How to drive a wheelchair. Key Features of Choosing a Wheelchair

Among the variety of choices, especially if a wheelchair is bought for the first time, it is quite difficult to stop at one model, especially since there are many options, and, at first glance, they differ only in price. This is exactly what the managers and I thought when we first started working with wheelchairs and other means of technical rehabilitation.

Nevertheless, as it turned out, there are differences and very significant ones. Here is a simple list, according to which, in descending order, selection should be made:

Key Features of Choosing a Wheelchair

  • Wheelchair seat width and depth;
  • Maximum user weight;
  • Estimated duration of wheelchair use
  1. Possibility of reclining the back (in case of prolonged use);
  2. The possibility of adjusting the footrests (in length and angle of inclination)
  3. The possibility of adjusting the armrests in height, the possibility of detaching them;
  4. Presence/absence of a headrest
  5. Seat comfort
  • Where will the wheelchair be used?
    1. At home or in the hospital
    2. On the street with the help of an accompanying person
    3. On the street on my own
  • Other characteristics
  • Seat width wheelchair is one of the most important characteristics which is worth paying attention to. If the stroller is fitted with a too narrow seat width, then the user will be constrained and there will be no freedom of action or there will be no opportunity to get into the stroller, otherwise, if the seat is too wide, the user will “ride” left / right, which will also affect comfort use. At correct selection the patient will not be constrained by anything, freedom of movement will be ensured when turning the torso and other required movements.

    How to choose the optimal width and depth of a wheelchair seat

    To do this, you need to measure the width of the user's hips with a regular tape measure or ruler, and add 5-6 cm. This is exactly what the required seat width will turn out to be. As a rule, this width is from 38 to 54 cm. Also, there are alternative way selection based on the intended wearer's clothing size.

    Clothing size Chair width, mm
    up to 46 380 - 400
    from 48 to 50 420 - 430
    from 52 to 54 440 - 460
    from 54 480 - 500

    The depth of the seat is determined by the distance from the edge of the knee to the edge of the thigh in a bent state, minus 5-7 cm. For example, if the distance from the edge of the thigh to the knee is 33 cm, then the average depth of the chair should be 33 cm.

    When choosing the width of the seat, it is also worth considering where the wheelchair will be used. It should fit in doorways, elevators and other narrow spaces. If the width of the stroller is not included in the required openings, it is possible to choose a model equipped with additional rear wheels, allowing you to use the stroller without the main side wheels. In these cases, the main rear wheels are detached, which reduces the width of the device by 15-25 cm, after which the stroller becomes more maneuverable and can pass through the narrowest places.

    Maximum wheelchair user weight

    The average load capacity of a wheelchair is 110 kg, so when choosing, you should pay attention to this parameter, if the patient's weight is more than 110 kg, you should choose the appropriate model. The frame of the stroller with a larger load capacity is made of a stronger material, in some cases the wheels are made of cast, more durable discs. The maximum user weight allowed in the wheelchairs offered on our website is 150 kg.

    Selection of a wheelchair depending on the duration of use

    In some cases, a wheelchair is required for a short time and there is no need to overpay for additional features, you can choose the simplest option with a regular fabric seat without folding armrests and other useful features that are not urgently needed.

    If long-term use is expected, the issue of choice should be carefully approached. Consider the main characteristics that play an important role and facilitate the conditions for using the stroller in everyday life and on the street:

    Reclining back
    To reduce stress on the spine important feature is the presence of a folding backrest in the stroller, most often, if this function is available, the backrest reclines up to 180 degrees. The user can lie down, thereby reducing the load on the spine and lower back, also, these types of wheelchairs are equipped with removable headrests that can be detached if necessary. For example, when going out into the street and in other similar situations.

    Adjustable footrests
    Along with the folding backrest, the presence of adjustable footrests in the models plays an important role. In most models, but not all, it is possible to raise the footrests by a certain degree. It is convenient to reduce the load on the lower leg and thigh. Often this option is used in tandem with folding the backrest up to 180 degrees. Also, the footrests are most often adjustable in height and set according to the length of the legs. If the footrests are not needed, it is possible to detach them completely.

    Removable armrests
    The armrests of the wheelchair also have various modifications. In the most simple models there is no way to detach the armrest, in this case, boarding and disembarking is possible only from the front, which is not always convenient for daily use. Other models are equipped with removable armrests, which can also be adjusted in height and lean back. IN this case, boarding and disembarking is greatly facilitated, since you can already get into the stroller from the side, and if necessary, completely disconnect the armrest.

    Seat comfort
    Once you have decided on the size of the wheelchair, you should choose which chair you need. Most a budget option- an ordinary non-soft chair with a fabric water-repellent coating. A stroller with such a chair can be used for short-term use. More expensive options are equipped with additional soft anatomical foam mattresses with removable covers. But the most convenient options These are car seats. Undoubtedly, their operation is the most comfortable and such chairs are designed for a long-term presence of a person in a wheelchair. Naturally, more expensive models of wheelchairs have more comfortable chairs.

    What is the difference between a wheelchair for the street and a wheelchair for home or hospital?

    In addition to the listed characteristics, there is another most important selection parameter - these are the wheels of a wheelchair. Wheelchair wheels are divided into wheels with solid tires made from a single piece of rubber, and pneumatic tires inflated by a pump. What is their main difference?

    solid tires more resistant to external influences and therefore more durable. Since they do not have a high depreciation component, the use of a stroller on such wheels on the street will not be comfortable due to sensitivity to even a small bump. Therefore, wheelchairs with solid tires are recommended to be used only in places with a perfectly flat surface (at home, in a hospital, etc.). If the wheel of such a stroller fails, it is completely replaced.

    Pneumatic tires less durable compared to solid ones, but have a number of advantages. Firstly, it is a softer movement of the device due to increased depreciation. Thanks to this, pneumatic machines are more adapted for driving on the street, in conditions of uneven road surfaces. Secondly, strollers on pneumatic machines can be used not only on the street, but also at home. Those. it's over universal option. If the tire of such a wheel fails, there is no need to replace the entire wheel, it is enough to change the tire.

    Most often, the front wheels are always solid, since they do not greatly affect depreciation, while the rear wheels are installed either solid or pneumatic. Therefore, when choosing a stroller for the street or for home, first of all pay attention to the rear wheels of the device.

    When choosing, you should pay attention to the fact that in some models it is possible to use both solid and pneumatic rear wheels. This adds versatility to the stroller and allows comfortable use both outdoors and at home. Most often, the wheels of such strollers are quick-release.

    How to drive a wheelchair

    All models of mechanical wheelchairs are equipped with handles behind the back to control the wheelchair with the help of an accompanying person. Therefore, it can be controlled both by the user himself, using special handles on wheels, and by his escort.

    With the loss of the function of the lower extremities and with sufficiently developed muscles, a wheelchair with lever control can be used. Such devices are most often designed for outdoor use (complete with pneumatic machines).

    What else to look for when buying a wheelchair

    The above lists all the main parameters that you need to pay attention to when buying. If the wheelchair is chosen correctly, your loved ones or you yourself will feel comfortable and will not regret the purchase. However, there are still characteristics that we have not mentioned, we will briefly list them:

    • Adjustment of wheels horizontally and vertically;
    • Chair height adjustment;
    • Possibility of quick detachment of wheels;
    • Presence/absence of anti-rollover wheels;
    • Ease of adjustment of the backrest, armrests, footrests, etc.

    The options described above make the operation of the device more convenient and adapted to a specific user.

    Wheelchair price

    Obviously, the more comfortable a wheelchair is to use, the higher its price. Perhaps the price could have been put in the first place of the article, but we did not the following reasons:

    • firstly, in our online store there is an opportunity to pick up a wheelchair for a sick or elderly person at quite reasonable prices;
    • secondly, choosing a model that is not adapted to the user, you can later regret many times that you did not pay 2-3 thousand extra for additional amenities at one time;
    • thirdly, for any means of rehabilitation, you can receive compensation in the FSS in full, and if the stroller is purchased in our online store, you can even receive compensation for the delivery of goods to the client. This is done simply, we can specify in the contract the delivery at the expense of the supplier and include the cost of delivery on the wheelchair.

    WITH complete list mechanical wheelchairs for home and street, offered by our online store, you can find at the link: Mechanical wheelchairs for home and street

    Comparison table of disabled mechanical wheelchairs

    In general, the right question is already half the answer. And this is the first question you should ask yourself: “What do you want from a mechanical keyboard?” Generally speaking, the mechanics are taken for the sake of two main things: the feeling of typing, that is, the pleasure of the typing process, as well as for the durability and reliability of the keyboard. Also, some people develop their touch typing skills on mechanics and significantly speed up the typing process, and this, by the way, is also one of the reasons why you can take mechanics for yourself.

    The first factor includes both the convenience of typing and the auditory characteristics of the keyboard: on high separate keys, which have their own tactile parameters, it is much more pleasant to type than on any membrane keyboard that you constantly have to press to the end - the keys of absolutely any mechanical keyboard work before you fully lower the key to the stop. Auditory performance is a more individual parameter. The sound of impacts on the substrate, the sound of the triggered switch itself - all this is also an integral part of the keyboard, and often it is precisely this parameter that is used to choose new mechanics. “How cool she clicks!” And these feelings can also bring pleasure.

    The second is reliability. It's no secret that any mechanical keyboard is built on durable mechanical switches, the resource of pressing which starts from 50 million times, and for some keyboards it even reaches crazy 80-100 million times. Conventionally, this parameter means how many times exactly one key can be pressed until it stops working. Given such high rate, one keyboard can continuously type for years! And most importantly, that nothing will change over time - this is also one of the features of the keyboard. The fact is that mechanical switches do not have a “fatigue effect”, so they are almost not subject to wear and tear, and in a few years they will be pressed exactly the same as on the day of purchase.

    Well, and the typing speed: on the mechanics, it is easier and more convenient to type texts, since you need to apply less effort when pressing each key, and the convenience of typing is much higher due to the operation of each key about half way from the total travel of the entire key. And the tactile qualities (or, conversely, their absence) of certain types of switches allow you to develop completely insane typing speed over time, which is very useful for those who often work with texts a lot. Well, or it bombs teammates in the chat;) Are there any disadvantages of mechanical keyboards? Perhaps yes. The first drawback, as you might guess, is the price. Any mechanics, due to its switches, workmanship and capabilities, often significantly exceeds the cost of a membrane keyboard. The second drawback is the emitted noise. Whatever switches you use, almost any mechanical keyboard will be an order of magnitude louder than any membrane due to the specifics of its operation.

    Form factor

    The first and fundamental parameter is the form factor of the keyboard. By form factor, keyboards are usually divided into full-size and shortened. Each of these form factors has its own characteristics, and other form factors are extremely rare: for example, various ergonomic keyboards, often divided into two blocks - one for each hand. Or the so-called keypads - small keyboards with a couple of dozen keys and some kind of joystick, designed to be controlled with one hand. The full-sized form factor speaks for itself: the presence of a dial block, a row of F-keys, the presence of arrows, a navigation block and the presence of a number block. These keyboards usually have 104 keys. Shortened keyboards are much more variable, but in our retail the most common is the so-called TKL-format, from the word TenKeyLess - without ten keys. In fact, this is just a keyboard without a number pad, which has only 87 keys.

