Pregnant women can pull in their stomach. Can pregnant women suck in their stomach?

Abdominal retraction and breathing exercises are considered one of the constituent elements of yoga, fitness, and gymnastics. This technique is a positive habit Everyday life- after all, an even, flat tummy is much more beautiful than a hanging fold. In addition, by tightening your stomach, you make your back and posture straighter. Is it possible to suck in your stomach during pregnancy? How appropriate and correct are these actions, and will such practice harm the intrauterine life and development of the baby?

Initially, it should be explained that while inside the mother’s tummy, the baby is reliably protected by the elastic membranes of the uterus and the abdominal press. Amniotic fluid additionally protects the baby from exposure external factors(blows, shocks, pressure), serving as a kind of shock-absorbing agent. Therefore, if unconsciously or when physical exercise pregnant belly pull it in - you won’t be able to harm the baby.

An exception to the rules are women who are at risk of bearing a child and, due to important circumstances, physical exercise prohibited but recommended bed rest and peace.

Do not confuse pulling in the abdomen with tightening it with a belt, belt, or squeezing it with tight clothing. Such actions inhibit blood circulation in the pelvis, minimize the supply of oxygen and lead to oxygen starvation baby - hypoxia. You need to remember that the child inside you likes comfort and a cozy atmosphere. I note that special orthopedic bandages for pregnant women are not among the prohibited items that compress the abdomen. On the contrary, it is effective products, which perform a medical function to facilitate pregnancy. They are often prescribed to women to minimize the load on the spine, internal organs, and to support heavy belly, prevention of early birth.

Retracting the abdomen during pregnancy perfectly prepares the body, in particular the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor for fast and easy birth. Today there are many workouts - yoga, gymnastics for pregnant women, which involve special exercises aimed at making pregnancy easier and keeping mothers in shape.

Physical exercise, breathing exercises, and abdominal retraction are positive aspects during pregnancy. It is these loads that contribute to the rapid process of childbirth without any complications for the mother and injuries to the newborn.

It should be noted that it is the use of yoga with abdominal retraction and correct breathing“calm” the muscles of the uterus during tone, Braxton-Hicks training contractions, are effective prevention improving the well-being of the pregnant woman.

This is for everyone personally, for me it was visible already at the 3rd month of pregnancy, and at this moment I'm 7 months old and my belly is the same size! This is how it happens.

I’m already 12 weeks old, but I’m chubby myself, and my tummy is good, so I’m afraid that I won’t see it when it starts to grow (((((what should I do??

at 12 weeks I already bought my first maternity pants, put them on right in the store))) I felt such relief))) until 15 weeks my belly, on the contrary, grew and became noticeable to others, but at 16 weeks for some reason I didn’t notice the increase, measure began every morning, but the indicators actually do not change. I think this is due to the fact that the little one’s house has formed and is now growing inside)) at the moment we are 17 weeks old. We look forward to it))))

I’m 8 weeks old, in my opinion my tummy is protruding a little, while when I eat it just swells like it’s been a month since the 5th

At almost 12 weeks, my stomach is already sticking out and not retracting a bit (only if it’s my stomach). gained 1 kg. the cheeks are gone. and everything seems to be in the tummy.

I'm 6 months pregnant. Only now everyone began to notice my situation.

I'm 10 weeks old. The tummy appeared at 7 weeks. If we eat it this way, it becomes quite round, but it takes about two hours less. I was thin before this and my stomach was concave. Based on this, I see how he has grown, others will not see it. My breast size has increased quite a lot, and who knows, they will see it.

I read it and cried. I am 4-5 weeks pregnant, with a height of 175 and weighed 59 kg. in other words, she was not fat. I eat in moderation, but my belly is noticeable to everyone around me. I tried to involve him, because I didn’t want strangers to know for a short period of time, but he stubbornly wants to be in the public eye. What will happen next.

I stopped fitting into my old jeans at 8 weeks. high waist, at the moment I’m 14 weeks and, excuse me, I look like African kids: arms, legs, sticks, hips like picking up clothes in children's world or in a boutique - and a belly that clearly sticks out. By subjective feelings(if you look at it in profile) - I’ve already gained exactly 2 times my weight. And de facto, I gained 14 centimeters in the waist area. And this is only 14 weeks!
And all because of what? Yes, simply because the pelvis is narrow, and the uterus in it very quickly becomes crowded, so the stomach falls out. O)

I'm 9 weeks. I see how my tummy has become rounder.

