How to clean gold jewelry. Cleaning white gold jewelry. Effective means for cleaning gold products at home

People have long used gold as jewelry. But before that she could only afford to know. And then, family jewelry was worn mainly in special occasions. Nowadays you won’t be surprised by a ring or chain made of gold - jewelry is worn every day. And men, and women, and children. Therefore, the question more often arises of how to clean gold at home quickly and efficiently.

Exist different types alloys of gold with other metals. Some are harder, others are softer. On soft alloys, micro-scratches appear faster, causing the product to become dull.

Why do jewelry fade?

There are four more reasons why jewelry loses its presentable appearance.

  1. Natural human secretions. The body secretes sebum and sweat. The secret adversely affects jewelry.
  2. Cosmetical tools. Do you use creams? decorative cosmetics? Protect items made of gold or gilding from contact with such substances - they age the jewelry.
  3. Detergents. Cleaning powders and bleach have a particularly detrimental effect on rings and bracelets.
  4. Dust and dirt. City and household dust gets into the corners of jewelry, making it dirty and unsightly.

Types of stains and 3 options for solving the problem

Gold is a delicate metal and is easy to scratch. Decorations with stains also look unsightly. Most often, products need to be washed:

  • from blackness;
  • from darkening;
  • from traces of soot;
  • from inclusions of dirt;
  • from greasy deposits.

Whatever problem arises, you can use one of three cleaning options.

  1. Professional. A jeweler will help restore gold to its original shine using modern, gentle ultrasonic technology.
  2. Homemade using folk remedies. Cleaning gold at home to make it shine is not easy. But doable. They're on the move different recipes and “grandmothers’ advice”: vinegar, foil, toothpaste and others.
  3. Homemade using special means. IN jewelry stores Special solutions, wipes and creams for cleaning gold are sold. With it, all contaminants disappear without additional effort or equipment. You can also purchase a compact home ultrasonic bath for cleaning items made of precious metals and jewelry.

How to clean gold: 12 traditional methods

There are 12 folk ways how to clean gold. When choosing the right one, remember that jewelry should not be rubbed with force. Also, dry soda, sugar and bulk cleansing are not used. Fine abrasives may scratch the product. Use brushes with soft bristles only.

  1. Soap solution. Mix a tablespoon of shampoo in a glass of heated water. Place the product in the solution. Wait two hours. During this time, all contaminants will dissolve. To enhance the effect, go over problem areas with an old toothbrush. But remember that the bristles should be soft.
  2. Toothpaste. Apply some paste and clean the gold. If you clean the chain, distribute the contents of the tube over the entire length at once, then wipe it back and forth with a soft cloth. According to reviews, this is the most effective method.
  3. Petrolatum. Take in equal proportions: powdered chalk, soap shavings, Vaseline, water. Mix chalk and soap, then add Vaseline. Gradually add water to bring the mixture to a paste. Application: lubricate and wipe.
  4. Lipstick. Titanium dioxide, which is contained in women's lipstick, will help against dark stains on gold and gold-plated products. Take a clear lipstick and apply it to cotton wool or fabric. Wipe down the decoration. The pomade will also help polish away any scratches on the gold.
  5. Vinegar with onions. To remove dark spots, wipe the product with a mixture of grated onion and vinegar (1:1).
  6. Sugar. Mix two teaspoons of sugar in a glass of water. Soak the gold for at least six hours.
  7. Salt. Leave the jewelry in a solution of a glass of water and three tablespoons of salt throughout the day.
  8. Soda with foil. Place foil on the bottom of an enamel dish and fill with half a glass of water. Add two teaspoons of baking soda. Will begin chemical process, known as ion exchange. In this way you can clean not only gold, but also silver. Place items in the solution. Keep for at least ten hours.
  9. Egg and beer. Shake your beer with egg white. Rub the mixture over the decoration.
  10. Liquid for lenses. Pour liquid over all decorations for three minutes.
  11. Hyposulfite. A substance used by photographers will help get rid of iodine stains.
  12. Lemon. Squeeze out lemon juice and wipe problem areas.

When you have decided how to clean gold, prepare not only the ingredients and equipment from the recipe. You should have a dry and soft cotton napkin on hand. After the procedure, the gold must be washed in clean water and wipe dry. Do not wear products immediately after cleaning.

3 recipes with ammonia

Not a single first aid kit is complete without ammonia. With its help you can add shine not only to glass and mirrors, but also to gold. There are three recipes for cleaning gold at home with ammonia.

  • Option No. 1. For a glass of water, one small spoon of alcohol. Wet the cloth or cotton wool and wipe the jewelry. Wash everything with soapy water, then with plain water.
  • Option number 2. Make a paste from crushed chalk (talc) and ammonia. Apply as in the previous method.
  • Option No. 3. Mix ammonia (a teaspoon), liquid soap (half a teaspoon), warm water (a glass) and hydrogen peroxide (30 ml). Immerse your earrings or ring in the solution for ten minutes.

Ammonia is a powerful cleaner, but it has a pungent odor, so use in a well-ventilated area. It's good for them to do " deep cleaning", But not often. Ammonia can damage some materials, so this method is not suitable for cleaning earrings or rings containing platinum, stones or pearls.

