in physical and technological properties. Pure rock consists of complex chemical compounds - "clay" minerals, which include aluminum, silicon and water. In mineralogy, they are called hydrous aluminosilicates.

The property of clay depends on its chemical and mineral composition. Earthy rock - clay easily dissolves in water, forming "suspensions" (turbidity) or plastic dough, which retains its shape after drying and acquires the hardness of a stone after firing. Also, another property of clay can be considered "sorption" - the ability to absorb some substances dissolved in it from a liquid. Since clay contains a large amount of aluminum oxide, it is used as a chemical raw material for the production of sulfate salts.

Characteristics and types

All existing clay for ease of use was divided into the following types:

  • Kaolin- the most popular type, white, consisting of the mineral kaolinite. It is used in the porcelain and faience and paper industries.
  • Fire-clay, available in white or grey. During firing, it withstands a temperature of approximately 1580 °. The composition includes minerals of kaolinite and hydromica. Used to make refractory cookware.
  • Acid-resistant clay is a type of refractory clay, which includes iron, magnesium, calcium and sulfur.
  • molding clay- possesses the increased plasticity and binding ability. Used as a fastening material in the manufacture of containers for metallurgical castings.
  • cement clay has a rich color palette. Included in Portland cement.
  • brick clay- fusible, the composition includes a significant admixture of quartz sand. Widely used in brick production.
  • bentonite clay- the main forming mineral is montmorillonite. Rich color range. It has the highest whitening power. This type is indispensable for the purification of petroleum products, vegetable and lubricating oils.
  • Mineral natural clay- used in medicine and cosmetology

(The picture shows a variety of cosmetic clay)

In industrial practice, clay is divided into "fat" and "lean" groups. It all depends on the degree of contamination of their quartz sand. There is not much sand in "fat" clays, but in "skinny" clays there is a large amount of it.

Field and production

Clay is widespread in nature, occurs at shallow depths. All this contributes to low production costs, making raw materials cheap. Usually, brick and tile factories are built on the clay deposit itself. The largest deposits of clay are located on the territory of Ukraine and Russia. Relatively small accumulations of rocks are found in Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and other CIS countries.

Clay application

Clay can be attributed to the mineral raw materials of mass consumption. It is used in a wide variety of industries, for example, in the household, where dishes and other products are made. In construction, for the production of building bricks of any color and cement. And also in industry: soap making, perfumery, textiles and many others.

Factories use a certain type of clay to refine petroleum products, vegetable oils and fats. Clay is indispensable in art, plastic colored clay is an excellent material for creating sculptures. Widespread popularity in agriculture: for laying stoves, clay ceilings, whitewashing walls, etc.

Clay treatment is an effective ancient method of healing. Nature hides a lot of mysterious secrets, and people from century to century are looking for sources that can help humanity gain good health and prolong youth. The bowels of the earth are the most mysterious and extraordinarily rich world, giving us many minerals, one of which is ordinary clay. Moreover, its use is not limited to the construction industry, since ancient times clay has been used in medical practice as a miracle cure for a great variety of ailments.

In the distant, distant times, people literally saved themselves with clay. With terrible cholera and plague, the best medicine was a "live" solution of water and a small amount of clay. It was not for nothing that he was called precisely “alive” - he sent relief to the suffering patient, returned to life.

In addition to drinking, the ancient healers of an emaciated person were treated by applying a clay composition to the entire body, after which the sticky mass gradually solidified. As it dried up, every second it worked for the patient - it neutralized and pulled out the "infection". Clay had no less healing value in the treatment of children with colds, scrofula, and poisoning. Among the procedures, dousing with "dirty" clay water, clay ointments and cakes, and internal use of suspensions were widely used.

And today it is already fully proven by science healing power clay, tested in practice, its ability to help the body - to cope with even the most serious ailments. A natural adsorbent that has an excellent ability to draw out infections, toxins, toxins, radioactive substances from the body - and all these properties belong to simple clay, which has an incredible power to absorb poisonous poisons that are negative for health.

In addition, the sedimentary rock includes a huge range of other equally useful qualities: clay eliminates pathogenic microorganisms, reduces inflammation, relieves pain, promotes the healing of wounds and burns, stops bleeding, etc.

The clay composition has an excellent effect on the skin, so it is used in various ways to cleanse and rejuvenate the dermis. It must be emphasized that in cosmetology practice a particularly effective result is obtained by white clay containing kaolin components, which have the most beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

The use of clay is possible for local and even internal use. Its perfectly balanced chemical composition includes trace elements and essential for human body mineral salts. An amazing complex, donated by nature, has a beneficial effect on the body: it cures severe pathologies, strengthens the immune and nervous system, charges with vivacity and energy, gives a feeling of lightness and purity.

You can continue the story about the benefits of clay endlessly, but nevertheless, let us dwell in more detail on its varieties, the purposes of each of the types, as well as the main methods of application for the treatment of certain diseases.

Types of clay: properties and purposes

Variety certain type clay is determined by belonging to the color, which indicates the presence of special components in the composition of the rock. Six types of clay are used for treatment, these are:

  • White clay;
  • blue clay;
  • gray clay;
  • green clay;
  • red clay;
  • yellow clay.

White clay

Blue clay


clay properties





Suppresses germs and infections.

Improves blood flow, strengthens blood vessels.

Normalizes subcutaneous water-fat balance.

Powerful antioxidant.

Relieves inflammation and has healing abilities.

Helps improve skin tone.

Corrects neuro-psychological balance.

