Beginning of pregnancy. How pregnancy occurs. Test, ultrasound or blood for hCG? Signs of a cold

Reading time: 4 minutes

A delay in menstruation is a significant reason to suspect pregnancy. But there are times when it is advisable to find out about pregnancy even earlier. How to determine pregnancy before delay, are there reliable methods? The answer is yes, provided that at least 12 days have passed since the probable moment of conception. Before this period, it is impossible to find out whether conception has occurred.

Women who practice reliable methods of contraception (calendar, basal) will be more likely to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Knowing the features of your menstrual cycle, you can quite accurately determine the day of ovulation, which usually falls on the 12-14th day of the cycle (its middle). It is during this period that the chances of getting pregnant are very high. If it is not possible to determine the day on which ovulation occurred, signs of a presumptive pregnancy can only be looked for from the 25th day of the menstrual cycle, i.e. a couple of days before the start of a new cycle.

How to determine pregnancy before delay - subjective signs

2 weeks after conception, some changes occur in a woman’s body that may indicate conception has occurred. These signs are subjective and are considered secondary.

An aversion to certain smells, changes in taste, nausea are signs of early toxicosis, which makes itself felt already from the second week after conception. A woman can feel signs of toxicosis in different periods pregnancy. According to experts, toxicosis is a consequence of changes in functional state CNS of a pregnant woman. Manifestations of toxicosis are familiar to most women who have given birth; only 20-30% of mothers can boast that they did not experience any discomfort while carrying a child.

Minor bleeding suggests that changes have occurred in the body: the discharge has a yellow-brown tint, occurs at unusual times, and its intensity is very low. Often a girl does not even notice such a sign. Such bleeding caused by fastening ovum on the wall of the uterus, occur in the second week after conception.

An increase and change in basal temperature is a sign of pregnancy. During ovulation basal temperature rises to 37-37.3 degrees, and if conception does not occur, the temperature returns to normal within 2-3 days after this. But if conception has taken place, the basal temperature will remain elevated for several more weeks.

An increase in breast sensitivity, increase in size and swelling becomes noticeable from the second week after conception. In some cases, the breasts are so sensitive that any touch to them causes pain.

The feeling of “fullness” or pain in the lower abdomen occurs due to the increasing size of the uterus. The symptom is more often observed in the later stages, but some women report an increase in the abdomen already in the initial period of pregnancy.

Many women feel a tingling sensation inside the uterus at the end of their menstrual cycle. If pain is felt already during the delay, this should suggest a possible pregnancy.

Confusion, drowsiness, fast fatiguability caused by increased production of the hormone progesterone - after the body gets used to the state of gestation, these symptoms will disappear. By the tenth week, the level of estrogen in the blood will increase, and sleep will normalize.

Tearfulness, frequent outbursts of emotions, mood swings, as well as irritability and withdrawal - character traits psyche of pregnant women.

It can throw you either hot or cold - this symptom appears from the second week after conception. These phenomena are caused by the body’s adaptation to pregnancy – a decrease in pressure and an increase in temperature.

Increased salivation observed in some women may also indicate pregnancy.

Lower back pain, frequent headaches and other symptoms appear in the first trimester and are associated with changes in the hormonal state of the body to early stages.

Bloating and sometimes intestinal upset indirectly confirm the onset of pregnancy.

An increase in vaginal discharge in the early stages is caused by an increase in blood supply to the pelvic organs.

Power change sexual desire– some women want to have sex more often, while others, on the contrary, do not want sexual intercourse at all.

An increase in the frequency of urination is associated with an enlargement of the uterus, as well as an increase in the production of hormones in the female body. Besides, frequent urination caused by an increase in blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Reliable diagnostic methods before delay

It is possible to reliably determine conception only 12-15 days after ovulation.

Basal temperature measurement – reliable method diagnosis of pregnancy. On the day of ovulation, the basal temperature is 37-37.3 degrees. If conception does not occur, the temperature returns to normal within a few days. If the temperature lasts for several weeks, the probability of conception is very high.