If there are inserts

Stone inserts on jewelry will not tolerate rough treatment. They are easy to scratch and become dull. Know that stones do not like water. Those parts of the jewelry where the insert is attached should not get wet. Especially if the stones are glued. Otherwise valuable minerals They'll just fall out. There are two ways to clean gold with stones:

  • alcohol - wipe products (for example, with cubic zirconia) using a soft cloth or cotton pad;
  • soap solution- process carefully and quickly, and then it is important to dry well.

Diamonds are cleaned no more than once a month. And it is still advisable to entrust such products to a jeweler. And special store-bought solutions or ammonia will help you clean white gold with diamonds at home. Remember, stones such as opal, pearls, turquoise and amber do not tolerate a humid environment.

5 rules for wearing

Caring for gold jewelry is easy. By following these five tips, you can extend the interval between cleanings and keep your items looking expensive for a long time.

  1. Remove before cleaning. Homework or renovations and decorations don’t go together. Even when washing dishes, take them off or wear gloves.
  2. Avoid contact with cosmetics. Cosmetics have a detrimental effect on the appearance of products. When applying creams, gels, perfumes, do not let them come into contact with gold.
  3. Protect from sun rays. The sun's rays change the light of metal. Therefore, protect your gold from such contact. A box is suitable for storage, but note that carton boxes contribute to the appearance of stains. The best thing is wood, lined inside with a polishing material.
  4. Protect from temperature changes. Fluctuations in the thermometer and changes in humidity indicators have a bad effect on the condition of jewelry.
  5. Remove at night. And be sure to wipe with a soft cloth after each wear.

Do not take seriously the advice to clean gold with Coca-Cola or other sodas - they are harmful not only to the stomach, but also to precious metals.

Don't put off cleaning your gold at home until later. Proper care and careful attitude will extend the life of your jewelry.


Various ways to clean gold items at home: washing, chemicals, mechanical impact, folk remedies. Tips for cleaning items with stones white gold and with matte areas.

A girl's best friends are diamonds and gold jewelry. But often sparkling, shining and brilliant gold upsets its owner, losing its original beauty. In jewelry stores, of course, there is a service for cleaning gold items. But why pay more if you can restore your former glow at home, using what everyone has on hand.

Gold is a very soft metal. And, if jewelers did not add other metals when producing gold items: copper, zinc, nickel, etc., then it would quickly lose its shape, that is, it would break. But it is these additives that lead to changes in the appearance of your favorite products. Also, over time, the products simply become covered with dust (and it can certainly be removed without the participation of a specialist), fat or sweat secretions from contact with the skin.

Cleansing dark spots, black spots, sweat fat and returning shine is a matter of just a few minutes. But even if you don’t notice any changes on your jewelry, you need to clean it regularly, at least once a month. Cleaning gold at home can be divided into several stages and methods.

Necessary equipment for cleaning gold

To complete such an important task at home, you will need completely simple tools:

  • boiled water, in some cases hot; laundry soap or baby shampoo;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • soda;
  • sugar;
  • bulb;
  • potato;
  • lipstick from a ladies' cosmetic bag as a paste substitute;
  • Toothbrush;
  • cotton swabs and disks;
  • beer;
  • vinegar;
  • dentifrice;
  • 1 egg;
  • soft cloth;
  • container for immersing products.

the washing up

Quite often it is difficult to determine the degree of contamination precious item. You just see that it has faded. It is worth starting the gold cleaning procedure with easy washing in a soap solution. This will help determine how dirty your ring, chain or bracelet is. Pour heated water into a deep container, approximately 50 degrees, add any detergent there ( baby soap, shampoo, dish detergent, washing powder) and immerse the products. Remember, they must be completely submerged. The product should be left in this state for 1-2 hours. Soapy water allows all dirt to dissolve, so that later you can easily get rid of them with a cloth or brush. Having taken out the gold jewelry after 2 hours in a soapy solution, they should be cleaned with a brush and rinsed thoroughly with running water. If after this the gold does not acquire original form then stronger means are needed.

First of all, you need to wash the gold item.

Chemical attack

In this case, it is worth resorting to such chemicals, like ammonia, hydrogen peroxide.

How to prepare a mixture for cleaning gold with ammonia?

You will need a glass of water, a large spoon washing powder or any other detergent and a teaspoon of ammonia.

Add powder and ammonia to boiling water. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, place your products in the mixture and wait 2 hours. After completing the procedure, you need to rinse the jewelry with running water and dry with a soft cloth.

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia and detergent

You still need the same glass of water, 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide, a teaspoon of ammonia and half a teaspoon of detergent. All ingredients are mixed. Products should be left in this solution for only 10-15 minutes, otherwise you risk damaging the surface. Then everything is also washed and dried.

Chemical treatments also include various food products which we use every day for cooking. Some experts classify them as folk remedies. But if you think about it, everything given in the article is a folk remedy for combating the darkening and fading of gold items.

Soda comes to the rescue

Ordinary baking soda, which is found in every housewife's home, can work a miracle with gold jewelry. You need to take a glass of water and 2.5 tablespoons of soda. Mix them and boil for two minutes. The products should be immersed in the cooled solution. Then also rinse and dry. You can also store your products in this solution.

There is another option for using soda: put foil on the bottom, fill it with the same solution (only you should use one and a half spoons of soda, not 2.5) and leave the products in the mixture for 8 hours.

You can use baking soda together with detergents. The same proportionality of water and soda, only in this method there will be no foil, but half a teaspoon of detergent. Place a cloth at the bottom of the container, place your tarnished jewelry there, fill it with a boiling cleaning solution (please note, boiling) and let the water with the jewelry inside cool. After the usual washing and drying.

Gold can be cleaned with improvised means

Water and sugar

Dirt on gold does not like sweets, unlike women who wear gold items. Using just a glass of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar, you can easily and permanently get rid of plaque and make your jewelry shine. Products should be soaked in a warm solution for 8 to 12 hours. Final stage preserved: rinse under running water and dry with a soft cloth.


There is always salt in the house, and if you can forget to buy peroxide and put off cleaning the products for another day, then there is no escape from salt. You only need 3 tablespoons of salt and half a glass of water. Dissolve the salt in warm water and place the products there, leaving them in this position overnight. In the morning you wash and wipe it all. Everything, the products shine like new.

Liquid for lenses

Placing gold jewelry in lens fluid overnight is also considered chemical exposure. After such an environment, they become smooth and sparkling. And the simplicity lies in the fact that you don’t need to cook or mix anything. You can simply purchase such a liquid and enjoy its effects.

Mechanical cleaning

If soaking in various solutions does not help your products, and black spots are still visible on them, then cleaning cannot be avoided. Here it is worth using special or so-called folk cleaning products. Remember, do not use baking soda, it can scratch the surface. Jewelry stores have special pastes that gently clean the surface. Today we are talking about how to do this without the participation of professionals. Your usual lipstick from your cosmetic bag, or onions, or potatoes will come to the rescue here.

Onion to the rescue

Of course, this product will give your products a piquant smell. But it won't last long. After thorough rinsing bad smell will disappear. If you don’t want to experiment with this option, then just swap the onions for potatoes.

The gold ring will sparkle after being treated with onions

How to prepare a miracle cure? You should prepare a paste from a small onion or potato, that is, grate them (preferably fine). Next, you should strain off the excess water through cheesecloth and place the pulp in a container. Immerse the products in the dish you have prepared for two hours. Then rinse and wipe. If the pollution was severe or you have very openwork decorations, then you can additionally clean hard-to-reach places with a cotton swab.

How does lipstick work?

You've probably heard about the effectiveness of Goi paste - a special tool for cleaning jewelry. If you don’t have such a bar of paste, then you can resort to using regular lipstick, which is in your arsenal anyway. Lipstick color can be any. This will not affect the effectiveness of the method. You can apply lipstick directly to the product, and then wipe everything off thoroughly with a soft cloth. Or you can apply thick lipstick cotton pad and rub your decoration until it shines with this beautiful side. Then everything is wiped off the surface of the product with a clean cotton pad.

Egg white and beer

Men, of course, will not be happy with this fact, but beer can really make your gold jewelry shine. It is worth mixing one protein and a couple of spoons of beer so that they form a homogeneous mass. Apply this liquid to a soft cloth and wipe the product with it.


To make the product shine again like it was just purchased, you can moisten a cotton pad with table vinegar and wipe the product. Believe me, the shine will be unique.


This is one of the most common means for mechanical cleaning of gold. The only thing worth remembering here is not to use powder with a whitening effect. It will have a similar effect on gold, that is, it will become dull.

All of the above are ideal methods for cleaning gold jewelry without stones. When using, for example, ammonia for products with amber, you can ruin the stone. What then to do with jewelry that contains expensive stones?

Cleaning gold jewelry with stones

Products with stones should be given special attention Special attention. You need to be careful when choosing a cleaning product and cleaning method. It all depends on the type of stone and the method of its fastening. Such jewelry is cleaned using cotton swabs, which are moistened with alcohol or cologne. Remember, if the stone is attached with glue, you should not place the ring, necklace or brooch in water. After cleaning, such products are simply wiped dry with soft cloths. You can use gasoline instead of alcohol, but this will create an unpleasant smell in the room.

Jewelry with stones requires a special approach

Products with pearls

As you know, pearls are a natural organic compound, so they tend to lose their shine. Cleaning pearls is a very painstaking job. The tool for this is an eyeshadow brush. It is washed off in soapy water, washed with water and left to dry, without using tissues.


Jewelry set with diamonds is often framed in platinum and gold. Such jewelry should only be cleaned in soapy water using shampoo or liquid soap. Can't take laundry soap. It does not add shine to platinum, but rather takes it away. You can also use ammonia. Then it is worth preparing the solution according to the proportions indicated above.

How to update matte gold

Matte gold is also a very delicate type of product. This surface is very easily exposed mechanical damage. You can only use soft flannel cloths. A solution of ammonia is suitable as a solution. You can prepare a mixture, which is then applied to the jewelry and removes unwanted abrasions. This is a mixture of a teaspoon of lime, water and a pinch of salt with a teaspoon of soda. This mixture is infused for several days, then the product is simply immersed in it, thoroughly washed and dried. And that’s it, your product has found a new life.

Professional products

Gold does not always mean earrings, rings, bracelets and necklaces. In some cases, these are watches, picture frames and other massive objects that simply cannot be placed in a small container. And putting a whole basin of salt or ammonia solution is not very profitable or convenient. Then the special product Icedol can come to your aid. This cleaning agent is used in churches to clean frames, candlesticks and more. And you can buy it there for quite a price. affordable price. This product is applied thin layer onto the product and is washed off after a few minutes. The last stage is wiping with a cloth, that is, the final removal of the product from the surface of the product.

Rules for caring for gold jewelry

Cleaning jewelry is a very difficult task. Rather, here we speak of regret and resentment towards ourselves, that our beloved beautiful decoration faded so quickly. Of course, know everything easy methods, quick and affordable cleaning of gold at home is good and will not hurt anyone. But it is also worth following the rules of caring for them. This will reduce the need for frequent cleaning and maintain a natural glow for a long time.

  1. You should avoid interacting your jewelry with alkalis, acids, mercury, sulfur and chlorine compounds. Where can you meet them if you don't work in a chemical laboratory? All this is quite likely used in detergents, cosmetics, nail polish remover, and ointments. That is, when starting to do laundry, do a manicure or wash dishes, you should either take off your jewelry or put on gloves (in the case of a manicure, this option is not suitable).
  2. It is worth removing jewelry when you are going to take ultraviolet baths, take x-rays, or handle paints or abrasives (harsh cleaning agents).
  3. Sauna, bathhouse, solarium - these are all enemies of gold jewelry. If you know, then go where they will happen sudden changes temperature, then leave the decorations at home.
  4. It is worth considering the storage conditions of products. Cardboard that contains a large number of sulfur is not a favorable environment for gold jewelry.
  5. To avoid scratches and scuffs, always remove jewelry before playing sports.

All these tips will extend the life of your favorite gold jewelry. We have provided you with several methods to choose from. You have the right to try them all and choose the most acceptable and suitable one for your gold. Let your jewelry always shine, like your eyes with happiness.

Over time, jewelry made from precious metals fades and loses its shine. To give them back original beauty, they must be periodically cleaned of dirt accumulated on the surface. Some people prefer to take their jewelry to jewelers.

However, there are many ways to clean gold at home. These are fast and effective methods do not require the purchase of special tools. Just look in your medicine cabinet or kitchen cabinet to find the necessary cleaning components.

Dishwashing liquid

Every housewife has dishwashing detergent or usually liquid soap in her house. With their help, you can get rid of not only traces of dirt, but also clean gold.

This is very easy to do:

  1. Place 250 milliliters of water in a small saucepan.
  2. Cover the bottom with a clean cloth.
  3. Add 5 milliliters of any detergent. If desired, you can use liquid soap.
  4. Place gold jewelry in a container.
  5. Place the saucepan on the burner and bring water to a boil.
  6. Boil the jewelry for about 10 minutes.
  7. Rinse the gold under running water.
  8. Wipe dry with a soft cloth.

This is a very simple method that does not require physical effort. If you want to literally have a hand in cleaning your favorite chain or earrings, there is no need to boil the jewelry.

Just soak them in soapy water for a few hours. Then take the old one toothbrush with soft bristles and go over the jewelry thoroughly. Finally, rinse with water and wipe dry.


The usual baking soda is also good at removing dirt particles from gold jewelry. You just need to follow the recommendations below:

  1. Line the bottom of any suitable container with foil.
  2. Post to the bottom of the jewel.
  3. Dissolve 50 grams of baking soda in 500 milliliters of hot water.
  4. Pour the soda solution into the container with the decorations.
  5. Cover the top with another layer of foil.
  6. Leave overnight.
  7. Rinse the gold under running water.
  8. Remove any remaining moisture.

If you were advised to rub gold with soda, with the addition of a small amount, it is better not to use this recommendation. The higher the standard of the jewelry, the more likely it is that such mechanical action will not only remove all dirt, but also significantly scratch the surface of the jewelry.

Moreover, do not use this method when working with jewelry inlaid with stones. Even vinegar fumes can harm some minerals.


If you are wondering how to clean gold at home to make it shine, we recommend using products with ammonia. The simplest method is to treat the precious metal with ammonia, rinse thoroughly in warm soapy water and gently wipe with a soft cloth.

The following recipe is also easy to follow and produces high-quality results:

  1. Boil 250 milliliters of water.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of washing powder, liquid soap or dishwashing detergent.
  3. Pour in 5 milliliters of ammonia.
  4. Stir the solution until all components are completely dissolved.
  5. Pour the cleaning mixture over the decorations. Leave for 2 hours.
  6. Rinse jewelry with running water.
  7. Wipe thoroughly soft cloth.

This solution copes well with all types of contaminants. But you can improve it by slightly changing the composition:

  1. Combine 250 milliliters warm water, 5 milliliters of ammonia, 30 milliliters of 30% hydrogen peroxide, half a teaspoon of liquid soap.
  2. Pour the liquid into a glass, ceramic or plastic container.
  3. Place chains, rings, and earrings in the solution.
  4. After 15 minutes, rinse the jewelry with warm running water.
  5. Wipe dry with a soft cloth.

There is another fairly simple way. You need to combine ammonia and fused chalk (made from natural chalk, does not contain foreign components, is non-toxic).

Simply put, this is high-quality school chalk. Rub the prepared mixture onto the jewelry and then wash it with soapy water.

Salt or sugar

Even if you are very busy man and there is no soda or ammonia in your house, table salt will definitely be found in the kitchen. This must-have seasoning for every dish perfectly cleanses the gold:

  1. Mix half a glass of hot water with 50 grams of salt.
  2. Pour into a narrow vessel.
  3. Place the gold in a container with saline solution.
  4. Shake well.
  5. Leave it on all night.
  6. Rinse with water.

Sugar will compete with salt. 30 grams of sweet sand should be dissolved in 250 milliliters of warm water. Place decorations in the solution and leave for 12 hours. To make gold shine again, just rinse it thoroughly in running water and rub it with a soft cloth.

Folk remedies

There are a few more unusual ways that will help you easily clean gold:

  • Cut the onion in half and carefully rub the cut area over the jewels. After 3 hours, rinse with water and dry with a soft cloth;
  • In case of severe contamination, treat the gold with a piece of silk cloth soaked in a borax solution.

No effort required. It is necessary to polish jewelry with light movements. Finally, rinse and wipe with a soft cloth:

  • Dirt in hard-to-reach places will help remove the usual 9% table vinegar. You need to pour it into a container, put decorations inside, and leave for half an hour. After this time, walk over the gold with soft bristles. Rinse, dry;
  • mix chalk, Vaseline, grated soap. Add a little warm water to the resulting mixture and stir thoroughly. Apply the creamy paste to the decorations. Wash off after 2-3 hours.

Matte gold, in Lately, is very popular. But you need to clean it in more delicate ways.

Such products can be placed in an ammonia solution for 2 hours, then rinsed thoroughly and dried.

Jewelry with stones

Stones can be hard or soft. The choice of cleaning method depends on their hardness. Hard ones include diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald, zircon, alexandrite, topaz and others. They tolerate the effects of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and gasoline well. You can even light a match and rub the burnt wood on the stone to make it shine again with all its facets.

Things are more complicated with soft stones: pearls, turquoise, amber, opal, jade and others. They are completely unsuitable for aggressive methods using acids, abrasive materials and high temperatures.

It's best to do this:

  • Rub the stone and gold item well with a special cloth for glasses;
  • dampen a soft cloth in soapy water and wipe the gold and stone. Be sure to dry immediately;
  • use medical alcohol for cleaning;
  • A mixture of egg white and beer will help remove dirt. Take components in single quantities.

By the way, soft stones also do not tolerate moisture. Therefore, never soak them even in the safest solution. After removing dirt, be sure to wipe dry with a soft cloth.

To gold jewelry long years pleased with the magnificent shine, it is recommended to clean them once a month. It is advisable to remove rings, chains, and bracelets while working around the house. Jewelry should be stored in a box away from direct sunlight.

12/05/2017 2 7,948 views

Gold is a precious metal that absolutely everyone is partial to. These decorations hardly deteriorate, but they also need care. Let's look at how to clean gold at home to make it shine. There are many ways and they are quite simple. Unlike costume jewelry, such products are practically impossible to damage when cleaning.

If stones are inserted into the jewelry, the process becomes more complicated. The fact is that each mineral requires an individual approach. They cannot be boiled like regular gold accessories. These rings and earrings are very fragile, so you need to hold them firmly in your hands when cleaning. You may need professional help if you are afraid of damaging your jewelry.

Reasons Why Gold Requires Regular Cleaning

Gold - noble metal, but it can also lose its pristine beauty. If the jewelry has not been cleaned for a long time, it can be seen with the naked eye. Such products will not decorate the housewife as much as they could. Pollution also causes harm to humans. For example, due to unwashed earrings, an inflammatory process begins on the earlobes.

Reasons for darkening of gold accessories:

  • Violation of ligature inscription. Jewelry is usually made from alloys with silver, palladium, copper - these components increase the risk of wear resistance. Gold with a large number of impurities oxidizes quite quickly. IN similar situation You should not clean the products at home; it is better to seek the help of a specialist.
  • Human nutrition. Substances leave the body through sweat, which interacts with the bracelets and oxidizes them. A film appears containing dust particles, sulfides, and grease.
  • Cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. They usually contain iodine or mercury. The chain may appear stained gray. In this case, the metal is destroyed and it will not be possible to clean it yourself. It is worth contacting a jeweler.
  • Polishing paste. Sometimes products are coated with this product. When wearing jewelry, part of it wears off, so skin stains remain dark shades, and on the ring - light. Then you need to remove the layer with a soft cloth.

How to properly clean gold at home?

Each decoration requires individual approach. The method is selected based on the color of the product - it can be white or yellow. The coating can be matte or shiny. It is important to consider whether there are stones - earrings with diamonds will require careful handling. The nature of the contamination is also important.

General rules for washing products at home:

  1. Jewelry with stones should be cleaned using only gentle methods, without adding acids or abrasives. It is advisable not to immerse them in water, but to use a soap solution or a special paste.
  2. You should not wash different jewelry in the same bowl (for example, gold and silver). There is a risk that they will turn white.
  3. Vinegar, dry soda and citric acid should be used very carefully. These methods are suitable for jewelry that is in good condition. If damaged or scratched, there is a risk of damaging them even more. Also, these methods are not used for accessories with stones.

There is no need to add laundry soap to the washing solution. This can cause the jewelry to become duller and lose its shine. It contains acids that are incompatible with gold.


The tool will help you achieve maximum effect when cleaning your home yourself. The method is applicable exclusively for products without stones. To prepare it, you will need:

  • water – 250 ml;
  • 10% ammonia solution – 0.5 tsp;
  • dishwashing detergent (optional) – 1 tsp.

Mix the ingredients, lower the accessory. The liquid will instantly turn dark. Then take it out and rinse.


For this you need the following ingredients:

  1. Boiling water – 250 ml.
  2. Ammonia – 1 spoon.
  3. Washing powder, liquid soap or detergent - 1 spoon.

Pour water into a glass plate, add other ingredients and mix thoroughly. Leave the products in the solution for two hours, then rinse with water and dry. The method will work for gold items with stones, but instead of boiling water you need to use room temperature and keep them in solution for a short period.

Toothpaste or tooth powder

Silver accessories are often washed with the paste; this method is also suitable for gold. To do this, apply the cleaning agent to a soft cloth or cotton wool.

The method is used for gold jewelry with stones, since it does not require immersion in water. At the same time, you should pay attention that there are no small solid particles in the paste. Tooth powder should not be used for this purpose, because it is an abrasive agent.


To clean using this method you will need the following ingredients:

  • baking soda – 1-1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • boiling water – 250 ml.

Mix the ingredients. Spread foil in a plate and pour in the solution. The products should be left for 8-12 hours (you can keep them overnight). The method is not used for gold earrings with pearls and other stones.

Dish detergent

Using this method, you can clean the accessory from iodine and other dirty stains. To do this, you need hot water (but not more than 60 degrees) and detergent. Lower the jewelry and leave for about two hours. After this time, you need to pull them out and wipe them with a standard toothbrush. If contamination remains, you can repeat the procedure.

A mixture of liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide

To prepare you will need:

  1. Water – 250 ml.
  2. Ammonia – 1 spoon.
  3. Liquid soap – 2 drops.
  4. 3% hydrogen peroxide solution – 30 ml.

Pour water into a plate, add the remaining ingredients and mix. Immerse the jewelry in the solution for a quarter of an hour. Rinse and dry with a soft cloth. The method is not suitable for earrings with topaz and similar stones.


If you don't want to use ingredients like alcohol and peroxide, we recommend cleaning your jewelry with a saline solution. To prepare you will need:

  • water – 0.5 cups;
  • non-iodized salt – 3 tbsp. l.

Keep the products in the mixture overnight and dry with a soft cloth.

How to clean gold at home to make it shine?

The following ways will help you add shine to your favorite ring or bracelet:

  1. Hyposulfite solution. You can find it in special stores. The product works well with jewelry. You need to take one tablespoon of it and dilute it in a glass of water. Hold the jewel for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Lipstick. It contains titanium dioxide, which can help get rid of blackness. Apply the cosmetic product to a piece of cotton wool and wipe the accessory over the surface.
  3. Onion or vinegar. After wiping with products, rinse the product and dry thoroughly.
  4. Chemical solutions for cleaning gold jewelry. Thanks to them, sulfur compounds and fat are removed.
  5. Special paste. To prepare it you will need Vaseline, grated soap, crushed chalk and water. The components must be in equal quantities. Mix everything, apply to the surface of the decoration, wipe with a soft cloth. Then wash with water and dry thoroughly.
  6. Sugar. The method will make the jewelry shine, but will not remove dirt. To do this, you will need to dilute three teaspoons in a glass of warm water and leave for 8-12 hours.
  7. Paste GOI. You need to dip a piece of rag in it and wipe the product. Afterwards, you need to rinse the ring in a solution of a teaspoon of ammonia, a tablespoon of liquid soap and a glass of hot water. Then rinse the jewelry and remove excess liquid using a soft cloth.

How to clean gold jewelry with stones?

This species must not be kept in boiling water. Usually the stones are secured with glue, so they can easily fall out. For hard types such as zircon, emerald, topaz, diamond, garnet, peridot and ruby, the following cleaning methods are suitable:

  • Cleaning solution. The method is relevant for light contamination. The water should not be hot. Walk over the decoration with a soft brush, then polish. The method is used for artificial stones. For example, for accessories with cubic zirconia.
  • Ammonia. It is used in advanced cases. Dilute a teaspoon of the product into 1/3 cup of water, then shake - this way they clean hard-to-reach areas. Leave in the liquid for 10 minutes and rinse the product.
  • Petrol. It will help eliminate grease and stains. To do this, you need to wet the rag and wash the jewelry.
  • Means for professional cleaning. They can be bought in a special store. Instructions are usually included.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Dip a rag and carefully wipe the product.
  • Fine ash. To get it, you need to burn a match and then polish it.