  • Bruises, wounds, cuts.
  • Hematomas, scars, stretch marks, stitches.
  • Purulent acne and acne.
  • Elevated cholesterol.
  • Broncho-pulmonary diseases.
  • Psoriasis and dermatitis.
  • Facial pore cleansing.
  • Irritability, stress, depression.
  • Cellulite and swelling.
  • Cold ailments.
  • Stomach poisoning.

gray clay


clay properties




Antitoxic action.

It has a powerful absorbent effect.

Participates in the regulation of lipid metabolism.

Increases vascular tone.

Relieves inflammation and promotes tissue regeneration.

Fights infections and bacteria.

Gray clay is a powerful antioxidant.

  • Poisoning and disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Slagging of the body.
  • Hair loss, seborrhea, baldness.
  • Problematic skin, acne.
  • Furunculosis, eczema.
  • AVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza.
  • Fading skin.

green clay


clay properties




Improves the metabolic balance in the body.

Removes toxic toxins and wastes.

Stimulates blood circulation.

Participates in the removal of excess fluid.

Eliminates pathogenic microorganisms.

Corrects work sebaceous glands.

It is a rejuvenating agent for both the skin and the whole body.

  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Heart disease.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Diseases of the lungs and bronchi.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Tonsillitis, angina.
  • Problematic hair - thinning, brittleness, loss, dandruff.
  • Acne on the face, clogged pores, acne.
  • Loss of skin tone - sagging, sagging.

red clay


clay properties




Activates blood circulation.

Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Has a disinfecting effect.

Corrects the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

Has an antimicrobial effect.

Regenerates damaged skin.

Restores hormonal balance.

Participates in the removal of toxic substances from the body - radionuclides, toxins and toxins.

  • Varicose veins veins.
  • Blood diseases - anemia, anemia.
  • Arthritis, myalgia, osteochondrosis.
  • Diseases of bone tissue.
  • Hyperhidrosis.
  • Hair loss, dandruff.
  • Dermatological pathologies.
  • Increased greasiness of the skin of the face or head.
  • Swelling of the legs, cellulite.

yellow clay


clay properties




Produces an analgesic effect.

Stimulates metabolism

Improves blood circulation.

Eliminates infections and bacteria.

It has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Slows down the aging process.

Removes free radicals from the body.

Restores tissues affected by burns and wounds.

Regulates exchange functions.

Participates in the normalization of water-lipid balance.

Provides vitamins and microelements.

  • Obesity.
  • Diabetes.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Dermatitis and eczema.
  • Migraine, nervous exhaustion.
  • Mental fatigue.
  • Avitaminosis and low immunity.
  • Problematic skin and hair.
  • For the prevention of cancer, stroke, stomach ulcers.

Features of the application and preparation of clay

Clay procedures are carried out different ways. It can be:

  • applications;
  • wraps;
  • water procedures;
  • compresses;
  • powder for oral administration;
  • internal use solutions.

In order for the medicinal composition prepared for such procedures to provide the maximum benefit to the body, you need to have an idea about the preparation of clay before you start using it. The main rule is confidence in the ecological purity of the natural composition.

It is better to give preference to pharmaceutical products for clay treatment, where they undergo a thorough check for the presence of impurities and appropriate processing. But if you have access to a clay source, you should consider the following nuances:

  • clay rock should be collected only in areas remote from industrial sites;
  • sedimentary rocks are suitable for treatment only if there are natural reservoirs near their occurrence;
  • O good quality clay can only be judged when it is in an open area, well lit by the sun;
  • near the deposit, and even more so in the clay itself, the presence of sand and other foreign inclusions - chernozem, crushed stone, etc. is unacceptable.

Since clay therapy is not limited to purely local use, but is widely used as a healing agent that will be taken orally, the observance of the above points is extremely important.

In addition to environmental importance, the peculiarity of working with finished raw materials also has a certain significance. The correct approach is also needed here:

  • piece of clay before cooking desired shape medicinal product first you need to grind to a fine state;
  • after obtaining a powdered composition from clay, it will need to be well sifted through a conventional sieve;
  • it is necessary to crush the clay lump only in a dry form, and it is forbidden to use iron objects (basin, hammer, etc.) for this purpose, since the interaction of metal devices with the chemical composition of the rock will reduce the effect of active components;
  • the best container and device for kneading clay is ceramic or wooden products;
  • mixing clay in a liquid must also be done in non-metallic dishes using a wooden or ceramic spatula;
  • the storage of dry raw materials is also very important: it must be placed on outdoors and in a place protected from rain and moisture, for example, under a canopy; dishes for saving clay should ideally be made of wood, for example, it can be a box;
  • in the cold period, before starting to knead the healing mass, it is extremely important to first hold the clay well for some time in a warm room;
  • in a solution of various consistency, the main components of which are clay and water, at the time of application to problem areas the presence of lumps is not acceptable - the mixture should be well rubbed to a homogeneous mass.

Recipes with clay for external use

Clay wraps for colds

Wraps based on the use of clay perfectly cope with colds: they remove infections that are harmful to the body, cleanse the blood of toxic substances and promote its active circulation, which ensures a quick recovery. It is necessary to carry out clay treatment according to this method a couple of hours before a night's sleep.

To make a healing wrap, you will need to prepare a liquid mixture of clay and water. It is made and used according to the scheme described below.

