Oleg PankovSight treatment with stones and their light spectrum. Unique exercises according to the method of Professor Oleg Pankov. Ray V. Concrete Knowledge or Science

A beam like an emerald, The key of golden happiness - I will still get it, My green weak beam ... N. Zabolotsky

I bet that each of us has repeatedly seen the red sky at sunset. Its characteristic color is due to refraction and scattering sunlight in the Earth's atmosphere. However, few people have ever seen such an amazing sight - green sunset. This natural event can be observed when the horizon is far away and the air is crystal clear. In most cases, the green beam can be seen only for a moment above the water surface of the sea or ocean, and only sometimes - in the mountains. His appearance in middle lane Ukraine is an extremely rare event and is possible only with successful combination many favorable factors. The author of this photo managed to observe and photograph the green beam.

Basically, the lucky ones who had the opportunity to see this are sailors. They believe that his appearance - good omen, a sign of a successful completion of the journey. People believed that the one who saw the green beam would find his happiness. Bright flashes of blue-green color, at the edge of the Sun, leave indelible impressions and memories for a lifetime.

Skeptics consider the green beam to be fiction or an optical illusion. Some believe that this is the reaction of the human eye, tired of contemplating the sun. It is for the latter that the famous popularizer of science Ya. I. Perelman in his book "Entertaining Physics" not only explains in detail the reason natural phenomenon"green ray", but also cites facts that refute various misconceptions about this. And in our time, when photographic technology makes it possible to capture numerous cases of the appearance of a green beam, doubts seem to have to leave the skeptics.

Causes of this extraordinary spectacle easy to explain based on knowledge gained in high school. It is known that sunlight consists of a set of electromagnetic waves, each of which has its own frequency and length. A wave of a certain frequency is perceived by the human eye as a color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting). Red color has the largest wavelength in this spectrum, which is about 0.7-0.6 micrometers. For green and violet colors, the wavelength is approximately 0.5 and 0.4 micrometers, respectively. Despite these seemingly small differences in wavelength, the rays different color propagate differently in matter, in particular, they have different velocities. The dependence of the speed of light waves in a substance on their length or frequency is a manifestation of a more general dependence of the speed of the response of a substance to the frequency of oscillations of the electric field in a light wave. In physics, this phenomenon is called dispersion. In most substances and environments, including the earth's atmosphere, red light propagates at a higher speed than blue-green. This dependence, called normal dispersion, corresponds to lower refractive indices for red light than for blue-green. Recall that the refractive index is a value showing how much the speed of light in a substance v is less than in vacuum: n = c/v, where c ≈ 3 108 m/s is the speed of light in vacuum.

And if you also know law of refraction of light, everything is generally simple. According to this law, with an oblique incidence of light on the boundary of media with different refractive indices, the light beam deviates from the original direction of propagation, that is, it is refracted. On hit light beam from a region with a smaller value of n, for example, from a vacuum, where n = 1, into a medium with a larger value of n, the angle of refraction is always less than the angle of incidence. Recall that both angles are counted from the normal (perpendicular) to the interface between the regions. Since the refractive indices for waves different lengths differ, then the angles of refraction will be different, namely: red light will be refracted less than green. This, in particular, causes the decomposition white light spectrum when passed through a glass prism. A similar decomposition of sunlight into a spectrum takes place in the Earth's atmosphere. However, it is observed only in individual cases and in special places. So, at sunset or sunrise, its rays, visible to an observer on Earth, fall obliquely from outer space (vacuum). Since the density of the atmosphere increases as you approach the surface of the Earth, the refractive index of light also increases. Light, propagating from space to the earth's surface, is constantly refracted, and therefore decomposed into a spectrum, and, as in a glass prism, the rays of red light are refracted least of all. Although the difference in the refractive indices for red and blue-green light rays in the atmosphere is extremely small, but at large distances (hundreds of kilometers), the effect of their separation is quite observable. This is precisely the reason for the appearance of the green beam. Indeed, while the sun is already actually below the horizon and its red rays pass above the observer, the shorter wavelength green rays, which are more deflected, can be seen. Of course, blue, blue and violet rays, which have an even shorter wavelength, are refracted much more strongly, but it is almost impossible to see them: they are very strongly scattered and absorbed in the earth's atmosphere.

The main obstacle to observing the green beam- scattering on suspended particles of fog, dust, smoke and other terrestrial air pollution, as well as on atmospheric inhomogeneities. In addition, as already mentioned, the length of the path of sunlight from the point of entry into the Earth's atmosphere to the point of observation must be sufficiently long. All these conditions are most easily met when observing a sunset or sunrise over large expanses of water. It is almost impossible to see a green beam in the steppe or in a wooded area. Even understanding everything physical causes and the natural origin of the green ray, it is difficult to get rid of a strong emotional impact. Therefore, like sailors and poets, I would like to believe that the appearance of this miracle of nature will serve as a good omen for the country and the people living in it.

28 Keys to the Subconscious is a book about how to improve your life. To do this, Lyudmila Golubovskaya identified 28 different topics in the subconscious. Each topic is a significant part of a person's life. In the book, these 28 topics are divided into four groups by levels: the first level is "Energy", the second level is "Material life", the third level is "Relationships", the fourth is "Abilities". The first level is "Energy" in various qualities: Strength, Love, Work, Beauty, Knowledge, Ideal and Law. The second level, "Material Life": Food, House, Things, Money, Sex, Body and Life. The third level is "Relationships" with other people: Friends, Lovers, Family, Image, Duty, Career and Freedom. The fourth level, "Abilities" and spiritual qualities: the ability to build one's Destiny, Talent, Mind, Morality, Spirituality, Result and the ability to Procreate. The book provides a large number of examples of how positive and negative events are created from different topics subconscious. For all 28 topics, affirmations are given and special exercises that will help the reader to create only positive events.

A series: New consciousness

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The following excerpt from the book 28 keys to the subconscious (L. T. Golubovskaya, 2015) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Human energies - 7 Rays

The World Mountain has seven great mountains, and the Sun has Seven Rays.

From Hinduism

Every person living on Earth has some energies, powers and abilities. And although he considers them personally his own, any powers and abilities come from the Cosmos. We all receive these energies, Cosmic Rays, together with the rays of the sun.

That is, if a person possesses the Force, then he is a conductor of the Force coming from the Cosmos, and we can say that he is a man of the First Ray of Force. If a person is loving, then he can be characterized as a person of the Second Ray-Wisdom. If the person is active good worker, then he belongs to the Third Ray of Activity, if he is beautiful or musical, or an artist, then he belongs to the Fourth Ray of Harmony, and so on. We will now briefly consider the Cosmic Rays and what qualities they give to people.

The first Ray of Strength, Will, Power is "Will-Be".

The energy of the First Ray of Will is the energy of life itself. The achievements of the first ray man are due to the powers of intense concentration and the ultimate total aspiration, which enables these people to sweep away all obstacles. First Ray people have some kind of power: physical or material power, mental power, will power, or spirit power. Rulers, big executives, financiers, all belong to the First Ray.

"The special virtues of the First Ray are: strength, courage, fortitude, truthfulness resulting from absolute fearlessness, the ability to govern, the ability to delve into complex problems ... the ability to attract people and take appropriate measures"(A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. 1).

The second Ray of Love-Wisdom is the Force of Attraction.

Love exists for the sake of opening consciousness and advancing along the path of evolution. The worldview of past romantic eras, representing love as a feeling, distorted the meaning of love. However, in our new age of Aquarius, we are returning to the true meaning of love: love-feeling turns into Love-Wisdom.

"Special Benefits(2nd Ray person): Calmness, strength, patience and endurance, love of truth, fidelity, intuition, clear mind and serene disposition... On the second ray, a person is tactful and prudent, he makes an excellent ambassador, a first-class teacher or head of a college... Literary works on the Second Ray are always instructive."(A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. 1)

The third Ray of Active Mind is Action, Activity, Cognition.

The third ray type of people is widespread, especially in our time, its main quality is intelligent activity: “It is precisely ... that man manifests intellect in his mastery of the forces of nature; from the invention of the first tools to ... achievements(technical) progress…” (R. Assagioli, "Seven Personality Types").

"Special virtues of the third ray: broad understanding of all abstract matters, sincere purpose, clear intellect, ability to concentrate on philosophic teachings, patience, caution..."(A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology).

People Third Ray more practical than people on the First and Second Rays, they know how to handle matter, effectively extracting from it what they need right now.

For example, if one continues to compare how people on the first, second, and third rays achieve the desired result, it will be seen that their methods differ greatly. The First Ray literally breaks through obstacles, but most often "creating a rough 'hole' in the 'wall' he was punching". A person of the Second Ray, when he wants to realize something practically, does not immediately understand what exactly he needs, and therefore beret “a bunch of small things” for himself, and then he calmly studies everything, uses what he needs, and distributes the rest to others. The third ray man has a "scent" and manages to find exactly what he needs very quickly. At the same time, he has a “minimum” of waste: both the “wall” is intact, and there is no “heap” that he does not need.

The fourth Ray of Harmony-through-conflict is the struggle for beauty.

The method of human development of the Fourth Ray of Harmony is the desire to find and embody beauty and harmony in everything that exists on Earth.

"Special Benefits: strong affection, sympathy, physical courage, generosity, devotion, quickness of mind and perception "

All the Muses are on this Ray, everything beautiful, everything proportionate, proportional, everything corresponding to each other, as well as friendship, good relations. Fourth Ray people are artistic people, and Fourth Ray animals (eg cats, fallow deer) are beautiful and graceful. In the plant world, the fourth ray includes flowers.

The fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge is the Ray of Science.

The fifth ray gives scientific workers of all ranks, "technicians" and inventors. If a person is at a high stage of development, then we have a brilliant scientist, an advanced mind of mankind.

“The person on this ray has a sharp intellect, is very precise in details, and tirelessly tries to get to the bottom of the cause of the smallest fact and test any theory. He, as a rule, is exceptionally sincere, intelligibly explains ...

Special qualities: impeccably precise wording, fairness, perseverance, common sense honesty, independence…”(Ibid.).

The sixth Ray of Idealism or Devotion is service and dedication to the ideal.

The Age of Pisces, which ended with the second millennium of our Era, was precisely the age of the Sixth Ray of Idealism. This Ray as a whole is characterized by maximalism, rigidity along with passion, as well as total dedication of oneself to one single goal, to one's ideal.

The man on this Ray loves the ideal most of all. Having set an ideal for himself, he refuses to see what the state of things really is. He serves his ideal sincerely, but fanatically: “Everything in his eyes is either perfect or unacceptable, his friends are angels, his enemies are demons. A sixth ray man is absolutely required to worship some personal God. The best representatives of this Ray become saints, the worst - fanatics or fanatics ...

Special virtues of the sixth ray: devotion, straightforwardness, love, sensitivity, intuition, fidelity, respect. (A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology).

The Seventh Ray of the Ritual, or Cosmic Law It is action according to law, order, rule.

The present age, that which has now begun, is called the Age of Aquarius, and is the Age of the Seventh Ray.

The seventh ray teaches man how to be efficient in matter and how to achieve a goal using the laws of nature. He reveals to us the work of the hierarchical levels of being, the algorithms and technologies of how any business should be performed.

"Special Virtues: Strength, perseverance, courage, courtesy, exceptional attention to detail, self-confidence"(A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology).

These four Rays - the Fourth Ray of Harmony, the Fifth Ray of Knowledge, the Sixth Ray of the Ideal, and the Seventh Ray of Ritual - differ in their methods of achieving what is desired.

Man of the Fourth Ray craves more than anything else harmony and beauty, but in search of them he rushes about and rushes to extremes.. Having met with something attractive new, it seems to him that it was here that he found harmony. Then he applies all his enthusiasm to this sphere. However, later he cools down and begins (oddly enough) - to love the opposite, denying what he loved before. But his new addiction soon bores him too, and he "rushes" to something even newer and more attractive. These throwings greatly complicate his life, cause tension and suffering. However, swinging between opposites, he nevertheless begins to see harmony in balance and achieves it.

Man of the Fifth Ray of Knowledge most of all appreciates the understanding of the laws of nature and "how things happen." With his inquisitive mind, he penetrates the very essence of things and, having learned the objective laws, successfully applies them in practice .

Man of the Sixth Ray of the Ideal prefers to learn by simply serving his Ideal. Most of all he loves perfection and, having found for himself the ideal object of love - a person or an idea, begins to serve him faithfully , copying it, and at the same time jealously trying to appropriate his ideal only to himself. Passionate love for the ideal allows a person to make a breakthrough and achieve what he wants.

Man of the Seventh Ray of Ritual or Law , prefers achieve practical results using rituals, ceremonies, algorithms. He arranges circumstances and organizes other people to achieve his goals.. As a result of long, persistent and scrupulous efforts, he succeeds.

We see that the Rays give us abilities, energies and strengths, they impel us to a certain mode of activity and bring the desired results. But not only... The rays, as they manifest themselves on Earth in our time, give people characteristic flaws. The rays are like powerful energy installations, such that if they are used incorrectly, they can become destructive. So far, we are still like small children, in whose hands powerful and complex mechanisms have fallen. So we extract from these energy mechanisms, unfortunately, the bad along with the good.

It is important for us to study the rules for dealing with Cosmic Rays in order to use them for good.

First Ray: Strength, Will, Power

Greatness lies ... in the right use of one's power.

Henry Ward Beecher

In this chapter we will consider what negative qualities the First Ray of Power can give a person, and how to help ourselves cope with the negative tendencies of this Ray.

The most important imperfection of the First Ray is in the erroneous direction of force. , or in its excessive application. It is also self-will, rigidity, aimless destruction, pride, ambition, ruthlessness, arrogance, the desire to control others, stubbornness and a tendency to get angry. "People on the First Ray can easily get into quarrels and conflicts, as well as put others down." (A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, vol. 1).

Many errors related to FORCE are caused by the fact that people try to use as FORCE, the First Ray, namely, strong-willed, dominant, breaking through obstacles, electric Divine Energy - other energies, other Rays, endowed with completely different qualities. Then there is a distorted flow of energy or the Beam is blocked.

Power is NOT Love

Some people try to use love instead of force. That is, to achieve what you want, using ... love. Such an erroneous opinion can be unsafe for health. Examining the test of a person who has a bad heart, I write in the comments: (27 people out of 100 tested have such an opinion).

The energies of the Age of Aquarius cause illness and problems in those people who try to manipulate the energies of love and use them instead of power. In this regard, erroneous statements from some books are recalled, for example, these: “Love is Power… it is not a word or just a feeling. It's a source of energy... You can call on, turn it on, turn it off... focus it for many uses. She will never let you down. This is the promise of the universe!”

But this is a gross mistake! Love is the magnetic impulse that makes you sacrifice yourself for those you love, the way that life and evolution go on. Love is an outpouring of life for the benefit of others, it is selfless feelings and actions, and by no means a "chip" of the Universe given to us to achieve our goals, which supposedly can be "summon, turn on, turn off, focus for multiple uses."

By examining people's tests, I analyze their mistakes in detail and show what exactly happens in their lives as a result of these mistakes. For example:

". In fact, the main force in life is the First Ray of Strength, Will and Power.

Another person is sure that his love for someone gives him the right to interfere in the life of another and command in it. But:

One woman who has too much idealization of "strength as love" has a serious illness. She tries to solve all her questions by starting to love the person who, in her opinion, should help her as much as possible. Another woman, who has the same desire to use love as power, has pain in her eyes. For other people, the power is blocked, blocked due to attempts to achieve their goals through love:

Another mistake in the perception of power is that someone considers love for their family members to be the main force:

One is very good man, trying to love everyone, but experiencing strong aggression if he is personally not loved, I write:

We replace pity for the weak with an understanding of the cause of weakness and the right help

Someone has an erroneous attitude towards strength, and someone has an erroneous attitude towards weakness, for example, "pity for the weak."

(comment in the man's test).

(from the test of a woman

It would seem that what could be more natural than pity for the weak. However, pity is a distorted flow of the energy of love. Some even learned to use the fact that some people pity the weak, and began to “pretend” to be weak, poor, sick and unhappy, so that they would take pity on him, so that they would give him everything and solve for him those problems that he must solve himself.

It would be wise to understand the reason for the weakness of the other and to provide the appropriate help for the occasion, which is required by the "weak" from the Highest point of view. For example, to teach him to become stronger, to help him develop his own strength. There are cases of illness, accidents, disability or old age, but even here you need to help wisely. I know some people with disabilities who “carry their disability like a flag” and demand as much as possible from those around them.

We remove contempt for the weak, so as NOT to "compete" with God

Just like pity, contempt for weakness (one's own or another person's) always only increases weakness.

This view of weakness, like other deviations in regard to weakness, can cause serious illness:

Surprisingly wide range of possible negative consequences because of excessive attention to weakness:

Of the one hundred tested, 29 people were found to have contempt for the weak.

Also, many people tend to experience the fear of weakness, but it leads to bad consequences.

Why should you NOT be afraid of weakness? Because we are only modest conductors of any strength, and therefore, if a state of weakness has come, it has some meaning, a Higher Meaning. Weakness, of course, should be tried to overcome, but there should NOT be protest or fear of weakness inside us. Studying the test of a person with spinal disease, I clearly see that the cause of his disease is the fear of weakness. And this fear of imaginary weakness manifested itself in him in the form of a real weakness caused by illness.

FORCE is stronger than ACTION because it is the Will of God

Do you agree with me that many people act, work, fuss, but their vigorous activity is either not effective or gives a tiny result: "The mountain gave birth to a mouse", - or even turns out to be harmful and interfering.

This is very characteristic of attempts to replace the First Ray of FORCE with constant activity oriented towards unimportant goals (or in general in the wrong direction). Then a person has problems that such valuable for him (but absolutely not significant for evolution) results of his ebullient activity “crumble”, he loses his strength and can no longer “spin like clockwork”.

End of introductory segment.

17. Correspondence of 7 Rays to 7 colors

The three main rays 1 (Will), 2 (Love) And 3 (Active Intelligence) correspond to the three primary colors that exist in the universe - red, yellow and blue. As you know, all existing elementary particles (souls) are characterized by one of these three colors, which indicates the amount of ether created per unit of time (the speed of creation).

Beam 1 corresponds to red, Beam 2 to yellow, Beam 3 to blue.

In addition to the three main beams, there are 4 additional ones. All four are synthetic. Moreover, three of them consist of two colors (Rays), and the fourth - of all six - three main and three additional.

5 Ray (Concrete Knowledge or Science) corresponds to green. It consists of 2 and 3 Rays, of yellow and blue.

6 Ray (Devotion or Idealism) - orange.

It consists of yellow and red flowers, of 2 and 1 Rays.

Ray 7 (Order and Ceremonial Magic) - violet. It consists of red and blue colors, from 1 and 3 Rays.

Ray 4 (Harmony through conflict - synthetic, it is a spectrum, a synthesis of all six colors.

Composed of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet colors, which are none other than 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 Rays.

Moreover, in the 7th Ray, the Rays-colors that make it up do not mix, each retains its individuality.

Quote from "Esoteric Psychology, Volume 1 by Alice Bailey:

A. Three Ray-Aspects

Let us now show how the ray aims were formulated by the ancient teaching preserved on sheets so decrepit that what is written is gradually disappearing. Unfortunately, when translated into modern language, much is lost.

The first purpose of the Deity

Ray I. Will or Power.

The rays of the central sacred sun cover the form, within which a point of power burns, not yet vibrating, but shining like an electric light.

With her burning rays, she burns all forms, but does not affect the life of the incarnate God.

From the septenary One comes the word. It rolls along the line of fiery essences, and when its sound is heard in the circle of human lives, this word takes the form of an affirmation, an uttered decree or a word of power. So the thought of ... (the secret, inexpressible name of the Ray) is imprinted on a living foundation.

Let the dynamic power, electric light, open the past, destroy the existing form and open the golden door. Behind this door lies a path leading to the center where dwells one whose name cannot be heard within our solar sphere.

His blue clothes hide its eternal purpose, and the sun that rises and sets marks its crimson path.

His word is full of power, his light is electricity itself, lightning is his symbol, his will is hidden in the intention of his thought. Nothing is open.

But its power is felt. Responding to it, the sons of men send a question to all corners of the world:

Why this blind force? Why death? Why destruction of forms? Why reject the holding force? Why death, O Mighty Son of God?

The answer is barely audible: “I hold the keys of life and death. I bind and release again. I, the Destroyer, am."

This ray Lord has not yet reached full expression and makes itself known only at the moments of destruction and completion of cycles. The number of Monads of power is much less than that of any other Lord. The egos on the Ray of Power are relatively not so few. They are characterized by a dynamic will, and their power in the human family is revealed as a force of destruction, but in the end such destruction leads to liberation. As we study the Egos and First Ray personalities we will see that their work is always accompanied by death and destruction, which explains the apparent cruelty and impersonality of their reactions. Form means nothing to representatives of the first ray. Their energy brings death to it, starting large periods of cyclical pralaya. The first ray governs the drama of death in all realms - the destruction of forms, releasing power and allowing "to enter into the Light through the gates of Death." It is the intention of the Lord of the First Ray, standing behind His six Brothers, after They have achieved Their purpose, to destroy the forms They have built. He does this by channeling His power through Their bodies. As a result of the joint effort of the Brothers, there is a removal and a return to the center from which he came. initial impulse. So the purpose of the First Ray is to bring death. An idea of ​​this purpose can be gained by studying some of the names given to the Lord of this Ray:

Lord of Death

Door opener

Liberator from the Form

Great Initiator of Removal

Destructive Fire Element

Mold Mold

Power that touches and removes

Lord of the Burning Ground

Will breaking into the Garden

Soul Reaver

Finger of God

Crushing Breath

Striking Lightning


An idea of ​​the qualities and characteristics of this liberating Lord can be obtained from the following six aphorisms. With them, according to an ancient legend, six of His Brothers turned to Him, asking Him to hold His right hand, so that They could complete the implementation of Their goals:

1. Kill desire when it has done its work. You are the one who points to fulfillment.

Quality. . clear vision.

2. Soften, O Lord of Might. Wait for your brother on the path of Love. He builds forms that can withstand your might.

Quality. . dynamic power.

3. Hold your right hand until the time. Then grant death, O Opener of the Door.

Quality. . sense of time.

4. Do not strive for loneliness, but join the multitude. You are One, Separate. Come out to what is yours.

Quality. .privacy.

5. Lead what is yours, but learn to know it. Do not indulge in hatred of attachment, but see its plan and purpose.

Quality. .detachment.

6. Life pulses through you, a rhythm is imposed. Life is everything. Love life in all its forms.

Quality. . unity of purpose.

These six qualities express the power of this ray as it manifests itself in the fourth kingdom in nature. In other kingdoms, it works differently, but we are interested in humanity. The purpose of the First Ray, its the main task- the cessation of activity and death of all forms in all kingdoms of nature on all planes. The energy of this ray Lord brings death to the ant and the solar system, organization, religion and government, racial type and planet. His will or purpose works according to the law of periodicity.

Second Deity Purpose

Ray II. Love-Wisdom

From the heart of God, from the central point of love, comes the Word. This Word is love itself. The whole life of love is marked by divine desire. In the human hierarchy, affirmation contains power and sound.

In the beginning was the Word. The Word was and is with God. There was light in God. There was life in Him. In His light we move.

Its symbol is thunder, the Word that resounds cyclically through the ages.

Here are some of the names of the Lord of this Ray, giving an idea of ​​His purpose:

Showing Glory

Lord of Eternal Love

Space Magnet

Bestower of Wisdom

Radiance in Shape

Master Builder

Giver of Names

Great Geometer

The One Who Covers Life

Space Mystery

Bringer of Light

Son of God Incarnate

Cosmic Christ

According to legend, the six Brothers reveal His qualities in the following aphorisms:

1. Speak the Word and speak the radiant love of God. Let all people hear.

Quality………………………….. divine love.

2. Let the glory of the Lord shine. Let light and love radiate.

Quality………………………….. radiation.

3. Draw to yourself the object of your search. Bring out into the light of day from the darkness of time the one you love.

Quality………………………….. attraction.

4. When light and love emerge, let the inner strength create the perfect flower. Let the word that heals the form sound. This is the secret word which must then be revealed.

Quality………………………….. ability to save.

5. Salvation, light and love, and the magnetic power of God give birth to the word of wisdom. Speak it and lead the sons of men from the path of knowledge to the path of understanding.

Quality………………………….. wisdom.

6. Within the limits of the love of God, in the circle of the solar system, all forms, all souls, all lives revolve. May every son of God be imbued with this wisdom. Reveal to everyone the Unity of many lives.

Quality………………………….. expansion or containment.

The third ray, which has a very long cycle, having been in manifestation since 1425, has a direct effect on the fifth, Aryan, root race. Its purpose is formulated in the following curious expressions.

The Third Deity Purpose

Ray III. Active Intelligence or Adaptability

May the Ruler of the South continue building. Let him apply a force that will create a luminous living stone, exactly corresponding to the plan of the temple. Let him prepare the cornerstone and set it wisely in the north, under the eye of God Himself, without disturbing the balance of the triangle.

May the Investigator of the past reveal the thought of God hidden deep in the mind of the Kumar of Love, and thus bring the Agnishvattas who are waiting in the place of darkness into the place of light.

Let the Keeper of Sparks fan the points of fire with his divine breath. Let it ignite what is hidden, what is invisible, and thus illumine all spheres where God works.

I want to point out that here I can only put into words certain ancient symbols, and thereby designate the process (used by the early master-initiates) of uttering a word or sound, creating a symbolic form, which in turn can be translated into words. The latter require, again, intuitive comprehension and adaptation to individual needs for implementation in the practice of life. Otherwise these ancient interesting ideas, these names-interpretations, these aphorisms that convey the "power of qualities" are more than useless and only increase responsibility. The ability to identify objective meanings and use them in life is a sign of true esoteric flair. A careful study of the tables and phrases given will enable the student to receive indications of his individual Ray, of his own life tendencies and goals. If the information given about a particular ray awakens the student's intuitive understanding, allowing him to better know himself, to identify his ray energy and aspects of his innermost spiritual nature, which he longs to reveal, then my statements about the Purpose, Name and Quality are really valuable and useful.

Here are some of the names of the Lord of the Third Ray indicating the power He uses and His real nature.

Record Keeper

Lord of Memory

Unifier of the Lower Four

Interpreter of what is visible

Lord of Balance

Divine Divider

Distinguishing Essential Life

The One Who Creates the Union

Trilateral Triangle

Illuminator Lotus

Foundation Builder

Harbinger of Light

He who hides and yet reveals

Ruler of Time

Lord of Space

Universal Mind

Trinity Wick

Great Architect of the Universe

and many others, showing a connection with light, time, space, manifested by the Logos, matter and "the power that awakens the form."

When you read these names from the standpoint of modern achievements, contemporary culture and science, it becomes clear how powerful and influential this particular ray Life is in our day, and how directly Its energies (which created the objective material worlds) condition our modern civilization with its material bias, the study of the nature of time and space, and that mental opening, which is determined to demonstrate our race and is its glory.

Below are phrases that describe the qualities that characterize this ray Lord. It must be borne in mind that the seventh or synthetic characteristic of each ray is reflected in the very name of the ray and is not listed as such among the other six qualities. His six Brothers, Sons of one Father, sang these instructions to Him on the day of His resumption of His activity (on the so-called day of creation).

1. Create dual form and hide life. Let the form appear and prove its divinity. Everything is from God.

Quality………………………….. ability to manifest.

2. Make the shell match what's inside. Let the world egg appear. Let the centuries pass and then the soul will appear. And let life come through at the appointed time.

Quality………………………….. ability to develop.

3. Let the mind rule. May the bright radiance of the sun of life open the mind of God and guide the one who shines on the path. And lead him to that central point where everything is lost in the light of heaven.

Quality………………………….. mental enlightenment.

4. God and His form are one. Reveal this fact, O supreme Lord of form. God and His form are one. Reject the thought of duality. Color the shape. Life is one; harmony is perfect. Prove that both are one.

Quality………………………….. the ability to produce synthesis on the physical plane.

5. Make the garment of the Lord; let that outfit be multi-colored. Then separate the dress from the One who lurks under its many folds. Throw off the veiling sheaths. Let God be seen. Take Christ down from the cross.

Quality………………………….. scientific research.

6. Let two paths converge. Balance the pairs of opposites and let the path between both be marked. God, the Way and man are one.

Quality………………………….. balance.

Thus, obeying the divine will, the three main Rays perform the process of creation and energization. The work of the four lesser rays (this name by no means implies the superiority of some rays over others) consists in the development or differentiation of the qualities of life, for which an infinite number of forms are produced, which will become the centers of life, expressing - in the course of evolutionary manifestation - its many properties.

B. Four Attribute Rays

The Fourth Purpose of Deity

Ray IV. Harmony, Beauty, Art

The color is there, and yet the color is not visible now. At the infinite point of stillness, sound and the Silent meet. Time and the Timeless One reject people's thoughts. But there is no time.

The form is there, and yet the psychic sense reveals that which the form is powerless to conceal—an inner synthesis, an all-encompassing prism, a point of unity which, when properly attained, reveals the next point where all three, not just two, are one.

Form merges with soul. And the inner vision observes the merging; it knows the divine connection and sees the two as one. But at this point of high attainment, an even higher vision flashes before the opened inner eye. Three, not just two, are one. Go on, O wanderer, along the Path.

In reading these lines, the student should bear in mind that the portal is already behind and man (if he has allowed the Fourth Ray to do its work and can therefore function on the fourth or buddhic plane) is standing in the temple of the Lord. He found a certain degree of light, but in this light he now sees another light and sees a greater revelation and splendor. And now they become the object of his quest. He knew everything that duality can give, and managed to unite the soul and body into a single instrument of the spirit. Then he moves on his way to achieve greater synthesis.

The Lord of the Fourth Ray has many names that require careful study and reflection. In less than a hundred years, the influence of this Lord of harmonizing power will increase and neutralize some of the destructive influences of Saturn in the first decanate of Aquarius. In the meantime, the study of His names will simplify His efforts and build a body of constructive thought that will facilitate His work when His active manifestation begins again. However, His power is always more or less felt in the human family due to the numerological connection between the Fourth Ray, the Fourth Creative Hierarchy or human monads, and the fourth kingdom in nature. Therefore, His influence is always present.

Comprehending on the Way

Link between Three and Three

Divine Mediator

Hand of God


The seed that is the flower

The mountain where Form dies

Light in Light

Shape Corrector

He Who marks the fork of the Path

Inhabitant of the Holy Place

He Who is below the Three, but the Highest of the Four

Trumpet of the Lord

The aphorisms associated with the Fourth Ray are not easy to understand. They require intuitive effort and are conveyed by six short, very laconic commands, uttered (curiously enough) at the end of the creative period, at the time when the incarnation of the Fourth Creative Hierarchy began.

1. Speak the Word on a low note. Speak low.

Quality………………………….. the ability to penetrate the depths of matter.

2. Raise desire. Give the seeker what he needs.

Quality………………………….. dual aspects of desire.

3. Lower the thread. Open the Way. Connect man with God. Get up.

Quality………………………….. ability to open the way.

4. All flowers belong to you. Dip the roots in the dirt, turn the flowers to the sun. Prove that mud and sun, roots and flowers are one.

Quality... the ability to express the divine. Height.

5. Circle, come back and circle again. Revolve in the realm of Heaven. Prove that everything is one.

Quality… harmony of spheres.

6. Bloom sounds. Sound out the colors. Generate notes and watch them enter the shadows, which in turn make sounds. So everything is seen as one.

Quality… a synthesis of true beauty.

It is still impossible to comprehend the full depth of the teaching about the Rays. The best approach to it is systematic careful study and prudent refraining from jumping to conclusions. On this initial stage it is impossible to immediately proceed to concrete psychological applications of this teaching for people. First you need to give a general outline, outline ideas, introduce into the mind of the reader a few basic concepts and try to put this deepest and most difficult subject in such a form as to establish a new rhythm of thinking, help to capture a number of new understandings and fix them. The latter relate at this stage of study to the prototypical cosmic process and will eventually make it possible to understand the role of the individual in the gigantic cosmic whole. We always start from the universal and come to the particular; this is the true occult method.

However, everything that I communicate about ray Life is quite applicable to human life. But it must be remembered that a pure ray type does not yet exist, since there is neither a perfect form, mechanism, or expression of a ray quality, nor an absolutely pure phenomenon in the human family, with the exception of such rare examples as Buddha or Christ, or (in a different area of ​​expression ) Alexander or Julius Caesar. The same can be said about Leonardo da Vinci. The rays are associated with energy and consciousness and determine the expression, but where the matter used and the saturating vehicle are not sufficiently developed, restrictions arise and an automatic “shutdown” occurs. a large number energy. The action of the ray force through imperfect forms will necessarily be distorted, defective and misdirected. Let me explain. As I have said, the energy of the First Ray causes the destruction of forms. It must be remembered that, fortunately for humanity, there have not yet been pure destroyers. It is very good that the first ray ego is still so limited by the nature of form and the quality of that nature of form that it is unable to find an adequate or intelligent application of its destructive power. You are well aware that the action of the first ray personalities is often destructive, but they do not have enough energy to do much harm. Again, cannot be expressed today pure love because its flow is hindered by the nature of the form. Considering both examples will help the reader to appreciate the situation. However, the time is approaching for a fuller expression of a ray purpose, type, or quality, and consequently for a truer manifestation.

This will happen due to the imminent appearance, or manifestation, of the great Lives Who will embody the energies of the Second, Third, Fifth and Seventh rays. They form the focal points for the influx of these four types of divine energy, which will serve as the most important stimulating factor for the life units corresponding to them and responding to them. These four Beings, Who will appear in the modern world as human beings, can be expected towards the end of this century, and Their combined effort will initiate the New Age and herald the period that will go down in history as the time of glory of the fifth root race. Each of these four Teachers - and these will be just the Teachers - is subjectively also the focal point of the triple influx of energy from that center in the Body of God, which is symbolically called the "Heart of the Sun". For each Ray, in turn, is a manifestation of a threefold essence, like the solar Deity Itself. Love will be their prominent characteristic, and through this attractive magnetic force new forms will arise which will enable the manifestation of purer ray types, and hence the formation of more adequate phenomena. The presence in the modern world of a huge amount of destructive energy is explained by the presence on the astral plane of the disciple of the planetary Logos, who is on the First Ray. His task is to clear the way for the manifestation of the other four main Disciples, who are primarily Builders. They will take up Their work after the task of the form breakers is completed.

I would like to make one remark to explain some of the Hierarchy's methods. The work of what in the West is called the "Christ Principle" is to build forms to express quality and life. This is the characteristic task of the second aspect of the deity. The work of the Antichrist is to destroy forms, which is essentially the task of the first expression of divinity. But the actions of the destroyer are not black magic, and if mankind ignorantly believes that the Antichrist is working for dark side, then it is deeply mistaken. His work is just as beneficent as that of the building aspect, and it is only because of the hatred of the death of forms that man considers the work of the destroyer to be "dark", directed against the divine will and undermining the divine program. The work of the representatives of that mysterious force that we call cosmic evil and their executors really deserves the name "dark", but it has nothing to do with the work of the Antichrist. It should also be added that the work of the dark forces is controlled from below, while the work of the destroyers is initiated from above. The symbols of both paths are the sword and the cross.

After these introductory remarks, intended to show the significance of the subject, it is possible to pass on to the analysis of the other three rays.

The Fifth Deity Purpose

Ray V. Concrete Knowledge or Science

Thunder rolls shake the mountaintop, and storm clouds hide the form. Evaporation of the water sphere distorts the miraculous… in a secret place. There is a form, and its note sounds.

A beam of light illuminates the form, and what was hidden becomes apparent. Knowledge about God, about how He hides Himself, finds its completion in the thought of man. Energies and forces receive their secret names, reveal their inner purpose, and everything is seen as a rhythm, as a return to oneself. Now you can read the great scroll. God's purpose and plans are confirmed, and man can read the form.

The plan is taking shape. The plan is the form. Its purpose is the revelation of the mind of God. The past opens the form, and the present indicates the influx of energy.

What is destined to come appears like a cloud that veils the sun. But behind this inevitable cloud lies love, which is on earth and which is in heaven. And it is precisely this - love that renews everything - that must be opened. This is the purpose behind everything he does. great lord Knowledge.

Before listing the names of this great Life, I want to emphasize that the Fifth Ray has a special, unique potential power in relation to the human kingdom. The fact is that the fifth plane of the mind is the main sphere of activity of this Life, and it is on this plane that three aspects of the mind are located:

1. The abstract or higher mind, the embodiment of the higher triad.

2. The concrete or lower mind, the highest aspect of the lower self.

3. The Ego or solar Angel, the pure Son of Mind, Who expresses the intellect both abstractly and concretely, and represents the point of unification.

This Life is now very powerful in connection with the fifth root race and in connection with the transference of the consciousness of humanity into the fifth or spiritual kingdom. Students will be able to understand much by comparing the creative power of the higher mind with the destructive power of the lower mind. Just as the personality, according to the divine plan, has no other purpose than to serve as a channel and medium for the expression of the soul, so the lower mind is assigned the role of a channel for the unhindered flow of the energy of the higher mind.

The fifth Ray is the Being of the most intense spiritual light. By His manifestation on the fifth plane, His own, He symbolizes the three aspects in a way that no other Ray does. By virtue of Its quality of higher mind, this Ray serves as a pure channel for the divine will. With seven groups solar lives manifested on mental levels, He initiated on our planet the functional activity of the seven corresponding reflections of the seven centers of the Deity, which none of His six brother Rays did. This statement means little to you, but the great sacrifice and gigantic effort it required can only be compared with the life of a Buddha, and this is one of the reasons why in our fifth race, love and mind.

Here are some of the names given to the Lord of this Ray:

Discoverer of Truth

Great Connector

Divine Mediator

Mold Mold

Trinity Thinker

Cloud on the Mountaintop

He Who besieges the Cross

Dividing Sword

Sweeping away the unnecessary

Fifth Great Judge

Rose of God


Door to the Mind of God

Initiating Energy

Ruler of the Third Heaven

Door Guardian

Ruler of Knowledge

Angel with Fire Sword

Secret Keeper

Beloved of the Logos

Brother from Sirius

Hierophant Teacher

Because of its close association with man (since the creation of the latter), there are so many names for the fifth ray that it is not easy to choose from among them those that will give the student the most complete idea of ​​His characteristics and mission. The power and significance of the Lord of this Ray are reflected in six aphorisms that reveal His qualities. These appeals were sung by six of His Brothers at the moment of crisis, when the existence of the human family began and the solar Angels sacrificed themselves. Esoterically, they "descended into hell and ended up in prison." Souls were born on that day. A new realm of expression emerged, and a sparkling interchange was established between the three higher and three lower planes.

1. Behold, God and His angels appear and watch. Let the mountain peaks emerge from the dense damp fog. May the sun illuminate their peaks, and may they rise in light. Shine on.

Quality… form entry and exit.

2. Behold, God and His angels appear and listen. Let the murmur of the depths rise up to them, and the cry of the seeker touch their ears. Let the person listen. Let him call. Speak loud.

3. Behold God and His angels appear and touch. Create a rod of might. Point it at the sons of men; touch them with fire, then draw them near. Promote.

Quality…initiatory activity

4. Behold, God and His angels appear and eat. May you accumulate a variety of experiences. Let the paths open. Recognize and choose; open and analyze. All paths are one.

Quality... a revelation of the way.

5. Here God and His angels appear and smell the smell that arises from the burning firmament of man. Let the fire do its thing. Guide the man into the furnace, and in the fiery red center let him throw off the restraining nature. Let the fire burn.

Quality... purification by fire.

6. Here God and His Angels appear and fuse the multitude into the One. Let the connection work. Let that which is the cause of all being be the cause of its end. Let the one temple rise now. Reveal crowning glory. Let it be so.

Quality... the manifestation of the great white light. (Shekinah. A.A.B.)

The study of these qualities will bring great practical benefit to the reader. Considering himself to belong to one Ray or another, by these qualities he will be able to determine over which characteristic features he should work and also establish what needs to be done, what to express and what to overcome. These qualities should be studied from two points of view: from the standpoint of their divine aspect and from the standpoint of their opposite aspect, or form. For example, this Ray is characterized as the opener of the way, and it must be remembered that it opens either the way down to death, or into incarnation (that is, the death-like prison of the soul), or the way up, out of darkness into the pure light of God's day. I say this because I really want all readers of the treatise to apply the teaching to their Everyday life. I am not interested in giving incomprehensible, unusual information to indulge an unhealthy mental appetite. Clogging the memory with occult information that is not of practical use only keeps the brain cells in tension and feeds pride.