For hard species There are many ways, but soft stones require more careful handling. This group includes serpentine, opal, pearls, coral, turquoise, malachite, and amber. The following rules apply:

  1. Jewelry should not be subjected to intensive cleaning, especially with hard brushes. There is a risk of damaging the surface of the stone, leaving scratches.
  2. Special wipes for glasses are suitable for these types. They can be regular or impregnated.
  3. When washing, use a soap solution soft cloth and do not keep accessories in water. Liquid usually has a negative effect on stones. Therefore, they also need to be dried very well.
  4. For real pearls, you should not use lemon juice or vinegar, as the acid will cause corrosion.
  5. The best option for these stones is a mixture of equal amounts of alcohol and water. After keeping the ring in it, you need to wipe it with a soft cloth, first dipped in a solution with soap. Rinse, dry well.

Washing products with stones is also carried out using the following folk recipes:

  • protein and beer. Mix the components thoroughly in equal proportions. Dip in mixture flannel fabric, clean the jewelry;
  • onion juice The method eliminates greasy stains. Squeeze the liquid out of the vegetable, leave the accessory for ten minutes, wipe thoroughly with a brush;
  • vinegar will help remove dirt from hard-to-reach areas;

Video: how to clean gold with stones at home to make it shine?

How to properly store gold items so that they do not darken or get dirty?

Basic storage rules:

  1. Any jewelry should be kept in a dry, dark place and ensure that it does not get wet.
  2. Gold should be kept separate from other metals, especially silver. From their contact, the attractiveness of jewelry is lost.
  3. Jewelry should also be kept in a different place.
  4. If gold earrings or rings have artificial stones, they need to be stored in wooden boxes, first wrapped in cotton cloth. This type of crystal loses its former attractiveness faster and careless handling leads to the appearance of cracks and scratches.
  5. Caring for jewelry should be periodic - they need to be cleaned and wiped with a flannel cloth before leaving.
  6. A padded case is suitable for storing gold. You should not keep it in boxes or cardboard, because they contain sulfur, which causes dark stains to appear on the jewelry. They should also not be left in plastic packaging.
  7. Accessories with precious stones must be removed before cleaning. Has a bad effect on them household chemicals and products intended for dishes. They need to be washed two to three times a year.
  8. You will need to remove rings and chains before swimming in the pool (chlorine can cause harm) and the sea (various impurities and salts). It is also worth doing this during sports training, as sweat is released intensely.

When cleaning, it is important to hold the jewelry tightly and be as focused as possible. You should try to avoid alcohol, peroxide, citric acid, if the pollution is not too strong.

There are a lot of methods for cleaning gold jewelry; they are simple, but require some care. It is recommended not only to wash products at home, but also to periodically contact a specialist. They can not only provide professional assistance to the jewelry, but also advise methods based on its individual characteristics.

Any jewelry becomes dirty over time. Dirt gets clogged into the smallest holes, a dusty coating settles in a thin film on the surface of the product, as a result of which the jewelry loses the shine of the metal and the play of color of the stones.

Why clean gold?

Gold jewelry is designed to please the eye with its beauty, and tarnished rings and earrings do not attract attention. In addition, dirty products pose a health hazard. Bacteria found on contaminated surfaces of piercing earrings or ears can cause various inflammatory processes. For hygiene and beauty reasons, gold jewelry should be cleaned periodically. To do this, you can contact a jewelry workshop, where they will clean them for a fee. But there are many ways to clean your jewelry at home that can save you time and money.

How to clean gold at home

To decide how to clean your gold, determine the degree of contamination. If the product is a little dirty and a short period has passed since the last cleaning, wash it in a soapy solution.

A fairly common type of contamination on gold jewelry is stains resulting from oxidation. In the manufacture of gold jewelry, gold is used in the form of compounds with other precious metals. This is due to the fact that gold in its structure is a soft metal, and a product made of pure gold will not hold its shape. Additives to gold are alloys that oxidize under the influence of water and air and appear on products in the form of black and green spots.

Washing is one of the ways to clean gold

IN hot water add any foamy product (soap, shampoo), leave the jewelry in it for a couple of hours. Gently brush the items with a soft-bristled toothbrush, rinse with water and dry. Soak heavily soiled areas that have not been cleaned again and repeat the procedure. If the appearance of the jewelry has not changed, apply the next cleaning step.

Chemical cleaning of gold

To remove oxidation stains, use an ammonia solution. Ammonia reacts with silver and copper, forming compounds that are easily soluble in water.

  • Purchase an ammonia solution of 25% or higher at the pharmacy.
  • Pour ammonia into a non-metallic container and place the products in it for 3 hours.
  • At heavy pollution leave it for 12 hours, clean and rinse with water.
  • Be sure to follow safety precautions when working with ammonia.

Mechanical cleaning of gold

If the product is so dirty that it cannot be cleaned either by washing or using dry cleaning, must be applied mechanical cleaning abrasive materials. It is not recommended to use for this baking soda or dish cleaning powder. They will scratch the product and it will lose its shine. In addition, the top layer is removed, resulting in weight loss. It is recommended to use a paste to clean jewelry.

Apply a little paste to a soft cloth and wipe the surface in one direction. Remove the remaining paste with a clean cloth, rinse with alcohol or vodka, which will dissolve the fatty film from the surface. Rinse with water and dry the product.

You can make your own pasta. Take as a basis toothpaste, add crushed chalk, soap shavings, water and petroleum jelly in equal parts. Apply the mixture to the jewelry, wipe with a soft cloth, and rinse with warm water.

How to clean gold: traditional methods

Well, now let’s talk about how you can clean gold at home using proven folk methods.

  • Clean with tooth powder. The method is effective and does not damage the surface.
  • Mix beer and egg white. Moisten a soft cloth with this mixture and wipe the decoration.
  • Use table vinegar to clean the surface of the product.
  • Wipe the product with onion juice, rinse and dry.
  • Remove black spots from the surface using lipstick that contains titanium dioxide. Apply a small amount with a dry soft swab, rub, remove any residue. Polish with velvet until shiny.
  • Remove iodine stains using a hydrosulfite solution, which is used by photographers when printing photographs. Immerse the products in it for 30 minutes, rinse clean water and dry.
  • Wipe the dirty surface aqueous solution borax, which is sold in pharmacies.
  • Cleaning gold at home with ammonia is a very effective method. Wipe the jewelry with a mixture of ammonia and chalk, rinse in soapy water, then rinse in running water and dry.

How to clean gold jewelry?

Cleaning gold jewelry with precious stones

Cleaning gold jewelry with stones requires great care. Cleaning items with stones is carried out using a stick with a cotton swab wrapped around one end. Dip it in cologne and clean the stone top and bottom. You can replace cologne with alcohol. It is not recommended to lower stones that are glued and not secured with “claws” into water. Oily stains Remove from stones using a soft toothbrush dipped in gasoline.

Precious and semiprecious stones– clean diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, topazes, etc. in any soap solution, then rinse with water. Clean your stone jewelry once a month.

Clean diamond jewelry using liquid detergent and a soft-bristled brush.

Protect stones from direct sunlight - under their influence, some stones may change their color (garnet, turquoise).

Features of cleaning white gold products

A combination of copper, gold, and nickel in certain proportions is “white” gold. This metal is similar in color to silver or platinum. Upper layer finished products treated with radium ions. White gold jewelry with diamonds is considered very elegant and graceful. Clean such products using water and ammonia. Prepare a solution from them in a ratio of 50 to 50, add a little detergent, and leave the jewelry in this solution for half an hour. Rinse and dry well.

Remember: do not clean white gold jewelry with abrasive powders or pastes.

Caring for pearl jewelry

Natural pearls are composed of organic compounds and have a unique pearlescent luster. Wash the pearls with warm soapy water using a soft brush or small brush, rinse with water and dry. Do not wash pearls with the addition of acetic or other acid. The layers of pearls will dissolve in the acid.

Cleaning Gold Plated Jewelry

Gold-plated jewelry is products made from various alloys and coated with a thin layer gold leaf. Modern technologies allow the spraying of tiny gold droplets onto the alloy. Such jewelry is cheaper, but appearance no different from gold ones. At proper care behind the gilded decorations they will delight the eyes of their mistresses for a long time.

Gold-plated jewelry cannot be cleaned with abrasives, since the gold layer is very thin. To clean such jewelry, use wine alcohol, beer, vinegar, and egg white. Apply any of these products to the surface, rinse and dry.

Some tips for caring for jewelry

  • Store your jewelry in a jewelry box.
  • Wrap your jewelry in cloth to prevent it from scratching each other.
  • Protect jewelry from heat and sunlight.
  • Remove jewelry when doing housework.
  • Clean your jewelry once a month.
  • These simple rules will help preserve the shine and beauty of gold jewelry for many years.

Why does gold turn black?

In some cases, gold tends to turn black, which is often mistaken among people for the evil eye. However, there are understandable reasons for the darkening of gold. Let's look at them in detail.

In production jewelry there is a violation of the ligature prescription. Gold is never used in pure form. Copper, silver, and palladium are also added to the alloy, which give the product strength and wear resistance. And if the ligature is broken during production (often on purpose, in order to save money), then it is best to return such a product back to the store, even with a scandal.

Features of the human body when waste products are excreted through the skin. The environment currently leaves much to be desired, which cannot but affect human body. Therefore, a dark film of sulfides, dust and grease forms on the surface of gold jewelry. This film can be easily removed using ammonia and liquid soap.

Excessive use cosmetics and medicines. These products contain iodine and mercury compounds in certain quantities. If the norm is exceeded, gray spots may appear on the gold, which cannot be removed due to the destruction of the gold itself.