  1. 1.5 liters of water is taken, in terms of temperature it should not be either cool or warm, but about 30 degrees. Clay powder is also prepared in the amount of 50-60 grams.
  2. Slowly, water is poured into the grated raw materials in parts. Gradually, the mass is frayed so that there are no lumps. This process is carried out by analogy with kneading dough for pancakes. The consistency of the solution will be quite liquid.
  3. Next, you need to take a large piece of cotton fabric, you can do it easier - use a clean sheet from the old set bed linen. The fabric cut must be immersed in a clay solution.
  4. Wrap the body in a cloth soaked in healing liquid.
  5. Now you need to create the effect of a "greenhouse": wrap the top of the damp fabric with cling film, two layers are enough.
  6. The patient should immediately go to bed for 1.5 hours, well wrapped in a blanket.
  7. After the specified period, you should remove the polyethylene and cloth, then wipe the body with a soft towel and go to bed.

Clay applications for wounds, burns, bruises

For applying applications for the purpose of disinfection skin damage, removing inflammation from tissues and regenerating the dermis, clay in powder is used, dissolved in a small amount of cool water, to the state of thick sour cream.

  1. The first thing to do is to wash the hearth with warm water. Dry with a soft, dry cloth sore spot.
  2. Next, a creamy mixture of water and clay is prepared, which is transferred to a cut of gauze folded in three layers. The size of the application is selected individually, depending on the scale of the damaged area. The layer of application of the mixture on gauze is from 0.5 cm to 1.5 cm. The mass is distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric.
  3. Now the bandage is transferred to the wound, smeared side to the skin. Next, you need to fix it so that it does not slip. This is done with a medical bandage - the application is wrapped around it. Another very important point- this is an overlay over a compress warm fabric, for example, from woolen or flannel material.
  4. The time of keeping the medicine on the problem area is from 1.5 to 2 hours. When warmth is noticeably felt, and then the setting of the clay, the application must be replaced.

Clay compresses for diseases of the joints and bone tissue

The benefit of this method lies, first of all, in the removal of the inflammatory process, which gives pain. In addition, clay compresses increase blood circulation in the affected tissues of the joints and cartilage, provide them with the necessary nutrition.

  1. The mixture is prepared in the same way as for applications. Then it is transferred over the entire surface to a soft fabric, for example, from flannel, folded in half. The thickness of the application of the clay layer should be sufficient - about 2-3 cm.
  2. A therapeutic compress is applied to the cleansed surface of the skin, where the diseased area is localized. After that, it must not be tightly fixed with a bandage.
  3. A mohair or woolen scarf should be tied over the compress. The average time for one procedure should be 2.5 hours.
  4. After the end of the compress, it must be removed, and the skin should be wiped with a damp cloth dipped in warm water. The first time, about 2 hours, you should not expose the disturbing area, it needs to be provided with heat. Therefore, you will need to wrap the affected area again with a warm scarf or scarf.

Warming clay compress for rhinitis and otitis media

Clay effectively fights colds, including runny nose and otitis media. When using clay treatment in the form of compression procedures on the area of ​​the nose or sore ear, relief comes after the first session. This method of treatment helps to cope even with congestive processes in the nasal passages and serious inflammation of the ears. Therefore, it is especially recommended for chronic runny nose, acute otitis, the presence of adenoids and sinusitis.

  1. A clay compress is made in the following way: medicinal raw materials in the form of a powder are diluted with warm water in such a proportion as to achieve a pasty consistency. Knead the mass thoroughly.
  2. Warm clay paste is distributed evenly over a three-layer piece of gauze measuring 10 cm by 5 cm.
  3. This is a warm compress, so you need to make sure that its temperature is 3-4 degrees above body temperature. After that, you can apply it to the unhealthy area.
  4. If the nose is being treated, we cover the nasal septum and wings with a compress. In the treatment of otitis media, we apply a gauze cut with clay behind the auricle.
  5. One session is 30 minutes. After that, the application is removed, and the skin is cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

Clay cake for toothaches, migraines, insomnia

If a tooth aches a lot, and no remedies help to relieve the painful symptoms, you can try effective method for removal pain in the tooth - applying a clay cake to the gum. Miraculous cakes will also help with headaches and problems with falling asleep.


  1. First you need to knead the clay mass, and it is of a rather thick consistency so that you can make a small cake. Its thickness should be five millimeters, and its diameter should be about 1 cm.
  2. The lozenge is placed directly in the oral cavity. It should be stuck to the gum, where the tooth aches the most.
  3. It is useful together with the cake to use a clay application on the cheek area.
  4. The total time for one session is 40 minutes. The frequency of use of the tool is unlimited. The only thing is that after the specified time, you need to replace the cake and the application. And, of course, visit the dentist in the near future.

Migraine and insomnia

  1. Knead the clay by diluting it with a little water. Knead the plastic mass in your hands and mold it into an oblong soft cake in the shape of a forehead.
  2. From a persistent migraine, it is good to add half a teaspoon of table vinegar to this composition.
  3. Attach a tightly soft clay pancake to your forehead and lie down in bed.
  4. If used this method from insomnia, it is necessary to perform a similar procedure immediately before bedtime. One session time is 20 minutes.
  5. When the goal of this therapy is to relieve a headache, you will need to lie down with a lozenge on your forehead for 20-40 minutes.

Wellness clay baths

Baths with the addition of any kind of clay give a magnificent effect. After several sessions, there is an incredible lightness of the body and soul. The body is cleansed, healing and rejuvenation occurs, tone and energy increase, nervous and immune system strengthened. And this is just a part of the healing effect of water procedures on the body using clay.

Such wellness activities are a great alternative to expensive spas. Clay baths relieve skin irritation, eliminate puffiness and body fat, smooth and tighten the dermis, make the skin incredibly soft and velvety. Water procedures will also have a beneficial effect in case of back diseases, muscle spasms, headaches, and nervous exhaustion. It is useful to immerse yourself in warm water with red or green clay for people who have problems with hemoglobin.

  1. First, clay powder should be combined with a small amount of water, so that it is convenient to dissolve the clay and achieve its complete dissolution. Dry powdery mass - 1/2 kg - is poured into a deep bowl and gradually diluted with 1 liter of water. It is good to grind all the clots.
  2. Fill the bath and send the clay mixture into it. Mix the water with the clay solution by hand.
  3. Immerse yourself in the healing composition. The duration of 1 water procedure is 20 minutes, if you wish, you can lie in the bath for a maximum of 40 minutes.
  4. The treatment ends with the adoption contrast shower and applying moisturizer to the body cosmetic cream.
  5. The interval between sessions is 3 days. The course of clay therapy using baths - 8-10 procedures. After one course, it is necessary to stop treatment with clay water for at least 30 days, and then, if necessary, it is allowed to resume taking healing baths.

Aqueous solution with clay for gargling

Excellent results are noted when gargling with a clay solution of an inflamed throat. Because amazing breed, created by nature itself, has an unimaginable amount of trace elements and mineral salts, this has a beneficial effect on the condition of the throat and larynx.

The powerful anti-inflammatory composition of the clay quickly eliminates the infection, as well as pathogenic bacteria and fungi, removes the focus of inflammation, cleanses the nasopharynx and tonsils from mucus and pus. So, the recipe is simple, and how gargling is done is known to everyone, even kids.

  1. Dissolve in 250 ml warm water a dessert spoon of powdered raw materials, shake the liquid composition well.
  2. Now the solution is used for the appropriate purpose.
  3. The number of procedures can reach up to 5 times a day, that is, the more often, the better. The treatment period is from 3 to 10 days, it all depends on the individual case of the disease. Usually, relief is felt after the first day of use.

Cosmetology: clay masks for facial skin

Exists universal recipe to rejuvenate the skin, cleanse it, get rid of acne and blackheads, get rid of wrinkles, even out the color and tighten the contour of the face using any kind of clay - it's just to mix dry clay with water to a paste-like state. Of course, it should be noted that masks with kaolin or blue clay give the greatest result.

Without fail, before lubricating the face with clay, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the skin so that the clay bestows all its most useful properties and soaks every cell of the dermis as deeply as possible. For cleansing, regular washing and a steam procedure are suitable to open the pores. Next, the main points that you need to know will be described in order to independently conduct a cosmetic clay treatment session at home.

  1. For facial skin care procedures, you need to make a paste of clay and water. It is better to use glass or porcelain dishes for cooking. According to the consistency, it should not be too thick, but not spread.
  2. The following rules should be followed: for 1 part of clay, use 2 parts of water at room temperature. For example, if you take 3 tablespoons of the main raw material, the liquid will need 6 tablespoons. The mask must be thoroughly rubbed to a smooth consistency.
  3. Next, using a soft brush for applying masks, smear the skin of the face, without affecting the delicate areas around the eyes and the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Application thickness medical composition- 3-5 mm.
  4. While the mask will act, and this is approximately 15-20 minutes, it is better to take a horizontal position and relax as much as possible. Facial muscles should also rest at the time of the cosmetic session.
  5. When the specified time has passed, the clay paste will seize with a crust, and you can feel how it pulled the skin. You can’t peel off the crust on a dry one, the removal of clay from the face should be soft and not disturbing for the skin - you just need to gently moisten the mask with warm water and remove it with circular movements of your fingers (as when washing) remedy.
  6. Then, rinse your face clean. With a soft dry towel, soak the remaining water from the face. And at the end of the cosmetic session, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

I would like to note that it is not necessary to use only water to dilute the clay. Cosmetic mask will enhance its healing properties if it is prepared on the basis of, for example, mint decoction, infusion of chamomile or cucumber juice. The frequency of applying clay to the face - no more than 2 times a week!

Therapeutic effects of clay on hair

In case of a problematic condition of the hair, when they have completely lost their vitality, a half-hour clay mask applied to the scalp will help restore them. Everything is easy and simple here, there are no difficulties, but the effect is simply amazing: the roots will become strong, the hair shaft is regenerated, the hair will radiate shine and intensively resume its growth.

  1. It is enough just to lubricate the skin of the head with a creamy clay composition and actively, but carefully, massage the roots with fingertips.
  2. Then wrap the head with plastic wrap (it is more convenient to use cling film), and twist a towel on top of it.
  3. Do your own thing for 40 minutes.
  4. After this time, remove the film with a towel, rinse your head with warm water from the clay mask. And finally, just wash your hair with shampoo.
  5. And lastly, it should be remembered that it is impossible to treat hair in this way every day. Enough 1-2 procedures per week.

Internal reception of clay

A unique technique used in clay therapy using clay powder or oral solution has a healing effect: it collects all toxic substances inside the body and brings them out naturally. It is recommended for various pathologies, in particular:

  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, poisoning, stomach ulcers, etc.);
  • in violation of the liver (jaundice, cholecystitis, cirrhosis);
  • with stone formation in the kidneys and ureter, as well as cystitis;
  • with high cholesterol and the presence of atherosclerosis;
  • with asthma and infections in the lungs (tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc.);
  • with anemia, blood toxicosis, metabolic disorders, low immunity.

It is important to take the choice of clay with great responsibility. It must comply with all quality standards of the Ministry of Health, that is, pass special check on the material composition and ecological index. Therefore, in order to internal treatment clay, it is necessary to purchase it only in the pharmacy network.

Further, no less important point is the preparation of raw materials before use. Clay should be finely ground in a porcelain mortar or in a wooden bowl with a non-metallic pestle to a powder. After crushing, the powder must be passed through a kitchen sieve.

A therapeutic agent (suspension) is being prepared according to the principle of mixing two ingredients - clay and cool water. Instead of water, you can use a vegetable decoction, for example, from mint. So, it will be necessary to pour the crushed clay mixture into a glass container with a volume of 0.5 liters (jar, bottle) in the amount of 3 full dessert spoons. Pour it full clean water, better from a spring source, or mint infusion. Seal the container and shake the contents well.

This amount of medicine is designed for 1 day. The frequency of use is up to 4 times a day and only a few minutes before meals. It is very important not to start treatment abruptly with an unusual remedy for the body. It is necessary to competently increase a single dose: on the first day - in the morning, half a 100-gram stack is enough for 1 dose, repeat the use before dinner. If the body tolerated the medicinal drink well, the next day we increase the dosage - 100 grams three times a day. Next - 0.5 liters, evenly distributed into 4 servings.

It is also allowed to use clay in undiluted form. It can be either a powder or a clay lump. Both forms are washed down with a liquid - water or herbal tea with honey. The dosage is selected according to individually, based on the body's tolerance of clay and human sensations. In any case, the daily rate should not exceed more than 70 grams per day.

The duration of one cycle of clay treatment by internal use is 21 days. After the allotted time, you should completely limit the intake for 1.5 weeks. After a ten-day interval, you can resume drinking clay again. So, depending on the severity of the disease, internal use can stretch from 3 weeks to several months.

Important Findings on Clay

In especially severe forms of the disease, for example, inflammatory pathologies of the lungs, bronchi, as well as in bronchial asthma, kidney failure and expressed problems from of cardio-vascular system, clay therapy should be carried out with extreme caution and only with the approval of such a technique by the attending physician.

Since the biochemical composition of clay includes a variety of natural compounds of mineral salts and elements, the occurrence of an allergic reaction is not excluded. Therefore, in case of any discomfort, it is necessary complete cessation applications medicinal breed for the purpose of recovery.

It is undesirable to combine clay therapy with traditional medicine, since the main meaning of the technique - to absorb and remove poisons and toxins - will simply be lost. After all, pharmacy medicines in this case will constantly replenish the body with more and more new chemicals that pollute the lymph and blood.

Clay- a plastic natural material used in construction, folk crafts, treatment and improvement of the body and in other areas of human life. It is this widespread use that determines certain qualities and properties of clay. And the properties of clay are largely influenced by its composition.

Clay application

Clay is very affordable, and its benefits are invaluable, and therefore it has been used by people since very ancient times. There are many references to this wonderful material in the history textbooks of all countries of the world.

Construction. Currently, clay is used as a material for making red bricks. Clay of a certain composition is molded and fired according to a certain technology, obtaining a durable and inexpensive ingot - a brick. Buildings and structures are already being built from bricks. In some countries and regions, clay is still used to build dwellings - mud huts, the use of clay in the construction of brick ovens, where clay serves as a binder (as cement), is widespread. The same clay is also used for plastering ovens.

Medicine. Wellness and traditional medicine uses clay in the form of mud baths and masks. The whole point is to nourish the surface of the skin with beneficial clay elements. Of course, not all clay will do here.

Souvenirs and tableware. I combine two large areas into one, since many items of dishes are only souvenirs. Plates, pots, jugs and vases are in abundance in modern stores. Not a single fair is complete without the sale of clay souvenirs - smoke toys, whistles, tablets, key chains and much more. We will try to mold a lot on our own.

Clay may be included in composition of other materials. Chasovoyarskaya clay of fine grinding, for example, is an element of artistic paints (gouache), sauce, pastels and sanguine. Read about it in the articles "Help the artist".

clay properties

Color. Clay of various compositions has many shades. Clay is called by its colors: red, blue, white... True, during drying and further firing, the color can completely change. This is worth paying attention to when working with clay.

Plastic. It was the ability to deform and retain the shape given to it that allowed a person to find the use of clay in his life. Here it is worth noting that it all depends on the consistency - the ratio of the amount of water, clay and sand. Needed for different jobs different formulations. So, for modeling sand may be generally redundant.

Hygroscopicity allows clay to absorb water, changing its properties of viscosity and plasticity. But after firing, clay products acquire water resistance, strength and lightness. The development of technology made it possible to obtain faience and porcelain, indispensable in the modern world.

fire resistance. A property used more in construction than in art crafts, except for the firing of products. The firing technology is different for a particular clay composition. The property of clay shrinkage or compressibility is closely related to drying and firing - a change in mass and size due to the removal of part of the water from the composition.

Clay composition

The properties of clay determine its chemical composition. For different types Clays are characterized by different chemical compositions. So, for example, red clay contains a lot of iron oxides. Clay basically contains certain substances - clay minerals - which are formed during various natural phenomena. The format of the article does not provide for consideration chemical properties and clay composition, so I won't go into details.

The composition of clay suitable for use in folk crafts, as already mentioned, is determined by three important elements: clay minerals, water and sand.

The proportions of these elements can be changed, although it is much easier to add than to remove. So, for example, dry clay can be quickly dissolved, however, it is not at all easy to make clay liquid like sour cream suitable for modeling. Sand is very easy to add, but removing it from clay is not a trivial task.

Distinguish "skinny" and "fat" clay. The fat content scale determines the coefficient of plasticity, and the binding properties of clay allow you to adjust the fat content by mixing it with other natural materials, such as sand. Skinny clay has less plasticity, its binding strength is weaker, but it shrinks less during drying and firing.

Clay deposits are found in various states throughout the world. This ensured the use of its artisans different nationalities, and led to the emergence of such a variety of products and technologies.

Artisans have learned to control the behavior and condition of the clay by various additives part. So you can thin the clay, elutriate, give it greater fire resistance, reduce shrinkage. As a result of such manipulations, an experienced master will be able to end up with a high-quality, highly artistic product.

The remarkable properties of natural mineral clays have been known since ancient times. Even then, clay was actively used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Ancient healers made various poultices and rubbings from it. Clay was taken internally when its absorbent effect was needed. It helped to get rid of bacteria well and allowed to remove toxins from the body. Clay therapy helped with various poisonings, epidemics and muscle pain. Now clay is no less popular. It is often used in dermatology. Medicinal ointments and pastes are made from it. Clay is also widely used in cosmetology. It is usually found in face masks.

The main property of cosmetic clay is cleansing and drying of the skin. Clay is able to absorb excess sebum and secretions sweat glands. In addition, it perfectly cleanses the skin of the face, eliminates peeling, irritation and redness. Clay face masks can be used for both oily and dry skin. In addition, clay can enhance the bactericidal effect of certain substances. It is often added to anti-inflammatory ointments and masks. There are different kinds cosmetic clays, what they are, we will consider in this article.

Clays differ in color, which depends on their mineral composition. The composition of clays depends on their place of origin. Clay can be white, blue, green, red, yellow and black (gray). Each type of clay has its own specific qualities and is used in medicine and cosmetology for different purposes. You can buy natural cosmetic clay in pharmacies or in cosmetics stores.

White cosmetic clay White clay (Kaolin) looks like the same White powder, which has a yellow or grayish tint, or may be a dense piece. It is oily to the touch. It dries, cleanses and tightens the skin well. White clay is able to absorb excess fat, it significantly tightens the pores. You need to know that this type of cosmetic clay also has a slight whitening effect. In addition, with its help, a woman can even out the oval of the face. White clay is also an excellent antiseptic. It is used in the composition of bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agents for facial care. Regular use white clay will make your skin velvety and more elastic. The complexion will improve and freshen up. White clay is the most common. It is on its basis that most face masks are made. It is hypoallergenic and suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive, and normalizes fat balance in case of oily skin. Kaolin is the most delicate abrasive, which allows it to be used as a soft scrub. This property of white clay is very valuable for skin with inflammatory acne, for which coarse abrasives are unacceptable, as they can aggravate the course of this skin lesion. It is also used in the form of powders, ointments, pastes, as well as for diaper rash and burns. White clay is an indispensable component in cleansing masks. In addition, self-made tooth powder or paste with the addition of clay not only whitens teeth even for heavy smokers and coffee drinkers, but also removes tartar, strengthens enamel, and reduces the risk of caries.

The darker the color of the clay, the better it will remove fat and more effectively cope with acne.

blue cosmetic clay

This clay has anti-inflammatory properties, it contains all the mineral salts and trace elements we need. It is able to prevent the appearance of acne, effectively accelerates the healing of wounds on the skin. This clay is great for cleansing the skin of the face, improves its color. Blue clay is also used to smooth mimic wrinkles. It rejuvenates the skin, making it firmer and more elastic. Blue clay can also lighten freckles and age spots. With regular use, this type of clay can be a great help with problematic skin. It disinfects and smoothes the skin, relieves acne. It activates blood circulation and accelerates the process of metabolism in skin cells. In addition, folk medicine uses blue clay as a very effective remedy for baldness. And yet, blue clay softens and tones the skin, also has anti-cellulite, antibacterial and anti-stress effects. Leg masks based on blue Cambrian clay helped to improve the microcirculation of the skin of the lower extremities, which was expressed by an increase in skin firmness and elasticity, a decrease in edema and the severity of "feeling of heaviness in the legs". Due to the high adsorption capacity of Cambrian clay, the use of a foot mask in the area of ​​​​the feet for 20 minutes 1-2 times a week helps to reduce the degree of sweating of the feet, eliminate bad smell and can be used as a prophylactic agent for fungal and bacterial infections foot skin.

Green cosmetic clay

Green clay has its color due to iron oxide. Taken directly from the quarry, the green clay looks like a dark green wet mass. This clay has found wide application in cosmetology. It can be the basis for cosmetics, and also comes in the form of masks, wraps and compresses. Due to the content of a large number of trace elements, it helps to restore the hydrobalance of the skin, has excellent absorbent properties. Green clay softens and cleanses the skin of the face. It relieves irritation, has a drying effect. Green clay masks perfectly cleanse the pores of the face, eliminate oily sheen. IN home care behind the face can be mixed green clay with a different kind of clay.

Green clay has excellent absorbent properties. This ideal remedy For deep cleaning skin. Best for oily skin face and head, used to combat seborrhea. Promotes narrowing of pores and improves the function of the sebaceous glands. It has excellent tonic properties. It causes blood flow to the surface of the skin and provides it with the necessary nutrition. Stimulates the regeneration of skin cells. Tightens the skin and restores the line of the face. Effectively softens, smoothes wrinkles and reduces puffiness. Restores normal metabolism and has antibacterial properties, as it contains a large amount of silver. Baths with green clay cleanse and soften the skin, pleasantly relieve the feeling of fatigue, stress and irritation due to the natural ability to take away all the negative energy accumulated during the day.

Red cosmetic clay

Red clay has this color due to the combination of iron oxide and copper. Best of all she suitable for women with sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions. Masks from this clay relieve irritation and redness on the face. They will also help get rid of peeling and itching of the skin. Red clay can also be used for dry, dehydrated skin. It will help fading and sluggish skin. This type of clay improves blood circulation, promotes greater saturation of the skin with oxygen. It is also used when there is a lack of iron in the body - it is taken orally.

When rubbed into the scalp, red clay strengthens weak and brittle hair, nourishes the bulbs and treats oily seborrhea. Components of red clay effectively nourish and restore tired skin, promote smoothing premature wrinkles, and also have the effect of "education" involuntary facial expressions especially in the forehead area.

pink cosmetic clay

Pink clay does not exist in nature, it is the result of mixing white and red clay. This clay is perfect for all skin types. Smoothes small wrinkles, softens the skin, tightens the contour of the face. Pink clay has a rejuvenating effect. Nourishes and cleanses the skin, making it softer and more elastic. In addition, it is widely used in masks and applications for weakened hair and nails. It has a refreshing and regenerating effect. Pink clay baths moisturize the skin, relieve fatigue, have a tonic effect and improve metabolic processes in fabrics, creating a feeling of freshness and comfort.

yellow cosmetic clay

Yellow clay contains a lot of potassium and iron, as well as a number of other rare trace elements. It saturates the skin with oxygen. Has a tonic effect. Quickly, effectively and permanently improves complexion. Nourishes hair, scalp, helps get rid of dandruff. Yellow clay is able to absorb the waste products of the body and kill pathogenic bacteria. It saturates the skin with oxygen and removes harmful toxins in various inflammatory processes, including acne. Yellow clay is perfect for aging and tired skin. It smoothes wrinkles, softens and cleanses the skin well, gives it elasticity and freshness. Yellow clay also exfoliates dead skin cells of the epidermis, softening rough skin on the hands, elbows and legs; promotes healing of small cracks. Due to its high adsorption capacity, yellow clay effectively removes sweating from the feet and eliminates their unpleasant odor. Yellow clay baths relieve fatigue after physical exertion, improve metabolic processes in tissues, improve skin condition, make it smooth and velvety.

Black (gray) cosmetic clay

Black clay contains strontium, quartz, iron, magnesium and calcium. It cleanses the skin very well. This type of clay is able to perfectly absorb all harmful toxins and skin impurities. Promotes narrowing of the pores of the face. Suitable for normal, oily and combination skin.

The most active among all types of clay, it is mined at sea depth. This is one of the most powerful remedies in the eternal women's wrestling with cellulite and fatty deposits. Black clay is used to nourish dehydrated dry skin. It also relaxes tired muscles, relieves rheumatic pains and effectively fights bruises.

Clay - one of the oldest building materials used in construction to this day. The property of this natural material to harden under certain conditions allows it to be used for various purposes in the construction of buildings for various purposes - both residential and commercial. From clay make load-bearing structures adobe walls ), a mortar for laying stoves is started on it (the oven brick itself is actually made from it), it is used as a heater, and the walls are also plastered with clay. Due to the fact that this natural and environmentally friendly material can be widely used in construction , we decided to prepare an article on the use of clay for construction purposes.

A little about clay

Clay - fine-grained sedimentary rock, pulverulent in the dry state, plastic when moistened. Clay consists of one or more minerals of the kaolinite group (derived from the name of the area Kaolin in China), montmorillonite or other layered aluminosilicates (clay minerals), but may contain both sand and carbonate particles. As a rule, the rock-forming mineral in clay is kaolinite, its composition is 47% silicon (IV) oxide (SiO2), 39% aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and 14% water (H2O).

Al2O3 and SiO2 - make up a significant part chemical composition clay minerals.

Clay particle diameter less than 0.005 mm; rocks consisting of larger particles are commonly classified as loess. Most of the clays are gray, but there are clays of white, red, yellow, brown, blue, green, purple and even black. The color is due to impurities of ions - chromophores, mainly iron in valence 3 (red, yellow) or 2 (green, bluish).

The main source of clayey rocks is feldspar, during the decay of which, under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, kaolinite and other aluminum silicate hydrates are formed. Some clays of sedimentary origin are formed in the process of local accumulation of the mentioned minerals, but most of them are deposits of water flows that have fallen to the bottom of lakes and seas.

Clay - is a secondary product of the earth's crust, sedimentary rock formed as a result of the destruction of rocks in the process of weathering (

adobe construction

What is adobe ? The term itself comes from the Turkic "straw". It means adobe as a building material made of clay soil dried in the open air.

Even in the relatively recent past, this material was quite widespread in the world. To this day, adobe buildings are ubiquitous in Asia, Europe, and Russia.

Although it is currently accepted to use modern materials considered stronger and more durable, there is living evidence that many of the materials of today are largely inferior in strength to mud houses.

For example, on the website in the article "adobe construction" there is evidence that the participants in the war in Afghanistan testified that when a direct fire from a tank hit an adobe wall, it did not collapse, but only a trace remained.

Now a little about how to make adobe. The website provides the following information about this: The ground underfoot is the main source of material for construction. Sand and clay lie almost everywhere. For the mixture, you always also need a sufficiently long, strong, dry straw. The ideal mixture contains a lot of coarse sand and some clay.

Clay you need just enough to glue sand and straw, approximately in a ratio of 3 or 4 to 1, sand to clay.

Most soils are a mixture of sand, clay and other impurities. You need to understand your soil and work with it.

Silt for adobe does not fit. Avoid soils with more than a small amount of silt. Silt reduces the stickiness of clay and is not strong in compression. Clay differs significantly from silt. Clays dry out linearly by 5-15%, so they crack if not mixed with a lot of sand and straw. When the clay dries in the space between the coarse grains of sand, it binds them tightly together. The result is a surprisingly durable material - adobe.

Of course, this is just a summary of how to make adobe. If you want to cook it correctly and professionally, then the question of finding and selecting materials, as well as drawing up proportions, should be studied more carefully. Fortunately, online resources allow you to do this without much difficulty.

Using clay for laying stoves

Clay is the main material for the preparation of mortar for laying furnaces. The quality of this solution has a direct impact on the quality of the masonry, and hence the stove.

On how to properly prepare the solution, we will provide information from the book of A.M. Shepeleva “How to build a rural house”: “Properly prepared clay mortar does not crack, firmly binds bricks together and does not crumble. Cracks in the seams of the masonry disrupt the normal operation of the stove.

The thickness of the seams affects the strength of the masonry. The seams should be 3 mm thick (as an exception - 5 mm). The less clay and more bricks in the kiln, the higher the quality of the kiln masonry. That is why, when preparing a clay solution, it is advisable to separately sift clay and sand through sieves with holes no larger than 3x3mm, and then strain the solution again.

The dose of sand added to clay depends on the fat content of the latter: fatter clay - more sand, and vice versa.

Clay for the solution must be well soaked and rinsed. They do it like this. They take a large strong box or barrel, fill it 1/3 of the volume with clay, fill it with water, mix thoroughly and leave for a day or more. Then everything is mixed and, if necessary, water is added. The resulting clay milk is filtered on a sieve with holes no larger than 3 × 3 mm into another container. The remaining lumps are again filled with water, kneaded, clay is added, etc.

The water remaining from the clay milk is drained, using it when the next portion of the clay is soaked. settled clay should have the thickness of sour cream.

Having prepared the right amount of clay, determine its fat content and the need for sand. To do this, take some one volumetric part of strained clay (for example, a can of canned food) and pour it into a bucket. With the same measure, 3 parts of sand are measured, added in small portions to clay and everything is mixed with an oar or a stick. If the solution strongly envelops the paddle (stick) - it is greasy and you need to add sand. If separate clots stick to the oar (stick), the solution is of normal fat content and is suitable for masonry. By measuring the “remaining sand, the fat content of the clay is determined, or rather the need for sand. For example, 0.5 cans of sand remained, which means that to prepare a solution with a normal fat content, 2.5 parts of sand are required for 1 part of clay (composition 1: 2.5).

Thus, depending on the quality of the clay, one volume part may require from 0.5 to 3 or more parts of sand.

The mortar, normal in fat content, does not crack, firmly binds the bricks together; a greasy solution cracks badly, and a lean one is fragile.

The quality of the solution can be checked like this. A ball 5 cm in diameter is rolled from the thick solution and a cake 1 cm thick and 10 cm in diameter is made. Both are dried at normal room temperature. After drying, they should not crack, and the ball should not crumble when falling from a height of 1 m. In this case, the solution is suitable for masonry.

Prepare the solution on a striker or in a box. To do this, a measured portion of sand is poured in a bed, a recess is made in it, a portion of the prepared clay dough is poured and everything is mixed until completely homogeneous. If necessary, water is added, obtaining a creamy mass that easily slides off an iron shovel, but does not spread over it. When feeling between the fingers, a continuous rough layer of sand grains should be felt, and not slippery clay with scattered grains of sand.

During laying, the clay mortar should be such that, with a slight pressure on it with a brick moistened with water, it easily squeezes out the overly applied mortar from the seam.

For laying 1000 bricks with seams up to 5 mm thick, 250 liters of strained mortar are required.

The time spent straining the solution is more than paid off by the convenience in work.

Using clay as insulation

Clay also used as a heater. Most often it is used to insulate the ceiling. To obtain high-quality insulation, in addition to clay, sawdust is used.

The site provides the following information on the insulation of ceilings in this way: The ceiling made of clay and sawdust is characterized by good heat resistance, ease of manufacture, light weight, fire-fighting quality and affordability.

To insulate the ceiling and make the ceiling out of clay and sawdust, you should first purchase clay and sawdust. It is not difficult to purchase sawdust now, as they are even distributed free of charge by self-delivery at woodworking enterprises. Even if you have to buy sawdust, their cost will be negligible compared to other ceiling materials. Clay will be a little more expensive, but you need very little of it, so you can get it yourself.

So, to begin with, we will prepare the ceiling for the future ceiling.

Since the mixture of clay and sand will be liquid, it is necessary to lay something waterproof on the ceiling boards. You can take an ordinary film and shoot it to a tree with an ordinary construction stapler. Some cover the cardboard under the film. The cardboard has a corrugated layer between the flat layers, this gives additional insulation, but the ceiling becomes more fire hazardous.

After the ceiling is covered with a film, you can start mixing the clay-sawdust mortar.

To do this, fill a full barrel with water and pour four or five buckets of clay into it. The clay should soften.

Stir the clay in the barrel until it dissolves as much as possible. The water should acquire a characteristic dirty color. Next, pour a couple of buckets of the resulting mixture of clay and water into the concrete mixer and fill it with sawdust. We must not forget to add clay water as the sawdust is mixed. The consistency should not be thick or runny.

Next, after mixing the solution, apply it to the ceiling in an even layer of 5-10 cm, depending on the required insulation, and smooth it slightly by tamping. After a few days, the ceiling should dry out, and if small cracks appear, then it is easiest to wipe them with simple clay, although you can leave it like that, because the cracks will be minor.

In this article, we looked at various uses for clay, namely: wall construction , preparation of mortar for laying furnaces And ceiling insulation . In all these cases, clay is an effective building material. In conclusion, it should be noted that these are not all the options for using clay in construction, for example, it is used in the production of expanded clay and cement, so this natural material, without any exaggeration, justifies the title of this article: "Clay is a universal natural material for construction."

The article was prepared by Evgeny IZMAILOV,