    These keyboards are designed to save space on the desktop, and many people also use them outside the home: for example, at work or at lan tournaments. These keyboards often have a detachable cable and a complete case for easy carrying. There are also different variations for certain keyboards: for example, a full-sized keyboard may have a number of additional keys on which you can record various macros or assign the launch of certain programs, and shortened keyboards can have an even more dense layout without space between the typesetting block and other keys for maximum compactness. But such keyboards are much rarer.

    Corps and appearance

    Next and far from the most important parameter is the body type. And while it's more about the appearance and design of the keyboard, it also affects the auditory performance of the keyboard, or in other words, how the keys sound when you type. Depending on the type of case, a particular keyboard has different backlight dispersion, and the type of case also affects the complexity of care and maintenance of the keyboard in pure form. It's easy to decide: do you like the way it looks? This is what we take. By design, all cases of mechanical keyboards can be divided into three types: classic, frameless and gaming. The classic case, as the name implies, most often is a regular rectangle with strict features and does not have any extra details. Also in such a body top part The keyboard covers the metal panel on which the switches are mounted, which makes such a case have a closed design, and is of particular interest to people who care about the aesthetic component of the keyboard.

    The frameless case, also known as the "skeleton", is the opposite of the previous type: the switches are mounted directly on the metal base of the keyboard, and there is no cover on the outside of the keyboard. Such keyboards are much easier to clean and maintain, and they also have a more diffuse, rich and airy backlight. The gaming type of case is found in fancy keyboards, and they can be performed both in a classic and frameless style. These keyboards are distinguished by various prominent body parts that give an unusual and often aggressive appearance (which, however, does not carry a functional load), have many bells and whistles like additional keys and other controls. Additional controls are also found on conventional keyboards, but their presence there is reduced to the required minimum.

    Also, the types of materials used should be safely included in the type of case. In most classic keyboards, there are durable plastic cases, inside of which there is a metal plate with switches placed on it. Plastics for the case are made of various materials: the most common is the usual matte plastic, but there are also soft-touch coatings and matte paint, which, ultimately, also affects the tactile sensations. Most frameless keyboards use a metal base as a base, most often made of anodized aluminum or painted steel. All such keyboards have a solid performance, so the difference will be only in the tactile sensations from the materials used.


    The most important part - the heart of the keyboard - are the switches. In fact, the choice of mechanics ultimately comes down to the choice of the type of switches. Almost every mechanical keyboard can have the same body and form factor, but be built on different types of switches that greatly affect the feel of the keyboard. Here I want to say the most main thing, which no one else will tell you anywhere else: there are no certain types switches that are best for work or pure play! There are only switches that you personally like. And only behind such switches will it be comfortable to play, work, and do whatever your heart desires. own feelings - best helper when choosing a switch type.

    Switches can be divided into three types: tactile, tactile-auditory and linear. Tactile switches are switches that, when actuated, have a kind of barrier when pressed, after overcoming which the key is activated. Each press is accompanied by a tactile feedback, and it is much easier to understand whether a keystroke has occurred or not. Tactile-auditory switches, in addition to a tactile barrier, emit a loud click when triggered, which resembles the sounds made by an old typewriter, for which they are especially loved by many users. Linear switches have neither a tactile barrier before actuation, nor a click - when pressed, their resistance increases in proportion to the key travel, and operation occurs approximately at half the travel. It is very easy to adapt to this, but at first you will need to catch this balance. Some will say that such switches are better suited for games, since they are much easier to control strafes and movements, but all this is complete nonsense. Since all switches have a fairly light touch, it will be easy and pleasant to play and work on any switches - it's all just a matter of getting used to new sensations.

    According to the principle of operation, switches are divided into mechanical, optomechanical (more commonly referred to as "optical") and all others. Mechanical switches are found in the vast majority of keyboards; they are reliable, pleasant to work with and durable. Optomechanical switches are the latest trend in technology, and although they have been known for a long time by the principle of operation, it has only been in the last couple of years that keyboards based on these switches have been released to the masses. Such switches are also pleasant to use, but much more durable due to the principle of their work. This does not mean that conventional mechanics are worse, just optomechanical switches work a little differently and are pressed a little differently. But at their core, they also have the same structure as conventional mechanical switches. Other types of switches are extremely rare, and they have only a different principle of operation, while retaining a "mechanical" base.

    More specifics. Each mechanical switch has gold-plated contacts inside, which, when the key is pressed, come into contact with each other, as a result of which the operation occurs. Optical switches are based on the mechanical principle of operation, but instead of closing contacts, their work is associated with the reflection of a light beam through a lens installed inside the switch housing. And each type of switch has its own parameters for durability, stroke length, key travel before actuation, and key force before actuation. For example, one of the most popular switches - Cherry - has a lifespan of 50 million clicks, their total key travel is 4 mm, and the travel to actuation is typically 2 mm. Pressing force means the force that must be applied before the key is actuated; it usually takes a bit more force to press the key all the way down. But, since usually no one presses the keys all the way, this parameter is simply not taken into account. These characteristics are inherent in most switches of various types, so you can rely on them when choosing a type of switch.

    All switches can be conditionally divided into two large groups, if we talk about their design and internal structure: Cherry switches (and Cherry-like ones), as well as all others. Cherry switches have long earned their place on the market, so they can be found in a very large number of keyboards, and because of their wide distribution, many companies began to produce their own switches, which almost completely repeat their structure and principle of operation. They are cheaper to manufacture, are almost as good as original switches (and sometimes even surpass them in some ways), and most often they differ only in the feel of pressing due to various technical features during production. Such switches are called Cherry-like, there are a lot of them, and you can’t list them all. Here are just a few: Kailh, Greetech, KBT, Gateron, Razer, SteelSeries, EpicGear, Outemu and many more. A separate advantage of these switches is interchangeability: for example, keycaps (keycaps) from one keyboard on Cherry will easily fit on another keyboard with Cherry-like switches. This will be useful if you suddenly want to customize the keyboard and purchase another set of keycaps.

    Optical switches are made by companies such as A4Tech Bloody (LK Optical) and Flaretech, the latter of which have only recently entered the market but are some of the most reliable mechanical switches in nature. However, they are also Cherry-like switches in their structure, and this is also good news for fans of customization. Other types of switches usually follow the principle of mechanical switches, but they differ markedly. internal structure(for example, by fastening the backlight), due to which they have different characteristics of work (shorter overall stroke and stroke before the key is actuated), and they are pressed a little differently. It is also important that such switches almost always have other keycap mounts that will not be compatible with Cherry switches and the like - for example, Romer-G switches or Japanese Topre switches.

    Often the switches are very easy to distinguish by the color of the cross, and for this it is enough just to remove the keycap from the keyboard. Most mechanical keyboards use Cherry switches, which have their own switch labels, and we ship keyboards with 4 main types of switches (the first two are especially popular):
    Cherry MX Red (Red) - Lightweight linear switches with 45g actuation force
    Cherry MX Blue (blue) - tactile-auditory switches with a pressing force of 55 grams
    Cherry MX Brown - 45g tactile switches
    Cherry MX Black (black) - elastic linear switches with a pressing force of 60 grams

    In addition to the main four types of switches that are found in almost all manufacturers; Cherry has a slightly larger selection in its assortment. And you will not find analogues of these switches anywhere else. For example:
    Cherry MX Silver (Silver) - Lightweight linear switches with 45g actuation force, 3.4mm shorter travel (up from 4mm) and 1.2mm travel (up from 2mm); sometimes these switches are referred to as Cherry MX Speed
    Cherry MX Silent Red (Light Pink) - Lightweight, linear, quiet switches with 45 grams of actuation force

    And, since most switches in one form or another are analogues of Cherry, for ease of marking, all switches from other companies almost always have similar colors. That is, red switches are light and linear; blue - tactile and with a click. And so on. There are also companies that release their own switches (for example, Razer, SteelSeries or Rapoo), which are based on certain types of already known switches (the same Razer is based on Greetech; in early keyboards they were based on Kailh), but may differ slightly in small nuances. For example, the color of the cross of the switch or a shorter key stroke until actuation. For example, Razer's Green, Orange, and Yellow switches correspond to Cherry's Blue, Brown, and Red switches. Usually, all the details about the switches are indicated in the specifications of the keyboards.

    Other switches in keyboards are much less common, but still some of their types are worth listing:
    Flaretech - Cherry-like mechanical switches, but built on the optical principle of operation. Keyboards with such switches are still few on the market, but their advantages are undeniable: compatibility with Cherry switches; reliability due to the optical principle of operation, as well as an incredibly high resource of clicks - 100 million times! There are two types: Flaretech Red and Blue, and in their other characteristics they are similar to Cherry switches.
    Romer-G are tactile switches found on almost all Logitech gaming keyboards. The resource of clicks is 70 million times, they have a completely different keycap attachment and also a different placement of the LED to diffuse the backlight; total key travel - 3 mm, stroke before actuation - 1.5 mm
    Topre - capacitive switches. Japanese exotic for sophisticated users, extremely rare in our area. In fact, they are "analogues" of Cherry MX Brown, but "analogues" - at a stretch. They are a hybrid of mechanics and membrane, and these switches get the best of both types of switches: very soft and light "rubberized" action, like a membrane, but smooth and with a tactile mechanical barrier.


    One of the hottest topics for discussion. Need or not? And, if needed, is one color enough, or is RGB backlighting better, where each key glows with the whole spectrum of colors? Everything depends on your wishes. If you know how to type blindly, and you don’t need “hints” at night, where you need to look at a character, then you can do without backlighting at all, moreover, the lack of backlighting does not in any way entail poor keyboard quality. On the contrary, the lack of backlighting is rather a conscious choice. A single-color backlight should be taken if you need to see symbols in front of you, or if you just like one particular color, and you don’t need more. Keyboards with RGB backlighting are most often taken to decorate and personalize your workspace, and RGB keyboards are good because they have a huge number of settings and various effects, and you can choose them as you wish: you can put a dynamic effect, or you can just put any static color you like.

    One way or another, RGB backlighting gives more room for imagination, but in no way affects the basic properties of a mechanical keyboard. Usually, keyboards with a classic closed case have good character backlighting, but its light does not go far beyond the case. So for the best visual effect, when choosing an RGB keyboard, you should consider an option with an open frameless case - at any time of the day, such a backlight looks much brighter, more interesting and efficient, and also gives more personality to your desktop. It is worth noting that a backlit keyboard is more expensive than a non-backlit keyboard. And an RGB backlit keyboard costs more than a single color backlit keyboard.

    Additional features

    Very often, many manufacturers equip their keyboards with various features and conveniences to make it easier to perform certain actions, adjust the backlight, switch music on the fly, or carry out cable communication. It's worth knowing about them before buying a mechanic, as all these features make the keyboard much more friendly in everyday use, and it's just worth understanding whether you need all these things or not.

    Keycaps. A very important element of the keyboard is keycaps, or, more simply, keycaps. You will contact them with your fingers, and therefore the sensations from working at the keyboard are made up of keycaps too. Usually the type of keycaps is not indicated by the manufacturer (or it is indicated if these are more or less high-quality keycaps), but there are a couple of simple tricks that allow you to identify the type of keycaps in the keyboard.