The Sixth Deity Purpose

Ray VI. Devotion or Idealism

This Ray, which is now emerging from manifestation, is of the greatest interest to us, since it has reflected upon our Western civilization more strongly than any other Ray. We know him better and better than other Rays. The mantram defining its purpose is unlike any other and can be formulated as follows:

The crusade continues. The warriors are moving forward. They crush and kill everything that slows down the movement, trampling what gets in their way. Forward, forward to the light.

The work is progressing. Neither pity nor fear stops workers. Only work matters. The form must disappear in order to loving spirit could find peace. Nothing should hinder the advancement of the workers of the plan. They begin their assigned work with a song of victory.

A cross is erected above; a form is crucified on it in order to part with life on this cross. Everyone builds his own cross, which is included in the common cross. And everyone ascends to this cross.

Through war, work, pain and hard work, the goal is achieved. That's what the symbol says.

It is easy to see that by setting this goal in relation to himself, a person brings his own liberation closer. If he puts it in relation to another person, it turns out mournful and terrible story cruelty of man to man. The mantram cited gives a clue to the purpose of the sixth ray in the human kingdom, and a careful broad examination (note this paradoxical phrase) of the ideas embodied in it reveals a little bit of the larger purpose. The soul does not and should not feel pity for its form and its problems. She can, however, understand the need for pain and hardship in the world, because she is able to relate the methods applied to herself with the methods God uses to His world. But consciously, she does not do anything that could aggravate the world's pain and sorrow.

Desire Rejecter

The one who sees the truth

seer of reality

Divine Rogue

Life Fanatic


Warrior on the march

Logos Armsman

Adherent of Truth

Crucifying and Crucified

Breaking Stones

Everlasting Fiery

The One Whom Nothing Can Turn

Relentless Ruler

Warlord on the Perfect Path

He Who Leads the Twelve

Curiously, the Lord of the sixth ray has always been a favorite riddle for His six Brothers. This is clear from the questions They asked Him when they met "before the eyes of the Lord" to discuss Their plans for joint, divine and harmonious action. These questions were asked in the spirit of heavenly joy and love, but with the intention of shedding light on one not entirely understood quality of His beloved Brother.

1. Why is desire red? Why is blood red? Tell us, O Son of God, why is your path stained with blood?

Quality… the ability to kill desire.

2. Why do you turn away from the sphere of the earth? Or is she too small, too poor? Why kick her like a ball on the playing field?

Quality… discarding the unwanted.

3. Why transfer the cross from earth to heaven? After all, the earth can become the sky. Why erect a cross and die?

Quality… self-sacrifice.

4. Why fight with everything that surrounds? Or do you not want peace? Why stand between the forces of night and day? So motionless and calm, so relentless and fearless?

Quality... resilience and fearlessness.

5. Do you not see God in everything, life in everything, love in everything? Why part, leaving the beloved and well known?

Quality…the ability to step back.

6. Can you harness the waters of the sixth great sphere? Are you able to block the flow? Can you free both the raven and the dove? Can you, Fish, swim freely?

Quality… surmounting the waters of the emotional nature.

The outgoing Ray of devotion to the ideal and the incoming Ray of magical order or organization basically determine the modern type of human consciousness. A person is essentially devoted (to the point of fanaticism) to his life goal, whatever it may be. This goal can be the achievement of an apprenticeship, and the rise in the welfare of the family, and the accumulation of money, and the achievement of popularity, and in general everything to which he devotes his time and energy. Whatever this goal, it is to achieve it that he devotes himself and everything that he has. It is also inherent in man to establish law and order, although this quality is only now beginning to be felt. This is explained by the fact that humanity is finally becoming mentally centered - this is why in today's world there are so many and varied attempts to organize relations in business, national, economic, social and other spheres, attempts to create a system and order, as well as reorientation of all energies with intention ( albeit still unconscious) to enter into New Age. However, due to weak mental control and almost universal ignorance of the laws of thought and of one's own nature, a person acts blindly. Perceived ideals do not receive the correct interpretation of the mind and do not find a universal correct application. Hence the confusion and chaotic experimentation, hence the pressure of personal authority to impose individual ideas about the ideal.

What is needed now is a serious teaching about the laws of thought and the rules for the construction of thought forms, which must embody the ideas emanating from the universal divine Mind. People should start installing necessary order on the subjective planes of life. When this is realized, every significant group engaged in the problems of the world and in every kind of government will be helped on the mental plane by experienced thinkers, with the result that their work will be carried on in right accordance with the Plan. But it won't happen very soon. Hence the earthly distortions and misinterpretations of the Plan that exists in heaven, to use Christian phraseology.

It is the understanding of the modern world's need for enlightened thinkers and subjective workers that has led Those Who Lead to direct the incoming spiritual energies towards the creation of esoteric groups everywhere. This is also the reason for the publication of mystical and Oriental literature on meditation and related subjects that flood the world today. This also explains the work undertaken by me, a worker on inside life, an attempt to teach in this treatise new psychology and thereby show man his equipment and how well he is equipped for the work for which he was created and which he is not yet able to understand. But through the power and influence of the seventh ray, the magical work will open to him, and the next twenty-five centuries will bring about such dramatic changes and make possible so many so-called "miracles" that even the outward appearance of the world will undergo profound changes. Plant and animal life will undergo transformation and perfection, and much of what is latent in the forms of both kingdoms will come into expression as the energies which create and compose all forms will flow more freely and be more intelligently distributed. The world has changed incredibly over the past five hundred years, and in the next two hundred years the changes will be even more rapid and profound, as the growth rate of human intellectual powers increases, and the Human Creator begins to demonstrate His capabilities.

The Seventh Deity Purpose

Ray VII. Ceremonial Order or Magic

“Let the Temple of the Lord be built,” declared the seventh great angel. Then the seven great sons of God moved with measured steps to their places in the north, south, west and east, and sat there. Thus the construction work began.

The doors were closed. The light flickered dimly. The walls of the temple were indistinguishable. The seven remained silent, their forms hidden. It is not yet time for the light to shine. The Word could not yet be spoken. The work was only between the seven Forms. The silent call went from one to the other. And the doors of the temple were still closed.

But time passed, and the sounds of life began to be heard. The door opened and closed again. And every time the door was opened, the power of the temple increased; the light increased each time, for one by one the sons of men entered the temple. They went from north to south and from west to east, and in the center of the heart they gained light, understanding and the ability to work. They entered through the door; they passed in front of the Family; they lifted the veil of the temple and entered into life.

The temple became more and more beautiful. Gradually, its lines and walls, its decoration, its height, depth and width came through and were illuminated.

And then the Word sounded from the east: Open the door to all the sons of men who come out of all the dark valleys of the earth and seek the temple of the Lord. Give them light. Open the inner shrine; let all the workers of the Lord with their work push apart the walls of the temple to illuminate the whole world. Proclaim the creative Word and raise the dead to life.

Thus the temple of light will be brought down from heaven to earth, and then its walls will rise on the great plains of the human world. Thus, the light will open and nourish all human dreams.

Then the Master who is in the east will awaken the sleeping ones. Then the ruler of the west will test all who sincerely strive for the light. Then the ruler of the south will guide the blind and help them. Then at the gates in the north, wide open, an invisible Master with an understanding heart will rise, welcoming, to guide the wanderers to the east, where the true light shines.

"Why open a temple?" - ask the Seven Big. “Because the work is done and the workers are trained. God created in the light. Now His sons can create. What else can be done?

"Nothing!" came the answer from the Big Seven. “Let the work continue. Let the sons of God create."

Many will see that these words contain a deep meaning and reflect serious intention to open wide for man the door (in the coming cycle) to the temple of innermost secrets. One by one, we will be exposed to the esoteric, spiritual component of that psychological factor called "mental testing." It will demonstrate the possibilities and suitability of a person for mental work and his ability to build and animate thought forms. I speak of this in a Treatise on White Magic, the connection of which with the magical work of the seventh ray and its cycle of activity will become more and more evident in time. The "Treatise on White Magic" is an attempt to lay down the rules of training and work that will enable the seeker of the mysteries to enter the temple and take his place as creative worker to promote magical work Lords of the Temple.

The Lord of this Ray has many names, and their meaning in our time is of paramount importance. Acquaintance with them gives an idea of ​​​​future work.

Unveiled Mage

Magical Art Worker

Form Creator

Giver of Light of the Second Lord

Operating Magic Wand

Warden of the East

Guardian of the Seventh Plane

Invoking Rage

Wielding the Magic Word

Temple Guardian

Representative of God

The One Who Raises to Life

Lord of Death

The One Who Maintains the Sacred Fire

Whirling Sphere

Sword of the Initiator

Divine Alchemist

Square Builder

Orienting Force

86] Fire Combiner

Key to the Secret

Expression of Will

Beauty Discoverer

The Lord of this Ray has special power on earth and on the physical plane of divine expression. Therefore, His significance for the work of His six Brethren is evident. He makes this work manifest. This is the most active Ray in the present world period, never going out of incarnation for more than fifteen centuries. The cycle of beginning and end of His vigorous activity resembles a very fast cycle. In the present world period He has the closest symbolic connection with His Brothers on the second and fifth rays.

He (assisted by the second ray) builds by the power of thought (cooperating with the Lord of the fifth ray and working on the physical plane, which is His own specific sphere). In another world age He may be associated with the Lords of other rays, but in our time the meaning of His work is easier to understand if it is understood that He assists the building Lord of the second ray, using the energies of the Lord of concrete thinking.

His qualities are reflected in the aphorisms that were esoterically whispered to Him when He "left the highest place and descended into the seventh sphere to do His appointed work."

1. Take your tools, brother of the building light. Carve deep. Work and shape living stone.

Quality ... the ability to create.

2. Carefully select workers. Love them all. Choose six to carry out your will. Leave the seventh in the east. Call upon the world to enter into what you build. And by the will of God put everything together.

Quality ... the ability to cooperate.

3. Stay in the center and in the east. Don't go away from there. Direct your forces to the fulfillment of your will, then draw them back. Wisely use the power of thought. Stay calm.

Quality ... the ability to think.

4. Make sure all parts fit the purpose. And let the building be beautiful, brother Vladyka. Choose clean and bright colors. Try to reflect the inner glory. Diligently build a shrine. Be careful.

Quality… the discovery of the beauty of God.

5. Watch your thought carefully. When necessary, delve into the mind of God. Draw strength from it, knowledge of the plan and your role in it. Open the mind of God.

Quality... mental power.

6. Be in the east. The Five have entrusted you with a friendly Word. I, the sixth, command you by this Word to revive the dead. Rebuild the forms. Keep the Word well. Make all people seek it for themselves.

Quality ... the ability to animate.

So we have partly studied the work of the seven rays. Since the teaching has to be expounded symbolically, its comprehension requires an awakened esoteric feeling. Its full comprehension is not yet possible.

The Chohans of the sixth initiation govern those units of consciousness in which the vibration and color of Their particular Ray predominate. But the great significance of this fact is sometimes overlooked by aspirants to initiation, even if theoretically they know it. That is why it is so important to determine one's egoic and monadic Rays - this is of exceptional importance after the third initiation. Each sphere of life always has its majority and minority. This applies also to the work of the Logos, and by the end of the great cycle (manvantara) the majority will be on the path of the synthetic Ray of love, and a small minority will be on the Ray of power. This minority has an important function. It will become the nucleus which (in the next solar system) will be the majority, reaching its synthesis on the first ray. This is a deep mystery, which is not easy to comprehend. A hint of its solution can be found in the true sense of the words "exoteric" and "esoteric".

It must not be forgotten that only five rays dominate at the same time. All are shown, but only five of them predominate. The rays which dominate the solar system must be distinguished from those which dominate the scheme or circuit. This was mentioned in the Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Three of the seven Rays are assigned the role of synthesizers. Each of these three Rays is synthesizing in its period of culmination. In the first solar system the third ray was synthesizing, and in ours the second is synthesizing. In the next solar system, the First Ray will play a similar role.

The aim of human effort is primarily on two rays, the first and the second. One ray constitutes the goal of the evolution of the devas or angels - this is the third ray. All three Rays are in contact with both poles, and the realization of the goal by the end of the cycle will be the achievement of the Solar Logos. This is also a secret. The seventh and first rays have a very close relationship, in which the third serves as a connecting link, and the following ratio is obtained: The ego, or soul, of the embodied plane of the mind, the point of consummation for the personality and the reflection in the three worlds of the triple monad.

Ray I... Will showing itself as a power that advances the Plan of the Logos.

Ray III... Active intellectual adaptability. This Ray dominated the previous solar system; it forms the foundation or basis of our system and is controlled by the Mahachohan.

Ray VII ... Ceremonial ritual or organization. This is a reflection on the physical plane of the two previous Rays. He is also associated with the Mahachohan and governs the elemental forces, the involutionary process and the formal side of three kingdoms of nature. It is he who keeps the secret of physical color and sound. He embodies the law.

Together these three Rays embrace and embody everything. They are Power, Activity and Law in manifestation.

Ray II … Love and Wisdom, the synthetic Ray which is the goal of our system and which maintains universal harmony and interconnection.

Ray IV … Expression of Harmony, beauty, music and unity.

Ray VI ... Ray of Devotion, passionate aspiration and sacrifice of the personal "I" for the sake of the common good, which is understood as the achievement of harmony and beauty, inspired by love.