Expecting twins, 23 weeks. Weight and height before pregnancy were 57 kg and 174 cm, respectively. At the time when it was the 21st week. weighed 65 kg. But what’s surprising is that even at 23 weeks I’m still wearing my old jeans, actually with an elastic band. Breasts of the 1st size have not yet actually increased, only the nipples have increased. I just can’t fit into tight T-shirts anymore - my belly is already big

I thought that at 12 weeks the belly began to grow, but it turned out that there was bloating and problems with bowel movements (constipation), when the intestines cleared (at 16 weeks) the belly also became smaller than at 12.

So I read and am surprised. I am not tall - 152 cm. Everyone can already see my belly, despite the fact that we are only 11 weeks old. At first I also thought that it was bloating, but it turned out not, - my belly. In addition, I was worried if everything was ok .Now I’ve calmed down a little. Thank you, girls.

I’m 154 inches tall, my belly just became noticeable at 16 weeks and by and large my belly was small until the end of pregnancy, in fact, before giving birth I met a classmate and she said, “You still have two or three months to walk; I’m shocked - are you not, I’ve been dying for the last few days. She was petite, and from behind, by and large, it was not visible that she was pregnant.


It immediately became visible to me and became so rounded. and began to grow little by little, and after 3-4 months it suddenly began to grow, besides, it was unusual, but later it gradually grew again. I’m thin and I worked out every day, I built up my abs. I got pregnant and stopped working out, maybe as a result of this it became immediately obvious.


That, in fact, is the whole topic. Relatively not so long ago, I found out that I was pregnant, the period is still short 🙂 so the question is - from what month exactly does the belly begin to grow? Thanks in advance for your answers.

Many expectant mothers, especially those from the ranks of athletes, often wonder whether it is possible to retract the stomach during pregnancy. Some people have to tense their abdominal muscles during exercise, others do it out of habit - to look slimmer and fit. Is there any danger in this for the unborn child or vice versa - such an exercise is useful and will help the woman endure healthy baby and give birth without problems and special effort?

Pregnancy is a natural process!

Most women, when they become pregnant, begin to feel and behave as if they were crystal vases containing the world's most fragile jewelry. And if they stumble or falter, the treasure they carry within themselves will suffer or, even worse, perish. In fact, everything is completely different! Nature has provided everything in such a way that the fetus, while in the womb, is in the safest possible environment for itself. The baby in the stomach is protected by amniotic fluid, the uterus, and the abdominal cavity. All these barriers prevent compression and injury. Of course, mom needs to take care of herself when she is in such an interesting position, avoid blows to the stomach, avoid crowding in public transport, try not to fall, etc.

But there is no need to think every minute about whether it is possible to suck in the stomach during pregnancy or about what will happen if she lightly bumps into someone in the crowd. In 99.9% of cases everything will be fine with both the woman and her child! Elementary retraction of the abdomen, which occurs due to muscle tension in this area, cannot constrain the child or reduce the volume of the uterus. Before certain period, by “squeezing” a little, the mother will be able to hide her position (up to a maximum of 14-15 weeks) - while the uterus fits in the pelvic area and abdominal cavity. Then, even if you suck in your stomach or not, it still won’t go away.

When is it contraindicated during pregnancy?

However, there is a small percentage of women for whom any abdominal muscle tension is contraindicated. They belong to a risk group whose pregnancy occurs with certain pathologies. Most often, such patients are sent for periodic or permanent stays in the department of pregnancy pathology or gynecology in order to prolong prenatal period as long as possible.

In this case, the woman does not face the question of whether it is possible to retract her stomach during pregnancy. She must remain in bed most of the time for the entire nine months. Any physical activity can cause miscarriage or premature labor, bleeding and other problems. Fortunately, such situations occur extremely rarely and in most cases, patients with pregnancy pathologies are under close observation doctors.

Exercises with benefits

Moderate physical activity is very beneficial for the body, especially since you can do it during pregnancy. It is impossible to pull in the stomach so much that it harms the baby while doing various exercises. You don’t need to rest on it, lie down, and you shouldn’t do various twisting and force loads. Harm can only be caused by muscle overstrain, during which blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disrupted. But the body’s natural defense mechanisms will work to normalize the situation, and the muscles will relax.

When registering, each pregnant woman undergoes a consultation with a physiotherapist, who gives her a list of classes with muscle strengthening exercises pelvic floor and the press. Of course, training should take place at a measured pace, although among the recommended exercises there are also those where a woman will need to do enough active movements, for example, rotate your pelvis, slightly strain and draw in your stomach. Is it possible to pump up your abs during pregnancy? In the usual way - no. But to keep muscles toned, doctors recommend doing the following set of exercises:

  • lying on the floor, slightly raise your pelvis from the floor;
  • sitting on a chair, lean back until the abdominal muscles noticeably tense, then return to the starting position;
  • stand in a “feet shoulder-width apart” stance and take turns raising your legs bent at the knees, pulling them to the opposite elbow (left knee to right elbow and vice versa).