    ABS keycaps are made from the simplest and cheapest plastic, where grooves are made by laser engraving, which are filled with white paint. Such keycaps are placed on keyboards without backlighting, and they have a slightly rough texture. Next come ABS keycaps, made of translucent plastic, which are covered with paint and then laser engraved to make symbols. To the touch they are very smooth and tenacious, thanks to painting, but after a while they are polished, which is reflected more on the aesthetic side of the keyboard. Then - a double shot of ABS keycaps. These keycaps are soldered from two types of plastic: outside - from black or white plastic, which is the main keycap; inside - from a translucent one, which is a symbol on the keyboard and is translucent with a backlight. Due to the use of higher quality plastics, they are much nicer than regular ABS keycaps and also have a slightly rough texture, and they are also very reliable and durable, and practically do not wear off.

    PBT keycaps are much less common. These are keycaps made of a completely different type of plastic, which practically does not lend itself to any physical, chemical and other influences, due to which these are practically eternal keycaps. PBT keycaps also have a variety - double shot PBT keycaps. The design principle is the same as in the case of double-shot ABS keycaps, and in the same way, the second plastic, which is attached from the inside and protrudes outward in the form of a symbol, is either colored plastic (black or any other color letters) or translucent plastic, which is good skips the keyboard backlight. Most often, PBT keycaps have a textured surface, but they are almost never found on ordinary keyboards - they are much more expensive than any ABS keycaps and usually they are bought separately for decent money. And if suddenly the manufacturer puts such on his keyboard, then he will emphasize this in all possible ways - it will be simply impossible not to notice.

    Removable cable. Some keyboards have the ability to remove the bundled cable. It’s convenient, practical, and all one advantage: if the cable breaks, you can safely buy a new one (it’s only important to choose the right connector for your keyboard; most often Mini-USB or Micro-USB), it’s much easier to take a detachable cable with you when transporting the keyboard, yes and in general it is a much more flexible and mobile solution. Which, in my opinion, has no flaws. Unless you can accidentally pull out the cable during operation, but this is not at all critical. Basically, this solution is inherent in TKL keyboards, since they are most often taken with them on trips and tournaments.

    Availability of software and internal memory. Everything is simple here: through the software, you can completely reconfigure the keyboard of your own free will, score a bunch of macros, reassign or assign certain buttons to certain functions, and it’s also much easier to fiddle with the keyboard through a visual interface than to configure something or - where worse - to record some binds and macros directly from the keyboard. Yes, in the absence of software, many manufacturers screw on a bunch of functions and then tell in the instructions how to use it all, but it’s much more convenient when there is a good example - the software here has an undeniable plus. An even bigger plus is the presence of built-in memory, which allows you to store all the settings in the keyboard's memory: in these cases, you should not dwell on the fact that something will work wrong on another computer (which is especially important when you travel frequently to various tournaments), and again, you will have to frantically configure everything from scratch or look for the necessary settings in the software. Simply put, a keyboard with the ability to save all settings and profiles in its memory is much more flexible in operation. Anywhere.

    The presence of additional connection ports, various chips and other complete accessories. Often, in order to emphasize the class of the device, manufacturers undertake to invent the most incredible functions that will be useful to someone, but not needed at all. Among these things, you can find various connection ports (USB and 3.5 mm inputs) that allow you to connect various devices (mice, headsets, microphones - whatever) through the keyboard case. You can also find the presence of a complete stand that makes working at the keyboard more comfortable, or some additional accessories such as textured keycaps for gaming keys (WASD blocks and arrows) or a keycap removal tool. It is also very common to find various additional function keys that allow you, either using combinations on the keyboard or using individual keys, to perform many frequently used functions, such as adjusting the volume and controlling multimedia functions.


    As you can see, choosing a mechanical keyboard is not that difficult. If you have an idea of ​​what you want from the keyboard, and what functions and features it should have, the circle of choice will narrow noticeably, but it will also increase the likelihood that among those few remaining options you will find the mechanics of your dreams. When choosing a mechanic, rely on several simple steps:
    Form factor is the most main factor, on which the functionality and capabilities of the keyboard will depend
    The type of switches is the basis of the keyboard, which determines your feelings both from typing and games; at least important role– keyboard sound during typing
    Case type - determines the appearance; slightly affects the sound during printing, as well as the backlight capabilities
    The presence of backlight - the ability to look at the keys at night; in the presence of RGB backlight - the possibility of personalizing the workplace
    Additional features - the presence of various connection ports, software and internal memory, the presence of a removable cable, as well as the presence of complete accessories: a stand, a keycap removal tool, additional keycaps
    Price – how much money are you willing to spend on a keyboard

    If you are new to mechanical keyboards, but want to try and discover something new, then the best way will go and feel any keyboard you like. Of course, you can try to pick up the mechanics according to the descriptions of the switches, but without having an idea about the sensations, you can get completely different from what you want. I'm sure that any of your friends (acquaintance, colleague, gamer) probably has some kind of mechanic, and you can ask to poke it in order to roughly imagine what you want from the keyboard. It doesn't matter what you are going to do on it: a lot of typing, playing or programming; it is important that you enjoy the feel of the keyboard and the feel of the specific switch type. And all the keyboards presented in our online store, offered for sale, are in open form in our 4FRAG store. And there you can feel, click, poke and test absolutely any mechanics on a variety of switches. Therefore, the kindest advice: poke yourself - so you will immediately understand what you want. Come and try ;)

    Despite the fact that today wrist watches have lost their relevance as a time meter, because any phone, tablet or other mobile device that has the functionality of transmitting information is able to indicate the exact time. Watches have become a striking accessory of a stylized wardrobe, and are a sign of the intellectual orientation of the owner's personality, his social status.

    For a busy business person, even seconds can be crucial, and digging through your own pocket for an iPod or other technological marvel to find out what time it is is simply not solid. Therefore, they can be considered to some extent a luxury, and the choice wrist watch similar to picking a gift. The "watch" market offers a wide range of models of different quality, so the question of how to choose a men's watch as a functional accessory is strategic important question.

    What is the choice based on?

    1 Clock mechanism- their main component, which determines their class. First of all, it is worth deciding on the type of mechanism:

    • Classical mechanics based on a spring mechanism, despite the low accuracy of movement, the need for periodic rewinding and the high cost of repairs, is considered very prestigious.

    That's why modern models are not cheap, and they are produced from the middle class of quality. Naturally quality work mechanical watch does not depend on batteries or accumulators.

    A mechanical men's watch is an eternal classic, which is distinguished by an enviable resistance to external influences, and at the same time, the prestige of such an accessory is always recognizable. But due to the rather high error due to the peculiarities of the spring mechanism, they often have a quartz or electronic mechanism inside.

    • Quartz wristwatches are the most common and popular version of watches, ranging in quality from the lowest to the highest. The mechanism of such watches is based on a quartz electronic assembly, powered by a battery and setting the mechanics in motion.

    The quality of watches is based on the traditions of the manufacturer, i.e. there is a clear relationship between the brand's celebrity and the quality of its products. Modern trends have also touched the brands that were created during the time of mechanics. Therefore, in the new prestigious collections, you can find a lot of electronic (quartz) copies.

    • Electronic wristwatches are the "gift" of the electronic revolution. They have many built-in functions, and models come from a simplified "hour" functional set to advanced with a built-in calculator and notebook. Electronic ones are usually chosen by fans of progress.

    2 Corps- the second thing you should pay attention to, because it is he who ensures the reliability of the watch and sets its style. Finishing the case, glass, bracelet are already additional factors of choice.

    Good ones are definitely made of metal, and plastic is used in cheap low-quality models. The case is necessarily marked for moisture resistance, but this parameter is in no way related to the quality of the mechanism, because waterproof - more additional function.

    Glass, as an integral part of the case, testifies to the quality of the model: plastic is simple and cheap; crystal - middle class, mineral glass is installed on models of low and middle class; sapphire is a high-strength "watch" elite.

    What watch to choose? Let's take a look at a few clock mechanisms.

    Mechanics comes from history

    The principle of mechanics is both simple, like everything ingenious, and complex. The source of energy is an elementary spring. Tightly twisted at the factory, it, gradually unwinding, sets the pendulum in motion. The pendulum acts on a wheel mechanism that moves the hands on the dial.

    This type of mechanism has been tested by time itself, the idea got a start in life more than 2 centuries ago. A mass model of men's mechanical watches was released by Girard-Perregaux for the army. Until 1880, mechanical wristwatches were actually the playthings of wealthy ladies - as colorful and fabulously expensive as they were, they suffered from the same impressive inaccuracies.

    The secret of the instability of the course of a mechanical watch (any!) Is that the spiral of the spring cannot be twisted evenly. For mechanical watches, accuracy class 1 indicates an allowable error of +40/-20 seconds/day. The decisive factor for accuracy is balance.

    The size of the spiral-balance assembly and the frequency of its oscillations (2.5-5/sec) determine the possibilities of accuracy. The famous Swiss watch, in which the accuracy reaches the level of a chronometer (+6 / -4 sec / day), is characterized by a balance with an increased diameter, which reduces the effect of inertia that breaks the clock.

    What you need to know when choosing a mechanical watch:

    • In any case, mechanical ones will have to be summed up and adjusted to the exact time, even if they are equipped with an automatic winding mechanism.
    • Automatic winding imposes certain obligations on the owner: they must be worn for at least 8 hours a day and the lifestyle (or rather the dynamics of movements) must be quite active. The thing is that the spring is tightened when moving. With automatic winding, they will be significantly more impressive in size than just mechanical ones due to an additional mechanism.
    • The cost of repairing watches with automatic winding is also much higher and often comes down to "amputation" of the automatic winding mechanism.
    • Mechanics are sensitive to moisture and dust, temperature changes environment.
    • Gravity affects the watch in different ways in different ways. This influence is mitigated by the build quality. This moment has a special impact on the cost of watches. Hand-assembled watches are regulated as precisely as possible, but they are also expensive. The minimum cost starts from $500.
    • The backlight in a mechanical watch can be exclusively fluorescent. The radioluminescent composition for paint is the norm. Safety in operation is ensured by glass protection, which excludes direct contact. In branded Swiss watches, the T-Swiss-T marking indicates full compliance with safety standards.
    • A big bonus when buying a mechanical watch is the prestige and potential of many years of work, provided that timely care and preventive cleaning measures are carried out, which should only be carried out by qualified specialists.

    Crystal Precision Quartz Watches

    Quartz have an autonomous power source - a battery. Many are equipped with solar panels. The operation of the pendulum system, based on oscillations, is represented in this watch by a quartz crystal. The wheel mechanism drives electronic generator. Compared to mechanical watches, quartz watches are much more accurate. Permissible error +20/-20 sec/month.

    How to choose the right quartz watch

    • The frequency standard in high-quality quartz watches is at least 32 kHz. In high-frequency models - up to 1 MHz, which allows you to reduce the error to a record low level - 5 sec / year!
    • "Megahertz" require a more powerful and capacitive battery. The best option is new generation lithium batteries.
    • Ambient temperature has an effect on the performance of quartz watches.
    • Quartz in most cases cannot be adjusted independently due to the lack of an adjustment mechanism. This is justified by a slight degree of need for adjustment.
    • For lovers of perfect accuracy, models with a regulating capacitor have been developed. They have a higher price threshold (from $700). The decrease in reliability is compensated by the possibility of replacing the quartz resonator.

    Electronics on the guard of accuracy

    Electronic watches in the world of watch movements occupy a niche of innovation. These are based on the principle of operation of a quartz resonator. A feature of quartz electronic watches is the equipment with an electronic dial.

    Pros and cons of choosing an electronic watch

    • Electronic clocks may have an additional dial.
    • The accuracy of electronics is weakly dependent on weather conditions.
    • Not all models have the ability to adjust, but you can easily reset the display readings.
    • Illumination based on the operation of semiconductors, electroluminescent glow or LEDs is available in electronic watches.

    Features of the watch functionality

    Watch functions can be limited to the classic mono dial or be very advanced. Popular additional features:

    • Alarm.
    • Calendar.
    • Indication of time in different time zones.
    • Tachometer.
    • Power reserve indicator.
    • Indicator lunar phases.
    • Days of the week indicator.

    The nuances of choosing a wristwatch for men

    What else is worth paying attention to in order to make the right choice of men's watches:

    • Brand preference- a purely individual solution, because every self-respecting (famous) company tries to ensure the quality of its products.
    • Housing material in high-quality performance can guarantee the duration of an impeccable service. The watch case necessarily has a protective coating, which in cheap versions will peel off in a year.

    Cheap imitations of Swiss watches are dangerous not just because of the disgusting assembly, they can be dangerous to health. Aluminum, nickel for some people are strong allergens and cause contact dermatitis. The softness of aluminum will treacherously give out fake traces on the skin, such a case is very quickly deformed.

    In expensive patented models, 316L stainless (surgical) steel can be used as the material for the case and bracelet. It does not cause allergies and is characterized by increased wear resistance. The recognized leader of modernity among metals is titanium alloy. Excellent strength and lightness make titanium a favorite among leading manufacturers.

    • It is worth paying attention to the spraying resource if the body is painted. This is especially true for gilding. A thin layer of "gilding" will be erased very quickly, since gold is a very soft metal.

    Lacquer coatings often do not withstand even 2-week tests; in branded products, the only exception can be black chrome spraying, which is resistant to abrasion. How to choose a watch with a durable coating will be prompted by the appropriate marking.

    Efficient technologies spraying: multi-layer in vacuum (PVD) or ion-plasma, which ensures the penetration of particles into the metal (IPG). High-quality watch models coated with protective metals, even with deep scratches, do not show peeling.

    • Glass is a clear indicator of the quality of the model. It is worth paying attention to the relationship between the type of glass and the watch quality class: cheap models do not come with sapphire or crystal glass, and vice versa - good men's watches cannot have mineral or plastic glass.
    • Strap or bracelet- not a simple addition, but also an indicator of the watch class. There is an erroneous opinion that leather straps are installed on cheap models. This is wrong. Brand items come with either a bracelet or a high-quality leather strap, but cheap fakes can come in the same package. Therefore, it is always necessary to pay attention to quality: the elasticity of the strap, the reliability of the clasp, the protective coating of the bracelet.

    Signs of marriage should not be detected, tk. the choice of a bracelet or strap is no less responsible event:

    1. Finding cracks in the leather or lack of elasticity will cause the strap to break quickly.
    2. Detection of scuffs on the protective coating of the links of the bracelet indicates the lack of proper quality.
    3. The clasp should be secure with a double "lock".

    Which is better: strap or bracelet? It all depends on the quality, if we look at cheap models, then, despite the lower reliability, the strap is better, because. a bracelet with an unreliable protective coating will quickly rub off, revealing a metal that causes allergic manifestations in many.

    Men's watch design

    Men's Watch traditionally features a larger size. But the laws of the classics do not end there. The conservatism of the right geometric shapes cases (circle, rectangle, square) and restraint in colors are in perfect harmony with almost any clothing and emphasize the masculinity of their owner.

    Bright colors in principle, they are acceptable in sports uniforms, their brightness is justified by the purpose. In other cases, massive in a bright design will look ridiculous. It is also important not to get carried away by the weight of the watch. Each person has his own anatomical features, on some wrists of mature men of dense complexion they look organically weighing more than 80 grams, and on the hand of a teenager such exoticism is unacceptable.

    Genuine leather strap is very pleasant to the touch. Well-known brands do not use harmful synthetic dyes and this option is often appreciated by lovers of wearing them all the time. The metal bracelet is much less comfortable. In any case, the selection of a watch bracelet should be based on the presence of a margin of 2-3 cm so that the clasp can be refastened. One of the most reliable fasteners for metal bracelets is an automatic clip.

    World leading watch manufacturers


    Tissot- since 1853 has won recognition for the desire for high technology, innovation. It is a tycoon in terms of Swiss watch production.

    Tissot Automatics III. Image source

    JeanRichard They only make luxury watches. This brand is attractive for fans of expensive exclusives.

    JeanRichard2TimeZones. Image source

    - the brand is famous for its record-breaking use of watch movements in the conditions of aviation flights, in aeronautics and in the difficult conditions of polar expeditions.

    Longines Conquest L2. Image source

    - is distinguished by a unique concept of a democratic price policy and a high level of quality.

    Appella Chronograph. Image source

    is a universal manufacturer of branded products from tobacco and coffee to luxury watches. In 2009, the brand introduced a watch with a 46 mm steel case. Double-sided sapphire crystal allows you to see the work of the automatic movement. The watch is water resistant and can withstand immersion to a depth of 50m. Since then, you can find a lot of models of sophisticated style in the Davidoff collections.

    Velero Chronograph. Image source

    - the brand is not modest and does not hesitate to use the most expensive and high-quality materials for watches. In all stages of production and assembly, only highly qualified experienced craftsmen who have a baggage of hereditary watch secrets participate.

    Jaguar 1938 Chronograph J942_1. Image source


    Citizen Titanium. Image source

    Seiko Sportura. Image source

    Orient M Force. Image source


    Royal London

    Royal London Automatic 12. Image source

    French Connection UK. Image source


    Dolce & Gabbana DW0722. Image source

    Police PL-11397JSB. Image source

    Which watch to choose among the above brands is up to you, but in one thing you can be sure that they will all be of high quality assembly.


    Now that you know how to choose a watch according to the type of watch mechanism, you must learn one thing - watches, for example, should be bought only in specialized stores where you will receive good advice and service guarantee. Agree better once to buy a good thing on long years than constantly spending money on Chinese fakes.

    Once upon a time, at the dawn of computer engineering, all keyboards were mechanical, and under each key there is a hardware switch with a spring. Today, the vast majority of keyboards are rubber-film: they are soft, compact and silent, not very durable, but cheap. However, everything appears on the market more models classic mechanical design, and not only gaming, but also completely ordinary. Maybe it makes sense to look specifically at the mechanical keyboard? Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution.

    First of all, a few words about why we use mainly rubber-film keyboards today. The main reason is their cheapness. Over time, personal computers have evolved from an obscure and inaccessible curiosity into a common household appliance, and indestructible "mechanics" like the IBM Model M turned out to be simply disproportionately expensive for such a device. It is not easy to convince the average user of the need to buy a keyboard for a hundred dollars, if the exact same product in appearance and functionality can be purchased for a fiver. Therefore, for many years, mechanics remained a niche product for enthusiasts and professionals.

    Today, the situation has changed, and mechanical keyboards have again begun to win the attention of consumers. There are two reasons: expanding the range of such devices and, of course, lower prices.

    The main advantages of "mechanics": a clear tactile feeling of pressing; the moment of operation is often accompanied by a loud click; durability and reliability (Cherry claims that its switches can withstand about 50 million clicks). Feelings when working with the keyboard are especially important for those who type a lot of texts: these are typists and journalists, writers and programmers, PR people and copywriters. "Wadded" rubber-film keyboards with minimal free play and lack of a clear sense of actuation are much more tiring during prolonged use.

    The revival of the mechanical keyboard market began with models for gamers: as in many other cases, it is gaming applications that become the main incentive for improving personal computers. Not all mechanical switches are structurally suitable for active games, but some of them allow you to install reliable and fast programmable keys in keyboards.

    There are a lot of relatively inexpensive mechanical keyboards that allow you to enjoy all the advantages of this type of device, but without the various frills typical of gaming models - that is, without backlighting, replaceable colored keys, wrist rests, etc. Rosewill STRIKER RK-6000 keyboards, Ducky Zero DK2108 and Monoprice generic Mechanical keyboard cost less than $60: that's about twice the price of a quality rubber membrane keyboard well-known manufacturer. And if you use your computer for half an hour a day to check your mail or read the feed on Facebook, then, of course, the "free" keyboard that came with the PC will be enough for you. But if the computer is your primary work tool, or if you're an avid game fan, then you can really appreciate the difference.

    To choose a mechanical keyboard, you just need to try it in the store. Even budget models are initially made from high-quality components and can last a very long time. But, of course, it is always useful to know some of the nuances of their design. In particular, it is useful to have an idea about what types of mechanical switches exist and which one is used in the model you like. Determining the type of switch is quite simple by ear and by tactile sensations. Here are brief descriptions of a few popular types today.

    1. Cherry MX Black and Cherry MX Red

    The most common types of switches with a uniform linear force when pressed. The MX Black variant has a stiffer travel and will definitely appeal to those who hate random keystrokes. MX Red - Lightweight switches, especially suitable for gaming keyboards where quick combinations keys. Both types lack the characteristic "mechanics" click, so they are great for games where constant "clicks" will only distract from the process.

    2. Cherry MX Blue

    Mechanical switches with a "click" and a distinct tactile response. Focused mainly on those who work a lot with texts or code. These switches have a crisp actuation point at about halfway and a loud click that makes these keyboards best avoided in open offices. They have a loss of contact point above the actuation point, which means that the key must be almost fully raised to do this, and this limits the use of MX Blue in gaming keyboards, where fast response is valued and repeated pressing is often used.

    3. Cherry MX Brown

    A hybrid of MX Red and MX Blue, these switches have a distinct tactile response, but almost no click, so they are equally well suited for both gaming and work keyboards. The keys are easy to press and, unlike the Blue, the actuation point and the contact loss point are almost the same, so they are great for games that require fast repeated presses.

    4. Buckling Spring

    These are exactly the classic bending spring switches that were used in the legendary IBM Model M keyboard. The principle of operation is that when pressed at a certain moment, the spring in the switch “breaks” and a hammer is triggered, closing the contacts. This is the only switch option where the actuation moment exactly coincides with the click, and due to design features, the key travel itself is non-linear when pressed. An absolute classic, adored by professional typists who started no later than the eighties. For everyone else, such keyboards can quickly tire due to loud “clicks” and the need to make a noticeable effort. Today, Buckling Spring type switches are found, for example, in Unicomp keyboards.


    Hybrid mechanical-capacitive switches that combine the tactile response of "mechanics" with the softness of rubber-film thanks to a thick rubber cone at the base. The compression of the spring causes change in conductor capacitance and leads to action. Compared to other mechanical switches, Topre is significantly quieter, although it has a distinct "click". They are perfect for typing and will especially appeal to those who are used to soft rubber-film keyboards.

    There are some other types of mechanical switches, such as Black and White Alps, but they are less common today than all those listed, although they were quite popular in the 90s. Interestingly, Cherry manufactures its own branded switches and sells them to other companies to make keyboards. At the same time, Buckling Spring and Topre switches are produced by a wide variety of manufacturers and can have noticeable design differences.

    Of course, it is far from a fact that you need a mechanical keyboard. First, they are almost the same O horns, secondly, they are much noisier than rubber-film ones, and thirdly, they are rather bulky due to the very design of the switches. But if you work a lot with texts and code, then at least it’s worth trying the “mechanics”: it can increase the speed and accuracy of typing and give a more comfortable typing experience than a cheap rubber-film keyboard.