Pregnancy tests are another almost 100% method of determining pregnancy already 12-14 days after conception. To determine conception, it is not necessary to wait for a delay; already at this time the test may turn out to be positive, showing two clearly visible stripes. If only one strip appears clearly, and the second is weakly visible, most likely the test is still positive. If in doubt, you need to repeat the test several times or buy tests from other manufacturers. Testing should be done in the morning.

Gynecologists prescribe a blood test for hCG to determine pregnancy pathologies. But any girl can also get tested for hCG. The presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood indicates that, most likely, conception has occurred. A blood test for hCG is taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

Many families are planning to give birth to a child and are looking forward to the moment when they can find out whether the attempt was successful or not.

Women study all kinds of literature and try to find at least something about pregnancy and its signs. They listen to their feelings with trepidation. Is it possible to be pregnant without symptoms? Let's take a closer look.

What are pregnancy symptoms?

Symptoms or signs of pregnancy are physiological changes that women notice in themselves when they are in an interesting position. Although they cannot be called symptoms. This concept concerns illness, not normality. healthy condition women. In this article we will use the term “signs of pregnancy” that occur in women in the early stages.

Knowing the main symptoms, a woman can easily guess whether she is pregnant or not. You can confirm or refute guesses with the help of tests and analyses.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

According to statistics, 7 girls out of 100 note that their pregnancy proceeded without signs. Although this statement cannot be considered reliable, because some symptoms may be confused with other processes occurring in the body.

Some women find out they are pregnant while in their third month. And there are several reasons why expectant mothers claimed that the pregnancy proceeded without the first signs:

  • Menstruation can also occur in the first two months of pregnancy, after the egg has been fertilized. If you are concerned about the condition of the baby in the womb, then you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist.
  • Changes taste sensations a woman may mistake it for the whims or oddities of the body.
  • Girls blame frequent mood swings on fatigue or hormonal surges.
  • Nausea in the morning is a negative reaction of the body to certain products, eaten last evening, but in no way toxicosis, the girls are sure.
  • From the above, it becomes clear that pregnancy without symptoms is a rare occurrence. The symptoms may be mild, but they are still there. And it’s worth listening to your body.

Is there even a pregnancy without signs in the early stages? Certainly, complete absence symptoms are unlikely, especially in the first three months.

Asymptomatic pregnancy is a reality

A natural sign of pregnancy is a growing belly. It is by the presence of this change that pregnancy can be determined. On the other hand, not all expectant mothers experience a pronounced increase in volume. As mentioned above, menstruation may be present in the first trimester. Toxicosis, breast enlargement or swelling, weakness and drowsiness may not be felt at all.

Approximately 10 women out of 100 who have given birth will say with confidence that pregnancy without symptoms occurs. The exact reasons for this phenomenon have not been identified. Most often, gynecologists are faced with cases of late detection of pregnancy, when a woman comes to an appointment and complains of an enlarged belly and strange sensations.

Sometimes expectant mothers complain of minor ailments, such as morning sickness, whitish discharge and delay. But these signs are taken not for pregnancy, but for a malfunction of the body.

Doctors advise to undergo timely examinations and tests in order to monitor your own health. Periodic examination will help prevent the development of various diseases and detect pregnancy in time. After all, women are often interested in the question: is pregnancy without signs possible? This can happen, but there is no need to worry about this, each body is individual and can react specifically to conception.

No early signs

Some women may not notice changes at all - in this case, pregnancy proceeds without symptoms. This applies to girls who normally had problems with the menstrual cycle, so it is sometimes difficult for them to realize that their body has become the site of fetal development. The situation is clarified at a later date during an examination by a gynecologist.

On the 8-10th day after unprotected sexual intercourse, the process of fertilization occurs in the body, after which the embryo is attached to the uterus. During this period, a woman may experience discharge similar to menstruation, so many mistakenly believe that conception has definitely not occurred.

After the gynecologist discovers pregnancy, the woman begins to worry about the absence of any symptoms. But it normal. Yes, many girls feel sick at first, some eat chalk, others cookies with ketchup, but this doesn’t mean that similar signs All pregnant women should have them. There are no definitions of correct and abnormal pregnancy. Each girl will experience this period individually.

Are periods dangerous?

If pregnancy is established, but menstruation continues, then this is a cause for concern for doctors and expectant mother. Such cases are extremely rare. Menstruation in the early stages indicates the process of implantation or detachment of the fertilized egg. In such cases, the woman experiences a thin spotting with blood.

Pregnancy without signs is common early stages. For example, this happens when the fertilized egg does not have time to implant before the onset of menstruation. There may be slight delays - from 5 to 15 days. A delay without signs of pregnancy cannot be considered as confirmation or refutation of the fact of fertilization.

Refutation or confirmation?

Helps to reliably determine pregnancy ultrasonography and certain tests. But not every woman is ready to undergo paid tests, especially if everything is fine with her health.

In Brazil there was a very interesting case. 27-year-old Fernanda Claudia gave birth to her daughter while swimming. The girl was born healthy, weighing about 3 kilograms. After a sudden home birth, a woman herself reached medical center and told her unusual story doctors. It turns out that she had no idea she was pregnant until she started giving birth. This case shocked the public and doctors.

It is important to remember that early pregnancy can only be determined by ultrasound and hCG analysis. Gynecologists also recommend listening to the following advice:

  1. If you experience a sudden nagging pain in the lower abdomen, you should see a specialist, especially if you suspect that you are pregnant. Pain may be evidence of a threatened miscarriage, inflammatory processes and uterine contractions. There is no need to self-medicate, because you do not know the exact causes of pain.
  2. If pregnancy is confirmed, then it is advisable to reconsider all your life priorities and passions. It is necessary to adjust your diet, because food should be healthy. It is also important to completely refuse bad habits, which include smoking and alcohol.
  3. If you are worried that your pregnancy is progressing without signs, then it is better to talk to a psychologist who will help you “come to your senses.”
  4. Don't panic if your pregnancy is different from others. Each organism has its own individual physiological characteristics, and his reaction to bearing a baby is difficult to predict.

The main thing!

Did you find out that you are pregnant? And it doesn’t matter early or later, whether it proceeds like everyone else or is asymptomatic. It is important to remember only one thing - no stress and anxiety.

Take more time for yourself, relax, walk and breathe fresh air. Only the harmony of physical and mental state will allow you to experience all the delights of motherhood, starting from the early stages of pregnancy.

How to determine pregnancy before a delay is a question that worries many women. Someone wants to quickly find out whether they succeeded in conceiving a child this time, while others, on the contrary, want to reassure themselves that unplanned pregnancy didn't come. All doctors claim that it is possible to determine a woman’s position only after the onset of delayed menstruation. But is this so, or can we try to carry out diagnostics without waiting for this time?

It will be much easier to figure out how to determine pregnancy before menstruation for women who are well acquainted with their anatomy and the processes occurring in their reproductive organs. The most important thing you need to know is what there is no point in looking for possible pregnancy if less than 10 days have passed since unprotected or poorly protected sexual intercourse. Another important point- conception can only occur during the period of ovulation, and it occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, approximately 12-14 days from the beginning of the last menstruation. If you do not use any calendar methods for determining ovulation (we will discuss them below), then try conducting self-diagnosis on the 25th day of the cycle, a couple of days before the expected start of the next menstrual cycle. It hardly makes sense to look for signs before.

How to determine pregnancy before a missed period and what is self-diagnosis?

1. Measuring basal temperature. More than one work has been written about this. Numerous Internet sites are dedicated to this. First, despite the abundance of modern contraceptive methods, some women continue to measure their rectal temperature to determine “dangerous days” when you should not have sex, since the likelihood of pregnancy is very high. Temperature values ​​are used to determine the day of ovulation - when conception can occur. Ask these women: “How to determine pregnancy before a missed period?” And they will definitely tell you how to draw a basal temperature chart, and what certain decreases/increases mean. If ovulation has taken place, the temperature will rise to 37 or slightly higher and will last almost until the start of menstruation. And if pregnancy occurs, it will remain elevated for a couple more trimesters.

If you don’t have a delay yet, but the second half of your cycle is already underway, try measuring your rectal temperature in the morning after waking up. If it turns out to be elevated, you can suspect that ovulation definitely occurred. And ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Did you have sexual intercourse during this period of time? If yes, then pregnancy is quite possible.

2. Pregnancy tests. To this you will probably object that they can only be done after the delay has occurred. This is written on the packaging of any test, and any gynecologist will confirm this. Yes indeed, hCG hormone, which provokes the appearance of the second stripe, begins to be produced during pregnancy on the 7-8th day after conception. And approximately on the 12th day it reaches a concentration to which the test already reacts. Thus, you can try to get tested 2-3 days before the expected start of your next menstrual cycle. The main condition is that you need to purchase a test with high sensitivity and do it right in the morning. And with all this, it is advisable not to urinate for 6 hours before performing the test, so that the concentration of hCG in the urine reaches its maximum, and the test is colored with a second stripe in case of a positive result.

If the result is negative or unclear (it happens that the second line is much weaker than the first), it makes sense to repeat the diagnosis after a few days. After all, determining pregnancy before a delay is not as easy as it seems. Remember that a weak second stripe is, rather, positive result than negative.

A few rules to help you get reliable result:

a) Follow the instructions exactly (dip for exactly as many minutes as stated in the instructions and check the result also after the specified time).

b) Look at the expiration date.

c) If you buy the test in advance, store it at the correct temperature.

3. If you are thinking about how to determine pregnancy before menstruation, then it would be useful get tested for the same hormone, which is diagnosed by the test described above. This is a blood test that is taken on an empty stomach, in the morning. You can find out exactly about your situation 10 days after unprotected sexual intercourse, earlier than it would appear home diagnostics. In non-pregnant women healthy women human chorionic gonadotropin not produced in the body. In general, this hormone is produced by the chorion (future placenta), but sometimes elevated hCG maybe not in pregnant women. This often occurs in cancer patients, as well as when taking certain medicines. And within a few days after childbirth, artificial or spontaneous interruption pregnancy. With such dangerous pathologies as a hydatidiform mole or ectopic pregnancy. In the first case, the hormone concentration is higher than normal for given period pregnancy, and in the second - less.

Subjective signs

Girls looking for an answer to the question: how to determine pregnancy before a missed period, as a rule, first of all check for the presence of the subjective and imprecise symptoms described below interesting situation. So what are they?

1. Toxicosis (nausea and vomiting). In the first weeks, toxicosis is a concern only in isolated cases. Therefore, if you suddenly feel ill, you do not need to immediately think that pregnancy is to blame. Most likely this is poisoning. Most often, toxicosis appears 4-5 weeks after conception and can persist until the second trimester, and sometimes even longer.

2. Pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands and nipples. Many women are familiar with this unpleasant phenomenon. Those who gave birth and breastfed can characterize these sensations as follows: the chest is bursting, as if milk is about to pour out. Or maybe pregnant women will leak, but not milk, but... colostrum! Colostrum is a sticky, white liquid with a slightly yellowish tint. By the way, its appearance has nothing to do with the amount of milk produced after childbirth. That is, a woman who released colostrum from the first days of pregnancy may have less milk than a woman who saw colostrum for the first time in the first days after the birth of the child.

But non-pregnant women experience approximately the same chest pain before menstruation. Therefore, to the question “how to determine pregnancy before a missed period” - to assess the condition of your breasts, this is not the answer.

3. Pain in the lower abdomen. Similar to the type of “chest” pain, this can also occur towards the end of the menstrual cycle in all women, regardless of their “position”. More indicative this sign when the delay begins, there are no periods, but the stomach continues to hurt.

4. Change in the strength of sexual desire. Libido can either increase or decrease. Some expectant mothers say that from the very first days of pregnancy they constantly “wanted”, others say that, on the contrary, they lost all desire to make love.

5. Increased amount of vaginal discharge. As you know, during the period of ovulation, something like a mucus plug comes out of the cervix. And by this sign, ladies can diagnose the onset of favorable period for conception. Exactly the same thing is observed in the first weeks of embryo development. Normally, this discharge is colorless, odorless and free of blood.

6. Increased frequency of urination. This is not yet due to the growth of the uterus, but to the relaxation of the sphincter Bladder. This normally occurs in expectant mothers due to hormonal changes in the body.

Most often far-fetched signs

We will include only 2 signs in this category. Some believe that the most correct answer to the question “how to determine pregnancy before menstruation” is to pay attention to your emotional condition. After all, everyone knows that expectant mothers are tearful, emotional and loud (pardon the expression). They also often change their mood and taste preferences.

The second sign is omens. The most famous of them is that if you dreamed that you were catching a fish, you would soon become a mother.

Of all of the above, only home diagnostics for pregnancy and a blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin give reliable results. Other reliable symptoms appear along with the onset of delayed menstruation.


To determine the day of your delay, you must know the length of your menstrual cycle. Usually it ranges from 21 to 32 days, for most women it is 27-28 days.

Calculate the length of your menstrual cycle. To do this, count the number of days from the beginning of menstruation (the first day of the cycle) until the beginning of the next menstruation. This period will be your cycle. In healthy women of reproductive age, usually menstrual cycle is stable, if there are delays, they are insignificant (1-2 days). Cycle failure may be affected by various diseases that change a woman’s hormonal levels, abrupt change climate, fast weight loss, severe stress, heavy physical labor, etc. In addition, the menstrual cycle may not be stable in those who have only recently started.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Every woman always asks herself every month the question of determining the expected date of the next menstruation. Firstly, it will help her stock up on necessary supplies in advance. hygiene products and will allow you not to be caught off guard, and secondly, a woman will be able to plan her life schedule in advance in such a way that she can spend the first few days of her menstruation at home or at least with minimal stress.

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  • how to correctly calculate the day of your period in 2019

The menstrual cycle is the interval between the first day of your period and the last day before the next one. This entire period can be divided into several phases, according to the changes occurring in the woman’s body.

You will need

  • - calendar.


The beginning of the menstrual phase is the first day itself. At the same time, the follicle matures, which will participate in the next ovulation. This stage lasts, on average, one to two weeks. A girl can determine the onset of the menstrual phase by observing herself. Before the onset of menstruation, most people experience a craving for sweets and experience a change in mood. That's what it is premenstrual syndrome. At this time, the condition directly depends on two hormones - estrogen and progesterone. If estrogen levels are elevated, a woman feels overexcited. If, however, it is observed depressive state.

A follicle that has reached maturity already has a Graafian vesicle. It is at this time that the ovulatory phase begins and lasts on average three days. Determining the onset of ovulation day is very simple. At this time, the nature of the cervical mucus changes and the temperature rises. For planning a child, and will also contribute to the diagnosis of various women's diseases.

Federal Aviation Regulations " General rules air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees” clearly states in what cases of flight delay, and what compensation is due to passengers. There is also the Air Code of the Russian Federation, in which the duties of the carrier are specified quite clearly.

A Mother and Child Room must be provided to passengers with children under 7 years of age immediately, regardless of how long the flight is delayed. Even if it's only 10-15 minutes.

Refreshments must be provided for delays of 2 hours or more. That is, after two hours of waiting, you have the right to demand that your rights be respected. You also have the right to two free calls or one email message.

Hot meals are provided if the delay is over 4 hours. And every 6 hours during the day, and every 8 hours at night. Food, of course, will not be brought to you, but most likely, you will be provided with food in a cafe or at the airport.

After an eight-hour wait during the day (6 hours at night), you are required to be taken to the hotel and ensure the safety of your luggage.

Do not hesitate to ask and demand respect for your rights. Don't let the airline save money at your expense. To do this, you need to write down the phone numbers of company representatives in advance, or find out their location in the airport halls. Don't be lazy and find out all the necessary information. This will help you avoid unnecessary inconvenience and trouble.

Flight delays often lead to bigger problems for passengers. You may be late for a business meeting, or miss your transfer. You will be left with an unoccupied room in a hotel that you have already paid for, or vice versa, you have already been evicted, and your flight has been postponed, and you have nowhere to simply go. You may lose tickets for a concert or excursion. For all similar situations There are financial compensations. To receive it, you need to remember and clearly know why the unfortunate delay occurred. If it is the fault of the airline, then you can safely demand your compensation. If the cause was the weather, or technical problems of the airport or plane (not the airline itself, but a leased one), then it will be impossible to bring a claim.

Now about the money. In any case, and only if it is definitely established that the delay in departure was due to the fault of the air carrier, count on a maximum of half the cost of your air ticket. This is maximum. And so, according to the rules, 25% of the minimum wage established in the country for each hour of delay. Today the minimum wage is 5554 rubles, which means that every hour of delay when paying you will cost the company 1388 rubles. 50 kopecks. Of course, such compensation is unlikely to cover even a small part of possible losses, but the law is the law.

Don't forget to mark the flight delay (for example, on your itinerary receipt). This can be done by airline representatives at the check-in counter, or at the departure point for your flight. If there is no representative, this must be done by airport staff at the information desk.

And also, do not forget to save all receipts and receipts for your independent expenses during waiting hours. Don't forget about the stamp and the reasons for the delay/rescheduling of the flight.

U different companies These rules may change, but only in the direction of improvement for the passenger.

Pregnancy – the most wonderful time, when a woman bears a new life in her body. The process is associated with a number of changes and new sensations for a woman, many of which are desired and long-awaited. The main sign of pregnancy is known to everyone - this is a delay in menstruation, but there may still be a lot of time left before the next menstruation, and the desire to find out whether the miracle of conception has happened is very great. It is worth understanding that not only a delay signals this, there are a number of other common signs by which it is possible to establish with almost one hundred percent accuracy that pregnancy has occurred.

Is it possible to determine pregnancy before the delay?

The question of whether there are ways to determine pregnancy even before a missed period worries many women. For some, this is important because they want to find out about a joyful event as soon as possible, while others, on the contrary, want to make sure that there is no unwanted conception. This question can only be answered with understanding female anatomy and ongoing processes.

It should be immediately noted that there is no point in looking for a possible pregnancy earlier than a week after unprotected intercourse if ovulation has not yet occurred. Ovulation is the process of the release of an egg from the ovary fallopian tube, and this happens in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Given this, it is advisable to monitor signs only after the occurrence of this phenomenon. It is quite possible to determine conception before a delay without a test; the most important thing is to take into account the characteristics of the reproductive system.

When do the first signs appear?

Signs of pregnancy, having sufficient intensity and clarity, occur approximately on the 20th day after fertilization, when the egg is fixed in the uterus. At this stage, perestroika is serious character, and it can be difficult not to notice them. There are also earlier “symptoms” that not everyone manifests so intensely that they can be noticed. It is worth noting that you should not rely on just one sign; you should always pay attention to the totality of changes in the body.

Physiological changes

Independent methods for diagnosing pregnancy are based on the changes that begin to occur in the female body immediately after fertilization of the egg. Some of them may not be expressed, and such signs can only be identified by carefully monitoring your own condition.

Change in basal temperature

Basal temperature is the lowest temperature achieved human body at rest. To obtain the most accurate data, rectal measurements are taken in the morning, after waking up before the start of any activity. physical activity. Undoubtedly, pregnancy can be determined in this way only if measurements are taken on an ongoing basis - this will allow you to most objectively and accurately assess your own condition.

Using basal temperature, you can accurately assess the onset of days favorable for conception - ovulation. During this period, the indicators increase slightly and on average reach 37 degrees (fixing temperature data over several cycles will help you determine the exact numbers for your own body). The increase lasts almost until the onset of menstruation, and about a week before their onset it begins to decrease to normal indicators. If the dynamics have changed and there is no decrease, then pregnancy is likely - while the baby is pregnant, the basal temperature does not drop.

Minor bleeding

Even minor bleeding causes concern among women and this is not surprising, since they can also occur as a symptom of the disease. However, there are phenomena that are absolutely normal and typical for a pregnant woman. Experts call implantation bleeding one of the first signs of pregnancy before a missed period. This happens at the moment when the fertilized egg is implanted into the lining of the woman’s uterus (fixed). It is known that the lining of the uterus is well supplied with blood due to the developed vascular network, and during the implantation of the egg, trauma to the vessel may occur, which ends slight release blood. Usually the stage coincides with the time when a new menstrual cycle is scheduled to begin, for this reason it is often confused with regular periods, especially if they are already light. If you carefully monitor your condition, you can note the differences between this type of bleeding and menstruation:

  • short duration - usually no more than two days;
  • small volumes of blood released, it is red or pinkish, does not contain tissue fragments;
    no cramping pain;
  • There is no increase in bleeding.

When pregnancy occurs (sometimes several times during it), the so-called breakthrough bleeding. This is the result of change hormonal levels, but this reaction does not happen to everyone. The phenomenon differs from menstruation in the small volume secreted and shorter duration.


Due to changes in the level of progesterone in the body and an increase in temperature indicators in the first days of pregnancy, signs similar to the beginning may appear colds. Malaise can manifest itself as headaches, dizziness, weakness, increased fatigue and drowsiness. There are situations when a woman, after conception, due to such transformations, decreases the level of immune defense and develops a sore throat or runny nose.

This sign alone cannot be reliable for determining pregnancy, since a state of malaise occurs with various diseases and disorders in the functioning of the body.

Increased breast sensitivity

A breast reaction occurs almost immediately after egg implantation, and changes affect both the breasts themselves and the nipples in particular. Of course, there won’t be a big change in size right away, but it may swell a little already in the first week. The breasts may feel unusually tight or tender to the slightest touch.

The sensitivity of the nipples increases, so much so that touching can provoke severe irritation in a woman due to the intensity of sensations. Changes in the color of the halos are noted. It is worth mentioning Montgomery tubercles - these are small rudimentary glands that women notice on the nipple halos and sometimes think that this is a rash. Their presence is normal and can be quite noticeable in ordinary life, but with the onset of pregnancy they usually become more obvious and pronounced - this sign is one of the first, indicating the fixation of a fertilized egg.

Feelings of fullness in the lower abdomen

At first, blood begins to actively flow to the uterus and it increases in size. Against this background, heaviness and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen are formed, which is considered one of the signs of pregnancy. Separately, it is worth noting the extremely unpleasant aspect of this phenomenon - hemorrhoids may appear. In primigravidas, the complication most often occurs in the second half of pregnancy, when the enlargement of the uterus is already significant, but with repeated conceptions a similar “ by-effect"can make itself known at the earliest possible date.

Aversion to smells

One of the first signs of conception is an aversion to smells, and in the early stages this manifestation occurs in every second woman. This happens due to changes that affect the central nervous system future mother. Usually, olfactory discomfort is combined with excessive salivation, changes in taste sensations and nausea.

Drowsiness, fatigue and absent-mindedness

When carrying a child, a woman’s body is rebuilt in such a way that all its forces go towards the development of the fetus. The baby becomes a priority task, compared to which others may lose their significance and importance.

Of great importance in this process is the high production of progesterone, which has a suppressive effect on mental processes. Against this background, a pregnant woman becomes drowsy and forgetful, and fatigue and weakness appear. You should not worry too much about this, this will not continue for the entire 40 weeks, since after two and a half months the placenta will begin to actively produce its own hormones, estrogen levels will increase and drowsiness will go away, replaced by activity and vigor. This symptom will help you understand that the girl is pregnant.


Vaginal discharge - normal phenomenon For female body, their type and intensity varies depending on the state of health, the current phase of the cycle and general situation. But such a typical phenomenon can also become a signal that a problem has arisen in the body. new life. This often happens from the first days - the discharge is transparent, not too thick and without any distinct odor. A discharge similar to menstruation may also appear - this is implantation bleeding.


Every second person suffers from toxicosis in the early stages future mom, and some consider this process normal, although in fact it is a dangerous process that can disrupt the normal laying of all important organs and baby systems. In medicine under early toxicosis imply not only profuse salivation, nausea and vomiting, but also a number of other serious symptoms: skin manifestations, convulsions, jaundice, bronchial asthma pregnant women, etc.

Exact reasons this phenomenon not established, but there are several hypotheses. No one is immune from toxicosis, but experts identify a number of factors whose owners are more at risk of developing such a process when carrying a baby:

  • frequent stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • asthenic body type;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • history of abortion;
  • problems with the liver and thyroid gland.

Frequent urination

If trips to the toilet become more frequent (this can be especially noticeable at night, when you have to get up several times a night to pee), and there are no unpleasant sensations (pain, stinging, etc.), then this may indicate pregnancy. . The phenomenon is explained hormonal changes. Due to the restructuring, at first more blood begins to flow to the uterus, and blood vessels fill, causing temporary changes in the functioning of the bladder and kidneys. You should not immediately take any medications if you suspect an illness, since very often such a manifestation indicates the birth of a new life.

Could thrush mean something?

Considering thrush as a sign of pregnancy is a questionable method, but in some cases such a relationship is true. It is worth understanding that thrush is caused by fungi, not pregnancy. Dependency arises from next reason: blood supply to the small pelvis begins to increase from the first days of implantation of the egg, which is why the amount of secretions increases, aimed at protecting the body from the mother from harmful microorganisms. The growth of the amount of the hormone estrogen begins to activate, which changes the microflora of the vagina and together creates favorable conditions for the growth of candida fungi. If this happens, the discharge acquires a cheesy consistency and specific smell, which irritates the mucous membrane and causes itching. Thrush cannot be called a sign of pregnancy, but often it is against the background of conception that this disease begins to develop.

Folk signs

Some trust folk signs– those patterns that do not have a medical basis, but have been identified from the experience of generations. You shouldn’t rely on them completely, because there are simpler and precise methods diagnosing conception at home. At least reliable traditional methods cannot be named, some may coincide with reality:

  • a dream in which a fish or watermelon was present may be a signal of conception;
  • mixing urine with a drop of iodine - if it dissolves, then pregnancy has occurred;
  • increased sexual desire;
  • you need to pour soda into a small amount of urine - the formation of bubbles is a sign of a positive response;
  • You need to lie on your back and put about 8 centimeters down from the navel. If a pulsation is felt in this place, then conception has occurred;
  • some people simply guess whether they are pregnant or not, and plant two identical onions in glasses. The one whose feathers grow faster will be the answer.

Early ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy - dangerous condition, when the fertilized egg does not reach the uterus and is fixed outside its cavity. The condition does not always have specific symptoms and can manifest itself in critical conditions. The most typical symptom of the disorder is pain, which is often localized only on one side of the abdomen (where the egg is implanted). Unpleasant sensations worsen during walking and when turning the body. In the early stages there may appear