Pregnant women can also do yoga, swimming, and gymnastics.

Exercising during pregnancy

Doctors always warn their patients against excessive activity in last trimester pregnancy. At this time, walks on the fresh air And breathing exercises. On early stages playing sports is acceptable if the woman led an active lifestyle before she became pregnant. Trained muscles need to be kept in good shape at all times.

Practical experience shows that those women who do not sit still during nine months of pregnancy give birth easier and faster, and they have a better pregnancy. labor activity, fewer breaks, and subsequent recovery is an order of magnitude more successful than for those who were overly protective of themselves. But start sports activities(and especially for the purpose of weight correction) while carrying a fetus is strictly prohibited. An unprepared body may not be able to bear such a load, and there is always a risk of miscarriage.

Pull and pull - there is a difference

So we figured out whether it is possible to retract the stomach during pregnancy, and in general, what exercises are acceptable for women during this period. It must be said that if accidental or deliberate retraction of the abdomen is not something dangerous, then tugging it is a huge risk.

Women need to wear clothes that will not put pressure on the abdomen and pelvic area, because even minimal discomfort in this area can lead to poor circulation and, as a result, fetal hypoxia. Lack of oxygen can cause the baby to fall behind in intrauterine development. However, this threat has nothing to do with wearing prenatal bandage, which does not compress the stomach, but lifts it, that is, in many ways it performs the function of a woman’s weak muscular corset.

Summarizing the above, it is necessary to once again remind all expectant mothers that adequate physical activity contributes to the successful course of pregnancy and successful childbirth, so you should not deny yourself feasible training, but at the same time they should never forget about caution!

Not all women want to demonstrate being in interesting position to others. But over time, the belly increases in size, and hiding pregnancy becomes problematic. In this case, the question arises whether it is possible suck in the stomach and whether it will harm the child.

    Features of abdominal growth in pregnant women

    Belly rounding period During pregnancy, each woman is different. For some it forms at 2-3 months, for others it becomes visible only at 5-6 months. The intensity of its growth depends on muscle training, embryonic attachment site, heredity and body type.

    Attachment by back wall the uterus provides small tummy during pregnancy. In this case, the child is located deep in the pelvis. Attaching to the front wall guarantees fast growth belly.

    According to statistics, women who play sports before conception change their figure much later. This is due to good muscle tone. Not least important is woman's weight. For plump representatives of the fair sex, changes in appearance become noticeable later than for slender women.

    ON A NOTE! If the uterus is toned, exercising is contraindicated for pregnant women.

    The rate at which the belly grows also depends on the type of pregnancy. During the period of gestation of the first child, it grows very slowly, since the muscles are not as elastic as those of multiparous women.

    Is it possible to suck in your stomach during pregnancy?

    The baby in the womb is protected amniotic fluid. The peritoneal muscles serve as a reliable frame. When they are tense, the child does not feel significant discomfort, but regular muscle compression could harm him.

    Before thinking about retracting the abdomen, you should analyze the feasibility of this action. To protect your child from unwanted problems as much as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following principles:

    • train your abdominal muscles still at the stage of planning conception;
    • do gymnastics for pregnant women;
    • perform breathing exercises.

    REFERENCE! You can relieve the load from the muscles of the peritoneum and back with the help of a bandage. It fixes the child in the desired position and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

    Sometimes tensing your abdominal muscles during pregnancy becomes problematic. The first trimester is characterized by gas formation. Appears epigastric discomfort, and its size increases. This process does not affect the fetus in any way, and the woman may not feel very well.

    Possible consequences

    On initial stage interesting situation tummy retraction will not lead to serious consequences if there is no risk of miscarriage. When threatened, any body movements can serve as a trigger. For more later the danger is as follows:

    • lack of oxygen in the child;
    • risk of developing tone;
    • increasing the baby's activity in the womb.

    IMPORTANT! Wearing tight underwear, belts or girdles is considered dangerous for the fetus. Blood circulation in the pelvis is disrupted, which leads to oxygen starvation.

    Retracting the abdomen under the condition of a successful pregnancy does not pose any danger, but it is advisable to listen to the child. Conditions under which it occurs squeezing internal organs , bring him discomfort.

    Why can't I pull my stomach in?

    Any woman may experience the inability to retract her stomach. There is a feeling as if something interferes with the pelvis. There are several reasons for this phenomenon: