Statuses about a walking husband. About husband and wife: statuses, beautiful expressions

Like dew, a sip of life-giving husband is my most amazing. Like a spring that gives moisture, it fills life with meaning ...

I have loved you ever since we got married ... My husband, you are gentle, brave and proud, and our souls have merged together ...

I so want now to be in the safe hands of my beloved husband, to feel their warmth, affection and strength ... Kiss him and tell him how lucky I am with him ...

Lucky is not the wife that has good husband but to the husband whom she made so.

Best Status:
When a married couple keeps for many years mutual love, then gradually replace it good habit and passion will be replaced by friendly support.

I feel calm behind your back, you are the best and worthy. You save me from problems, a wonderful husband - the envy of everyone!

I didn’t dare to dream of such a husband… I really need you… there is no limit to happiness. And our kids will be very lucky - fate gives them the best dad!

My husband is given to me by God ... the most tender and desirable ... I don’t need another fate ... just to be with you ....

It may sound immodest, but I can say that my husband is truly the best man in the world.

I miss you so much, without the warmth of my dear eyes, I will give everything so that you and I do not part for more than an hour !!!

Do not forget that everything in the family should be equally: the wife a new fur coat, husband - socks

My family is my castle.

A real family begins with the birth of the first child ...

The man from my dreams Once became my faithful husband. My best, it's you I need more than anyone in the world!

I can't imagine a better husband than you.

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family unhappy in her own way.

Every day I understand that my husband is the best and irreplaceable, that I made the right choice!

For happy family life the character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, only one pretty appearance is enough.

A guy is not a husband, you can change! A husband is not a mother, you can change.

Sometimes my husband shakes from me - after all, I am an amazing woman !!!

The dependence of family life makes a person more moral.

IN happy family the wife thinks that the money is taken from the bedside table, the husband thinks that the food is taken from the refrigerator, and the children that they were found in the cabbage.

The family is not a cell of the state. The family is the state and eats

You are more than love: You are life, you are passion, you are tenderness, You are a breath of air, You are inevitability... and children's dreams are all YOU!!!

It is easier to win peace in the family by concluding a truce in it in time.

The family is the mutual bearing of hardships and the school of sacrifice.

In family scenes, one director, the other director.

Why does he think he has the right to do his marital debt with my brain?

Evil wives put cones on their husbands, and good wives put horns on their husbands.

I go into the kitchen and see my husband, twitching in convulsions, holding on to the electric kettle. She grabbed a mop and hit hard on the arm to tear it away from the email. device, breaking his arm. Later it turned out that the husband listened to music with headphones and danced!

In the family circle, everyone had their own corner.

Looking for a husband. I will find, I will kill ...!

The head of the family: one for all and all for one!

So that the wife does not turn into a saw, the husband should not become a log ...

The wife approaches her husband, who is sitting at the computer: -Let me play. - Have a conscience, dear, take an example from me. Have I ever taken a rag from you? Asked when you wash the floors?

Home hearth, warmed by warmth true friend makes a person invulnerable.

I want it to be like this: SP: married to ... Status: I am happy with the most BEST man in the world! (updated 50 years ago), and on the wall there are inscriptions: “Granny, with a golden wedding to you!” And most importantly, I'll be online!

It's good to have such a wonderful person next to me. Sometimes, closing my eyes, I think about what would have happened if we had not met, and I understand with horror that then I would not be happy. I love you!

Happy wife - happy family. An unhappy wife is a murderous torment until the end of your days.

Family quarrels are reminiscent of the program "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."

I will shout to the whole world that I want to be with you alone. And then I whisper: You are needed, Thank you for becoming the best husband!

In family life, the most important screw is love ...

I love you, my dear, I would not change for anyone. And I know that you value my fate, and do not play.

Statuses about wife and husband - A woman cheats on her husband in three cases if he is bad, if he is good and if he is neither.

The only thing you have to worry about is the family, and let the rest worry by itself!

IN normal families apartments, cars, jewelry are inherited, and in ours - passwords ...

A text message came: “I’m spending the night at a woman’s, don’t worry.” I sit, I think: son or husband?

The family hearth, like the weather, is changeable: it warms the souls, then it boils them.

I love being a married man. It's so great to find special woman, which you want to anger and annoy until the end of your days.

Always remember yourself important rule happy marriage: "Good things happen to those husbands who listen carefully to their wives!"

You can't find happiness in marriage if you don't bring it with you.

You are my dear, so beloved, You are a husband, not a boyfriend and not a friend. In the hands of your reliable, strong I just melt like in paradise.

I need one man in the world - The one who once became a beloved husband. My dear, I thank you for your affection, tenderness and your love!

I want to always be with you, smile and cry, laugh and be sad, raise kids, cook food for you, love and be loved.

Many wives wouldn't cheat on their husbands if they knew better. thin way take revenge.

You are so kind and beautiful, I want to be with you always, I am happy with you, my dear, It was not for nothing that I said to you: “Yes.”

Family is like that a good thing that many of them have two at once.

The husband's kiss will be more passionate if the wife holds a cutlet in her teeth.

At the buffet. Wife: "Darling, don't you think it's embarrassing that you've been running around with a plate for food for the fifth time already?!" Husband: "Nope, I said it was for you!"

A family is a group of people who are connected by ties of blood and quarrel over money issues ...

I love you very much, And it's not a secret at all. After all, for me you are the sweetest, There are no relatives in the world!

Kiss, caress, scold, forgive for nonsense. I love you, you know, My dear, beloved husband!

Dear husbands! If you stop seeing your wife as a woman, it doesn't mean that all other men are also blind!

Smart men choose such ugly girls as their wives so that no one else will covet them, and they choose such a beauty as their mistress so that all other men envy.

If a husband has grown horns, it means that not all men watched football yesterday.

A husband like you, Just a dream man Always ready to love And give your affection! Live and breathe in unison. You are my mysterious dream!

Sweet, beloved, desired, gentle, affectionate, caring, courageous ... All this is one person ... Thank you for having me!

The main causes of most stresses and depressions in a person's life are: family, money and a family without money.

I love your lips, I love your hands, I love everything you have. I love how you kiss, I love how you dance, I love how you love me!

Two golden rings on our fingers are a symbol of the fact that we are inseparable from each other. This is a symbol of our love. I proudly wear wedding ring and I am extremely glad that my husband is you.

Statuses about her husband - Not only do I wait for my husband every evening from work as from the war, he also demands to deploy a field kitchen near his computer!

My dear, I love you! You are my life and happiness! I so want to be with you And in grief and in bad weather. A hundred times I can say dear, And it's so wonderful!!!

The blood boils, the heart beats: I am saturated with love! Dear husband, you are my sun, I am so happy with you!

A family is a small country where PAPA is the President, MOMMA is the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Culture and Emergencies in the Family. A CHILD is a people who constantly demand something, are indignant and go on strike.

Thank you for these lips, Thank you for these hands. Thank you, my love, for the fact that you are in the world.

My husband is the best!

I am in my third marriage. The husband is in the latter.

Family is not the blood that flows in you, it is those whom you love and who love you!

The husband comes home drunk. I realized that the wife will swear. Grabbed the most big book and pretends to read. Wife: - Well, did you get drunk again? – What are you? Can't you see, I'm lying down reading! - Fool! Close your suitcase and go to sleep.

My soul is full of you alone, My husband, my friend and my hero. I'm behind you, like behind a wall, You'll always be with me.

The thoughts of a noble man are like the blueness of the sky and the brilliance of the sun: it is impossible not to notice them.

A good husband is never the first to go to bed in the evening and never wakes up the last morning.

Statuses about love for a husband - I love you, my husband, I admire you. I want to be with you, You are the best in the world, I know.

What do a fly stuck in a jar of honey and a married man have in common? They are both tasty and sad, and their wings are cut off.

It is a great happiness for me to just be next to you. I miss you so much and give you my love!

IN family conflict the one who explodes is no longer guilty, but the one who presses the button.

The husband rarely changes just because the woman wants it that way. For all changes in a man are in the hands of a woman.

Conjugal love, which goes through a thousand accidents, is the most beautiful miracle, although the most ordinary.

My most native person You are my lover and friend. We are connected with you forever, You are my beloved husband!

The family is a shelter in a heartless world.

I will sell my husband, in good condition - 24 rubles. (two eggs for 7 rubles and a pipette for 10).

My dear husband, you are my happiness!

TA family is strong, where the cross is on the letter “I”. Where only the word “WE” rules, where there are shared dreams. Where there is prosperity and comfort, where children scurry merrily, where such PASSIONATE LOVE always flares up again! FAMILY is THAT strong, where life is CALM and EASY!!!

The divine, sacred basis of everything is a strong family.

Good husbands are not chosen, they are raised

In family life, the main thing is patience ... Love cannot last long.

I love you with all my heart, The light of your eyes is always with me. I keep your hands warm All the troubles out of spite. We live without lies and falsehood. I pray that it continues to be so.

Pledge family happiness in kindness, frankness, responsiveness.

To live in a family means to share with each other all imperfections, all troubles and all feelings, and yet continue to love each other.

My dearest man, Desired, close and dear, Your love is invaluable, I am happy that you are only mine!

Statuses about the family - Family is the eradication of one's own bad habits and the acquisition of new common.

My husband, you are the best - without a doubt! I am convinced of this every hour.

I love you more and more, I don't need another husband. You become nicer to me, and more life I need you!

Men by nature closed people, they do not express as many emotions as a woman does, but if you pay a little more attention to him, he will immediately become the sweetest and most tender only for you alone. So why not please your husbands pleasant little things? Read our statuses about your husband with meaning, make sure you have a good, kind, caring person. But do not forget to remind him of this, at least thank him cool saying or a joke! Do not forget that your man is your support and support for the rest of your life, therefore, you need to be at odds with him. Please him! After all, posts with warm words are such a trifle, but what a pleasant one! Not everyone is able to speak loudly about their love, prove that you are brave with your spouse! Come to us and choose the most interesting expressions about your husband, play a trick on him, tell us about your feelings, remind you how much you miss him! Absolutely for any occasion you will find an expression on our pages.

Discover a better status for your husband

Over the years, we forget to say nice things. nice words loved ones, kiss goodbye before a working day, call to find out how you are doing. But everything is fixable, you just have to want! Can't call? Write him! Don't have time to chat online? Set a worthy status about a husband who will sincerely please him and remind him why he fell in love with you. We guarantee that our statuses about a husband with meaning will awaken only the best memories in you two, cherishing consciousness, pushing for romantic deeds. enough with time. Do not be lazy, go to the site "Statuses with meaning" and choose an expression that characterizes your loved one. Be sure, it will be impossible not to notice your recognition! Best statuses about her husband, only we have for you!

  • The wife wakes up in the morning .. comes to the mirror looks at herself looks ... Then she turns and looking at her sleeping husband whispers ominously SO YOU NEED IT!
  • If a wife saws her husband, then she wants to make a beautiful half out of him.
  • Sometimes my husband shakes from me, but I am an amazing woman!!!
  • Do not bring the Husband to a boil, otherwise he may evaporate!
  • What does it mean for a man to "help with the housework"? Raise your legs when the wife is sweeping!
  • They don't choose a loved one... they choose a husband! - Statuses about beloved husband
  • Marriage is a relationship in which one side is always right and the other is the husband.
  • My future husband will have the best mother-in-law!
  • I want everything with you at once, but I get nothing and gradually!
  • Ready for everything? So take out the trash!
  • - Yesterday I met your husband on the tram; He told me such a chic anecdote! I laughed so hard, I laughed so hard, I almost fell out of bed!
  • Two friends are talking: - If your husband cheats, will you forgive? - Of course I'll forgive you, you don't have to keep evil on the dead.
  • What, dear? are you going??? mmm ... well, go go go by the horns no one is holding you !!!
  • Why does he think he has the right to do his marital duty with my brain?
  • It's worth reading!!! At night, a woman should give birth. In a dream, an angel appears to her and says: - I will make sure that during childbirth, the father of the child feels half the pain. She gave birth and asks her husband: - How did you sleep? - Badly. Neighbor screamed all night as if giving birth.
  • For a husband, his wife's breasts are always small, but for others: normal boobs
  • Do not forget that everything in the family should be equal: a new fur coat for a wife, socks for a husband
  • Looking for a travel companion for the next 5 years, a husband for the next 10, and a lover just in case!
  • A guy is not a husband, you can change! Husband is not mother, you can change.
  • Dear, "let's call" - this means that you will pick up and call ...
  • In America, women wear diamonds on their ears, gold on their hands, and pearls around their necks. And in Russia, women wear noodles on their ears, on the hands of children, and on their necks - a husband !!
  • Find out the name of your future husband. Wipe off the protective layer from the condom.
  • The wife approaches her husband, who is sitting at the computer: - Let me play. - Have a conscience, dear, take an example from me. Have I ever taken a rag from you? Asked when you wash the floors?
  • My husband was taken away!!! Now I'm sitting, shuddering at every rustle... SUDDENLY THEY WILL BRING BACK!!!
  • Don't beat a man until you marry him.
  • It doesn't matter what I like, we'll take what you like anyway.
  • A conversation between a husband (m) and his wife (f) about new curtains: (F) - if you don’t like it, then you can return it, (M) - great, I don’t like it, (F) - you’ll get used to it.
  • A good husband's wife does not work!!!
  • I've come to terms with the fact that instead of white horse my husband is going to have a black 2010 RangeRover Supercharged... i can handle it, i'm a strong girl.
  • I want my children to bear your last name and patronymic...

cool statuses about my husband

M already with the car-nonsense !!! Husband in the kitchen - YES!!!

H ashla characterization of her husband with kindergarten: EATING WELL, SLEEPING, WALKING ... 32 years have passed - nothing has changed.

At dear husbands! If you stopped seeing your wife as a woman, this does not mean that all other men have gone blind too!

P the latest fashion peep is the sound made by the husband when looking at the price tag!

WITH no matter how much you feed your husband, he still looks at the beer bar!

At There is no such thing as a good husband and a bad wife!

D but no, before the wedding he did not stutter ...

E If you hold a cutlet in your teeth, your husband's kiss will be more passionate!

At Many husbands don't ask their wife what she wants. He knows!

M already - the owner of the house ... until the WIFE came ...

H Don't play with a man until you marry him.

IN Do you also say when you give money to your husband: "Don't spend it!"?

H then the wife would not turn into a saw, the husband should not become a log ...

TO that does not work, he successfully married ...

TO How do I explain to my husband that I married him and did not adopt him?

M I already said that if I feed him dumplings again, he will rape him. I put water on to boil... I'm sitting... waiting...

E If your husband went to the left ... The main thing is not to meet him there!

IN In a happy family, the wife thinks that the money is taken from the bedside table, the husband thinks that the food is taken from the refrigerator, and the children think that they were found in the cabbage.

At Trom woke up, went to the mirror, looked and thought, looking at her sleeping husband: "So you need it!"

H ado get married so as to be not with her husband, but with her husband!

AND sometimes my husband is shaking - all the same, I'm an amazing woman !!!

P a full frying pan feeds a husband, an empty frying pan brings up!

P maternity husband, in good condition - 24r. (two eggs for 7 rubles and a pipette for 10).

P why does he think he has the right to do his marital duty with my brain?

M already - this is a man who saw you drunk, naked, without makeup, roaring, talking all sorts of garbage and, oddly enough, still living with you! This is the one and only

P about the horoscope, my husband was Aquarius, and I made Capricorn out of him

ABOUT explanatory: “I was late for work because I climbed over my husband in the morning and was a little late ...”

P She waited all night for her husband, worried ... Then she remembered that she was not married and fell asleep.

WITH happy marriage is when you look at the passing by handsome guy and you think: "The jacket is cool, I need to buy one for my husband!"

E If a woman tells her husband that he is the smartest, then she understands that she will not find another such fool.

Z amuzhem is not better, married - more often)

AND the perfect husband has kind heart and branched horns

ABOUT he looks suspiciously like my future husband.

B protect yourself! Don't look at your husband's phone!

B yot - it means he loves ... the husband thought, wiping his tears and looking at the bruises in the mirror

M perish is a person who always forgets your birthday and never misses an opportunity to tell you your age.

E if you marry good man, it doesn't matter what color Bentley he has.

P ut to the heart of her husband lies .. until you touch him.

TO when my husband sings, I stand at the window, let all the people see .... that I don’t beat him ...

M already - this is such an amazing creature that, once taking out the trash can, stays long years in the holy assurance that he had already fulfilled his conjugal duty.

H and nothing beautifies a woman so much as the temporary absence of her husband...

M already said that I eat like a bird ... Half my weight a day ...

At Many husbands let their wife know where his stash is. This increases family confidence, women's self-esteem and the safety of the BASIC STEP.

Z courage resembles a mirage in the desert: with palaces, palm trees and camels. First the palace disappears, then the palm trees, and finally you are left with one camel...

M do not sleep, the neighbor does not sleep!

H wrote a letter to Santa Claus. I gave it to my husband... Here I sit... Waiting...

P came to the conclusion - my husband is the most happy man... Damn, it should have been SO SUCCESSFULLY MARRIED!

TO every married man wants to hear the phrase from his wife at least once in his life: “Darling, hit me on the head, otherwise I’ve got drunk”

M he was already quite young - the horns were just breaking through.

WITH Tip: Do you want to prove to your husband that men are looking at you! Walk a little ahead of your husband and show your tongue to every passing uncle. Success guaranteed!!!

TO When my husband offends me, I do not answer ... I am silent! And I quietly clean the toilet with his toothbrush !!!

I she fried cutlets with arsenic, and put a crossbow to the window ... Oh, where are you good, dear, where are you? Come back! I won't blame you for anything!

TO HOW MEN ARE SICK... With an exhausted and gray face, On a white crumpled sheet, Like a victim of rabid cholera, Lies with his knees against the wall. He groans, as during childbirth, The thermometer shakes in his hands. All the sorrow of the Jewish people. Frozen in narrowed pupils. Foamy saliva flows down the strong-willed chin. He whispers plaintively and timidly: How are you alone with the children now?? It's dark ... all the curtains are down ... My husband has thirty-seven and two.

E If the wife gained weight, then this is called "she got fat", and if the husband - so it's "he matured."

AND The ideal husband is the one who comes home on time, buys groceries, cooks, washes dishes, cleans the apartment, takes care of the children. Conclusion: Ideal husband is the wife...

R earlier I asked my MOM for permission to go to the DISCO, now my HUSBAND ... IT WAS EASIER FOR MOM!!!

E If a man opens the car door for his wife, then it is either a new car or a new wife.

WITH I look at myself in the mirror and think: why is my husband so happy?! Then I get up on the scales ... - and even so much!

AND I want a husband. I'll find it, I'll kill it.

G otov for everything? So take out the trash!

WITH you rob your husband, then your child, then your second child, and then you try to collect yourself in 10 minutes ... and they all look at you in unison and say ... mom, you always get ready the longest!

D horny women! Do not saw your husbands... You still have to live with these sawdust!!!

H real fear is when you have 15 missed from ... husband!

At my husband's best wife!!!

L best au pair - delinquent husband!!!

E If a husband gives flowers for no reason, then there is still a reason

AND Jenna sends SMS to her husband: Now the news reported that they found the corpse of a man without brains and with a small penis... Call me back, I'm worried!

AND Jenna is jealous because she is not the only one, and her husband because he is not the first.

AND ena in the family HOME! And if the husband thinks that he decides everything, then she is also SMART!

Z The wife's salary is the wife's salary, and the husband's salary is the family budget!

E if there is a husband - turn it into a husband, if there is no husband - turn it into men, if there are no men - turn it into a hoop!

B cancer is a type of relationship in which one side is always right, and the other is the husband

D ala announcement: "I'm looking for a husband." Already received a whole bag of letters! Basically with the same sentence: "Take mine!"

Best statuses about husband on! Ah, these husbands, the most predictable men - so many wives think. Especially after several years of married life. And they are wrong! Real husbands will always find a reason to surprise their wife and children. pleasant surprise. They make you laugh and enjoy every day you live. And it is about such husbands that the statuses in this section are collected. Like real men, they are ready to work tirelessly so that his loved ones can not need anything. Husbands protect and protect the peace of loved ones. They deserve the warmest and kind words. Our statuses about the beloved husband and himself dear person in your life will help any of the wives express their love with a beautiful quote!

The best statuses about love for your husband!

The most important thing in a family is love! When two people love and respect each other, when they understand and accept their soul mate as they are, there will always be harmony and mutual understanding in such a family. Good joke in the family circle, when the closest ones are nearby - a pledge have an interesting evening. On you can always pick up cool statuses about your husband and the whole friendly company of relatives and friends laugh heartily at a funny quote. We often forget to tell our husbands how we feel. “He already knows that I love him,” many women think so. But at the same time, they are offended if they do not hear a confession in eternal love at least once a day. Where's the justice! After all, husbands also want to hear words of love from the beautiful half of humanity. Our statuses about love for her husband will correct the situation. Just visit our website and choose the most exquisite and beautiful sayings about love for your spouse!

Sayings about a son and husband, like a declaration of love!

In the life of any woman on earth there are several people whom she loves more than anything in the world. The first parents on this list are the law of nature. And in second place is her family, husband and children! Everyone knows that mothers love their sons the most, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you want to tell your men about the most important thing, then our statuses about son and husband are for you! Is your family fifteen years old? Looking back, you think how many storms your family has weathered. How many joyful moments are stored in the photos of your family album. It's time to celebrate another anniversary! You start preparing for the celebration. We are happy for your strong family! And our wonderful statuses about husband and wife will be a good help in preparing your holiday program.

Selected quotes about husband and family!

People believe that parents love their children equally. But at the same time, mothers love their sons more, and dads cannot refuse anything to their little princesses. As they say, how many people have so many opinions. And what difference does it make what they say. It’s just that if you have three daughters in your family, then dad simply has no choice! Our statuses about husband and daughter are another reason to laugh heartily with all your friendly family! There are many anecdotes about conversations, quarrels and jealousy of a husband and wife. This is due to the fact that family relationships very meaningful to people, especially to those who are married. Your spouse should always know what you think about him on the Web, so even your statuses are dedicated to him. We hope that in this category you can find important and warm or funny statuses about your husband.